#danplain stephan
crazyangrycupcake · 5 years
Hot unimportant take: I think Dan is just trying to cover his ass because he knows he f*cked up, the things he are saying contradict stephan, jay, and multiple animators stories and experiances and the plain fact that he says he kept 0% of the money for himself when he himself was making the most money while being so over protective and not letting anyone see the real numbers for the channel is complete bullshit and a lie.
Dan knows he messed up so now he's trying to save himself and get pity, don't give it to him. He deserved this, he deserves to see the consequences for his actions and what being a jerk and greedy person to your friends and employees really gets you.
Don't send death threats or threats of harm obviously, but don't feel pity for him. He did this to himself.
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