enihk-writes · 1 year
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kingsman hwasan AU....
pbss chung myung and tang bo in a sherlock and moriarty AU...
uuughhhh uggghhh my ghead hurts i have too many wips rn hhnnnggggggggg......... i generate ideas faster than i can write them uggghh the curse of being a creative (washed-up designer).... this is what happens when my parents took away my ability to draw (eni lore).... or else i would have been a fanartist instead of a b-grade writer keughhhhh *chokes and dies*
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nenbutsushuart · 1 month
The Buddhist Art of Nenbutsushu 佛教之王堂は佛法に基づいて建­­立され 建物全ての部位に、仏縁を結ぶ教えが込められています。
念佛宗 山門 天井画極彩色
世界最大の山門 迷える衆生を佛道へ招き入れる門 念佛宗総本山 山門  高さ35.6m(基壇、棟飾り込)、桁行(幅)34.5m、梁間(奥行き)13.8m 壁面を覆う龍の彫刻が、この門が登龍門であることを示しています。登龍門は、中国の黄河上流にある急流で、鯉が登って龍に変じるといわれ、煩悩にまみれた泥凡夫が、この門をくぐって浄らかな浄土へ到るのであります。 上段は日本建築史上初の六手先総詰組様式、下段は四手先総詰組様式です。正面の山号額は、高さ5.25m、幅3.15mで、本畳に換算して10.2畳という日本一の大きさです。また、山門の両脇には、世界最大級の総漆塗りで中華人民共和国工芸美術大師(人間国宝)佘國平佛師制作の阿形・吽形の仁王像が配されています。仁王像は、世界最大級にして総漆塗り。山門の両脇から俗界を見渡し、悪を断じ善をすすめます。 山門上層には中華人民共和国工芸美術大師、黄文寿氏制作になる、「観経発起」の情景を彷彿させる、阿難尊者と目連尊者を従える釈尊像が安置されています。「観経発起」とは、釈尊が、王舎城の王妃韋提希夫人が我が子阿闍世により王宮の奥殿に幽閉されて救いを求める声を聞かれ、『法華経』の会座を中断、耆闍崛山から王宮に降臨され、教えを説かれて韋提希夫人を救われた故事です。 天井には、三阪雅彦画伯制作になる吽形の老龍及び瑞鳥の鳳と凰が描かれ、周囲は、佛法が伝来した古の時代に百済の文化をもって色とりどりに染められた奈良の都を彷彿させるが如く、韓国に一千四百年の長きにわたり伝えられてきた丹青技法保持者である韓国人間国宝・李萬奉大僧正猊下、及び、直弟子洪昌源師制作の彩色で彩られています。 (落慶時プレスリリースより)
Dancheong, seen inside the upper part of the Main Gate On the upper part of the Main Gate, an old dragon is painted by the master artist Mr. Masahiko Misaka. The surroundings are painted richly in full color by Most Ven. Lee Man Bong, a living national treasure of Korea, together with his head pupil Mr. Hong Chang Won, using Dancheong, the traditional painting technique inherited since ancient Korean Dynasty.
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goraehanuel · 2 months
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artfight attack for @tiendei 🌨
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Pitta KKM
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snoocola · 6 months
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Clubhouse Yard: Dancheong Corridor
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jasonraish · 11 months
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I've been working on this for way too long after our trip to Korea this summer. I was born there, studied abroad at Yonsei University in Seoul in 2001, and have been back many times and am always inspired but never do anything with that inspiration until this time. I wanted to show the mix of traditional and modern. Jeonmo paper hats and janggu drums with black combat boots and double dutch braids. We played yut nori 윷놀이 (game with 4 wooden sticks you toss in there air like dice) with my in laws. I got my first tattoo there this summer amidst the rising tattoo culture in Seoul (I first got my stone name stamp 도장 in hangul the Korean alphabet and then a tattoo of that). The mountains depicted are from Irworobongdo, a folding screen painting featuring the 5 famous peaks of Korea (4 are in South Korea) and the sun and the moon and was always behind the king's throne during the Joseon era. We didn't hike any of the 5 famous peaks but we did hike beautiful Chiaksan to Seryeom falls, and drank lots of soju from modern green bottles and kimchi from onggi 옹기 clay pots. We rode the high speed KTX Eum train at 260km/h from Seoul to Wonju. We saw ocean waves at Gangmun beach and modern hanbok 한복 dresses (this one has short sleeves and a defined waist) worn around Gyeongbokgung 경복궁 royal palace in Seoul. Koreans adorn the shrines, temples, and hermitages with colorful dancheong 단청 design motifs. And of course we saw a lot of the taegeukgi 태극기, the South Korean flag with the red and blue 태극 swirl and 4 black trigrams in the corners. Everything I just mentioned is in this poster and if you haven't already, go visit Korea, especially since the won is so weak and currencies like the US dollar can buy so much there. And finally, heres the Vogue travel cover from 1918 that was my inspiration which oozes way more style and dynamism than I could ever hope for. Why can't we have covers like this anymore? You can buy this 24x36" poster HERE on my Society6 page, or in other sizes too. Thanks for looking and reading 감사합니다!
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kimchikawaii · 7 months
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Here's another side of Kimchi Kawaii. The Year of the Dragon pins Kickstarter is live! I wanted to create some designs celebrating the Year of the Dragon and also reflecting my Korean heritage. Both the dragon (yong) and phoenix (bonghwang) are colored using colors found in the traditional art of dancheong. The pins will measure 3" and are packed with detail that will be brought to life with the metalwork, hard enamel fill and screen printing. Pins will have two posts and locking backs.
We have 10 days to fund both highly detailed, collectable pins. Become a backer and lock in your pins at the special KS rate.
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webtoonscreenshots · 2 years
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I Didn’t Mean to Seduce the Male Lead! by Salty and dancheong and lazypiece
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pionia-milly · 1 year
Watch "#조선왕궁 #창덕궁 #궐내각사 #옥당 #약방 #단청 #dancheong #Changdeokgung #RoyalPalace #Seoul #Korea #고궁 #궁궐" on YouTube
Voyage people and his wives killed Korean ancestors and still they aim to kill Korean race so go away to your level haha This voyage people hate Korea so much and everything give to his wives monkey and piggy and try to steal technology which is Korean peoples talent and they want give to monkey or piggy or southern part piggy Jr. They don't know their low quality brain and steal America's technology and money gave to this Asian wives lol. I'm strong against this family in this earth. So ugly and low quickly brains and bodies but their chemistry work each other lol do not come to Korea befor collect shame haha
Don't be afraid of Satan and Satan afraid of God. First made lost from Stan mean God will punish this people and it is God's plan. They have no power except ugly gang and BBQ media lol. Kotea's population was do many so devided for two wives and gave land and food everything for his wives. Let him fight with God haha and God said Korean peninsula is peace in my dream, so try to make war with your wives haha. I'm God's lovely a Lamb I am not afraid of Satan lol
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alisontk · 2 years
🐰 Regretting bygones are the most foolish thing you know? So, atleast now I should try to do it well.
🐰 Oh and the one that was here, you guys know the Sky/Heaven/Air from the trigrams (in the SK flag <Air/Heaven, Earth, Water/Moon, Fire/Sun>) right?
🐰 I think in an interview or somewhere I mentioned that I wanted to fly in the sky or how I loved the dream I was flying in or something, so I wanted to get that from the trigrams... But, there were quite, a lot of people who hated this too. So I got this snake.
🐰 Why did I get this snake? Cause snakes shed, don't they? So apparently snakes mean growth, I thought that was nice and just decided to get that. I was wondering how to cover this up, I mean, if I was gonna get the trigrams, I'd have gotten it done newly in a prettier way..and then they suggested this snake tattoo to me.
🐰 There wasn't anything exactly to cover it up, plus the meaning of it sounded nice, and since it means growth, I just got that done. Ah, my friendship tattoo is over here! Is it visible? Can you see it? Can you see the 7 here?
Img1 - Hahoetal
Img2 - Dancheong
Img3 - Trigrams
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belovedsemi1995 · 2 years
Critical Project: Dancheong colouring workshops
As I mentioned before, I visited the Dancheong workshops In Bukchon, Seoul.
There, I could find the history of Dancheong and the meaning of each shape. 
Dancheong also uses the traditional 5 colour Obang colour( blue, red, yellow, white, and black) 
In many Dancheong shapes, like peony chrysanthemum and lotus, I chose the Taepyeonghwa, This flower is not a real one, but imaginary, and it means a Peaceful area.
In Joseon, people draw Taepyeonghwa flowers shaped Dancheong in loyal palaces or temples, hoping for good luck and peace and to exorcise evil spirits.
 In Buddhism, Taepyeonghwa symbolizes enlightened Buddha.
In the palace, it represents the best flower to protect the king and promote peace in Peace.
In terms of symbolic meaning, it is by far the best flower among flowers. that’s the reason I chose this flower.
Also, Dancheong shapes are usually coloured in contrast to the cold and Warm colours giving dimension and dept.
It was a very meaningful time for me because I could get professional help from a technician on how to colouring the patterns and colour with proper traditional colours and I expect this experience would be helpful for my project.
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han-kan-of-study · 2 years
Decorated my new reading journal today (I finished my first one hehe)
I put some pics and drew little frames for them! 🥺
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twoclaws · 4 years
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The Dancheong* Influenced Paintings of Korean Artist Pak Il-Sun.
*Dancheong (단청) is a traditional Korean painting and preservation technique used on wood buildings of religious and cultural significance. The techniques used in Dancheong require years of training, are rich in symbolism and detail, and make use of five primary colors: blue, white, red, black, and yellow.
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tattoos-infantasy · 2 years
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a little sparkle for you
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sk93wangsejabin · 3 years
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A buddhist temple in South Korea.
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wicks-photo · 5 years
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Bird at the Bell Korean Bell of Friendship, Los Angeles, CA
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