#dancing boxer/deedee
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*sigh* i wanted to draw all of punchtobor but guess what art block!! So you get gacha
Anyhow days 2,3,5 and 7 combined (4 and 6 will come another day)
Side note i HATED trying to do bobs..hair...
Folks don't mind i forgot bobs beard he too fell for the shaver. Extra below cut.
Back ground
Singles of the boxers because yes

In order: Gabby jay (yay) piston hurricane Bob charlie and deedee with the most annoying off center eye how did i miss that before i edited the photo??
As always the prompt list

#mak post 2024#punchtober#punchtober 2024#gabby jay#piston hurricane#bob charlie#odd#punch out#punch out oc's#punch out oc#gacha life 2#super punch out#dancing boxer/deedee#fun fact that tag would not show up automatically#dispite deedee being one of the more posted gals
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Last First Dance (Bucky Barnes x OC)
Chapter 2
Warnings: one kinda bad word, Bucky self doubt
A/N: sorry it took a while but had some bad writer block trying to write Dotties POV but decided to skip it in the end. I don’t know how long this series will be, will be slow updates.
Bucky was laying in bed only half awake as the sun began to shine through the window and in his face, with a groan he rolled on his stomach and buried his face in his pillow. It’s only been a week of adjusting to finally sleep in his comfortable bed over the floor, but after nights with more intense nightmares he would find himself sleeping on the floor the rest of the night but it’s progress. With half a mind to go back to sleep his phone buzzed on his night stand and after a few minutes it buzzed again, with a groan Bucky reached out his metal arm blindly reaching for his phone bringing it to him. his phone lit up with two text from Sam.
Let get breakfast, before I catch a plane home this afternoon.
-Sam 8:37 am
Don’t make me come up there and pull your old ass out of bed.
-Sam 8:44 am
I’d like to see you try. I’m getting up, give me 5.
-Bucky 8:46 am
Bucky sent the text to Sam and with a huff he pulled himself from the warmth of his blankets, in nothing but his black boxers and dog tags he dragged his self to the bathroom and brushed his teeth running his human fingers through his short hair ‘maybe I should grow it out again’ the thought pasted Bucky’s mind. Back in his bedroom he pulled on his jeans and through on a dark red Henley, tying his shoes he headed to his front door putting on his leather jacket and gloves. He headed out of his apartment and mentally checking he had his keys and phone. He made it to the outside of his building and there was Sam waiting, leaning on his rental car he had while he was in New York. “Get any actual sleep last night?” Sam asked moving to the drivers door. “As good as I can, didn’t end up on the living room floor so that’s a win” Bucky said allowing his self to open up a bit while getting in the passenger seat as Sam started the car.
“Have you ever been to Deedee’s? It’s a great hole in the wall place best pancakes and waffles I ever had” Sam asked breaking the silents of the car knowing Bucky wasn’t much of a talker at times. “Can’t say I have” Bucky replied looking out the car window at the cars passing by. A few more minutes of drive and Sam pulled into a small parking lot killing the engine of the car. Sam started to walk to the entrance of the small diner with Bucky lagging behind a bit. “Samuel is that you? Or should I call you captain now?” An older woman in her late 50s with graying brown hair and a bright smile approaching them while they entered, the apron tied around her waist told Bucky she worked here. She pulled Sam into a hug, who hugged her back with a smile. “Sam is fine. Bucky this is Deedee, Deedee this is my friend Bucky” Sam introduced them to each other. “Oh you’re the soldier I seen on the news who saved those government officials from the Flag Smashers” Deedee said pulling Bucky into a hug much like she did to Sam before Bucky had a chance to speak or process what’s happening. “Nice to meet you Deedee” Bucky said awkwardly putting his human arm around the woman and gently hugging her back. “Go sit, go sit I’ll bring you two some coffee” Deedee said releasing Bucky from her hug and making her way behind the counter.
“Sorry should have warned you she’s a hugger” Sam said with a light laugh following Bucky to a booth in the corner, “she seems nice” Bucky said with a small smile. “So are we not going to talk about last night?” Sam said grabbing a menu at the end of the table, “there’s nothing to talk about” Bucky said as Deedee brought over two cups of coffee. “Here you are gentlemen, have you guys decided what you two wanted?” Deedee said with a kind smile. “Yes I’ll have the pancake combo eggs over easy” Sam said with a smile, “I’ll have the same” Bucky said as Deedee turned to him. “Alright I’ll bring that out as soon as it’s ready.” Deedee smiled and made her way to another table. “I think the redhead who gave you her number is something to talk about” Sam said going back to the elephant in the room earning an eye roll from Bucky. “Her name is Dottie” Bucky said knowing Sam won’t let the subject drop. “So you going to call her?” Sam asked with a raised eyebrow, “no” Bucky said taking a drink of his coffee clear that he doesn’t want to talk about it.
“No? Last night you seemed pretty happy talking and were pretty cozy there on the dance floor, why not?” Sam said with disbelief in his voice, Bucky let out a huff knowing Sam is not going to let this go. “How do you think that relationship would go? I’m an ex-assassin with PTSD, 106 years old, old enough to be her great grandfather. How does that not end in heartbreak?” Bucky said with bitterness clear in his voice. “Buck you can use that excuse for any woman, but you can’t always assume the worst. Yes, I’m not naive enough to think that’s not a real possibility but that’s it just a possibility. What if Dottie doesn’t care about any of that and just likes being around you for who you are right now. Just one day at a time go on a date with her and see where it goes, you liked talking to her right? You thought she was attractive right? I’ll drop it but please just think about it, you deserve to be happy as much as you don’t want to believe that.” Sam said in a serious tone trying to make Bucky truly understand he doesn’t have to be alone. All Sam got was a nod as Bucky remained quiet, sensing Bucky needed to think Sam remained quiet too.
Deedee brought out their food two plate full of pancakes with eggs, bacon, and a side of hash browns. “Here you go, two pancakes combos and here’s some maple syrup. Anything else I can get you two?” Deedee said smiling. “Nope, looks great” Sam said answering for them both knowing Bucky was too lost in his own head. As Deedee left them to eat Bucky drowned his pancakes in so much syrup Sam would be concerned he’d give himself diabetes if he wasn’t a super soldier. They ate in silence for a long while “is it really ok?” Bucky asked quietly in a voice Sam hasn’t heard from Bucky since Steve and him found him running from Hydra. “Yeah it’s ok” Sam answered even though he wasn’t sure if Bucky was talking to him or himself. “Though if it’s the age thing I’m sure we could find someone close to your age. What about that new neighbor of your what is she 75? She’s not bad looking” Sam said earning an amused huff from Bucky breaking the tension.
“What would I even say?” Bucky sighed leaning back into the booth running his organic hand through his hair. “What would 40s Bucky do?” Sam asked a bit curious himself, “Ask her to go dancing, or to a fair and win her a stuffed bear. That’s probably too old fashioned now though” Bucky answered after a bit. “Well from last night you know she has nothing against dancing, but dinner is going to be your best bet” Sam offered, “I could do dinner” Bucky said to his self. “Text her” Sam encouraged, “Now?!” Bucky said a little surprised. “Yes, now before you talk yourself out of it” Sam reasoned, “Fine” Bucky said with an eye roll pulling out his phone and typing a message before showing Sam the new text thread.
It’s Bucky, wanted to know if you would like to go to dinner sometime?
-Bucky 9:34 am
Sam smirked teasingly at Bucky as Deedee walked over “You two still doing ok over here?” Deedee asked, “yeah the food was amazing like always just the bill?” Sam smiled. “Oh no it’s on the house” Deedee waved Sam off, “Deedee, let me pay” Sam said as if he had this conversation with Deedee several times, Bucky would probably guess it has in fact happened before and was probably a normal thing for them. “Samuel I swear if you try to pay. I’ll call your sister” Deedee joked with a hint of seriousness. “Fine, fine” Sam put his hand up in surrender, Deedee cleared their plates and they got up to leave. Bucky walked over to the tip jar by the register shoving a 50 from his wallet in earning an eye roll from Deedee but the smile on her face told him she wasn’t mad. “You’re gonna be as much trouble as Samuel is aren’t you” Deedee teased shooing them out the door of the diner playfully.
The ride back to Bucky’s apartment was uneventful, “Keep in touch or I’ll be back in New York even sooner. I’ll let you know if anything comes up on the radar, but everything looks calm for the time being.” Sam said as he pulled up to Bucky’s place. “Sounds like a plan, tell Sarah and her boys I said hi” Bucky said with a light smile getting out of the car, “Will do, let me know how things go with Dottie” Sam said with a wave then drove off. Bucky walked into his building and into his apartment tucking his gloves in his jacket pocket and hanging it up on its hook by the door. Setting his phone and keys on his coffee table Bucky made his self comfortable on the couch, grabbing the tv remote flipping through channels for something to distract himself. After what felt like hours he gave up looking for something else to occupy his time, getting up he started to clean his already spotless apartment. Half a day went by before Bucky knew it keeping himself occupied with house work, only realizing how much time has passed when his phone buzzed.
Dinner sounds great. 6:30, Friday at Basil Leaf?
-Dottie 3:45pm
See you then
-Bucky 3:49pm
Bucky felt a fluttering in his chest he hasn’t felt in years it was almost scary, but a smile still spread across his face. The rest of the week rushed by, his usual schedule went on morning runs, therapy on Wednesday but they were by choice no longer court ordered, time seemed to just blur and it was Friday afternoon before he know it. Finding himself on the phone with Sam “you can’t wear a Henley on your date, you don’t got to dress like your going to a gala but come on man at least wear a button down” Sam scolded through the phone’s speaker. “It’s a casual restaurant not a fancy place a Henley shirt is fine” Bucky said as he dug in his closet for a button down not that he would admit that to Sam. “I’m starting to think Steve was telling some tall tales of you being a lady’s man if you dressed like that on dates” Sam teased, “The army uniform was enough to get the girls attention” Bucky said earning a laugh from Sam. “I only have a black one is that acceptable?” Bucky said pulling out a black button down “oh I thought a Henley was fine, yeah black will work.” Sam teased before answering seriously.
Bucky set the button up on his bed before pulling out a pair of his nicer jeans, “So what’s your plan?” Sam asked. “What do you mean plan? I plan to go to dinner with her” Bucky asked confused tossing the jeans by the shirt on his bed, “I mean your plan if she asks about your robo arm? It’s no ordinary prosthetic ” Sam asked. “She’s not going to see it” Bucky said looking at the clothes on his bed, “You plan to wear your jacket and gloves all dinner that’s not going to raise some questions” Sam said Bucky could imagine Sam rolling his eyes. “Goodbye Sam” Bucky said being done with Sam teasing. “Ok, ok tell me how to goes” Sam said with a light laugh as the call ended. Bucky looked at the clock hanging on the wall that was going too fast and yet too slow for his liking. After a quick shower Bucky found himself on his couch reading to pass the time.
6:00 pm rolled around when Bucky began getting dressed and pulling on his jacket and gloves, and headed out of his apartment headed to where he parks his motorcycle starting the engine he made his way to his destination. Finding the closest spot was a half a block walk he considered his self lucky for it being New York. On the short walk to the restaurant Bucky passed a flower shop and the memory of him bringing girls flower when he took them out stopped him, before over thinking it he made a small detour buying a small bouquet of yellow and white daisies. Yes it was old fashioned but he was old fashioned part of him will always be in the 1940s. Now standing out side the restaurant debating with himself if he should go in and wait or wait for her outside, a sweet voice caught his attention making his decision for him. “Bucky?” Dottie approached the man only seeing the back of him before he turned around. Bucky thought he forgot how to breath seeing Dottie standing there more beautiful than she looked in the darkened bar. Long white pleated skirt barely showing her black shoes underneath, light pink blouse tucked into the waist of the skirt, tortoiseshell glasses still graced her pretty freckled face framed with fiery red hair.
Quickly coming back to his senses Bucky gave a nervous smile “You look beautiful” he complimented, “thank you, you look handsome yourself” Dottie smile a light blush taking over her face. “Thanks, These are for you” Bucky offered her the bouquet of daisies hoping she doesn’t notice his awkwardness or at least find it charming, “Their so pretty, thank you. Nobody has ever given me flower on a date before” Dottie smiled eyes sparkling taking a smell of the flowers. “Shall we?” Bucky asked a bit nervous like she’d change her mind and leave before dinner even started, but received a nod from her smile still painted on her face holding the flowers close to her. Opening the door for her then following her inside making their was to the host stand, “Reservation for Barnes” Bucky told the hostess who look at her notes before smiling and asked them to follow her showing them to a table. Bucky pulled out Dottie chair before taking his seat, Dottie set her flower down on the end of the table with a light laugh earning a raise eyebrow from Bucky. “I’m sorry, it’s just a little funny you made a reservation for Basil Leaf” Dottie smiled, “Oh I just didn’t want to risk them being too crowded” Bucky nervously scratched the back of his neck. “No it’s alright, it’s sweet.” Dottie reassured him, Bucky noticed Dottie look curiously at his glove but said nothing and smile still present.
‘Might end this dinner quickly, but I guess it’s better to know now than later’ Bucky thought to himself pulling off his jacket hanging it off the back of his chair and with a moment of hesitation he pulled off both his gloves. A look of surprised past Dottie face at his metal hand but vanished as quickly as it appeared. “How was your day?” Dottie asked making no farther notice of his hand which both was a relief and worry for Bucky. “You’re not going to ask” Bucky said a loud before he realized cringing at his own words waiting for Dottie to get up and leave. “No, unless you want me to ask?” Dottie said seeming unfazed. “I was in an accident” Bucky said not giving any details, Receiving a nod from Dottie with a smile.
“So how was your day?” Dottie asked again, slightly shocked that she was still here and didn’t look like she was held against her will made Bucky relax. “Nothing special just keeping myself busy tell now” Bucky said with nervous humor in his voice, “I did the same to be honest” Dottie laughed lightly. A waitress came over to their table all smiles but quickly replaced with fear as she noticed Bucky and his metal hand on display, Bucky was all to use to this even after everything some people still recognize him as the winter soldier from the news and feared him. “G-good eve-evening” the waitress stuttered almost shaking, Dottie raised an eyebrow at the waitress’s sudden odd behavior but made no comment on it. “Hello” Dottie greeted kindly almost trying to soothe the waitress, Bucky chose to remain silent not wanting to scare the poor woman anymore than she already was. “Can I get you two something to drink?” The waitress said robotically, she seemed to calm only a slight bit focusing on Dottie or her own feet but still keeping a close eye on Bucky ready to run. “I’ll have a glass of white wine” Dottie ordered with a smile before looking over at Bucky waiting for him to order. “Whiskey please” Bucky said a bit tensely and as soon as the order was taken the waitress all but ran off in fear of her life.
Dottie had a look of confusion but shook it off, “would you rather eat a seeing eye dog or a talking gorilla?” Dottie asked randomly noticing how tense Bucky got. “What?” Bucky said confusion written clean on his face his tension was lost with how thrown from the question he was. “You seemed uncomfortable so I thought I’d break the tension, come on answering the question there’s no wrong answers” Dotties smiled humor and kindness clear in her voice. “I guess a talking gorilla so I can explain to him that you’re making me eat him” Bucky answered with a laugh with how obscured the question. “You’re smart, I like that” Dottie laughed smiling brightly. Their drink were brought out with a different waitress but neither of them said anything about it, taking their food order and left swiftly leaning them alone once again. “What about you? Seeing eye dog or talking gorilla” Bucky said humor heavy in his voice, “seeing eye dog I don’t feel good about it, but I couldn’t take down a normal gorilla let alone one that could talk” Dottie answered. “You don’t know tell you try” Bucky joked, “oh yeah I’ll go to the zoo and ask the zookeeper for a sparing partner” Dottie said cheeks turning pink from laughing. The rest of dinner went smoothly humor flowed between them Bucky was shocked how comfortable he was with this woman he only meet twice now.
After Bucky paid for their dinner after refusing Dottie’s request to pay for her half. They were standing outside the restaurant Dottie holding the bouquet of daisies close to her chest. “Thank you for dinner and the lovely flowers, I had a really good time” Dottie smiled, “I did too, maybe we could do this again sometime?” Bucky asked a bit hesitantly part of him waiting for her rejection thinking knowing it was inevitable. “We better, talk to you later” Dottie said before reaching up and planting a small kiss to his cheek before smiling again and leaving with a wave goodbye. Bucky watch her walk away for a few seconds still processing what happened before placing his hand over the cheek she kissed blushing lightly before making his was to his motorcycle.
Chapter too long, too short? Let me know.
#marvel#marvel avengers#bucky barnes#james bucky buchanan barnes#bucky barnes x oc#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky fluff#bucky x reader#bucky x oc#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes/reader#bucky x you#bucky fanfic#the falcon and the winter soldier
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Not My Wife
Characters: Danneel Ackles, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki
Pairing: Danneel x Jensen, Jared x Gen
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Nesnej (yep that’s a warning - ask Jared :P)
Word Count: 1200ish
A/N: I blame Gen and her livestream for this, but also @mysupernaturalfics who is an enabler! She is also the gem that betaed this for me.
Side note this is my first time writing a Padackles fic with no reader, but I can promise you it won’t be the last time. I love these guys so much and I wanna show them some love without inserting third of fifth parties into their lives cause they are perfect as is.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
A night like this what exactly what they all needed. It wasn’t that neither of them didn’t love their jobs, their lives, and kids, but sometimes parents needs to take a breather to be husband and wife again. This weekend every year was exactly what Jensen and Danneel needed, as well as Jared and Gen. ACL was an event they aways attended together.
Jared and Jensen were best friends. More than that, they were brothers and even though every day was spent together on set 4 days of the week, 9 months out of the year, a huge chunk of their free time was spent in each other’s company as well. Very much helped by the fact that their wives had become as much like sisters as Jared and Jensen were brothers.
Tonight wasn’t about Supernatural, opening of a brewery or even their kids. It was simply about having fun and enjoying each other’s company. The music was loud and the alcohol was flowing. Everyone was laughing and having a great time, dancing and laughing, never wanting the night to come to an end.
Jensen however, proved to be a bit of a light weight just like always and Gen with her petite frame reached her limit a lot sooner than the others, which was why she agreed to stay by Jensen’s side while Jared and Danneel went off to get more drinks. Leaving Jensen alone in a crowd like this was never a good idea, unless they wanted to spent a few hours searching for the lovable, drunk with the attention span of a two year old.
Luckily Red Hot Chili Peppers did the trick to keep Jensen’s attention locked to the screen, while dancing and chatting away with Gen. It wasn’t like she wasn’t gonna notice if he was to wander off anyway either. Jensen was an affectionate drunk and not just with his wife or women for that matter. Jensen hugged and cuddled with just about anyone he could get away with, which Danneel didn’t mind one bit.
Gen smiled when Jensen wrapped his arms around her from behind, dancing with her as she thought of Danneel’s words. “Drunk or not he is still Jensen. I trust him and I know he is mine so let him have fun. Some wives has to suffer men with a terrible temper when they are drunk. I just get to laugh at my husband being cuddly with strangers.”
Gen leaned back against Jensen, enjoying his embrace. They had been friends for years and it wasn’t that she minded or wasn’t used his cuddly side and as long as he was dancing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist, it wasn’t like she had to worry about him wandering off.
Gen frowned, feeling the deep rumble in Jensen’s chest and she knew he was talking to her but the music was so loud she couldn’t make out a word. Gen tilted her head back to look up at him only to freeze up when Jensen’s lips met her’s in a sweet kiss. She stared up at him in shock when he pulled back only to see him frown in confusion before muttering.
“You’re not my wife.”
Gen erupted into a fit of giggled, lovingly slapping his cheek, shaking her head at him as Jared’s voice sounded behind them.
“No. That’s my wife,” Gen and Jensen both looked in the direction of Jared’s voice. The giant of a man was struggling to keep the smirk of his face and the pretend scowl on. “What the hell dude?”
Jensen ignored his friend as he quickly apologized to Gen before turning to his wife with a wet puppy look on his face, completely oblivious to the fact Danneel was laughing her ass off and not the slightest bit angry with him. He felt beyond guilty even if it had been an accident. Jensen was a flirt but he loved his wife with all his heart. Never once since he had first kissed her had he had the need to kiss or touch anyone else.
Danneel knew that and just kept giggling as Jensen pulled her into his arms. He kissed her neck and cheeks and lips over and over again, trying to express what his words couldn’t in his intoxicated state.
“I’m so sorry. I thought she was you, DeeDee,” he muttered with a pout on his lips and his eyes nailed to the floor, much like a puppy anticipating a scolding after stealing from the treat drawer. His guilty expression only caused her to laugh even harder before cupping his face in her hands, pressing her lips to his in a tender kiss.
“I think we need to get you glasses, you dork,” she smiled, wiggling her nose at him and Jensen buried his face in her neck, letting her hug him tight, relieved things were okay between them even if he still felt bad.
Jensen groaned as he felt Danneel shift beside him on the bed. His head was killing him and all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and hide out in bed all day. He knew that wasn’t an option since his parents was gonna be back with the kids around noon, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get an hour or two worth of sleep, cuddling with his wife if he played his cards right.
A content sigh fell from Jensen’s lips when he shifted towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her flush against his chest. He never once opened his eye as he acted purely on instinct. An instinct that also caused his eyes to shot open the moment her body connected with his. Jensen knew and loved every inch of Danneel’s body. The woman next to him most certainly wasn’t his wife.
“Morning Jensen,” Gen smiled sweetly up at him and Jensen moved faster than he had ever moved before, jumping from the bed, looking up and down himself, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw his boxer were still on his body.
His confusion and fear was chased away the second a roar of laughter sounded from the other side of the room. Gen giggled, crawling off the bed heading for her laughing husband’s arms as Jensen stared at the three people in front of him with an absolute look of betrayal on his face.
“What the hell?!!” Jensen glared from his best friends to his wife, all of whom were still not able to control their fits of laughter.
“That’ll teach you not to kiss my wife,” Jared snorted and Jensen stared daggers at the man.
“That’s not funny,” he grumbled, making Danneel step towards her sulking husband, wrapping her arms around his neck. She was still giggling, but there was a look of absolute adoration in her eyes when she looked up at him.
“You’re right. It’s not funny,” she grinned up at him, her smile contagious and Jensen relaxed in her arms as she pressed her lips against his in a sweet kiss. “It’s hilarious.”
Padackles Tag Team
@smoothdogsgirl @docharleythegeekqueen @gemini75eeyore @curliesallovertheplace @blacktithe7 @itsmyeffingstory @mysupernaturalfics @evilskank-inthemegacoven @percywinchester27 @unicorndreamer1622 @urpeachess @awesomenursingstudent @starswirlblitz @mysupernaturalfics @roxyspearing @cherrycokegirls1 @mystrye @fandomoniumflurry
#Jensen x Danneel#Jared x Gen#J2#Jensen Akcles#Danneel Ackles#Jared Padalecki#genevieve padalecki#spn imagine#jensen imagine#danneel imagine#gen imagine#jared imagine#spn fanfiction#rpf
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Ayo folks and yolks
I got around to make a A03 thing to better introduce the characters
Go take a read at it!
Thats all enjoy the day
#mak post 2024#ao3 link#ao3#punch out oc's#punch out wii#punch out#detirmed delilah#Vicky Kaiser#dancing boxer/deedee#queen manatee#hurricane cherry/sarasa#gamer zoid#magnificent Lion#Carmen flamenco#ardin ryan#the caffinator/caff#turkey's vulture/raven#super sexy lady/Amelia#may god forgive me on that name.#the dream lander#sorry folks theres not really much of the canon characters mentioned
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When low motivation happens and you wanna give more then just Delilah stuff, turn to the good old ibis paint and gacha!
So i present to you all: deedee and vicky at a formal event they got dragged too
No text cause it wouldn't fit (undercut has it)
Also ignore the poor wind glass objects are NOT my thing ever
Honestly i'll probably do some fake asks to get everything started tbh so be prepared for that too
Vicky: i hate how Amelia always pulls these parties out of the blue and forces us to go. I can't even bring katz. She's just itching for someone to knock her.
Deedee: on the plus side we get to see how the ryans just barely pass the dress code- i mean have you seen Aran's dress?
Also manatee was gonna be in this but i couldn't fit her so heres her enjoying a coconut drink
Believe it or not nobody actually knows its manatee from afar because she intentionally looks like a tourist
#mak post 2024#punch out oc's#dancing boxer/deedee#vicky kaiser#queen manatee#gacha life 2#ibis paint edit#gacha edit#the art kind not the video kind#you'll get that some other day#punch out oc
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While I'm doing good old research and lore writing, take these little emote head things i did of the female minor circuit
In order:
Just some useless information about deedees and manatee's design
Deedee and manatee were the hardest of this circuit for different reasons
For deedee:
Over the course of her concept her hair was my biggest issue, originally i was going to give her something like box braids or corn rows, especially actually attempt a poc hair style. Unfortunately that's when my art style limitation came in, i have trouble drawing braids, let alone many smaller ones, and each attempt was a failure because something would always look wrong. I eventually resided with Just giving her a normal braided hair do, maybe one day i can make it better.
I'll make a post showing her designs later
Manatee however had a bigger issue
There was no reference!
It wouldn't be the minor circuit without our queen manatee! So she was completely reference less during her drawing!
Luckily these were just emote type things, i simple gave her short flowly hair a seashell hair clip (that i legit just drew two black bars behind and colored red). I choose to make her hair gray with green all around to reference actually manatees!
I hope you enjoyed this!
#mak post 2024#punch out oc's#punch out wii#punch out#detirmed delilah#Vicky Kaiser#Dancing boxer#Dancing boxer/deedee#queen manatee#slight design issues#will be fixed. maybe.
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Happy 4th of july folks! We get some firework punch out headcanons + oc's!!!
Still the wii. Sorry super punch out fans i promise i got some headcanons for you all soonish
Little Mac
Doesn't mind them much but gets nervous at very big ones, loves the sounds the small sparkler like ones make though.
Glass Joe
Is used to the noise (being from a Popular city can do that) and loves the colors, a simple man.
Von Kaiser
Has to wear earphones during them, to loud for him.
Probably actually hates them in general to be honest.
Disco Kid
Loves everything second of a firework show due to the colors, loves the ending. Is sad when they end.
King Hippo
At first panic's because of the loud noise, then calms down after abit and watches. Eventually gets board though.
Piston Hondo
Anticipates what kind of fire work would be set off next. Most times he's off.
Bear Hugger
Focuses on making sure the animals are alright then the fireworks. He's an animal lover who worries about the noise and lights.
Great Tiger
Has his clones get snacks while he watches them.
Probably actually uses fireworks during magic acts.
Don Flamenco
Uses them as metaphors for carmen. Wishes some of fireworks were flowers just so he can give them to her.
Aran Ryan
This guy is lighting up some firework he got from masked muscle while the actual show is going on to be honest.
"oi. I wonder what this will-" *kaboom*
He's banned from stores as long as fireworks are on sale.
Soda Popinski
Probably got distracted by the fireworks first going off and nobody explained to him what a firework show was till it ended. They once left him at a place.
Bald Bull
Flash sensitive, has to wear sunglasses or else he'll be upset. Has tried to work around it though.
Super Macho Man
Has someone taking pictures of him posing while the fireworks go off. They always come out horrible because of the flash.
Mr. Sandman
Would honestly like to be asleep rather then watch them, although admittedly they are cool to him.
The ohio spark/clara
She's from the country part of ohio, nothing about fireworks scares her. Probably comforts the ones who do have issues with them though.
Detirmed Delilah
Unlike glass joe, Delilah does have an issue with the noises. And is often grabbing onto someone for reassurance after every bang.
Vicky Kaiser
LOVES the loud noises and lights, records the show so she can show von Kaiser after wards (she bought an expensive camera for this kind of stuff)
Dancing boxer/ deedee
She's from texas, also used to the noise. However immediately goes to comfort someone as soon as they start displaying nervousness about them.
Similar to king hippo, she gets scared, however once she sees them she understands and watches all the way through, nobody knows why.
Hurricane cherry /Sarasa
Makes snacks and drinks for everyone before the show, other wise is also playing the guessing game with hondo
Gamer zoid
Get's very excited over them, it's like a victory screen for her. Ironically she is Canadian so it's hilarious when she says that.
Magnificent Lion/ Chanda
More hesitant to watch, still does but often leaves before the final.
Carmen flamenco
Loves hearing don's metaphors about the fireworks. Tries to keep a mental picture of each one in her head for later, perhaps she'll make a fake flower about it.
Ardin ryan
"aran don't light that!-" *kaboom* "aaand the feckin' eejit did."
Keeps a very very close eye on aran. Actually once had to kick one away after he decided to look at it directly above.
Other wise she doesn't mind
The caffinator/caff
Has to have headphones on, too loud for the over caffeinated gal. Loves the colors though
Turkey's vulture/ raven
Is typically the one unintentionally distracting the worried while looking at the fireworks. Ironically it's by giving reasons as to what the fireworks mean and do.
Super sexy lady/ Amelia
Doing the exact same thing as super macho man. The others just ignore them both.
dream lander
Making absolutely sure nobody is about to go crazy, has a backup plan for everyone including herself.
Otherwise? She wants to go to bed too.
Right have a happy 4th of July!!!
#mak post 2024#punch out#punch out wii#punch out oc's#punch out headcanons#to many characters to tag#punch out oc
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Dni if you support things like homophobia, racism, sexism, literally any false sexuality likes maps, and hatred to religions!
About the creator
Hi im mak! I go by she/they. I made this blog for my punchout hyper fixation that i suddenly got.
Should just get this out of the way, i have autism, and while it's pretty low it still effects things that i do, such as over explaining or random mistakes such as obvious spelling. Context clues are also hard for me to understand sometimes. However that shouldn't be an excuse, if i do something wrong hold me accountable so I can improve on myself.
I am also not religious, please don't push religion on me i choose to believe in my own ideas.
Criticism is accepted!
Alt account @behind-the-mak
More to come
More info below
Heres the characters roaster to make things like asking questions easier (order of appearance/circuit)
The ohio spark (referred to as clara)
Detirmed Delilah
Vicky Kaiser
Dancing boxer (often referred to as deedee)
Queen Manatee*
Hurricane cherry (Sarasa)
Gamer zoid*
Magnificent Lion (typical is just referred to as lion, her name is Chanda)
Carmen flamenco (look i thought it would be funny to have dons girlfriend essentially be the opposite him)
Ardin ryan
The caffinator* (referred to as caff)(also occasionally as asya)
Turkey's vulture* (refered to as raven)
Im going to regret this
Super sexy lady... Also known as Amelia..
And lastly the dream lander! Who has yet to tell us her actually name!
Thats the roaster
Wanna donate or just get a cheap drawing? Commissions are here!
Official link to form
That is all thanks for ready
*fun facts!!
Manatee's name is to reference our loveable underwater friends the manatees!
Zoid is actually also a total drama oc! I just couldn't think of a more unique Canadian boxer.
Caff was definitely inspired by alot of stuff, mainly the idea of how much caffeine soda actually drinks.
Ravens name is actually a hidden reference to her old boxer name, i figured turkey's valture is more fitting then a edgy name like the dark raven or something.
#punch out wii#mak post 2024#to many ocs to list#Punch out oc's#mmm creative mak. very creative.#introductory post#pinned intro#commsions#it was 1:19 am when i made this#sleepy#punch out#punch out oc's#ardin ryan#detirmed delilah#vicky kaiser#dancing boxer#queen manatee#hurricane cherry/sarasa#gamer zoid#Magnificent Lion#turkey's vulture/raven#the caffinator/caff#carmen flamenco#super sexy lady/amelia#the dream lander#the ohio spark/clara
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Ask box is open for request, random asks, and more!
Other blogs:
Coming soon
Gen info:
Hi i'm mak! I'd like to separate my life from online but to clear anything, I'm 18+/young adult with officially diagnosed autism who goes by she/they! You can find my fanfics on here or ao3!
Commission info:
Payments: (to copy and paste)
kofi: mak the human
cashapp: $makaylatriplett14
venmo: @Makmoneytime
Dm for commissions!
Error that'll be corrected another day: if you deny the bundle and you still don't want it after confirmation anything you order will be charged separately not as a bundle
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Shipping stuff:
There are no fully canon ships on this blogs story! The only two characters i don't want shipped are deedee/dancing boxer (married in canon) and gamer zoid (minor, canon girlfriend in a different fandom) everyone else? Go fuckin' nuts
Will this be a 3rd times the charm?
Lets hope so
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Ay folks and jokes chapter 4 is finally done
Deedee shall never be written again /jk
Ayo folks and yolks
I got around to make a A03 thing to better introduce the characters
Go take a read at it!
Thats all enjoy the day
#mak post 2024#ao3 link#ao3#punch out oc's#punch out#detirmed delilah#Vicky Kaiser#dancing boxer/deedee#the ohio spark#punch out oc
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