#darakara in houses
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moonchild033 · 4 months ago
Hi <33
I am just getting into Vedic astrology and it has been opening a lot of horizons--Somehow it gives me a lot of clarity into how I want to live my life to be honest.
I love how informative your posts are and they did give me a lot of moments of reflection. Really, you're doing amazing work ❤️
If you don't mind, can I ask you about my darakaraka? My darakaraka is moon, which is also my birth nakshatra (pushya moon). Does that mean my spouse will be reflecting my traits a lot, or at least we share very similar values?
Thank you so much and I look forward to your future posts ❤️❤️
Hiii Anon!🌷
Aww I'm so glad that vedic astrology is helping u in beautiful ways.😍🤩
Omg tqsm for ur appreciation, it makes me feel seen, that's wonderful that u could relate😭🌷💕
In general, moon dk can mean that ur fs can be emotionally intelligent, they can have a tendency to change their mind easily, they like fast changes and dynamic lifestyle and stimulation, that's why their mind can change easily like going from being interested in one thing to becoming disinterested and preferring another activity better. This doesn't mean they're disloyal, I'm talking about their tendency in navigating through likes, dislikes kinda stuff. The only difference between 'dynamic, fast' between mars and moon is that, mars can try to dominate and enforce it upon u whereas moon will try to accommodate ur needs and preferences too. They can be the type of person who understands what u r feeling without u uttering a single word, that's what is emotional intelligence and understanding.💕🤗
As for ur Q's, moon is in own house, so yes u two can have good emotional compatibility and be comfortable with each other, fs can share ur emotional, caring and nurturing traits, this can also be an indication where ur family introduces u to ur fs unless there is other relationship placements in chart.🙈��
Dk in 1,5,9 houses can indicate that ur partner is a form of blessing, result of ur past life good karma, they will be ur lucky charm and embody the qualities u would love to have in ur fs. Dk in 4,7,10 houses means that both the individuals could have struggled a lot during earlier life stages, after finding each other they develop together and achieve their goals in each other's presence. Dk in 6,8,12 houses means karmic partners, someone from ur past life, this doesn't always mean bad, if Jupiter aspects ur dk in these houses, it shows that u both struggled in past life and are here to be together like soulmates in this lifetime. Dk in 2,3,11 houses can show that u can struggle with compatibility with fs at first but gradually get good at it and be each other's backbone through thick and thin. This is a placement that gets better with age. 😍🌹
These are general interpretations, ofc the full chart can bring a whole lot of changes, tq for asking this Q's, it was good to answer.💝
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(Here's a cute moodboard for u anon 🙈🤩)
With Love- Yashi💖
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hello! <3 may i please know your thoughts on 25 degrees mars atmakarka sitting in the third house along with venus darakara, [0 degree] and saturn[13 degree]? i'm a gemini asc [13 degree] and uranus is in aquarius [9th house, 28 degree] !
i'm not sure if it matters, but my jupiter is in seventh house sagittarius! it stands out in my chart so yeah...
i hope this request will amuse you! <3
also your works are lovely! if you'd be interested in advice [which i may not be qualified to give] then nakashatra observation series and navamsa chart readings are pretty lovely to check out!
thank you very much <3
Hiii there 🤍✨✨✨
For gemini ascendant, mars rules the 6th & 11th H.
Mars Atmakaraka signifies that courage , action , confidence these are quite well developed at soul level.
Mars in Leo is a friendly placement . Mars at 25 ° Leo goes to Scorpio navamsha. Thus gaining quite a power. Scorpio sign becomes the karakamsha sign . So in D1 chart mars lies in 10th house Leo. Thus. Career & serving society will be important for you. And it will lead you towards it.
Now it's conjunct Saturn , so the energies have to understood and worked out 🌻🌻. Jupiter's aspect on them from its mool trikon sign in parashari jyotish is beautiful and makes it auspicious too.
Jaimini aspects are different. 🙃.
Venus is more than 15 ° away from mars , so not much influence on each other, though they influence together the sign leo :)).
We don't consider Uranus in Vedic 😋🦋
Now 7th lord & 10th lord in own mool trikon sign is beautiful and adds strength . It also aspects the personality , head. So quite helpful.
PS : Your advice is precious & welcomed 💗💗💗.
I will do Nakshatras series , you guys can recommend your choices in it :).
And yup I will start navamsha & D1 chart readings too. From my jyotish guru , I learned that D1 chart reading is incomplete without navamsha and this is what I have observed too. 💗💕
Hope it was helpful ☘️🌻🌻✨✨
Love & light to you ✨⭐
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curfewplugs · 4 years ago
Hi, I have jupiter venus and Mercury in uttarabhadra pisces in 7th house and I am a virgo rising. And I have rahu in 11th house. Saturn in 8th and mars in 2nd.
And in navamsa chart mercury is again in 7th in leo and 7th lord sun in 2nd with mars and rahu in pisces in d9.
But I recently got that my 7th lord Jupiter of D1 is in 8th in d9 which isn't a good thing. And my darakara is mercury. Can you help me something what you get from this?
Are you using the sidereal zodiac? Because the uttara bhadrapada section of pisces is only about 3 degrees if you use the tropical zodiac, and there’s no point in the recent past where Jupiter, Venus, and mercury have all been conjunct in last 3 degrees of pisces.
I’ll help you but you need to convert your calculations to the tropical zodiac and also tell me what you want to know about (career, love, predictive forecast, etc)
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