#dana literally didn't save any questions for anybody else
uglierdaikon · 3 years
I’ve been waiting 👀 Wings 1, 2, 5, 10
Graves 1,2, 4 (in this case a second sequel I mean) 5, 10
BSMFH 1, 4, 5
I want you to know this was actually restraint 👀❤️
Dana you dweeb (affectionate). All right here we go. (Spoilers ahead for all three fics)
1)  Any deleted scenes from this fic that didn’t make it into the final story?
Well I did do those Wings spin-off one shots, which I never actually finished posting. Maybe I will someday. Those were mainly about Amane and Tsukasa (y'know, before all the murdering). Other than that, I just reread my outline and apparently I planned for Nene and Teru to be considered missing for a while before their bodies were found? Which obviously I did not end up going with, since Amane turned himself in/immediately tried to kill himself. Fun times.
2) Was there an alternative ending for this fic you had in mind?
Nope (unless you include the "Teru and Nene being considered missing" thing). The plot of this fic was ripped off entirely from a song, so I had rules to follow! The ending was decided for me by Colter Wall. Poor things never had a chance at a happy ending.
5 If you were to go back and change anything a scene, a way anything was written, a piece of dialogue etc. What would you change from this fic?
I wouldn't write it. KIDDING! I'm kidding (mostly). I don't think I've ever hidden the fact that Wings is (in my opinion) the worst thing I've written in years, so honestly the list is too long to bother with. I know a lot of people really liked it, and I won't bash on anyone's taste and I so greatly appreciate the support that it got/has continued to get but I just... don't like it. I didn't even have fun writing it. Bleh.
10 How long did it take for you to write this fic?
Well, it was posted on October 15, 2020, and the last chapter was posted on November 30, 2020. So, roughly a month and a half? I posted every chapter as soon as it was finished, so the timeline of all of my multichapter fics (except for BSMFH) is always gonna be what it says on paper.
1)  Any deleted scenes from this fic that didn’t make it into the final story?
Sorry to disappoint, but no! Not that I can remember.
2) Was there an alternative ending for this fic you had in mind?
Also no 😂 Graves is exactly the fic I set out to write. Honestly, though, the ending was so hard to come up with. I can't imagine how much harder it would've been to come up with a whole different one. I remember being really pissed with myself because I'd kind of written myself into a corner and didn't know how to fix it. Figured it out in the end though!
4) Hypothetically if you were to make a sequel to this fic…What is a story you would think of? A sequel? A prelude? A time skip? Etc. Just any thoughts you might have for it?
I... wouldn't? Just to be completely honest. The only ideas I ever had were for Hananene wedding/Mitsukou finally getting together, and I did that in the sequel! There were a couple wedding traditions I didn't end up using for the sequel fic though, such as the groom being "kidnapped" by the bride's family (in this case, Teru and Kou) and having to find his way back to the bride by the wedding. That would've been funny as hell but it didn't fit the tone of the story I ended up writing.
5) If you were to go back and change anything a scene, a way anything was written, a piece of dialogue etc. What would you change from this fic?
Absolutely nothing. This fic is my pride and joy.
10) How long did it take for you to write this fic?
From April 26, 2020, to September 13, 2020. So... about 4 and a half months!
Be Still My Foolish Heart
1)  Any deleted scenes from this fic that didn’t make it into the final story?
Dana I am absolutely shocked that you would give me the opportunity to share the bar scene with the world! It's not exactly a deleted scene, but I know exactly what happened with Kou and Amane at the bar the night they ended up coming home drunk together (and Dana knows too). Since the fic is from Nene's perspective, though, we won't be seeing it (unless I decide y'all deserve a treat).
4) Hypothetically if you were to make a sequel to this fic…What is a story you would think of? A sequel? A prelude? A time skip? Etc. Just any thoughts you might have for it?
Let me start off by saying there will not be a sequel. I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes up. But there has been a joke within my heart that I desperately wish I could make, and if I ever did write a sequel it would solely be so that I could make this joke. Let me set the scene. Nene and Amane have an ill-advised tumble on the pull-out couch in a moment of passion. Nene gets pregnant. What is the joke, you may ask? Easy. "The couch may pull out but Amane sure doesn't."
That is easily the best answer I've given in this whole post and it's a damn shame 99% of people will just scroll past this because it's too long. Anyways I'll see myself out (after the last question).
5) If you were to go back and change anything a scene, a way anything was written, a piece of dialogue etc. What would you change from this fic?
Nothing yet? I would do some tweaking to the Hanako and Kana scenes I suppose, for reasons I can't disclose at this time. I've also gone a while without any conflict between Amane and Nene, and I feel like they should argue more. But c'est la vie. I trek onwards.
God damn, Dana, you get your fill boo? Teasing, teasing. Thank you for asking!
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