#daniel le domas x yn
blakeswritingimagines · 4 months
Dating Yandere Daniel Le Domas Would Include:
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Yandere traits and characteristics of Daniel Le Domas include emotional and mental instability, excessive possessiveness and jealousy, impulsive behavior, obsessive and possessive with the person he loves, manipulative, obsessive-compulsive qualities, controlling, and sometimes sociopathic tendencies. He loves very intensely and doesn't want anything to get in the way of that. He may even stalk other people you may associate with.
Daniel is a type of yandere who becomes very possessive over the one he wants, wanting to keep you all to himself. He becomes very obsessed over you and your everyday activities. He grows jealous of the attention you give to others and even more jealous when you give attention to other men. When his obsessive thoughts become too much, Daniel becomes violent, acting possessive and controlling over you and making sure you aren't talking to anyone else but him.
He goes out of his way to ensure that no one will ever take you away from him. He will take any measures to keep you only for himself, even if it means getting rid of those around you as well. When the object of his affection is unable to be with him, he will become enraged and lash out with violent impulses towards anyone he can take his anger out on.
When the obsession continues to grow, Daniel can become extremely protective over you, as if you were his property. He grows overprotective of you and your everyday life, wanting to make sure you are safe from anyone who could possibly harm you. He becomes paranoid about anyone who could hurt you and will become very controlling, trying to keep you from any potential harm. He becomes completely overcontrolling of your life and doesn't let you out of his sight.
He is very overprotective of his partner because of his family being satanic. In the Ready Or Not movie, the Le Domases serve the devil, Mr. Le Bail. They all sold their souls to the devil in exchange for money and power, and Daniel is fearful that the devil might want the soul of the one he loves as well. He becomes overprotective and controlling in order to keep you safe from the evil of his family.
Daniel knows that you are unaware of the horrible traditions of his family and their games, so he does everything he can to hide these games from you. He doesn't want you to know about the horrible games that go on in his family, and he doesn't want you to become afraid of him. So, he hides everything from you related to the games.
Daniel does try to go on dates with you, but he keeps them completely tame. He takes you to nice restaurants, watching movies, and goes on outings together.
Even with his obsessive and controlling tendencies, he does care for you, so he is somewhat affectionate with you. He gives you some genuine hugs and kisses and shows you some love at times. However, his obsessive and controlling tendencies do sometimes get in the way of showing his affection, as well. When he feels particularly jealous, possessive, or angry, the affection he shows is very calculated and not quite genuine.
Daniel does cut back on his drinking a little bit when he is with you, but not entirely. He definitely drinks less while you are around, but he will still enjoy a few glasses of whisky or wine to relax. But he does make sure not to let himself get really drunk in your presence, as he knows that his behavior can get unpredictable when he's too intoxicated.
His jealousy is definitely one of his strongest traits. As mentioned before, he is extremely possessive over the one he loves and wants to keep you all to himself. When he sees you talking to other men or giving attention to anyone else but him, he grows extremely jealous and even becomes violent sometimes towards those around him. He has a hard time controlling his anger when he sees his love interacting with other people and becomes obsessed with keeping you only for himself.
He has a lot of self-hatred and a high level of anxiety. Daniel has a lot of self-hatred because he hates the type of person he is, and he feels guilty for the things he does to you. He thinks that he doesn't deserve the love and happiness that he has. He is also constantly worried about the safety and well-being of you. He can't help but feel that something terrible might happen to you if he doesn't protect and hide you from all the evil in the world that surrounds you.
He also has some issues with trust. Even though he is completely obsessed with the one he loves, he has a hard time trusting you. He always has to know what you're doing and who you're spending time with, so he can ensure you aren't hanging out with other men. He does become very suspicious of you whenever you spend time with others, thinking that you might be interested in them instead of him. He is also pretty paranoid about losing you.
He can be manipulative and deceptive as well. He will often lie and hide the truth from his partner to keep you as his own. He can lie about where he is, who he is with, what he is doing, and more. He can even manipulate his love by playing on your emotions, so you can only focus on him, and nothing else. He is very sneaky and manipulative about how he goes about keeping the one he loves to himself.
Daniel has a bit of a savior complex and a bit of a god complex. He believes that he has to take care of you and that he has to keep you safe, no matter what. He doesn't think that anyone else can do it like he can, and he has a hard time accepting that he is just as capable as anyone else of protecting you. He also feels that God has chosen him to protect and save you, giving him a divine sense of responsibility and control.
He's a bit of a masochist. Daniel enjoys the feeling that being in love with you gives him, even if it's a pain. He's somewhat of a masochist because he enjoys the pain he feels when he's in love with someone, even if his love is completely unrequited. Because he's been through so much pain and hurt, a part of him has grown to enjoy the pain and even feel it as a sign of his love for you.
His family definitely doesn't approve. They believe that Daniel has fallen in love with someone who will be nothing more than a liability to them. They see you as a threat to their traditions, and they don't believe that you are capable of living up to the demands of being a part of their family. They feel you will be nothing more than a burden to them, and they think Daniel is making a mistake by being with you. But Daniel loves you, and there's nothing they can do about it.
Daniel does want to attempt marriage with the one he loves. However, he knows it would be very difficult for you to have a healthy relationship with all the things going on in his life. His family's demands and his own issues would put a lot of strain on a marriage, and his jealous and possessive tendencies would only make it more difficult for you. But that doesn't stop him from wanting to try. In the end, he loves you so much that he's willing to try to make it work, no matter what.
Daniel is very protective of his partner and doesn't want you to be subject to any harm, including from his family's games. When it comes to you pulling a card, Daniel would be reluctant to let you participate, but he would realize he has no choice but to let you. He would be very worried about what could happen and about what you might have to go through if you were chosen. He would do everything he could1 to protect you, but deep down he would be scared and worried about the outcome.
Daniel is hesitant to have children, largely due to his own experiences with his family's traditions. He knows that he had a traumatic childhood because of all the games and rituals that his family put him through, and he does not want the same to happen to his children. He doesn't want his children to experience the kind of pain and suffering that he had to endure, and he worries that having children would only result in his children becoming subjected to the horrible traditions of his family.
Daniel would be very understanding if you couldn't have or didn't want children. He understands that not everyone wants children, and he respects and accepts your decision. He would be supportive of your decision and would not try to force you to have children if you didn't want them. He understands that it is your choice and that he respects it, and he would do everything he could to make sure you felt supported and comfortable in your decision.
"You are mine, no one else's. There is no one more important than you in my life, and there never will be. You are my everything, and I will do anything to keep you safe, even if it means putting myself in harm's way. I will always stand by your side and protect you from everything and everyone, even if it's from my own family. I love you more than anything in this world, and I will never stop loving you. You are my one true love, and no one else will ever come close to what you mean to me."
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