#damn I got more angt hc than I thought
rottentiger-art · 1 year
Any angst quogan headcanons? We never got full confirmation they never broke up throughout their journey. “We’ve been together for a decade” could still mean some bumps in the road. (I don’t want that just for the sake of headcanon the years we missed) I do wonder if they ever nearly split when they were young and dumb lol. Or what bigger fights would be about.
I refuse to believe they ever broke up... but I'll indulge, bc I also love angst lol. So, an AU where they broke up at some point on the last 15 years:
To make this more painful, this is settled after the first time he proposed to her.
I'd say it happened around their first year of college.
They definitely didn't go to the same colleges, so maybe they didn't get as much time together as they thought they would/couldn't coordinate their schedules to see each other as often
They were afraid of the potential strain and the possibility of growing apart, so they made the difficult decision to break up and remain friends, because they rather not be a couple but still be in each other's lives than end things badly and lose themselves (idiots, not even they believe they can ever be just friends)
of course, her rejection plus the break up makes it incredibly painful for Logan (not saying Quinn didn't suffer as well, but damn)
still, they let each other go as a romantic partner and embrace their friendship, wishing the other luck and promising to still keep in contact.
ugh, actually, I think this could be the perfect scenario to make Quogan be a bi4bi couple.
They both discover they're bi in the time they're apart.
won't go into much detail bc I kinda hate the idea of them being with anyone else, I'll leave if they got with anyone else or they were just flings up to y'all lol
despite this new revelation for them, they still missed each other.
they would still see each other and try to act like they're not dying to ask the other to just get together again.
they would also call each other every night out of habit and text constantly.
they would have to try very hard not to be flirty or let some of their pet names slip out.
they would fail most times and quickly correct themselves.
on one of their totally not a date, super platonic hang outs, they come out to each other.
it's a bittersweet moment, kinda, because they're both happy for the other, for not only not being judged but also having that in common (it was the 2010s after all) and the fact that there's still that trust between them to tell those things... but
they can't help but feel jealous about the romantic interests in each other's lives. They try to swallow the jealousy and just smile, but it's so hard. They both assume that means the other has moved on.
misunderstanding trope, I'm sorry.
despite the decision of breaking things up and stay as friends being mutual, the feeling are not gone for either of them, they're still there, lingering, hurting them.
they couldn't deny to themselves the strong connection they shared. They found themselves constantly thinking about each other, wondering if they had made the right choice. The distance only intensified their longing for one another, leaving them both with a sense of deep regret.
but they don't know the other feels the same way!! they think the other had moved one!! ahhhhhh!!!
after that they throw themselves into their college lives and also the new people in their lives, try to pretend they're totally okay being friends and even try dating, but it never works out, because no matter how hard they try, they can't shake the feeling that they should be together, that they belong together and that they regret breaking up.
every totally friendly, totally platonic, not a date only serves to stir up those feelings inside them and making the longing grow and grow.
they hook up.
it's intense and passionate, a mix of longing (they missed it, they missed each other so much), possessiveness (couldn't stop the jealousy to take over at the thought of anyone else touching their skin), and guilt (guilt at failing to keep the promise of remaining just friends)
there were some tears from both.
but they still try to act like it didn't happen bc they don't want to risk their "friendship" (I'm just hurting myself at this point and potentiallyruinwhatever they had)
they just really wanted the other to be happy and thought a relationship where they barely see each other would only hurt them.
it takes a few "accidental" hook ups before they finally face the fact that they can't be apart anymore, being friends was not working anymore.
they have a heart-to-heart conversation, where they admitted that they still loved each other deeply. They realized that the fear of the unknown shouldn't keep them apart, and that they were willing to take the risk to be together once again.
the time apart and the pain worked to give them a newfound determination. They rekindled their relationship and vowed to make it work, despite the challenges of distance and uncertainty.
they cherished the time they had together, making the most of every visit and finding solace in the knowledge that their love was worth fighting for.
there were ups and downs, of course, but as we can see in the movie, they really made it work.
It was a very hard period of their lives, but ultimately it was necessary, it proved they really were the one for the other, it showed them too how willing to let the other go and put their happiness over their own they were.
While I think there definitely were some big fights along the way (no couple is perfect), I don't think they're were any more break ups, I don't think they'd want to go through that again, not when they're surer than ever that they love each other so much, they just couldn't see a life without the other as their partners. Instead they just kept with that communication skill they're so famous for.
Their love got stronger than ever, and more with each passing year, no way they're ever letting the other go
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I hope I didn't just hurt myself, but also all of you <3
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