#dang can't believe I did this in one sitting!
multicolour-ink · 1 year
🧠With mario and luigi?
🧠 Traumatic event
writing prompts
There are so many ideas for this prompt alone!
I was brainstorming on this today, and as I did I thought "What if the Bros were reliving trauma through a similar experience?". So here it is :) Please note it gets sad!
Takes place in the Mario Movie verse. Based on Super Princess Peach
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Mario had never felt such despair.
The plumber stretched out his aching legs, and took in the small, square space of his cell. Not that he was expecting anything to be different. He had been in this same spot for days now. Maybe months, it was hard to tell. He could practically memorise the stone walls even with his eyes closed.
How could things have gone this way?
How could Bowser have been able to capture them so easily?
It was his fault, he knew that. Even though others would obviously tell him later that it wasn't. He hadn't been vigilant enough. Hadn't been prepared. If he was, then he wouldn't be sitting in a cell, worrying about Peach, and wondering how far away she was from rescuing them.
He and Luigi would never have been split up.
Mario's heart immediately stung at the thought of his brother. They hadn't seen each other since the day they and the kingdom had been captured. Mario clearly recalled the way their hands reached for each other, the two brothers dragged apart by the Koopa army on either side. Mario managed to punch a few back before reaching again, only to yet again to be pulled back by even more forces. He saw Luigi's face glistening wet trails as he was dragged to another part of the castle. Far away from where Mario was to be placed.
Mario also recalled the sheer hatred he felt when he looked at Bowser. The Koopa King's grin was mocking, and filled with malice.
Mario's heart burnt with that same hatred now, and he clutched at his face to fight back the tears. He would not let Bowser or any of his guards catch him like this! The idea was more humiliating than anything. But he missed his brother so much.
It was all feeling too much like the first time they had discovered the Mushroom Kingdom, when they had been torn apart so viciously in the warp zone.
"We've never been apart this long."
Those words are what he had said to Peach all that time ago in the flower field. And he had meant it. He had carried that dull ache of loss, of longing, until the brothers were finally reunited, and Mario had held him in his arms once again.
He sat up and hugged his arms around him now. He imagined Luigi was with him, arms wrapped around him just as tight, his head nestled on his shoulder.
It would obviously suck, to be stuck in a cell, but at least they would have each other...
"I'm so sorry Luigi", Mario wept.
He raised a hand and made a gesture as if he was cradling a head. It all suddenly felt so real.
"I miss you."
- - -
Luigi was lying on the floor of his cell.
How long he had? He didn't know or care. His routine wasn't going to be any different in the next hour. Or the next.
He was beginning to lose his sense of reality. Stuck in this cell wasn't helping matters.
He had cried for days before the Koopa guards had installed insolation around the edge of his cell door, in a vain attempt to muffle the noise.
In all fairness, it wasn't like he was dangling over a pit of lava this time. So it was much cooler. And he wasn't in an uncomfortable cage, just a slightly bigger uncomfortable cell. So he had that going for him.
But at least in the lava prison he had company. Despite the few days of growing concern over his brother, and the heat of the lava scorching his skin, he had others to talk to. King Penguin was an interesting person with many tales from his kingdom, despite his high pride. And there had been a few koopas and goombas trapped in there that had rebelled against Bowser - so it had been helpful to get their insight. Even Lumalee had been company to an extent, although his unnerving talks of death made sure that Luigi only spoke to them when necessary.
No, the worst thing was that he missed his big brother so bad.
And it was even worse than in the lava prison. At least there he had hope that his brother was coming. This time they were both trapped. Unable to even be together because Bowser had insisted on splitting them up.
The King had known exactly what he was doing then.
Luigi clenched a fist tightly. Oh how he wished that he could have the Power Star again so he could be stronger and punch Bowser in the face like he and Mario did in that final battle in Brooklyn.
But he had no Power Star. Just his own thoughts that were slowly swirling into one day after day.
Luigi stared at the wall. How many times had he counted the bricks, or memorised every line around each slab in an attempt to pass the time?
He was going mad.
He stretched his arm out a little more, his palm facing upwards. He imagined that Mario was lying beside him. What would he say? Probably something optimistic like they would find a way out soon. Maybe they would spend the days just talking to make the time pass quicker. Mario would talk the most, he always did in dire situations.
Luigi blinked. Surprisingly he wasn't startled, or scared. In fact he felt the opposite, as a vision of his brother appeared lying beside him, his hand resting in Luigi's palm.
Luigi smiled. His head felt so heavy, and for a moment he considered that he really was going mad. But he didn't want this image of his brother to go away. He felt so real.
The vision of Mario looked at him with such love and relief that Luigi thought he would start crying again. His 'brother's' hand slipped its fingers in between Luigi's, and gently stroked his thumb with his own.
"I'm so sorry, Luigi."
Luigi found himself replying.
"It's not your fault."
"You always says that", 'Mario' huffed. "But it is. I should've been stronger. I couldn't protect you."
"No one could see it coming", said Luigi more insistent this time. "Don't blame yourself."
"How are you doing?", asked 'Mario'. The concern was evident on his face.
Luigi shrugged.
"Ok. I'm getting by. What about you?"
"Ok", 'Mario' replied back. "The food is terrible though."
Luigi let out a soft laugh at that. His 'brother' smiled back.
"You know...", said Luigi. "When I was trapped in Bowser's fortress, the very first time, I sometimes imagined you were with me."
"I bet I wouldn't have been as brave as you."
"Oh you would!", Luigi spoke up. "You would've busted out of there faster than I ever did..."
'Mario' reached over with his other hand and patted their intertwined ones.
"You were brave enough to hang in there. And you're gonna keep hanging in there now. Promise me, little bro."
"I promise Mario", Luigi whispered. "I miss you."
And just like that Luigi blinked out of the trance. He sat up, finding his whole body stiff from lying down so long. He glanced up at the tiny window at the top of the outside of his cell. From what he could see, the sky was already staining a golden yellow. The guards would be here soon with his evening meal (of which would no doubt consist of stale bread and cheese).
Luigi sat back on the bench, letting out a deep breath so all his muscles relaxed.
"Hang in there Mario", he whispered. "I'll see you soon."
- - -
Back in his own cell, Mario was lying on the floor, only it was in the opposite direction than to how Luigi had been. His arm was outstretched, and his hand curled upwards in an odd angle, almost like he was trying to intertwine his fingers with someone.
"I miss you too, Luigi", Mario whispered. "Hang in there."
- - -
Authors notes under the cut
Oh dang this was heartbreaking to write ;_; Hope you like this anon!
I considered doing a scene when the brother's wake up from a nightmare of the events that transpired in the movie (like so many other fics have done)...
And then I thought, well what if I did it from another perspective. Have the brothers relive the trauma of being forcefully separated! That is defiantly something they would never want to relive again. And then I remembered Super Princess Peach and, well, here we are!
I hope you all like it, and thank you for reading <3
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serendipitous-girl · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞
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⊱✿⊰ summary: he isn't yours so why do you get so jealous?
⊱✿⊰ warnings: jealously, you're possessive but sal likes it, he doesn't believe anyone would love him :( cringy confession; reader is a dork i fear (she is me)
⊱✿⊰ notes: i heard this song and had this daydream and was like dang this would be a fire fanfic so here we are. ALSO WHERE ARE ALL THE SALLY FACE FANS LIKE I WRITE FOR IT GUYS NOTICE ME ahem anyway
⊱✿⊰ taglist: @fashionablysouly @kozumesphone
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You had a secret: you were excruciatingly and agonizingly in love with your best friend, Sal Fisher. Okay so maybe it wasn't a secret to anyone except for Sal himself but it was still something you would rather die before Sal found out. He definitely didn't see you that way and he would probably reject you immediately if he found out. So it was safer to just not say anything.
He didn't need to know about the nights spent screaming into your pillow or crying in Ashley's arms over how sickeningly giddy his voice made you. He didn't need to know how easily he made your heart beat like you ran a marathon or how easily he made you feel like your head was in the clouds.
However that led to dilemmas such as the one you found yourself in currently. You were probably the most aware of Sal'a attractive but unfortunately, you were not the only one to notice it. So it was common as was happening right then, to find a girl start talking his ear off obviously trying to flirt with him.
"You're so funny, Sallyy," The girl giggled, sitting across from Sal at the cafeteria table. You tried to stop your glare from settling into your face but it was far too late, jealousy was disease that affected you quickly and viciously.
She was beautiful with tanned skin and soft lips, she was perfect and far more in the league of someone as incredible of Sal. But no, she doesn't deserve Sal. She doesn't know him like you do, she doesn't ache in her bones at the thought of being near him. She can't have him.
"You might as well leave." Larry commented to her, seeming far to amused as he glanced at you. You felt self conscious and tried to relax your face from the deadly look you had been casting on that girl. He continued, "[Name] is far too jealous to let you stay for much longer."
Murder should be legal, you quickly decided as you shot a look at Larry that made him well aware he would not be living for much longer. Why the hell would he say that? In front of Sal too?
Did he want you to die of heartbreak? Surely Larry fucking Johnson was praying on your downfall because there is no other logical reason for him to have done that. Unless he has a death wish.
"[Name] isn't dating Sal. Isn't that right, honey?" The girl replied, placing her hand over top Sal'`. That was when you snapped; how dare she touch Sal?
Before you could fully process thinking you grabbed her wrist and yanked it away from Sal. You looked at her, trying to cool the inferno of anger in your gaze as you said, "That boy is mine. Touch him again and I break all of your bones."
The girl let out a whimper and quickly rushed away, leaving a majority of the lunch room's eyes on you. You sunk into your seat, far too afraid to glance at the blue haired boy beside you. You were beyond embarrassed by your possessiveness, who were you to say he was yours?
Larry and Ashley were absolutely cackling, way too amused to see this side of you publicly outed to the boy you loved with your entire soul. Sal turned to look at you, his prosthetic hiding any hint of emotion you could have gotten.
"I'm yours?" He asked, his voice making your tummy rumble and roll. Even his voice was attractive, it physically wasn't fair to exist beside him and not have him to kiss and hold.
"Have you really not noticed, Sally?" Ashley asked, nudging you on the shoulder. You bit the inside of your cheek, preferring none of this to happen. Why did your feelings have to come out this way?
Sal made a confused noise but you grabbed his arm, and said, "Can I talk to you alone?" He nodded and let you lead him away from the lingering stares, into the hallway which was far more empty.
"What's up with you?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. You felt his gaze on your face, making it warm even more. Although that didn't seem quite possible with how feverish every inch of your skin felt. You looked down at your shoes, trying to stall the confession.
"I don't want you dating anyone." You said finally, jealously arising yet again as you remember that girl flirting with Sal. He let out a huff of confusion, his eyes still directly on you. Crap, you had to explain more.
"Seeing those girls flirt with you or hearing them make those vile comments about the things they want to do to you. It makes me so angry, it isn't fair. I don't want you dating anyone except for me. I want you to be my boyfriend." You ranted, feeling your blood boil as you remember all the times you had gotten jealous.
When Sal froze, you realized what you said. Oh no no no, he is going to reject you and never talk to you again. If only there was a self destruct button on your body you could press in this moment.
He kept staring at you, making you wish you could see beneath his mask to have a guess at how he was feeling. How disgusted he might be at your ridiculous feelings for him.
"why do you like....me?" He finally asked, sounding shocked that you could have feelings for him. Your gaze shot back up to meet his, and you saw the surprise (and dare you say, happiness?) in his eye.
"Why wouldn't I like you, Sal? You're so amazing and god I love you so much I think I've gone insane." You replied, feeling almost breathless with this string of honesty. His body finally relaxed and you could almost sense the smile beneath his mask.
"I love you too, [Name.]" Sal replies quietly, "Can I be your boyfriend?"
You felt your lips part with surprise, not believing your ears. Sal must have noticed your shock because he laughed and leaned closer, interlacing your hand with his deliciously cold fingers.
"Yes, you can be my boyfriend." You said, rambling slightly. You must've been injected with a dose of caffeine because you kissed his mask right where his lips lay under. Then you ran away, giggling like a lunatic. You stopped in a hallway, feeling flushed and faint and giddy and ridiculous.
Finally that boy truly was yours.
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Hey, you! You should watch Hikaru no Go!
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: Hikaru no Go/Qi Hun/棋魂.
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Based on the manga of the same name, this drama is the Chinese live-action adaptation of a story about a boy who plays Go, the spirit only he can see who teaches him how to play Go, and all the friends and enemies he meets along his journey to become a good Go player.
...Wait, no, come back. I swear it's more interesting than that makes it sound.
What it is, is a character-driven tale of a charming young boy who, among a bunch of weird and wonderful people who love him, grows up to be a charming young man.
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(You see how his shirt says SWEETIE CUTIE? That is because he is a sweetie cutie.)
It's a sports manga, so you've got Training Montages and The Big Game and all sorts of tense moments like that. But there's also lots of fun, gentle plotlines that are equal parts tearjerking and heartwarming. It is incredibly written, act, and produced, and I can't believe that it's not more popular, because it's so good.
Here are five reasons you should watch it:
Word of Honor is merely the second gayest thing I have ever seen a c-drama do. Hikaru no Go is gayer by an order of magnitude.
I think the way they got it past censorship was by saying, oh no, this isn't gay, it's just a sports rivalry! But come on, what do you mean sports rivalries aren't gay, have you seen how all those Canadian and US hockey players keep marrying one another? This is that. This is the tale of two boys who've been in love since they were seven figuring out that they've been in love since they were seven.
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(And speaking of seven-year-olds, the kid casting is amazing.)
I mean:
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This is an actual still from the show.
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So is this.
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So is this.
These are not taken out of context. The context would make them gayer. That's how gay they are for each other.
But you know what the best part is? They're not the only pairing. And I don't just mean this like, oh, here's two other cute boys, you can imagine the times they kiss -- I mean, the show itself has its own ships! Ships you wouldn't expect! Intergenerational gay Go solidarity!
Now here's the catch: You have to wait for it. But oh boy, the payoff had us clutching our heads and screaming as quietly as we could because it was after midnight and we were losing our minds.
That last episode!! You have to see it to believe it!!!
Bring the tissues. There are parts where it was kinda hard for me to watch because I was sobbing.
Because it's a sports manga, there are lots of triumphs and tragedies. Not everybody can make it to The Big Game. Not everybody gets to live out their dreams. Sometimes you try your hardest and it's not good enough. Sometimes you play your best and you still lose. Some people have to give up on what they love. Some people who were there with us at the beginning don't get to make it with us to the end.
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What really makes it is that the show sits with its emotions. Events will affect people's emotional states for multiple episodes to follow. People who have sadness don't just snap out of it. Loving someone doesn't automatically fix them. Shit's hard!
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Of course, this contrast makes the triumphs even more wonderful. I will tell you that the show has a happy ending, but not always the ending you would expect would have been their happy ending. It is overall an incredibly uplifting show. You'll need tissues for that, too.
3: (Nearly) Everything Is Pretty Dang Normal
Part of what I mean by that is that while a lot of the actors are real pretty, they're also done up in ways where, like, if you met this person on the street, you would think, this person is pretty! and not, what the hell fancy-ass magazine cover did you just step off of?
Look at these normal goobers:
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There are two exceptions to this. The first is Chu Ying, because he is a ghost energy being from the distant past, and ghosts energy beings from the distant past get astonishing eyeliner.
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The second is Fang Xu, because his actor, Han Mubo, is an actual idol. Congratulations on your face, sir.
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However, I also mean that the story is delightfully mundane. Sure, there's that one supernatural element to it, but everything else is just a regular story about regular people who have regular human problems. There are characters who disappoint their parents and mentors, struggle to pay their bills, try to balance school and extracurricular activities, have crushes, argue with teachers, flake on responsibilties, get lost in the woods, and do some pretty normal human things. Nobody's avenging anyone or trying to slay anything. It's just people being people.
It's even a bit of a period piece -- the show starts out in 1997, then jumps forward to the late '00s, so everything's just charmingly slightly outdated. Damn, I love everybody's flip phones.
4: Actually Good Television
Okay, if you like c-dramas, you know they can be ... janky. Episodes sometimes end practically in the middle of sentences. CG leaves much to be desired. Obvious cuts and last-minute overdubbing really stand out. You can tell where the censorship mandates got in there and started mucking around with things. That kind of jank.
This show feels different. It feels like someone thought out each episode, start to finish, and then created each piece to fit that vision. Every episode even has a title and beautiful title card. They start and end in dramatically logical places. The cinematography isn't anything particularly artful or experimental, but it's solid and clean and lovely. (And if you're sick of shows so dark you can't see them, you've got no worries here.)
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The CG in the show is unobtrusive, and most of it is spent making Chu Ying subtly transparent.
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There are a bunch of secondary characters, but to me that never felt overwhelming. Most of them are interesting, three-dimensional characters, no matter how short their screen time is. And while there definitely could have been more female characters, the show itself is pretty open about how sexism in the Go world means that it's mostly a boys' club -- and the ladies that are there are great.
In short, this is a show you can show to people who don't have c-drama brain and thus are less inclined to overlook some of the more cringeworthy aspects of their productions. I bet that your Average American Television Enjoyer Who Can Handle Subtitles would have no trouble getting into the groove of it, which I imagine could be very useful for those of you who have people you'd like to watch c-dramas with, except you don't feel like stopping every five minutes to apologize for one thing or another.
5: Better Than The Source Material?
This is the point where I have to admit that I myself have never read the manga or seen the anime. I came into this with only the vaguest familiarity with the source material. I can only tell you that the live-action drama is good; I can't swear that it's better.
However, @jianghootinandhollerin can speak to this comparison more authoritatively than I:
When I was 20, Hikaru no Go (manga) was my favorite thing, the primary obsession, the source of multiple livejournal themes, custom winamp skins, and a fanfic where Hikaru got a go stone stuck up his nose. Because of this deep love in my history, I was dubious about a live action version and the changes it made, but hey, turns out, those changes were exactly what the 20 years older version of me needed. This version of the story benefits so much from having the full, completed story to work from from the outset. The manga didn't know where it was ending when it started, but this show got to, and the story gets to be richer and the characters' stories get to be deeper thanks to that. And also, very importantly: everyone is older and much, much gayer.
Look, I understand if "but it's not the original manga/anime" is a dealbreaker for you. There are adaptations of things I can't watch because no matter how good the end product may be, I'm going to hold it against it that it's not the source I'd rather be seeing, and that's not a fair standard. That's fine. It happens.
But if you can, give this a go (pun unintended). It does not replace the original thing; it is a different take on the same idea. And yeah, it's one that really speaks to me here, on the other side of forty as I am. Maybe I would have missed it at twenty, but the person I am now really respects its attitude that while Being The Best is all well and good, it is not the only thing, and it is absolutely not more important than being yourself and doing what you love with the people you love. Sometimes you peak and can't advance anymore, so you become a teacher, and you know what, that's better than okay, that's actually pretty great. (Do I overidentify with Bai Chuan? Listen: maybe.)
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Have I convinced you to watch it yet?
You can watch it on iQiyi, or you can watch it on iQiyi's YouTube channel. I hope you love it as much as I do.
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worldsofarchive · 1 month
Guess Who!
This Teaser Contains:
Pairing: Gn!Reader x Human Au!Karaku + Urogi
Warnings: Double Penetration, Slight Degrading, Rough Handling, Mentions Of Drinking
Key Notes: Au where the Hantengu Clones are identical quadruplets with little-to-no discernible features
Rating: 18+ / Those younger or unstated will be banned from the library!
Finished Book! Guess Who!
Loud laughter bounces off the walls, drinks in hand, food on the table, and three bodies on the couch. You smile brightly and sort of slur out, "Can't believe you did that, Urogi! Dumbass!" The quadruplet laughs harder and points at his mirror image. "That's Urogi! You're the dumbass!" You laugh harder, and Urogi nearly spits out his drink.
Dang, your stomach hurts from laughing; you can barely drink let alone eat with these two clowns with you. As the laughter dies down, Karaku takes a sip of his drink. "You really can't tell us apart properly. Even after what... three years." You scrunch your nose. "I can tell Aizetsu and Sekido apart from you two, but not the two of you. You two are very similar." 
Karaku pouted and pulled out his ponytail; his silky black hair had green strands woven in between them. "Man… I even dyed my hair and everything; maybe you're just too short to see it." He pokes your forehead, to which you lunge at him. Karaku swiftly grabs both of your wrists, making you land on his chest before he flips you over onto your back and holds you down.
You feel his chest bounce as he laughs. "I win! Single-handedly." Urogi leans back and puts one leg over the other. "Y'know, I and Karaku have a lot of differences; sure, Aizetsu and Sekido have a resting sad and bitch face, so it's easy to tell them apart, but if you really pay attention, me and Karaku are very different."
You wrestle out of Karaku's grip and sit back up. "Really? Prove it!" Urogi's smirk grows, and before you know it, his lips are on yours. His lips are chapped, always losing his lip balm somewhere, but his tongue is soft, warm, and a bit needy. He sucks on your bottom lip before letting his tongue wrestle yours. 
He pulls away, and it leaves you light-headed. Before you can ask or say anything, Karaku's hand guides your face to his. Karaku's kiss is harsher and more forceful. His lips are softer, a bit more plump with a cherry taste as his tongue tastes the inside of your cheek. Tilting his head the other way for a brief moment, your teeth bump before his bite down on your lip.
Then he pulls away all smug. "Well?" A bit irritated from the lip bite you bite back. "Urogi actually kissed me; you just bit my lip." Karaku didn't like that response, so with a smirk, he leaned closer. "Oh yeah? What if I wanna bite you some more?" He playfully snapped his teeth at you before his hand found your waist.
You felt Urogi press up against your back and the weight of his head on your shoulder. "Should we show you how different we are? In a more… intimate way?"
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abrthephantomq · 7 months
🌋Additional fun facts about Uendo Toneido!
In tha original Japanese version, it's a bit more obvious that tha alters are fictives of sorts. Kisegawa retains her name from tha rakugo story of 'Omitate', but Patches's original name was 'Ippachi' while Owen's original name was 'Sadakichi Isoda'. They're both rakugo characters that feature in a number of stories, Ippachi especially.
While Uendo's original stage name was 'Bifu Senputei', Uendo Toneido functions as a real Japanese name! (Ya can even see it a split second written on the fan they threw) Translating roughly to "Feather Performer", we believe.
A right cute detail is the fan symbol pepperin' their design is not only a mechanical fan, but one with specifically 4 blades.
Them gettin' drunk off of a sake bun is actually a rakugo reference! 'The scary manju bun' is a tale of a man claiming that his biggest fear, one that makes him pass out, are manju buns. When his friends prank him with a bunch of them, he eats them all and goes 'hmm... my biggest fear now is... a bottle of alcohol...' 'r somethin' like that!
Number of mats a rakugo artist sits on can be indicative of how popular/well liked they are! Can't get full details on this but it's 'parently a gag in rakugo shows/series that this can happen. So it's fair ta say that Uendo is fairly well liked as a performer ('n probably does give out autographs!)
Uendo calls Geiru "big sis" and Athena "sis" in the original Japanese
Uendo actually falls in line with a specific theme of Spirit of Justice, which I can only really describe as being themed ta spirit channelin'? Albhi and the dog being able to talk somehow, the magician twins pretending to be one person, Uendo and co. all seem to be sort of allusions to that element. In a sense they're kind of a parallel to Maya Fey, in fact they're actually the same age as her in canon, if ya look closely! It makes sense, if ya consider Maya and Mia are basically two characters in one. 'N with how many cocouncil characters allude ta Maya (if ya haven't played the Professor Layton one the gal in that is uh. The most blatant one, we'll say.), Uendo sorta... inadvertently confirms the whole dang series has been awfully plural for a long time? It's interestin'.
Can't remember anythin' else atm, but hope ya liked all that! - Helen
Mannnnnnn. I am absolutely loving all of this. ❤️ Thank you for stopping by with these fun facts!!
I haven't played the crossover game (I desperately wanna tho), but ... Yeah. I def see what you mean about things being System- coded.
These little facts just make everything so much better, though. And tbh I'm not surprised that the Uendo's headmates may be fictives - considering how large rakugo is as a piece of their shared life.
Idk it seems like they did a decent amount of research for rep that actually felt reasonable within the context of the AA universe. Especially with these added little facts. ❤️
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So that's what you do, dress yourself in some comfortable clothes, and pack your things as if your life depended on it, giving your reflection a quick glance before leaving your old apartment behind. After a long ride, you finally reach Morioh, checking your notepad once again for directions as if you hadn't read it a few too many times already out of fear of getting completely lost…and you did. Even after checking it so many times, you still got lost somehow! You walked around for what felt like hours and still haven't found your damn hotel! In a desperate moment, you swallow your pride and start looking for somebody to get information from…no matter how stupid you must look with your suitcase under your arm and sweat running down your face. So after looking for a while, you finally reach upon a small cafe, an old blond man sitting at one of the tables set outside the small establishment, just perfect!
“Excuse me, would you mind giving me directions?”
That's the first thing that leaves your mouth as soon as you reach the stranger, which, in return, turned his heads as quickly as you had reached out to him.
“I'm truly sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for this hotel here and-”
You spent a few minutes with the man as both of you tried to make sense of the messy scribbles you made, the man letting out a few chuckles as he reassured you everytime you apologized for your mistakes (which weren't even that deep honestly, just a few spelling mistakes due to how nervous you were) And finally, after some time you two manage to make sense of your messy handwriting and a map that the man had in hands, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as you thanked him.
“Before I leave, may I ask you something?”
He asked, the coffee in his hands already finished
“I'm sure I've met you before. Did you happen to live here? What's your name?”
If it was any other situation, you would be wary of the man. You had just met him, yet he was already asking for your name and if you had lived here! Yet, in your rush to get to your hotel, you simply answered him without questioning
“Oh, I'm not really sure? I can't really remember it…but my name is Y/N! Y/N L/N!”
His eyebrows perked up slightly, a smile slowly creeping up to his face as three other people slowly approached the table
“Y/N L/N you say?”
(Pretty sure this is still trash but I put WAY to much effort onto this to not send it lol 😭)
Too much effort on my Yandere blog? Nah, no such thing. This is the right place to put effort into writing Jojo characters as yandere. I’ll appreciate any piece that gets sent to me dang it.
Gosh Norisuke would be so interesting as a platonic yandere. I could gush over that alone, there’s a genuine nice air about him and I believe him to be very warm and inviting when he wants to be. Though can just be as unsettling as any of the other Higashikata family members. If there’s anything you’re uncertain about, he’s right there to help you at a moments notice. I’ll stop blabbering about it under your submission however
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myunghology · 2 years
hi jian,i hope you're doing well these days♡´・ᴗ・`♡!i've seen your post reharding about your inbox being opened,so i'll give it a try!can i request a scaramouche/wanderer and albedo hc with their s/o,g/n reader,who turned into a cat and how would they react?👀iyw to add more,you can add some domestic stuff.Its okay of this request is too much,you can ignore it!
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ʚ scaramouche and albedo with an s/o who turned into a cat, + domestic headcanons ɞ
— ✦ gender neutral reader, headcanons, pure fluff! [ a/n : I think I'm in my Sabrina carpenter phase ]
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didn't realize it was you when he visited. tried calling you and said "what's this cat doing here?" but then you don't reply. are you not there? he looks around the living room and sits beside you and pets you.
but in his pov, he was wondering why you weren't there. so he tries asking the cat (he's a lil silly okay) and then you try to convince him that the cat is you. obviously doesn't believe you
and then, you finally convinced him.
he's mad. but not that mad. who would do this to you? or did you do it yourself?
you totally did it yourself.
"are you stupid" - scaramouche
asks if you can turn back into a human. "meow meow meow raaaaaaaaa hiss hiss" translation = "IF I COULD I'D BE A HUMAN RIGHT NOW"
"dang okay"
tries buying cat toys to tease you. and you just sit there with a :// sick and tired of his bs.
bought more like stole something to make you turn back into a human. but of course, things don't always go that well.
you basically turn into a cat for the rest of your life, but you can turn back into a human anytime. and to be honest? it's not bad.
you have sat on this man's lap multiple times, human or not, he finds it comforting
STAWWPPP im literally thinking of scaramouche with a s/o who turns into a cat when they're flustered
you definitely sit on his shoulder when he's working in your cat form
I'm gonna tell you. Living with him is a nightmare. No it's not those type of aesthetic couples let's be fr... You two literally have fights every hour. Playfully of course
"scara what do you use for your eyeshadow?"
"my aunts ashes"
"scara smile for me"
"fuck you"
definitely knows how to cook.
also, definitely late night walks / dates.
buying lots of random shit in 7/11 is considered a date. to him at least. or mall dates!
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+ taking baths together... not sexually omg
washing each other's backs and hair :), you accidentally got soap in his eyes and he hissed so badly HAHAHAH
"(#(#(#(! #? @) @? @?? #(#() 1#(#("
oh btw he definitely does skincare. forces you to do it with him.
random goofy ass selfies in the mirror wearing face masks with scara >>>>
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he was definitely the one who turned you into a cat let's be honest
he. he doesn't really have that much of a reaction.
but he tortures you 'trying' to find a cure and says 'it's hard' BUT IT ISN'T. HE JUST LIKES TEASING YOU AND LIKES SEEING YOU AS A CAT
doesn't turn you back until he's satisfied. sorry.
you knock down some of his materials to annoy him LMAO, acts like he doesn't care but inside he's like "dyk how much I spent on that"
your paws on top of his hair gripping on to it forcing him to turn you back into a human.
eventually, he did.
but he was missing one material,, and apparently you can't get it anymore.
insert incoherent cat noises
and finally, you did turn back.
you'll still turn into a cat from time to time though.
he sends you to places when you're in your cat form because he thinks it's probably faster to get materials that way.
i don't think he's wrong though..
living with albedo... eh..
he's rarely home. most of the time he's in the lab— that's acceptable.
and half of the time he's taking care of klee.
but he all makes up for it, he can't leave you hanging just like that of course.
it's good that he gets home early, you two spend the rest of the day painting together, or either just doing random things together. also— when klee is there, is definitely more fun.
baking with them, coloring, playing hide and seek, making random potions!
“albedo do you know how to make slime” — klee
you three tried making slime. it got stuck on klees hair LMAO
eventually got it out after an hour.
swore to never make slime again.
klee sees you as a sister figure, and that makes albedo really happy :)
she keeps clinging on to you, while albedo just stares in awe at you two smiling and tilting his head slightly.
at the end of the day, you three all take a rest together on the couch looking like a cute little family. actually people have actually mistaken you guys for a famil-
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©myunhology — all works written are made by ©myunhology. DON'T steal / copy my works. if you do see someone stealing my works, please report them :).
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
1 - Look At US Now
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Part 2
The Texas Tire Family
Tags - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita
10 Years Ago
Entering the garage I snuck in quietly back into the bed seeing Georgie cuddling up with our little Aurora. Closing the door gently I nudged him over on his other side making him roll over mumbling. “Hmm Y/n…what are you doing’?”
“Shhh you’ll wake her up. I just needed to tell you that I love you Georgie.” I mumbled kissing him softly, making him smile. Since my memories had come back I have made sure to tell him everyday that I love him regardless if I said it more than once.
He rested a hand on my waist and the other ran through my hair deepening the kiss until we heard Aurora shifting in her sleep over his shoulder. “Dang it. I love you too Y/n.”
Sitting up in the bed I watched Georgie rolling over seeing our daughter clapping her hands together giggling as he tickled her stomach. Running a hand through my hair I cleared my throat, getting him to look me in the eye. “Hey so I looked into that apartment we were interested in a while back and apparently he goes to the gamboling room. He said he would give us a much lower payment for the first few years.”
“That’s great. We could go get Dairy Queen and go check it out.” He smiled holding our daughter in his lap.
Reaching into my pocket of my jeans I gingle the keys in his eyes smiling ear to ear. “I actually talked with him earlier yesterday. He gave us the place already. Basically insisted upon it. Now let’s go.”
Georgie and I got Aurora in the truck a lot quicker than we did in the past. The drive to the apartment wasn't bad. Picking up our daughter in my arms I gave Georgie the key and he opened the door letting me inside first. "Wow. It still looks way bigger than the garage." He chuckled looking around the room.
"Everything will look bigger than the garage honey. But look we won't have to barge in through the house every time me and Aurora have to use the bathroom. Plus there's a tiny kitchen even though we'll probably be ordering take out or going over to your parents for dinner." I exclaimed pointing towards the bathroom then over to a very small kitchen. "Also he actually upgraded us to have a two bedroom apartment. So one for us and the other for babies."
Georgie sits our daughter on the floor letting her play with her pony before quickly rising to his feet. "Babies?"
"I didn't - did I say that. Oh geez it was supposed to be a surprise." Running my fingers through my hair I didn't think it would slip out like that.
Georgie took a step closer taking my hands in his asking slowly. "Is it true Y/n. Are we gonna have another baby?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise at the family dinner tonight when we announced we are moving out. But secrets out so yes. Yes, we're having another baby." I squealed when he picked me up, twirling me around in circles of laughter.
Gently gripping his shirt he finally sat me on my feet where I still kept my arms around his neck grinning like a child. "I can't believe it, babe. You hear that Rora you're gonna have a little brother or sister." Aurora was crawling around on the floor searching around the apartment. I was secretly hoping that the baby would be another girl. But Georgie would probably want a boy to keep the Cooper family name going. "I guess we're gonna have to move our stuff in tonight huh. My mom won't be happy we are leaving."
"Yeah but don't worry she can visit us. Now let's talk about how we are doing the room situation. I think Rora should get the little room then we take the bigger one." Shrugging my shoulders he nodded wrapping his arms around my waist.
Georgie smiled, pulling me closer to his chest. "I don't care I just feel like my wife deserves to be taken out to eat tonight."
"For getting pregnant really? I think I can settle with brisket. We're gonna have to pay rent now." I pointed out that he thought I deserved something like Red Lobster or something way more expensive.
Before he could respond his phone went off so he pulled it out of his jeans answering it. "Yeah what's up…sure we can come get you."
"Who was it…ow?" I asked picking up our daughter from the floor where she pulled on my hair a little.
He put the phone away heading for the truck with me putting her in the car seat. "Missy, she needs to be picked up from practice and both my parents are busy." The drive to the school was fine so we waited for his sister seeing her stomp up to the vehicle.
She slammed the backseat door behind her making all three of us jump a little in the air. "Woah Missy. What the hell is wrong?"
"I got in trouble in class because Heather M was judging you and Y/n. She said you two wouldn't be able to raise a baby or that Rora would grow up to be stupid." Missy crossed her arms over her chest huffing.
Georgie and I sent the other a disappointing look. Even though we had been improving on raising her. We always try our best to ignore the others who thought wrong. Regardless it was still difficult as teen parents. "Heather M shouldn't be in our business. I'd say just ignore her." He told her gently gripping the steering wheel.
She just turned to face the window and the drive home was silent. Flopping down on the bed once we got Aurora settled until we would wake her up for dinner I watched my husband. He was watching her and just leaning against the doorframe. "Georgie?"
"Hmm. What darlin'?" He shook his head when I pulled him from the long stare.
Holding myself up by my elbows I could read what he was thinking by the look on his face. "We can't listen to them, Georgie. Everyone in this town will have their own opinion. But like you told your sister we have to ignore them."
"What if Aurora struggles in school or doesn't finish at all Y/n?" He blurted out a question.
Getting to my feet I intertwined our hands together so he would look me in the eye. "Georgie I promise we are going to prove everyone wrong one day. We are going to be the best teen parents ever."
"Mom! Eve won't give me back my phone!" Lifting my head up from looking at the computer screen I watched my two teenagers come in fighting.
Georgie was off helping a customer in our store leaving me to reschedule any appointments if we were full. "Eve give your sister back her phone." I told her in a warning tone. Our second daughter was named Eve and she had her father's hair color and my eyes.
"But mom, she made me break my phone last week!" She fought back by playing keep away from her sister. Like they were ten years old again.
Rising to my feet I pressed my right hand onto the desk for balance staring sternly at my girls. "I don’t care. Just because you guys don’t have school today doesn’t mean you get to cause problems at your father’s store.”
“What are you gals bickerin’ about?” Georgie came around the corner with me catching sight of a customer walking out with some paperwork for tire’s meaning he had made another sail.
Aurora stomps her foot on the ground throwing her braided hair over her shoulder. “Dad Eve won’t give me back my phone because I apparently broke hers and - is that uncle Sheldon?”
Georgie and I both moved around the corner peaking a little around the wall seeing that she was telling the truth. “Why is he back here. I thought he would never come back?” I mumbled looking up at my husband.
“What the hell are you doin’ here?” Georgie moved forward and I stood slightly behind him eyeing his younger brother in confusion.
“Hello Georgie, Y/n.” Sheldon replied with a nod towards us. Biting my lip I knew this conversation would be interesting.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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kswlust · 2 years
babe, let's do some yoga! | l.hs
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sypnosis : you and your boyfriend were just watching a movie when you had an idea so after some convincing, you finally got him to do yoga with you, but it wasn't actually yoga..
pairing : boyfriend!heeseung x gn!reader
contains : fluff, loads and loads of petnames (baby, babe, love), pranking, suggestive, SUPER SHORT!!!!
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it was a rainy friday, you and heeseung were laying in bed, cuddling because the two if you had nothing better than this to do. you nuzzled your face in his chest, taking in the scent of his expensive perfume as he played with your hair, twirling your soft strands around his fingers. you sighed, looking up at heeseung. "baby.." you let out weakly. "yes, my love?" he asked, looking down at you. "I'm bored, like extremely bored. crazy bored!" you raised your voice a bit, pouting.
heeseung giggled at you, leaning in to leave a peck on your soft, pretty pouty lips. "I know, I am too. think of something we can do, love." he said, his hands going down to rest on your waist. "but my brain isn't working!" you whined, curling up into a ball in heeseungs arms. "just try, baby." his other hand went down to hold yours as he closed his eyes. you were thinking so hard, but nothing was coming to mind. until..
"yoga! we should do some yoga!" you yelled, sitting up, scaring the living hell out of heeseung. "what- yoga? no, baby, bad idea. you know I suck at it!" he said, sitting up as well. "please, it's the only thing I can think of which I really like and have always wanted to do with you!" you frowned, crossing your arms. heeseung sighed, shaking his head. "no, I won't do it. think of something else, love. please?" he said, putting his hand on yours. you shook your head as a no.
heeseung blinked many times, staring at you before sighing again and getting up from the bed. "alright, let's go.." he gave in, pretty quickly. your frown turned upside down as you got up from the bed, jumping on heeseung. "thank you, thank you, thank youuu!!" you gave him a cute smile and he couldn't resist smiling back at you. he carried you to the living room and settled you down on the couch, going to grab the yoga mats in another room.
while he was away, an idea suddenly hit your head. you smirked as heeseung walked back and layed out the mats. you sat down on one of them and looked up at heeseung, motionung him to sit down too. and so he did!. "I have an idea. how about I see how smart you are? I'll tell you instructions and let's see if u do them correctly!" you said, smiling. "uh uh.. okay." he said, scratching the back of his head.
you instructed heeseung to lay down; "okay, now put your legs in the air and open them up." you said to your boyfriend, the man following your instructions cluelessly. "ouch, ouch, ouch-!" he yelled out as he felt a crack in his thigh, immediately falling on his side. "it's fine, it happens. lay down on your belly, baby-" you said, smirk displayed ok your face. heeseung sighed and continued following your instructions. he layed down on his belly, taking one leg and pulling it up.
"this looks so familiar, why can't I remember...? this one's easy though! give me a harder one." he said, confidently. "okay, lay on your side, put one leg up in the air and hold both of your hands behind your back." you say, absolutely loving this as heeseung did what you asked. until it suddenly hit him. "wait, these aren't yoga positions!?" he said, sitting up, in shock and ashamed of what he just did.
you immediately bursted into laughter, falling onto your back and clapping your hands as you banged your head on the floor. "fuck, baby, that was so funny. I can't believe you actually fell for it?!" you giggled, covering your mouth with your hands. you suddenly felt a pair of hands pull you. you yelped as heeseung pushed your legs wide open, hands going down to grip your thighs.
"how about I put you in those positions?"
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© kswlust | translations aren't allowed, plz don't plagiarize!!
A/N : this is so dang bad but take this as I try to write a long hot better than this dumb shit fic!!
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The First Anniversary
Bucky stops at the door, taking a large gulp of air as he tries to rid himself of all self-doubt and nerves for the occasion.
But in his defense, it was a pretty big occasion. 
It was your very first anniversary. The first of what he could only hope would be a lifetime's worth of anniversaries together.
And that meant this one would set a tone for the one's that followed, or so Bucky worried, which meant this one had to be perfect.
And that started with him being up first thing in the morning, slowly prying himself out of your warm embrace, quietly creeping out of bed, and getting straight to work.
Then borrowing Sam's car, he even made sure to ask Sam before he took the car, an act that flabbergasted the both of them. 
And then going to a florist that Tony Stark himself recommended, which meant it was a very expensive florist, but he didn't care, because he was determined to make this day perfect. And when the florist handed him a bouquet of sunflowers and roses that almost took his breath away, he knew you would absolutely love them. 
He didn't even care that you could probably grow a bouquet like this from your own hands, it was about the gesture, it was the thought that counted. Or, so he hoped. He even buckled the bouquet into the passenger seat to make sure that they stayed absolutely perfect. 
Then he swung by your favorite little bakery, picking up a box of all your favorite things. 
By the time he was done, it was almost 10:30, and he knew you'd slowly begin stirring awake sometime within the next half hour. He hightailed it back to the Compound, ignoring everyone and everything else, he went straight to your room. 
And now, he was standing there, preparing himself to make this the best anniversary he possibly could. 
With one last deep breath, he strode into the room, box and bouquet in hand. You were barely sitting up on the bed when you looked at him strangely, "I was wondering where you went."
He laid his jacket across the couch, removing his jacket before making his way to the bed. "I got a little something for my best girl."
"Aww...they're beautiful, thank you," you coo as Bucky presents the bouquet of sunflowers and roses to you. You swing your legs closer to the center of the bed to allow Bucky to sit on the edge. You gently caress his cheek, "You're so sweet, but what's the occasion?" 
He looks at you strangely for a moment, his warm smile turning into a mischievous grin as his jaw quite literally drops. "Oh my God, you forgot!"
Your eyebrows furrow as your head twists slightly, "Forgot what?"
His face brightens with mischievous amusement and he repeats, "You forgot."
"No, I didn't," you defensively scoff, though you don't offer a response to what it is he thinks you actually forgot. 
"What's today?" he questions.
You wince. "Tuesday?"
"I cannot believe you forgot," he chuckles, looking oddly triumphant at your lack of remembrance.
"Well," you stall, trying to figure out your best defense. "I- um...I spent my life in captivity, and I don't understand the importance of-"
"You already used the captivity card this week. Can't use it twice," Bucky reminds you.
"Did I?"
"So you didn't have to get out of bed yesterday."
"Dang it...my bad."
He playfully clutches his chest, standing up to put on an even more dramatic display of feigned hurt and betrayal. He paces the length of the room, still clutching his chest, "I can't believe it. My girlfriend, love of my life, forgot our first anniversary. I don't know how I'll ever-"
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry! I forgot. Okay, I'm very sorry."
"I don't know how I'm ever going to recover from this," he playfully continues.
"Listen, I'm very, very sorry. I really don't know how I forgot-"
"Forgot," Bucky tsks. "How could you forget?"
"I normally write these sort of things down. I don't know what happened!" you exclaim.
"I know what happened, you forgot."
"I'm so sorry," you vehemently apologize.
"And I forgive you entirely," he promises, kneeling down by the edge of the bed. He clutches both of your hands, pressing a sweet kiss to the both of them. "But I'm never going to let you forget this. Not once in our very long lives together. I will tell this story to our children and they will tell it to their children. And you will never live this down."
"How can one sentence be so sweet and so mean all at the same time?" you quietly marvel.
Bucky shrugs, standing up while pulling you up with him. "It's a talent. Now get dressed, because unlike some people, I didn't forget and made some very special plans for today."
"How many more of those can I expect today?"
"I don't know. Until I get tired of messing with you, I guess."
"Great," you huff. "So never."
He winks at you, a cheeky grin on his face. It was a smile that could light up the entire room, one that you'd never get tired of seeing on his normally stoic face, even if the grin was for the sole purpose of messing with you. "At least not today."
And soon enough, and with very little information from Bucky about his plans for the day, you're both dressed and ready to go. But before Bucky can actually start telling you about any of his plans for the day, you hear a frantic knock on the door. 
You quizzically look at Bucky to silently ask if this is apart of his plans. He silently shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. 
"Guys, it's me!" Sam calls from the other side of the door. Bucky lets out a sound of annoyance, rolling his eyes as he reaches for the door knob. He makes no attempt to school his unbridled irritation as he swings the door to an apologetic looking Sam. "I am so sorry to do this to you guys."
"Do what?" you ask, full of concern for Sam's worried expression. "What's wrong?"
He sighs, once again an apologetic expression flashing across his face. "We need you. The both of you."
"Sam," Bucky solemnly implores, his shoulders dropping in disbelief. He'd spent weeks making sure that you both had this day off, and not only off, but that the two of you would not, under any circumstances be called in for anything. "C'mon, it's our anniversary. Even if some people forgot."
"Nice," you scoff with a roll of your eyes.
"I know, I know, I really wouldn't ask if I had any other option," Sam swears. "Everyone else is gone. This was my last option. Either that or I go alone."
"Well, don't do that," you quickly object. "It could be dangerous."
"This really can't wait until tomorrow?" Bucky desperately questions, though the sinking feeling in his stomach is telling him that all of his plans have just been torn to shreds. "We can leave first thing."
"Rebel group keeps moving, it's been hard to pin them down. We're lucky we even got a location now. It's now or never."
"Can we pick never?" Bucky grumbles under his breath. 
"If it's any consolation, you should be back in time for your dinner reservations," Sam hopefully offers, clapping his hand on Bucky's shoulder.
Bucky sucks in a breath, shoving Sam's hand off of him. "Surprise reservations, Sam."
"Oops," Sam cringes. 
Bucky takes a deep breath in, slowly exhaling as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Then let's get this over with."
And soon enough, the three of you are on the Quinjet.
The ride is quiet with Sam piloting the jet and you and Bucky seated beside each other. Your head rests on his shoulder as Bucky holds your hand, rubbing circles into the back of it with his thumb. You can tell he's more than a little disappointed of being pulled away from his anniversary plans, but you could only hope that your own anniversary surprise would make up for it. 
Each time you thought about it, you had to chew on the inside of your cheek to hide your own scheming smile. Bucky knew you well enough to know what that smile would mean. 
"Alright, we're here," Sam announces from the cockpit after a little less than 2 hours.
Bucky sighs as the ramp slowly drops. He hadn't been given much information and he was a little too upset to ask, but the last thing he expected to land on was a bright and sunny beach greeting him as you disembarked from the jet. 
He turns to confirm the location of the drop-off location with Sam, but all he sees when he turns around is the ramp of the Quinjet rising with Sam still inside waving goodbye to the two of you with a cheeky smile, "Bye, guys!"
"Bye?" Bucky repeats, turning around to find you standing there with an equally mischievous smirk on your face.
And that's when he sees it. Just down the beach, an open little cabana, draped with lights and filled with things he can't make out from here.
"What-" he starts to ask, but then the realization hits him like a truck. He shuts his eyes, cursing himself for being so gullible. He wasn't sure how he bought your alleged forgetfulness so easily when he knew you better than that. You remembered everything: the day you two met, the day you and Sam met, he could almost swear that you remembered the day you met every single person on the Compound. Each you remembered, and each you celebrated. So why did he so easily believe that you forgot? He sighs quietly with a hung head, "Damn it."
You inhale triumphantly, watching as he processes the turn of events, "What's the matter, James?"
He looks up, his eyes playfully narrowed in accusation. "You lied to me."
"Did I? Or did you assume?" you rhetorically ask. "I'm a little disappointed, James. I may play the fool at times, but I can't believe you actually thought I would forget!" 
His eyes close as he looks up to the sky, slightly shaking his head. "I don't know what I was thinking."
"You thought you could one-up me, but you can't!"
"Very weird take on a loving relationship," he softly mutters.
"Oh please," you teasingly scoff, taking his hand to guide him down the beach to your surprise. "Like you haven't been doing questionable things to surprise me for our anniversary."
"I knew I shouldn't have asked Steve," he groans, allowing you to pull him toward your own surprise.
"You definitely shouldn't have."
"I cannot believe you did all this," Bucky quietly awes as he approaches beachside cabana, filled with all kinds of things necessary for a perfect beach day.
"Well, I know you said you hadn't been to a beach since you were a kid, so I figured what better way to spend our anniversary than by having a nice beach day. And courtesy of the private beach gifted to us by Tony, all by ourselves."
"And the mission?"
"All made up."
"How'd you even do all this?" Bucky asks, gesturing to the picnic, the bags with changes of clothes, the entire surprise of it all. "We were together all day yesterday."
"A magician never reveals their secrets, James," you proudly boast. "But also, I bribed Sam."
"But Sam's been helping-" Bucky stops, once again realizing how deep this planning must have gone. And the fact that Sam probably knew everything the entire time. While Sam was helping Bucky plan his day, Sam was helping you one up him. Again. "The traitor."
"If it makes you feel any better," you start, kissing the palm of his hand. "Sam didn't tell me any of the surprises you were planning. Actually, he moved them all to tomorrow because he knew you were excited about the day you planned." 
"Oh," Bucky starts, a smile growing on his face in renewed excitement at being able to live out his meticulous planning after all. "That's good. I was really excited about it."
"Well, that'll be tomorrow. Right now, go get changed, we've got an entire day ahead of us."
"You really thought of everything, huh?" Bucky asks, holding up his swimming trunks that he never even noticed went missing from his dresser drawer.
"Like you can expect anything less," you tease.  
The first hour is spent around the small cabana, changing out of your mission gear and enjoying the nice meal laid out on the table. 
And then, you find yourself fully immersed in your nice, quiet beach day. 
Under the bright, sunny day, you both find yourselves seated in the sand across from each other. 
"You know, it'd be more fair if you didn't use your powers," Bucky complains, eyeing your impressive sandcastle that now dwarfed his, both in size and quality. 
"I didn't," you defend, standing up to fully appreciate the sandcastle you'd spent the better part of an hour building. "I'm just that good."
"Sure," he scoffs, not believing you in the slightest. "Just that good."
Then, a nice long walk along the beach, hand in hand, your feet in the warm, powder white sand. The sun beams down on the two of you, not in a way that feels too intense or uncomfortable, but rather in away that warms you from the inside out. 
As you both walk, you notice Bucky looking out at the horizon, blissfully unaware of the mischievous gears turning in your head. And because he stands closer to the shore than you do, it feels a little too easy to mess with him and pull a small wave splashing over him.
"Jesus," Bucky yelps the moment the unnaturally high tide of ice cold ocean water crashes over his bare feet. "That's freezing."
You snort, unable to smother your laugh or guilty expression as Bucky jolts away from the water.
"Oh, you think that's funny?" Bucky playfully accuses.
And though you know you can't outrun him, you take off, running barefoot along the damp sand. He catches you only a moment into the half-hearted chase, pulling you closer to him by snaking one of his arms around your waist. 
You playfully shriek when he sweeps you off of your feet, taking several steps toward the ocean. Despite his complaints of the freezing cold water, he sloshes through the water, stopping in knee depth waters. He suddenly stops, holding you over the waves crashing over the shore. "No, put me down!"
"Let's see how you like it, huh?" he challenges, almost dropping you into the water. 
You raise your legs, wrapping them around his waist to keep yourself out of the water. "No, no, no, no!"
He smirks, raising an eyebrow, "You give?"
You tap on his arm twice, frantically nodding, "I give."
"Hey," he says, still holding you above the water in a tight embrace. "Happy anniversary."
"Happy anniversary," you gleam, your gaze softening at him as you tightly cling to him.  
"And I'll just say a preemptive sorry," he adds.
Before you can respond to his strange comment, he suddenly grips your waist tighter, leaving you unable to escape his embrace when you realize what he's about to do. He takes one large step back further into the ocean, then another, and finally he allows himself to fall backward, sending you both into the cold water.
"I hate you," you sputter when you resurface from the cold water
When Bucky resurfaces a half second later, he laughs, pushing his now soaking wet hair out of his face. "No, you don't."
"No, I don't," you huff, splashing him with all the fervor you can muster.
And later, as the sun lowers, settling just above the horizon, you both lay side by side on your towels, relishing in the warm rays of the sunshine.
"We gotta pull the towels back. The tide's gonna come in soon," Bucky tells you, tugging on your hand.
"You know I never really understood that. The high tide, low tide, shouldn't it all be one tide?"
"The moon controls the tide," he explains, the two of you standing to adjust your towels.
You laugh, playfully pushing his shoulder, "You definitely just made that up."
"I did not! It's true."
"Okay, well, then explain," you jokingly demand.
"I don't know," he shrugs, tugging his towel back from the shoreline. "It's been like 80 years since I've been in school. I only remembered that and I thought it would impress you."
"You know, I've never done this before. It's so peaceful here," you say, pulling your towel back, looking up at the sky with your eyes closed as you bask in the peaceful sensation of the sun warming your skin. You wished you could stay in this moment forever. "I don't want to leave."
"We could stay here, build a house, live the rest of our lives in isolation," Bucky offers, settling back down on his towel.
A laugh bubbles out of your mouth at Bucky's suggestion. "You'd miss our friends. You'd miss Steve. Even Sam."
"Sam?" Bucky guffaws. "I would not miss Sam."
You plop down beside him, gently shoving his shoulder. "You absolutely would miss Sam."
"Well, and don't tell him I said this, but some people might say that it was sort of nice of him to help you pull all this together."
"I think that's possibly the nicest thing you've ever voluntarily said about Sam."
"And he'll never know," Bucky snickers.
"As long as you don't tell Steve," you quip. You turn to look at him and notice the grains of sand lodging themselves within the metal plates of his arm. "I hope you know we're going to have one hell of a time getting the sand out from your plates."
He briefly wonders if you understand the depth your words carry for him. Even in the your little joking comment about cleaning his arm, it tugs at his heart strings. Most people didn't even like touching his arm. And not only were you there for him, you were there for him unconditionally, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. Even if that was just helping him pick grains of sand from between the plates of his arm.
It was you and him.
Always you and him.
Sometimes, Bucky can hardly believe that this is his life. He doesn't feel destined for loneliness, not for a life with never ending wars. But a life next to you, holding your hand, enjoying these moments together. Even as he stood here, he wasn't sure that he did believe it. He smiles down at you for a moment while you watch the bright blue sky slowly melt into a burnt orange, "Totally worth it."
You look up at him with a wide, hopeful grin, "Yeah?"
"Better than anything I could've imagined."
As the sun sets, a golden glow settles over Bucky's peaceful expression. And in spite of your wishes to remain in this little slice of tranquility, you knew your time here was coming to end. You turn around, reaching for a small gift box you'd tucked away earlier. "I do actually have one more thing to give you."
"The surprise beach day wasn't enough?" he chuckles. 
"No, it wasn't." You cross your legs, turning to fully face him and watch as he opens your gift. "You deserve the world."
"What do I need the world for when I have you?"
"Turn off the charm, James, I'm trying to give you your gift."
"That's hardly fair considering I left my gift back home."
"Well, suck it up," you joke, placing the small box in the palm of his hand. 
"Is it another dog?" he sarcastically remarks, slightly shaking the box to hear its contents.
"You wish," you retort as he carefully undoes the satin ribbon holding the box shut.
The moment he pops the lid off the box, a small gasp leaves his throat. You lean closer to him, watching him as he pulls the gift from it's container.
"Damn, you're good," he whispers, holding the small antique compass, more than a little choked up at the thoughtfulness of the gift. It's a golden compass, slightly scratched, but still glistens in the golden glow of the setting sun like it was entirely new. He carefully turns it over, running his thumb over the engraving: 'you'll always find your way back home'.
"I know," you lightly chuckle.
"I love it and you. Thank you."
You lean over, sharing a loving, tender kiss. You pull away slightly, whispering against his lips, "Happy anniversary."
"To the first of many," he murmurs back.
You intertwine your fingers with him, resting your head on his shoulder as you finish watching the sun set. "I'm holding you to that."
Sam Wilson Being A Good Friend (The First Anniversary Drabble)
Grumpy Sunshine Series AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx  @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 
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enhasfever · 1 year
catch fire — p. jongseong
˗ˏˋ TEASER ´ˎ˗
╰┈➤ [ navi.pdf ] here!
╰┈➤ [ word count.txt ] 0.8k
╰┈➤ [ summary.txt ] in which you and jay have been competing with each other since you were in primary school, and it can't possibly get any worse when you're paired for a project. that is, until you're suddenly planning for an unsolicited wedding.
╰┈➤ [ notes.txt ] part of the bloodline enhypen hyung line series!!
"yah, park jongseong!"
you lifted your head and peered over the top of your macbook as a familiar girl came storming into the library. what was her name again? chaewon? chaeyeon?
"yeojin hush, we're in a library," jay hissed, taking her by the arm and yanking her down into the open seat beside him. dang, you hadn't even been close.
"i don't care if we're sitting in the front row of a church sermon," she bit back harshly, "i'll scold you wherever i want!"
your eyebrows lifted in amusement and you glanced back and forth between jay and this yeojin girl who seemed to be blind to your presence at the table. jay let out a defeated sigh and ran his hands through his pristinely styled hair, ruffling it enough to have a few locks of hair falling in front of his face attractively... not that you were admiring him or anything.
"look jinnie, i'm sorry–"
"don't you jinnie me, park jongseong!" she seethed. "how dare you try to dump me? and over a text, too?" she swatted his shoulder roughly and scowled deeply at him.
your mouth fell agape at this new revelation and you couldn't help but continue to watch in awe as the scene continued to unfold. you hadn't been aware of any girlfriend of his. why did it bother you the more you thought about it? surely he would've mentioned a girlfriend to you by this point, right? you two didn't have to be madly in love to at least have the decency for clear communication.
"i'm sorry, i didn't want to do this, believe me. there's nobody else i'd rather be with," he sighed, reaching over to take her hand in his which she surprisingly let him do.
ouch, okay.
"then why are you doing this?" she demanded with glossy eyes and a trembling lip. maybe you were starting to feel bad now, but it wasn't like you had much of a choice in the matter.
"you wouldn't understand, jinnie..." he trailed off sheepishly.
"come on, park," you finally interjected, "she deserves to know."
both of their attention drew to you and yeojin seemed to only then notice you sitting there. "sorry, who are you?" she demanded, quirking a scrutinizing brow at you as she briefly took in your appearance.
you glanced over to meet jay's eyes and he subtly widened them, shaking his head at you. "should i tell her or would you like to break the news?" you prompted, primly folding your hands in your lap.
"y/n, don't," jay warned.
yeojin's gaze bounced back and forth between the two of you wildly, her expression forming into one of utter confusion. "tell me what?" she asked, her voice pitching slightly higher as her eyes began filling up with more tears. you really did feel bad for her, truly.
"she's just trying to mess with us," jay grumbled, fixing you with a hard glare that told you to shut your mouth before you could make things worse. but, that was what you were best at when it came to park jongseong, and in the end this poor girl did deserve closure on why her supposed boyfriend suddenly dumped her.
"who do you think you are?" yeojin turned back to you with a matching icy glare to that of the man sitting beside her.
you clicked your tongue and tried your hardest to bite back the smirk that began to tug the corner of your lips upward. "his future wife," you answered nonchalantly, sitting back in your seat.
you saw the way jay's eyes grew even bigger as yeojin suddenly stood from her seat, knocking the chair backwards and slamming her hands against the tabletop as she leaned in dangerously towards you. "you're his what?" she all but shrieked, causing more heads to turn in your direction.
"listen, i'm just as happy about this as you are," you held your hands up in defense.
she whirled around to face jay and loomed over him while he shrunk down into his seat in mortification as he, too, noticed the stares. "when were you planning to tell me you were in love with someone else? were you just going to lead me on for the rest of my life?"
she suddenly lifted her hand and you held your breath as you waited for it to make contact with his face but were greatly disappointed when she did no such thing. she aggressively ripped off one of the few rings adorning her fingers, angrily throwing it on the tabletop in front of him.
"if i ever hear from you again, park jongseong, it'll be too soon!" you watched as she stormed back out of the library and bit back a satisfied smile at the enraged look jay threw at you.
"you just love making my life a living hell, don't you?" he bit out viciously as he began to hastily pack his things up.
"i do get my daily dopamine boost through it," you quipped back easily as you returned to the word document on your screen.
without another word, jay rose up from his seat and left you at the table alone, presumably to go after yeojin in an attempt to patch things up.
'he's cute when he's angry.'
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
hihi I'm back again, and here to ask who in the cast you think has the skill to do hair/up do's?
I'm 5'9, but my hair is now down to my mid thigh, and like around three feet long ?? I haven't chopped it since 2018, only trimmed it. Yet I only know how to do a simple braid, my hair basically lives in a low ponytail lol (though my mom will still do my hair if I ask her for help, which I'm grateful for)
anyway I got to read vol 2 of the manga and I remembered that the artist drew their interpretation of Lilith. So, it made me wonder if Beel or Belphie would know how to do hair, since they were the closest to her, and if she ever asked them for help?
I think Levi would be able to follow any tutorial, or figure out how to do something by trial and error since he cosplays (I bet he made his ruri-chan wig himself). I'd love to show him a picture of the heroine from whatever anime I'm watching and ask if he could help me recreate their style
Asmo we've seen in the dame cards, he's done some cute hairstyles!! I bet I could go to him if I had a fancy event.
I still think about Mammon's dame card... The chokehold it has on me is wild. We saw him do his own make-up in the art, and I think it was said he made his own outfit. So he's a maybe I could go to him? Or he'd put a lot of effort into learning because he knows it'd make me happy lolol
Barbatos also looks really pretty in the dame card !! I haven't read that devilgram, so idk if he did it himself, but what can't he do? I know in TTWF devilgram he literally makes MC's outfit and it made me SWOON
my last thought is if you can just do stuff with magic instead. Does it drain your energy to keep the style, or is it a one and done kinda spell, and don't gotta worry about it? Could a really powerful sorcerer change their hair color, and never have to worry about it fading? That'd be really cool, since I need to re dye the streaks in my hair. That would save lots of money LOL
okay I'm done 😅 time to wait ten billion years for my hair to dry now and try drawing (aiming for every other day to create something new to get better!!)
- ✨ anon
HOW do you handle having hair that long?!?
I'm 5'7" and I used to have my hair down to my low back. It was during the pandemic when I couldn't exactly go get it cut, so I just let it grow lol. And it grows dang fast, but I don't think I've ever had it past the low back area??? Do you accidentally sit on it sometimes? Or is it usually okay because you have it tied back?
All I know is I was so relieved to chop it all off lol! It's super short now, which is how I like it. It takes me ten minutes to wash and style it. I just don't have the patience to maintain it when it's long. And it's naturally curly, so having it short also means I can just let it curl and not worry about it. Ah but I am pretty envious because I always wanted to be able to have one of those really long, thick braids...
Anyway, getting off topic here, back to the question! I do think magic can be used to alter hair! I think sometimes you can get stuff that's temporary (I do believe there was a daily chat about this where Asmo put some kind of potion or something on Lucifer and Mammon?), but I would be surprised if there wasn't some kind of magic spell to permanently keep your hair whatever color you want. I think it's probably just a one and done situation so you wouldn't have to maintain it. Or at least, they'd want to develop something like that because otherwise it wouldn't be worth it right?
As for the characters, I agree with your assessments! I do think in a general sense, they'd all try their best to do your hair if you needed them to.
But as for who would already be capable without having to learn first, I think Asmo is a top contender. Barb can absolutely do anything and I don't doubt that styling hair is something a good butler should know.
I think Levi is another good option for the same reasons you said! I think he probably does have some skill at wig styling! And due to his ability to do costuming in general, I kinda think he'd be able to do a good job on real hair as well if he wanted to.
I love the idea of Beel and Belphie being good at it because of Lilith. Like I'm imagining they only know some really basic styles that were her favorites, but they're happy to do them for you any time. Maybe they get a little misty eyed while doing it because it reminds them of her so much. Awww...
I actually think Lucifer would do a good job, too, but expect to be sitting around for hours because he's gonna make sure no hair is out of place. Only perfection will suffice.
I think Mammon probably mastered whatever style he needed for his dame outfit, but I do think he would learn for you if you wanted him to.
Satan probably already learned from a book or maybe just from watching Asmo doing his hair. But I could see him wanting to do really elaborate styles or maybe using magic to style your hair.
I think Solomon would also be someone you could try, but he would absolutely use magic. I think if you really wanted him to, he would know how to do simple styles by hand. I could see him being really happy to carefully braid your hair by hand. But he wouldn't be able to resist a little bit of magic, maybe to give it an extra sparkle or a streak of color~ I think he'd develop all kinds of hair styling magic if you wanted him to lol.
Diavolo strikes me as willing but perhaps not the best at this particular thing... he doesn't exactly have experience with his own hair.
And I'm not sure about Simeon. I feel like he's pretty competent (except for technology obviously), so he would probably be able to learn how to do it fairly easily. But I don't know if he'd already have some knowledge. Same with Raphael. Though I love the idea of both of them like... doing the hair of little angels~
Mephisto would know about a bunch of fancy Devildom styles, but would he be able to do them? I think you might end up with your hair braided like a horse's mane instead.
Thirteen would know how to do everything. She's got her own long hair and there's no way that she hasn't experimented with it over the years! I love the idea of her doing your hair and her own hair in the same style so you match.
Anyway, I hope you have been able to get some drawing done! Every other day is an excellent goal! I'm rooting for you!!
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worldsofarchive · 29 days
Guess Who!
This Book Contains:
Pairing: Gn!Reader x Human Au!Karaku + Urogi
Warnings: Double Penetration, Slight Degrading, Rough Handling, Mentions Of Drinking
Key Notes: Au where the Hantengu Clones are identical quadruplets with little-to-no discernible features
Rating: 18+ / Those younger or unstated will be banned from the library!
Loud laughter bounces off the walls, drinks in hand, food on the table, and three bodies on the couch. You smile brightly and sort of slur out, "Can't believe you did that, Urogi! Dumbass!" The quadruplet laughs harder and points at his mirror image. "That's Urogi! You're the dumbass!" You laugh harder, and Urogi nearly spits out his drink.
Dang, your stomach hurts from laughing; you can barely drink let alone eat with these two clowns with you. As the laughter dies down, Karaku takes a sip of his drink. "You really can't tell us apart properly. Even after what... three years." You scrunch your nose. "I can tell Aizetsu and Sekido apart from you two, but not the two of you. You two are very similar." 
Karaku pouted and pulled out his ponytail; his silky black hair had green strands woven in between them. "Man… I even dyed my hair and everything; maybe you're just too short to see it." He pokes your forehead, to which you lunge at him. Karaku swiftly grabs both of your wrists, making you land on his chest before he flips you over onto your back and holds you down.
You feel his chest bounce as he laughs. "I win! Single-handedly." Urogi leans back and puts one leg over the other. "Y'know, I and Karaku have a lot of differences; sure, Aizetsu and Sekido have a resting sad and bitch face, so it's easy to tell them apart, but if you really pay attention, me and Karaku are very different."
You wrestle out of Karaku's grip and sit back up. "Really? Prove it!" Urogi's smirk grows, and before you know it, his lips are on yours. His lips are chapped, always losing his lip balm somewhere, but his tongue is soft, warm, and a bit needy. He sucks on your bottom lip before letting his tongue wrestle yours. 
He pulls away, and it leaves you light-headed. Before you can ask or say anything, Karaku's hand guides your face to his. Karaku's kiss is harsher and more forceful. His lips are softer, a bit more plump with a cherry taste as his tongue tastes the inside of your cheek. Tilting his head the other way for a brief moment, your teeth bump before his bite down on your lip.
Then he pulls away all smug. "Well?" A bit irritated from the lip bite you bite back. "Urogi actually kissed me; you just bit my lip." Karaku didn't like that response, so with a smirk, he leaned closer. "Oh yeah? What if I want to bite you some more?" He playfully snapped his teeth at you before his hand found your waist.
You felt Urogi press up against your back and the weight of his head on your shoulder. "Should we show you how different we are? In a more… intimate way?" Karaku's words linger in the air like smoke.
Then Urogi pitches in with his a bit higher-pitched voice. "I assure you, we are like night and day in bed." His fingers rubbed the hem of your shirt, gently pulling it up. Your face heated up, and Karaku lifted your face to meet his smirking one.
His lips pressed against your neck and hands rubbed your thighs. Karaku leaned back briefly so Urogi could take off your shirt before they swarmed you with kisses. Their hands were all over your body, and you didn't realize you were naked before Urogi held your head facing up and a finger prodded at your entrance.
"Can you guess who this is?" Urogi teased as his tongue licked your nape, sending shivers down your spine. The prodding stopped momentarily before the feeling returned. "Who's this now?" Karaku teased as he nipped at your cheek. "Y-You... Karaku." You softly moaned and they laughed.
"Nope, it was me!" Urogi licked your shoulder before the finger inserted into you. The way Urogi held you made you stare at the ceiling, neck fully exposed for Karaku to mark. Then you felt a sharp bite on your shoulder. "Guess who just bit you." Urogi whispered in your ear; Karaku was just nipping at you, so maybe it was Urogi trying to fool you.
"Urogi bit me." You almost stutter. "Nope, it was Karaku." Urogi poked his brother's forehead. A second finger began scissoring you open, you tense and let out a soft whimper at the intrusion. "Man, you're bad at this." Urogi sang in a light tone, his hand gently rubbing your neck.
The scissoring stops, and then fingers return. "Is it still me?" Urogi asks before sucking on your neck. It's like a coin flip, but the fingers are more rough, so Karaku. But what if Urogi is trying to fool you again? "Y-Yes..." You stutter out. The sing-song voice speaks again. 
"Nope, tis Karakuuuu." They lifted you up, and the fingers were removed. The empty feeling of your enterance clenching over nothing made you almost whine. Then something hot began pushing itself in your entrance.
Urogi cooed at you, kissing your hair and rubbing your cheek. Karaku rubbed your nipple and thigh in a soothing manner. "Can you guess who's inside? Is it me?" Karaku kissed your neck, right where your pulse is. "Or is it me?" Urogi nuzzled your hair and gently pulled at your lip.
Since Karaku asked first, maybe it was Urogi? Odds of a coin flip. "U-Urogi is..." That was met with a rough thrust that earned a yelp from you. "Wrong! It was me!" Karaku exclaimed; the alcohol really made him excited. A light slap was felt on your thigh before the one who was inside you pulled out; it was quickly replaced with vigour and excited thrusts. 
This could be Karaku again, but Urogi was also really excited. "Guess who~" Karaku sang. You tried to answer, but the thrusts were so forceful they knocked the air out of your lungs. You couldn't even let a single word out before it was drowned in your moans.
Teasing your hardened nipples more, Karaku cooed at you. "You can't even get a single word out, how cute~" His words, like honey, are sweet and viscous in your ears, coating more of your brain in cottony fuzz. "Y-you're thrusting, ahh! Too hard, Ka-ah! Karaku!" Urogi bit your shoulder as Karaku laughed. "Urogi is the one in you." 
Brain in a fuzz, you were so confused you forgot which way is up. "Okay okay!" Urogi pulled out, and you were sure this time it was Karaku. "Who's in you now?" The thrusts were slow, dragging in you as if wanting to feel all of you. "Karaku." You moan out, and Urogi, let's go of your head.
"Yay!" They cheered; you almost felt like a little kid who blew out the candles on their birthday. Urogi even clapped for you. "We should reward you." A second tip pressed up against your entrance. "W-Wait! You won't fit!" You begin panicking; they'll rip you apart.
"Don't worry, love, we'll stretch you more." Urogi whispered as his hand let go of your head and travelled down your body. Lingering on your stomach and waist before dilping down to your entrance.
He squeezed in two fingers and began scissoring while Karaku slowly thrust. Now that you really look at Karaku up close, you notice a few things. Unlike the other quadruplets, he has smaller double lids, and his eyebrows are a bit bushier. 
"You finally see it, yeah? What sets me apart from my brothers?" You nod and turn your head. "Ah-ah." Karaku pulls you to face him. "You'll get to see Urogi up close another time~" He coos, which makes your face flush with embarrassment. 
Before you could come up with anything to say, Urogi pushed himself inside you. The stretch is close to unbearable, a bit of pain as he squeezes in. Soon they fell into a rhythm that pinched your vision and sent you to the stars.
Everything was filled with cotton, their hands hot on your body, their crisp sing-song voices echoing in your skull. You must've come at least three times before they stopped. Their warm, sticky cum tickled as it rolled down your thighs, hair sticking to your forehead from sweat. 
After cleaning up, they were all over you on the couch. "Maybe you should hold off on bleaching your hair, Urogi. I like the guessing game more." Karaku said more to you than his brother. "Maybe we could get Sekido and Aizetsu in on it." Urogi looked down at you with a smirk. "Wouldn't that be fun? ~"
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plumsaffron · 1 year
rewatching chameleon made me realize that Marinette was being a bit too extra with her coping and seething. someone changes her seat to sit next to her crush. seething. she could literally sit next to lila if she want to convince her to stop lying. she fucking refuses because "she's a liar!!! I don't befriend them!!!" despite being one of them hersELF. lila is doing absolutely nothing to marinette. "guyz she's a manipulative bitch guys did you know she lied about being ladybug's best friend. guys you have to believe me she is evil". what did lila do to you? use the names of famous personalities YOU know personally. use that so that she can get closer to your crush. and that shit completely backfired.
did you know. you are a liar. alya is a liar. even adrien had lied. literally everyone at some point has.
and I noticed something at the end of the episode. ladybug had locked Lila in a shell and told her "we should be friends, not enemies". This could possibly be how Marinette had felt when she said that to her. Lila probably wanted her to not be a problem or something, but Mari was literally silenced, and muffled, like the shell. this shit is ride or die. Marinette was legitimately asking for the War to happen, thinking it would be a revolution
this is why lilanette canon. both hate each other so much. both see the other as a rival in a personal way. also lukadrien canon because both of them them were pushover rebounds
also thomas wants us to hate lila as much as possible, so he puts us at marinette's position in later episodes, making lila do evil shit such as framing, theft, harrassment, to the point it kinda actually warped the tone of the series. which also means lilanette canon. i rest my case
dang. You hit Adrien and Luka with the pushover rebounds. AHAHAHAHAHA.
But yeah Marinette is really bizarre.
You expect her to be above minuscule common things due to her saving Paris from Hawkmoth or think like hey maybe I shouldn't cause something Hawkmoth can feed off. Once she feels inferior to a person that has a liking to her lust, she's out to do whatever it takes by any means to end what she views as an interloper (oh how this makes season 5 age well in this case).
Volpina pretty much explains I fear Lila is better than me in every way and will take Adrien. Heck she even goes out her way to find a flaw of Volpina. It's in her face that she just wanted to see a fault (just like earlier to be HAH). And then you're later like I was wrong please accept my apology after being all that. Bruh she couldn't even handle Volpina taking charge, all I MUST LEAD YOU ALL. I don't get why some find it hard to understand why Lila should not be forgiving to Ladybug. Now on with Lila in heroes day Catalyst of S2 video chat, you already have Marinette going out her way to try to expose Lila. Oh and it's the second video chat to the class (the first was never shown but still...). Again Marinette's thirst of being a Lila Flaw finder.
Then in season 2-3 is I fell below Kagami need to find something wrong with her or she'll ruin my dream with Adrien. 3 also is just I must stop Lila despite Adrien Alya and Tikki's words because I don't believe in Adrien and my friends or I think everything Lila says is false. Adrien likes you more bruh. But to Her it's her duty to expose Lila, I can't leave Rossi alone. I think you're a joke Lila but I'm still gonna snoop upon you. Heck Nino told her snooping ain't cool in Chameleon. And nearing the end of Chameleon lecture Ladybug gave to Lila made my chuckle.
"You don't have to lie and pretend to be something you're not. People will like you for just being yourself."
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Like What? Does Ladybug even remember herself or listen to herself? I guess I can only say you must be a super hero to ignore my speech to you but still. Marinette still just doesn't know she should stop talking about her lying. She knows darn well Lila doesn't like being labeled or referred as such from earlier and as Marinette lives a double life should be extra award but yet she'll proceed labeling her or being a nuisance.
*Breaks to S4 briefly*
Anytime Lila could just do the same to Marinette. Oh Marinette you're such a klutz LOL. Marinette please stop slipping and falling. Marinette why are you staggering and fumbling around Adrien. Heh she could have called out Marinette in Guilt Trip as she can see that Marinette is mad distracted fawning for Adrien. Oh Marinette why are you lying. Shame on you (Marinette explodes in anger ahahahaha).
*Back to S3 and to S4*.
Then she's like I give up cause Kagami actually did nothing wrong. Oh and I realized I was the issue and was so wrong. And it's best for Adrien. I'm gonna be with Luka now. Kagami can be with Adrien and should be together even if they broke up. She can't handle seeing Lila winning or being in control. She loathes it (oof puts a smile on my face after season 3 still).
Doesn't Marinette have better things todo that obsess over Lila? Gets angry or offended at retaliation. Retaliation = you are on the same field as Hawkmoth.
Marinette and a lot of the miraculous fandom hold hands hating Lila but mostly that only stems really from a generic common trait they almost to all share that Lila does. They probably upset because they put a fanfiction of why they expected Volpina to be like of probably a goodie two shoes to bond between Ladybug and Chat Noir but things weren't as they framed at first sight when released.
I'll end this with the funny
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Reminder that there's like 2 weeks left of school and she won't have to see those 2 scrubs again for awhile (unless they decide to visit her home nearby or park to troll). And next episode, Marinette (with Sabrina) finally takes her down in a horrible plan set up fashion (It's all kinds of wrong. It really is and a lot are weirdly happy over it like over a million). What makes it worse is that speech she gave to Hoaxer for the previous episode. Also reinforcing she learned nothing of previouses and thus put Sabrina in possible danger. Ladybug/Marinette can't see anything. She doesn't get it.
She basically just asking for her life to be Cataclysmed.
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Flairmidable swiping the miraculousesto do an exchange with Gabriel pales in comparision to Marinette/Ladybug's boundless disgust at Lila's existence.
I wonder if she'll surpass Lila Rossi and Gabriel Agreste. Maybe she did lol.
It's so romantic ahahha.
All because
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is too hard for Marinette.
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the-white-soul · 3 months
Pfft... Seriously? You expect me to give you entertainment on a silver platter? No. That's not how this is gonna work. If you want me to entertain you, you might as well hire a jester.
*He scowls for a second, but then takes to note how bitter his mood is since he heard about Jack from Chara. He doesn't want to relax- he can't relax. But he shouldn't look so much pricklier than usual. He shakes his head and brightens up.*
Heehee, I'm just kidding! I'd play with you any day, Kara! Let's do something fun while we wait. *Flowey smiles luminously, seeming very cheerful.* How about we play… hmm… truth or truth!
I'll go first. Dess, when was the last time you lied, and what did you lie about?
(Noelle) "Hmm, *quick think of something Dess did* I once threw a rock out the window and blamed it on Santa Clause. Noelle was scared senseless. I told her the truth after I saw how terrified she looked."
(Kara) "Well, that sounds like Noelle. Scared of everyone and everything."
(Noelle) "*Phew* Ain't that the truth!"
(Kara) "For me, it was when I went to a class that only allowed monsters. It wasn't a segregation thing, it was just a class about monster anatomy I didn't need to take yet. I put on my fake devil horns and pretended to be a monster. I mostly did it because I had separation anxiety."
(Chara) "Aw dang it, you have cool ones. I just told my father I had 2 cookies instead of 3."
(Kara) "That's it?"
(Chara) "None of us have interesting things happening all the time!"
(John) "I'm going to talk with Rick now, If anyone needs me I'll be down the hall and to the left."
*John and Rick both walk to an empty room and sit.*
(John) "What the hell was that?"
(Rick) "You said it wouldn't be my fault!"
(John) "That was before I learned you tried to invalidate emotions, you psycho."
(Rick) "I punish my defendants to the best of my ability no matter what. I believed that was the best thing to say. You know the plea deal can still be made! I can talk the judge into it."
(John) "No."
(Rick) "Come on man! You and I both know that this is a near-impossible trial for you to win."
(John) "Near."
(Rick) "You'll always fight for what you believe in. I fight for whatever needs representation. If you believe in your defendant you'll become irrationally angry and make more mistakes. If you really want to win this case, stop caring about Asgore!"
(John) "Monsters will one day learn to be friends with humans. If we win this we can take that step forward! Think about the bigger picture. Monsters will be called weak if they just keep surrendering."
(Rick) "Fine. You want the bull you're getting the horns."
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: If I Were A Rich Man/Girl
This video was released on the 24th of July, 2021, and is the first guest feature of the amazingly-talented miss Ashley Diane, as well as Cesar's first video as an actual Voiceplay member! I'm not entirely sure how much I'll actually have to say about this video, but there was no doubt in my mind about me making a post for it, so let's dive right in!
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A few things right off the bat:
1. It's cool how the screen "opens up" at the start of the video; I believe Voiceplay did the same thing or something similar with In The Air Tonight iirc (and both videos end with the screen "closing back up" as well)
2. Definitely a bit more of a creative video format for Voiceplay, with the completely-white setting and the cuts between different shots of the vocalists - it's not got choreography or any overly-complex direction (probably), sure, but it's not exactly a "everyone stays standing or sitting in one spot" video either. Shoutout to Layne, who was in charge of this video as well as the arrangement!)
3. Oh my god Geoff is wearing a shirt that isn't just black, white, or blue! 😂 (listen, I make fun of him because I love him, but also you know I kinda sorta have a point!)
(Bonus note: Layne and Tony are credited with costuming in the description, so clearly there was in fact some deliberate thought put into everyone's outfits)
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Okay but for real, everybody is styling in this video! (Also one could argue that technically Geoff has the most "simplistic" outfit overall in this video (which wouldn't be for the first time), but I shan't hold it against him)
Also, related to the first image and not the one above, but I'm pretty sure Eli is wearing the same hat he wore in Bang!
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Oh yeah and Geoff has a lot of lovely smiles in this video, so, y'know, I'm a fan 😁
(Also peep the bit of grey coming through on one side of his fringe/bangs <3 )
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"Please" (SIR-!)
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This is a very random thing to care about but whose hand is this? I thought it might be Ashley's, but no, she's got yellow manicured fingernails in this one (very cute btw) (oh and also her top is long-sleeved). It's not Cesar's hand, obviously, and I'm 95% sure it's not Geoff's hand (especially since there's nothing on the wrist. it could be Layne's hand, but does he still have that wrist tattoo on his right hand? So basically, either it's Eli's hand, or one of their behind-the-scenes helpers (Kathy maybe?)
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Queen. Love her
(Also shoutout to both Eli and Layne for the lighting design on this one!)
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I'm assuming these are all fake dollar bills? (Also how do you do shots like this? It looks very cool. A fan/blower? Someone dropping/throwing them down from above?)
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Cesar: *Looking all cool and suave with the dollar bills*
Geoff: Ooooo money! :0 :D (turn your brightness all the way up!)
(I love him)
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Go off, Eli! (I like his outfit too!)
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Get it, Cesar 💅
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Crazy how lighting colouration can alter the perceived colours of things. Ashley's top doesn't look yellow at all here!
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"what?" (girl you know dang well what!)
(I knew this moment would be worth at least a couple of screencaps and it did not disappoint! 😁)
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Honestly between Ashley and Geoff in this video, serving Looks (different kinds, though both as powerful), and vocals, well, if I wasn't bi already...
And that's the video! Certainly not a standard Voiceplay video, but frankly does VP even have a "standard" these days? Their music videos can be literally anything, near impossible to predict. Also, this is a killer arrangement from Layne, and one so dang complex that even though I've by and large mastered the lyrics, this is one of the few where I've been trying to memorise the arrangement, but there are bits I forget or can't replicate the right way (not that I can go as high as Ashley can (that freaking riff! girl!) and definitely not as low as Geoff, but y'know). Stay tuned for my next Voiceplay Visuals post! It's probably gonna be a big one!
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