#damnnnn those shoes though!
greyyeti · 7 months
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I’m on my knees sir…
Ready to give you what you want!
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New sprites, new backgrounds, new everything!
Kejfjkslsle what's happening? Why are we getting fed so well?? (Yes I'm late like always) To start if off: I'm digging the new art style 100% because I'm a self-proclaimed weeb and since it's anime-like the expressions are gonna be so much more... expressive (yes I'm great at picking up adjectives to describe things, thank you.)
So here are my thoughts 👇
Tadashi: He has the bitchiest face of them all. Perfect. Even his hair is making fun of me. Did you see his ice cream hair? So slick, so good.
Alistair: hmm aren't his eyes supposed to be green? They look a bit orange here but it might just be me. Also can something be done with his uniform to make him look less basic? (Well he has always been a bit basic, I guess it's also a part of his charm.) But at least roll up his sleeves so we can see his handsome arms please.,..,,,
Axel: Oof, did his hairdresser finally decide to straighten his hair? Good for you Axel, the fluffy hair is for Al and Neha.
Tyler: Omg I love it, I always thought that his hair looked a bit weird-ish before (not to say that it was bad) but I like it more now and the shade of purple goes nicely with his department badge. Also is it me or his face structure is really satisfying to look at? Yes it's a really strange compliment to make but idk how else to say it.
Tegan: Damnnnn Tegan where did you drop your anxiety? In your mismatched socks? My boi looking confident, his smirk is 👌👌😌
Karolina: She has the bitchiest pose of them all. Perfect. Also you're already tall enough please don't wear high heels.,.,,. Please... (Yes I'm short that's why I'm so upset, Karolina give me like 1% of your height.)
Neha: I love the shape of her eyesss and the nails and the make-up. And wow, I didn't notice how short she was compared to Karolina. (That's also probably how I'll look next to her...)
Ellie: Love her aestheticcccc, aesthetic with 5 Cs because it's just THAT strong. Her shoes give me life.
Claire: Cutie pie of cutie land of cutenesss. Love the braids! The stockings and the cyan bow shaped shoes are cool, makes her look like a disney princess 👑 buuut wouldn't it have been better to give her closed shoes? There's no problem with her toes showing, it just somehow makes me think of THOSE people who wear sandals with socks and... Ugh. (to be fair though it's not like we'll see her legs often in the game sooo... it's not a big deal.)
Raquel: Woww didn't expect the bandana but it sure adds a bit of something. Not sure what that something is though. I kinda would've preferred if it was a headband or a cap rather than a bandana but I can get used to it.
Sprites aside, the new backgrounds look really nice! 10/10 approved 😌 Fall coming in the game is such a nice metaphor for Tadashi's life going to shit like wow such good story telling can't be found everywhere.,..,, (I'm joking! I love Tadashi, I swear it's a JOKE. I just like making fun of him because he's making it really easy to do so 😂) alsoo... I'm really looking forward to our new scholars! (And maybe new clothes?!) I can't wait to see my Scholar with the new style 😎👀
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emperor-lover · 6 years
hey. can i ask for a fluffy butler!minhyun au. i love all of your scenarios!
Thank you so much!! I hope you love this one too~ Also I’m back after a long hiatus, so if you want to send in a prompt/au/scenario with a member of nu’est/W1/SHINee of your choice feel free to do so!!
Hwang Minhyun Butler!AU
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let’s start off how I usually do these with a bit of backgrounddddd
you’re from a rich family
busy parents, who are barely ever around, theyre always overseas on business trips or extravagant holidays
like they do care enough about you and tend to your needs, but just aren’t round enough to really feel like loving parents ;;
but that means you’ve grown up to be very independent and non-reliant on other people
that doesn’t mean you don’t get quite lonely though
your house is massive
and sometimes you have moments where you feel so small by yourself in the empty house
but you tried to overcome that by throwing yourself into lots of extracurricular/club activities, so you would be away from home
you were in so many clubs, you were class president, you were on the athletics team, always running round doing stuff, people wondered how you were still able to function
sometimes you wonder that too, but you figure it’s due to the nanny you had growing up
when you were younger, your parents had hired a nanny to care for you when you came home from school
her husband was the family butler + and had been serving your family for generations
you hadn’t thought much of it, frankly you much preferred not having someone look after you
but you were always friendly, and happy to talk to them, like you’d never abuse your power or make them go an extra mile to help you
and you really did enjoy talking to your nanny - she was around the same age as your own mother
throughout your childhood you practically considered her to be your motherly figure, as she had been the one to give you advice whenever you were in a pinch
for example, in your first year of high school, you found that many people only wanted to be your friend because of your background 
and she told you that you those people weren’t worth your time and that you’d definitely meet people who’d like you for being you
she helped you pick out a nice dress and shoes for the junior dance
in your final year, she even gave you boy advice when you told her you had a crush on the tall, handsome boy in your year (y’all know where this is going right)
and then she’d gush about her own son and you’d end up chatting with her for hours about him
Like how he had been voted class president, even though he was new to the school
and how he was captain of the choir
and how he was such a wonderful son
you’d never even seen his picture, but you knew so much about him?
and although you’d never met him, he always made you feel a pang of jealousy
why couldn’t your parents dote on you like that too?
At school though, you continued to crush on Tall Handsome boy in your year level
His homeroom/form class was the one next to yours, so you didn’t really know much about him, except for the fact that he was new and already quite the popular one.
You had met him briefly at the start of the school year, when you were trying to peer over his broad shoulders to see what class you were in
and he had noticed you struggling, gently pulling you to stand in front of him, before shuffling away, ears tinged with pink 
since then you had been content with admiring him from afar, but of course that was soon to end, when you find him standing in the foyer of your house???!?!
“Miss Y/N, welcome home”
You were completely speechless, mouth gaping wide open
what was Tall Handsome boy doing here???
Minhyun smiled reassuringly at you, but you were still so confused
“I’m the son of the Hwang family - I will be coming of age this year, so it’s my time to take over from my father and serve your family. I’ll be living here with you from now, so please take care of me as I will of you.
It’s good to finally meet you properly, Miss Y/N”
side note: you need to know what kind of teeth treatment he’s been getting because damnnnn what a brilliant smile he has
You stutter out a greeting, but you’re still in a daze looking round the room to make sure you weren’t being punked or something
“Are you alright Miss Y/N? You look a bit faint, would you like me to get you a glass of water?” 
Before you could respond, Minhyun had hurried off to the kitchen
How the hell did this situation even happen? 
In your many years of conversations with your nanny, how did you never put 2 and 2 together and realise that her son was Hwang Minhyun?
Speaking of your nanny, a few seconds later, she walked in behind you, her hands full with the weekly groceries, and you quickly went to help her carry some of the bags to the kitchen
you weren’t sure what to say, but you had to make sure you weren’t just going crazy
“uhh Mrs Hwang…there’s a guy here who says that he’s the new butler?? Your son??”
Mrs Hwang’s eyes lit up, “oh yes, my son Minhyun must have arrived earlier than expected! I hope he’s made a good first impression on you, dear”
Just then, Minhyun returned with the glass of water, which he was about to hand over to you, until he noticed your hands were full carrying the groceries
frowning he placed the water down on one of the cabinets in the hallway and took the bags from you
“Miss Y/N, I’ll take these for you, please don’t strain yourself with these.”
You’re taken aback and almost offended(?) by his actions, it’s not like you’re some delicate princess who can’t carry her own vegetables a few metres from the doorway.
“Uh thanks… but please, can you stop calling me ‘Miss Y/N’? We’re the same age, you can speak casually with me…”
“I couldn’t possibly Miss Y/N, I need to be professional when I’m working.”
“…but…it’s uncomfortable for me”
“I apologise, but it will be easier for me this way,” he bowed his head slightly
He didn’t seem like he would change his mind very easily so you just sighed and nodded in defeat
it would take you some time to get used to him living in the same house with you.
Relief only hit when you arrived at school early the next day, where you sat at your desk getting your books and pencil case ready for first period.
At least at school you were able to escape from Minhyun for a bit, he was in a different class after all
You had left in a hurry that morning, foregoing breakfast in an attempt to get out of the house as fast as possible without bumping into Minhyun
Maybe I should have a snack….
You rummage through you bag, and keep rummaging round, because lol you forgot your lunch box hahahahahah good one Y/N
you groan, maybe theres still some time to run to the convenience store and buy something to eat, at least you have your wallet on you
A collective gasp distracts you from your dilemma and you see Minhyun standing in the doorway
it’s so cliche, but all the girls are wondering why next door’s class pres has suddenly visited 
He beckons to you, and everyone is confused at the connection between the two of you
the gossipers will probably have a field day but you don’t have time to worry about that right now because Minhyun is has started to speak
“Y/N, class presidents have a meeting to discuss the school festival this morning, did you forget?”
You scramble to the door in a hurry, “Huh? No, isn’t that tomorr-”
The look on Minhyun’s face cuts you off quickly when you realise he’s holding your lunch box in one hand
Nodding in understanding, you head over to the stairwell with him, and he passes you your lunch as well as a can of iced coffee and a muesli bar
“Miss Y/N, I noticed you didn’t have breakfast this morning. It is the most important meal of the day, so please make sure that you have something to eat even if it’s small. If you want, I can make you breakfast in the mornings and bring it to your room. If you are uncomfortable with me going to your room, then I can leave it outside for you instead, or-”
You couldn’t stop the rush of blood to your face, as you took the lunch box from him gingerly
“jeez Minhyun you really don’t have to worry about me so much, I skip breakfast all the time…
but thank you for bringing this for me, next time you don’t have to, I can just buy food at the cafeteria”
“But Miss Y/N, the food at the cafeteria isn’t as nutritionally balanced or healthy as the meal made by my mother at your home.”
You sigh, but nod, Mrs Hwang’s homemade lunches every 2nd day were the highlights of your lunchtimes tbh
The bell chimed indicating that class was about to start, and you both started to go back up the stairs in the direction of your respective classrooms.
As you turn to go into your classroom, you give him a quick nudge in the ribs causing him to jump slightly
“oi Minhyun, please, im begging you to stop calling me Miss, we’re at school, can’t you just treat me as an equal? you don’t have to worry about me, I’ve survived by myself for long enough, remember to look after yourself too…”
with that you hurried back into your classroom, missing Minhyun murmuring something under his breath
“…I can’t help but worry about you though…”
As you sit down at you chair, you bring the can of ice coffee to your cheeks in an attempt to cool them down from the very apparent redness tinging them
i need to chillllli
Throughout the rest of the year at school, things slowly changed between the two of you
Both of you had decided that it would be best to keep it under wraps that he was your butler
He was still pretty formal with you but after a few weeks he had finally dropped calling you Miss Y/N
He also became more understanding about how independent and non reliant you were
even though all he wanted to do was take care of you
but seeing as you were in completely different friend circles, it meant you didn’t see him often at school anyway
the only times were when you had to fulfil your role as your class president and attended meetings with him/preparing for the festival
At home though, you actively avoided and suppressed your feelings for Minhyun, to the point where you became pretty good at hiding your emotions when you were in front of him
To be safe though, you would just stay locked up in your room
but it didn’t really help much that his room was the one next to yours
and you’d often hear him singing sweet love songs with that honey voice of his
and you’d just melt because who wouldn’t be a sucker for Minhyun’s voice lbr
and then it’d be this endless cycle of you falling for him, before scolding yourself, and then falling for him all over 
After a while, you found that it was quite nice having company your own age round the empty house of yours
You had taken to studying together in the dining room, with him often helping you with your Japanese homework
and in a matter of a few months, Minhyun had gone from the Tall Handsome boy to becoming your butler, to becoming your good friend
It still felt weird though, having a crush on your classmate who was also paid to serve you and your family? 
You didn’t like that there was this potential power imbalance in your friendship, and you had mentioned this to Minhyun before
But he had always waved you off, swearing that he was content with being loyal to you and your family.
and Minhyun was indeed fiercely loyal - he had seen how other guys had looked at you with those eyes - eyes that he couldn’t help but admit that he had look at you with as well 
…At least as Y/N’s butler, I can protect her from everyone else…I’m just her butler, I don’t deserve to be this close to her, but I can’t help it, I just want to shower her with all my affection
On the afternoon of his birthday, you had been too embarrassed to give him a present in person, so you had waited for the opportunity for when he was out to sneak into his room
You were about to open the door to his room, when Mrs Hwang walked by with a pile of fresh laundry causing you to freeze in your tracks
“Y/N, my dear, I’ve just done the laundry - would you like me to run a hot bath for you?”
You nodded vigorously, the adrenaline kicking in from you almost being caught, “Yes please, Mrs Hwang, that would be amazing!!”
“Not a problem, lovely, I’ll let you know when it’s all ready for you.”
When she was out of sight, you heaved out a sigh before cracking open the door to Minhyun’s room
You realised it had been the first time you had gone into his room since he’d moved in and started working as your butler.
His room was so neat and tidy, so typically Minhyun.
When you went and put his present on the desk, you noticed his planner laid out in front of you
You wouldn’t usually pry on someone’s personal stuff like this, but even just glancing at it you could tell there wasn’t anything super personal in there, it was just his daily tasks, and events he had
You noticed he hadn’t even written his own birthday in the planner but he had written down all his friend’s 
Curiosity got the better of you and you wondered if he’d written yours down there too
Flipping to your birthday, your eyes widened at the little note written on by the date
Y/N’s birthday - make sure she has a great day~!!^^
You heard the jingling of keys outside the house and you froze for the second time that night, unsure if you’d make it out without being seen
You managed to get the door shut just as Minhyun was walking up the stairs
He was holding a rose and a prettily wrapped box which you assumed was cologne (A/N: back in the day when you come of age in korea, you were typically given roses, perfume and a kiss but it doesnt really happen so much anymore)
“Oh, Y/N, sorry I’ve been out all day, did you need anything?”
 “No no no, that’s absolutely fine, it’s your birthday after all! Did you have a good day?”
“Yeah it was good, we went to the arcade for a bit, and then the boys treated me to a meal”
He blushed slightly, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment
“They kept trying to get people to kiss me because it’s my birthday, so I ended up just running away and came home early…I know it’s a tradition but I wasn’t too keen on getting a kiss from a complete stranger.”
You laughed, “I’m sure they were just teasing, but I’m glad you had a good time.”
He nodded, smiling at you and letting you know again to tell him if you needed anything before you both went into your respective rooms
As you were getting your stuff ready for your bath, you heard a knock on your door
Thinking it was Mrs Hwang, you opened it straight away ready to thank her, only to be surprised by seeing Minhyun again
He was holding the present you gave him delicately in his fingers - a classic but elegant watch with a sleek leather band.
“Did you get this for me, Y/N?”
“oh..yeah, yeah i did… do you like it?”
“it’s so beautiful...i love it, but I can’t possibly accept this”
He reached out to return the watch to you, and you felt a pang of rejection
Not letting him return the watch to you, you pushed his hand away, “why are you giving it back to me? I got this especially for you!”
Mnhyun couldn’t think of a response, and with a sudden burst of courage and frustration, you blurted out quickly, 
“Well, if you don’t want the watch, at least you have to get all three coming of age gifts today right?”
And before he could respond, you pulled him down to your level, giving him a very quick, chaste kiss on the lips before pulling away,
“Happy birthday!” 
Suddenly all the bravery you had drained away and you tried to scurry past him but he caught your arm pulling you back into him to plant his lips on yours again
His arms snaked round your waist and you could feel yourself melting into his warmth
He smelt like a lovely mixture of fresh mint and peaches and you could taste the grapefruit tea he must’ve had earlier on his tongue.
Not breaking away from the kiss, you pulled him into your room by the collar of his shirt, shutting the door behind you
As soon as he heard the click of the door, Minhyun had you pinned against the door, his lips leaving a trail down your neck before he sucked gently on your pulse
You tried to stifle the moan that came from your lips, but it was too late, and Minhyun’s eyes came back up to meet yours, shining with intensity
“I’m…I’m so sorry, i don’t know what came over me” you apologised breathlessly, moving to step away but Minhyun’s hands were firmly on your waist holding you in place.
“Please, Y/N, please don’t apologise to me…”
His fingers went to caress the sides of your face and he smiled gently when you leaned further into his touch
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time, but I never thought I’d ever get the opportunity to.”
You frowned, “what do you mean?”
“I’m your butler, I’m here to serve you, I don’t deserve to be here like this,” he gestured to the position you were both in, “with you..” 
Scoffing you pulled him in closer, burying your face into his chest, “Minhyun, who I deserve to be with is for me to decide, and even if you are my butler, that doesn’t mean you are any less than I am.
And besides, I’ve liked you since the first day of high school from before I even knew you were my butler!”
“Wait since the first day of high school, really?” 
“Yeah, and then when you became my butler, you were all uptight like ‘Miss Y/N this, Miss Y/N that,’ I couldn’t catch a break! It doesn’t help that your room is right next door, you were so distracting all the time!”
Minhyun grinned, “Well it’s the same for me then isn’t it, when we were at the first meeting as class presidents, you never paid much attention to me, but I couldn’t take my eyes off you for the entire time…you’re very cute when you’re focused.”
He leaned down to capture your lips again before you could respond and you gladly reciprocated
A light knock on your door caused you to jump
“Y/N are you on the phone? the bath is all ready for you now!”
Bright red blushes mirrored both of your cheeks, and you’re absolutely mortified that Mrs Hwang nearly caught you making out with her son, whilst Minhyun is just desperately trying to block out images of you in the bath
Looking down at you in his arms, he gestured for you to open the door as he hid behind it, but not before kissing you gently on the forehead, and whispering softly in your ear that he was looking forward to continuing what you’d started after your bath
hey hey hope y’all enjoyed that! I love me a good Minhyun scenario. This one was one of the longest ones i’ve written so it took me quite a long time woops. Like I said at the beginning send in a prompt/au/scenario/reaction with a member of nu’est/W1/SHINee of you choice and I’ll write something for you!
Thanks for reading! 
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