#daniel avidan x reader
munsonmuses · 2 years
Warm Cup Of Comfort (Dan Avidan x Reader)
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Hi my lovelies! So I’ve been writing on AO3, and thought I’d add a little bit of free writing here
About the fic: gender neutral reader, you’re a barista (because of Dan’s affinity for coffee), you’re in your mid twenties so it is an age gap relationship
Warnings: none that I know off
Scrubbing the stubborn coffee rings off the pickup counter, you huffed, bracing yourself on the lip of the surface while scrubbing as hard as you possibly could, the ring soon coming up as you silently celebrated the defeat of the stain.
Working in a smaller coffee shop was fun, in Glendale. Had more liberty with coffee options and decor, even having a sweet little coffee shop cat who’d been rescued from the back alleyway that guests seemed to really enjoy.
Muffins padded over to you, squeaking with each step she took as you pet her gently, the senior cat loving the warmth provided to her by the adoring fans that were the coffee shop regulars.
Heading to the door and flipping the open sign over, fixing the bow you’d tied on your apron and sighing lightly as you got to work. Having regulars was convenient, meaning you could prep all their coffee at once and they’d come right on time.
The door squeaked as it opened, and there he was. A regular your become pretty fond of. He’d introduced himself as Danny, the first time you’d ever met him. And the next time, as Dan. With the year and a half he kept coming in, you learned about the life he led. He was a content creator, and a musician. He had a sweet dog named Camilla, and he had OCD that was a longtime leftover of an illness from when he was younger.
He took wide strides to the counter as he grinned to himself lightly. Carefully pulling out his wallet as you shook your head, dismissing him lightly and nodding.
“No Daniel, you’re not paying for this. You always pay and tip a ridiculous amount and it’s insane. I mean, I don’t know how much you get paid, for the YouTube work and the music, but I do know that you’re overly generous.” You explained
And Dan just smiled, a warm smile that was kinda lopsided, the wrinkles in his face moving with it to show that his genuine joy had simply shaped and changed how he looked.
“I mean you work hard, and you make what I like, and you bake that cool bread that’s all spongy and I can dip it in my coffee,” he explained as he hummed lightly to himself. Carefully taking his coffee and his milk bread. He was gentle with it, as if he’d squish the slice into a little ball of bread if he was too rough.
You shrugged softly as you paid for it yourself, carefully giving him the coffee for his coworker as you ring it up, the register making a loud ding as Muffins raced over and you laughed, watching as she leapt on top of the counter to greet Daniel. Who’d become fond of the cat as he laughed softly, setting everything down to pet her.
“Have you ever noticed, how you take care of people so often? Like this cat was living outside. And you make sure you’ve got the right orders, and that you’ve got a friendly environment for everyone to enjoy. I’ve seen you bake extra to take to that shelter up the block,” he rubbed behind muffins ears, before looking you in the eyes. “You’re a good person…” he said softly, almost as if it were some secret only the two of you should know.
He slowly opened his wallet again as you went to stop him, him laughing as he scooted himself away a bit before shoving a wad of paper inside your tip jar as you sighed lightly.
Dan carefully picked up his coffees and snacks before heading out with a soft hum and nodding lightly.
You pulled the wad out of the tip jar as you carefully smoothed it out. His phone number written down with ‘call me?’ Scrawled messily under it.
For the first time, this was a tip you really did want.
Towards the end of your shift, you carefully flipped the chairs up and onto the tables, making sure that it didn’t thud too hard. Not wanting to damage any of the kitschy decor you’d carefully accumulated over the years.
Hearing the front door squeak open, you turned around carefully. “Welcome in! How can I help-…you?” You smiled up at him, as he sheepishly padded in, carrying a plastic to-go bag, a slight sheen of moisture on the plastic as he set it on the counter.
“I was waiting for you to text or call, then I realized you were probably working. Which then led me to realize you probably hadn’t eaten or drank anything that wasn’t coffee so I thought I’d bring you dinner?” He rubbed the back of his neck carefully as you smiled lightly, undoing your apron and flipping the closed sign over as you nodded.
“And I got like a little side of uh, tuna? In a can, from a store nearby for muffins, thought he’d appreciate it?” He was pink in the face, it was apparent he was trying really hard.
“I’m sure SHE would appreciate those, it’s like a sweet meal for her.” You promised as you carefully took the tin from the bag and opened it carefully. The large cat shooting up from the cat bed in the corner and rapidly racing over to take it as she basically shoved her face into the cab.
Dan watched with a smile, petting her back as he sighed lightly. “She’s kind of a fat cat you know?” He observed as you scoffed lightly, putting the foods onto plates from the counter as you set them on a table in the corner that you hadn’t put the chairs back up on just yet, Dan following quietly.
“I’ve been flirting for the past six months,” he confessed as he slowly sat down, his legs barely fit under the table as you laughed softly.
“No, you’re kidding! I’ve been trying to hint at you for like six months, i doodled hearts on your cup!” You commented as he laughed loudly, throwing his head back and leaning. It was cute, how he let his joy move his body in any way that it saw fit. “I thought that was like, just a special cup, I guess? I dunno all your to go cups have cute designs so I just assumed?” He explained through his fit of giggles, which was pretty amusing as you picked through your pasta carefully, humming lightly to yourself.
“I just, I thought you weren’t interested.” He explained as you shook your head. “I mean I’m in my forties, it might’ve come off as creepy…” he whispered as you gently smacked his shoulder.
“I think you’re great Daniel, I thought you’d turned me down because I was too young!” You confessed as he shook his head lightly.
“Funny thing is, communist saying ‘do you wanna go on a date with me’ would’ve fixed all of that.” He lamented as you smiled, taking his hand from across the table.
“Hey Daniel, mister dark roast with dairy free creamer and light sugar? Would you go on a date with me?”
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blytheandherbrain · 7 years
Spin That Bottle! (DannyAvidanxReader)
Notes: Keep in mind that this one-shot was written back when I had first started writing, so it’s probably pretty bad, but I have wanted to transfer these from Wattpad to Tumblr for a long time now. ~these things~ are pretty stupid, but don’t worry, they’ll be gone soon. Y/N- your name C/N- crushes name
Request: None/From My Own Brain
Summary: You and Dan go to a party with your peers, trying to get you to tell your crush your feelings. However, time nears the morning, and you still haven’t told, causing Danny to start a game of Spin the Bottle. When your crush spins and lands on you, he refuses, prompting Danny to, yet again, take matters into his own hands.
Word Count: 500+
Your P.O.V. (Second Person)
Looking at yourself in the mirror for the seventh time in the past ten minutes, you wiped your slightly sweaty hands on your pants. "You look just fine!" Danny noted, seeing how nervous you were.
Sighing, you responded. "Dan, what if he doesn't talk to me? You know I've had this crush for, like, over a year already!"
"Yeah, I know." He sounded a little disappointed, but you decided to ignore it. "Again, you look gorgeous, if he turns you down, it's his loss."
You couldn't help smiling a little. "I guess you're right. I'm just overreacting."
Taking a deep breath, you looked at yourself once more and said you're ready to go. Danny jumped excitedly. Bumping his head on your ceiling in the process. You both left the house laughing your heads off.
~Woop Woop! Party skip!~
Looking at the clock, you noticed it was already 3:17 a.m. You've been here since 10, and still haven't told C/N that you liked him. Dan noticed as well, and patted your head, giving you a small smile. "Hey guys, wanna play Spin The Bottle?" He yelled to everyone.
You heard cheers from some, as well as groans. Many continued dancing and talking, but a handful of people sat in the circle, including C/N. "I'll spin first," your friend Sammy offered.
After a couple rounds, it was your crushes turn to spin. Your heart started beating quicker and quicker, until it seemed to have stopped. The bottle was facing towards you. Looking up in disbelief, you locked eyes with C/N. "Uh, no thanks," he retorted.
There were quite a few snickers as you felt your heart plummet all the way down to your toes. Blinking and looking down to hold back tears, you heard Dan speak up. "Fine, I guess I'll kiss her then."
Your head shot up at his statement, and your lips connected. It was a short, sweet kiss, but it left you wanting more. This... this felt right, like you were meant to be like this forever.
The rest of the game, you couldn't get your mind off of Danny and that kiss. You could also see a slight pink hue on his cheeks every time you glanced over at him.
~Timmity-time skip to after le party~
Walking in awkward silence to Danny's car, after the party was over, you made a small cough, causing Dan to look over at you. "So, uhm, what... what was that back there?" You motioned back at the house.
"Oh uh, I've just really wanted to do that for a while now," he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well, I certainly enjoyed it!" You giggled.
He slowly lifted his head, as if he didn't think he heard you correctly. Seeing as you were serious, he picked your giggling self up and spun you around. As he set you back on the ground, you jumped up and pecked his lips, teasing him. "C'mon Y/N," he pouted, "I don't get more for being a hero?"
"Mmmm, maybe later," you responded, skipping the rest of the way to Dan's car.
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325575 · 7 years
Want more
Ok soooooooooo I have a little problem................I want more Daniel Avidan x reader stories but when I look it up I have read all the ones that have shown up on there and it is driving me a little crazy. Because the guy is so funny and cute and not to mention sexy as fuck(like why wouldn’t you write about him😫😫😫) and trust me if I could write well enough I would bang out stories about him left and right, but I don’t write well enough so I am going to leave it to the professionals. But yeah in conclusion people need to write stories about cause he is too sexy and cute not to.
P.S I hope that wasn’t to rude or comes of that I was just reliving some pent up emotions about not being able to read stories (x readers to be exact) about him.
Like look at this guy..............
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mellowsobri · 7 years
hi hi hi so this is going to be one of those posts that are updated from time to time.
!! this is long as fuck !!
if you send in a request, be sure to at least briefly give a prompt. for example, if i get a request that says “draco x reader please” i will delete it. instead, consider asking “draco x reader where they (etc)” instead.
here are the general fandoms i accept requests for. bolding indicates i am currently enthusiastic about it which means it’ll most likely be released a lot sooner.
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
Be More Chill
Dear Evan Hansen
Alexander Hamilton
Stranger Things
It (2017)
Law and Order SVU
Mystic Messenger
Camp Camp
RPF (i will list them later)
here are some of the characters i write for. bolding indicates i am comfortable with my ability to write them / like writing them. italicizing indicates i am not fully comfortably in my ability to write them, but i will still try (might not be that great tho). an asterisk (*) indicates that they are definitely one of my all time favorite characters and i fucking love them.
(note: just because a specific character isn't listed doesn't mean i won't write for them)
Harry Potter  (Harry Potter)
*Ron Weasley  (Harry Potter)
Hermione Granger  (Harry Potter)
*Draco Malfoy  (Harry Potter)
*Neville Longbottom  (Harry Potter)
Fred Weasley  (Harry Potter)
George Weasley  (Harry Potter)
Oliver Wood  (Harry Potter)
Cedric Diggory  (Harry Potter)
Sirius Black  (Harry Potter)
Remus Lupin  (Harry Potter)
James Potter  (Harry Potter)
Newt Scamander  (Fantastic Beasts)
Tina Goldstien  (Fantastic Beasts)
Queenie Goldstien  (Fantastic Beasts)
Jacob Kowalski  (Fantastic Beasts)
*Credence Barebone  (Fantastic Beasts)
Jeremey Heere  (Be More Chill)
*Michael Mell  (Be More Chill)
Rich Goranski  (Be More Chill)
Jake Dillinger  (Be More Chill)
Christine Canigula  (Be More Chill)
*Brooke Lohst  (Be More Chill)
Chloe Valentine  (Be More Chill)
Evan Hansen  (Dear Evan Hansen)
Jared Kleinman  (Dear Evan Hansen)
Connor Murphy  (Dear Evan Hansen)
Alexander Hamilton  (Alexander Hamilton)
John Laurens  (Alexander Hamilton)
Marquis De Lafayette  (Alexander Hamilton)
Hercules Mulligan  (Alexander Hamilton)
Thomas Jefferson  (Alexander Hamilton)
James Madison  (Alexander Hamilton)
Aaron Burr  (Alexander Hamilton)
George Washington  (Alexander Hamilton)
*Charles Lee  (Alexander Hamilton)
Phillip Hamilton  (Alexander Hamilton)
Angelica Schuyler  (Alexander Hamilton)
Eliza Schuyler  (Alexander Hamilton)
Peggy Schuyler  (Alexander Hamilton)
Will Byers  (Stranger Things)
Mike Wheeler  (Stranger Things)
*Dustin Henderson  (Stranger Things)
Lucas Sinclair  (Stranger Things)
Eleven/Jane Hopper  (Stranger Things)
Max Mayfield  (Stranger Things)
Steve Harrington  (Stranger Things)
Billy Hargrove  (Stranger Things)
Johathan Byers  (Stranger Things)
Billy Denbrough  (It 2017)
Ben Hanscom  (It 2017)
*Stan Uris  (It 2017)
*Richie Toizer  (It 2017)
Eddie Kaspbrack  (It 2017)
Mike Hanlon  (It 2017)
*Beverly Marsh  (It 2017)
(i’m not writing for pennywise)
Sonny Carisi (SVU)
Rafael Barba (SVU)
707/Saeyoung Choi  (Mystic Messenger) 
Jumin Han  (Mystic Messenger) 
*Yoosung Kim  (Mystic Messenger) 
*Zen/Ryu  (Mystic Messenger) 
Jahee Kang  (Mystic Messenger) 
Unknown/Saeran Choi  (Mystic Messenger) 
V  (Mystic Messenger) 
Aradia Medigo  (Homestuck) 
*Tavros Nitram  (Homestuck) 
Sollux Captor  (Homestuck) 
Karkat Vantas  (Homestuck) 
*Nepeta Leijon  (Homestuck) 
Kanaya Maryam  (Homestuck) 
Terezi Pyrope  (Homestuck) 
Vriska Serket  (Homestuck) 
*Equius Zahhak  (Homestuck) 
Gamzee Makara  (Homestuck) 
*Eridan Ampora  (Homestuck) 
*Feferi Peixes  (Homestuck) 
*John Egbert  (Homestuck) 
Rose Lalonde  (Homestuck) 
Dave Strider  (Homestuck) 
Jade Harley  (Homestuck) 
Jane Crocker  (Homestuck) 
*Roxy Lalonde  (Homestuck) 
Dirk Strider  (Homestuck) 
Jake English  (Homestuck) 
David  (Camp Camp)
Gwen  (Camp Camp)
Daniel Howell  (RPF)
Phil Lester  (RPF)
Mark Fischbach  (RPF)
Dan Avidan  (RPF)
Lin Manuel Miranda  (RPF)
Anthony Ramos  (RPF)
Daveed Diggs  (RPF)
Oak Onaodowan  (RPF)
Jon Rua  (RPF)
here are some AU’s/Tropes/Soulmate AU’s that i enjoy writing (which means you should definitely consider requesting a character with these)
Modern AU’s
High School AU’s (to soothe the fact that real high school is shitty)
Fairytale AU’s
“We we're accidentally college roommates” Trope
“We met at a coffee shop” Trope
“Unrequited love” Trope
“I caught you cheating” Trope
“The hot new student” Trope
“Our friends have to set us up because we’re too scared to talk to each other” Trope
“Our friends intentionally flirted with you so I’d tell you my feelings” Trope
“You're my childhood friend that got hot” Trope
“Whatever your soulmate writes on themselves it appears on your arm as well” Soulmate AU
“Tally mark” AU
“Meeting your soulmate in your dreams” AU
“If you throw a paper plane it will always make it to your soulmate” AU
“The pain you feel, your soulmate can also feel” AU
“You can communicate with your soulmate in your head” AU
“Your chest glows whenever your soulmate gets closer” AU
“Plants grow from the injuries your soulmate has” AU
thanks. this was long. send in requests.
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phoenix-stfu-blog · 7 years
Title? Neutral Chaptered? sADLY NO Gendered? it's female at first Word Count? i dIDNT CHECK FEEL FREE TO YELL AT ME Fandom? Game Grumps Danny x agender!reader You stare yourself down in the dirty, gloomy mirror. The mirror that mocks you everyday. 'You will always be one gender. ALWAYS. There are only two. There's no in between.' People may say you're crazy, for saying a mirror teases you. You can't deny it though. You grabbed an old, baggy, and torn up ninja sex party shirt. You decided on that, since no one special was supposed to be coming over. You threw on some light grey sweats, and strolled downstairs to make some coffee. You decided since today was somewhat of a free day for you, that you'd just try to explore the lgbtq+ community a little more. You went on multiple lgbtq tumblr blogs, and decided to send in an ask on one of them. You slid the anon option on, because you didn't need anybody knowing this was you. You'd began typing when suddenly someone knocked on the door. Well, shit. "Hello?" You yelled from your crease on the sofa. You heard a faint "Yellow!" You then instantly knew who it was. Arin fucking Hanson. You told him the door was unlocked, so he commenced to waltz into your home like it was his. He perched onto the sofa, then grabbed the remote. "Uh, Arin if you don't mind me asking, what the ever loving fuck are you doing here?" You said in a lightly joking manner. He replied with a shrug, you know that usually meant he was bored and had nothing to do or no one to see. Either those or everyone was busy and you were the last choice. You excused yourself to the bathroom, but you hadn't realized you left the computer on the lgbtq blog. Arin, being the snoopy bastard he is, decided to read what you'd already wrote. 'Hello, i was wondering if there was a term for not feeling feminine or masculine, but more on the lines of neutral? I've been confused lately. I didn't know if this was a thin' That was all you'd written before Arin busted through the door. Arin was staring at the screen with his jaw slightly hanging open, before you walked in the room. "Arin! Did you read that?" You were worried what the answer was. He probably did. "Erm, yeah. i did read it. Sorry (y/n), I didn't want to invade but.." Arin's words slid out of his lips, but you couldn't focus. Your thoughts quickly invaded your mind. 'He thinks your disgusting. He'll leave you alone. Get away from him. He's going to hurt you-' You were snapped out of your trance with Arin placing his hand on your shoulder. "y/n, it's okay. It's not weird at all. I'm not going to hurt you either," You wondered how he knew what you thought about. "You were thinking out loud. I heard what you said." Arin kept saying how you need to send in the ask, since he didn't know any terms for it either. As soon as 10 minutes later, your question was answered. 'Hi There anon! The term for not feeling any gender is agender. The pronouns for agender is (they/them). An example- "That's theirs!" "They don't need it." "That's them over there." remember! this doesn't need to be rushed! Take your time :) xx Hope this helped! -H' So that was it. You're agender. Finally, you'd found something that fit you. After 3 years of feeling like this, you've found yourself. Arin finally spoke up, and said "So, agender huh?" You glanced over at Arin and nodded. This was you now. Your hair is already a medium/long length, but you'd always wanted it short. "Arin, could we.. go out today and do some stuff?.. Like.. go get new clothes for me? Maybe even a binder! Cut my hair! This is gonna be great!" Arin looked at you with caring eyes, knowing you were passionate about this. "I guess we can, but maybe a binder and new clothes later. How about just a haircut first?" You were already so ecstatic, finally you'd look like yourself, and be confident. About 30 minutes later, you and Arin drove up to his hair salon. The first person that walked up to you guys glanced over at Arin, then retorted, "The usual, Hanson?" Arin shook his head, then pointed at you. "They need a gender neutral haircut. Something short, whatever they'd want." The stylist lead you to a chair, and started conversation with you. They had a gender neutral cut as well, they seemed friendly. "So, what are you trying to go for, just a change in styles? peer pressure from friends?" You nodded when they said a change in styles. Arin waited across the room, in a somewhat comfy-looking chair. One shampooing, condition, color, and haircut later, you were done. Your hair was swooped to the center, with shorter sides. The top was also dyed a gradient blue. You slowly walked up to Arin, pushing your blue hair out of your face. You were so in love with your hair, you wanted it like this forever. Arin stared at you in awe, knowing this was just the start of a total change. You weren't exactly ready to come out to all the grumps, knowing this was the first time you'd be meeting a couple of them. Like you'd already met Suzy, Brian and Kevin. You've yet to meet Ross, Barry, Danny, and Holly. Arin got in the car, then drove you to the Grumps' place. "Yo! We're here. Also, is there anything that you'd like me to call you besides (y/n)?" You thought a bit, you hadn't thought of that yet. "Maybe Rain? That was always a child nickname of mine. Just for now though." You were given that nickname, because your parents found your love for rain intriguing. You'd always want to out and play in the rain, or just stare out the window during a thunderstorm. You and Arin strolled into the Grumps', and everyone was in their separate stations. Danny on the couch, Ross, Kevin and Barry editing, then Holly and Suzy chatting on a beanbag chair. "We're back guys!" Danny shot up from the couch, eager to meet you. "Hi, (y/n)! Awesome to actually meet you." He stuck out his hand, then you two shook hands. "Hi, Danny. good to actually meet you." You said in a monotone voice. You didn't like him saying your other name. Arin and Danny invited you to sit in the recording area, just for a while to sit and talk. Danny brought up the topic of childhood pasts. You'd never liked the topic. "So, (y/n), where'd you grow up?" Danny asked you. "(y/h/t)." He knew you sounded a bit peeved, so he asked Arin to leave so he could talk to you alone. "(y/n), can we talk for a second?" You nodded and shrugged. You refused to speak, because of the use of your birth name. You cringed everytime you heard it. "Danny, i don't like you using my name." Dan looked as puzzled he possibly could. "What do you mean by that? Is there a nickname i should call you?" You nodded, "Call me Rain, please. It's- It's a childhood nickname of mine." Danny smiled that award winning smile of his and nodded. "Any reason why you don't like people saying your real name?" You grinned, "Yeah, only Arin knows, but you're about to know. I'm agender, that means i don't classify as masculine or feminine. I'm neutral. You know like, the pronouns 'her' and 'him'?" Danny gave a loving nod. "I don't use those, i use 'them'. Like you'd say, 'That's theirs.' Do you.. Do you get it?" Danny looked in your (e/c) eyes. "Yeah, i think so. Like, you.. classify as neutral. Right?" You nod, glad he understands. "Yeah, i do. Thanks for understanding Danny. You're awesome." "You're even better, Rain." He leaned in, and gave you a warm hug. Suddenly, Arin walks in. "Looks like Rain met Sunshine, huh? I ship it." Then, you see Brian outside the window taking pictures and flicking you two off. Casual Brian.
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munsonmuses · 1 year
Keep an eye out, 80’s Dan is about to be done nerds…
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munsonmuses · 1 year
Okay okay!!!
I know I’d said it was almost done, and the first chapter is almost done of 80’s! Dan! X GN! Reader!!! But I need YOUR HELP
Please darling :”(
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munsonmuses · 2 years
For all my lovelies, my ducklings! The coffee shop series has come to a close!!! But!!! I’ll be writing an 80’s AU, still maintaining a gender neutral reader of COURSE! Dan is still gonna be a musician but you’re meeting him when he’s starting to push to make it big!!! Y’all will love it!!!
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munsonmuses · 2 years
Decaf Date Night (Dan Avidan x Reader)
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This is the second part to Warm Cup of Comfort, it’s proceeding date night between reader and Dan.
The Reader is still gender neutral, that isn’t going to change.
Warnings: Still none, we’re still in that fluffy portion
It was days before Dan reached out again, following up on the proposition for a date between the two of you. It being a pretty poor string of texts from Daniel, attempting to reach out.
‘Hey! It’s Dan! Well, obviously it’s me!’
‘I was thinking of that date? How about Saturday at seven? I know your store closes at six, so I’ll pick you up from there? Unless you wanna meet up at the restaurant? Or maybe, we could do a movie?’
It was obvious he was a little dusty in the dating department, but you found it endearing at how he was trying to be so kind, and forward. It was more than most would approach with, so it was already a step in the right direction.
When it slowed down the message popped back into your mind, carefully picking up the phone and tentatively replying to Dan.
‘We can meet here, I think it’ll be easier. Plus carpooling is eco friendly. I know a couple spots for a light dinner?’
You carefully exhaled as you set down the phone in the pocket of your apron, looking up as the bell at the door jingled. Dan entering with his coworker that you’d met a few times. Carefully wracking your brain to remember his name.
“Adrian…right?” You asked as he carefully adjusted to the incorrect name, looking you over as he laughed lightly.
“No im Arin. A-R-I-N.” He clarified as you nodded, before looking up at Dan carefully, who’s eyes were trained on you before looking away when he felt his staring had grown inappropriately long.
“I’m sorry, I’ve only met you like twice. I promise to remember.” You assured before carefully gathering up two reusable to go cups, Arin watching before looking past you into the kitchen, eyebrows up carefully
“So do you have any coworkers? I only see you back there?” He asked as you laughed lightly.
“There’s Cora, she handles inventory in the back. And there’s Michael, they handle the cleanup up front. I make and serve the coffees, teas, pastries or anything else. And then there’s of course our mascot.” You gestured to the fat cat that lazily watched the two men before rolling onto her back as you smiled.
“So can I get you anything specific?” You prompted as he scratched at his neck, scanning the chalkboard menus while you worked on Dan’s coffee, Dan watching closely as you smiled at him carefully, a bit endearing wasn’t it? How willing he was to learn about your process?
Arin stirred you out of your little coffee related contemplation as you carefully took his order. “Just the sandwich Arin?” You asked as he nodded curtly, pulling out his wallet carefully, only to earn a dismissive hand. “Friends and family don’t pay.” You assured as he quirked a brow
“Then how do you make money? If you’re giving food and drinks away? It’s kind of a flawed business practice.” He commented as you slid Dan his coffee.
“I mean. You’re not wrong. But I make enough business daily, and it’s a sandwich a day that’s like, four dollars? That’s not gonna throw a wrench in my work.” You carefully cut the roll in half, slathering it with butter and carefully adding on the toppings, popping it in the oven.
“So uh, I don’t know if you got my test…” Dan started as Arin peered at him from the corner of his eyes as you carefully cleaned up the workspace.
“I got your text Daniel.” You assured as he laughed softly.
“Okay good, cool, perfect-“ the oven squeaking cut off what would’ve been essentially just word vomit from the man. Taking out the sandwich and wrapping it up, stamping on a small sticker and handing it off.
“See you Saturday.” Dan smiled before leaving
And Saturday couldn’t come soon enough
Carefully adjusting your turtlenecks collar, you scoffed lightly at the way the fabric just wouldn’t sit right. Tucked into long loose pants with a thick belt holding it together as your coworker, Cora gently smacked your shoulder.
‘You look fine, stop futzing or you’re gonna be unhappy all night!’ She signed as you laughed softly.
‘It’s my first date in like six months, I’m gonna be a little nervous.’ You signed back as you carefully adjusted the collar again, nodding in approval at the sight before hearing a soft rapping at the glass door outside. Checking your watch before receiving a text
‘Let me in please? Its me knocking.’ Your watch read as you smiled at the notification, carefully grabbing your jacket and sliding it on.
‘You’re sure you can handle the store while I’m gone? if you need me to reschedule I can!’ You signed as Cora dismissed you with a wave of hee hand as you nodded lightly.
Heading to the door to see Dan in another Rush shirt, covered by a white leather jacket with black stripes, niceish jeans and some high tops as you let him in. Carefully fixing a hair that had made its way into his face.
“Are you ready to go? You also look great.” He commented as you smiled, doing a little spin.
“I know, it’s a great ensemble.” You joked, earning a smile from the man. It was wolf, his his whole face lit up whenever he smiled. How his lips stretched and eyes creased, nose crinkling.
“And yes, I’m ready. Did you pick from the places I sent?” You asked as he nodded carefully.
“I picked Maggie’s. It’s like casual eating and I don’t wanna go too fancy.” He assured as you pat his arm.
“Good pick, let’s head out.” You took his arm, leaving with the bell chiming behind you both. Ringing with newfound opportunity.
After a long car ride of discussing music, work and hobbies, you arrived at the small restaurant. It was homely, and a small business much like your own, good to know Dan valued a community.
Heading inside and getting seated in a corner table, Dan carefully looked around, aimlessly adjusting his silverware. His eyes clearly showing his stress. He was trying so hard to find the right words. You’d just have to help him a little.
“So, Dan, Daniel? I’m gonna stick with Dan. I want to know more about you than your coffee orders and great music taste.”
His shoulders seemed to relax as he carefully disclosed what he’d wanted you to know. He’d been making music since 2002, he was an older brother, he was from New Jersey, he’d been growing his hair out for so long that cutting it seemed pointless, and more.
And although a mundane conversation, he seemed so genuinely happy to share. You were also so happy to listen, learn about him. It was also apparent he was so eager to talk to someone that didn’t see him as just an Internet personality.
Going to reply, you were cut off by the waitress who smiled down at you both. Taking orders as you smiled back at Dan and handed off your menus.
“I don’t eat red meat, so this was a good choice.” You praised as he lit up. “Neither do I! It just doesn’t agree with my stomach at all.” He explained as you nodded, enjoying listening. Maybe people mostly talked at him, or just heard rather than listening to him, so it was clear he just loved being able to talk about himself. An excitement so visible in his eyes.
“That’s enough about me though, tell me about you more please? Besides what I already know?” He pleaded as you obliged.
The conversation flowed like water over smooth stones, and the food came before you’d even realized how long you’d been talking. Continuing through the meal with idle but eager conversation as people funneled out of the restaurant, after awhile you two being the only two there.
“So let me get this straight…” you laughed through your words, “youre on a video game show, but you don’t play them? You just commentate? And people love that?” You asked as he laughed along, leaning to the side.
“People just love hearing me talk I guess.” He shrugged as you smiled, tentatively brushing his knuckles with your own on the table.
“I can see why, I’ve loved hearing you talk this whole date.” You praised as he sat up straighter, sheepishly rubbing his neck.
Looking around, you’d realized how late you’d both stayed as you both pulled out your walkers, a silent stare down as he slid his card out, eyes on you as you did the same, your waitress walking over as you both held out your cards. The woman a bit startled, but taking yours as you laughed loudly at Dan’s defeated disposition.
“Okay but next time? It’s on me.” He said firmly as your cheeks bloomed pink. There was going to be a next time.
Dropping you off at your car, he carefully shoved his hands in his pockets, biting his lip. ��I’ll text you, or call you I guess? But, I’d like to do this again.” He insisted as you nodded eagerly.
“I’ll see you next Saturday, same time.” He insisted as you grinned. “Next Saturday.” You assured as he leaned down, pressing a tentative kiss to your cheek before heading to his car.
Oh Saturday wouldn’t come fast enough.
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