#daniel desario x you
beah388love · 1 month
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Shark week
Full Masterlist Freaks and geeks Masterlist
Pairing: Daniel Desario x Fem!reader
Summary: Your period decides to attack you so you can’t make it to school and call in sick.
Warnings: period, swearing, bad language, mentions of blood, mentions of weed and pornos!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
++ I’ve been trying to add this to my Pinner masterlist but it won’t work every time I’ve tried! Please tell me how to fix it if you know!!!! & I have a lando post coming soon!!! 💛🧡
“Y/n! Y/n! Wake uuppppppp!” Your little brother screamed as he shook you and poked your arm.
You jumped up confused as to what was happening “what?! What’s wrong?” You asked worried and he looked at you with widened eyes “Y- your bleeding!” He said distraught, you was confused until you looked down at your legs and saw the blood covering your bottom half and only was it then did you feel the uncomfortable wet patch under your ass.
“Are you okay?!” He asked you worried and you quickly rushed to cover his eyes with one hand “I’m okay Mikey! I just uh- I’m on my period..” you said and he nodded “I remeber! Sometimes you bleed on your period!” Michael explained as he remembered the last couple times you’ve been on your period and needs help getting toilet roll whilst on the toilet.
“Mikey can you go wake up everyone please? Not dad though don’t wake up dad.” You asked and he nodded before carefully and quietly running off to wake everyone else up.
You took this as your chance to get up and have a quick shower and change into some new clothes and change your bed sheets.
You was checking your phone when you saw Daniel messaged you but you doubled over and held onto your stomach, it felt like your uterus was trying to kill you.
“Ah oh my fucking god! You son of a bitch” you shouted in a whisper as you held onto your stomach.
You powered through your cramps making sure to get all your brothers to school first.
“Breakfast for you, you, you, you, you an- where’s Joey?” You asked when you reached his empty chair “he wouldn’t wake up” mikey and Ben said in unison, “I can wake him up” Wayne said and you smiled “it’s okay Wayne I’ll do it” you said.
“did you wake Tommy up?” You asked mikey and he shook his head as he chewed on his bacon.
You walked towards joeys room as you shook tommys bottle in your hands mixing the warm milk. Joey was lying on his bed with pillow covering his face. “I know you’re awake.”
“I don’t want to go.” he said into his pillow his speech muffled, “why?” You asked as you sat down next to him removing the pillow from his face.
“I don’t know.”
“Yes you do. Talk to me.” You said and he sighed as he sat up.
“I just- I don’t know- Sam’s been ignoring me and I don’t know why.” He admitted with a sad huff.
“Well I think you should go to school and ask him. Straight to his face and whatever he says I guarantee can be changed, explained or talked about.” You said and he nodded with a smile.
“Okay I will.”
“Alright c’mon then go eat your breakfast! Love you.” You said making him laugh.
“Love you too” he said as he left to go eat his breakfast.
You huffed as you got up from his bed “now to wake Tommy up….”
You leaned over the cot and gently lifted up Tommy resting him in your arms as he began to cry “I know I know..I know you hate wake up time, I do to.” You spoke softly as you fed him his bottle, his cries dying down.
You walked back to your brothers and they had all finished breakfast and surprisingly had all their school stuff ready, “get in the car please guys” you said and they all quickly got into your car. You had to buy a shitty seven seater car for your birthday since you couldn’t fit all your brothers in your dad’s car so you had to sell his.
“Can somebody give Tommy his dummy?” You asked as you looked in the mirror and smiled when you saw Ben carefully putting his dummy in his mouth.
“Thank you”
You tried to focus on the road as your cramps attacked you.
“Ah fuck” you whispered “that’s a bad word!” Mikey giggled as he pointed at you.
“I didn’t say a bad word! I said..duck” you said trying to save yourself and it somewhat worked.
“Yeah yeah.” Mikey said crossing his arms and sitting back in his car seat.
“Okay bye I love you!” You waved through the half rolled down car window, Joey and Wayne looked at you confused.
“You’re not coming?” Wayne asked and you shook your head.
“I’m in so much pain I can’t I’m calling in sick but ill pick you up okay” you said and he nodded, “Ibuprofen is in the cupboard” Wayne said and you smiled with a nod “okay thank you, I love you” you said as you began to drive off “love you too” he said before he you drove away.
“Where’s y/n going?” Joey asked wayne.
“She’s sick so she’s staying at home” Wayne said playing with the zip on his bag before walking off to meet up with his friends.
“Okay…” joey said confused.
- Daniel’s POV:
I leaned up against y/n’s locker waiting for her, she was supposed to be here ten minutes ago.
“Where’s y/n?” Ken asked as he walked up to me “I don’t know she was supposed to be here, she hasn’t even responded to my texts” I said and he frowned confused.
“Maybe she’s running late? She does have to take her brothers to school.”
“Nah she messaged me yesterday that she had to take her brothers extra early so she’d meet me here.” I explained and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I dunno but I’m sure she’s fine” ken said patting me on the chest but I didn’t let it go.
“Class is in 5 desario! Get your stuff together.” mr. Kowchevski warned as he walked down the hall.
“Wait Sir! Do you know where y/n is?” I asked him and he groaned.
“I’m not allowed to give out students information desario.”
“I’m her boyfriend” I huffed and he rolled his eyes at me
“Fine…can you at least tell me if she’s okay?”
“No desario, I already told you I can’t give out students personal information! Now get to class.”
I sighed as I looked at the clock again until I saw her brother Wayne putting his bag in his locker.
“Hey! Uh- Wayne where’s y/n?” I asked him leaning on the locker next to him.
“Why.” He muttered not even looking my way.
He is very overprotective of his sister I learned that the first day I met him and he took me aside and threatened me if I hurt her, obviously I wouldn’t but he still doesn’t like me that much.
“She uh- was supposed to meet me ten minutes ago” I said scratching the back of my neck trying to ease the tension.
“She’s sick. She’s not coming.” Wayne stated looking at me with an annoyed expression before walking away but i caught up with him.
“Wha- what do you mean she’s sick? What’s wrong with her?” I asked him trying to walk with him and he huffed “Stop. Just- look, she’s on her period okay? She’s having really bad cramps. Can I go now?” Wayne said and I nodded putting my hands up defensively and he sighed walking to class.
I quickly opened my locker and grabbed my bag “hey! what are you doing?” Ken asked me confused “I’m leaving.” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“Whatever dude, it’s your detention.”
“Yeah yeah I know that. See you later, make sure to get the notes for that test for me tho!” I said and he nodded with a fake smile before walking the opposite direction of me.
I drove to the shops to grab y/n some things, I walked in and looked around finding her favourite chocolate and snacks that part was easy. But then I got to the ‘women’s section’
“Heavy flow? Medium? Or light…?” I read out confused, “a diva cup? What is that…for tea?” I said to myself as I held the box confused.
“Do you need help?” A worker asked me and I nodded embarrassed. “Uh yeah- my girlfriend is on her period and i need to buy her some things..” I said and she nodded with a smile.
“How old is she?” She asked me and I was confused what did her age have anything to do with this?
“Uh- sixteen” I said and she nodded as she grabbed two boxes one blue and one purple.
“I remember her having purple in her bathroom” I said furrowing my eyebrows trying to remember, I took the purple box from her with a tight lipped awkward smile.
“Thanks” I said and she smiled, “Aw it’s fine, I’m sure your girlfriend will appreciate your efforts. Most men don’t even acknowledge periods” she said a pinch of angriness in her voice at the end.
“I’m not like that..she’s really something special” I said smiling as I thought about her. “Awh..well I hope you have a good day..here you go” the lady smiled as she handed me the full plastic bag. “You too, thank you” I said before leaving the shop.
I knocked on y/n’s door, leaning in the corner of the wall, I heard her mutter something annoyed before she opened the door. “I already said I don’t want your stupid Wi-Fi shit-“ she said as she opened the door, she looked awful. Her hair was messy, she had a hot water bottle on her lower stomach, her eyes were red and sore, her cheeks were puffy and her lips were a little swollen from crying.
But she still looked so beautiful. She looked real, So naturally beautiful. No makeup just her real beauty.
“Daniel? What are you doing here?” She cut me out of my thoughts, “I uh- Wayne told me it’s shark week” I laughed and she rolled her eyes angrily about to shut the door.
“Hey! Don’t shut the door! I was just kiddin” I grinned, she opened the door glaring at me.
“Why are you here?” She asked me again.
“Wayne told me it’s shark week” I laughed making her roll her eyes. “I’m really not in the mood for jokes Daniel i have to look after Tommy and my dads asleep an-“ I cut her off with a kiss and she smiled “I’m here to help…are you going to let me in now?” I asked and she rolled her eyes playfully as she opened the door wider to let me in.
“You go lay down. Give him to me” I said and she smiled as she handed Tommy to me carefully, he stared up at me with his big blue eyes, he’s one of the cutest babies I have ever seen in my whole life.
“Alright, you go lay down and I’ll heat up the hot water bottle” I said and she sighed in relief as she laid down on the sofa.
“Be quiet though because of-“
“Your dad I know, I know” I smirked and she rolled her eyes with a grin as she laid back down onto the sofa.
“Alright tommy, shh shh it’s okay” I whispered softly as I placed him into his cot for his nap.
- Your POV
“What’s in the bag?” You asked as you saw Daniel place it onto the table, “just some things for you” he smiled as he filled up your hot water bottle.
“Here you go baby” he said as he handed you the hot water bottle along with placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You hunched over in pain, “ah!” You hissed scrunching your face up in pain.
“Cramps?” He asked and you nodded not opening your eyes until the pain stopped. “Guess this is a good time to give you the stuff I bought” Daniel said as he hopped over the sofa and grabbed the bag.
“Right…i got you your favourite…strawberry pencils and the fizzy ones!” He said as he grabbed them both handing them to you, you gasped making him smirk “you know me so well…” you said opening them.
“And I got crisps..a dvd of Goonies and I also got you some period thingies” Daniel said making you laugh at the end.
“How did you know what ones to get?” You asked and he got all flustered. “I uh- I remembered seeing purple ones in your bathroom and one of the ladies at the shop helped me a little” he admitted making you giggle.
“I love you so so so so much” you giggled kissing him all over his face making him laugh.
“Oh and last but not least I got…chocolate!” He grinned holding it up and you gasped happily as you snatched it off of him quickly opening it and eating a piece.
“I love you so much Daniel, thank you” you smiled as you gave him a hug and another kiss on the cheek.
Daniel put the dvd in and grabbed your duvet cover from your bed and threw it on the sofa along with your pillows,
“Comfy?” He asked as he looked down at you, squashed between the sofa and pillows “yup” you said popping the p.
He climbed in with you and you laid on top of him, your leg hiked up to ease your cramps and your hot water bottle perfectly on your lower stomach, burning in the perfect way.
Daniel smiled when he felt your breathing slow and when he heard your small snores, he looked down and smiled at your face squashed on his chest. He placed a kiss on your head before watching the tv again. He bared through the pain of the scorching hot water bottle on his stomach, after all he’d have them all over his body as long as it eased your pain.
He was sweating though and had to pull the cover off of him but you was still knocked out and happy.
Until…you woke up from a sharp pain in your abdomen, it felt like someone punched you as hard as they possibly could multiple times.
You groaned out in pain catching Daniel’s attention “you okay?” He asked worriedly and you shook your head. “Ahh no it hurts so fuckin bad” you bit on your lip to distract yourself from the pain but it didn’t work.
“Here drink this” Daniel said as he handed you some water, “you sure you don’t want to have a tablet?” He asked and you shook your head “no. I’ll have one if it gets worse”
“Alright your decision” he said as he moved the hot water bottle directly on where you was holding your stomach. The pressure slowly went and the pain stopped and you sighed in relief.
“Are you good?” He asked and you nodded into his chest, snuggling your face into his neck.
“I love you” you said and he smiled looking down at your snuggled up form on top of him “I love you too” he replied and not minutes later was when Tommy woke up and began crying.
“Ugh” you groaned as you was about to get up but daniel stopped you, “I’ll get him don’t worry, just go back to sleep” he said giving you a kiss on the head and you smiled at him as you laid back down.
He got up and quickly went over to his cot, “sh sh..uh right your bottle…ah! There it is” he spoke to himself as he rocked Tommy in his arms and fed him his bottle.
“Hold his head higher” i said softly as I watched him feed him, “you’re such a softie.” I teased and he rolled his eyes at me.
“Whatever.” He said moodily making me laugh.
“You hungry?” I asked and he nodded “I think that hot water bottle burnt my stomach” he half-joked as he rested Tommy on his chest in his arms.
“Why aren’t you at school?” My dad asked making us both jump as he stood against the wall with his arms crossed.
“God! Dad you scared me! Why are you out of bed!”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“School finished early, today’s a half day.” I said and he nodded “so why’s he here?” He asked and daniel tucked his lips in an awkward smile.
“He came over to hang out..now why aren’t you in bed? you know your arthritis-” I asked and he rolled his eyes.
“I’ll go to bed later I just wanted to watch a film thas’ all” he cut me off giving me a kiss on the head before rolling a fag and smoking it outside.
“You promise your fine.”
“I swear I’m alright.” He said as he took a puff from his fag before chucking it on the ground and stepping on it.
“Now move over so I can put my show on.” He grinned as he shoved me jokingly, making me giggle.
We watched his show with him, daniel cuddled me in the corner of the sofa and my dad took Tommy off of him, cuddling with him on his side of the sofa.
“I better go pick my demonic brothers up.” I sighed as I got up and my dad gave daniel a look behind my back, gesturing for him to go with me.
Daniel knotted his brows confused until he got what he meant “I’ll go with you..” he said and I smiled “really?”
“Yeah as long as that’s okay with Mr.Kelly?” Daniel grinned and my dad rolled his eyes “don’t call me that. And yes it’s fine you can leave now…shitheads” my dad laughed and I jokingly hit him on the back of his head before leaving with daniel.
Daniel rested his hand on my thigh as he played a game on his phone, “which brother are we getting first?” He asked and I giggled.
“Uh- your favourite actually” I smirked and he gasped “Mikey?” He said and I nodded laughing as I pulled over outside his school.
“C’mon princess let’s go” I teased as I got out the car
“Don’t call me that” he warned half jokingly as he took my hand in his, swaying them as we walked to his classroom door.
“Hey y/n! Mikey! Your sisters here!” The teacher smiled and mikey came toddling out with his bag and a piece of paper, he gasped when he saw daniel making us both laugh.
Daniel bent down with his arms wide open “Danny!” He exclaimed as he threw himself into his arms. “Mikey!” He cheered as he wrapped him up in a hug.
“Alright hugs over, we gotta go get the others.” I smiled and mikey nodded with a giggle as daniel rolled his eyes.
“Fineee” daniel teased as he took mikeys hand in his.
“Hey uh y/n? I don’t know how to do this…” Daniel said confused as he tried to connect mikeys car seat straps. I laughed when I saw mikeys uncomfortable face.
“Move over I’ll do it” I laughed as I connected the seatbelt with ease.
“You stupid” mikey laughed pointing to daniel.
“Hey! I’m not stupid you little-“ Daniel cut himself off as he tickled mikey making him squeal a laugh. “Stop! Stop! Noo! HAHHAHA” he screamed laughing so hard his cheeks hurt.
“I sorry! I sorry!” He surrendered and daniel stopped tickling him with a smirk.
“Right…now ben…” I said as I got out the car.
“You stay here with mikey” I said and he nodded.
Once I got Ben he hopped in the car and smiled when he saw Daniel “why are you here?” He asked confused and daniel faked an offended gasp making him laugh.
“Ben look what I made!” Mikey showed him his picture of your family, you, him, Ben, Joey, Carl and Wayne and both your parents. “Wow! It’s amazing mikey” he smiled and mikey nodded in pride.
“Right now for my favourites….” You said sarcastically as you parked in the school car park and waited for your three brothers.
“Wayne hates me.” Daniel complained and you grinned
“He doesn’t hate you he just doesn’t trust you.” I corrected him and he rolled his eyes at me as he looked out the window to see Wayne there who was not happy…
Wayne glared at daniel as he walked to the car and opened the car door, he got in the car without a word. You was about to speak up when Carl and Joey got in the car too.
“So how was school?” You asked and Carl smirked “I got in a fight” he said and you shook your head.
“You can’t keep getting in fights Carl!” You said sternly “i didn’t start it!” He defended himself and you gave him raised an eyebrow at him and he looks at you honestly.
“Alright well apart from that then how was school?” You asked and he nodded “it was good.”
“What about you Joey? You and Sam okay?” I asked and I heard him sigh.
“I chickened out” joey said reluctantly when he saw you frown, “pussy” carl mumbled and Joey glared at him
“Shut up Carl” Joey yelled
Joey poked his tongue out at Carl causing a small fight. They began pushing each other “hey! don’t touch my drawing!” Mikey argued as he pushed himself into the corner of his car seat as far away from them as he could, Joey hit carl on the arm harder “Hey you little shit!” Carl yelled as he hit him back harder “No fighting in the car! You guys!” You shouted and they finally stopped after sticking out tongues again.
Daniel couldn’t help but laugh at the drama all happening at once.
“So…” daniel said awkwardly
“Oh yeah! Here you go daniel I have those things you asked for-“ Carl said as he went to grab something from out his bag but Daniel stopped him in a panic.
You looked at him confused “what things?” You asked and Carl looked at you both not knowing what to do…does he open his bag or?-
“The pornos he wanted.” Carl rubbed the back of his neck and tucked in his lip trying to hide his grin when he saw Daniel face to bright pink.
“Is that it? I thought it was going to be weed or-“
“What’s weed?” Mikey asked and you paused “it’s uh- just a flower!” You said saving yourself.
“How do you know what weed is?” Carl asked smirking and you smirked back.
“From uncle Dom…how did you get those pornos?” You snapped back and he widened his eyes.
“Exactly.” You smirked and daniel,Ben,Joey and mikey all laughed even Wayne.
“You got done!” Joey said dying of laughter.
“Shut up Joey!” Carl flipped him off and you rolled your eyes “no swearing at each other!”
“These drives are the highlight of my week” daniel chuckled and you shook your head laughing.
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teddypickerry · 2 years
( emmie's order )
I SHIP YOU WITH ... nick andropolis
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opposites attract
nick's best friend, daniel, had been going
out with your best friend for a bit now. a
few times = enough time to have her at
the smoking pad with the rest of the freaks
every free period (and most on periods).
although you spent most of your time
with her and lindsay, you decided you
missed her and wanted to hangout
with her.
so one day before school you found her
with daniel, ken, and nick by her locker.
the first thing you noticed was nick's drum
sticks tapping alongside the blue painted
lockers — that and daniels typical PDA.
nick was the first to see you, smiling at
you which caught the attention of your
best friend. who so quickly invited you
to nick's basement after school for
"band rehearsal."
but before you could even respond, kim
kelly was quick to come by with her ugly
goons. trying to make a joke about how
the sweet little school girl in a sundress
was trying to be a 'cool kid.' daniel made
a kick at her being on her period while your
best friend was sure to stick up for you.
that's when nick gave you a sympathetic
smile and apologized on kim's behalf.
... maybe the freaks weren't so bad.
+ nicks not a reader... that's obvious.
but he doesn't mind you reading to him
cuddled on his basement couch (which
danny & ken make fun of him for)
+ the moment he found out you liked bowie
he was kind of sold. he talked to you about
music for probably the rest of the night.
+ "you're like the only person who's ever
gotten what i'm feeling, man... you know?"
+ stoner bf reader gf
+ nick definitely doesn't let ken and
daniel shit on you... BUT you finally start
to get their humor and start roasting them
too. which they LOVE! and you immediately
become their favorite girlfriend of nick's.
+ nick starts to secretly listen to abba
bc of you and you catch him dancing
in his underwear to it BAHAHAH
+ defo falls asleep when you make him
watch romcoms but it's okay bc he's
vvvv cute <3
( @starsandsaturns )
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caseyrussell · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Casey Kennedy Russell
AGE: 20
BIRTHDATE: [tbd while Ella looks for a date in april that will give this man his astrological placements... bear with me x]
GENDER: Cis man
OCCUPATION: College student, prospective internship at HAH
POSITIVE TRAITS: dauntless, outgoing, protective, adaptable, passionate, direct, resilient, compassionate, loving, caring, fun loving
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  impulsive, impatient, brooding, reckless, secretive, cynical, hotheaded, adaptable, defensive, stubborn
ASTROLOGICAL PLACEMENTS: Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Pisces rising, Taurus mercury, Pisces mars, Aries venus (yes, that one earth placement is clinging on for dear life) 
INSPIRATION: [John Bender (The Breakfast Club), Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle), Sirius Black (Harry Potter), James Cook (Skins), Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls), Han Solo (Star Wars), Daniel Desario (Freaks and Geeks), Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights), Marianne Sheridan (Normal People)]
Biography (tw child abuse/child neglect)
It feels like a life borrowed from someone else a lot of the time. Like watching yourself from the outside in as the movie plays before you. Life led as if it's a chair whose occupant had recently left - the uncertainty of when they might come back and take it away at any moment. Or at least, that's how it would feel when Casey grew old enough to understand his feelings beyond the confusion, sadness and loneliness that would tug in his gut no matter how busy their house was. With a name borrowed from two men greater than he, perhaps it was set in stone from day one that he'd settle nicely between his two brothers. Slap bang in the middle (although there's never a complaint, Ronnie and Noah have always been two of the better things going on in his life).
It wasn't as if Mila Russell ever gave the impression she wanted kids. In fact, from the way Ronnie often felt like more of a parent than his mother - Casey would argue that they were all just something that kind of happened to her rather than the kind of wish mothers made in Disney movies. Or whatever the Cabbage Patch dolls origin story tried to sell. Mr. Russell didn't give much of an impression at all; out the door when Casey's just about old enough to nag Ronnie for answers and imagine what their male 'role model' may be up to.
And it's fantastical. In the way children's imaginations often are, the ideas are farfetched. Ideas of him travelling and collecting stories, contributing to world peace... saving people from burning buildings and cats from up trees. To a little boy who had a mischievious grin and was otherwise told he had too much energy, the fantastical tales of what his 'dad' may be up to got Casey through his earliest school days. Your dad's an accountant? Well, my dad sang with John Lennon'. He never says it's in his dreams. Mr. Russell is a hero to everyone in his imagination. Everyone except for Casey who had longed for a parental figure at parents' nights without ever really knowing. For the kind of stability that he saw his friends have at school and that his mother's latest fling wasn't providing.
He'd picked up a bass that a fling had left behind at some point and that was the new story. Mr. Russell - had to leave at the drop of the hat as the Stones requested him as their understudy bassist. It didn't matter then that Casey didn't even know the name of the instrument in his hands. It was about vision.
It would have been easier if Mr. Russell had remained a dream. Casey could have handled the arguments with his mother's boyfriends or the tension in their house if he'd still had a hope that somewhere out there, an adult in his family was good. But, as he'd come to accept, that just wasn't life. Not black and white. Because Mr. Russell comes back and he makes sure all of them know he's returned, too. It's not even the bruises or the gashes that happen subsequently that hurt most - it's the thought that they'd been abandoned because a man loved liquor more than he loved them. And it leaves a confused ache in Casey's bones that he's not sure has ever fully shifted (only lifted slightly by Elaine and then Zahra). But it's more than that too. Because where the hurt glazes over, and the tear stains dry on pillows, it leaves something deeper in his chest. Anger. As intense as he's ever felt it.
Which might just be Casey in a nutshell. Intensity in every emotion that rips through him and takes control. He's the loud guffaw at the back of the car on a long journey when the silence is a bit too loud, the excessive tap to a back and riproaring cheer at a friend's success, and the need to replace nights spent crying into a pillow with sources of entertainment by any means necessary. It's all or nothing.
Of course, over time, the intense feeling of anger died to a duller feeling of resentment and cynicism that carried him forward through high school. Faded into the biting remark that would chip away at one of his mother's new flings or the need to stand up to Mr. Russell on behalf of either of his brothers. It would have been easier to ignore them entirely. Perhaps take solace in the fact that in a few years, Ronnie would be eighteen and could save them all from it. But Casey has never been known to take the easy way out of anything. Driven solely by his heart and not guided by his head. If no adult would stand up against his demons and fight for him - he'd do it himself; craft stories out of the bruises that sounded fantastical and make himself a hero. Still would. Even if, somewhere in the midst of hearing criticisms and remarks, he wasn't so sure he was worth fighting for. (He still isn't).
High school was mainly just another way to act out. Stupid rules and stupid social hierarchies. Somewhere... however... the want to escape from the bubble that was Cherry rose up in between wanting to actually be someone Elaine would want to be with and crafting himself into what his richer friends seemed to be granted naturally. The kind of person that his friend's father, Harvard Hargrove II seemed to be - poised, put together... being able to command effortless respect (aside from the capitalism). Of course, in Casey's eyes, this also meant needing to be twice as good as his best friend - Harvey.
It fails in many ways. He fails in many more and it takes the next two years after high school just to scramble together the pieces in an attempt to put them back together again while hoping behind a scowl that no-one would notice. He thinks he's just about holding together now - somehow. There's less nights spent chugging away at a bottle and asking people to dare him to do something careless. There's a lot less hoping he leaves the world rather than just the town borders... although he'd still take leaving town in an amazing blaze of glory any day and leaving his mark. But for now, he'll handle it. He somehow always manages to anyway.
Massive Led Zeppelin fan. He has three tattoos behind his left ear of the symbols from their fourth album and hopes to be able to get the full four eventually!
Adores animals. Is the guy at a party who purposely seeks out ur dog just to scratch them behind the ears. Would happily petsit for anyone in the gang and probably has, like, a crap ton of polaroid pictures of himself with Rex Russell. 
Very much a follower of the ‘here for a good time, not a long time’ mantra. 
Loves ABBA an ungodly amount but hides all of their records in inconspicuous sleeves. If you see two copies of 'London Calling' in his house? One copy is ABBA gold.
Rides a secondhand motorcycle that backfires far too often and really should probably be scrapped but he’s ~nostalgic~ and loves it anyway. 
Used to play soccer in high school but was asked ‘politely’ to leave the team after being constantly red carded for trying to start fights with the other team. He still kicks around a soccer ball every now and then and will happily talk your ear off about his (not so lowkey) crush on Diego Maradona. 'Did you see him at the 1982 World Cup? No? Want to watch the highlights I recorded on VHS?".
He has a map of the world taped to his wall covered by... another map of the world taped on the wall! The old one is ripped at every corner from where he has almost torn it down in a fit of rage, and yet it stays. It serves as a reminder that there’s more to life than just Cherry where everything seems impossible.
Loves a microwave meal. For the longest time, they were the only thing he really knew how to make so he’s learnt how to spruce them up a little. Nowadays, his cooking abilities don't extend much beyond this rip.
Adoooores Albert Camus and existentialist philosophy. Yes, he does want to understand the meaning of life because really,,,, what the fuck.
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secretaccountlol · 10 months
i was wondering if you could do popular cheerlader Jennifer check oc x daniel desario but they are kinda like love hate reletionship like but their is sexul tension nsfw
I’m so sorry babe.. idk who those ppl are..
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monstersslut · 4 years
My opinion on Freaks & Geeks
I just finished the TV show, “Freaks and Geeks,” and not only am I super disappointed that they ended the show on the first season, buuut also that LINDSAY AND DANIEL NEVER GOT TOGETHER. 
Call me weird, buuut I’ve been shipping them since she liked him. Plus, the whole good girl x bad boy trope is a weakness of mine. 
Also also, if they did get together, I feel like they would’ve been good for each other. Lindsay would help Daniel want to do better in school, and Daniel would help her loosen up. 
Plus, they give me Hyde x Jackie energy, which is a ship that I also love. Plus, I don’t like Kim x Daniel together, not only because they’re so toxic, but they literally remind me of my first love/ex guy best friend and his crazy ex who were also on and off repeatedly, among other similarities. 
(Now that they’re broken up, I hear they’re still involved somehow by her calling him up every time a new partner realizes she’s crazy and leaves her for it. I just hope to God she’s come to realize she needs to stop trying to string him along, cuz the poor guy wasn’t over her for two years after their last breakup.)
Lindsay and Daniel should’ve been canon. I said what I said. :)
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Reunited | Sam Weir x reader
Requested Prompt: You and Sam used to be best friends when you were 14, but you had to move because of your father's job. Four years later your parents decide to have a reunion dinner with the Weir family. Sam pov I looked up from my book when I heard the doorbell ring. The ringing was followed by Mom happily running to open the door. "Oh it's so great to see you guys again. Y/n, I almost didn't recognise you! You're such a beautiful young woman." I heard mom say. My heart raced as I prepare myself to go downstairs. It had been four years since I last saw Y/n, I used to have the biggest crush on her. To be honest it hasn't changed a lot. My jaw dropped when I saw my childhood best friend. She's always been pretty, but the sight of her now was just breathtaking. "Sam! I'm so glad to see you again." She exclaimed, flinging her arms around my neck. I awkwardly hugged her back, taking in her sweet scent. "I'm h-happy to see y-you too." My cheeks turned pink as I cursed myself for stuttering. "Y/n!" Lindsay interrupted us. "I missed you so much! The guys will be so happy to see you again, Nick especially." I'd always known about Nick's crush on Y/n, I just wished it wasn't true. "How about you kids go out for a walk while I finish dinner?" We had been walking for ten minutes when a car pulled up next to us. "Hey, Y/n. I heard you were back in town." Daniel Desario said, sticking his head out the window. "Yeah, we're probably gonna move back here." The sound of this made my heart skip a beat. There was a chance she'd stay here, with me. "How about you and Lindsay come take a ride with us?" Nick yelled, obviously not mentioning me. Lindsay was already running to the car, but Y/n didn't move. "I'm just gonna stay here with Sam." I looked down at her, a confused look on my face. She turned towards me as the car sped off. "You didn't have to stay with me. You could have gone with them." "I could've, but I don't want to." "How is staying with me better than hanging out with your friends." I felt pathetic but I just didn't understand why she would want to hang out with me. "You're my friend, Sam. And right now, I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." A slight smile played on my lips as I played her words over again in my head. Without noticing it I had started to lean in. Our lips were only millimetres apart, my heart was racing. I was about to close the distance when a car honked. "Aw come on, Daniel. They were about to kiss, you ruined the moment." My sister yelled. Apparently they had turned the car around when we weren't paying attention. "I told you they liked each other." Kim said laughing. Y/n covered her flushed face with her hands, hiding in my chest. I happily wrapped my arms around her small frame. "Don't mind them, they'll go away eventually." I smiled as she peeked through her fingers. "Too late, the moment has already been ruined." She said giggling. "How about we create an other moment? Let's say a pick nick tomorrow evening so we can watch the stars together?" "I'd like that." I pulled her into me again, resting my head on hers. *at the dinner table* "So would you like to come over for diner tomorrow too?" Mom asked. "I can't," Y/n said. "Sam and I are having a pick nick." Mom smiled happily, whispering an 'I knew it' under her breath. "I used to have a friend who went on pick nicks." Dad started. "You know where he is now? He's dead." A/n soooo sorry for the long wait. I'm drowning in schoolwork. Anyway, I hope you liked it :)
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