#dario de luca
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nofatclips · 3 months ago
El día de las flores by Fin del mundo featuring Eterna Inocencia
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sousolrac25 · 2 years ago
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Te quiero mucho Langosta 💙💛💙
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curiositasmundi · 2 months ago
Salvami l'ano
Mentre le destre di Frodo&Frode rilanciano la vecchia, laida, berlusconiana giustizia di classe da Marchese del Grillo, servirebbe un’opposizione compatta su un’idea opposta di Giustizia: quella della Costituzione. Invece abbiamo il Pd. Il suo tesoriere campano, fedelissimo di De Luca (per la serie “via cacicchi e capibastone”), viene arrestato per aver riciclato i proventi di un’associazione a delinquere che dava falsi permessi di soggiorno a migranti irregolari: se non esistesse, la Meloni lo fabbricherebbe identico. Poi c’è Sala, sindaco-cementificatore della metropoli più inquinata d’Italia, che intima al Pd di votare anche in Senato (alla Camera l’ha già fatto con destre&renziani) il condono edilizio graziosamente detto Salva Milano (o Salvami l’ano) per sbloccare i cantieri abusivi sequestrati dai giudici: una legge ad personas che legalizzi ex post i grattacieli e i palazzi fuorilegge dell’èra Pisapia-Sala e un colpo di spugna per dirigenti e palazzinari inquisiti. Il marchese Sala non ne fa mistero: “Io non chiedo al Parlamento un salvacondotto, ma di dare un’interpretazione legislativa e dire se avevamo ragione noi”, sennò “sarebbe in discussione l’operato mio e di Pisapia”. Quindi è proprio un salvacondotto: il Parlamento vota le leggi urbanistiche, i giudici indagano chi le viola, ma Sala non può esser “messo in discussione”, ergo il Parlamento deve mettere ai voti i processi cambiando le regole in corso: se il marchese non vuole sottoporsi alle leggi, le leggi devono sottoporsi al marchese. Figurarsi con che faccia chi vota questa porcheria potrà dare lezioni ai marchesi&marchese di destra. Purtroppo l’idea eversiva che chi fa le leggi non sia tenuto a rispettarle ed esistano cittadini più uguali degli altri, come i maiali di Orwell, non è esclusiva della destra. Siamo reduci dal giubileo craxiano con epicedi trasversali, su su fino a Mattarella, a un ex premier corrotto pregiudicato latitante. E ora parte la “scuola di politica per under 35” fondata da Dario Nardella, eurodeputato Pd, che vanta nel Collegio docenti gli irrinunciabili Sala, Gentiloni e Elisabetta Belloni (che ormai si porta su tutto), ma anche i forzisti Tajani, Pichetto Fratin e Bertolaso (tutto vero). E nel Comitato scientifico un luminare del calibro di Gianni Letta, definito da Repubblica “padre nobile di Forza Italia”: forse perché negli anni 80, da direttore del Tempo, incassava fondi neri Iri; nei 90, da lobbista Fininvest, pagava mazzette al partito della legge Mammì (reo confesso e salvato dall’amnistia per 70 milioni al Psdi); e nei 2000, da sottosegretario di B., spalancava Palazzo Chigi al pregiudicato piduista Bisignani. Ora insegna la vera politica ai futuri dem: così il Pd di domani sarà persino peggio di quello di oggi.
Marco Travaglio - IlFattoQuotidiano
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maryasmorevna · 6 months ago
to take your mind of the foreboding WH movie adaptation disaster: Are there actually some non-English gothic titles you would like to recommend?
ohhhhh, what a good ask!
now, i'm actually not that well-versed in the gothic genre as i'd like to be, and if anyone has more recs they're welcome to add them to my list. but still, let's begin with:
gaston leroux, le fantôme de l'opéra (+ andrew lloyd webber's musical - which is hugely popular, as it should be! - and i'd also recommend the 1925 silent movie with lon chaney. it's probably the most faithful film adaptation of poto... too bad for that ending tho. there's also a prequel/retelling book by susan kay called phantom, which is very good - but not flawless - except i heavily dislike christine's characterization in this one; you can always read until the counterpoint section and call it a day)
victor hugo, notre dame de paris + the musical adaptation by riccardo cocciante. it's in french, but i also enthusiastically rec the italian version - you can find both of them on yt!
so, besides these two super famous classics, there's the poem the demon by mikhail yuryevich lermontov. you can find an opera rendition of it by anton rubinstein.
speaking of opera, béla bartók's bluebeard's castle - aka a gorgeous adaptation of the fairy tale by the same name. this version is particularly excellent, and there are also a lot of good album recordings on spotify. musically-wise, tho, it's maybe not easily accessible to people who aren't already familiar with opera...?
charles gounod's faust (again, an opera!) and various non-english versions of the story, like goethe's. by goethe there's also the poem der erlkönig. here a beautiful musical rendition by franz schubert.
panna a netvor aka "the maiden and the monster", my favorite beauty&thebeast movie adaptation. it's a 1978 czechoslovak film, you can find it here on yt with eng subs. and idk if i would say it's gothic but there's also the jean cocteau 1946 film + another french one filmed in 2014 starring léa seydoux and vincent cassel.
fyodor dostoevesky, the double
carlos ruiz zafon, the shadow of the wind (which i enjoyed, but i wasn't personally crazy about, though)
it's not gothic - it's magical realism, actually - but fans of the genre would possibly like gabriel garcia marquez's one hundred years of solitude for its themes
again, not gothic (i've seen it labeled as "dark academia" but. for some people anything is ~dark academia, including dostoevesky and the picture of dorian gray, for some unfathomable reason), but i'd rec vita nostra + its sequel, assassin of reality, by ukrainian authors marina and sergey dyachenko. there's an english translation and an italian one for my mutualiani, plus a third and final book coming out in, maybe, 2025.
the cabinet of dr. caligari + the man who laughs starring conrad veidt (😳😍) - the latter is an adaptation of the victor hugo's novel by the same name
for other movie recs, the original nosferatu + dario argento's suspiria (which has also a more recent remake by luca guadagnino of challengers fame)
fosca by igino ugo tarchetti. didn't read the novel, but i watched the musical adaptation by stephen sondheim, passion, here (and that's in english). again, idt if it's gothic or even gothic-adjacent but fosca's character has been compared and contrasted as a female version of the phantom of the opera by musical theatre fans, so. here it is.
now, for things i didn't personally watch/read so i can't vouch for them, but they seem all well-written/made nonetheless and belong to my unending list(s) of books to read/films to watch:
vampire hunter d. (anime)
john ajvide lindqvist, let the right one in (novel + movie adaptation)
marina enriquez, our share of the night + things we lost in fire (novel + short stories collection)
(mind you that these recs conflate a lot with the horror department. but i still think they could be interesting for gothic fans)
two book series that are written by english authors but i think they deserve more attention:
mervyn peake, gormenghast
jonathan l. howard, johannes cabal (which contains huge references to faust, dracula, and works by poe and lovecraft. the protagonist has also become one of my favorite characters of all time, i've fallen in love with him at first... page, i guess lol)
and that's it! again, if anyone has any other good rec, please feel free to add them!
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rhapsodynew · 5 months ago
#On this day
#happy birthday
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On November 10, 1928, Ennio Morricone was born, an Italian composer, arranger and conductor. Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. Winner of two Academy Awards: for outstanding achievements in cinematography (2007) and for best music — for the "Disgusting Eight" (2016), 9-time winner of the Italian National Film Award "David di Donatello" for best film music, three-time winner of the Golden Globe Award, 6-time winner of the award BAFTA and many others.
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Ennio Morricone was born in Rome, the son of professional jazz trumpeter Mario Morricone and housewife Libera Ridolfi. Ennio was the eldest of five children. When he was 12 years old, he entered the Conservatory of St. Cecilia in Rome, where Goffredo Petrassi became his teacher. At the Conservatory, Morricone received 3 diplomas — in the class of trumpet (1946), instrumentation and composition.
When Morricone turned 16, he took the place of the second trumpet in the Alberto Flamini ensemble, in which his father had previously played. Together with the ensemble, Morricone worked part-time playing in nightclubs and hotels in Rome. A year later, he got a job at the theater, where he worked as a musician for one year, and then as a composer for three years. In 1950, he began arranging songs by popular composers for radio. He worked on processing music for radio and concerts until 1960, and in 1960 began arranging music for TV shows.
He began writing film music only in 1961, when he was 33 years old. He started with spaghetti westerns, a genre with which his name is now firmly associated. He became widely known after working on the films of his former classmate, director Sergio Leone. Later he worked with the largest Italian film directors — Bernardo Bertolucci, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Dario Argento, Salvatore Samperi and many others.
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Since 1964, Morricone has worked at the RCA record company, where he arranged hundreds of songs, including for such celebrities as Gianni Morandi, Mario Lanza, Miranda Martino.
Having become famous in Europe, Morricone was invited to work in Hollywood cinema. In the USA, he wrote music for films by such famous directors as Roman Polanski, Oliver Stone, Brian De Palma, Mike Nichols, John Carpenter, Barry Levinson, Terrence Malick and others.
Ennio Morricone is one of the most famous composers of our time and one of the most famous film composers in the world. During his long career, he has composed music for more than 400 films and television series in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Russia, and the USA.
As a film composer, he was nominated for an Oscar six times, and in 2007 he received an Oscar for outstanding contribution to cinema. In addition, in 1988, he was awarded a Grammy Award for the music for the film "Untouchables". In 1996, Morricone, together with photographer Augusto De Luca, received the "Cities of Rome" award for the book "Our Rome".
Contrary to popular belief, Morricone created not only soundtracks, he also wrote chamber instrumental music, with which he toured Europe in 1985, personally conducting the orchestra at concerts.
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Twice during his career, he starred in films for which he wrote music, and in 1995 a documentary was made about him.
The American band Metallica has been opening every concert since the mid-1980s with the composition "The Ecstasy Of Gold" from the classic western "The Good, the Bad, the Evil". In 1999, she was played in the S&M project for the first time in a live performance (cover version).
Ennio Morricone was married and has four children:
Andrea — conductor, composer;
Marko works for the Copyright Society;
Alessandra is a surgeon;
Giovanni works for Universal.
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He was seriously interested in chess, and repeatedly played with world champions.
Ennio Morricone died on July 6, 2020 at the age of 92 in a hospital in Rome, where he had been hospitalized a few days earlier with a fractured femur sustained as a result of a fall.
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"It always hurts me when talented people die, because the world needs them more than heaven."
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
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pussystreethomoshomepage · 5 months ago
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Bernardo Bertolucci ; Billy Wilder ; Bob Fosse
Bruce Brown ; Dario Argento ; David Cronenberg
Derek Jarman ; Dino De Laurentiis ; Donald Cammell
Doris Wishman ; Ed Wood ; Elaine May
Elia Kazan ; Federico Fellini ; Francis Ford Coppola
Franco Zeferelli ; Francois Truffaut ; George Lucas
Hal Ashby ; Howard Hawks ; Ingmar Bergman
Jack Cardiff ; Jacques Tati
James Whale ; Jean Renoir ; Jean-Luc Godard
Joe Dante ; John Ford
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imaginearyparties · 1 year ago
As a self-proclaimed film bro, u got any movie recs from last year? Or just in general? I’m in a movie rut
absolute favorite film that i watched for the first time last year was bones and all (2022; dir. luca gudagnino) which is why it’s my blog theme.
other recs (i tried to pick a range that were not movies everyone’s seen but also not too film school-y):
- suspiria (1977; dir. dario argento)
- the virgin suicides (1999; dir. sofia coppola)
- the king of comedy (1982; dir. martin scorcese)
- rebecca (1940; dir. alfred hitchcock)
- his girl friday (1940; dir. howard hawks)
- eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004; dir. michel gondry)
- bicycle thieves/ladri di bicicletti (1948; dir. vittorio de sica)
- cleo from 5 to 7/ cleo de cinq a sept (1962; dir. agnes varda)
hope this helps, always happy to talk movies!
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reolf · 2 years ago
Welcome back to my history challenge!
It is 1415. And disaster strikes. War returns to the land. Drafts are placed on the people and unfortunately our Archion is drafted.
Robert, who is an elder now, and Luca are scared for their only son.
But Archion has no choice but to go. He takes his guitar with him and hugs his parents and siblings one last time to join the war camp.
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Archion shares the camp with 7 other men.
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First you have the commander: Sir Johan de Rode. As mysterious knight, he has seen lots of battles and war and is honestly quite tired of all this. He is a fair man but can be quite stern when it is needed.
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Second, you have Emilio Gold, Robert’s younger half-brother, and Archion’s uncle. Emilio is recently married and is expecting his first child with his wife. Emilio is happy to know Archion is with him so he can keep an eye on him. As the son of a famous Knight, Emilio is high in rank.
Third, is Joseph Frey.
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Jospeh keeps mostly to himself, except to complain to Sir Johan sometimes.
Fourth and fifth, you have Dario Carbajal and his young nephew, Kole Carbajal.
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Sixth, you have Damian Gauthier.
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He is a jokester and loves causing mischief. He can also be quite hot-headed, but he has his heart in the right place.
And last, we have Janto Arras.
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Janto is a quiet person. He has a musical talent and Archion would love to get to know him better. Maybe they can play music together?
Archion misses his family and Eleanor already, but he has to be strong. He hopes the war will be over soon.
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detournementsmineurs · 1 month ago
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“Lidia Fait sa Loi (Saison 1)” série créée par Guido Luculano et Davide Orsini (2023) - sur la vie de Lidia Poët, première femme à entrer dans l'ordre des avocats italien (1883) - avec Matilda De Angelis, Eduardo Scarpetta, Pier Luigi Pasino, Sara Lazzaro, Dario Aita, les jeunes Sinead Thornhill et Sebastiano Fumagalli, et les participations de Jacopo Crovella, Luca Filippi, Camille Dugay Comencini et Giorgia Spinelli, février 2025.
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df-202 · 4 months ago
Ideas Para Francisco Diaz's Crossover Saga: FRANCISCO DIAZ BOOKS PROJECT:
Novelas Graficas comics (tipo Estilo:ZEROCALCARE o Bryan Lee O'Malley, Aaron Blabey ,etc.):
*Hazte Oir Tu Corazon, Silvi & Octavia (Comic Polemico Revolucionario de Ficcion)
*Francisco Diaz V.S. WolfZilla (Comic A color Endonde Fran debe salvar un lobo GIGANTE del tamaño de un estadio o super edificio de supermall de NY U.S.A., que esta siendo manipulado por The Evil )
*Entre Brujas Pelonas & Vampiros Animales Con La Nona (Comic En donde Francisco & Su Nona, pasan un Verano MUY BIZARRO En El Hotel "Holyday's Hollow Hills Inn.", en un pueblo de seres sobrenaturales)
*Numbuku (Cómic en dónde Francisco Díaz conocé A un especie de fenómeno enjaulado En el circo, Y Con La ayuda de Nina Mazursky [DC Cómics] , Darío & Camila, Lo liberan de su esclavitud, pero aquel personaje misterioso tiene un secreto MONSTRUOSO Que Fue La "razón" dé que Lo persiguian Y Lo capturaban)
*Chez Moi El Lobo Oscuro (Historieta En donde Francisco siente que los territorios Subespaciales Imaginativos están siendo atacado por un tirano que esta controlando el lobo oscuro “FenriGuazu del kamiare” de la tribu de los soñadores comechingones, por eso Francisco , Camila, Darío, la amiga loba blanca, el amigo león, la amiga Ippan Josei [kōhei horikoshi’s MY HERO ACADEMIA], Hunter[Disney’s The Owl House], Nana Mifune [sun takeda’s Gleipnir] & La Alianza Con La Cuca [Sitio Do Picapau Amarelo Saga] tendrán que enfrentarse al tirano y recuperar a FenriGuazu)
*Este Mundo No Para De Cambiar El Tiempo-Espacio(Francisco, Dario & Camila se topan con los agentes Bon, Ream & Yumiko De La Patrulla Del Tiempo[Fujiko F. Fujio ’s T.P. Bon] vienen a Avisarle de que se encontraran con una VERSION ALTERNA DE ELLOS EN OTRA DIMENSION, Y lo peor es que Lucas Buenrostro[Hannah-Barbera Saga] Se Apodero del Sistema De Anomalías, junto con el seguidor del Führer & The Evil, Biff Tannen [Back To The Future Saga], Causando Un DESASTRE Dimensional, Y un Grupo De Amigos Deberán Derrotar Aquel Enemigo)
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reelreflections · 4 months ago
Suspiria- Translating Terror For a Western Audience
Pulling back the curtains at Berlin's Markos Dance Academy in two different periods.
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What fraction of a film must be accounted for when trying to remake it?
Dario Argento 1977's masterpiece Suspiria, was truly one of its first, implementing an untraditional aesthetic to horror films. But when it comes to 41 years later and it's Luca Guadagnino's turn to put a new spin on it, it couldn't be more different than the original. With the casting of some of today's most popular scream queens and a completely different approach to visuals, a new Suspiria was born (2018).
Contrast of Covens-
In each Suspria (both 1977 and 2018), we follow Suzy an American dancer as she travels overseas to join the prestigious Markos Dance Academy in Berlin, Germany, also referred to as the "Tanz Akademie" in the predecessor. As Suzy's studying progresses a sinister element of the school begins to unravel as several students are being mysteriously murdered. Each of the headmistresses and masters seems not to pay much mind, allowing much more disturbing themes to arrive. It is soon to be revealed that the women behind this school are made up of a coven of witches, thirsty for a sacrifice that would keep their headmistress, Helena Markos, alive.
The original 1977 rendition stems from the book "Suspiria de Profundis" written by Thomas De Quince, pulling many themes of opium hallucinations, hence the psychedelic-esque lighting the movie is quite known for. This vivid technicolor nightmare was no doubt the most iconic element of the original, alongside the thrilling rock-inspired score done by the Irish band Goblin. If it wasn't for the thrilling storytelling, the visuals themselves would carry the entire movie, being able to hold the viewers in a complete trance during the complete hour and thirty-eight-minute runtime.
Now, Luca Guadagnino's take on Suspiria isn't too far off plot-wise, but the aesthetics are found to be quite to opposite of what made the original iconic in the first place. Specifically, nearly every scene is lit with low lighting and complemented with bleak colors, leaving some of the brightest colors just to be found in Suzy's (Dakota Johnson) striking red hair. As for the vital element of music, Thom Yorke of Radiohead was the one behind it all. Though quite another iconic musical take, something still didn't necessarily click with mass audiences. Many also claim that the acting the second time around had great improvement compared to the first. This most likely being a nod to the fact that the 1977 version was shot in French and then dubbed over in English, which may leave an unsatisfying element to some audiences due to the unmatched audio.
The 2018 rendition holds a vast amount of differences, leading many to question if it's a remake or more of an homage to the original. Though the basic elements of the plot are still present, everything else has been thrown completely out of the window. Luca's intentions of not directly recreating the original imminently shows when the subplots come into play. Specifically, his version touches a lot more on historical elements of Germany, whereas the original stayed confined within the school and not venturing out too far from it. Guadagnino's take also features a lot more dance pieces. One of the most iconic routines includes the character Olga as her body begins to contort and snap, mostly contributing to the more gory take of this film.
With this new "art-house" inspired take came the biggest difference of them all other than the aesthetics; violence and gore. This time around, the witches are now depicted in a gory and scarier presence. Most notably, Tilda Swinton as Madame Markos is presented as a decrepit old woman at the end of the film, illuminating a more visually disturbing side to the story. Justifying the addition of body horror was the fact that the witches this time around were more in focus rather than a motive to the dancers.
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Interesting Interpretations-
With drastic differences between each film, it's left audiences with many mixed reactions. Dario Argento stated himself regarding the reboot: “It did not excite me, it betrayed the spirit of the original film: there is no fear, there is no music. The film has not satisfied me so much.” The original landed 94% on Rotten Tomatoes, while the successor unfortunately came in at 66%.
The team of A-list actors such as Dakota Johnson, Mia Goth, and Tilda Swinton definitely pulled in new audiences, allowing more and more people to explore the horror genre, but it can only lead me to think how many of these viewers are aware that it's a remake of another film. After vast research, many articles talked about Guadagnino's version as an option for a younger audience, but that may seem like a lazy reason to not just watch the original.
As stated at the top of this article, I've been left with the question- What fraction of a film must be accounted for when trying to remake it? So..
It's definitely a possibility to consider Guadagnino's rendition as a film that was inspired by the original, rather than a remake due to the vast differences in aesthetics and paths that the plot takes. Though both are drastically different, I can't really say that one is better than the other, considering they are indeed two different takes on the same plot.
This time around I can't say that anything was necessarily lost in translation when remaking an Italian movie for a Western audience, simply because of the reworking of the entire story. If a formula is taken just to be completely reworked, then it just simply is not what it started out as.
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Rhody Cigar. Suspiria (1977) vs. Suspiria (2018). Published October 22, 2020. Available at: https://rhodycigar.com/2020/10/22/suspiria-1977-vs-suspiria-2018/.
Peace and Love and Veggies. Suspiria: Original vs. Remake. Published August 24, 2023. Available at: https://peaceandloveandveggies.com/2023/08/24/suspiria-original-vs-remake/.
Wright, Adam. Suspiria Original vs. Remake – Film Analysis. Available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCRMUieOqm8.
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letteratitudine · 6 months ago
Domani venerdì 27 alla Dogana via alla quinta edizione del Catania Book Festival
Dai fumetti sulla fisica ai gialli, dai romanzi ai reading di poesia
Saranno le storie della fisica a fumetti pensate per i più piccoli, i laboratori sul mito, un confronto sull’immigrazione, ma anche la presentazione dell’ Atlante delle guerre e dei conflitti a cura di Amnesty International con il portavoce Riccardo Noury,gli incontri che apriranno, a partire dalle 9 di venerdì, l’edizione 2024 del “Catania Book Festival, la Fiera Internazionale del Libro e della Cultura di Catania”.
Quest’anno la quinta edizione del festival ideato e diretto da Simone Dei Pieri, si terrà dal 27 al 29 settembre 2024 alla Dogana del Porto (Nu Doganae).
Nella nuova location che nella tre giorni festivalieri ospiterà circa 100 incontri e gli stand di una ventina di case editrici indipendenti, il pubblico troverà nomi importanti della narrativa italiana contemporanea, saggistica, poesia e soprattutto moltissime occasioni di confronto sia sui temi più amati dai giovani che su quelli che interessano lettrici e lettori di tutte le età.
Venerdì 27 Veronica Raimo, l’autrice che ha ricevuto il Premio Strega Giovani e il Premio Viareggio, sarà accompagnata da Lorena Spampinato attraverso la trama dei suoi undici racconti irriverenti, comici e amari insieme: “La vita è breve, eccetera” (Einaudi).
“Succede di notte” (Feltrinelli), il romanzo-manifesto dei millennial, di Valeria Montebello, sarà accompagnata da Dario De Luca; “Amore e Psycho. Educazione sentimentale per deficienti” (HarperCollins), è il libro scritto da Federica Cacciola “per tutti coloro che si sentono sempre mancanti di qualcosa e non smettono di cercarlo”. Ad accompagnare l’autrice ci sarà Claudia Campese. In programma c’è anche un nuovo Giallo Mondadori: “Sto mentendo” di Maria Elisa Aloisi. L’ autrice sarà affiancata da Claudia Cocuzza.
Come in tutte le passate edizioni del festival, ci sarà spazio per il sociale e il digitale: dall’appuntamento sulla contro cultura del web a cura di Digifest Catania, con Marco Raitano, a “La comunicazione cristiana nei social” (Apalòs Editrice) con l’autore Salvatore Di Salvo e con Salvo La Rosa. La presentazione di “Angela Bottari. Storia di una donna libera” (Castelvecchi) di Francesco Lepore e Pietro Folena sarà affiancata da Stefania Mazzone.
E ancora, spazio ai narratori siciliani come Manuela De Quarto e il suo romanzo “Sulle note della fine del mondo” (Land Editore), e Prospero Dente con “La fiera della luna piena (Sampognaro & Pupi)”. Quest’anno la poesia entra a pieno titolo nel programma del Catania Book Festival. Venerdì sarà la volta dei reading poetici “Dark way of Sicily”, organizzato dal Glomerulo di Sale e “TERRAGNA Poetry”, ideato da Rosa Maria Di Natale, con la partecipazione di nove poetesse siciliane e le percussioni di Andrea Sciacca, nell’ambito della mini rassegna Sonar.
Il calendario degli appuntamenti di venerdì sarà concluso alle 20,30 dal Concerto “in...canti di mare” del Conservatorio “Vincenzo Bellini” di Catania, curato dai maestri Filippo Piccolo e Stefano Sanfilippo.
L’ offerta della prima giornata del Catania Book Festival prevede molti altri incontri di valore, tra cui laboratori per grandi e piccoli, sostenuti da un team di volontari e dallo staff organizzativo, e può essere consultata per intero accedendo al sito www.cataniabookfestival.it
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essencialfashion · 6 months ago
Sao Paulo Fashion Week homenageara Regina Guerreiro
A edição N58 terá dupla homenagem: o Parque Ibirapuera que completou 70 anos e também uma das figuras mais icônicas da moda brasileira: a jornalista, editora e diretora criativa Regina Guerreiro. Conhecida por sua ironia refinada e visão à frente de seu tempo, Regina se tornou uma autoridade para a compreensão da moda no Brasil.
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Com curadoria de Renato de Cara, a exposição "As Joias da Rainha" celebrará a trajetória de Regina, indo além do simples tributo mas adentrando no universo visual e artístico que reflete sua personalidade única.
A edição N58 destacará o valor da memória como instrumento de futuro para as novas gerações da moda brasileira.
Quarenta marcas apresentarão suas coleções na próxima edição da SPFW+N58 que acontecerá entre os dias 14 e 21 de outubro no Pavilhão das Culturas Brasileiras, no Parque do Ibirapuera, no Iguatemi São Paulo e em locações especiais, reforçando o papel da cidade como epicentro da moda brasileira.
Confira o calendário de desfiles:
14/10 (segunda-feira) 11h30 – Herchcovitch; Alexandre 15h30 – Gustavo Silvestre | Ponto Firme
15/10 (terça-feira) 19h30 – Another Place
16/10 (quarta-feira) 14h30 – Meninos Rei 16h – Lilly Sarti 18h – Foz 19h30 – Normando 20h30 – Martins 21h30 – Bold Strap
17/10 (quinta-feira) 11h30 – Dario Mittmann 14h30 – Salinas 16h – Heloisa Faria 16h – Gefferson Vila Nova 18h – Cria Costura 19h30 – Handred 20h30 – Catarina Mina 21h30 – Artemisi
18/10 (sexta-feira) 10h30 – Az Marias 11h30 – João Maraschin 14h30 – Apartamento 03 16h – Weider Silveiro 16h – Rafael Caetano 18h – Sau 19h30 – Sou de Algodão 20h30 – Ateliê Mão de Mãe 21h30 – João Pimenta
19/10 (sábado) 11h30 – Ângela Brito 14h30 – Lucas Leão 16h – Santa Resistência 16h – Silvério 18h – Mercado Livre 19h30 – The Paradise 20h30 – Led 21h30 – Isaac Silva
20/10 (domingo) 16h – Renata Buzzo 16h – David Lee 18h – Walério Araújo 19h30 – À La Garçonne 20h30 – Dendezeiro 21h30 – Lino Villaventura
21/10 (segunda-feira) 15h30 – Fernanda Yamamoto
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ink-paintings · 7 months ago
Writing Bootcamp - Week 1 Day 1
List of names
Marc Robis
Ingrid Johannes
Roman Bordeaux
Pete Mulligans
Ashira Tanaka
Doemios Rishi
Francois De La Terre
Spatos Fiolh
Helena Diaz
Raul De La Crux
Melanie Balcker
Robert Mex
Carlo De Luca
Rashid Al-Salam
Piotr Raddok
Xin Lee
Pao Tse Tukh
Alex Brown
Shioban O’Malley
Renato Garda
Mario Merla
Silvia Rossi
Jessica Moet
Allison Breton
Carol Lorac
Sito Hofunada
Rob McKennistock
Samantha Li
Tony Barone
Jack Pietro
Carmen D’Aguanno
Melissa Padal
Alex Montoya
Eraka Zheng
Rianna Hegel
Sasha Moritz
Fred Decker
Ryuda Ashinoya
Benedict Colombo
Bernard Drei
Drew Kingstone
Elon Lychee
Boris Jhonatan
Jon Brett
Brannigan Smith
Pedro Gonzaga
Marius Sloziwich
Ramon Cervantes
Roxanne Trey
Rupert Martell
Kiara Elin
By my brother's godchild, Dario:
Gianluigi Robert Martina Miceli Alessandro Mazzeo Roberto Giacalone
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antennaweb · 8 months ago
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siciliatv · 10 months ago
Etna Comics 2024: la lista degli ospiti
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Etna Comics 2024: sono già stati confermati gli ospiti che saranno presenti al Festival del Fumetto ospitato dalla città di Catania. Etna Comics 2024: il countdown per l’inizio del Festival del Fumetto ospitato dalla città etnea è ormai iniziato. Infatti, mancano ormai poche settimane all’avvio dei giorni di festa per gli amanti del genere, che si riuniranno a Catania per l’Etna Comics. Oltre alle attività previste per l’evento, saranno anche diversi gli ospiti presenti nei giorni del Festival. Etna Comics 2024: le date e il luogo dell’evento Come ormai noto,  la location dell’Etna Comics anche per quest’anno sarà il polo fieristico de “Le Ciminiere” di Catania, che ospiterà l’evento e i numerosi fan che occorreranno. Nello specifico, le date dell’Etna Comics saranno quelle della prima settimana di giugno: infatti, i giorni in cui Le Ciminiere ospiteranno varie persone saranno quelli dal 1° al 4 giugno 2023. Etna Comics 2024: gli ospiti Anche per questa edizione, gli ospiti presenti all’Etna Comics 2024 saranno moltissimi e provenienti da mondi professionali diversi tra loro, offrendo una varietà non indifferente. Di seguito, ecco l’elenco dei nomi degli ospiti confermati fino a questo punto, come riportato sul sito ufficiale dell’evento: Itziar Ituño Julia Loky Genevieve Marie Cosplay Bliss Afk Alis Cosplay Federic NiRo Giampcomic Giacomo Giaquinto Paolo Barbieri Il CIRCO DI GIÒGIÓ Mogik Michele Monteleone Maxem Kizazu Fiore Manni Stefano Mirti Spartaco Albertarelli Emilio Cozzi Nadia Lauricella Nanowar of Steel Loremon Le Ventose Fallimenti critici Paolo Tinnirello Isabella Mazzanti Mattia Surroz Marco Rizzo Francesca Mazzoleni Federica Busa Laura Libera Russo Mion Mario Sturniolo Agnese Innocenti Dario Moccia Francesco Centorame Sedia a 2 gambe ThePruld PlayerInside Kirio1984 Dimitri Tosi PotterStage Fabrizio Corselli Roberto Arduini Sdrumox Poldo Jeff Emdy Giulio Mosca Riccardo Suarez Rossa Caputo Andrea Seth Marino Maurizio Rosenzweig Nina Castiglia Luca Perri Pasquale Ruju Tito Faraci Val Romeo Jordi Bernet Luca Bonora Cristina Fabris Clizia De Rossi Serena Riglietti Florinda Zanetti Luana Belsito (Wally Pain) - Stefano Biglia - Giulio Rincione - Edym - Matteo Curte Cortini Jacopo Schiavo Davide Romanini Alberto Dal Lago Alessandra Valenti TeOoh! (Matteo Boca) Ester Cardella Liang Azha MorgenGabe Marco Gervasio Alessandro Pastrovicchio Paolo Mottura Fabio Celoni Flavio Parenti Andrea Piparo Davide Paratore Riccardo Nunziati Giovanni Timpano Stefano Caselli Pasquale Del Vecchio Gianluigi Gregorini Luigi Siniscalchi Giampiero Casertano Charles Vess Mirka Andolfo Darick W. Robertson Zerocalcare Read the full article
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