#daniel jackson and jonas quinn friendship we all deserved
Jonas's Big Day Out Part 2 of ?
Jonas and Daniel have a wonderful day out. A story of love, acceptance and the writers losing custody of Jonas Quinn.
Gen Fic, No Warnings, mentions of cigarettes and alcohol. No Beta I trust my tumblr followers to love and accept my dyslexia
Part 1 Here
The weekend came faster for Daniel than any other weekend had before. It seemed as though he had blinked in his office on Tuesday and suddenly he was in his car on Saturday morning. He could not think of a worse time to go to the mall, specifically Build-a-Bear, than a Saturday morning in July. It was his own fault, more or less, but it didn’t make him any less grumpy as he drove up to retrieve his surrogate little brother that he never wanted nor asked for. 
Sure enough, as Daniel approached the base, he saw Jonas all ready to go. His outfit was very clearly snspired by MTV as the alien opted for one of Daniel’s plaid shirts to be open over a black tshirt. His bottom half was just his BDU cargo pants and his gym shoes. Daniel sighed upon seeing the outfit. As if the taunting around base wasn’t enough, he was about to look like a divorced dad with his son on their one weekend a month together.
Jonas slammed his body into Daniel’s Hyundai with the force of a falling sack of bricks. Jonas looked at his colleague with a wide smile, almost saying ‘what’s the hold up? Let’s blow this popsicle stand!’ with just one look. Daniel’s slanted eyes cut over to Jonas.
“Seatbelt.” He stated, still a little too tired to process what he was doing. Jonas’s eyebrows went up in realization and put the seatbelt on. “Okay, good. Now that I’m not terrified of killing you…” Daniel put his car in drive and started to move. “Where’s the first stop, Jonas? How will you torment me from the outset, hm?” Daniel asked. 
Jonas brought his notebook out of his backpack. “Well, I think we should go to the mall first. I wanna make sure I get the best clothes for my bear. And then- Oh!” Jonas interrupted his own thought and rummaged around in his backpack. “Do you have a CD playing in this piece of shit?” He asked, the sound of crinkling paper still coming from his backpack. Daniel rolled his eyes.
“First, don’t call your ride to the mall a piece of shit. It’s a good car, does what I need it to do. Second, yes, I do.” Daniel answered. He again looked over at Jonas digging around in his backpack. “Third, why?” He asked, suspiciously. 
Jonas’s hand emerged from his backpack with a CD. It was not a CD Daniel had ever seen before but that didn’t stop him from disliking it. He didn’t like the look of the nurse on the cover at all. “Oh, awesome! I brought some CDs to listen to! This one is from Blink-182 and it’s totally awesome! There’s a song on this one called ‘Aliens Exist’! Isn’t that cool? Y’know, cuz like-” Jonas explained, excitedly. 
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. Put it in, whatever. I don’t care.” Daniel snipped with a huff, losing patience.
The high energy pop punk filled the car, each song bringing Jonas to turn up the music more. Even though Daniel didn’t seem to be having a good time at all, Jonas couldn’t’ve been more thrilled with how the day was already turning out. He was a simply guy: just the idea of having a good time accompanied by Blink-182 was enough for him. He banged his head the whole way to the mall, only getting a little sad when Daniel turned down the music to see the road better. 
When they got to the mall, Daniel parked near the edge of the parking lot. Normally, this was something he did to irritate someone into having a terrible time when he was forced to do something. However, what Daniel failed to notice was a group of nearby teenagers skateboarding. Jonas stood completely entranced having never seen skateboarders in real life. They were having a good time just doing a few easy tricks with their surroundings. A girl in cookie monster pajama pants was on a roadblock laughing at the wipeouts smoking a cigarette and drinking an energy drink. At first Jonas thought she was the only one who couldn’t skate, but that notion was disproved as quick as it popped in his head. She tossed her butt to the side and immediately got on her own board. 
Daniel grabbed Jonas by the arm and gently tugged him, trying to get him to stop staring at teenagers before one of them noticed. Jonas walked with him but kept looking over his shoulder at them. They were all just having so much fun, not a care in the world; just a group of friends on a normal saturday morning. 
“I need to get one of those things!” Jonas announced. Daniel side-eyed to him as they walked. 
“Sure, I’ll just let you die, no problem.” Daniel said, sarcastically. Jonas rolled his eyes. 
“They’re not dying. Look at them! They’re having fun!” Jonas argued, pointing to the group. Daniel hurriedly brought his arm over to his colleague’s and dragged the pointing finger down.
“Stop it! Jonas, please, pointing and staring it rude. Especially when they’re teenagers. Just… Let’s get moving.” Daniel urged, walking faster. Jonas shook his head. 
“Fine, but there better be a store where I can buy a skateboard in there!” He shouted, pointing at the mall. Daniel winced and brought a hand up to his eyes. He reluctantly agreed to help him find a skate shop, just so Jonas would stop yelling.
They got into the mall after what felt like ages. Admittedly, Jonas was a little confused when he got inside via the Sears but he sensed that Daniel was irritated enough with him that he didn’t want to ask about it. All became clear when he saw the other door that led to the mall. Daniel led his alien buddy to a map of the mall and asked him where they were going. Jonas shrugged. All he knew was that he wanted a build-a-bear, a skateboard, new clothes and perhaps a CD from a band he’d seen on MTV. In response to the shrug, Daniel started looking for build-a-bear on the map. He figured he’d ask for help navigating to a store that sold skateboards when they got there.
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