#damnit cristy
quincyanthemum · 2 months
Failed attempt at toning my bleached bangs so only like 1/3 of the strands successfully turned silver and the other 2/3 of my bangs somehow became More Orange.
I am no longer dual toned, now i contain multitudes (and look like im graying in my 20s rip)
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savemoreau · 7 years
I've heard so much about Six of Crows, I was finally able to get a copy of it.
Not sure what to expect but I'm excited!
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quincyanthemum · 5 months
After 9 years of searching every possible answer and trying to convince my doctors to run the tests I requested instead of just testing me for anemia again i finally got a diagnosis 🙃 and it was exactly what i thought it was and what my doctor had refused to test me for until semi-recently
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quincyanthemum · 10 months
I hate working on race cars
I hate working on race cars
I am going to eat the plotter if I have to work on another fucking race car this week
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quincyanthemum · 4 years
Im in such a slump and ive been feeling quite invisible and didnt know what to do so i texted a friend to ask him if he would get me in the morning to get some coffee and like before i could even ask as soon as i HINtED that i was feeling down he just Immediatley offered to bring me lunch tomorrow without prompting and when i say i started crying then and there staring at his text message believe me i felt Seen
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quincyanthemum · 4 years
Could i just like... not exist for a hot second? Thanks
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quincyanthemum · 4 years
I started the first week of 2020 with a funeral and my first week of 2021 also began with a funeral, though this time it was through zoom because of covid. I really hope this doesn’t become a trend.
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quincyanthemum · 5 years
True romance flourishes through social distancing in the form of videochats where you are both playing different games on your own switch consoles with minimum talk and yet it still fills you with warmth
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quincyanthemum · 4 years
I have a week and a half to finish my thesis even tho I have barely worked on it because I've been in a depression spiral for the last two months but the deadline for the print-ready draft is coming up quick and I have Nothing done 😎 brb while I cry
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quincyanthemum · 5 years
Didnt think i would be vibing with Sleeping With Sirens and Get Scared again and yet here I am, vibing to them hard
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quincyanthemum · 6 years
I havent felt awake in more than 5 years now and honestly? What the fuck...
I just want to function like a normal human being but I guess my body is just permanently in power savings mode at 3% battery and theres nothing I can do about it
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quincyanthemum · 2 years
I am NOT liking the video ads that I’ve been getting recently on tumblr.
Especially because on other apps, if your phone is on silent, even if a video ad is auto played it will be muted. But on tumblr the ads aren’t muted Even if your phone is on silent.
The amount of times a pokemon go ad jumpscared me as I was scrolling in the middle of the night only to there Suddenly Be Noise is way too many times in just these pst few weeks.
I’m losing my mind
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quincyanthemum · 6 years
Hhhhhey, guess who officially has a second job?
This Gal~
Now I somehow have to manage my 4 classes, twice a week practices, and two jobs.
Im gonna die
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quincyanthemum · 7 years
Being multilingual is so cool because one moment you're like "wow! I can have a conversation in three languages!" And the next you just babble incoherently, unable to form a full sentence in your native language.
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quincyanthemum · 7 years
Mr. Brightside is actually about a zombie apocalypse
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quincyanthemum · 7 years
Unpopular opinion:
Mayonnaise is good to dip broccoli in
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