#dangan ronpa 3 is garbage but he's good
valkavavaart · 5 years
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happy birthday to great gozu, the only man who matters
my sister actually got me a gozu keychain for my birthday!
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sanchoyo · 6 years
top 3 anime girls and top 3 anime boys go! (doesn't have to be all-time top 3s, just that current good shit is ok, also bonus points if you have some reasoning for each)
:D oh a good ask!! I’m going for current favs and not all times just bc. im indecisive and impulse choices are easier. also ‘some reasoning’ u opened the ramble can miz 
ragdoll bnha
underrated af, objectively the best pussycat on the team, loves her friends so much and is the reason they grouped up!! cheerful but still funny af, green is the Best color, I assume she was the one to pick the magical girl theme since she grouped them together, lost her quirk but STILL ACTS CHEERFUL (I assume she went thru a lot of pain abt it im still SOOO salty they cut that one shot from the manga of her crying/clutching the other cats from the anime like WHY!!) shes the office cat now (still useful and helping her friends!!) still manages to appear happy despite the fuckin awful pain of losing smth shes had all her life! she bounced back but prob still has a lot of pain abt it!! she could easily be one of the most nuanced and well written charas in bnha if horikoshi could write women. shes so fucking strong and brave. im coming for afo wth a gun. but she also doesnt need a quirk to kick his ass tbh. fuck afo 
misa death note
I WILL PULVERIZE LIGHT YAMGAMI WITH MY BEAR HANDS UFCK HIM AND HIS STUPID MANIPULATIVE ASS misa ofc isnt 100% innocent bc she was already That Willing to murder but but. yanno. luv goth girls. shes very complex but also Cute 10/10 would kiss 10/10 would deck light in the jaw 
junko dangan ronpa
does dr count as an anime?? junko is a horrible person. but. idk asdjkfhasjn i love her? shes fantastic and entertaining and i love female villains. and. shes so ham all the time. absolute madwoman fab aesthetic  10/10
reigen mp100
absolute. bastard. why does he do. like everything he does? why does he? Just. Do that? just awful
hatsuharu somha fruits basket (the ox/cow guy)
old one BUT THE FRUITS BASKET REBOOT SOON SO!! he was 13 yr old mes Fav bc again. 90% of the anime boys I like are bastards. hes just a bastard from what I remember. my bff got my a keychain of him. its On my desk...im really hyped for the reboot esp since it supposedly follows the manga more and im an anime only so :D !! new content!! 
masaya tmm
only good boy 10/10!! loves his gf so much, genuinely good guy with a sad af backstory, a much more Deep character than ppl give him credit for bc ppl are incapable of waiting a few dozen eps for backstory or are too busy sucking kisshus nipples to pay attention ig, but UGH IT REALLY IS THAT DEEP!! im forever gonna be mad the fandom treats him like garbage. hes best tmm boy
um I tried not 2 do more than 1 from every anime. but. honorable mentions sakura dangan ronpa pudding tmm james pokemon and hawks and the entire lov bnha
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96percentdone · 6 years
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Anon if you’re wondering why I’m doing it like this it’s because I don’t want this showing up in the shi//rog//ane searches. I am going to rail very hard on her character. If you like her, you were warned.
To be quite frank I think literally anyone would have made a more interesting ringleader. Okay, that’s a lie. Except for Ouma and Harumaki and Yonaga, I think anyone else would have made a better ringleader. I’m gonna explain why, first starting briefly with why I think Ouma and Harumaki would have made worse ringleaders.
Ouma is quite simple: his entire character gimmick is “pretending to be an obvious mastermind only to end up NOT being the mastermind and is fundamentally against the killing game to begin with.” This is is just too good to ruin. Harukawa’s is less complicated in that she’s an assassin, so making her the ringleader would be boring and obvious. Like yeah okay of course the surprise assassin was the organiser of the killing game big fuckin whoop. And finally Yonaga, and the big reason for that is her character gimmick is “scary exotic foreigner” and cults and it’s a lot of racist shit and tbh I think even if you took a lot of that out, making the one foreign coded character (in a Japanese environment) your ringleader is asking for trouble. Don’t do that. 
The biggest reason I think shi//ro//gane fails not only as a DR mastermind, but as a character, is because she’s boring as shit and has no personality. It’s not even an accident she has no personality. in v3 characters tend to revolve around a gimmick, and her gimmick is literally being a non-entity. She constantly talks about being plain, and for most of the game her big thing each chapter is just...going with the gimmick of the chapter. That and she makes anime references that feel kind of forced and personally not how people tend to make references. And then in her big chapter, where she was the revealed to be the mastermind, she spends most of it pretending to be other pre-existing characters with more personality. 
Some people think the center of her personality is on fandom, and it’s a commentary on it, and on passion. To which I say: fucking where. Okay, I understand exactly where that potential lies, and in her free time events there’s definitely more of that. But I personally think that if I need to read the free time events (which are entirely optional you could play v3 without ever doing a fte, nevermind specifically hers) to feel like a character has a personality, then you didn’t write a well written character. 
What is there in the main story to suggest this? She makes constant poorly done anime references, and there’s one forced fanservice consplay scene. I’m blown away by this. It never feels like this is important to her, because it’s always played as like a joke or an event where her talent is just the excuse for fanservice in the ch1 scene. What else is there? Does she talk about her love for fandom and cosplay? Is she looking for excuses to dress people up in her various cosplays in the main story? No! Fuck I mean we even unlock her room and the mandatory conversation you have with her with that weird ass cg is about her bar life, not her fandom life. Like they go out of the way to not talk about it meaningfully in the one place it would be more than apt to do so. Seriously?
Chapter 6 is better at making her fandom commentary. You could argue that her constantly shifting into previous characters and rambling on and on about her love of dangan ronpa is fandom commentary. And yeah I guess it is. But it’s weak as fuck. It’s backed by like jack shit from the earlier chapters, and she has to talk about this because this is the big plan for ch6. It’s the ch6 gimmick! And then ch6 is an inconsistent mess of lies and contradictions that canon can’t explain, and she says some things (like the cosplaycat killer line) that imply she faked all that too so like. More following the chapter’s gimmick? would you believe? I would!
That’s the big problem with Shi//ro//ga//ne. Her gimmick is her entire personality, and that gimmick is not having one. That’s why she just does the big thing of every chapter, that’s why she’s so forgettable and doesn’t stand out and is “plain”, that’s why she constantly cosplays as other dr characters, and that’s why at the end of the chapter she goes “haha I pulled another great trick” without elaborating. Her thing is having no existing personality. Just being whatever the story needs. And maybe someone out there will be like “but that just shows her passion for DR and--” no. No what it is is just cheap and lazy writing, and again possibly not even true. 
And this has bad effects on writing a meaningful mastermind, particularly since we spent the entire game with her. She does nothing the entire time and doesn’t stand out, and particularly with v3′s writing where characters generally only become important in the chapter they die, by the time you get to ch6 it’s so obvious she’s going to be the ringleader. Harukawa’s had an arc (albeit a shitty one), Yumeno had an arc, Saihara is your protag for realsies who had an arc (albeit half-assed and not focused on what would have made it strong), and Kiibo is clearly having his big moment right now, so that leaves Shir//o//gane being saved up for something huge. Like the ringleader. She becomes obvious because she’s nothing. And then her reveal means nothing because she had no personality to get invested in because her gimmick was having no personality. And also they do nothing with her and chapter six is a poorly written garbage fest that makes no fucking sense.
She’s a bad mastermind because she’s a bad character, and she’s a bad character because her personality is a nonexistent thing that’s entirely up for grabs since she’s faked it all and her gimmick is just not being an interesting person. 
And this makes effectively anyone else a better ringleader, because anyone else in the game has more to their personality than she does. I’ll even explain why everyone excluding the previously mentioned three will make better antagonists before getting to my main ideal pick. In order of deaths!
Amami: he’s a mystery man right? that kinda seems to point against him but like play up the he died first trying to stop the killing game angle and it turns out he faked it or something just to get it started. He could take or leave killing Akamatsu off, but she chose trial, so she had to go. revise his videos a little so he looks a little sketchy, but even more like a victim trying to do good.
Akamatsu: if you just take out the fuckin “she has a twin bit” in ch6 and have it turn out she faked like her entire execution just so she looks like she’s entirely uninvolved, only to turn out she did kill Amami but with entirely different means, would that be cool or what? like it’d be the triple Akamatsu twist whammy. also wouldn’t waste her as a character cause she wouldn’t die for manpain to be your wife.
Hoshi: so yeah he’s kinda got the “I’m depressed because i’ve killed” shit working against him but you can easily rework that into a big old lie (hey look it’s the themes of the game some more wild). he’s still depressed in real life but his outlet for that was violence, so killing game.
Toujou: literally she gets power hungry and sick of constantly having to tend to the whims of everyone around her. her loving serving people was the big lie. she’s more interested in serving herself and the audience. Simple. Effective. Subverts her character in a meaningful but still relevant way.
Chabashira: she’s super honest and open about her emotions right? To an almost childlike way? fuck yeah you could make that ringleader shit. She wants to bring out the best in people emotionally, except she actually thinks the best way to do that is trauma. But she doesn’t really actually care about your emotional wellbeing, and that becomes apparent throughout the trial. her big fuckin lie. amazing.
Shinguuji: see this is tough and i’m tempted to put him in the not-mastermindable category because of chapter 3 which was. eugh. But okay see we’re just gonna take out all the weird incest serial killer shit. shinguuji’s gimmick anyway is that he’s detached and more interested in observing the people around him like an onlooker than he is partaking. smart but doesn’t give much a shit. this is easily played up to ringleader levels just. “I wanted to put humans in a society I made myself to play god and observe them to my heats content” simple. not as thematic, but hey it’s consistent.
Iruma: okay so canonically. Iruma is kinda a bitch. I mean this positively she’s kinda funny even if the sex jokes gross me out. She’s paranoid and kinda narcissistic and super weak to criticism and bites people in an attempt to make them not bite her. So what if it turns out like that’s just...fake. she’s actually just rude mean and crude not as some kinda backwards defense mechanism (we’re taking out the kink) it’s just because she likes being mean and crude. She seems so weak willed as a person but it turns out she orchestrated and “invented” the killing games just to keep attention on her and put people through hell. I’m not totally confident in this one I’m sure others can come up with better but fuck I mean it’s not shi//ro//ga//ne.
Gokuhara: this is easy he’s not actually a gentleman at all! it’s a big lie! a ploy to make him sympathetic and likeable! He went along with Ouma’s shit just because he thought it was amusing! The world at large decided he couldn’t be a gentleman, so he decided to be the biggest brute you can find and run killing game where he makes himself look good in comparison to everyone else. you’d have to rewrite ch6 a lot but it’d be better than canon anyway lmfao
Momota: now Momota’s my second favourite ringleader choice not gonna lie. This is just because the narrative plays him up as your shsl best friend and you get very invested in him (despite his uh....glaring toxic masculinity problems which we’re taking out because they add nothing to his character). His big thing is being a supportive believer. a shounen protag. but it’s all bullshit! Have the real Momota be the audition tape asshole. Or he doesn’t even have to be that it’s just his big thing will be that huge punch of betrayal that won’t compare except for with my #1 pick. But we’ll get to them very soon.
Kiibo: Y’know those posts that talk about how AIs are actually going to be very pure with their best interest in being serving humanity? I want that for Kiibo, but in a super warped and twisted way. Kiibo in his desire to be seen as a human and respected by them, starts feeding the twisted desires of the masses with the torture porn they crave in the form of a killing game, because this will make him be accepted as one of them. But he still ends up being a kind of subservient AI who never escapes that role, so now the killing game runs partially on hate, and partially on the thin remains of hope he has. I think this is kinda fun.
Yumeno: Yumeno is great because she has that whole arc where she learns to be open with her feelings and honest with herself right? Well we’re gonna make that just. a big old lie. She just doesn’t give a shit, so fuck it she’ll do this killing game shit too.
And finally, top pick: Saihara. Saihara would be the literal best option. Keep the protagonist switch. Akamatsu dies, we take Saihara as protagonist now. He gets played out basically the same. We play thinking we’re playing an insecure detective with some issues with the truth (and some issues with lies that aren’t capitalised on as well but hey that’s not actually entirely necessary for this scenario). We think Saihara is trying to carry on Akamatsu’s wish, because he says he would, and he solves all the cases and seems to be interested in saving everyone.
But...it’s a lie. Like in chapter 1 we were playing with an unreliable narrator the whole game. Saihara’s focus on the mystery versus trying to guarantee their lives in the game now gets played for “of course he’s focused on those this is his show. It’s what he lives for.” Saihara created a killing game to have an endless set of murder mysteries to solve, and he doesn’t really care about the people, but their potential in creating a good story. Maybe he’s even the pre-game fanboy too if we’re keeping that trick. And the narrative insisting on framing him as good through the use of the cast becomes a clever trick to hide his motivations.It’d be another unreliable narrator, and the best way to capitalize on the themes of the game. More lies. 
Not to mention it would make the Akamatsu thing especially brutal, because you play as him to frame her for a crime it will turn out she did not actually commit. The replay value of the game at LARGE would be through the roof, all because of this trick. It’d be fucking fascinating, and it would just destroy dangan ronpa formula. We’ll have not only a murder protagonist, but a mastermind protagonist. Listen. LISTEN. This is the best possible ringleader selection. I will fight you. dkgjrngdjkn
Okay I went on long enough we’re gonna call it a day. I hope this more than answered your questions!
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zSLksp
by fluffyspy
She wasn’t convinced this was a good idea. They needed to get medical attention for Naegi; Kyoko was still sore, and she had had the opportunity to pad her fall. What kind of injuries could Naegi, who had been dropped down the garbage chute without preparation or warning, have sustained? They needed to return to the other surviving students before one of them did something drastic and Monokuma’s “game” restarted in full swing. Most importantly, they needed to confront Monokuma and discover the hidden truth behind Mukuro Ikusaba’s death, and by extension, the hidden truth behind the entirety of Hope’s Peak Academy.
But apparently, all of that had gotten pushed back by Makoto Naegi pleading for an hour’s rest.
In which Makoto gets the nap he deserves.
Words: 897, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Naegiri Week 2017
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Makoto
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyouko/Naegi Makoto
Additional Tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2zSLksp
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kasssiopeia · 7 years
Mynavi News x New Dangan Ronpa V3 Translation
It’s the results of the V3 characters’ popularity ranking and fans’ opinions about them from a campaign by Mynavi. You can view the original page here.
This was my first translation request and I think I flubbed at some parts (esp the mono kubs sigh) but it was a lot of fun to do! Hope it’s understandable!
(I also set up a (kinda unfinished) ko-fi page so if you’d like to buy me a coffee I’d appreciate it ♥ )
There are some minor spoilers for v3 so read at your own risk.
Results under cut (or view it on google docs here with some extra infos about the campaign as well).
Ranking results
Top 1: Ultimate Detective Saihara Shuuichi
Why he got chosen:
Even though he seemed unreliable at first glance, he acted like a proper detective and stole my heart by showing his suffering side too. Right now he’s my favorite character!
He’s good looking but can be cute too, and his deductions make him attractive. I love every part of him. His gloomy perverted side is interesting too.
The way he grew [during the game] was cool. The way he shows emotions like crying, laughing and blushing is fascinating.
Top 2: Ultimate Supreme Leader Ôma Kokichi
Why he got chosen:
I couldn’t take my eyes off the character who literally embodied the game’s theme ‘lies’!
Even though his looks and behavior are cute, you could never tell his real intentions. I loved the creepiness and air of mystery around him.
I didn’t really like him during my first play through the game but after I beat the game, I noticed that some of his lines did have different meanings. It was a lot of fun to think about his character as whole.
Top 3: Ultimate Pianist Akamatsu Kaede
Why she got chosen:
I was charmed by the way she worked hard for everyone while staying positive, and her strong sense of justice. Her conversations with Saihara put me at ease.
Kanda Sayaka-san’s voice is wonderful. Especially her whispering in the love apartment scene was memorable!
There’s no reason why I couldn’t love Akamatsu-chan. I immediately went and rented [the CD with] Debussy’s Clair de la Lune.
Top 4: Ultimate Inventor Iruma Miu
Why she got chosen:
The way how Ishida-san as Iruma uses really dirty jokes but then turns really bashful in the next moment is really cute.
Of course I liked her character design and her two faced-ness as both really aggressive and really shy [literally doS and doM but I don’t feel comfortable with translating them to sadist and masochist since it’s a bit of a different meaning in Japan].
I’ve finally met a character in the Dangan Ronpa series who struck me[? sorry not sure what they mean with “strike character”]. Thank you Kodaka-san.
Top 5 Ultimate Magician Yumeno Himiko
Why she got chosen:
Even if there’s no Boke (character who is “simple minded” in Japanese comedy) she can act as a Tsukkomi (character who lectures the boke in Japanese comedy). Also the way she worries about and believes in the protagonist and her friends while keeping a positive attitude is great. Thanks to her spectacular growth in game she’s become my favorite characters in the series.
I fell for her choice of words and tone, and the sprite where her hat flies up, her unexpectedly high self-evaluation and many more things.
Top 6: Ultimate ??? Amami Rantarô
Why he got chosen:
He seemed to have a very frivolous tone at first glance. I’m basing this off looks but he seems very honest, intellectual, and a thoughtful person.
The enigmatic air around him, his looks and personality were really to my liking! I’m dying to read the spinoff novel.
Top 7: Ultimate Robot Kîbo
Why he got chosen:
I thought he was a very cool character when his design got first released. Even though he turned out to be an unexpectedly pitiful piece of junk of a robot, he still showed more emotions than anyone else (especially his blushing expression made my heart beat faster every time). I don’t know why but I even liked that annoying condescending attitude of his.
I love Kiibo-kun! Even though he is a robot, he feels like the most human out of everyone. His strong sense of justice is really cool! I love his dryer-function!
Top 8: Ultimate Aikido Master Chabashira Tenko
Why she got chosen:
What I liked about her was that even though she said she hated men she also worried about them. Her attentive and kind ways. I liked the ‘tough woman’ aspect of her personality.
I like her clear personality where she likes what she likes and hates what she hates. A girl who looks up to other cute girls and doesn’t realize her own girliness is cute.
Top 9: Ultimate Child Caregiver Harukawa Maki:
Why she got chosen:
Because she became softer and cuter the more the story progressed.
I think she was the one who acted closest to a highschool girl in puberty. Her conversations with other characters gave me a super life-like feeling.Her sulking face is cute.
Top 10: Ultimate Maid Tôjô Kirumi
Why she got chosen:
Seeing someone who works for the benefit of the group from a naturally withdrawn point of view whereas everyone else in the killing game had such a strong personality was wonderful.
I was drawn in by her mental strength and the way she could choose someone else’s beliefs without getting carried away by her own emotions. It’s also cute that she can’t cut konnyaku [a gelatinous food made from a starchy root].
Top 11: Ultimate Astronaut Momota Kaitô
Why he got chosen:
At first I thought he is just an impudent character who uses emotional arguments without a basis only but the way he went through with his character from beginning to end left a big impression on me.
Because he showed both the main character and the player that in a game where the theme is ‘lies’, it’s important to believe in the things you want to believe in. Also everything about him is cool.
Top 12: Ultimate Entomologist Gokuhara Gonta
Why he got chosen:
Because even though he knew that he couldn’t understand logic, he still did his best to participate in the trials. His innocent points were my favorite.
Because he’s an idiot… His single-mindedness struck my heart by the way he always sought to be an excellent gentleman despite being pessimistic sometimes.
Top 13:  Ultimate Anthropologist Shingûji Korekiyo
Why he got chosen:
His appearance, calmness, cleverness, views on love, his thoughts about life and death, the way he explained his thoughts on how various situations play together in folklore and the way he seemed to always show a lot of different emotions… I love everything about Shingûji.
How he had his own philosophy, and even if he was a bit odd, the way he could hold a conversation in his own unique and funny way made me laugh. It was too funny how they turned into lessons about folklore.
Top 14: Ultimate Artist Yonaga Angie
Why she got chosen:
Her movement, her lines, and her voice totally cured me. The power of a tight hug…
Simply because her behaviour is cute. I really love the sprites where her cheeks are super squishy and the one where she stares right into your soul <laugh>.
Top 15: Ultimate Tennis Player Hoshi Ryôma
Why he got chosen:
I fell for his character in 3 seconds after seeing his too cute visuals with that dandy voice. When I talked to him during free time, i fell in love with him in seconds.
The way the corners of his hat moved up and down was too adorable! I also liked that he loves cats.
Top 16: Ultimate Cosplayer Shirogane Tsumugi
Why she got chosen:
I’m a cosplayer myself so her talks about cosplays or otaku knowledge were super funny!
Because she’s an otaku I loved to see her smiles hit home.
Top 1: Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles Headmaster Monokuma
Why he got chosen:
He’s so hateful and yet I don’t hate him… Oh it’s Monokuma again?! When actually I’ve been waiting for him. I somehow love Monokuma the way he is. He’s also cute, right!
This time there are many jokes about how unforgivingly he used his children and I felt like this was the most appealing point.
There’s nothing that can match Monokuma! For me, Monokuma makes Dangan Ronpa to what it is. I’ll always love him!
Top 2: Mono Kubs Monotarô
Why he got chosen:
I think he’s just naturally really cute. He was such a good relief during the trials.
The brother and sister midday TV drama… was really good.
I thought it was so cute when he said “Mom!”... These proud, warm feelings inside my chest… could it be motherhood?
Top 3: Mono Kubs Monodam
Why he got chosen:
While he said “Friendship” and “Don’t fight” until you thought he’s going crazy, I was very touched by the fact that he must’ve gotten hurt too at some point…
I can’t forget the portrayal of darkness where gloominess was often mistaken for being hideous, cunning and sly.
I was surprised to hear that Monodam’s voice wasn’t edited in any way. Yama-chan [his VA] is really amazing.
Top 4: Mono Kubs Monofunny
Why she got chosen:
How she said “Bye-kuma! ♡” in such a cute way and despite speaking to you in such a nice way, she still calls you bastard [kisama is just a derogatory term for “you” so I wonder how/if they’ll handle that in the EU/US version…]
She is cute, including her sounds when she throws up [“deroderoderodero”]. The only character where even them puking makes me love them more can surely only be Monofunny.
Top 5: Mono Kubs Monosuke
Why he got chosen:
Even though he has this cold, stiff feeling around him and is repeatedly told so, I still consider him the moodmaker of the Mono Kubs
He was an amazing Tsukkomi [character who lectures the boke in Japanese comedy] with his outstanding kansai [southern Japan] dialect. Especially that one time during the nighttime announcement where he was behind the food terror [sorry tbh I don’t remember this scene very well so there may be a translation error] made me laugh a lot.
Top 6:  Mono Kubs Monokid
Why he got chosen:
I liked it when he didn’t spew garbage[?]. I couldn’t get his “Hell yeah!” out of my head.
He made the Mono Kubs’ dialogues more interesting with his violent behaviour. I loved his jokes the most. His appearance was also the best.
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kamvkoma · 7 years
1,2,3,4,7,9,15,16,23,30,32,34,37 for fanfic writer meme
thanks for the ask!!!!
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.i don’t know if i even have a comfort zone when it comes to writing lmaoo. i will say that i found my kamukoma college au to be pretty easy and fun to write, so i guess something lighthearted like that? 
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?i love the fake/pretend relationship trope, and have been mulling over a half-baked idea about one. don’t know if it’ll ever come to fruition, though. 
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?probably anything that has to go with kids. i don’t like kids or kid fics lmao.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?honestly, not too many at the moment. i’m sort of between fandoms right now. i have some ideas for p5 and some for sdr2. i already kind of said i’d like to do one involving a fake/pretend relationship, and that one would be sdr2. i don’t want to go into it more though in case i do end up writing it! 
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.“Hinata thinks he loves Komaeda the way Komaeda loves fire—because it’s beautiful, and it will destroy everything, even the one who loves it.”i don’t know, there are some snippets of prose i like in this fic but i can’t pick anything in particular, so here’s the summary lol which isn’t too bad either. this is the first fic i posted on ao3 and i still have a soft spot for it, and i think despite some obvious flaws, it’s one of my favorites because of the vaguely-poetic prose.
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?i gave up on that coffee shop au of mine from a while back because that was hard to write. that’s just because i planned to give it a sad ending, and then felt bad and didn’t want to do it, lmao.
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?the one that i’m currently working on (and i use the term “currently working on” loosely because it’s been nearly a year since the last update...) is definitely going to more action-packed than anything else i’ve written, so i’d go with that. oh, and that mirai nikki au i never ended up continuing... that’d be cool to watch too. 
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?despite not really being very into the dangan ronpa fandom at the moment, kamukoma never gets old to me, so i’ll go with that.
23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?i don’t even know... my oldest ones on ao3 aren’t that old, but i haven’t written much else before that. not anything finished, anyway. so i’m not sure.
30. Do you accept prompts?yes!!! i can’t always promise that i’ll come through with them, because i’m garbage, and sometimes a particular prompt just doesn’t inspire me enough. but i encourage anyone to send me something they want and i’ll see what i can do.
32. How do you feel about smut?smut is good, i don’t read too much of it anymore, but i like when it’s done very well. i don’t like writing it, though--i get too embarrassed....
34. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?i don’t like it... i might read a fic about it if it’s treated appropriately and with the severity it deserves, but i don’t know if i’d ever write it. 
37. Talk about your current wips.i can’t because i feel too ashamed lmaoooo. i have so much i should be doing.... don’t look at me;;;
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