kardamaeloise-25 · 5 months
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kardamaeloise-25 · 1 year
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kardamaeloise-25 · 1 year
Dara Snake Woman Creepypasta
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Dara, a ghost that exudes dangerous poisons that can cause you an extremely painful death, little do you know that in fact this "ghost" is actually a human, the name of this human is Dara Myres, you will now find out about what happened to this woman, Dara before becoming a murderous monster she was the daughter of a prostitute who lived in the motel, the relationship with her mother is not good at all, the one who gave birth to her hates her with all her forms, her appearance , personality is similar to her ex-husband who killed her best friend, poor Dara was always beaten and humiliated by her own mother, the thing her mother loved most was cutting her daughter's hair, she never shaved her head her because the other prostitutes defended her and took Dara away from her mother. With these abuses both psychological and physical, obviously his behavior is disturbing and of very bad character.
Everyone at school hated her, she suffered a lot of bullying both for being the daughter of a prostitute and her unusual personality. However, there is only one person who understood her, it was a boy named Matt, he is very patient, brave and optimistic (although he was quite naive). Dara doesn't express her feelings much, so she's very grateful to have Matt by her side, he's the first friend she's ever had at her age. One day after her school class ended, Dara went to leave last, since she doesn't like the Motel very much because of the "noises" there, she went to an abandoned park to be able to be alone to clean a little her mind and took out of her backpack a china doll that one of the prostitutes had given her for her last birthday.
She always vents her problems to this doll as if she were actually talking to someone. Her whole life has felt like a failure, agonized and alone; her heart is cracked, she doesn't understand what comfort or empathy is, when she gets that feeling, she feels strange and doesn't know how to deal with it. Matt is the only person who can get her to her feet, have all the patience to teach her right and wrong, mostly make her feel better, she wouldn't know what to do without him, just thinking about it at this she smiles and hugs the china doll happily. Too bad the happiness ends, Dara gets a message from Matt, and it wasn't pleasant when she read the message. She said he got tired of her, that she ruined his life and called her many names. Dara was paralyzed, she was surprised that such a kind boy would be able to send such painful messages, with a lot of anger and hatred in her heart she threw her cell phone in the middle of the grass, and then ended up freaking out hitting the tree next to her that made her wrists bleed, but not even the pain soothed her. She went back to "home" which she called hell with a broken heart and to add to her problems her mother knocked her over, bumping into her daughter on purpose and laughing as if she were seeing a clown. Dara kicks between her own mother's legs which brings her to her knees and threatens her to cut off her privacy so no one can stick their tongues in her. After that threatening fight, Dara decided to skip class so as not to see Matt, since he now hates her and would treat her like the boys who bullied her. The whole day was like a nightmare, heard voices saying horrible things, felt dizzy and felt like she was about to die. She looked like she didn't have control of her own body, she did certain things that she wasn't aware of and became more and more aggressive. She heard a voice that guided her to the motel's garage, she went there even though she didn't want to go, she couldn't control her own, there she saw a man, but not a normal man, he had gray skin, golden eyes and mouth; he said certain things to Dara" there he saw a man, but not a normal man, he had gray skin, golden eyes and mouth; he said certain things to Dara" there he saw a man, but not a normal man, he had gray skin, golden eyes and mouth; he said certain things to Dara"I followed his entire life up to here and it was time for the end of his tragic story''.
Dara didn't question it, not the least she got scared of that strange man and just accepted his death. When he was going to turn himself in, he heard a familiar voice, it was Matt, he didn't see the man with the golden eyes, so he was just talking to Dara, he was apologizing for those messages, the boys who were bullying stole his cell phone, they sent a message for her and almost killed him when he tried to retrieve it; that was true because of the bruises on her face, the man who was going to kill Dara was disgusted by Matt and his golden eyes changed to red. Dara begged the man not to kill him but he ignored her and with his ropes cut Matt's back, a very deep cut that completely had no way to save him and then Dara got angry, took out her fury on the paranormal man who his name is " then she tried to hit the eye but he pulled her with his ropes and threw the girl towards the wall falling beside Matt's dead body. When The Pupperther would finally take her life, she felt a pain in her chest, the pain spread throughout her body that she could barely move and vomited black. He tried to take Dara's soul but it seemed that something was being impeded, he heard a horrible voice that said then she tried to hit the eye but he pulled her with his ropes and threw the girl towards the wall falling beside Matt's dead body. When The Pupperther would finally take her life, she felt a pain in her chest, the pain spread throughout her body that she could barely move and vomited black. He tried to take Dara's soul but it seemed that something was being impeded, he heard a horrible voice that said"She's mine" and then tried to get out of that place as fast as possible. Dara was tired and weak to get up, she was hugging Matt's body, crying, she always considered him as her best friend and the best person she could have and begged him not to leave her alone. While she mourned her friend's death, his body fell apart looking like it was turning into snow and Dara's appearance changed too, her curly hair cut, grew and turned white. Someone was sitting next to Dara, it was a woman with black hair with diamond marks at the corners of her mouth and blue eyes, she was stroking Dara's hair and told her "You won't be alone dear", "it's all well" and "after all, now, you're mine", after hearing that Dara gets up with her new form that consisted of being very similar to a ghost, her eyes were green that became much brighter and more striking with a straight pupil like a cat and her teeth canines grow the same way a vampire and when she gets mad she grows a subspecies of serpents on her head.
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