#dante lothario
chrissybrown1127 · 1 year
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I’m kinda obsessed with some of the resemblances in my PV admittedly.
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nucrests · 1 year
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Lothario & Fiorello Cousins 🌹
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fashionassassin11 · 1 year
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As the skies clears the wedding seems to be progressing smoothly...
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lulousims · 4 months
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Yes, I can play The Sims again!
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micrathene-w · 7 months
Who Me, With a Distraction...?
While my back-brain simmers the next big event in Kenzie's save (Dante and Piper's wedding), I started playing a distraction - the Sims Checklist Challenge that originally got posted on Twitter.
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I originally made a new Sim for this - then looked at said Sim, looked at "woohoo Don Lothario" and a couple of the other items, and changed my mind.
And a little voice popped up, "You know who could probably handle all this without blinking?"
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If you've been around my blog for a while, you might remember the toilet-pranking Alexa Beal who got eliminated early from Peter Wells' mini-bachelor thing for her attempted mischief.
Alexa took a look at the list and went:
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So she got a little makeover, and I chucked her in a new save to let rip. In my two days off, I've checked off half the list! But some of the remaining items are going to take more time to achieve...
(Fun aside, the 4 makeovers I've done so far? Are in her save file, and I've spotted two of them "in the wild" so far!)
This is not going to supersede my other saves, and I'm not making a story out of it - I didn't even remember to screen-cap the first couple of items, oops! It's just something that I'll turn to once in a while when I need silly, non-plot gameplay.
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imadititom · 1 year
Succession cast is basically.
Classical british lotharios, who are bored with theatre AND hates unimaginative movies studios execs, and somehow realised that some tv networks, actually respect the 7th art.
It's HBO, baybay.
I mean Bryan Cox , lived in the heydays of Robert Motherfucking Evans.
Best movie execs in cinema history, won Oscars, beded beautiful and smart actress with full consent, was ready to physically fight them MGM/paramount and them so that 🏳️‍🌈 and Black people would get payed properly.
He even got a "southern tax", on his personal payslip, and used that to bring forth Black Americans professional of Movies.
Grip, photography, MUA.
A 5'7 king.
I digress as usua.
Makes sense, Bryan Cox is bitching about Jeremy strong.
Do You really have to go method?
Do You ?
To play a spoiled dude with Daddy's issues?
I'm pretty sure half of my female straight cousins dated a Kendall Roye and I fockin hated it.
Every minute.
Digressions, I know.
The Tom interview with the hipster Nazi is real though.
Murdoch was trying to blow up that Overton window. Under Obama administrations.
He succeeded at that.
Coz We're still not punching money hoarding, eugenist having, enough.
On sight.
They go low, I will drag them to the pits of Dante's Hell
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athertonfm · 8 months
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CONGRATULATIONS , you have been accepted into your allotted program at atherton university . we ask that you please read over the third portion of the student handbook to prepare for your classes & check underneath the read more to find out any extras about your character's role in the group . we're so excited to have you & can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans you get up to with your character !
henrik ryu - de mevius , lee juyeon , muse 13
⸻  ˚ 。⋆ :  lee juyeon  ,  twenty - two  ,  cis man  ,  he / him  ◜  have  you  seen  HENRIK  RYU  -  DE  MEVIUS  walking  around  campus  lately  ?  you  know  ,  the  student  with  a  smirk  that  bears  conniving  mischief  that's  been  blasted  all  over  social  media  ?  all  anyone  seems  to  be  able  to  talk  about  is  how  they're  (  -  )  IMPUDENT  ,  but  it's  a  little  unfair  when  they're  also  known  for  being  (  +  )  MAGNETIC  ,  too  .  with  all  the  media  coverage  ,  though  ,  they've  been  labeled  as  THE  LOTHARIO  within  the  group  of  suspects  ,  and  it  doesn't  look  like  they're  going  to  be  able  to  shake  that  any  time  soon  .  if  you  ask  those  closest  to  them  ,  they  would  probably  tell  you  that  the   JUNIOR  more  so  makes  them  think  of  empty  promises  sealed  with  a  kiss  ,  the  eternal  glare  of  scrutiny  ,  and  the  damning  nudge  to  go  against  malignant  desires  ,  but  i  guess  only  time  will  tell  the  truth  in  the  end  .  ◞
order of soros member : yes
dante's nine member : no
atherton thirteen suspect : yes
0 notes
blairxporter · 5 years
text ; dante
Blair: You use to be friends with some addict-y people, right?
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levixlynn · 5 years
text ; dante
levi: How was Ireland?
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Top 10 Favourite Books I Have Read (So Far)
As a writer myself, I can’t help but look back at the novels that have shaped the sort of writer I have become today, and helped me find my own unique voice. A good novel captivates, puts it’s twists in all the right places, and makes you think about the story long after you have finished reading it. It makes you contemplate what it is to be human. It hits you hard and leaves a lasting impression. I thought I could share a few of them with all of you. Without further ado, here goes:
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy (1873)
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It's a story as old as time; someone, bored with their life, risks it all to have an affair; but this one is special for a number of reasons. First, it serves as a commentary about 19th century upper-class Russia, a time when it wasn't necessarily scandalous to have an affair, but it was scandalous to leave your husband or wife because of it. Many people conducted their affairs in secret, but the passion Anna felt for Vronsky spilled over into her everyday life, and because she had suppressed feeling any kind of emotion for so long, the passion she felt was obsessive and all-consuming, even though in the end it sours and she blames Vronsky for her fall from grace, which is so devastating (she is cut off from seeing her son Seroyzha that she had with Count Alexei Karenin) that in the end she ends her life. It is made all the more ironic that the novel starts with her convincing Dolly, her sister-in-law, to stay with her two-timing brother, Stepan, as “family is all that matters.” The elements of the complexity of families is also makes this tale so unique. Secondly, it could be argued that Anna is not the protagonist of the story at all, but that Levin is, because his upward trajectory is juxtaposed with Anna's fall from grace. He starts off an awkward and gruff loner, and moves toward being a content and happy family man, with a wife Kitty whom he truly loves. His skepticism and malcontent drifts away as the novel wears on. It is said that Levin is actually a representation of Tolstoy himself, but the book was actually a labor of guilt for cheating on his own wife. The novel ends with a broken-hearted Vronsky enlisting for a battle that he hopes not to come back from alive. I love how rich and evolved each character we are introduced to is. As I also have a love affair with Mother Russia myself ever since I studied Russian history in high school, this novel is truly my favorite classic.
On Writing, Stephen King (2000)
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This book is the most straightforward account of what it is like to be a writer from one of the great (if not greatest) modern novelists of our time. It also offers invaluable advice to aspiring and new writers who are looking to hone their craft, but without the flowery, navel-gazing musings so often found in books of a similar ilk. King's real-life descriptions of his struggles with addiction, his pre-writer life, the early days of his success, and his recovery after a horrific accident where he nearly lost his life are related back to his craft so masterfully, and, as such , I cannot recommend this book more to those who are either interested in the mechanisms behind being a writer, or want to be writers themselves. It also serves as a great book to refer back to after you become a writer to make sure you don't get bogged down in common writing mistakes that inadvertently make your work clunky or uninteresting. To paraphrase, King states, to become a writer, talent is essential, but if you don't have the right toolbox to use when writing your masterpiece, its going to look sloppy. King's toolkit, which he elaborates on in his book, is guaranteed to prevent this from happening.
The Virgin Suicides, Jeffery Eugenides (1993)
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I read this novel after I saw the movie of the same name, which was Sofia Coppola's directorial debut. Like most book-to-movie adaptations, this novel contains slight deviations and more character development than the movie, but is still a deeply fascinating examination of both the psyche of the Lisbon sisters, the minds of the neighborhood boys who were obsessed with them, the paranoia of suburbia, parental oppression, and neighborhood carelessness. I remember that this movie came out when I was 16, but we had to wait until it came out on DVD to see it, because, as the movie dealt with teenage suicide, and the place I lived at at the time had one of the highest youth suicide rates in the state, it was banned in local cinemas. The most interesting character in both the book and the movie was 14-year-old Lux ​​Lisbon, primarily because of her rebelliousness toward her parents' overbearing protectiveness (mostly from her mother, but the spineless dad is definitely an enabler) which borders on abuse. This is perfectly juxtaposed with her inherent need to be an ordinary teenage girl in an abnormal household, and the oppression of this need leading to unbridled promiscuity. The accounting of the Lisbon sisters' story in both the movie and the novel, however, is unreliable, as it is never told from the point-of-view of the sisters themselves, but from the grown-up versions of the neighborhood boys who we were in love with them, and continued to be so after their deaths. The passing of the Lisbon sisters left a lasting impression on each of the boys, and still haunts them in the present. Decay in both the novel and the movie in the form of the diseased neighborhood trees and the decline of the local auto industry, are used as both foreshadowing of worst things to come, as well as an allegory of the Lisbon's family life. Finally, the accountability of the neighborhood and neighbors, and their willingness to turn a blind eye as to what was happening in the Lisbon household is also examined. Their fleeting, off-the-cuff and detached observations, as well as the (mostly) silent monitoring of the girls by the boys, is an excellent example of the damaging consequences of the bystander effect, which all to often leads to disastrous ends. the accountability of the neighborhood and neighbors, and their willingness to turn a blind eye as to what was happening in the Lisbon household is also examined. Their fleeting, off-the-cuff and detached observations, as well as the (mostly) silent monitoring of the girls by the boys, is an excellent example of the damaging consequences of the bystander effect, which all to often leads to disastrous ends. the accountability of the neighborhood and neighbors, and their willingness to turn a blind eye as to what was happening in the Lisbon household is also examined. Their fleeting, off-the-cuff and detached observations, as well as the (mostly) silent monitoring of the girls by the boys, is an excellent example of the damaging consequences of the bystander effect, which all to often leads to disastrous ends.
Eugene Onegin, Alexander Pushkin (1831)
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As opposed to the entry above, I read the novel before I saw the movie, which did a pretty good job, considering the novel was written entirely in prose. 230-odd pages of verse penned by one of the greatest Russian poets of the 19th century may seem like a big ask to read, but I can assure you, it is entirely worth it. It tells the tale of an uppity lothario named Eugene Onegin, who, bored with St. Petersburg society, decide to move to his recently-deceased uncle's country estate. This move ultimately leads to Onegin leaving a trail of destruction in his wake, including ruining a woman's reputation, killing her fiance after he challenges Onegin to a duel to defend her honor, and spurning the advances of local provincial beauty Tatiana. Onegin then flees back to St. Petersburg, and after several years, crosses paths once again with Tatiana, Who is now married to a high-ranking general and is a permanent fixture of the St. Petersburg high-society set. When Tatiana shows a grace she never possessed before, and treats him with a cold distain whenever they cross paths, Onegin decides that he loves her, and pursues her doggedly, leading to a show-down between the two would-be lovers, but not in the way you would think. His chance at redemption is alt for nought. Although Tatiana admits her love for Onegin, she also tells him that she would never betray her now-husband to be with him. It is a scintillating slow-burn of a tale of love, loss and propriety in a way that can only be recounted by Pushkin. Interestingly, Pushkin himself was fatally wounded in 1837 after he challenged his brother-in-law, Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthes, also known as Dantes-Gekkern, a French officer serving with the Chevalier Guard Regiment, to a duel, as he had attempted to seduce the poet's wife, Natalia Pushkina. In some cases, life really does imitate art.
The Book Thief, Marcus Zusak (2005)
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I like the voyeuristic feel of this novel, even if this sounds a little strange. The special interest that Death himself takes in the main character, Liesel Meminger (who is The Book Thief in question) is perfectly juxtaposed over the horrors of living in WW2 Germany. It’s a charming story, recounted by Death himself, all the way up to the main character’s death many years later. It gives us special insights into all the characters and they way they think and act, with no-holds-barred. A unique and truly good read.
The Big Sleep, Raymond Chandler (1939)
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This is hands-down the best noir detective novel ever written, a point I regrettably missed when I first had to read it for Advanced English in Year 11 at school. It has all of the grit expected of the genre and follows Chandler’s mainlining private detective Philip Marlowe, who is hired by a rich family to deal with a blackmailer, Arthur Geiger. His life takes an unexpected turn as he pursues the case and Arthur is found dead.It is both a good detective mystery and a perfect layout for a by-the-numbers look at how this genre should be written. Cool side fact: The Big Sleep is a euphemism for dying.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Series, Stieg Larsson
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Lisbeth Salander is still the best kick-arse anti-heroine around, a fact that is evident from her character being re-imagined by David Lagercrantz in further novels in the Millenium series after Steig Larsson’s untimely death. At the time these novels came out, I remember everyone on the beach reading a copy, and I especially enjoy the first entry in this series, which explores a missing woman, the demise and rise of journalist Mikael Blomkvist, the back-story and growth of Lisbeth Salander, female sex-trafficking, and feminist themes. On top of being a missing-person story, it is also a murder mystery, and has an awesome twist at the novel’s denouement. A thrilling, wild-ride of a read.I think I especially enjoyed it because I like reading novels situated around serial killers. That’s all I’ll say. Read the book.
We Need to Talk About Kevin, Lionel Shriver (2003)
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This book is just brutal and a no-holds-barred look at whether killers are born or made.It is told by Eva Khatchadourian in a series of letters to her husband, Franklin, which discuss their son, Kevin, and his behaviour growing up, as well as her reactions to said behaviour, which ultimately lead to a thrilling, if unnerving, conclusion. 
IT, Stephen King (1985)
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Although it is a gigantic read at 1,128 pages, IT is worth every page. Stephen King's novel about a demonic, otherworldly entity that preys and feasts on the children of Derry, Maine every 27-odd years is a masterpiece second only to his equally weighty saga The Stand. It tells the story of childhood friendship, and the strength one can have when standing together with friends. It is a perfect tale of good triumphing over evil, which is a familiar theme in King’s books which tends to get overlooked in favour of the more horror-like elements. Be warned, it does jump back-and-forth in time, and there are a few awkward parts of the book that the movie thankfully skipped, but they don’t really feel out of place in the novel. This “clown” will give you nightmares, but the ultimate triumph of The Loser’s Club is worth hanging in for.
The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold (2002)
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I've gotta admit, the ending was unsatisfying, but is probably a more realistic account of what usually happens in unsolved cases such as Susie Salmon's. There is a karmic vibe, and at least the killer is disposed of in an unceremoniously undignified way. It’s ultimately a tale of how grief can keep you stuck, and how acceptance is part of moving on. Totally skip the movie and just read the book.
I just realised, all but one of these books has been made into a movie, whether it be a box-office hit or Indie, which I suppose really just attests to how good they are. I’ll be back with another top 10 favourite books soon no doubt. See you on the flip-side.
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chrissybrown1127 · 2 years
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Some PV lookalikes! Very striking as well I think.
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nucrests · 2 years
this might be a too much to ask, but can we get the names of the sims you posted? they are all very beautiful and amazing ❤❤❤❤
I can definitely answer that for you! I'll have to answer under read more because it's gonna be a long post. I don't know if others wanna go through that on their dash lkhaldf So click on the read more link below! 😉⤵
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1: Don Lothario (he/him) 2: Johnny Zest (he/him) 3: Yesenia Baugh (she/her) 4: Penny Pizzazz (she/her) 5: Dina Caliente (she/her) 6: Nina Caliente (she/her) 7: Paolo Rocca (he/him) 8: Marcus Flex (he/him)
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9: Eva Capricciosa (she/her) 10: Jade Rosa (she/her) 11: Dominique Rojas (he/him) 12: Michael Smith (he/him) 13: Salim Benali (he/him) 14: Roman Conner (they/them) 15: Maria Conner (she/her) 16: Estevan Moya (he/him)
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17: Jacinta Banks (she/her) 18: Seraphina Carrasco (she/her) 19: DeMario Humphrey (he/him) 20: Iniya Advani (she/her) 21: Jules Dupree (he/him) 22: Tatum Long (he/him) 23: Sabrina Ernst (she/her) 24: Lukas Power (he/him)
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25: Thorne Bailey (he/him) 26: Octavia Moon (she/her) 27: Clio Bailey (she/her) 28: Dorian De La Cruz (he/him) 29: Zola Fiorello (she/her) 30: Giovanni Fiorello (he/him) 31: Jared Q Grimes (he/him) 32: Jordan Mayer (she/her)
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33: Dante Lothario (he/him) 34: Bruna Lothario (she/her) 35: Johnson Ready (he/him) 36: Martin Wall (he/him) 37: Candy Behr (she/her) 38: Yuki Behr (she/her) 39: Adriana Lothario (she/her) 40: Nicolo Lothario (he/him)
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41: Dirk Dreamer (he/him) 42: Aubrey Epperson (he/them) 43: Sean Sullivan (he/him) 44: Holly Vinedal (she/her) 45: Raj Khemlani (he/him) 46: Lacey Stiles (she/her) 47: Kalista Kalid (she/her) 48: Olivia Stewart (they/them)
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49: Moose DuBros (he/him) 50: Brock Hackett (he/him) 51: Haven Upton (she/her) 52: Jasna Upton (she/her) 53: Carley Otto (she/her) 54: Moshe Starks (he/him) 55: Cherish Gann (she/her) 56: Willow Crawley (she/her)
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57: Dudley Landgraab (he/him) 58: Mimi Landgraab (she/her) 59: Hank Goddard (he/him) 60: Pauline Wan (she/her) 61: Nancy Landgraab (she/her) 62: Geoffrey Landgraab (he/him) 63: Malcolm Landgraab (he/him) 64: Brytani Cho (she/her)
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shellybeans2-simblr · 6 years
TS4 Pleasantview
This is a project I have been working on for about 3 months. I love The Sims 4, but my all-time favorite is still The Sims 2. I also tend to get a bit nostalgic from time to time and so, after recreating a few lots and families from that game, this project was eventually born.
My goal was to recreate Pleasantview as accurately as possible. Now, keep in mind worlds, maps, and content differ from one game to another, so an exact replica wasn't possible. However, what I ended up with I'm pretty proud of.
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I have made all 8 of the main Pleasantview families:
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Their family trees, including deceased ancestors, are present. Their relationships, as they stand when Pleasantview is first played, are intact as is the amount of simoleons each family, who lives in a home, begins with.  
I have also included 3 of the Bluewater Village families:
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There are a total of 27 playable Sims in the above mentioned families.
There are 63 TS2 recreated Townies including many of your old favorites:
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In addition, there are 5 TS2 style aliens and 4 TS2 style vampires.
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I have also included 32 original townies and 3 vampires of my own. There are 54 ghosts, in various places around the worlds too.
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That makes a grand total of 188 custom Sims!
Many TS2 lots have been recreated to the best accuracy I could manage. Some are furnished as they were in the game:
165 Sim Lane (Goth Manor)
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215 Sim Lane (Pleasant House)
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195 Main Street (Dreamer House)
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55 Woodland Drive (Broke House)
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150 Main Street (Lothario House)
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170 Main Street (Caliente House)
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32 Eagle Lane (Tinker House)
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146 Pebble Drive (Ramirez House)
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74 Gondola Way (Landgraab House)
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As well as:
House of Fallen Trees
Midnight Flows
Deh'Javu Modern Art Museum
Red's Famous '50s Diner
Ramirez's Fine Furniture
Electronics Supercenter
Rodney's Hideout
Café Petite
Others have been decorated and furnished more elaborately or with some differences, but the exteriors and layouts remain true to The Sims 2:
210 Wright Way 113 Wright Way 190 Sim Lane 170 Sim Lane 130 Sim Lane 105 Sim Lane 95 Woodland Drive 40 Woodland Drive 35 Woodland Drive 190 Main Street 225 Main Street 250 Main Street (Pleasantview Community Center) 290 Main Street (shops) 330 Main Street (boutique) 50 Middle Lane 70 Middle Lane Helluva Hacienda Modern Masterpiece European Townhouse Bonny Bungalow Ranch Retreat Speedy’s Fast Lanes Bowling Rapid Racers Roller Rink Victorian Value Federal Fortress Tiny Tudor Just Right Craftsman’s Pride Family Farmhouse Club Dante 35 King Street 105 Custer Boulevard 38 Greaves Avenue 31 Mendoza Lane
I have also built 29 original houses, 10 remodeled apartments and 50 other original lots:
Pleasantview Park Pleasantview Library Oasis Springs Park Get Fit Gym Sweetie's Ice Cream Shop Pleasantview Cemetery Valentines Wedding Chapel Tinker's Toy Emporium The Boho Bean (Café) Black & White (restaurant) Brick Colonial (be sure to check out this house in Brindleton Bay to reveal a secret or two)
For a total of 104 lots!
Each and every Sim and lot are made by Shellybeans2 and contain no custom content. With the exception of 'My First Pet Stuff', all expansion, game, and stuff packs have been used in this project. If you do not have them all, you can still download TS4 Pleasantview, you will just be missing the items from packs you don't have.
I truly hope you all will enjoy playing this save as much as I did creating it. I would love to hear your feedback and see any pictures you would like to share of your gameplay through this world.
Installation Instructions
Please Note: You do NOT need to download or install any of the lots or Sims separately to make this save work - they are already installed as part of the save. Each and every Sim and lot are made by Shellybeans2 and contain no custom content.
To install this save file:
1. IMPORTANT!!! Back up your Save files before doing anything else, just in case things don't go as planned. Copy and paste your saves folder somewhere safe. (You can find your Saves folder in the following location for PC: \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4)
2. Download the "Shellybeans2_TS4Pleasantview.zip" file.
3. Using a program like WinZIP or WinRAR, extract the "TS4 Pleasantview" folder somewhere safe.
4. Open the "TS4 Pleasantview" folder. Copy the file in it (Slot_00000104.save) and paste it into your \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves folder.
5. Start your game. From the main menu, click on "Load Game". You should see "Pleasantview" as an option on the menu. You may have to scroll down past your other saves to find it (it has a date of 02/10/2019).
6. Select "Pleasantview" and load the save.
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mdianasims · 7 years
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930 Medina Studios, San Myshuno
Home of the Lothario Household
Sleek, modern and lots of black and white - Don’s home is as stylish as he is himself. There’s a study nook for the kids and they have nice spacious colourful bedrooms. Dante and Gino do have to share their room, but it works well for them, it’s not like they’re there that often anyway.
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kidaoocom · 5 years
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blairxporter · 5 years
text ; Dante
Blair: Hey, wanna do me a favor?
Blair: It's an easy one.
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