#dammit why is there a spark
suntails · 1 year
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krimsonwings · 11 months
I hope that, in light of his increased popularity because of the movie, that Miguel O’Hara shows up in more Spider-Man media. Like, outside of the Spider-verse movie trilogy.
I see him a lot in his white suit on random merch, usually in the background, but amongst Peter and Miles. Sometimes with Gwen and Anya too.
Marvel has had no problem de-aging characters for media purposes before. Peter has been aged up n down all over the place, and even Tony Stark has been de-aged for a cartoon before, so it’d be cool to see a younger Miguel heroing alongside Miles n Peter.
I could see a teen Miguel getting trapped in the past due to some plot-related future shenanigans. The implication of how he obtained his spider half would be more horrific since he’s younger, but that can be alluded to and left to fanfiction if needed. (But is important to his character and shouldn’t be removed or diluted!)
I just wanna see a teen Miguel having some fun with Peter n Miles (while still being our favorite sarcastic ass).
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sweetnans · 5 months
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Pairing: Fem reader/Bakugo Katsuki. Tw: Mention of injuries. Some angst with happy ending.
You turned on the TV, lately it was the only thing that could get you out of your head after you (mostly you) and your (ex) boyfriend decided it was better to go separate ways. Gladly, you sat in awe when you watched the main character of your favorite reality show (a guilty pleasure that only Katsuki knew about). You were very attracted by the fights, the plots, the drama, and the challenges.
The male character was about to kiss his enemy, the one and only that sabotage his new cabain made of leaves and branches when the Tv went all black, then the news started.
The helicopter was flying above a big villain who was making the hell of a mess downtown. Dozens of heroes were fighting with their quirks and abilities, trying to put it down, but it seemed like the fight was just in the beginning, and that monster was the kind that need a lot of time to knock down.
"Shit" you whispered to the TV when familiar faces started to appear.
You didn't miss Kirishima's red hair. The man himself was being held by his classmate and friend Todoroki while they slid on ice. Kaminari was there too, putting his electronic devices everywhere near the villain.
Your eyes were darting all over the screen. If you could enter to it to see further, God knows you would. You were looking for him, searching all over the place, discharging everyone who didn't look like him. It was hard. Everything was happening so fast that you were missing everyone you laid your eyes on.
"Dammit, please don't be there, please don't be there..."
It was selfish and unrealistic. Even if he wasn't on duty (like you), he would've run to the scenario, that is why he chose a place near his agency, to be there when he's needed.
Emergency messages started to ring on your electronic devices, the authorities called to an immediate evacuation to the zone.
You were far away. Bakugo made sure of that when he made you look for a place near the coast rather than downtown. You told him that you would be so far from him, and he said he didn't mind taking the subway or calling for a cab.
You were lost in your thoughts when you spotted him, but suddenly the helicopter ended the transmission when it got hit by the villain, and everything went blury. In an instant, you grabbed the television in despair like if holding onto it with that strength would make everything appear again.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck"
That's it, fuck the alarms, fuck the commission, you were going in.
You were aware that at least twenty heroes were there and a few more were about to arrive but you couldn't care less, you needed to see him.
You ran to your closet to find your gear when the Tv started the transmission again. You spotted him again, Deku was on his back, laid on the floor with Uravity on his hands. The cameraman zoomed, and it seemed like she was brutally injured but still breathing. Your heart started to beat so fast. He was the first in line, and you knew that his hands were starting to hurt just for the look he had on his face and the little twitch on his left eyebrow.
The back-ups started to appear one by one, some of them on foot, other through the air. Mina bathed the villain in her acid, and it made him go down on his knees. That was a huge help for the ones that couldn't fly. The sparks that you know too well appeared close to the screen. While Bakugo ignited his hands, Deku and Todoroki immobilized the Villain while Sero caged him with his tape, Creati appeared out of nothing and started tossing granades that exploded against the villain's body, penetrating through the thick layers of his skin. The villain fell right after.
Everybody cheered, they have reporters in different places along the city, recording the reaction of the people who were gathered watching the fight.
On the other hand, the heroes...
They. Were. Beated.
And you were on your knees right in front of the TV, processing everything that could've happened but didn't. Tears started to fall down your cheeks.
You hated what you were feeling. You didn't want to be that kind of person. The kind that realizes what could have lost once you can't have it anymore. He was a fucking person for God's sake and you played with him just because you were scared and now you were mourning something that didn't happened.
You wanted to be there every time he gets home all messy and full of scratches, you wanted to sooth him, to hold him and let him know that everything will be okay, you didn't want to experience anything like this again, not being all alone.
Instead of your gear, you fetched your keys and started to hyperventilate.
What would you say when you see him?
What were you going to do if he hates you?
What if it's too late?
You wanted to apologize for being a coward. You wanted to tell him that you loved him. You wanted to be his again.
You hated yourself for the time you lost with him, but you would hate yourself even more if you didn't try.
You avoided the news and social media. You knew that at least the fourth part of the heroes ended up hospitalized, but you were optimistic. Your guts told you that he was safe and sound in his place, and you wanted to believe that for his (and your) own good.
The time you spent on the cab was infinite. You have done the same path at least a hundred times, but the traffic was horrible because of what happened, and the shortcuts that the drive had to take ended up being even longer.
In an hour or so, you were on the entry of his building. You were bold enough to assume that he would go to his place instead of the agency. Didn't know if that was the most clever thing to do knowing him like you do.
The man on the entry desk greeted you like you never stopped coming, and that was like a pat on the back to keep going. You made it to the elevator even though you hated closed spaces like that and used to avoid them when you were all by yourself. But you lost an hour on the way here. You weren't wasting any more time.
The bell on his door was broken, and he didn't want to fix it because it was too annoying, his words, so you knocked, one, two, three times.
The door opened, not even a minute after the third knock, and Katsuki came into sight with a towel on his hand and his hair wet. He loved to come home after a rough day and jump to his beloved shower.
"Hi" you said, short of breath.
"Hey" He greeted like he wouldn't believe like you were there.
God. This was the first time you saw it after the breakup. First time in a month, and he looked exactly the same as the day you met him.
"I took the elevator," you explained, looking back to the metal box.
"Yeah?" He looked right above you and leaned in the door frame." It didn't seem like it"
Your chest was rising and falling fast.
"Are you going to...
"I'm sorry, I'm the most stupid person you will ever meet." You interrupted him, and he stared at you trying to figure you out like you were some kind of puzzle.
Silence. He stared at you in complete silence. It was a bad idea after all.
Everybody knows him for being this mess of a person who always says what's on his mind no matter if he's being an asshole or not, no matter if he has earned some kind of trust with you, no matter if you even met him. So, being quiet like that wasn't a good omen.
You shook your head, and your right hand went straight to cover your face. You were an idiot, but you couldn't help it. At least you tried.
Your hand didn't even get to touch your face when he wrapped around his fingers and pulled you to his chest.
The warmth that you felt was immediate.
"I fucking missed this" he said lower, just for you to hear.
"I fucking missed you" you complete while your nose scrunched against his chest. The smell and softness of his t-shirt invaded your senses. "I know I can live without you but I don't want to do it anymore"
You looked up, and he was looking down to you. His lips were firmly shaped in a line, but his crimson eyes were full of hope and happiness.
"Yeah, cut that shit, you ain't going anywhere any time soon," He whispered.
You let a laugh out and noticed the little scratches he had all over his face. He noticed how your eyebrows knitted together and showed you a grin.
"Don't ruin the moment," He warned you jokingly.
"I'm sorry, man, but I will," Kirishima emerged out of nowhere and pointed at you. "THAT was manly, not like you, Bakubro, weeping all over the agency with her number on your phone screen, but too coward to hit the button, she just crossed the entire town to say that she's sorry. SHE EVEN TOOK THE ELEVATOR! Do you know how's the traffic out there? Mina is still on the cab she took thirty minutes ago, and she was just four blocks from here.
"Shut up shitty hair, no one asked your fucking opinion" He separated from you to face his friend but never let go. His arms were still on your back, tracing patterns up and down.
"It's not an opinion. It's a fact," shouted Kaminari from the room upstairs.
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
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munson-blurbs · 12 days
I don’t know if you do Steve or(I have mostly seen your Eddie work which I love by the way)Eddie
but I’m let you choose but ex reader and (Steve or Eddie) angst to fluffy smut at the end and maybe they saw each other at the bar or something and those feelings turn into sweet ole fluffy smut 🫡 ( PFT I don’t know if that make sense) 😭💀
Eddie exes-to-lovers? I'm in.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), unprotected p in v, fingering, angst, hurt/comfort, jealousy, the fluffiest smut I've ever written
WC: 3.2k
Divider credit to @saradika-graphics
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You hated Eddie Munson. 
You hated the way he sloppily cut the sleeves of his Hellfire shirt in an obvious attempt to show off his tattoos. 
You hated the way he couldn’t keep a secret, always forgetting that they were supposed to be secrets in the first place. That’s how he’d spoiled your surprise birthday party. 
You hated the way he constantly sabotaged his own success. One would think he’d take you up on your offer to do homework together after his first failed senior year; instead, he’d practiced guitar riffs while you pored over your algebra textbook. Needless to say, he didn’t pass that year, either. 
You hated Eddie Munson and everything about him. 
And right now, you particularly hated the way he sat across the bar, talking to another girl and occasionally taking a sip of his drink. 
That used to be you, your fingers laced with his while he told you stories you’d heard one hundred times before. He’d bring your hand to his lips and kiss it, his lips curving into a smile before they even touched your skin. 
“I can’t believe you’re mine. Never gonna let you go, y’know that? You’re stuck with me forever.”
That ‘forever’ ended four years ago, when you went off to college and he needed to stay behind to finish high school. Cracks began showing as early as application season, the fracture complete once you decided to go to Northwestern without even considering Hawkins Community. 
“I don’t understand why you’d wanna go to that big, fancy school anyway. It’ll just be a bunch of rich preps and douchey frat guys guzzling beers through their assholes.”
You refrained from reminding him that he and Jeff had almost tried that same feat, and probably would have if you didn’t intervene. 
“Babe, it’s an amazing school. And I’ll be home on holidays and you can visit whenever you want.”
Even as you’d said it, you knew it wasn’t enough for him. It was a pulled thread in your tight-knit relationship, one that unraveled it throughout the summer. And just one week into your first semester, Eddie had uttered those dreaded words into the phone. 
“I don’t think this long-distance thing is gonna work out.”
That was that. The end of you and Eddie. 
Now, in that dimly lit bar, you tore your gaze from him and his date. Your drink shook in your trembling hand as you lifted it to your lips. 
Robin clocked your uneasiness, her eyes flicking over to where you’d been looking. “Jesus Christ,” she muttered, shaking her head. She glanced at you with nothing but sympathy. “You wanna get outta here?”
You gave your friend a grateful smile, but ultimately declined. “We just got our drinks.” You gestured to her barely-sipped rum and Coke. “We can go once we’re done.”
The two of you forged ahead with a conversation, but you couldn’t help stealing glances at Eddie and his date. Maybe it was the vodka making you more emotional, but tears pricked at your lash line when you saw him lean in and kiss her. 
“A-Actually, maybe we should leave.” You were only halfway done with your drink, but the thought of staying and continuing to watch him had you ready to hurl it all up. 
Robin nodded, grabbing her purse and closing out the tab. When she turned back to you, she froze. 
“He’s looking at you.”
And dammit if your heart didn’t flip-flop. You did your best to ignore it, ignore the spark of hope it gave you. 
“He’s…” Your words caught in your throat. “C’mon, let’s just go.”
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You couldn’t sleep that night. The image of Eddie holding someone else’s hand flashed through your mind every time you closed your eyes. And the way he’d leaned in to kiss her, like he’d done it one thousand times before—it gnawed at you from the inside out. 
Tears slid down your cheeks and seeped into your pillowcase. You would have gone to the ends of the Earth to make that relationship work, while Eddie threw in the towel after just one week. You’d called him up in the dorm’s common room, expecting to talk to him about your day. 
Instead, you’d gotten dumped via phone call. 
You gave up on falling asleep around 4:30 AM. Padding into the kitchen, you brewed yourself a cup of coffee and poured it into your favorite mug. Steam tickled your nose as you took a sip, savoring the cocoa notes and the bitterness you craved that morning. Last night’s events came rushing back as soon as the caffeine hit your bloodstream. Eddie. The girl. The way he looked at her…did he ever look at you that way? It was bizarre seeing it from a different perspective.
The morning air was already humid, summer’s heat seemingly always unrelenting. You stretched out your legs on the steps of your front stoop, letting your muscles unclench as you breathed in a new day. 
It was just you, a smattering of chirping birds, and…a car rumbling down the street?
Hawkins was not a busy enough town for people to be driving down your sleepy street at this hour, and it wasn’t garbage day.
From around the corner came a familiar van. Your heart lurched in your chest when it came to a stop in front of your house. No. There was no way. Someone else in town must have the same exact van as him…with the same exact dent in the driver’s side door from when he’d opened it into a tree…
You scrambled to your feet, coffee sloshing over the side of the mug and onto the cement below you. 
“Hey, wait!” Eddie called out from his open window. He was dressed in a flannel and jeans, no doubt borrowed from his uncle. Killing the ignition, he hustled over to you before you could get through the door. “I need to talk to you.”
“I don’t have anything to say.”
Eddie shook his head and blew out a breath. “Look, I just…I wanted to tell you this at the bar, but you ran off–”
“So you came to my house?” You rolled your eyes. “Not creepy at all.”
He ran a hand through his curls. It was then that you noticed the missing rings, the skin slightly paler where they normally wrapped around his fingers. He tracked your gaze and looked at you with a bashful smile.
“Can’t wear them at the plant. I gotta tie my hair back, too.” He slid a ponytail holder off of his wrist and pulled back his frizzy mane, scrunching up his nose. “Always gives me a headache, though.”
You felt your guard slipping with each word he spoke. “It’s probably just too tight.” Without thinking, you gently tugged the rubber band farther from his scalp. “Better?”
“Yeah.” His voice was soft. Tender. Everything you remembered it to be back when things were good. “Please…can we talk?”
Despite your lingering heartbreak–or perhaps because of it–you nodded.
Eddie’s shoulders sagged in premature relief; the difficult part still laid ahead of him. “I didn’t sleep last night. I couldn’t sleep last night. Not after seeing you.” When his hand brushed against yours, you instinctively pulled away.
“No.” You held your ground as best as you could. “No, Eddie. You don’t get to touch me anymore. Especially not when you were the one with another woman.”
“Technically, so were you.” The joke fell flat, and he cleared his throat. “All right, fine. It was a second date with someone I met last week at the Hideout. Not someone I’m committed to.”
“Right. Because if you were committed to her, you’d just break up with her on the phone.”
Eddie reeled back, your retort a sucker-punch right to his gut. He took a few seconds to collect his thoughts before speaking again. “You don’t understand how hard it was for me,” he finally said, “to know you were far away, surrounded by a bunch of smart guys, while I was in my sixth year of high school.”
“I didn’t care about that—”
“But I did!” Eddie crossed his arms over his chest. “God, I could just picture the conversations you’d have with your new friends: ‘Eddie? He doesn’t go here; he’s still in high school. No, he’s not younger than me. He’s actually a year older. He’s just an idiot.’”
A huff escaped your lips. “I’d never say that!” Did he actually think you’d even consider it?
“But you could’ve!” He scraped a tooth against his lower lip. “It would’ve been the truth!”
“Except you’re not an idiot,” you protested. “And throwing yourself a pity party isn’t going to make me feel bad for you.”
You downed what remained of your coffee, now only lukewarm. 
“No, I know. I know.” Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger and shut his eyes. “This is coming out all wrong. Please, can we just go inside?”
No. The answer sat right on your tongue. And yet you found yourself opening the door and letting him in. 
Eddie sat down on the couch, making sure to leave enough space for you. He sighed when you remained standing, but began speaking again nevertheless.
“I’ve thought about you every goddamn day. And I know that’s not enough,” he rushed to add before you could say it yourself, “but I need you to know that I have. I wanted to call you a million times, but I always talked myself out of it. Figured it would just make you angrier.”
“You could’ve at least apologized.” You didn’t bother hiding the hurt in your voice; that façade had long since passed.
He nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” When he looked at you, his eyes were glassy with unshed tears. “I’m sorry I let my insecurities ruin everything. I’m sorry I broke your heart. I’m sorry that I never got to see your dorm room, or meet your new friends, or watch you walk that stage at graduation. I…”
Eddie was fully sobbing on your sofa, wiping his cheeks with calloused palms. “And I’m sorry that I still love you. I’m sorry that I can’t seem to let you go.”
He’d laid it all on the table for you, not hiding a single card in his hand. His gaze was raw with vulnerability; it seared into the hardened ice encasing your heart. 
“When I saw you at the bar last night…when I saw you looking at me…” Eddie let out a huff of air. “Maybe I was just getting my hopes up, but it felt like a part of you might still love me, too.”
And as that realization unraveled, as it unfurled like a flower finally blooming after winter’s frost, you found yourself nodding in agreement. 
All at once, Eddie stood in front of you. “Please say it,” he whispered, delicately cupping your face in his hands. “I need to hear you say it. Only if you mean it.”
“I still love you.” Your nose grazed his. “I don’t want to, but I do.”
“You don’t want to because I broke your heart?” When you answered in the affirmative, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “What if I promise that I’ll never break your heart again? What if I promise that it’s always been you?”
Your voice was soft, barely audible, when you told him, “Prove it.”
Eddie’s lips found yours, a magnetic pull that hadn’t weakened in the nearly four years you’d spent apart. “Course I’ll prove it,” he mumbled against your mouth. “Spend the rest of my goddamn life proving it.”
His hands slid up underneath your shirt, a ratty old tee reserved strictly for bedtime. There was no time to worry about it being the least sexy article of clothing you had; before you knew it, Eddie tugged it over your head and tossed it aside. He whimpered as he grabbed your breast, circling the nipple with his thumb. 
You’d only gotten two of his flannel buttons undone when you stopped. “Eddie, wait—don’t you have to go to work?”
Eddie laughed, his breath tickling your neck over the spot he’d been kissing. “I’ll just have to be late. Got something…more important to attend to.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at that, the two of you peeling off each other’s clothes until they lay in a heap on the floor. And then there was just you and Eddie, touching everywhere you could. 
“Baby.” The word was slurred, given the fact that his tongue was currently occupied with your nipples, your skin shining where his saliva remained. “Baby…fuck, I missed you.”
He was painfully hard, the tip of his cock flush against his tummy and leaking pre-cum. You wrapped your hand around the shaft, pumping him in a painfully slow rhythm. 
“Oh—ah!” Eddie hissed, steadying himself at your sudden touch. “F-Fuck, I—y-you can’t…too sensitive.”
You looked at him incredulously. “Already?”
Eddie nodded sheepishly. “You know how much I thought about this? Every time I…y’know…I imagined it was you.”
Just the mental picture of Eddie laying back in his bed, tugging on his cock while moaning your name, had you dragging him to the couch. No time to go all the way to the bedroom. 
The moment Eddie climbed on top of you as you lay on the cushions, his fingers drifted down to where you needed him most. His middle finger, then his ring finger, slid inside you with practiced precision. Picking up right where you’d left off. 
You clenched around him, your body greedy for more as his fingers moved in and out, in and out. 
“Eddie…” Just that one word was an effort; every brain cell focused only on the pleasure building between your thighs. “Eddie…Eddie…please…”
He nodded, his tongue darting out and swiping over his lower lip. “I remembered how much you love my fingers.”
It was true; his fingers were nothing less than magic. He swore it was because he played guitar, and maybe that was part of it, but the real reason was because he had you memorized. Knew exactly where to curl his fingers, exactly how to stroke your sweet spot until your legs were shaking. 
“You’re…you’re drenched.” He wasn’t cocky; he was awestruck. Absolutely shocked that you were so needy for him, that you’d missed his touch as much as he’d missed yours. “Gonna take care of you, baby, okay?”
You inhaled a staggered breath and melted into the couch. Eddie held total and complete control over you, and it surprisingly didn’t scare you in the least. 
The last thread of restraint snapped, your orgasm hitting you in waves. You cried out Eddie’s name. It was him bringing you to a new level of ecstasy. It was him giving you everything you could ever want. 
His movements slowed to let you float down from the high. His fingers were slick with your arousal, and he popped them in his mouth with a content sigh. 
“Tastes so sweet.”
God, you needed him. Needed him to fill you entirely. Needed him to clear your mind of any thought besides how good he made you feel. Needed him to hold you down and take whatever he desired. 
Your gaze dropped down to his erection. Eddie followed your eyes, then looked back at you. 
“D-Do you…?” He trailed off before composing himself. “I mean, is it okay if I—”
“Yes.” There was no other possible answer. There was nothing else you could possibly want besides that connection, that intimacy, with the man you could never stop loving. “Please.”
Eddie obliged without hesitation. He angled himself with your entrance, pushing into you so slowly that it teetered on agonizing. You knew it would feel good; it always had, even that first awkward time together. But this was something else entirely.
It was as though a missing puzzle piece clicked into place, unlocking everything you had stowed away over the last four years without him. Tears lazily flowed down your cheeks, but before you had time to be embarrassed, Eddie kissed them away.
“S’okay,” he murmured, continuing to thrust into you with utmost care. “You’re okay, baby.”
You managed a smile as you navigated the influx of emotions. You were okay. You were with Eddie again, safe in his arms, his touch both electrifying and soothing.
All that was left to do was sink into it. 
You accepted his love, wrapping yourself in it and savoring every morsel. One of your hands found his cheek, your thumb grazing over the hint of stubble he missed when shaving. His kisses were oxygen itself, breathing life into every cell in your body. Everything was Eddie. Everything was okay again.
And then you started to giggle. It was discreet at first, but then it bubbled over until your smile was too wide to ignore. Eddie couldn’t even kiss you without his lips touching your teeth. 
“Babe?” He cocked his head, examining you as laughter floated out of you. 
“Sorry.” Another peal of laughter. “I’m…I’m just so happy.”
Eddie grinned, ducking to kiss your neck. “Me, too. Me fucking too, baby.”
There was the ebb and flow, the give and take, the push and pull. You and Eddie, working in tandem to bring the other to their climax. 
Your orgasm blossomed deep within you. You dug your fingernails into Eddie’s back and wrapped your legs around his to draw him closer. 
“Ed-Eddie, I’m…” Your hips raised to meet his, filling in where your words failed. 
Eddie nodded and gently kissed your lips. “I know, sweet girl. Just let go for me.”
And so you did. With a cry of his name, you came. You let yourself unravel right there on the couch, and before long, he was joining you. 
“Baby, baby, baby.” He let out a groan as he spilled into you, giving you every last drop. His chest rose and fell as he withdrew and caught his breath, though he kept his hands on you the whole time. Like you might disappear if he let go. 
You reached up to smooth back a lock of his hair. You needed to look into his eyes, no obstructions, when you asked him the question weighing heavily on your heart. 
“Where do we go from here?”
Eddie flinched, clearly not expecting such a candid remark right after sex. He shook off his shock and replaced it with a smirk. 
“I say we shower off first.” His nose brushed yours and he kissed you once again. “And then I’d like to take you to breakfast once the diner opens. I think we have a lot to catch up on.”
You gazed up at him, taking in the chest muscles that had filled out with the addition of manual labor.
 A shower and a breakfast date. It was a plan—maybe not like the ones you made, where every moment was perfectly laid out. And it was more than Eddie’s usual fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants demeanor. It was somewhere in the middle. A new equilibrium. 
“That sounds perfect.”
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Summary: Melissa's nonna is in the hospital and you just so happen to be the nurse assigned to the woman.
WC: ~3.2k
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The last thing that Melissa Schemmenti expects when she picks up the phone that day is to hear her mother crying into the phone that Nonna had a stroke and was in the hospital. 
“Ma? What do you mean Nonna had a stroke?” Melissa rushes out as she’s grading papers in her classroom.
“She- she had a stroke, I don’t know!” the older Schemmenti hisses into the phone. “The point is, she’s in the hospital, and she’s asking for you- so you better get your ass down here and be here for her!”
“I-” Melissa glances up at the clock. She still has half an hour of her prep, and if she acts fast, she can pull together sub plans, arrange for coverage, and run out. “I’ll be there as soon as I sort everything out with my kids.”
“Please,” her mother whispers into the phone, and it breaks the teacher’s heart the way she can hear her mother falling apart inside.
“I’ll be there, Ma. Just give me a bit of time.”
As soon as Melissa hangs up with her mother, she’s dialing Ava.
“Melissa, what? I’m watching The Bachelor,” the principal answers the phone, clearly pissed at being interrupted.
“And I don’t give a shit,” the redhead retorts into the phone as she pulls up a document to start making her plan for the rest of the day. “I have to go. Family emergency. My kids are at music, I’m leaving plans on my desk, and I honestly don’t care if it goes well or not. I don’t even care who my sub is.”
At the note that she doesn’t care who her sub is, Ava is intrigued. “Girl, is everything okay?”
“No. My nonna is in the hospital for the first time in her life, my mom just called me in tears, and I have to go be there,” Melissa rushes out. “Please, just get me a sub.”
The desperate tone that the tough teacher uses sparks something within the principal, and she sits up a bit straighter and close out of the hulu tab she has open on her computer. “Go. I’ll handle it.”
“Thank you.” She hangs up after that, types at rapid speeds to finish her plans for the rest of the day, not even bothering to check it for any spelling or grammar errors, prints it, and runs out of her room. 
Before she heads out, she does stop down to her work wife’s room. Barbara is in the middle of teaching though, and it makes the other veteran teacher raise a brow at her friend unexpectedly dropping by.
“Miss Schemmenti, how can I help you? I am in the middle of a lesson.”
“Just letting you know that I’m running. There’s ziti in the fridge, and it’s yours,” the redhead states. She knocks once on the doorframe before sprinting down the hall and out to her car before Barbara can get a word out.
She’s at the hospital and in the building far faster than her mother had expected.
“Melissa, dear,” the woman’s mother runs to her. “You got here fast.”
“When you call telling me to get to the hospital for Nonna, I run a few lights,” Melissa shrugs as she embraces her mother. “How is she?”
“As feisty as ever,” the teacher’s mother groans. “Claiming that she doesn’t need to be here, they’re treating her all wrong, and she’s threatening to leave while hooked up to all of their machines. I’m sure she could use seeing you right now to calm her down.”
“Where is she?”
Melissa is led back to the room, and she can hear her grandmother before she can see her.
“Dammit to hell, I am fine! Would you quit poking me?” she’s yelling at the abundance of nurses in her room and personal space.
“I’m sorry,” you tell her. Then you crack a small smile “The doctor orders. I just have the pleasure of doing his dirty work.”
“Nonna,” the redhead sighs as she makes her way into the room. “The nurse is doing her job. They have to check your vitals and blood oxygen levels to make sure that you’re okay.”
“I don’t even know why I’m here,” the matriarch of the family grumbles, but she does lighten up just a little with her favorite granddaughter in the room now. Then, Melissa crosses her way over to the bed and takes her Nonna’s hand in her own. “You’re damned mother dragged me here.”
“Because you were having a stroke,” the mother exasperates. “You were having a stroke, Ma. And I wasn’t about to let you die on my watch.”
“God couldn’t take me, even if he wanted to,” Nonna states. “He ain’t taking me off this earth until I see my Melly fall in love again.”
At that little comment from the woman in the hospital bed, you have to let out a soft chuckle. This woman really was something.
“What’s so funny, Miss…” the grandmother squints to read your name off of your badge. “Y/N?”
“Nothing, ma’am,” you bite back your laughter. “You’re a fiery one, you know that, right?”
“You ain’t the first one to call me that,” the woman tells you. “Hey, you’re pretty. What do you think of my granddaughter?”
“Nonna!” Melissa reprimands.
You do look up though, temporarily pausing what you’re doing. The woman now sitting by the bed is absolutely stunning. Her hair is beautiful, her green eyes sparkle in a way that you don’t think you’ve ever seen before, and her body is… wow.
And when Melissa sees your face for the first time, her jaw almost drops. You’re… you’re beautiful. If she didn’t know you were a nurse, she would think you were a model- you belong on a magazine cover in her opinion. 
“Well?” the patient asks, rather impatiently.
You chuckle softly. “She’s a good granddaughter for getting here so quickly for you, Mrs. Schemmenti,” you tell her, and you do mean it.
“Yeah, yeah,” the woman waves you off, but that isn’t what she wants to hear. “What do you think of her though?”
Knowing you won’t get out of this one, you relent. “She’s very pretty.”
“You hear that, Annette?” the grandmother asks. “Y/N thinks our Melly is pretty! Melly, what do you think of Y/N?”
“Nonna, I ain’t-”
“What. Do. You. Think?” the woman grits out each of her words. “C’mon, just give me this one.”
“She’s very pretty, Nonna,” Melissa gives in to her Nonna’s pestering. “Now will you quit it?”
The grandmother just grins and shrugs. Then she winces as you begin to draw her blood.
“I know,” you say sympathetically. “But this is the last of the tests, ma’am, and then they do want to keep you for a few days to keep an eye on you.”
The grandmother sighs. “If you must. But enough of this ‘ma’am’ and ‘Mrs. Schemmenti’ shit. My name is Bea.”
“Okay, Bea,” you smile at her. “I’ll make a note of that.” If her sudden change in demeanor at the thought of staying in the hospital is odd to you, you don’t mention it. Neither do her family members- it’s abundantly clear that her being more open to the idea of staying is much easier than fighting her to stay.
“And don’t send in those other shit nurses,” she tells you. “If you’re around, I want you- the only woman here who isn’t trying to kill me, I swear.”
“Nobody is trying to kill you, Nonna,” Melissa rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “They are quite literally doing the opposite and keeping you alive.”
“I didn’t ask for that,” the grandmother huffs.
“You literally just told us that God can’t take you from this earth until I find love again!” Melissa groans. Then her eyes widen slightly at her realization. “Oh God, Ma! She’s gonna outlive us all!”
You just laugh as you quietly make your exit. 
“She’s really pretty,” Nonna tells Melissa quietly.
“I see you’re feeling well enough to meddle in my love life,” the redhead notes.
“I already told you, I don’t know why I’m here,” the grandmother retorts. “It was just a little hiccup, and your mother freaked out over it.”
Annette puts her head in her hands. “Ma, you were slurring your words all over the place, and the doc already told you you had a mini stroke.”
“Eh, what do they know?” Nonna rolls her eyes. She turns her attention back to her granddaughter. “You should ask her out. She’ll be in my room a lot, and you and I both know you’ll be here for the next few days keeping your ol’ nonna company.
“Nonna, I’m not gonna ask the nurse out,” the teacher laughs. “She’s probably in a relationship as it is- nobody that pretty is single.”
“You is,” Nonna points out.
Those green eyes glare at her grandmother. “I am not nearly as pretty as she is.”
“Don’t sell yourself short there, Melly. Youse quite the looker, if I do say so myself.” Melissa took after her grandmother in the best possible ways.
The next time you come into the room, it’s to bring Bea her lunch, and Melissa is still sitting there.
“Ah, there’s the pretty woman,” the patient chuckles from her place in bed.
“Hi Bea,” you chuckle as you set her tray up for her. “I see you’re feeling better.”
“I was feeling fine when I first got checked in,” Bea laughs. “Now, what do you say you take a load off and sit with me while I eat since my granddaughter over here doesn’t much feel like talking to her old sickly grandmother?”
That gets the redhead to look up from the papers that she’s grading. “Nonna, are you sick, or aren’t ya? Make up your mind.”
“Quiet, you,” the woman in bed guffaws loudly. “I’ll be whatever the hell I want to be. Melly’s too busy grading her kids’ papers to talk to her dear old grandmother, and Annette is out takin’ a smoke break, so what do you say?”
You glance down at your watch. Your supervisor had given you a bit of time to handle Bea, knowing she was more difficult, but with her being so complacent at her request to have you come in more than the other nurses, you have the time. “I have about fifteen minutes,” you tell her with a smile as you sit down in one of the chairs there for visitors.
“That’s more than enough time for you to get to know Melly!” Bea grins.
“Nonna, I’m grading,” the redhead sighs as she bites the marker cap between her teeth.
“What do you teach?” you ask, clearly interested. You weren’t lying when you said that Bea’s granddaughter was very pretty, and if you have the time, maybe you should get to know her.
“Second and third,” the teacher huffs out as she marks an answer wrong on one of her student’s tests. “Down at Abbott.”
“Two grades?” you ask her, surprised. You had never heard of one teacher with two different grades at the elementary level.
“Budget wasn’t big enough to hire another teacher, and I’m the best second grade teacher there, so they gave me an extra ten third graders,” Melissa sighs.
“I’m sure you do a great job,” you assure her with a soft and warm smile.
Bea finds her way into the conversation. “Melly is the best teacher there is. It’s always a blast to go in as a mystery reader and watch her do her thing. The kids love her, and they should. She ain’t nearly as tough as she plays.”
“You ain’t nearly as tough as you play either, Nonna,” the granddaughter snorts as she sets aside her papers. “Where d’you think I learned all my tricks from?”
“Your mother,” Bea narrows her eyes, but they sparkle with mischief.
You chat with the two of them for the remainder of your fifteen minute break before you sigh and stand. “I have to get back to my rounds, but it was lovely to chat with you both.” You make sure to look at both of them, but your eyes do linger on the stunning woman sitting in the stuffy and uncomfortable chair next to the bed. “Call if you need anything.”
It’s a bit later that you’re called back into the Schemmenti room. Melissa is asleep in the chair, and Annette is conveniently out for another smoke break.
“What’s goin’ on, Bea?” you ask the patient. “Trying to cause more trouble for me?”
“Not this time,” she chuckles as her eyes stay glued to the soap opera on the television. “Just wondering if it would be possible to get another blanket, dear.”
You nod, head into the hall and grab another knit blanket before heading back in. You go to drape it over the elderly woman, but she shakes her head and points to the redhead.
“For her,” Bea instructs. “She’s freezing, as much as she won’t admit it. I’ve been watching her shiver through her entire nap.”
You shake your head and roll your eyes playfully, but you do gently set the blanket overtop of the sleeping woman. 
When Melissa wakes, she’s warm. She remembers drifting off to sleep practically freezing as she pulled her Abbott Elementary sweatshirt as tightly to her body as she could.
“Good mornin’, sleepyhead,” Nonna chuckles.
“Where’d the blanket come from?” Melissa asks as she stretches just slightly, loving the way that her whole upper body cracks at the movement- it feels so good after being cramped in the chair for the day.
“I had Y/N bring it in for you,” the woman smiles. “Sweet girl. You should ask her out.”
“I ain’t lookin’ for any romance right now, Nonna,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “And ‘sides, I don’t even know if she’s gay.”
“She is,” the grandmother confirms. “We were chatting a bit earlier about her own love life when she came in to check my vitals.”
“How do you know?” Melissa raises a brow.
Nonna shrugs. “Mentioned something about an ex-girlfriend dumping her because she was always here… sounds like the perfect relationship for you- you workaholics seem to get along well, and you should know. You and Joe worked beautifully until he let himself go and wasn’t the driven man you thought you knew.”
“Don’t remind me of that time,” the granddaughter sighs.
“All I’m sayin’ is, you should ask her out,” Nonna grins and reaches a hand out. “She’s gorgeous, she’s a sweetheart, she has a good head on her shoulders… was telling me about how she works well with the little ones who come in and helps calm them down, so she’s good with kids. Everything you’re looking for.”
“I already told you, I ain’t lookin’,” Melissa rolls her eyes.
Nonna rolls her own green eyes. “You never want me to die,” she sighs dramatically.
The next few days, you spend quite a bit of time with the Schemmenti family because Bea practically refuses all of the other nurses on the clock. In that time, Melissa is almost always there. You find yourself looking forward to seeing her each day.
The day that Bea Schemmenti is discharged from the hospital, she pinches your cheeks and thanks you for your kindness and help over the last couple days- as much as she didn’t need it.
“Of course, Bea,” you chuckle as you shake her hand gently. “It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and your family.”
Melissa is holding onto the wheelchair to push her grandmother out of the facility when the older woman turns around and smacks the redhead’s arm. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“Don’t you got something you want to ask Y/N?” Been prompts.
The teacher sighs. “Do you want a free grandma?”
“That was not the question, and you know it- you pain in my ass!” Nonna smacks her granddaughter’s arm playfully as she’s wheeled out.
“Thanks for taking care of crazy lady,” Melissa calls over her shoulder.
Once Melissa gets her grandmother settled at home, Nonna sighs dramatically. “I thought you said you were going to ask her out!”
“I said I would think about it, Nonna.”
“And that to me, means that you were! Come on now Melly!”
“Well, you’re out of the hospital, so there’s no reason for me to go back there again,” the redhead tells her grandmother.
“I could have another stroke,” the older woman suggests with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
“That would be dramatic, even for you,” Melissa rolls her eyes.
Nonna shrugs. “Your reason to go back there could simply be to ask her out.”
“Will that really make you happy?” the redhead finally begins to crack. She grabs her keys and circles them around her finger a few times.
“I’ve been trying to get you to ask her out for the past three days!” Bea nods frantically. “C’mon now. Don’t make me wait any longer for grandkids!”
“Nobody said anything about grandkids, Nonna!” Melissa tells her grandmother as she makes her way out the door.
You’re just about to take your twenty minute break when you see familiar red hair standing at the desk.
“Hi, Melissa,” you smile at her warmly. “What’re you doin’ back here?”
The woman runs a hand through her gently curled hair. “Makin’ my nonna happy.”
“How so?”
Melissa runs a hand over her face. “God, I can’t believe I’m letting my grandmother pressure me into this, but… do you wanna go out with me for dinner one night? Or I can cook?”
Your eyes widen at her question. “What?”
“My nonna took a liking to you and has been trying to get me to ask you out for the last three days… I thought about it, and here I am. What do you say?”
“I have…” you look down at your watch. “seventeen minutes left of my break?”
Those green eyes sparkle. She takes your hand gently and leads you outside.
Those seventeen minutes are the best that you’ve had in quite some time. The timer on your phone goes off all too quickly, and you let out a disappointed huff as you stand from the curb just outside the hospital doors.  You dust yourself off before extending a hand out to help her up from the low stoop. She takes it with a smile.
“I don’t know about you,” Melissa tells you as she squeezes your hand. “But I would love to see you again… the next time you have a night off.”
“I have off tomorrow if that’s not too soon,” you laugh softly. You pull your phone out of your scrubs before handing it over.
“I’ll pick you up at six,” the redhead winks as she starts to make her way back to her car.
You watch her go before heading back into the hallway with the bright lights and smell of disinfectant. 
When Melissa comes home, Nonna looks at her knowingly. “So?”
“Shut it,” the redhead laughs as she makes her way into the kitchen to start on the next meal.
TAGS, and let me know if you want to be added: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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authorluvgxbby · 2 years
Mystery Girl
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A/N: hello my luvs! I am happy to say that I am finally back. I had decided to take a break from writing due to school being a bit overwhelming, but overtime I have come up with a lot of new stuff to share with you all! And for now, I'll continue to deliver current and future requests sitting in my mail cause i love doing those for ya'll so, by all means, enjoy!
Genre: Fluff, slight crack
Rindou x Reader
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Everyone could agree that Tenjiku, along with its four heavenly kings, were made of the strongest and, quite literally, the most brutal gangsters of the S-62 generation. However, within the gang, everyone could only see each other as nothing more than a bunch of idiotic misfits. 
For example, in the eyes of their fellow gang members, the Haitani brothers may be the supreme rulers of roppongi, but deep down they were just two siblings who got on each other's nerves and made it everyone else’s problem.
It was no secret that the older Haitani was a menace to his little brother and took every opportunity he had to tease Rindou. At first, it was annoying, but over time, it was like daily entertainment for Tenjiku to watch the two brothers bicker. 
Today was no different. 
Rindou was peacefully slouching along one of the beat up couches of their dingy warehouse hideout, eyes glued to his phone, while Ran stared holes into the back of his brother’s blonde and blue locks. The silent question bubbling in his mind: what is he doing so long on his phone? 
This matter particularly disturbed the Haitani, since his brother was less of a socialite, especially when it came to social media. Yet, here he was, messages open, while texting an unknown individual that HE didn’t know about? This was indeed quite odd. 
“Rindou,” he calls. 
No answer, just the sound of his thumbs tapping against the device’s screen.
Huffing, he calls once more, “Rindouuu.” Still nothing.
“What could he be so fixated on?” Kakucho voices next to the older Haitani.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like how this person is getting all this attention from my little brother.” 
That’s when the lightbulb goes off, sparking an idea from the older brother’s mind, his signature mischievous smile spreading on his lips. Sighing in pity, all Kakucho could do was watch as Ran carried out his usual wicked deeds towards his little brother.
One swipe was all it took to snatch Rindou’s phone from his hands, which he quickly responds with an empty grasp of air.
“What the fuck Ran?!”
Ran ignores his sibling as he takes a closer look at his current messages to the unknown stranger. He gasps, and there’s a temporary silence that swells in the air.
“Who is it from?” Izana questions, turning everyone’s curiosity to the brothers.
“R-ran, give it back dammit!” Rindou growls, trying to land a hit on his brother but failing miserably.
Squinting at the bright screen, he takes a moment to register the conversation. His eyes widened,“It’s…”
Izana raises a brow “It’s?”
Ran clears his throat, “….it’s from…a girl?”
The gang was silent, mildly in shock, as they turned to the currently blushing dual-colored younger brother.
“Wait Rindou…,” Mochi voices, breaking the intense silence, “since when do you talk to girls?” he questions.
“Damn straight!” Ran says. “And more importantly, why didn’t you tell your dear big bro?” he whines, throwing a puppy look in his direction.
“Cause’ it's none of your damn business!” Rindou groans, snatching his phone back from his menacing brother’s clutches.
“I always thought the dude was more on the other side of the fence…if you catch my drift,” Shion says in wonder, while Mucho nods in agreement as he glances at Sanzu.
 “I AM NOT GAY!” Rindou shouts, heat growing to his cheeks. “And even if I was, I would rather take the information to my grave than tell any of you idiots.” 
“That’s rather offensive Rindou.” Kakucho frowns, folding his arms and shooting him a pointed look. “We may have our differences, but we’re a gang. Comrades, actually. You could’ve at least said something.” 
“What he said,” Ran interjects, throwing a thumb over to Kakucho beside him.
“So who is it you are talking to that has your undivided attention,” questioned Izana.
Ah, the big question.
Everyone stares, waiting for an answer from Rindou.
He sighs dejectedly as his shoulders slump.
“You know what…you guys already know too much anyway so I might as well…” pinching the bridge of his nose, he breathes in deeply. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Safe to say everyone was completely dumbfounded by the news. 
Especially Ran.
“OH THE HORROR,” he cries dramatically, hand clutching his over his heart as he raises a hand over his head.
“Well…that was…unexpected.” Mutters Kakucho.
“Didn’t think he had it in him.” Mochi shrugs.
Just as fast as the comments swirled, so did the questions as well.
“So…what’s she like?” Shion asks.
Now everyone had huddled around the couch where Rindou had seated himself back on, as he continued to text you. 
“An angel from heaven,” he quickly slaps a hand on his mouth. 
“Gross.” Shion sticks out his tongue. 
“You really are smitten huh?” Ran quips, grinning like a fool. 
“Please, shut up.” 
y/n: you mind if I drop by? I wanna see you before I go home.
Rindou smiles.
Rindou: Sure babe, I’m at the hideout. I’d like to introduce you to the gang if that’s all right?
y/n: sure! On my way  <333
“She’ll be here soon, so stop asking me about her already. You guys are annoying,” Rindou shoots glares at everyone before going back to staring at his phone. 
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“Rin rin? Are you here?” you called out sweetly, voice reverberating throughout the rusty walls of the warehouse. 
Everyone pipes up at the new voice, with Rindou being the first to greet you with open arms and softness in his smile. You run towards him, crashing against him as your arms immediately encircle around his waist, burying your face into the warmth of his tenjiku uniform. 
“Rin! I’ve missed you!” 
“I’ve missed you too bubs,” he mumbles in your hair, planting a kiss on your crown. 
“ ‘Bubs’?! Rindou what the fuck type of lovey dovey shit are you on dude?!” Shion cackles from behind.  
However, it isn’t long before he is face-to-face with you, slack jawed at your beautiful appearance.
Before he could even hit you with one of his newest pick up lines, he immediately hits the ground, face smooshed into the harsh, dirt floor with an imprint of fist on his exposed cheek.
Meanwhile, you stood above him, your once soft gaze now darkened with a menacing aura surrounding you. 
“Don’t you dare talk shit about my boyfriend you prick. You got something to say, you say it to my fuckin’ face.”
The sudden change in attitude was one thing, but having the ability to knock out Shion was different. Especially a girl.
“Did she just…knock out Shion?” 
“Way to state the obvious Kakucho.” Izana mocks, grinning at the misfortune of an unconscious Shion.
Ran gasps, pointing an accusing finger at his little brother. “She’s beautiful AND can fight?”
“At least she isn’t like his previous relationships where he ends up getting used or dumped.”
The blatant statement wasn’t too far off either. Ever since Mucho had joined Tenjiku, he had taken notice to Rindou’s frequent change in women overtime in the gang.
Shrugging, he ignores the whole scene while continuing his game of shogi with Sanzu.
“Alright, enough you guys!” Rindou sighs, walking over to you and embracing you from behind. 
“Sweetheart, please don’t worry about them, this is normal. No need to get upset,” he whispers, kissing the shell of your ear. You pout, turning to face your boyfriend. “Rindou, if I were you, I’d beat their asses, but since it’s fine with you then it’s fine with me.”
Nodding, Rindou kisses you on the forehead, smiling sweetly. “Thanks beautiful.”
“You two mind go getting a room, because I can’t stand that new couple shit. Makes me nauseous.” Mochi groans.
“Agreed,” everyone said in unison.
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calummss · 1 year
Sheldon Cooper Blurb
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summary: sheldon’s hot new gf pays him a visit
pairing: fem! reader x sheldon cooper
words: 600
why i wrote this? bc jim parsons is so attractive to me and no one writes fics about him
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Raj, Howard, Leonard where gathered together in front of the TV, their eyes glued onto the screen showing the newest unreleased footage of Star Wars. Absorbed into their world, a knocking on the door was heard.
Knock knock
Leonard stood up only to be ambushed by a half-jogging Sheldon, a rare sight for mankind, as he went towards the door. ‘That will be for me.’
Sheldon opened the door to reveal the prettiest girl any of the boys had seen. Their mouths gaping at her as she hugged Sheldon to greet him, Sheldon accepting the hug. Second weirdest thing to have happened in the apartment since Sheldom speed walked to the door.
‘Sheldon, who is this?’ Leonard asks, his tone between sweet and hostile.
‘Yes, Sheldon, who is this?’ Howard repeated, his usual sarcasm sweeping his words. ‘You didn’t happen to tell her that you are Sheldon Cooper.’
‘Well of course! Meeting Sheldon Cooper is a great honour, you know when I was—‘
‘Introduce us,’ Leonard cut Sheldon off, taken a back a bit.
‘Ah yes. Meet Y/n, my girlfriend .’ Sheldon introduced you, as you gave them a small wave, the three boys staring at you like Sheldon had given them amazing news but all they did was look shocked, their eyes and mouths never shutting. ‘I met Y/n at the Cheesecake Factory after Penny got my order wrong. I don’t know how that happened since I always order the same thing but one's simple mind can be overwhelmed with orders I suppose, even if it was only us there…’
‘Hi, I’m Y/n.’
‘Your Penny’s friend?’ Howard asked.
‘And Penny made me go on a date with Bernadette?’ He stared ahead of him, eyes almost popping out of their sockers
Sheldon turned his head, unaware of how to react to Howard’s outburst.
You also gave Sheldon a confused look to which he replied, ‘No worries, Social interaction with a spark of unsolicited germ exchange.’
‘So how did a theoretical physicist pick her up?’ Leonard gaped at the pair.
‘Oh I didn’t pick her up. I think you’re referring to is how we met?’
‘Yes, Sheldon…’
Suddenly Penny bolted through the door, phone in hand, ‘Sheldon has a girlfriend!? Y/n it’s you?’
‘If I may resume to Leonard’s question, I was minding my own business staring at the bird I was sure was out to kill me when she walked up to me with the words: You’re cute. I want you. Quite demanding if I might add.’ Sheldon gave you a brief look. ‘Straight to the point which is just right up my alley.’
‘You went up to Sheldon?’ Howard checked in on the facts with you.
‘I’m sorry what?’ He replied, his eyes crossing.
‘Have you met him? Like met him?’
‘So you know he’s an extremely arrogant, narcissistic, ruthless, entitled, self-righteous, cold, condescending, selfish, pompous person, right?’ Howard said.
‘He’s also cute, lanky and gets me horny just doing his silly physics rants so if you don’t mind,’ You grabbed Sheldon’s hand, third weirdest thing to have happend in the apartment, ‘I have to give him something else to think about,’
The mouths couldn’t have been wider.
‘But today is game night,’ Sheldon whined.
Sheldon avoided eye contact, his eyes darting across the room.
‘Yes, Ma’am.’ He responded immer, holding your hand and following you to his bedroom, leaving Raj, Howard, Leonard and Penny alone.
‘Did Sheldon just bring the hottest girl in the state of California through this door?’ Raj said.
‘Yes.’ They all said union.
‘And he’s getting sex even though he didn’t ask?’
‘Dammit.’ Howard hissed.
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The Man 16
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: mob!Lloyd Hansen
Summary: a demanding customer complicates more than your work life.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Lloyd draws your other leg around him. You cling to his shoulders to keep from slipping, terrified of the fall. Your fingers curl into his muscle and you watch how the water slakes down the meat of his chest. He might be mean but he’s got a hell of a bod. 
He keeps his hand on your neck as you squeeze him with your knees. He dips his other hand below your ass, kneading the flesh. He flutters along your folds and pushes his fingers inside. You gasp and he growls. The spatter of water pings off his shoulders and sprays your face. 
He shifts his stance, bending his legs as he wiggles his pelvis. He traps his tip between his knuckles and grits his jaw. Your eyes widen and you slap your palm to his chest. You look down as he dips his tip into you. 
“Shitttttttt,” you hiss. Your nails sink into his shoulder and your other hand strains against his chest. He tuts and thrusts into you. You gulp and garble. Holy fuck! 
You throw your head back and bite your lip. It hurts but not as bad as you expect. He rams deeper as you press your crown into the tile. He pins you to the wall as he bucks again. Oh, wow. 
Tendrils crawl through your guts as he rocks against you. Your toes tingle and scrunch and your thighs aches with tension. You swoop your arm around his neck and lift yourself, grinding into him as the friction sparks in your clit.  
He moves his hand to your chin, his fingers stretching up your cheek. He snarls and your eyes flick open to meet his. He pumps his hips and you whine. 
“Bad girl,” he sneers. 
“Not supposed to talk, sweet lips.” 
He ruts and you cry out. Your face contorts and you puff out desperately. The steam adds to the sheen of sweat beading over your skin. You arch your back but he only slams in deeper. You whimper and slip your hand along his side, hugging him around neck and back. 
He snickers, “you fucking want it, you dumb slut.” 
You nod eagerly. You can’t argue. You do. And you are a bit stupid sometimes. It doesn’t matter, as long as you get yours.
You tighten your hold on him and push through his grip. His hand dips behind your head and he grasps your skull. You jut your chin out and heave, working against his motion. He cups your ass as he helps you, lifting and dropping you onto his cock. 
You forget his single rule. You don’t care about anything but the flames licking at your insides. It doesn’t matter that you’re trapped in this house with this maniac. The only thing that matters is dangling just out of grasp. 
“Mmm,” you moan. 
“Shut up.” 
“Fuck, you’re like... inside me?” You bat your eyes dumbly. 
“Yeah, uh...” he stammers between shallow breaths. 
“You’re fucking me,” you say as the words make your inside clench around him. He rasps and chokes. “Like you’re so deep.” 
“Fuck off,” he snips. 
You look down and exhale through your nose, “oh, like... it’s so weird.” 
“Stop... talking.” 
“Deep inside...” 
“Fucking dammit. Quit,” he throttles out. 
“Yeah, you’re nasty, aren’t you? Fucking me in the shower. That’s kinky.” 
“Fuck. Stop,” he commands you. You can’t stop. You don’t know what you’re saying or why. You’re just trying to process what’s happening. It shouldn’t feel this good. Why doesn’t it feel so good? 
“So deep,” you murmur as you ride him. “Oh, oh, I feel it...” 
“Would you--” he doesn’t finish as his words drift into a moan. 
“Oh, oh, woah,” you drone and close your eyes. You’re close. Very close. You’ve never felt this full. “Ohhhhhh.” 
You shake as you feel his muscles draw tight. He presses his forehead to yours and his breath plumes through the steam. He grunts as he chugs through.  
You quake as your core boils over. You squeal through your climax and stutter out, “o-oh, o-o-oh, Floyd. Yes, Floyddddd.” 
You drag out the orgasm and he gurgles. He spasming as his fingertips dig into your scalp and you feel him burst inside of you. The sensation sends another thrill through you. 
You slow as he quivers and pants, his head sinking down next to yours. He rests against your shoulder as he stills and lowers you to your feet. You plant your soles flat and he slips free of you. He wobbles as he stands straight and braces himself with a hand on the wall. 
“What the fuck?” He barks. 
“Huh? What do you--” 
“Floyd? How many fucking times do I have to tell you?” 
“I...” you lean against the wall, dizzy in the afterglow. “Look, I... I wasn’t thinking. You were... you were... we...” 
“Lloyd. It’s fucking Lloyd!” 
“I’m sorry, okay? Uh, it was good, wasn’t it?” 
“That doesn’t matter,” he retorts. 
You feel a gush spill down your thigh and make a face. You look down and touch your leg, “ew.” 
“Just...” you hold up your shining fingers, the shower spraying between you in a misty curtain. “it’s... inside me.” 
“Fucking Christ,” he rubs his temple. 
“I mean, it’s hot but... messy. Don’t you think?” 
“You don’t fucking stop.” 
His grumble follows him as he turns pushes open the showed door. He steps out, sliding it shut with a slam. You wince and stare at his foggy figure on the other side. You look down again and shrug. Well, since you’re already in here, you may as well clean up. 
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kingofpopmj · 2 months
Won’t Go, Without Her I’d Go Crazy
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Summary: Marriage is a big deal, but for Michael & Y/N, it was just that, a deal. Fed up with Michael’s behavior, Y/N decides to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Pairing: Michael Jackson x Reader
Requested: yes
Y/N found him pacing in his office after hearing the front door slam shut. The force behind it shook all the walls in the house. She’d never seen him this upset, but she knew he hated to be alone, so she cautiously followed the sound of his angry footsteps. He slammed his fists down into the wooden desk he stood in front of, then pushed everything off of it in one swift motion. He was cursing, complaining about something or someone. She couldn’t be sure.
“Michael?” The air was unwelcoming, but still she closed the space between them. She knew he rather be comforted than left alone with his thoughts. “It’s okay. I’m here.” The tips of her fingers made contact with his arm, slowly moving into him.
In that moment, the sound of her voice only reminded him of yet another mistake. He found something in his friend that he never thought he would. And, he screwed that up too. She’s in love with him and he knows it. He’s in deep, the gut wrenching feeling of her touch, the pain behind her stares are all around a bitter reminder of how much he fucked up. How much he hurt her. There’s no way he could fix what he’s done. Instead of protecting her, what they had— what they could’ve had, what they could’ve been, everything they could’ve built together. He chose to keep her close, but far enough to save himself from getting hurt. He protected himself. He chose to avoid accepting and admitting his own feelings. The very strong feelings that led him to her in the first place. The pain of rejection seemed inevitable and by the time he realized she’d never reject him, it was too late. He’d already went too far. There was no coming back.
He fucked everything up.
“You’re okay. I got you.” She said softly. The smooth skin of her hands caressing his face as she calmed him down. He felt his hands unclench and the tightness in his chest subsiding. As long as she’s here he’ll be good. “It’ll be okay babe.” Her voice was soothing, but that word sparked a deep hatred within himself. He doesn’t deserve that term of endearment.
“No!” His voice startled her, his arm shoving her away from him. The unexpected hostility caused her to fall backwards into a bookshelf. He squeezed his eyes shut, ashamed of what he’d just done. What’s wrong with him?
“Ow!” The pain in her voice was unmistakable. She shifted her weight to her knees as she tried to stand up. He didn’t miss how she rubbed the back of her head.
“I didn’t mean to do that.” He mumbled. He didn’t want physically hurting her to be added to the long list of ways he had failed her. It’s wasn’t on purpose.
He never meant to hurt her. For some reason, when it involved her, he’d naturally become an expert at doing everything wrong.
“Michael, what’s happening?”
“None of your business!”
“Why are you yelling at me? You never—”
“Dammit Y/N! Shut up!” She flinched. Her feet found the ground and she leaned against the wall hoping it would give her the strength she couldn’t muster up herself. “What do you want from me! What the fuck do you want!”
She was trembling at this point. Staring back at him, but unable to look into his eyes. She thought that it would make things worse somehow.
“Answer the fucking question!” He roared.
“I was— I heard you. I just wanted to help. Y— you sounded really upset. I know you don’t like being alone—”
“Well, I don’t need your help! I don’t need you!” He thought if he yelled it loud enough it would be true. He thought if he said it often the spell she had him under would be broken. He thought.
“I was just trying to be a good—”
“A good what? Wife?”
“F— friend?” Her answer sounding more like a question. She was scared. She was stuttering, visibly struggling to understand him at the moment.
“I don’t need any of it from you! Fuck! When are you going to understand!”
“You aren’t my wife! You’re a fucking mistake! A mistake I made a five years ago that I’m forced to look at everyday!”
“You aren’t my wife! This was supposed to be a deal! A deal which you took too damn far! I never asked you to do all this and it sure as hell isn’t my fault you got your feelings involved!”
“I don’t—”
“I’m a lot of things Y/N, but stupid isn’t one of them! All I asked of you was to fill the role of wife in public, little did I know you’d become fucking insufferable in private. Shit! You fucking became everything I didn’t want or need! It’s pitiful watching you look after me like a devoted wife. You do and say what you think I’d approve of because in your tiny brain you’ve convinced yourself that would get me to fall for you! I. Will. Never. Fall. For. You. Ever! It’s a pathetic dream Y/N. A dream that’s never going to come true, do you hear me? You’ll never be anything to me! Life with you is like solitary fucking confinement. It’s the worst form of torture having to be your fake husband. The only thing keeping me from escaping you is that stupid fucking piece of paper!” The distance between them dissipated as he took steps towards her with each insult he threw. Now, he was inches away from her face, watching as each word he spewed broke her further. She didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. Instead, she bit her bottom lip to keep from completely falling apart in front of him, she nodded her head as if to say she understood, then ran out of the room.
Y/N made it to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her and collapsing onto her bed. She hugged the pillow tight as she tried to nurse her shattered heart. She felt humiliated. There’s no way she could ever face him again. He’s different, he’s been different for a while now.
She wish she’d never met him.
The sun was setting when her sorrow quickly evolved and anger took over. She’d done nothing wrong. He’s a damn fool. She became everything he asked her to be. She did everything he wanted. No questions asked.
This wasn’t her fault. She didn’t deserve this and there was no way in hell she was going to stay locked in this room all night feeling sorry for herself. She refused to be in the same house as him. The very thought of him disgusted her.
She hated him.
She sat up, reaching for the telephone and dialing a number with a smile on her face. Michael’s been living life, why shouldn’t she?
The conversation went just as expected, thankfully the man on the other end was not only free for the night, but desperate to see her again. It made her stomach do flips. She was about to spend time with a man and be treated as she deserved.
She quickly got ready, careful to make sure her outfit was perfect. Her black dress was sexy, but subtle. This was going to be a great night.
As Y/N reached the bottom of the steps she was met with one of the assistants Michael had hired to keep her company, so he didn’t have to. She smiled brightly as the woman looked taken aback by her appearance.
“Wow. Mrs. Jackson, you look beautiful. I didn’t know you two had plans tonight. Should I have a vehicle prepared? Your driver is on call.”
“Thank you. Please, call me Y/N. Yes, that would be perfect. I’ve got a reservation to make.”
“Will Mr. Jackson be down shortly?”
“It’s just me tonight.”
“Oh.” The woman said with an inquisitive tone.
“Some old friends of mine are in town, so it’ll be a girl’s night. It’s been a while, I’m so excited to see them.” Y/N lied, feeling both proud and surprised with how quickly she came up with a lie.
“Sounds fun! Enjoy your night.”
The ride to the restaurant hit her with a flood of emotions, she felt like she was doing something wrong. She hated that. She was so loyal to him and he couldn’t care less. She vowed to herself that tonight was that start of her finally letting him go. It was time to focus on what she needed instead of what Michael needed.
The house was dark and quiet in an eerie way. Michael felt lost. He couldn’t stop picturing the look in her eyes as he yelled at her. His words cut deep and he wanted nothing more but to tend to the wounds he had inflicted on her. What the hell came over him?
She must be in shambles.
Although, he was nervous to face her again he knew he had to. The idea of her crying in her room thinking everything he said to her was true just didn’t sit right with him. She had to know he didn’t truly think that. He was angry and for some reason he took it out on her.
He slowly turned the doorknob leading into her bedroom. The bedside light was on, television off and bed empty. There was a strange feeling in the air as he searched for her, nothing looked out of place, which confused him further. He ran around the house in a panic, checking every possible place he knew she enjoyed spending her time. She wasn’t anywhere. It’s too dark, so he knew she wouldn’t be outside. She didn’t go outside alone ever, she preferred having him with her, especially at night. He hopped down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen. She loved cooking, maybe she was in there taking out her frustrations. The kitchen was dark, empty and spotless. Where the hell is she?
He frantically called out for her assistant. He’d looked everywhere. She’s gone and something is wrong.
“It’s Y/N! I can’t find her! I think— something is wrong. I can feel it. Have you seen her today? Did she say anything—”
“I spoke with her about two hours ago Mr. Jackson. She seemed fine to me.” The woman gave him a strange look which he decided to ignore.
“Fine? Well, where is she?”
“She went out to dinner with some old girlfriends. She was driven there and the driver is waiting outside of the restaurant to bring her back. She’s safe. She said you knew.”
“Of course. Yes, I thought that was next week. Okay, that’s good. Good.” He calmed down for a moment after hearing she was okay. He lied to save himself the embarrassment of explaining why he was so desperate to find her.
“I’m happy to help. It’s sweet really, how much you care for her.” She turned to walk away when he spoke up again. He needed more than just knowing she was okay.
“I’ve been so busy. I’m mixing everything up. I’ve got to start writing stuff down.” He laughed, trying like hell not to lose his shit in front of the assistant. She smiled, offering to help him with creating a schedule for his personal events. “That’d be fantastic. Thank you.” He smiled before getting back to topic. “What restaurant did you say she was at?”
Michael walked into the dimly lit restaurant, scanning the faces until he saw her. He could never miss her. She’s beautiful, too beautiful to be just another face in the crowd. He stood tall, pushing his shoulders back and walking over to her. Whoever she was with was making her laugh and as much as he loved seeing her smile, he wasn’t crazy about some stranger bringing it out in her. When she coincidentally looked up, her eyes met his, her smile faded and was replaced with a look of dread. Michael smirked, sending her a playful wink.
“Oh my god.” He heard her say, her fingers on her temples as she attempted to calm herself down. “I’m so sorry.” She said to the person sat across from her.
“Y/N, baby, fancy meeting you here.” Michael smiled, sitting down next to her. “Well, aren’t you going to introduce me?”
“This is Daniel. Daniel, this is Michael.” She gestured between the men apprehensively, unsure of Michael’s intentions.
“Ah, Daniel, the high school sweetheart. Wow. You sure know how to kick a guy when he’s down. I’m impressed. I didn’t think you had it in you babe.” He nudged her softly with his elbow.
“What’s going on here?” Daniel asked.
“Oh you know, just some husband and wife fun, isn’t that right baby?” He smiled big, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her cheek hard. She’s his and he needed to make sure everyone knew it.
“Husband? Right, well— this isn’t what it looks—”
“Is there a reason you’re still here Dillion?” Michael stared the man down, tempted to drag him out of the establishment, but decided against considering there would be about a hundred witnesses.
“It’s Daniel.”
“Don’t give a shit.”
“Should I leave?” Daniel shifted uncomfortably, looking over at Y/N.
“Don’t look at her. Don’t talk to her. And yes!” Michael interrupted. “Do I have to spell it out for you? Three is a crowd.” He reached over, knocking back Daniel’s drink, not sparing a second to question the contents of the glass.
“Look man, I’m not sure what’s—”
“David, I’m ten seconds away from breaking your fucking neck.”
“Michael!” Y/N scolded, she was surprised by his words and harsh tone, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t the least bit curious.
“It’s Daniel.”
“I still don’t give a shit.”
“Okay. Well, since I can’t talk to Y/N—”
“Don’t say her name.”
Daniel didn’t move, he sat there watching them with a confused look on his face. Poor idiot was too scared to do anything.
“You know what, you stay Dick. My lovely wife and I were just heading out. This was great. I look forward to never seeing you again.” He stood up pulling an incorporative Y/N along with him. He dragged her into a bathroom, shutting and locking the door. She immediately tried to leave so he blocked the door with his body, shaking his head at her.
“What the hell are you doing?” She spat at him, snatching her arm away from his grasp. “Don’t touch me!”
“Wow. You’d think a wife would be more excited to receive a surprise visit from her incredibly handsome husband.”
“Cut the sarcasm Michael. You aren’t my damn husband, not a real husband anyway, you’ve made that very clear.”
“What the fuck is your problem! You have some nerve waltzing in here and interrupting my date—”
“Oh, spare me. I’m a lot of things Michael, but stupid isn’t one of them!” She spat his words back at him through clenched teeth, her delicate hands balled up into fists and colliding with his chest as she unleashed her pain onto him. “You think I don’t know! You think I’m that naive! I know exactly what you’re up to when you vanish for hours or even days at a time. You’ve done nothing but disrespect and make a fool of me since the moment we said ‘I do’. I wasted years, YEARS! Waiting for you to get your head out of your ass and see me! Really see me, because I’m a damn good catch and you’ve been fucking blessed to have me, even if it is as a pretend wife! I at least thought we had a friendship, but I guess I was wrong. You really know how to play up the kind, gentlemen act, unfortunately you aren’t actually capable of being genuine! I don’t know who the fuck you are and you know what? I don’t care! This is not relationship of any sort. This is nothing. I’ve never been anything more to you than a positive headline, so don’t act like you give a shit now. You don’t care and it’s impossible to grow a conscience in a fucking hour.”
“I do give a shit!”
“When I say something I fucking mean it!”
“Whatever Michael.”
“Baby, I don’t appreciate being called a liar.”
“Stop calling me that. And, you are a liar jackass!”
“I’m not a liar! You’re being—”
“Did you really just say that with a straight face? You’re a damn adulterer! You don’t fucking care about me!”
“I fucking care!”
“Yeah, about yourself! And only yourself! You don’t give a shit about anyone, but yourself! You selfish son of a bit—”
“I give a shit.” He moved closer to her, pushing her against the wall with his chest.
“Sure you do fake husband.” She rolled her eyes, patting him on the shoulder, before attempting to push past him again. He didn’t budge. “Michael, what the fuck? Let me go!”
“I’m not letting you go.”
“You’re not— this is insane. Do you hear yourself? What the fuck is up with you today? Michael move! Get off of me!”
“You’re my wife—”
“Fake wife.”
“Stop fucking saying that!”
“You started it asshole!” He couldn’t take it anymore. He knew she wouldn’t stop fighting him and there weren’t many ways to shut her up once she got started. “What even is this? You’re mad because I went out for once instead of staying at home like some pathetic housewife? Seriously, this is quite the double standard, don’t you think man whore? You’ve been fucking everything with a pulse for three years! I go on one date and you have a fucking bitch fit! You think just because—”
He held her chin in his hand, leaning down to capture her lips. She was speechless as his other hand snaked around her waist, holding her body firmly against his.
The way he kissed her was something she’d never felt before. Her anger was replaced with confusion and her brain grew foggy. She couldn’t think straight, even struggling to stand on her own as her knees grew weak from his touch.
“W— What the hell was that?” She questioned, trying to move away from him, but once again he held her. Finally, Y/N stopped fighting his grasp and looked back at him. She felt her body tingle under his stare.
“You’re my wife.” He whispered. “The date is over. I’m taking you home now.”
“Okay.” She said breathlessly, the entire exchange left her baffled.
He held her hand as the exited the restaurant, when the reached the vehicle, he waved off the driver, opening the door for her instead.
“Thanks.” She gave him a soft smile, sliding across the leather seats to leave the space open beside her, which he gladly took.
“I’d like for things to change between us.” He spoke softly as the vehicle moved. “We have a few things to discuss, but I want things to change.” He reached out for her hand, squeezing it gently. “For the better of course.”
When they arrived home, Michael led her out of the car and into the house. He kept a firm grip on her hand, turning around to give her a reassuring smile every few seconds. Finally, they reached their destination, Michael’s bedroom, although now, he was emphasizing that it would be their bedroom.
They sat close to one another on the edge of the bed, both trying to figure out what to say next. He held her hand in both of his, he couldn’t stop reaching out to touch her. A gesture which made her smile, she’d missed this, this was how he was the first year of their marriage. It just felt right.
“Okay, I’m not quite sure where to start.” His voice was soft, but not afraid. He was growing more confident with her by his side.
“Give it your best shot.” She smiled at him. He felt all the guilt and self pity lifted off his shoulders in that moment. She’s here. She’s smiling at him and the look in her eyes tells him there’s hope.
“I don’t want to do what we’ve been doing. It’s not right. This point forward we— I want this to be real. It was always supposed to be real, but I turned my back on you. It wasn’t fair to you. It went against everything in me to treat you that way. I don’t want to do it anymore. I don’t want to disappear on you anymore.”
“Why? What brought this on?”
“I’ve always wanted it. I was just scared to say it. It’s not easy putting your heart in someone’s hands and hoping they protect it.”
“Tell me about it.” She muttered.
“I’m sorry. I know— I know I haven’t been the best husband—”
“You haven’t been a husband Michael.” She interrupted sadly.
“Yes, you’re right and I want to change it. I know we’re good together. I know because the feeling of you being the one is so damn strong. It scared me a few years ago, but now it doesn’t scare me. I’m not afraid. You’re who I want to be with.”
“Because—” a knock on the door interrupted his explanation. “Hold on. Sorry.” He jogged over to the door, opening it to reveal one of the many women he’s been using to entertain himself throughout their union.
“Great.” Y/N huffed, wiping away the tears falling from her eyes. Michael stepped out, closing the door behind him. That was it. That was the final straw.
She composed herself, standing up and walking off to her room. She didn’t bother seeing where they went, she knew better. She grabbed what she could, shoving things in bags and carrying them downstairs. She was fuming, throwing her belongings in the trunk of their vehicle before slamming it shut.
“I want things to change. For the better of course.” She mimicked Michael’s voice angrily, walking up the stairs to retrieve the rest of her clothes. “Asshole.” She stopped in front of the vanity. Her eyes fell on their wedding picture, with a flick of her wrist she launched it off the small piece of furniture. “I don’t want to disappear on you anymore.” She stared at the broken glass, trembling as she remembered that day. How happy she was. How happy they were. She thought that day was the beginning of the rest of their lives. “You’re such a fucking liar.” She cried as Michael’s face crossed her mind.
There was nothing to do other than get away from him. It was her only option. This was her only opportunity to do it quick as painless as possible and she had to take it.
“Y/N, there you are. Wait, w— what are you doing?” Michael practically ran into her room and found everything he’d been trying to stop from happening.
“I’m leaving. I want a divorce.”
“N—no. No. ” He moved towards her, the sound of broken glass under his shoes, halting his movements. “You broke this? It’s our wedding photo. What the fuck! Why would you do that?”
“Because you broke my heart!” She yelled, her finger in the air pointing at him with such anger it hurt his heart to see what he’d caused.
“Y/N—” every step he took to get closer to her was met with her stepping away, creating more distance between them.
“All you do is lie to me.” She cried, turning away to throw more of her stuff in bags.
“I don’t lie to you! I didn’t lie!”
“Yes, you did!”
“Dammit! Is this what you want? To argue? Do you want to break more shit? I can do it too!” He ran over to his bedroom, grabbing the vase off of his dresser then kicking it over. His fingers turned red from how hard he was clutching this damn vase. This damn vase that meant more to him than he cared to admit. Something had come over him. When he found himself back in the doorway of her room and she was still packing. He lost it. He threw the vase against the wall. The loud sound of the shattering glass caused them both to flinch.
“That was a gift! I gave that to you!” She cried.
“I thought we were breaking things we hate.” He shrugged, leaning against the wall.
“I never said I hated— you know what? Fine!” She spun around, walking over to the window and lifting it open. She yanked the rings off her finger, smiling at him sarcastically. Michael’s face scrunched up when he realized what was happening.
“Y/N! No! Put them back on!” He ran over to her, grabbing her from behind, trying to pull her away from the window. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
“Don’t do what? This!” It happened so fast. She’d launched them out of the second story window without a second thought.
“What the fuck! What’s wrong with you! Why the fuck would you do that! You know how impossible it’s going to be to find those!”
“Never said I wanted them back.”
“Well you’re getting them back! And, you’re going to fucking wear them!”
“No, I’m not!”
“I can’t believe this. What’s gotten into you?”
“What! You’re the only one around here allowed to do whatever you want, whenever you want!”
“Can we just fucking talk!” He pleaded, this was getting way out of hand.
“Oh, now he wants to talk.” She yelled, throwing her arms in the air with a vicious chuckle.
“Y/N, I want to fix this! We were so close a few moments ago, what happened? What did I do? What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong he asks?”
“Are we really doing the third person shit?”
“You know what! Fuck this! It’s fucking bullshit! I don’t have to deal with this anymore! You don’t get to hurt my heart. You don’t deserve me. You don’t even deserve to be near me! You don’t fucking deserve me! You never have and you never will!”
She stormed off without waiting for a response. The closet light flipped on and she immediately started tearing items off of hangers.
“Leave me alone!”
“No! Why are you packing? Stop!” He yelled snatching the suitcase away from her.
“I’m leaving you!”
“No! I don’t want you to leave!”
“Good thing I don’t give a shit what you want!”
“Stop!” He grabbed her wrists holding onto her, it felt like he needed to in order to keep everything together. He needed to hold on. “You can’t leave. We can fix this. I thought we agreed we both wanted to fix this?” She was squirming away from him flailing her arms to escape his tight grip, but he held on. He felt every push, kick and slap. He took it all because it meant she was still there. And, if she was this angry, he knew it was all an act, she loved him more than she could ever hate him. She’s angry because she didn’t want to leave him, but after what he’s done she thought it was her only choice to save what dignity she had left.
“I hate you!” She was crying hard and her fight against him began to die down. She was exhausted.
“No, you don’t. You don’t hate me.” He placed his hand on her cheek, wiping her tears away with his thumb. She found herself soaking in the moment, leaning into his touch before she caught herself, backing away from his touch and shaking her head at him.
“Why don’t you go back to your little girlfriend. Let me get out of here and far the fuck away from you.”
He was shocked. He’d never heard her speak that way. He knew she would cry often, but he’d never seen it with his own eyes, so he acted like it didn’t happen. Shit. He really messed up. This woman standing in front of him had endured his bullshit for so long. He destroyed her. She was sobbing her eyes out, struggling to breathe and he couldn’t think of anyway to bring her comfort.
“S— She wasn’t supposed to be here. I didn’t invite— I don’t know why she showed up, but she’s gone. Okay? I led her straight out the door. She’s nothing to me. I promise, you’ll never see her again. I don’t want her here. I don’t want her.”
“That’s a great story Michael. I like the part where just this once you didn’t fuck her while I was in the next room.”
“Y/N.” He said her name like a prayer.
“Michael.” She shot back.
“You’re being unreasonable!” He shouted, that stopped her and she turned around to face him. A coldness filled her stare.
“Unreasonable? Are you fucking insane! I’ve been the most reasonable and understanding person ever! You aren’t that easy to deal with Michael! In fact, you’re a pain in the ass! I’ve done so much for you, you fucking prick! I hate about 98% of the shit I’ve had to while married to you and—”
“No one asked you to!”
“You did! You asked me to! And, you know what, I would’ve said no back then if I knew this was the real you. This fucking ass—”
“Enlighten me Y/N! Lay it on me baby! What’s the real me? You know me so fucking well now?”
“You enjoy hurting people. You loved how I took care of you. You loved how I filled this ‘wife role’. You watched me fall in love with you and you enjoyed every second of it. It brought you so much joy to see how I looked at you like you were everything all the while treating me like I was nothing. God forbid the great Michael Jackson let his guard down and love someone. You’re a scared little boy, too scared to own the fact that I’m not the only one who lost herself in this deal. It didn’t even take a year for you to start pulling away, you caught yourself feeling something more and you weren’t man enough to own it so you shut me out. Then, you turned into this complete asshole who did whatever brought me the most pain. You enjoyed being able to break me over and over again, yet keep me here, tied to you. You effectively trapped me and you loved having the power to do so because at least no one else could have me.”
“You’re such a bitch!” The truth behind her words definitely struck a cord in him. He hated how she saw everything. He loathed how she could see right through him. He wasn’t prepared for her to throw that all at him. He was expecting another snarky come back not to be hit with the truth.
“I guess that’s one thing I could say I learned from you.”
Y/N pushed past him, dragging suitcases behind her. When she reached the stairs, he could hear the wheels smacking each step as she moved further away from him. The sound was driving him crazy.
“Fuck!” He shouted, punching the wall in front of him. It only pissed him off more when it did nothing to ease his rage. Now, he had more pain, radiating from his hand, yet it didn’t compare to the heaviness in his chest.
He wanted to punch holes into the walls until his knuckles were bloody.
The sound of the garage door opening snapped him out of his thoughts. He’s couldn’t process the idea of not seeing her everyday. He ran after her, practically flying down the stairs. When he flung the garage door open, she’d just slam the drivers door, starting the vehicle and he did the first thing he could think of.
He punched the button to close the automatic garage door leading to the driveway and jumped on the hood of the car. It scared the shit out of her, but successfully kept her from driving off.
“Get the fuck off the car! Are you crazy?”
“No! You’re crazy if you think I’m going to sit back and watch you leave!” He clutched the windshield wiper as he stared her down through the glass.
“Dammit!” She shut the car off, pushing the door open and kicking her feet out. She stood there raking her hands through her hair and kicked the door shut. “Fuck!” She didn’t look at him, taking small steps that led her to the front of the vehicle. Finally, she spoke. “What do you want from me Michael? Do you want me to sign an NDA? Sign over my rights? What? I’ll do it, okay? I’ll do anything. I’ll do whatever it takes to get away from you.” She crossed her arms, her words felt forced, but he knew she meant them on some level. She didn’t want to hurt anymore. He understood that.
“You.” He slid off the hood, taking cautious steps towards her.
“I want you. I want to be your husband. I want to make up for all the shit I put you through all these years. I want to be what you deserve. I want you.”
“Michael, you’ve spent the entire day telling me how much I’ve ruined your life. You don’t want me, not really, not the way I want you. I don’t want to be crushed anymore. I can’t take it. Please, just let me go.”
“I don’t just want you, Y/N, I need you. We can do this the right way. I can— I want to be your husband. I need you, dammit doesn’t that mean enough? I’ve never needed anyone.”
“How am I supposed to believe that?” She whispered. “How am I— how are we going to that, be husband and wife? Michael, I don’t think that’s possible.”
“Do I need to get on my knees and beg you to stay? Because I will. Y/N, I’ll beg.”
“No, you don’t. I— I’m just trying to understand. Michael, help me understand.”
“Baby, please.” He sank down to the floor, looking up at her. She shook her head and attempted to pull him up from the ground, but he continued. He wrapped his arms around her hips, his face resting on her stomach. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please. I don’t want to be without you. Please, one more chance. It’s all I’ll ever ask of you. I’ll never fuck up again. Please. Y/N, just one more chance— one more chance to love you— to love you the way I should’ve from the start.”
“One more chance to love me?”
“You asked me why I wanted this earlier and I didn’t get to answer.” His stood up, holding her hands in his. She closed her eyes, leaning her head on his chest. “I love you. I’ve always loved you.”
Y/N lifted her head, staring at him as if to call his bluff, but he didn’t back down. He walked her backwards, pinning her against the car and sliding her backward to sit on the hood. His fingers moved up her thighs, spreading her legs only to move himself closer and fill the space. She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he grabbed the fabric hanging off her body, tearing the slit of her dress higher and ripping her panties in the process. Her eyes followed his hands as he moved to unzip his trousers.
“Woah, what are—” he grew impatient, unable to fight the urge any longer. He was aching for her. His lips desperate to touch every part of her. He wanted to feel her, but more than anything he wanted her to feel something other than anger or pain. He wanted her to stop thinking so much. He wanted her to feel how much he wanted her. And, he wanted her in every damn way possible.
Her lips were made to be against his, her body meant for his hands, every piece of her created to be his. He just needed to remind her of it.
“You’re my wife and I love you.” Looking deep into each others eyes, her legs spreading further as he moved into them. She whimpered when he stood still, he was completely immersed in her, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy his need.
“Move. Please, move.”
“Oh. My. Fuck.” His grunts growing louder as their connection strengthened. She was so tight, so wet. It felt like his dick had died and went to heaven. Holy shit. His mind was all over the place, completely overwhelmed by the sensation of thrusting into her raw. He thought all sex was good, but this, this was indescribable.
The ultimate act of intimacy. No barriers. No limits.
His hips moved against hers and he smiled when her eyes closed. She leaned back onto the hood, savoring how he felt. Michael on the other hand was relishing in how perfect she looked beneath him.
“Michael— stop.” She whispered so low, she wanted this, her body gave into him instantly, but that small ounce of pride left behind was conflicted. She didn’t want to give in so easily, but she wanted him so bad. There was no strength left to fight him, especially when having him inside of her was the first time she’d ever felt whole.
He scanned her features, understanding her uncertainty and desperate to spend his life proving to her how safe she was with him. She couldn’t give up on him yet. He wouldn’t allow it, not without fighting like hell for her.
“You really want me to stop?” He asked. “Just say the word babe and I’ll let you go.” His breath tickled her ear as he leaned his forehead on her shoulder. “I’ll put you first like should’ve from the beginning. I’ll give you what you want and if that’s what you want. I’ll let you go.” He said, swallowing the pain that came with the thought of her actually leaving.
“Don’t.” She opened her eyes, lifting his head up, so she could see his face. If he let her go she’d never recover. She needed him in every damn way imaginable.
“You feel better than I dreamt you would.” He said, placing a tender kiss against her lips. She wrapped her leg around him, tugging his shirt open, her hands roaming his chest eagerly.
“You like the way I feel, love?” She licked her lips, tracing the skin of his pecks. “But, you haven’t even explored yet.” She slid the strap of her dress down exposing herself to him.
“Shit, you’re so fucking hot.”
“Show me what you dreamt about. Do it all to me. Michael, do everything to me.”
“Fuck!” His growl echoing through the room. Her hands stuck to his ass, finger nails piercing his skin as she pulled him deeper into her. The beads of sweat forming on his forehead only fueling her desire.
“Shit. Michael!” He could feel her walls vibrating, so he slowed down his movements enough to elongate her buildup.
“You ever going to sneak out the house again?” He purred, his voice falling into the skin of her neck as he nibbled on her. All she did was shake her head, squeezing his arms in attempt to adjust to his pace. “Tell me where you want to be.”
“H—here.” She answered, shivering when his hand traced her skin to rest on her collarbone, keeping her in place as he lost himself in her pussy.
“You sure? You don’t want to be with— what was his name, Dillion— Derek — Dick?” She shook her head vigorously at his question. Her hips buckling against his before he quickly grabbed and pushed her down into the metal of the car. She let out a needy moan as her bare ass pressed against the cold surface. “Why the sudden change of heart?” His hands cupping her breasts as he awaited her answer.
“I don’t want him.”
“Who do you want?” His thumbs massaging circles around her nipples while he watched her loosen up with his every move.
“You. I want to be with you.”
“I want to be here.”
A trail of their discarded clothing on the garage floor led to an open door. The sounds of their moans and the shaking vehicle the only thing that warned possible bystanders that the space was occupied.
“Michael!” Her fingernails clawed at the carpeted floor of the stretch limousine as her beloved husband panted above her.
Each of his movements had purpose. One hand placed beside her head, the other clenching her thigh as he let his dick touch every part of her he’d been yearning to explore.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” He breathlessly spoke, reminding her that she was his.
He was intrigued when she guided him to lay next to her, climbing on top of him with a flirtatious smile. He’d never experienced this, fighting against the need to blink because he didn’t want to miss a second of her. Fuck. She’s on top of him and her tits are bouncing along with the rhythm of her thrusts. He was sure he’d cum inside of her, but she didn’t seem to mind. She let out a pleasure filled sob when she felt the warmth of his load release into her.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” She sung, leaving kisses all over his body.
“You’re going to drive me crazy.” He inhaled deep, catching her chin and directing her to his lips. She wasted no time letting her tongue glide across his bottom lip.
“Good.” She teased, his hand trailed down her arm, taking her hand in his and intertwining their fingers.
He couldn’t remember ever falling asleep next to someone, especially after sex. This time it wasn’t just sex. He figured that was the difference, this time mattered. This time it was making love and that was a first for him.
Last night had importance, every other night was forgettable. An endless amount of nights spent meaninglessly with numerous blurred faces, because he only ever saw hers.
It was always her.
Her face was engraved on the inside of his damn eyelids. He pictured her with every kiss, touch and fuck, because back then he thought that was her hold on him. He’d never been with her, so he assumed that’s all it was, curiosity of the forbidden fruit so to speak.
He could feel deep down it was more than just a craving of what he’d had yet to taste. He was just too chicken shit to do anything about it.
The morning after was always something he hated the thought of, he had grown accustomed to having his fun and sending them on their way. He liked it that way. He didn’t need anyone hanging around and he definitely didn���t need a body sleeping next to him. He’d never experienced the morning after, he never wanted to, until now.
He woke up next to her and that in itself made the morning after his new favorite occasion.
If it wasn’t for the smooth skin of her beautiful bare chest pressed against his side he would’ve thought last night was a dream. A very extensive, meticulous, loud and exceedingly satisfying dream.
He didn’t care how uncomfortable the floor of this limousine was, he was happy to stay right here if it meant she’d be here too. The way he saw it this was his new favorite place in the world. It brought them where they needed to be. He didn’t even mind the rug burn on his ass, watching Y/N ride him made up for that. She was rough, but damn did she know what she was doing.
Last night, they unleashed everything they’d held back for five years.
He felt her move, her eyes closed as she readjusted her head to rest in the middle of his chest, the smooth skin of her cheek tickling his peck and her body now positioned in between his legs. He stroked her hair, smiling because even in her sleep she wanted him closer. It took him back to the first and last time they fell asleep together. It was a few months into their marriage, when they had been inseparable. They had built a makeshift bed out of pillows on the Neverland theater floor. A mountain of candy, buckets of popcorn and a soda fountain to save them from any unnecessary interruptions. The plan was to have an all night movie marathon, but they found deeper enjoyment in one another’s company. That was the only time his body had been sore from laughing so much. He’d felt more like himself with her than he ever had before.
He couldn’t describe it back then. It was beyond his understanding five years ago, he didn’t know what he does now.
“Mornin’ babe.” His husky morning voice sounded as she lifted her head looking at him through sleepy eyes.
“Hi.” She giggled, burying her face into the crook of his neck.
That’s when it clicked. He finally understood.
“I like waking up next to you.”
“I like waking up on top of you.” Her lips connected with his neck and he moaned softly melting into her touch.
He’d come to the conclusion that they were connected long before they met.
It was something deep in their souls.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“Wow. A surprise? Lucky me.” She played with his hair. “You didn’t have to do anything for me.”
“I wanted to.”
“Mhm. I’m guessing last night was your way of making me earn it?”
“No. That was my way of making love to my wife. My very sexy wife. Who is very flexible, that was a fun surprise.”
“It’s not my fault you’re just finding that out.” She winked at him, kicking her feet in the air innocently.
“Stop that. Don’t start. Baby, I’ll break your damn hip if you keeping looking at me like that.”
“Make me stop. Show me my surprise.”
“Of course, all you have to do is follow me my little gymnast.” He sat up uncovering himself with the thin blanket he’d found under the backseat last night. He wrapped it around her. “Wait here. I’ll get our clothes.” He stretched as he stepped out of the vehicle, he didn’t bother covering himself, he was too proud of what led him to being in this state.
If there was even the slightest chance they’d have any witnesses he preferred to be seen in all his glory.
He fought to conceal his chuckle as he collected her clothes off the ground just to let them slip through his fingers. It didn’t take much inspection to see that everything she had on last night wasn’t in a condition to be worn again, he’d torn it all to shreds. He stepped into his pants, pulling them up his legs and buttoning them before retrieving his long sleeve button up shirt from the floor. This will do. She’ll look good in this. Really good.
She stepped out wrapped in the blanket, just as he was heading back to her.
“Sorry. You were taking long and I missed you.” She batted her eyes at him, pushing her hair out of her face and tiptoeing over to him. All he could do was look at her, making a mental note of the dimple in her cheek that only appeared when she smiled at him like that.
“Here. We’ve got to cover you up. From now on, this is for my eyes only, got it?” She moved close to him, leaning against his chest as she slid the blanket off of her shoulders and onto his. She clutched the ends of the fabric, pulling him down to her eye level, hovering over his lips for a moment before placing a soft kiss. He passed her his shirt, letting the knuckles of his fingers brush against her breast and admiring the goosebumps his touch sparked.
“Feeling a smidge possessive are we?” He teased, watching her button up his shirt. His eyes lingering on the space where his shirt ended and her upper thigh began.
“Something like that.”
“I nearly killed a man last night because he made you smile. Trust me, I get it babe.”
“You were an absolute menace. Who knew?”
“I guess the thought of losing you brought it out in me.”
“Michael, I’m—”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
“Let’s not apologize anymore. This is our fresh start. Okay?”
He smiled, nodding at her statement. “I love you.”
“That’s something I’m gonna have to get used to hearing.”
“Well, looks like I have to say it more often.”
“Good plan, Mr. Jackson.”
“I love you, Mrs. Jackson. Damn, I love you so much.”
“I love you.”
“I’m gonna tear this shirt off of you.”
“Is that the surprise?”
“No. Come on. I’ll give you your surprise and then back to the exploring.” He winked, slipping his hand under the shirt to squeeze her ass.
“Oh, yes. I don’t break my promises either baby.”
His arm curled around her back, keeping her close as they walked through the grass. He swiftly moved behind he covering her eyes with his hands and bending down to whisper in her ear.
“We’re almost there.”
“Please don’t let me fall.” She giggled, her hands reaching behind to settle on his thighs.
“Never.” A sweet kiss to her cheek. “Ready?”
“Yes!” Y/N opened her eyes, she saw newly built stables. “Michael, when did you— how?”
“They’ve been working on it for a few months. It was tough to keep it from you.”
“This is so sweet. Thank you.”
“Baby, this isn’t even the surprise.” He tilted his head up at her, a cocky grin on his face.
“Wait, what are you talking about?” She beamed, his squeezed her hand, pulling her through the large door.
“Now, you’ll have two things to ride.” His chuckle, making her cheeks burn.
There was a beautiful white horse waiting inside. Absolutely the most beautiful animal she’d ever seen in person.
“Only you could make a surprise as amazing as this embarrassing!” She walked over, placing her hand on its nose through the gate. “Wow. He’s gorgeous. I can’t believe you did this. Thank you so much.”
“Baby, there’s no reason at all to be embarrassed. You should be proud. You rocked my damn world.”
“What? It’s true! I’m still tingling. My wife is an absolute legend in—”
“Michael!” Her laughter filled his ears and it was quickly becoming his favorite sound.
“Y/N. My Y/N.”
“Yes. Yours.” She reaffirmed his words, making his heart feel whole.
“We could name him miracle.”
“Why, because it’s a miracle I’ve put up with you this long?”
“Something like that.”
They had a matching passion in their eyes, one that personified the profound bond they shared. Entranced in an amorous stare, a thought crossed their minds simultaneously. One that brought on a great deal of emotion and understanding. They’d come to the conclusion that they had stumbled upon everything that most people spend their entire lives searching for.
There was something linking them, the energy of it overpowering at times, but so damn worth it. They had no control, it was something within.
Their souls were tied.
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daycourtofficial · 7 months
On Bended Knee
Summary: Nesta catches you touching yourself, a clear violation of the rules from her and Cassian. The two decide to punish you in the best way they can.
Author’s note; this is pure filth. Smut with no plot. This won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but dammit there’s not much out there with Nessian and reader.
Warnings: spanking, degradation, voyeurismish, bondage, toys, hair pulling, Nesta and Cassian being mean as hell, face sitting, minors DNI
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“Cassian, look who I caught.”
Nesta’s fingers held onto your hair as she dragged you into your shared bedroom with her and Cassian. Her fingers grab your jaw, forcing you to look at him as she says, “tell him what you did.”
You start shaking in fear, and maybe some excitement, as you tell him, “I was touching myself.”
Cassian’s eyes darken, his immediate scent of arousal coating the room. He looks at Nesta, who looks every part the predator she makes herself out to be.
“You know you’re not supposed to do that.” Cassian’s tone is stern, the counterpart to Nesta’s icy tone. He walks towards you, his wings flaring behind him.
Nesta drags you by your hair to the couch, handing you off to Cassian as she situates herself. Cassian holds you firmly in his arms, no chance of you moving, much less wiggling out of his arms.
“Bring her here,” Nesta tells Cassian, completely overlooking you as if you were merely an object. Nesta sprawls you over her lap, face down into the couch. She shifts your nightgown up to your waist, exposing you to the cool air. She hadn’t allowed you to put your panties back on after she caught you. She grabs your hands, placing them behind your back and holding them there in a firm grip.
“Hand or paddle, Cass?”
Cassian thinks about it, ignoring your soft gasp. You know arguing will get you in worse trouble, so you stay quiet. “Hand - I like seeing your hand prints on her ass.”
You whine and start wiggling your hips to try to break free, but Nesta shuts you up by pulling your hair and forcing your head up to look at her.
“You will get 10. You will count them out loud, and if you miss one or stutter, we start again.”
At your lack of response, she asks, “do you understand?”
You nod, but that further sparks the fire in her eyes. “Did you forget how to use your words?”
“Yes mistress-ah!” you shriek, as Cassian chuckles on the other side of you. Nesta likes to inflict punishment when you least expect it, leading you to call out a meek, “one.”
Cassian watches as Nesta continues to land blow after blow on your behind, your skin becoming a harsh shade of red. After the fifth hit, Nesta grabs both of your cheeks, rubbing the pain in. She asks you, “do you have anything to say, dove?”
You hide your face in shame in the couch as you tell her, “I was bad - I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have touched myself without permission.”
Cassian’s fingers graze your chin, bringing your head up. He looks at you with sympathy, and you begin to think he might tell Nesta to lighten up, until his face reaches yours and he licks up the tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Bad girls don’t get sympathy,” he tells you, practically laughing in your face at the situation you’ve brought upon yourself.
Nesta lands three more blows while you keep track of the tally vocally. As you’re reaching the eighth strike, you haven’t paid any attention to Cassian, which is why you didn’t notice Cassian taking his pants off until you feel his hands gently grab your chin, raising it up to meet his hard cock mere inches from your face.
“Nine,” you call out, Nesta’s hand making contact with your skin. One more, you tell yourself, you can do one more.
As Nesta pulls her hand back to land the final smack of your punishment, Cassian grabs the back of your head, shoving his cock into your mouth. Nesta hits you, causing pain to coarse through your body.
You want to tell her “ten”, having finished this punishment, but Cassian’s grip on your head is unrelenting as he holds you to his cock.
You try to mumble the number out, but nothing tangible comes out. Nesta chuckles darkly. “Did our dumb whore forget how to count?”
You wiggle, trying to convey how you feel about them tag teaming on you like this, but your movement just earns you another quick swat to your butt.
“Poor dove,” Nesta coos, her fingers caressing your soon to be bruised skin, “so needy for us she can’t remember how to count.”
She drags her nails up your thighs, and you want her to touch you so badly. She drags a finger up your slick heat, grabbing your juices as she goes and you moan at the feeling.
“Poor needy baby,” she coos, licking your arousal off of her finger. You moan onto Cassian’s cock as he keeps driving himself further and further into you, his cock reaching your throat.
Nesta shares a look with Cassian as she grabs the paddle from the table. “Be a good girl and count properly this time, or you’ll face a new punishment.”
Your eyes widen as the paddle makes contact, and Cassian fists your hair in his hand as he pulls your head off his cock so you can yell out, “one!”
This goes on - Cassian putting your mouth back on his cock until you have to call out the number. You’ve finished saying “nine”, and Cassian puts your mouth back on his cock, but Nesta doesn’t strike again. Instead Cassian begins thrusting faster and harder into your mouth. You’re choking on him, spit drooling out of your mouth as you can feel him getting closer. He taps your chin, prompting you to look up at him.
“Don’t. Swallow,” he commands, as he finishes into your mouth, his hot semen filling your mouth. He pulls himself out, making sure you don’t swallow, as Nesta swiftly spanks you again, tears streaming down your face.
You look in fear to Cassian, who gives you a challenging look right back that tells you decide who to disobey. Sometimes Cassian and Nesta would both become territorial and want to be the more dominant in the relationship, often putting you in the middle, forcing you to pick whose punishment you’d take.
Nesta grabs the back of your head, yanking it up to look at her, your mouth closed tightly to not spill any of Cassian’s cum, eyes wide with fear.
“What number was that, dove?”
Your eyes widen as she strikes you again, but you remain silent. Nesta chuckles, abandoning the paddle, pushing you off of her lap. You fall to the floor and Cassian whispers behind you, “you can swallow now, sweetheart,” as he chuckles. You do so, trying to avoid the wrath of both of them at once.
“Crawl to me,” she tells you, and you oblige, your hands and knees crawling over the cold floor. When you reach her, she tells you to sit right in front of her.
“Good dove,” she tells you, patting your head. You nuzzle into the touch, taking what soft touches you can get when she’s like this. She nods to Cassian, who picks you up and throws you onto the bed, pushing your back against the headboard. He yanks your nightgown off, leaving you completely exposed to the chill in the room.
You start to object, to ask what is happening, but Cassian reacts faster and makes quick work of tying your hands to the headboard. He makes you sit up, your legs underneath you but your torso straight. You try to thrash around, but Cassian’s knots keep you tied in place, leaving you vulnerable to the other predator in the room. She slowly walks around the bed, grabbing something from her nightstand before turning to you.
She grips your face in her hands as she tells you, “what were you thinking about when I caught you touching yourself?”
Cheeks flare red as you tell her, “the two of you.”
Her grin turns feral, “and what were we doing?”
You look down, shame and embarassment coursing through you as you tell her, “you were riding him. I caught the two of you this morning and it made me aroused and it wouldn’t go away..”
She looks pleased with your answer, and before you can enjoy the moment, she slips her panties off from under dress and before you can process it, she’s stuffing them into your mouth, her sweet flavor coating your tongue.
Silver eyes meet your own, amusement in her gaze as she pulls her hand up. “Still one more surprise for my little dove,” she tells you, the toy catching the light. You realize you’re in the perfect position for her to place it in you, and she does exactly that, a wicked gleam in her eyes as your eyes roll back at it going inside of you.
“Now,” she tells you, pulling her dress off, “if you wanted to think about it, we might as well put on a show for you.”
She presses herself down onto Cassian’s cock, a moan eliciting from all three of you. She begins bouncing up and down on his cock, and you start bouncing yourself without realizing it.
She undoes the braid in her hair, letting her long blonde hair flow down her back as her hands reach up and use Cassian’s chest to stabilize herself. You just want to run your own hands through her long locks, earning her affections.
The toy is staying nestled inside of you, not allowing you to use it to simulate what Nesta and Cassian are doing in front of you. Cassian laughs, his wings splayed behind him the bed. They’re right in front of you, the peak of Cassian’s wings a foot or two away from your knees. Nesta is making eye contact with you the entire time she rides Cassian, an amused gleam in her eyes.
“You could have been right here with us, you know,” she tells you, amusement on her face as you try to talk through the gag.
This was the worst punishment you’ve ever received, and you don’t see an end in sight.
She turns her gaze onto Cassian, whose eyes are black with lust and need for both of his mates. The scent of arousal from all three of you is heavy in the air, a musky scent that he adores.
“Should we make her watch us finish like this?” Nesta asks Cassian, going back to pretending like you’re not there.
Cassian tilts his head back to look at you, tied to the headboard, a toy nestled in your cunt, arousal dripping down your thighs.
He chuckles at the sight, “yes.”
You look up at the ceiling, unsure of how long your torture will remain, when Nesta starts picking up speed, bouncing up and down on Cassian’s cock.
The two of them are putting on a show, their moans echoing through the room. Cassian looks back to Nesta, putting his face in between her breasts, his hands roaming them.
“You know Cass,” Nesta says, her words breathy, “I caught her pretty quickly, probably only a minute or two after she started touching herself.”
She licks a stripe up Cassian’s throat, staring straight at you.
“I waited until she got close to come in and make her stop.”
You whine, her words getting you so close.
You can tell they’re close too, and you keep thrusting onto the toy, when Nesta’s long fingers reach towards you and pull it out of you right before you finish.
“Agh!” You muffle through the gag, and Nesta actually laughs.
“Cassian, look at our needy whore.”
Cassian tips his head back, getting a full view of your wet cunt that you’re still thrusting into the air. Both of their gazes watch you in hunger, wanting to utterly devour you.
“I love it when she misbehaves.”
Cassian and Nesta share a look, and Cassian holds onto Nesta as he moves up the bed to have his face directly underneath you. His breath fans your pussy, and your back arches with desperate need at the proximity.
“You may sit, dove.”
You sit down on Cassian’s face, his nose dragging through your folds. Nesta leans forward, her hands moving from Cassian’s chest to yours. Her fingers graze your breasts, focusing in your nipples. You moan as she pinches them.
Cassian continues thrusting deep into Nesta as you feel his tongue around your clit. He gently nips it with his teeth, causing you to gasp.
Cassian’s tongue causes you to come completely undone, finishing on his tongue, your breathing ragged. Cassian’s tongue continues at a tortuous pace, and not long afterward Nesta finishes.
Nesta pulls herself off of Cassian, quickly moving to undo your restraints. You start to thank her, but she makes quick work of binding your hands behind your back instead.
She smirks, watching as Cassian grabs you, hauling your soaking cunt right onto his hard cock. He slams into you, not giving you any chance to get used to the fill of him.
Cassian’s hands are all over you as Nesta holds you up by your hair, making you ride Cassian.
“Oh, you thought we were done just because you came?” You nodded your head.
“No, dove. We have a whole night in store for you. We just wanted to be nice and let you finish now.”
She laughs as Cassian’s thrusts get harder and faster, spilling himself inside of you. You pant, continuing to thrust on him until Nesta pulls you off his cock.
“See, dove, this is the plan for tonight,” she says, pushing you down so your head is on the pillow.
“You’re our little toy to play with as we please.”
She starts lowering her slick, wet heat onto your face, and you involuntarily moan.
“And we want to cover you in ourselves.”
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snoozepotato · 1 year
We’ll Be Fine -14- (Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x f!Reader)
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the original source material or any of its characters.
she/her pronouns + female anatomy
Category: slice of life, slow burn, mutual pining
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, swearing, eye contact, p-in-v sex, unprotected sex, over-stimulation, multi-orgasm, creampie, soft Ghost, anxiety, scars, tattoos, fluff
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Summary: Ghost shows up at your room late at night, he just got back and has been gone longer than expected. You missed him a lot and things get out of hand (≖ᴗ≖)
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Part 14
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You’ve been trying your best to keep the negative thoughts at bay, it's not abnormal for missions to take longer than expected. But Ghost's vague estimate of a few weeks left you unsettled, even more so as time started to pass. A few weeks had turned into a few months, as life slogged by on base around you. Keeping yourself weighed down with busy work while your mind drifts.
Things take time, hell, you know that from experience. Even so, you’ve been worried about him, it's started affecting your already inconsistent sleep schedule. And dammit, you missed having tea with him in the morning!
You'd been brooding in your room since completing your work for the day, curled up in bed wearing Ghost’s hoodie. You're thankful he never asked for it back, in moments like these it was one of the only things that kept you grounded. Snuggling into the garment and taking a deep breath. It's been a while but somehow his scent still lingers in the fabric, or maybe it’s just some wishful thinking on your part.
Fuck, you're a wreck…
A sudden knocking on your door startles you from your position on the bed. Staring perplexed, why would someone be here this late? There's a sudden spark of fear that shoots through you, with the odd hour, what if it's bad news? You're frozen there for a moment, feet dangling off the edge of the mattress. Anxiety sitting cold in your gut as you just stare blankly through the darkness.
Until another knock erupts from the other side of the barrier, louder this time. You spring from the bed, the fear overtaken by curiosity. Whoever it is better have a good reason for waking you… Well, you technically weren't asleep, but you should be. You hastily unlock the door to peek your head out, only to be greeted by a broad chest.
There in your doorway, looking a little worse for wear is Ghost.
You're struck by the view of him standing there clad in that worn mask with the skull face plate. You've seen him wearing it on more than a few occasions, usually when he's on his way off base for work. It's rather intimidating, you're sure it serves its purpose out in the field. But if you're being completely honest, it's always left you feeling a little heated.
“You’re home,” dazed words escape you, feeling foolish at your choice of phrasing.
“Did I wake you?” He's grasping the door frame with a gloved hand, peering down at you with mild concern. Did he strip his gear off and immediately come looking for you? When did he even get back?
“No, I couldn't sleep… You can sit down,” you mutter, turning on the light and motioning him in. Taking one last glance out into the vacant hallway before closing the entry after him. Leaving you alone in the quiet of your room with Ghost, who's stripped off his jacket and taken a seat at your desk chair. Your frazzled mind is racing while you try to keep your rapidly slipping composure. The space grows quieter by the moment as he sits there staring at the ground between you.
“Everything ok?” You ask, but his mind is somewhere else, “Simon?” Stepping forward you stand in front of his seated form. The sound of his name coaxes his gaze up to meet yours, and fire erupts in his dark eyes.
“I’m fine,” he mutters.
“I was worried about you,” the words fumble from your lips as you take another step forward to stand between his widened legs.
“That why you're moping about your room… In my clothes?” He's smirking beneath the fabric of the mask, very obviously taking in your form before him. You can’t help but feel naked under his heavy gaze despite the oversized garment.
Observing wordlessly as he removes his gloves, and rests a now bare appendage at the hem of the sweatshirt. Your eyes are locked, as he searches for any sign of hesitation. Caressing the delicate skin of your thigh before trailing up to halt at the waistband of your shorts. Heartbeat hammering away in your chest as he dips a finger beneath the thin fabric. Dragging it down till the garment slips, pooling at your feet. A shaky breath escapes you as his lingering touch skims back up your leg to rest on your bare hip.
“Nothin' under those, you waiting up for me?” He murmurs darkly, eyes burning into yours.
“I missed you,” the words slip out as he lazily pulls you down to settle into his lap without resistance.
You reach out to caress the side of his face, thumb brushing over the rigid material of the weathered mask. He's watching you, curiously eyes meeting yours. Embarrassment creeps in as he catches your dreamy stare. Looking away with blushed cheeks and shifting restlessly.
“You seem to like this one,” he coaxes, tugging you further against him, putting an end to your weak attempt at retreat.
“I never said that,” you mutter defensively, caught off guard by his accusation, not that it wasn’t true…
“Don’t have to, I've caught you staring at me,” he pauses, “guess I never thought that was why.”
The dry words only further your embarrassment, as your head slumps against his shoulder to hide your feverish complexion.
Suddenly you’re hoisted upwards, choking down a shaky breath as the stiffness of him presses against you. Your legs braced around him as he makes his way over to your bed, lowering you onto the cot and caging you beneath him. As your body sinks into the thin mattress pad your mind is suddenly plagued with doubt, insecurity sparking in your chest.
“You're sure?… You were gone a while” you murmur awkwardly, propping yourself onto your elbows as you peer up at his looming figure.
“I’ve been waiting so patiently, love,” his words drip with desperate sincerity, that fire smoldering in his eyes as he descends upon you.
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His hands work their way up your sides to snake beneath the material of the sweatshirt. Pulling the garment over your head and tossing it onto your desk chair. Your bare state would have felt unjust if his own shirt hadn't followed suit immediately after.
Leaving you laying there trying not to gawk, while nimble hands make quick work of his belt. Freeing the beast that's clearly trapped within the confines of his pants. To say the scale was daunting would be an understatement, but lying there beneath his toned figure, you were more than willing to accommodate.
“You ready for me?” He drawls, stroking his hard cock as he gazes down at your exposed form, like he's about to devour you.
“I’m all yours,” you coo as he brushes your entrance. Slowly teasing his head in and out of your already dripping slit, taking care to drag across your needy flesh till your thighs are twitching with building anticipation. A tightly coiled spring ready to burst, trembling and desperate for more.
The impatience quickly takes hold, hooking your knee over his hip to pull him deeper into you as he hisses out a curse. Consumed by the satisfying pleasure of being filled to the brim, his name uttered as a breathy sigh escaping your lips. Glazed eyes half-lidded as he admires your blissed expression, all for him.
“Fuck, you're tight” he rasps, the pressure building as your release begins to spill over. Gripping your knee, he pushes your leg up to split you open for his greedy length.
Gasping out in desperation, you arch to meet the friction of his rhythmic thrusts. Chasing that perfect angle, body tensing as you pulse with crackling pleasure. Riding out your orgasm all the while swimming in his murky gaze. The feeling of unraveling in his hands, fallen apart and at his mercy.
It's overwhelming.
Catching notice of your unrest, his pace slows as you try to catch your breath. But your eyes are downcast, suddenly afraid to meet his stare.
Icy doubt licking at your chest.
“Keep your eyes on me love,” hushed words murmured against your ear. You suck in a sharp breath, swallowing down a whimper as his heat leaves you. He grasps your chin with a firm hand, forcing you to meet his sharp gaze. Expecting to face the reaper, only to catch sight of his bare stumbled jaw. Your eyes lock for a long moment, the mask is gone. You're left gaping at him, eyes wide and startled.
“You alright?” His words are short, concern sparking in his stare.
You're so used to anonymity, it's easy to never see someone's face when you're sitting behind a computer all day. There was always that sliver of secrecy with Ghost until this moment, and it had always felt normal. Even so, it's still his eyes that draw you in, his trust in you is so blatant now. Every ounce of anonymity was stripped away, Simon caging you beneath him.
“I’m good,” you mutter through a sigh, leaning into his touch as his hold relaxes to caress your flushed face. His tense features unwinding at the view of you smiling up at him.
“Bend over for me love, I want to look at you, all of you,” he murmurs, your eyes held in his tender gaze.
Pulling you from your lying position, to bend you over the bed before him. Anxiety creeping in again as he admires your form from behind, feeling utterly vulnerable under his heavy gaze. But this heat washes over you, like he’s engulfed you in the fire smoldering in his eyes.
“Pretty little thing,” he breathes, running a hand down the length of your back, thumb tracing along the curve of your spine. He can feel the scars that lie beneath the white of your tattoo, a reminder of where you've been, how you got to him.
“Look how easy you’ve come undone for me,” he teases, an evident smirk in his tone.
Your back arches as he drags the head of his cock over your already sensitive flesh. Entering you again from your position bent over the bed. Your leg lowers to the floor to retain your balance as he presses deeply into your soaked folds. Simon letting out a low grumble of a moan as he thrusts to bury himself completely within you.
“Fuck, you're so wet,” he groans.
A strained wine escapes your lips at the friction, vision losing its focus momentarily. Craning your head to the side, catching his dark stare out of the corner of your sight.
“Your eyes… Do something to me,” you gasp breathlessly, your heated words gripping him as he continues relentlessly thrusting into you.
“Sensitive,” you sputter, bucking against him as the walls of your heat twitch with building pressure. Rough hands pulling you by the waist to meet his pounding length.
“Good,” he pants, “let go for me.”
Snaking a hand around you to rest the pad of his finger on your swollen clit. The action alone causes your hips to spasm involuntarily from overstimulation. Trembling wrists nearly give way as he circles the tender flesh.
Biting back a gasp as you're pushed over the edge again, your walls clenching around him as another orgasm rolls through you. His large hand cradles your breast, arching your back further as his thrusts grow frantic, cock pulsing as your heat spasm.
“Fuck,” he rasps, groaning as he jerks stiffly within you. Release spilling over, your body pressed against him, his breath hot in your ear. You shudder as his cock throbs, filling you with warmth, and you're unable to suppress the soft moan that escapes your lips.
His fingers curl into your side as he buries his face into your shoulder, thrusting sharply into you once more, completely drained.
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You knew he'd eventually have to leave, but you couldn't help but drift off to sleep nestled against him. Simon's back to the door as he gazes down at you, keeping watch over your resting form.
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The mask has returned when you wake sometime later, to a hand brushing the stray hair from your face. He murmurs something but you don't quite catch it through the haze of your slumber. In your foggy state, you completely miss him nabbing the mug off your desk before heading out the door.
The sound fully rips you from your stupor as you sit up in your cold bed, realizing you're once again alone in your room. You contemplate letting sleep take hold, but instead get up to re-clothe yourself in the sweatshirt he'd discarded on the chair. You feel kinda pathetic laying there sulking again in his absence, missing the furnace of a man in your bed...
But your thoughts are halted by a firm knocking on the door. Before you can second-guess yourself, you're already yanking the entry open. And there he is standing outside your door again, but now holding two cups of tea. Changed out of his dirty clothes from earlier, but still wearing that mask… 
What a fucking tease.
“Told you I'd right be back,” he states plainly, making his way back into the small space and taking a seat at your desk.
Watching amused as you settle back onto your bed. It's quiet as you sip your tea, mask left discarded on your pillow. His short-cropped hair lay disheveled, pressed against his head from the long hours of wear. Calling your name softly, he looks so tired but there's this levity in his eyes.
You might have made a lot of mistakes in life, but meeting Simon Riley wasn't one of them. Looking at you with that tender gaze, it felt like home. Somewhere to return after the horrors of the world take their toll, hands to guide each other through the darkness.
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WELL then, I hope you enjoyed (′ꈍᴗꈍ‵)
Thank you so very much for reading, this is all I have planned for this section of their story. I've got a few related fics/oneshots mulling in my brain so be on the lookout for those and more art!
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@tallrock35 @violet-19999 @hypernovaxx @k4marina @sebsbee @d4z01 @ramadiiiisme @embers-of-alluring @enfppixie
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newobsessionweekly · 5 months
Sneak peek
Let me fix this
Metro!Tim Bradford x Metro!reader
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Your heart feels like it's shattering into a million pieces. "Wait. Are you breaking up with me?" you whisper, the words barely escaping your lips, your breath mingling with his as you hold onto him desperately.
Tim's gaze softens, filled with a sorrow you've never seen before. "I'm sorry,"
"No, Tim... Don't do this. Why are you doing this?" you cry out, feeling like your world is collapsing around you, your fingers clutching desperately at the fabric of his shirt.
"You deserve so much better. That's why I'm walking away,"
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The past two years had been a whirlwind of heartache and longing since the breakup. Each day felt like a battle against memories that refused to fade and emotions that refused to be tamed. So, when you landed a position at Metro, it felt like a lifeline, a chance to escape the constant reminder of what could have been.
But as you glanced up, your heart skipped a beat — you never expected to come face to face with Tim again. But there he was, standing in the same room, his presence hitting you like a ton of bricks.
Seeing Tim's face again sent a surge of electricity through you. He looked even better than you remembered – all rugged and hot, with that stubble on his jaw making him look dangerously sexy.
Tim in that Metro uniform was like a jolt of electricity, sparking a fire of desire within you that you hadn't felt in ages.
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Days passed, and it became painfully clear to Tim that you were avoiding him like the plague ever since he joined Metro. Every encounter felt like stepping on eggshells, your attitude frosty and distant, making his training sessions feel more like a battle of wills than anything else.
"You're late, Bradford," you snapped one morning.
Tim clenched his jaw, resisting the urge to snap back. "Sorry ma'am, got held up with paperwork,"
Your eyes narrowed, a flash of irritation crossing your features. "Excuses won't cut it here, Bradford. If you can't handle the workload, maybe Metro isn't the place for you."
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"I know things between you and Bradford are... complicated," he began carefully, choosing his words with precision. "But you're making his training unnecessarily difficult. He's a good cop, and he deserves a fair chance."
"He's struggling, Y/N," he continued, "Maybe it's time to put aside your personal feelings and give him a break."
You scoffed, unable to hide your bitterness. "He doesn't deserve a break," you snapped, "He's not Metro material, and he never will be."
The officer sighed, his expression one of disappointment. "I thought you were better than this, Y/N."
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As Tim's gaze landed on you, he seemed to hesitate for a moment before finally speaking. "Y/N, you're with me," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.
But you weren't about to let him call the shots. Not after everything that had happened between you. "I fly solo," you shot back.
Tim's expression hardened, hurt flashing in his eyes for just a moment before he composed himself. "Suit yourself," he muttered
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"Dammit, Y/N, why are you so stubborn?"
"Why am I stubborn?" you shot back, your own anger fueling the fire between you.
Your hand reached up to push him away, palms resting on his chest, but your touch lingered, the heat of his skin searing through the fabric of his uniform against your fingertips and you couldn't move them away.
"Maybe because you never listen to me, Tim. Why do you always have to think you know what's best for me?"
Tim's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and hurt. "Because I care about you, damn it!" he retorted, "I never stopped caring for you."
He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your skin. His hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer until there was barely an inch of space between you.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Im just gonna-
*throws this at you and runs*
“Hey, Pup, time to get up.” Time’s voice says, with an odd mixture of concern yet amusement.
He hears Twi groan, and he blearily sits up with a yawn. The rancher is… incredibly hungover.
“You alright? What’s the matter? Can I get you anything?” Time is asking, all worry now.
Glances briefly over at him, frowning.
He frowns right back, rubbing his eyes.
A bit of a headache, his stomach is a bit queasy, but his body’s tolerance for alcohol thankfully extended to the worst parts of hangover, too.
Twi groans from the other side of the room, mumbling something about being sick.
He can feel the moment Time puts two and two together- sighing loudly.
Twi groans again, and he hears the rancher rustling as he moves to grab his clothes from the floor.
“ ‘m gonna vomit.” Twi groans, stomping loudly out the door in a hurry.
Time whirls on him, anger sparking up in his eye.
He holds a hand up, closing his eyes for a moment.
“Dammit, Time-”
“You said-”
“Don’t you even- you’re not my father, dammit, I’m an adult and I can do what I want! You do not have any control over us, as much as you like to think!”
Time looks a little like he’d been slapped.
Silence for a long minute while they stare at each other, then Time steps back and looks away.
“You promised me you’d stop drinking.”
“When the hell did I-”
“About twenty five years ago, though for you I imagine it was much, much less.”
His mind clicks into place right at that instant, brain finally catching up on why this person seemed so familiar, the familiar markings on his face, the way Time’s eyes constantly flickered over him, watching with familiarity he couldn’t understand.
“Sprite?” He chokes out, staring, but Time turns away coldly. Sadly.
“I’m disappointed in you, Captain.”
And then his little brother is gone.
good lord those last couple lines were like a slap to the face i’m gonna bite you, spawning at your location as we speak!! i don’t have my reaction images right now because im not on my phone so these will have to do:
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thank you for sharing! however unfortunately you DO have to go to jail for crimes against the blorbo(s). shaking you rn (affectionately)
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slattern-femina · 8 months
A/N: originally on ao3 Iris - Chapter 1 - hiraethnefarious, lilsmutqueen - Ghost (Sweden Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Dewdrop nearly trips over Phantom when he tries to make his way to the tour bus bathroom at 3am. He should have turned on a light. But he’s a toughened fire ghoul- dammit- he can find his way to the bathroom fine without help. 
Or so he thought. 
“What the-“ he squeaks as his foot catches on the quintessence ghoul’s outstretched leg, and he feels Phantom recoil in on himself like a cat. It’s so dark in the tour bus that all he can really see is Phantom’s huge, watery, violet eyes. 
Dew sighs and reaches over to sort of pat the area where Phantom’s head is. 
“Why are you up this late, kid?” Dew asks gently as he can. 
Phantom can only look at the bunk, with the curtain closed, with their resident water ghoul resting, but soft sobs and pants fill the air. “Rain is crying again,”
Dew frowns, also hating the noises. “Yeah, I know.”
Phantom wide, violet eyes are tearing up. “I don’t like it.” He says bluntly. 
Dew can only nod. “Yeah… bug, I don’t either. I hate hearing him like that,”
Phantom states at the curtain- then at Dewdrop. “Can I stop it?”
“Ugh.. not unless he asks you yet. It’s okay- I think Mountain is with him right now,” Dew states, judging by the two tails curled around each other, slipping out of the bunk. One comes up and slaps him gently on the chin- as if to make him quiet. Definitely Mountain.
“Fucking ouch,” Dew grumbles and holds his cheek, before getting the hint and leaving. “Here come sleep with me,” Dew says to Phantom, and wraps an arm around the younger ghoul, half hauling him to the bunk. They can all be a cuddly group- but Phantom especially. And especially with him. It makes Dew happy; he remembers he was the same way with Aether- who seemed to never know a minute rest when Dewdrop was constantly at his side. 
Phantom waits for Dew to slide in first then he crawls in, tucking his body around the fire ghoul- nearly purring immediately and relishing the heat that radiates off Dewdrop. 
Phantom actually adores cuddling with Rain- even though Rain was a little standoffish, when the young ghoul was summoned. It’s not Phantom’s fault… none of them were good with change and not having Aether was hard. 
But Phantom seemed to spark such an innocent joy, that no one could avoid him for that long. Soon- they were all over Phantom. Well- they’re all over each other, all the time, it just sort of happens when ghouls are in a sort of pack like this. Everyone fucks everyone and everyone loves everyone. Some ghouls just love a bit more. 
Rain has been known to seek out the young ghoul- sometimes just flopping on him in bunks or in his room- and Phantom curls around him like a little, happy, koala. Which is why Phantom hates hearing him crying. 
“Why is he crying?” Phantom asks Dew. 
Dew quiets for a second and thinks, not exactly sure how to explain it. He’s not always the best with words. He can’t really just say; Oh don’t worry- basically he turns into a rabid sex monster for a week and his body is preparing for him that and it hurts him a lot and no one really knows why and he fucks all of us until we literally can’t move. 
No. Be more eloquent than that, Dew- he internally scolds himself. Phantom has never seen this before- he doesn’t understand why his treasured water ghoul is hurting and no one can fix him. 
“Ugh… basically. Um. Do you remember what Swiss was like two weeks ago?” Dew asks Phantom. Phantom nods, and a faint blush appears on his rosy cheeks- as he remembers having Swiss basically tackle him and they fucked for hours- while Dew and Mountain were catching their breaths in the same room. “That’s what is going to happen to Rain- but it’s just… hurts him more preparing for it,”’
“Why?” Phantom scowls at the thought of Rain hurting. 
Dew can only shrug. “Everyone is different I suppose. Bodies and magic work differently in each form,” at Phantom’s still worried, wide eyes, Dew runs his fingers across the ghoul’s pretty jaw, smiling fondly at the sweet boy. “He’ll be okay- he just needs a few knots and he’ll be fine,” Dew jokes. 
Phantom leans into his hand but knits his brows together. “What’s a knot?”
Ah, crap. 
Dew stiffens. Shit. Phantom has never been knotted before. He forgot. Almost everyone wants to do it to him- but they’re waiting for him to decide who he wants to do it with for the first time. 
“Ugh… knot is … um… okay- special? It’s still… fucking just you get stuck together after.” 
Swiss- who Dew swore was asleep- can barely contain himself in the bunk above and pokes his head down into the curtain at Phantom and Dew. Aurora grumbles as he jostles her in the bunk. 
“Jesus Christ , Dewdrop! Couldn’t you be a bit more romantic describing the beautiful experience that is knotting with someone you love?!”
Dew rolls his eyes and swats at Swiss angrily with his tail. “Oh, fuck off.” 
Phantom stares at them. “… stuck together?”
Dew swears cheeks burn- more so than normal- for the fire ghoul. “Yeah- ugh. You’ll understand more when it happens to you,” he stutters and Phantom doesn’t push him anymore. He just stares at Dew with beautiful, big amethyst eyes. 
When Phantom speaks again- his voice is so quiet, Dew can barely hear him. “Will that happen to me? Hurting… like Rain?”
Dew doubts that. If Phantom was going to go feral or rabid or in heat, he would have done it by now. 
“Nah, bug. I think you’re good.” Dew says fondly and ruffles his hair. Phantom curls up and tucks his face into the crook of his neck, purring. 
“Promise?” Phantom asks, looking at him with wide, purple eyes that makes Dew’s insides feel like they flipped. He really is so pretty. 
“Yeah, yeah, promise,” Dew affirms. 
They stay like that for a few minutes. Phantom seems so genuinely worried for Rain- but then he starts to relax and purr. A while later, once there is only calm breathing filling the tour bus, Dew is almost surprised when he feels Phantom’s erection tenting his pants and he has to bite back a laugh and endeared smile spreads over his face. He can’t fix Phantom's sad eyes- but he can make him feel good, right? He likes to think he’s good at that. 
Dew glances up, hearing Swiss’s snores, and Aurora’s steady breaths. Phantom is already pawing at him, pressing needing kisses to the fire ghoul’s neck. Dew carefully maneuvers him, so Phantom is lying under him. Hell– He’s pretty. So pretty. 
“Be quiet, kid, I’ll take care of you—,” his fingers curl around Phantom’s needy erection and the boy jerks against him, breath coming out erratically as he bites his lip to keep himself quiet. 
And then Dewdrop jacks him, hard and fast, and Phantom is unsure if his can remain quiet. Dew is often gentle; but getting off hard is sometimes what Phantom craves and Dew seems to always know when that is. 
Dewdrop’s hand feels a million times better than his own and he was already so, so close being so close to Dew. He really loves the fire ghoul. 
“ Dew ,” he groans, gasping in pleasure when Dewdrop’s head dips down and nips at the junction of his neck, biting down but not hard enough to leave any evidence. The fire ghoul grins against his skin, soaking in all the beautiful sounds he’s making.
“God, baby, you sound so fucking good,” he growls, resisting the urge to grind his hips up against him. He’s not going to “Can you come for me?”
“Shit—Dew— I—,” he pants, legs beginning to shake, his eyes glowing a bright amethyst, and he presses more of his body against Dewdrop to steady himself. 
Purposefully Dewdrop drags his thumb over the head of Phantom’s cock, rubbing into the sensitive slit, and Phantom nearly loses it.
“Dew—!” It almost physically hurts Dew to have to cover the boy's mouth; but he can’t risk waking anyone else up. Or … giving them more fuel to torture him with if they’re already listening. 
“Come for me, baby,” Dewdrop growls, lowly, into Phantom's ear. It’s the last push Phantom needed, mouth opens in a nearly silently scream under Dew’s hand as he finally reaches his orgasm. His eyes roll into his head and Dew nearly loses his goddamn mind. God, this kid is unreal. 
After Phantom finally regulates his breathing- Dew kisses him, slowly, before getting ready to clean him up. 
From the above bunk- Swiss snickers. “That wasn’t a knot!” 
In unison- from both Mountain and Dewdrop in their respective bunks- a glorious “Shut the FUCK up!” Rings out in the air. 
In Rain’s bunk- he is nearly curled around Mountain, also panting, and sweating, but not for the same reason as Phantom. Normally Mountain loved seeing him doing that- but not the time. It’s not because of pleasure, that Rain is doing this, it’s because of the unbridled pain he is in. Mountain grimaces and pulls the water ghoul closer to his chest. 
Sure- some of them get… ugh. Well there’s no good way to describe it. Feral, heat.. whatever you want it to be called. Swiss and Cumulus are known to be nearly rabid when it hits them every few months. 
It’s just Rain’s lead up to is always so painful for him. Waves of cramps and fevers rack his body- and especially when they’re on the road with no big bodies of water in sight- it’s difficult for the water ghoul to find any sort of comfort. 
Rain has his face scrunched up; more sweat, and more water, dripping out of his body. Mountain slowly maneuvers around him to fish out his phone - seeing if there were any bodies of water close to them. He has no shame in asking the bus driver to stop and throwing (or gently laying, whichever is more efficient) Rain into water so at least he could have some of his element close to him; but Mountain can only scowl- no water in sight. Just trees and hills. Great for Mountain, awful for Rain.
“I wish I could take you home to the abbey, baby,” Mountain sighs and rubs Rain’s back. 
Rain only grimaces. “Can’t… show,”
Mountain sneers. “Fuck the show. You’re in pain. And I hate it.” But he has to hold a certain resolve, if not for him then for Rain’s sake, since he will only be worse if he thinks Mountain is upset with him. Which of course he isn’t; but the water ghoul isn’t exactly thinking clearly right now. “Okay… just… let me know if you need anything?” Mountain says softly as Rain curls up in his chest- humming in response. 
Somehow- in amazing strength- Rain played the show the next day, without much difference. He was definitely not as mobile as normal- but his skill was still out of this world. Only a few times did he have to duck behind the drum set, behind Mountain, to curse and double over as waves of pain hit him with unrelenting vigor. 
The entire night; Phantom was close to him, barely letting Rain out of his sight for a second. Sometimes; Rain even leaned on him to keep him upright. The fans went insane. 
Inwardly; Phantom was crying because Rain was in so much pain. 
Finally- it's time to go back to the hotel they’re blissfully staying at for two nights- with no show tomorrow. 
It still feels like shit for Rain. But at least there’s a bed and a bathtub. 
On the bus ride there; Rain stayed curled up on Phantom, something about the ghoul makes him feel calm. The rest of them watch closely, as if to jump if they need anything. 
It was not surprising that Ghouls became a pack like this. Being brought into this existence can be a lonely life if you don’t find comfort in your own kin. And here at the Abbey or on the road; they all rely on each other. 
They had pulled into a hotel for the night and the other members wanted to go to the bar- with Rain’s request and approval. There’s really nothing they can do to help him right now. But Phantom refused and came into Rain’s room to help him. 
He starts out so well, he really does. He gets Rain to drink water and eat something, run a bath when epsom salts for him which he soaks in for nearly two hours. 
Phantom even got him heating pads and human meds for his cramps, he holds him as he falls asleep. Will human medication even work? Other substances work- why not those? Well they’re there for Rain if he needs them. 
Phantom really wants his little group to be proud of him, and wants to show he can take care of Rain. He may still be young; but he’s not weak. And he loves Rain a lot. 
For the first few hours he is a good ghoul. But then, later- when Rain is sleeping, Phantom feels restless. Like he’s missing something. So he lets his eyes wander, and spots Mountain’s sweater on the edge of the bed… but it feels out of place. Just slightly, but Phantom notices. And suddenly, it’s all clouds his mind. He very gently wriggles out of Rain’s tight grip, and manages to escape without waking him. 
He goes to the bed and moves the sweater, holding it tightly. 
Would Rain be upset with him for moving it, or touching it? That’s a weird thought to think, Phantom can’t help but to say to himself. 
Rain will have to fix it up anyway if he doesn’t like it, right? Phantom decides he can apologize to Rain later. 
But the next feeling that hits Phantom makes him hiss and his tail snap in discomfort. A burning, aching pain hit his gut. It didn’t do that before. It feels like it knocks his breath out of him, and he shakily reaches for the desk to catch himself. 
He is still holding the sweater so he brings it to his face, inhaling Mountain’s scent. It makes his head a little bit fuzzy. With gentle hands, he folds it and places it on the bed in just the right spot. 
He picks up a blanket without thinking, folds it in half and spreads it over the corner of the mattress. That’s so much cozier, and Rain will like it better like this anyway. Probably. He can’t help but chirp with satisfaction, until another wave hits him and he nearly yelps out in pain. What is happening to him?!
Dew said it wouldn’t hurt- not like Rain hurts. Did Dew lie to him? Why, why would he do that. 
Tears pool in Phantom’s amethyst eyes and he chokes back a sob. 
He forces himself to look at the room and… tidy it. Make it feel… good. Something deep inside him feels settled in a way he can’t describe when it’s down. He basks in the warmth of the nest borders, of the smoothed blankets underfoot. It just feels right… safe.
Or...no, not good. Not safe. 
Not safe?
There’s a door right there, anyone could burst through, and Phantom and Rain’s human made phones still lay on the bed- what if someone tries to call, and wakes Rain? Rain can’t leave their hotel room… it’s not safe. The idea of stepping out of the room right now himself makes Phantom feel terrified and on edge, but he knows he needs to make this room safer for them. 
His eyes slowly draw to the dresser against a connecting wall. That...that could work. It’s not screwed in to the wall like most hotels. He could move it. 
His gaze flips to Rain, still asleep. If he’s asleep, he’s calm, which means Phantom is doing a good taking care of him. He’ll need to be quiet. As silently as he can, he drags the white wardrobe across the hotel room carpet to use as a barricade. It’s heavy- but no worse than a road case.
Once it’s in the spot, pressed against the hotel room door where it will stop anyone bad, at least a little bit. His chest feels so light, his gut hurts so badly...and suddenly, he’s so tired.
He stumbles back to the white hotel bed… and wriggles his way back into Rain’s arms. 
When Rain wakes, he feels several things all at once.
Confusion and he feels like he’s going to puke.
Hot. So. Hot.
Like his torso is inflamed.
The pain is something he has to learn to live with, because Rain’s lead up have never been easy. A schedule of pain meds, being submerged in his lake, and heating pads when he isn’t keeps him…Mostly sane, but the pain never fully goes away. He looks down and stiffens as he realizes why he is suddenly so hot. 
The ghoul, cuddled into Rain’s chest, is sweating uncontrollably, pale lavender face scrunched up even in sleep. Is he sick…?
The sweat drips from Phantom’s clammy skin and seeps into Rain’s bed shirt. It’s already soaked.
Then the smell hits Rain. That’s from Phantom too. Rain doesn’t know how he didn’t notice the source of it at first, but it’s so strong. Sweet, but cut with copper- almost like… vanilla? No. He can’t place it. Phantom has never smelled like this before. Most ghoul don’t really have scents aside from when they go feral for a week. Swiss smells like cinnamon. Cumulus smells like honey suckle. 
Rain doesn’t know what he smells like. No one has even really said. Rainwater maybe? That doesn’t really smell like anything. But- that doesn’t matter. He focuses back on his main worry of the absolutely ill looking ghoul on his chest. 
None of the other ghouls even thought for a remote possibility that Phantom would get like this too; feral. And worse- it looks like it pains him, like it does for Rain. 
Rain sighs heavily and puts his hand on Phantom’s head. “Sorry… if it hurts you too,” 
He’s always smelled like… just him. The Sister’s that Phantom had spoken to had just told him that he was just a ghoul with a very weak, probably undetectable smell. That it wasn’t a problem, a lot of ghouls don’t have a strong scent. And yet, here he is, smelling… good? And all Rain wants is to bury his face in his neck.
So what the hell has changed? And why does the ghoul look so illl? The boy is asleep and fisting a handful of Rain’s shirt with white-gripped knuckles, like he’s afraid he might lose Rain if he lets go. Should he wake him?
It takes a second, a wave of cramps hitting with a hiss, before he can gather himself to gently sit up. Phantom doesn’t let go. Rain reaches to the nightstand to see what time it is, to text Mountain.
shit- where’s his phone? He had it earlier to play a game, it must be somewhere here. Maybe Phantom is sleeping on it. 
He glances at the wardrobe to see what time clock reads, only to notice that the dresser has been moved to block the hotel room door. 
Rain is so confused . 
Why would that be pushed there?
What had Phantom been doing while he was sleeping?
His hotel room is completely different, carefully organized and folded clothing in neat lines along the edge of the bed. The change doesn’t bother him really but why would he-
Rain leans down- pressing his nose into Phantom’s neck, breathing slowly. His smell gives him away. The first feral space is always the most instinct-heavy, so these actions aren’t out of the ordinary. His instincts are telling him he needs to make the area safe. Logic isn’t easy when slipping into a feral headspace even for ghouls. 
Rain almost cries out at the next wave of cramping, and his eyes water.
He finally reaches his phone under the sleeping ghoul. Phantom hissing and looking like he’s in pain. 
01:12 am
To: Mountain 
I need you to come back rn. Swiss and Dew too. Dont tell others. Something going on with Phantom
Not thirty seconds later, Mountain responds “ Coming ”
And then- only a minute later-  he strokes Phantom’s hair until the boy drifts. Rain’s pain hits him like an absolute wave and he hisses- his hand stilling, and Phantom starts whining in his sleep, and Rain smells the rusty tinge of pain in his scent. 
His thoughts are interrupted by a knock. “Rain—  It’s us... why won’t the door open?”
Hm. Rain didn’t consider this. There’s still a huge dresser in front of the door, so the three can’t get in that well. “Um... there’s something in front of the door.”
“Huh- what did you say?” Mountain asks, but Rain already has his attention diverted because Phantom snaps up again. He looks dazed, not quite as immediately alert as he was the time previous. Rain stares at Phantom- worried he will start panicking and… yep, there it is. Sure enough it seems to hit the sleepy ghoul, and Phantom’s hands reach for Rain’s shirt. 
“Phantom, you need to let go- I need to move the thing at the door,” Rain tries to say but a wave of pain makes him nearly crumple. Phantom looks startled but then he can hear Mountain outside. He likes Mountain, and Mountain loves Rain, so he should come in. Rain is in pain- so Phantom  will need to move his little barricade. 
Rain groans loudly, holding his stomach, and Phantom gently rubs his back. He knows they’re being loud enough for the ghouls to hear through the door, and they’re probably very confused.
Mountain, on the other side of the door, has no clue what’s going on, even with this out-of-context conversation. He’d gotten an urgent text message from Rain and now he and Swiss were panicking, but none of them could open the door, despite Swiss nearly throwing his shoulder against it. 
“What the fuck is against the door!?” Swiss snaps as Mountain tries calling Rain. 
There’s something more there, too. Mountain can smell it even stronger now that he’s outside the room- it smells...it smells… weird? Sweet. It’s not Rain’s scent. Rain smells.. Clean for lack of better words. So where’s the other scent from?
Mountain can hear struggling behind the door, and he presses his ear to it, when a large thump as something is moved. “I... I can’t move it anymore… I’m sorry… Can you get in?” Phantom’s voice is muffled behind the door and Dew feels like something is physically compelling him to bolt through the door to get to him. “Please, I can’t-”
Phantom sounds like he’s sobbing. “Yeah, yeah, we’ll try,” Mountain reassures. He shares a look with Swiss and Dew, who’s just as stressed as he is. 
Dew goes in first, since he's the smallest. He opens the door carefully, and it stops after about a foot- blocked by something heavy. It should be enough room… though Mountain will need to half throw himself in due to his size. First to squeeze through after is Mountain, closely followed by Swiss who fit much easier. 
Dewdrop- who was unusually quiet during this whole event, felt like his heart hadn’t been beating when he read that something was wrong with Phantom. And when he rushed into the room; Swiss hot on his heels, as he saw Phantom curled in the floor, fat tears were rolling down his face, sparkling like crystals, but the pain was so… so obvious. Dew drops to his knees but Phantom flinches and cries as another wave of pain hits him. With every cry; Dew feels like his heart is being torn to shreds. 
“You- you said it wouldn’t- wouldn’t hurt– me” Phantom chokes out in between sobs. Dew is crying now. 
“Christ- kid- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry… I didn’t know it would hit you like this-” Dew can only choke, just running his hands through his sloppy brown curls, but Phantom just looks so devastated. He hates that he looks like that. 
Before Dew can say anything else, Swiss has shoved him away from the quintessence ghoul and has Phantom scooped into his arms, carrying him to the bed, to be laid next to Rain. Rain is, unlike Phantom, completely silent and not moving an inch. But he is biting his lip so hard it spills blood onto his lip. It seems like if he moves, if he makes a sound, he is scared he will be in the same way as Phantom. 
“Rain… baby, hey, can you speak? Is it that bad?” Mountain asks, terrified, at the absolutely and eerily silent and still ghoul. The water ghoul looks ghostly grey, like the blue hue of his skin has been evaporated. 
Dew simply stares as Mountain holds Rain and Swiss is trying to calm Phantom down. Dew feels angry and lost- again. 
Fuck. He hates this feeling. He especially hates the desperate look Phantom had given him with his huge, amethyst eyes, almost pleading for Dew to make this stop; make him feel good, like he always does, to fix this. 
Dew had said it wouldn’t hurt- and he had lied to the one ghoul that trusted him so fully. 
Another cry makes Dew’s heart shatter and he looks at his feet. Dewdrop always fucks things up, doesn't he?
3: 04 am 
Finally- after a lot more tears from Phantom and horrible silence from Rain, they end up in a weird pile on the bed; Rain and Phantom in the middle, Mountain lying next to Rain, Swiss behind Phantom, and Dewdrop shoved right in the middle of Rain and Phantom because he acts as a physical heating pad for the cramping that the ghouls are experiencing. 
Swiss is lying on top of Phantom- his hand rubbing the fragile ghoul's back as he whimpers and cries in his sleep and Dew feels like he wants to just keel over and die. Rain is asleep with his head buried into Dew’s neck and his body half sprawled on top of him for the heat he provides. A string from Rain’s hoodie is half in Dew’s mouth but he’s pinned between them- and all he can do- is spiral into pathetic self-pity. 
“Oh - hell- I fucking suck,” he whispers into the void of darkness that he’s staring at. He’s lying straight as a board in between the quintessence and water ghoul, his red eyes simply staring at the ceiling.
“Dew, you don’t suck, but shut up,” Mountain hisses as he glances at Rain to make sure he’s still sleeping soundly. Normally he’d always try to comfort Dew in his moments of self-pity, but Phantom and Rain’s current states make Mountain very anxious and he wants them to sleep. 
Dew barely hears him as he continues rambling. “… I lied to the kid…“ 
“Dew, I will rip your throat out if you wake them up,” Swiss snarls quietly. “You didn’t lie. You didn’t know .” 
Dew is crying again. His tears fell into Rain’s cheek; making the water ghoul’s face scrunch. Swiss notices and hisses as Dew continues crying. “… And the kid trusted me and now he’s crying and…“ 
“Dew, I swear-“
“And did you see him?! He was in so much pain, I should have known-“
Swiss growls and it knocks Dew out of his self-pity for a minute. “But none of us knew. He didn’t show any signs like Rain does, he wasn’t moody or sore, and he was just himself like normal. It came out of nowhere,” Swiss whispers- still trying to comfort Dew, his love for him still trumping his annoyance that he may wake up the two sleeping ghouls.  Swiss focuses on Phantom again and rubs the boys’ sloppy brown curls off his face as he says this; feeling an endearing adoration blossom in his chest for Phantom and Rain all over again. Swiss loves everyone. But Phantom and Rain are just… special, not just to him, but to everyone in the pack. 
“Maybe being around Rain… sort of… pushed it? I don’t know. Maybe their magic just sort of… melded and Phantom was pushed into this state earlier than he should have…? Actually, scratch that, I really have no idea what I’m saying,” Mountain mumbles out loud, defeatedly. He does remember how much Phantom was glued to Rain’s side lately, but tonight especially. Mountain mentioned maybe calling Aether for advice, but they haven’t gotten to do it yet. 
As if he can sense they’re talking about him, Phantom whimpers and his face scrunches in his sleep and he turns, burying fully into Dew, his arms wrapped around the fire ghoul- and he cries in his sleep. Dew wants to just… fix this. But he can’t. So he just lies there while Phantom almost looks like he’s trying to envelope himself inside of the fire ghoul for comfort. 
A soft voice breaks through the air. “…. Mmm…. Pizza,”
Swiss, Mountain, and Dew all snap their heads to look at each other to see if they just heard right. 
“Did he just say pizza?” Swiss whispers. 
“Maybe he’s dreaming about it? I mean I dream about pizza all the time,” Dew adds. 
Mountain huffs, his arm still wrapped around Rain. “Dew- stop saying you dream about pizza-“
Rain’s eyes finally fly open and he cracks his beautifully calm and still façade of control he was holding on to. He was in and out of sleep this entire time, but the pizza comment woke him up completely. 
“Oh my fucking god, all three of you shut the fuck up and get him his fucking pizza!” Rain finally snaps the anger part of his lead up seeming to have kicked in. Mountain nearly rolls off the bed in surprise at Rain’s sharp voice. 
Mountain turns and cradles Rain’s face while the water ghoul looks like he might rip his head off- or seems to still be weighing the consequences. 
“Hey- what do you need? Bath?” Mountain asks but Rain looks at Swiss this time and his watery blue eyes prove that he wants Swiss to run the bath and take care of him, which is a typical request he has during his feral lead-ups. He’s not sure why - maybe it’s because Swiss makes him laugh when he’s feeling so miserable. 
Swiss gets it immediately and gestures for Mountain to switch places with him, so the giant earth ghoul can cuddle beside Phantom- so the boy is protected by both him and Dew. 
Ironically- despite being a bit shorter- Swiss can easily carry Rain, even with the water ghoul's gangly long limbs. He's so lithe and agile, that most of the ghouls can carry Rain if the situation warrants it. He scoops him up out of the bed and carries him to the bathroom quickly. 
The bathroom is pearly white; a jar of Epsom salts still sitting at the edge of the claw foot bathtub. Swiss carefully perches Rain on the edge of the tub, and turns the water on, so steamy hot water begins flowing into the tub. 
“How bad is it hurting, Rainbow?” Swiss asks him as he gently shrugs off the water ghouls damp shirt, then his black joggers. 
Rain just shakes his head- unable to vocalize his answer. His lower lip is nearly mangled with blood from him biting it to stop him from screaming. 
Swiss dumps the Epsom salts into the tub and swirls it with his hand before gently leaning Rain into it. 
Swiss grins at Rain, coyly. “Hey, Rain?” 
“Want to hear a joke?”
“No.” Rain responds. A total lie. Of course, Rain wants a joke; that’s the whole reason he wants him involved in the first place. 
Swiss grins at Rain's petulance as he grabs the water ghoul's tail and tucks it into the water. “Why was the octopus laughing?”
“Shut up,” 
“Because he had ten tickles. Get it? Like tentacles,” Swiss says, with soft glee. 
“Just let me drown.” Rain deadpans. He knows he can’t drown. And he secretly loves Swiss’s jokes. 
Swiss cradles the back of Rain’s head until the water ghoul is completely submerged in the water. He much rather put him in a lake or ocean- but this is the closest thing they have. 
Swiss curses at the whole situation. He gets feral too- why couldn’t he just have all this fucking pain? Why didn’t it go to him- why did it have to torture Rain and now Phantom too?! 
Swiss curses his biology. 
Swiss has a theory though. He isn’t sure if it’s true but he half wonders if Rain and Phantom might be able to… carry kits. No one really knows a ton about how it works, their biology. But maybe that’s why it hurts. But in the end, no one really knows. It hasn’t happened yet to Rain. 
Or he doesn’t think it has. 
Or… if it did happen, and he lost a kit, he never mentioned it. Which is unfortunately a frightening option. Rain is notorious for still hiding his emotions from the pack and has been known to be cooped up for days in his room sometimes, refusing to let anyone in or tell them what’s wrong. Swiss always feared and wondered why- but anytime he tried to bring this up with Rain, it was like the water ghoul would shut down mentally and it took a lot of care to get him to open back up. Swiss didn’t want to force him to do that anymore or talk about anything emotionally heavy, it seemed so mentally exhausting for the water ghoul. 
Swiss looks at Rain and debates asking him about his theory, for lack of better words. But no. It’s not the right time. Rain is already hurting too much. 
Rain settles into the tub; his aching body is so happy to be in his element. He sighs and lets himself nearly submerge right away, even though his gangly limbs stick out of the tub a bit- but his face is covered by water. 
Swiss watches him as he submerges his face in the tub and Rain wraps his tail around his wrist as a thank you. 
But in the water there; Rain is feeling angry. At everything. His body, his magic, how much Phantom is hurting… all of it. The weight of it all sits on his shoulders. 
And he knows he needs Dewdrop right now. Dew is feeling like shit right now. And a soak in the tub would help the former water ghoul too. 
“Can you send Dew in please?” Rain mumbles. He hears a flurry of movements when he says this- as if Dew was listening in on them too. Despite Phantom whining at the loss of the fire ghoul and the subsequent hurried sound of kisses and apologies, Dewdrop comes in and immediately knows what the water ghoul wants from him. 
Swiss gives Rain’s horns a rub before he stands and returns to the bedroom. He shuts the bathroom door on his way out so they can have privacy and dims the lights in the bathroom so only a soft glow is cast on the bathtub. 
Dew is awestruck as he enters the bathroom, as he can only look at Rain for a moment and marvel at how beautiful he is; in the low-lit yellow glow of the tub as he floats in his element. 
Dewdrop sheds his sweater and jeans on the floor, before going to the tub, climbing in behind Rain. The feeling of the water, his former element, still calms him. He’ll never quite understand why they took his water element away from him, but he's glad he still finds serenity in its depths. He wraps his arms around Rain’s lithe shoulders and buries his face into the ghoul's soft curls with a sigh. 
Rain leans back into Dewdrop- before one of his hands reaches up, ghosting over the scars where Dew’s gills once were on his neck. Dewdrop never lets anyone touch them- only Rain. Sometimes when they’re fucking, Rain will press slow- deliberate kisses onto Dew’s scars, enough that makes the fire ghoul cry. But never enough to ask him to stop. 
Occasionally, especially during the lead-up to his heat, Rain muses over the idea that he is suffering because of what happened to Dew… What Rain’s role could be in why they changed him from water ghoul to fire? Dew never told him directly what happened, but Mountain admitted it one night when they were talking in the kitchen. 
Rain can’t stop thinking about the event; how Dew was dragged to Sister Imperator's office; how they chanted over him, how much he screamed as they burned his element from his small body. He spent months in his room in the abbey-  trying to learn to breathe through the smoke and fire suddenly coursing through his veins, as his gills had been burned off. It must have been terrifying; to be shredded apart and then put back together as a new firey being; and to Rain’s knowledge, no one ever offered Dewdrop an explanation as to why. 
“ ‘Suffering can refine us rather than destroy us because the Creator himself walks with us in the fire’… that’s the only thing they told him,” Mountain admitted to Rain that night with teary eyes. 
Rain doubts Dew will never forget that sentence. Apparently- the Sister Imperator chanted it like a prayer. It likely haunts him to this day. 
During his inner tirade, Rain hisses audibly, making Dew raise a brow at him. Rain hates what they did to his Dew. He would rather have not been summoned at all; if Dewdrop could have been spared that. But he wasn’t. Neither of them was spared the pain- and now Rain feels like the universe is making him pay for the sins of others because if he was never summoned maybe Dewdrop could have been protected. 
Rain turns in the tub places a quick kiss on Dew’s chest and shuts his eyes, arms wrapping tightly around Dew’s as they hold him in the water. Dew’s bare skin against his is the best feeling in the world.
Rain whimpers when his stomach cramps painfully, his tail spiralling and sending a splash of water in his face. Dew looks at him worriedly. 
“What’s wrong?” Dew fuses, “Do you need more meds or—“
“My stomach,” Rain lies flat on his back against Dew to try and get a better, more comfortable, position.“It hurts.”
Dew’s hand is already on his stomach, massaging it. His hot fingers splay over Rain’s abdomen and the ghoul sighs in the water, “Better?”
“A little, yeah.” Rain whispers. His stomach is cramping and his head felt like it was going to explode. What worries Dew is how he is breaking out into a fever; going from being ice cold and then being boiling hot, even in the water. 
“I’m sorry for how much this hurts you, baby,” Dew says quietly against the water ghoul's neck. 
Feral headspace seems to grip Rain as tears still come out of his eyes. “I deserve it. If I didn’t get summoned… they never would have hurt you. I don’t wanna do this anymore… it hurts too much-“
Rain's words make Dew tighten around him instinctively and the fire ghoul's heart stops. 
The weight of the words settles on Dew’s shoulders as he realizes what Rain’s saying. He’s leaning in before he can stop himself, pulling Rain into a fierce embrace in the tub, his body drawing close around the sobbing ghoul, as tightly as he can. “Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t say that. I need you here, we all need you here. I would go through that shit 100 fucking times, let them turn me into whatever if it meant having you. Fuck, I… Rain-Don’t even think about that, okay?”
When Rain doesn’t stop crying, Dew manages to maneuver himself in the tub so he’s still sort of cradling the naked ghoul but can look him in his watery, wide blue eyes. Rain really is so beautiful; even when his skin is still grey with fever and the blue of his body is not as dark as it should be. Dew gently brushes his fingers over Rain’s gills, which makes the water ghoul shudder and look at him. “Rain- look at me, baby, please… you were worth all of the pain I went through. And I’d do it all over again for you. All of it. You hear me? You are worth everything. And you don’t deserve this pain at all. Okay?” Dew says, urgently, his hands holding Rain’s face. 
Rain doesn’t answer just drop against Dew’s neck in the tub. The water was starting to cool- but Dew was so worked up that it immediately began to heat up again, causing more steam to rise. 
“Don’t leave… Dew,” Rain mumbles exhaustedly, his eyes fluttering shut as his strength leaves him again. 
Dew kisses the base of his horns and digs his face into Rain’s hair. He smells good. Sweet. “I’m not letting you out of my sight- Rainbow. You’re staying right here with me, okay?” Dew soothes, and Rain nods.
Outside; it sounds like Swiss and Mountain are ordering Phantom’s pizza- and he can hear the boys’ tired, but happy chirps at the idea of food. That’s good- and Dew will need to get Rain to eat too. 
After the pizza was ordered- Swiss finally had time to think about this whole thing. 
Swiss loved everyone. That was his curse and blessing. He loved everyone deeply. When those he loves hurt, Swiss hurts with them. 
The thing about Rain and Phantom is everyone just sort of adored them more than most. It was likely because of Rain's pain, and Phantom’s sweet innocence; everyone felt drawn to and protective over them naturally. 
Swiss sits with Phantom, cradling the still distraught and confused ghoul to his chest, as Mountain lies on Phantom’s stomach- trying to add pressure to counteract the cramping. 
Finally, a small voice breaks the silence. “What’s it like?” Phantom asks as he grips Swiss shirt with white knuckles. 
Swiss glances at him. “What’s what like?” 
Phantom has a tear running down his cheek. “This… feral.. the- pain?”
Swiss frowns, pressing his head against the quintessence ghoul's sweaty forehead. “It doesn’t hurt for me. It’s just… you feel… ugh, desperate and empty and one thing can fill it. You’re sort of in one-head space. Like how I couldn’t keep my hands off you- it’s just… like that,”
“So— that’s what knots are for?” Phantom pieces together. 
Swiss nods to encourage him to ask more questions. 
Phantom seems to be thinking; his amethyst eyes looking at the dark ceiling and his lilac brows knitting together. “Do you knot with only one person forever?”
“You can. Or with anyone you want to. Normally it’s… someone you love especially. It’s how you show them you love them,” Swiss says, fondly. 
Phantom nods slowly. “Do you knot?”
“With or from people…?” Phantom inquires loudly. 
At the answer- both Swiss and Mountain suddenly stiffen, knowing where this is leading. It happens almost in slow motion as Mountain swears and grips Phantom’s waist; as the boy begins to cry. 
“Why has no one... ever wanted to knot me?” Phantom asks with hurt etched into his pretty features and Swiss feels like his gut was punched. 
“Oh… bug, no…. We all… we all would have done that with you. For you- or have it done by you. But we didn’t want you to feel pressured. We were waiting for you to tell us you wanted it. And for… you to tell us who you wanted it from first.” Swiss tries to say- but his words are lost on the feral idled mind of a ghoul who is spiraling. 
Phantom, who’s always too loving, too happy, and feels just too much- look at him with wide, watery amethyst eyes. “No… no . None of you even told me about it. None of you wanted to do it with me,” he cries out; any logic leaving his feral idled brain- leaving him feeling absolutely unwanted, uncared for, and unloved by those he loved so much. 
Swiss pulls him closer- cursing- at seeing the boy like this. It breaks whatever heart he has. “Bug- no, I’m sorry we should have talked to you about this, told you what it was- we let you down, I’m sorry,” 
At his intense and urgent whispers- Mountain is clutching Phantom so tightly one of his ribs might break; unsure what he can add to comfort… because he can’t. Phantom is right- no one told him, asked him… no one did anything .
Mountain buries his head into the boy's back- wishing… he could just make him feel okay. 
It wasn’t only the knots that were making Phantom cry; apparent when Phantom’s fingers grazed over the soft bite mark on Swiss’s neck. 
Ah .  
They all have mating bites on their necks- multiple. It’s done in the most intense moment of love and passion and their devotion to each other. 
They all have scars from their mates' bites, carrying the love with them wherever they go. 
Except Phantom, whose pretty, freckled lavender neck- is completely untouched. He’s noticed- but seemed to never ask about it. Likely he was waiting for one of them to do it for him… but no one ever bothered to even mention it. 
They all fucked him all the time, leaving him panting and flustered, never bothering to knot or bite him; and never bothering to tell him why they weren’t doing it. Of course, he felt confused. 
As Phantom sobs, the alarm clock on the bedside table begins shaking violently before exploding next to Swiss. Both Mountain and Swiss jump and look at it; shocked at the potential power Phantom might process. But with no time to dwell on it, they return to trying to calm the hysterical ghoul. 
Swiss and Mountain cuddle the sobbing ghoul and both internally curse themselves for letting it get to this point that the boy feels so unloved when that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Rain and Dew sit in the tub for nearly another twenty minutes; completely obviously to the world outside them. Rain has switched positions, so his longer body is positioned behind Dewdrop- supporting the tiny fire ghoul's hot body. It soothes him- despite the exhaustion and pain he’s experiencing, he runs his hands through Dew’s long, tangled blond hair, working out the knots; still sweaty from the performance the night before. 
It’s the smell of pizza that finally lures them out of their little sanctuary. Dew perks up right away. He should be a pizza ghoul at this point. 
Dew stands first, not bothering to offer to dry Rain because the water ghoul prefers his skin to be wet. He cuddles with Dew, his entire body engulfing the fire ghoul like a blanket. 
Dewdrop can’t help but snort. “Ha. You feel like a wet blanket,” 
Rain huffs. “No ‘m not,” he protests weakly- his voice muffled by Dew’s head. 
When Rain finally walks out of the bathroom- his instincts flip and he’s hit by a very sour scent, and a very uncomfortable feeling. He immediately looks over and sees Phantom, sobbing, feverish, and throwing up into a waste paper basket on the floor- after Swiss and Mountain tried to feed him.
Rain growls. Actually growls. 
Swiss, Mountain, and Dew all stare at him.
It even catches Rain off guard when he does that. He has no idea why he growled; he doesn’t usually growl that deeply ever. But all he sees is Phantom, in pain, sick and no one taking care of him properly and there’s a deep need in Rain to protect him. 
“Get away from him,” Rain snarls. 
That definitely catches Swiss, Mountain, and Dewdrop off guard. The three of them stiffen and look at each other unexpectedly- but when Rain growls again- they do what he says and slowly step into a huddle by the bathroom door. 
“This is weird- I’ve never seen him so instinct-heavy,” Dewdrop whispers. 
“Is this even feral? What would this be called?” Mountain muses out loud. 
Swiss grunts. “Oh, for fuck sake, brainiacs- of course this is feral… ugh… something. Rain just never exhibited this behaviour around anyone else before because maybe he didn’t need to…?”
Before Dewdrop and Mountain can ask what he means; a glaring look from Rain makes all three of them tumble into the bathroom, shutting the door, so Rain and Phantom can have some time alone.  
Behind the door- their faint voices can be heard. 
“… Damn it… we should have grabbed the pizza-“
“… Dew - I swear-“
Rain grumbles and pulls Phantom off the floor, and into the bed, ignoring the voices. He sees the shattered remains of the alarm clock. 
Huh . That’s weird. 
Rain adjusts them, so Phantom is straddling him, needing the closeness for himself as much as Phantom might need it. Once Phantom is firmly placed in his hold, he sighs and drops back onto the bed, almost boneless, and Phantom climbs to lay on top of him, his body weight providing nice pressure to soothe the older ghouls' pains. Phantom is barely talking anymore; seemingly exhausted, his cheeks still tear-stained. 
Rain can’t explain the possessive feeling he has over Phantom right now. Sure he’s always liked him, everyone did. They cuddled and fucked but this is different. Instinctual and powerful. Rain doesn’t have many words for him, just holds him tightly, their tails wrapping together and Rain buries his face into Phantom’s sloppy curls. 
“I’m so sorry you’re hurting,” Rain murmurs. It’s the only thing he can say. And he wishes he could take it all away. 
“They didn’t… you didn’t want me,” 
The voice is so quiet, it’s barely a whisper. Rain piques and leans down- having trouble hearing the boy through his muffled voice against his shirt. 
“What?” Rain asks. 
“Bite… knot… none of you ever wanted to do it with me,” Phantom cries into his shirt and Rain feels like a pile of bricks falls on him. 
Fuck . 
He never even thought about that- he always assumed one of the other ghouls told Phantom about their instincts. And Rain had… a lot of other things he needed to focus on, at a personal level, before thinking about Phantom’s knowledge of knots or mating bites. Maybe before- he would have been too guarded and cold to even act like he cared. Though he did care; deeply. But he didn’t always let himself show it. 
But now- with this intense protection suddenly blossoming in Rain, he feels like a true failure. 
Rain feels tears in his eyes. He fails so often. More than he ever dares admit to his pack. 
And, now, he failed Phantom too.
Rain always liked learning about things. 
He loved learning about the fish and wildlife in his lake, and the rocks that dotted the shore. He loved looking at books in the library- filling his head with knowledge he never really would need but likes to have. He’d sit, perched in the library window for hours, reading page after page, especially while it rained out. 
He liked hearing Cumulus’s favourite joke- over and over again- learning curves and lines of the excitement etched on her face when she said it. 
He liked learning how to cook Mountain’s favourite food. 
He liked learning about Papa’s views on life. 
He really liked learning how reactive Dewdrop is when he kisses his scarred, former, gills for the first time. 
And in this moment; as he holds Phantom in the hotel room, still battling with his feelings of intense disappointment and letting the boy down- he is still captivated by the idea of learning about Phantom. He wants to learn his reactions and his favourite places to be touched, wants to learn everything he can about his bug. 
His… ?
Rain doesn’t normally call Phantom his. Actually- he never has. But now it’s all he can think about. How the quintessence ghoul is his . Phantom fits into Rain so well. He is moulded against his body like he was made to be there.
Rain is still feeling the crippling anguish, from failing Phantom. He holds the boy tightly against him. When Phantom starts whimpering against him and feeling feverish in his hold, Rain’s instincts begin taking over and any rationality in the water ghoul's mind fades away. 
Phantom pushes himself closer, pawing at Rain’s clothes- whining. Rain tries to settle him by petting his hair and gently kissing his forehead but Phantom is restless, and losing his composure quickly. Compelled by his need to please the quintessence ghoul- Rain wants to undress Phantom, and himself, to get skin-on-skin contact. He always finds that skinship calms his feral mind- he hopes the same for Phantom. He drags his fingers from Phantom’s soft curls, down the nape of his neck, up over his Adam's apple and then around his collarbones over the neck of his worn, grey t-shirt. Rain recognizes it to be one of Dew’s old shirts, oversized and large, despite how small Dew is. 
The younger ghoul goes still at the touch- almost pliant. His breathing goes steady and he starts relaxing back into the pillow on the bed. 
“ Good boy ,” Rain praises against his ear- making Phantom whine under him. 
Rain continues his downward path- dragging his nails- on the arm furthest from him. He starts on Phantom’s shoulder, where his shirt rests on the skin on his arms, and then down his inner forearm. This causes Phantom to shiver and a deep purr settles in the boy's chest. And Rain hisses in satisfaction- Rain's feral mind is overtaking him, just as fast as Phantoms. He grabs the quintessence ghoul’s lavender hand now and brings it to his lips. He places soft kisses on each knuckle, pressing empathy and support into Phantom’s skin. Rain hears his breath and purrs get caught in his throat, the boy's body arching a bit already. 
 Phantom's reactions to such small gestures are driving Rain crazy . He moves to the hem of Phantom's shirt and pulls it from his body, swiftly. The quintessence ghoul is so out of it, that it takes him a minute to lift his torso to help Rain remove the shirt- more wines escaping his throat. Rain watches Phantom’s shirt peel off his body- leaving his curls tousled and his wide eyes blinking slowly. 
He's ethereal . 
His violet eyes, wet, distant, and almost sleepy in his instinct to submit to someone taking care of him. Phantom whines again- craving more skin, and Rain is eager to please. Instead of letting himself dwell on the boy’s exposed body, his hands go to his black sweatpants- and Rain immediately pushes down both his pants and underwear. 
The water ghoul’s whole body freezes when he notices a spot on Phantom's thigh. He recognizes it but has never seen it there before. Like two upside-down triangles, delicately on top of each other, faded, like an old stick and poke tattoo after years of weathering. 
He has a similar marking on his hip…that’s weird. But Phantom’s whine; forces his attention back to the boy. Forcing himself to keep moving, and remove the rest of Phantoms and his own clothes. He gets back on the bed where his lips immediately meet the feverish skin of Phantom's neck. The ghoul hasn't stopped purring and is now gripping Rain's back. His hands do not stay in any one place, just digging his nails into Rain's skin, on his back, his shoulders, then down to press his thumbs around his hips. This surprises a moan out of Rain's mouth. Phantom touching the mark on his hip sent electricity and clarity right through him.
"Woah…" Phantom breathes into the air above Rain's head. 
Rain feels a rush of heat and groans. "Did you feel that?"
Phantom gulps a breath of air. " Yeah . Wow." 
Rain curses under his breath. This is good. Fuck . 
"One second, tell me how this feels?" Rain leans back to sit on his heels and then reaches down to touch the mark on Phantom's thigh. He barely touches it, when Phantom arches off the bed and lets out a whimpery moan. 
" Beautiful ," Rain rasps, doubting the other ghoul even heard him. 
"More… I need more- " Phantom starts begging softly and Rain thinks where his mark being touched shocked him into clarity, Phantom's has made him even more desperate. 
Rain whimpers this time. "More what, baby? Want me to touch you more?"
"Just closer, want you closer," Phantom cries. He's pulling Rain's arm and shoulder towards him so Rain falls forward onto Phantom. He doesn't even let Rain adjust his position, just wraps his arms and legs around him. His face is buried in Rain's neck and his mouth is opened- and his lips and tongue are latching onto the heated, sweet-smelling skin there. Rain sallows hard and lets his head fall back reflexively, baring his neck for Phantom. But when Rain feels teeth- his eyes snap open- and clarity comes back, albeit fleeting. He knows he needs to push Phantom away. This is where they already fucked everything up and Rain needs to start fixing this. 
Rain feebly paws at Phantom, trying to be clear, but the heat in his face and body makes it difficult. " Baby , baby, stop…”
"Don't wanna'" Phantom slurs into his skin.
Rain pushes more firmly, "No,” he says- despite Phantom’s cries. “Bug, we need to talk first..." 
Phantom finally relents with a whine and lifts his sad eyes to meet Rain's intense gaze. 
Rain takes his pretty face in his hands, making sure he looks Phantom in the eyes. "You were getting really close to doing something important. I know your instincts are going crazy—,” When Phantom whines, Rain tightens his grip on his chin.  “But please , I need to ask if you know what you were going to do with my neck?" 
Tears well in Phantom’s eyes, as his brain processes what he is thinking, and feeling, before he answers in a hoarse, choking voice. “I wanted to bite you… You smell so good, and I want to… to taste you. Is it bad ? Did I do something wrong? Should I not bite you? Isn't that how you guys have those marks? I want marks too, Rain— Why doesn't anyone want my marks? Or leave their marks on me ? Am I not good enough?! I-I’m sorry I was summoned here… and threw off the band… when Aether left. I’m sorry I was forced to join your pack." Phantom sobs into Rain’s hands. Tears are streaming down his flushed cheeks and his words are shattering Rain’s heart. 
Rain’s words nearly pour out of him- scrambling to fix this- make his bug feel okay. " No - no. That’s not… I’m sorry that’s not what it is at all. Of course, I want your mark, Phantom... You're the sweetest… sweetest creature I’ve, we’ve , all met. You're just… so precious, that none of us wanted to take advantage of your kindness and innocence. We didn't want to take more than you wanted to give,” Rain says and Phantom sobs more, at the idea that no one wanted him, and Rain continues, desperately. “That was so stupid of me. We were all so stupid. I can't… can’t apologize or make up with you in place of everyone, but I want your mark. I want to have those pretty fangs imprinted on my skin. But I need you to want to do it to me. Not just … feral you. Not just instincts. I need you to want to do it,”  Rain is desperate to make Phantom understand his love for him and understand the seriousness of this choice. 
Phantom is eyeing him nearly suspiciously, but the look falls when his fingers come up and graze over Rain’s mating bite. “… Really? You promise you mean that?" Phantom's wide eyes are still trying to find any lies in Rain's actions. 
Rain cradles Phantom's face between his palms and places the first soft kiss on his slack lips, wanting him more than anything. Rain whispers, “Please bring us as close as you want, bug. I'll do whatever you want." Phantom's tail slowly drags over Rain's thigh and wraps around his waist. 
Phantom is breathing heavily and pulls Rain closer, holding onto his pale blue shoulders. "Come closer and show me the best way to bite you okay? Maybe… Maybe you could do it first so I know what to do?" 
Rain blinks at him. At what he’s asking. "Of course, bug..."
Rain’s hands travel from Phantom's cheeks and bury themselves in Phantom's hair. Phantom moans when Rain's fingers get caught in his curls and force his head to tilt back. He always did love having his hair and horns pulled- Swiss, always loves doing that at random times, making the boy whine and pant even when they’re all having dinner. 
As the boy writhes under his hand- Rain can't help but smile at his willingness. Rain has a soft, buzzing feeling and he is not used to having such a calm, soft experience during his pre-feral times. He’s normally so sore, so angry, so desperate. But now, it’s like something in Phantom and forging their bond is calming them. The pain is still there but more bearable, almost like they are sharing it rather than fighting against it and their instincts. They were meant to share this together… Rain is convinced. Phantom is his- he was made for him. 
With that in mind, Rain lays his body flat over Phantoms. The boy is hot under him, his body feeling like pure magic. They are aligned from knees to hips, to chest, and Phantom's head is pushed into the pillows. Rain’s mouth is at Phantom's neck- breathing heavily, making the quintessence ghoul’s neck erupt in goosebumps. Neither ghoul is still, both bodies feeling insanely restless to complete the bond. Their hips are moving in a slow grind, neither realizing how hard they are until the small movements force soft sounds out of both of them. 
"Ready, baby?" Rain whispers into his neck, feeling like he can’t hold back any other. His fangs are dragging over Phantom’s skin already. 
A keening whine sounding vaguely like a drawn-out ‘yes’ is the only reply he hears. He presses one… two… three soft kisses into his neck before opening his mouth and sinking his sharp fangs into the pale, violet skin. 
The sensation explodes between them. Phantom screams - loud- while his whole body arches under Rain. Rain can feel him shake and spasm, knowing he's probably just cum between their naked bodies- spilling onto their stomachs. The bond doesn't have to be made through sex, but in this feral state, his body is forced through everything and honestly, it's beautiful . Rain is getting desperate to feel his bond with Phantom solidify when Phantom bites him back- he needs it, fucking desperately, he needs it. He holds Phantom while he rides out his orgasm and feels the mind-numbing sensation of the bond. 
Once Phantom stops shaking and panting, and goes slack beneath him, Rain lifts his head and pushes Phantom's hair out of his eyes- needing him. "You okay, bug?” Rain asks as he licks at the bite- dutifully lapping up the blood on his neck. 
"Yeah," Phantom pants- his neck craning to give Rain more access to his neck. 
Rain looks at him, tilting his head already… he wants that bite. "Still… still want to try? On me?”
The words are barely out of his mouth before Phantom whines and kisses him. " Yes !" Phantom exclaims. 
With unexpected enthusiasm and strength, Phantom pushes Rain to his back and straddles his hips. Rain is a little surprised but immediately turns his head, exposing his throat, and holding his breath in anticipation. Phantom uses his fingers to gently explore Rain's neck, picking his spot among the other marks already there. When firm fingers push his chosen spot, Rain moans and his body shivers. This must encourage Phantom because the next thing he knows is he feels breath on his neck, warm lips on his skin, then- 
Fuck . 
The flood of…. everything that is the younger ghoul. He feels his body lock up, he's probably cumming like Phantom did, but this is better than any orgasm. Is he screaming too? He doesn’t know, doesn’t care. He holds Phantom close, even after his body falls back to the bed. Phantom is lapping at his neck, licking the blood, kissing the bite mark. Phantom is praising him, saying how much he loves him, how good he is, against Rain’s ear. He also kisses away the tears Rain didn’t realize he was crying. By the time the bond is fully formed and he comes back to himself; he hears voices in the bathroom over the ringing in his ears. 
Protect. Hurt. Scared.
The only thought running through Dewdrop’s mind is he has to get to Phantom. He has to. 
“We need to get out there, fuck!” Dewdrop is nearly screaming- pushing his body against Swiss- who was nearly standing in front of the bathroom door like a barricade. 
Dew and Mountain are nearly rabid to get out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom. Swiss, still the only one with any sort of logic left- snarled at them to keep them back. 
“Dew- no . Rain doesn’t want us there. We have to respect that,” Swiss snaps- his voice a higher whisper, trying to not alert Phantom or Rain. 
“They screamed. I heard it. Swiss, move,” Mountain snarls. His mossy green eyes open in surprise. Mountain is always gentle and soft-spoken- especially with Swiss, and he is surprised at the surge of anger he feels towards the multi-ghoul. But Mountain wants to get through that door, now . 
Dew is also nearly losing his mind in the bathroom. He's trying to respect Rain, like Swiss said, and let him help Phantom - but right now, Dew’s instincts are stronger than ever. 
He's never felt like this before. He needs to see Phantom- and hold him. Satan knows he doesn't deserve it but every inch of him is screaming to be near Phantom. When he heard Phantom scream- his heart shattered. Swiss- who is stronger than most- held both his arms out- and kept Dew and Mountain at bay, just barely.  He wants to be out there just as badly but he knows Rain will let them know when he wants them back. 
It’s a mere moment later, when Rain finally calls out, like he heard Mountain’s heated words.  “It’s- it’s okay- you can come out,” 
Dew almost breaks down the door in his haste to get out trampling Swiss in the process. Mountain is hot on his tail and, Swiss follows behind, shocked at the others' intense reaction. 
Mountain reaches Rain first- his large hands on the water ghoul’s hazy face, as he sees the bloody bite mark on his neck- then Mountain looks at Phantom, putting the pieces together. The screaming, the panting. 
“Oh, fuck. They…” Mountain begins, but Rain’s whimper brings his attention back to him.
Swiss is next to Phantom, examining his bloody neck. “Shit- bug- did you… did you ask for that?” Swiss whispers and Rain looks at him, wide and watery blue eyes, at the insinuation he would have bit him without consent, breaking through his feral headspace for a minute. 
Phantom is crying and looks at Dewdrop; the fire ghoul hovering by the side of the bed but still not touching him. 
Phantom stares at Dew- desperate, longing. Why… why won’t he touch him?!
But it’s like something in Dew is preventing him from moving. He doesn’t deserve Phantom. He used him, fucked him, never bothering to even knot or mate him. He should have known better. It should have been his teeth on Phantom first. No one else’s. 
Swiss looks at Dew. “Fuck sakes, Dewdrop. Please don’t do this to him,”   
Dew takes a step back- his hands up as he fights against every single urge in his body to shove Swiss, off Phantom, and gather the boy in his arms. He has to cover his mouth and nose with his hand, trying to stifle Phantom's sweet vanilla scent as it makes his head spin. He forces himself to take another step back- and Swiss growls, kneeling over Phantom. 
“I c-can’t… I don’t deserve him- you take care of him,” Dew forces out, his voice muffled from his hand. Phantom hears this and lets out a cry. 
“Dewdrop- fuck - just-“ Swiss begins but Phantom sobs loudly, interrupting him. Rain shudders at the sobs- blindly- reaching for Phantom, even as Mountain has begun to press fevered kisses to the water ghoul’s jaw.  
“ Dew , please… why don’t you want me?!” Phantom sobs and reaches for him. The sight of the naked quintessence ghoul, eyes blown open, feverish and desperate reaching for him, wanting him, sobbing for him. 
Swiss, sitting on top of Phantom, is shaking now. He hates seeing Phantom like this. And hates seeing Dew being so stubborn. Happiness has never come to Dewdrop easily- and Swiss can see the pure joy and adoration that Dew has when he so much as looks at Phantom, let alone, when he touches him. And Dew is denying himself that- because of some damn, selfish, self-pity. 
But, Swiss knows yelling won’t help right now. It’ll only upset Phantom, Rain… honestly all of them. Swiss grabs the fire ghoul's free hand and looks at him almost pleadingly. “Dew… he doesn’t want me right now. He doesn’t need me. He needs you,” Swiss clarifies gently. 
It’s not often Dew just… freezes. But he stares at Phantom, knowing he… shouldn’t. He should walk away, he doesn’t deserve Phantom, he didn’t treat him well, and he- 
“Dew- Dew , I need you, please,” Phantom finally sobs, from the bed, staring at him with watery, desperate amethyst eyes. 
With that, any self-control Dew has, any self-restraint, is gone. 
He nearly shoves Swiss off the bed, making the multi-ghoul tumble into Mountain. 
Dew takes the place on the bed, grabbing Phantom, and pulling the young, crying mess into his arms. 
“Hey, hey- it’s okay- I got you,” he lets out in a stream, clutching the quintessence ghoul close to his chest.  
At Dew’s words, Phantom pounced into his lap as he belonged there, settling his body weight in Dew’s thighs, running his hands in Dew’s hair, and dragging his mouth to Dew’s. 
The taste of Phantom was something that could bring Dew back to life- he’s convinced. He begs he’ll never lose it. Same as the feeling of him. 
Hands settling on Phantom’s waist, he quickly followed a path up and down his sides, over his back, down to his lithe waist. He slipped his hands under Phantom’s shirt, devouring the moan the boy in his lap made at the contact. 
It should be a sin, Dew decided, how Phantom rocked his hips down into his. He moved easily, feeling like liquid sex melting against him. Fuck this boy… is his.  
“… Phantom,” Dew groans, breaking away when the ghoul rolls his hips again.
“Dew,” Phantom hummed in response. He trailed his lips over the scruff of Dew’s chin, teeth coming out to scrape across his jawline. He sank his teeth into the skin of his neck, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to leave a giant bite mark. The motion sends a thrilling shiver down Dewdrop’s spine as the bites got rougher, and more animalistic as he went on. There was no doubt he’d have bruises and teeth indentations scattered across his throat and neck for the next several days. And maybe.. His mating bite…
Dewdrop tries to stop. Phantom deserves better. Phantom deserves everything good, everything perfect in the world… everything that’s not Dew… 
But any logic quickly leaves Dewdrop’s brain. 
“… Phantom,” Dew groans, breaking away when the pretty ghoul rolls his hips again.
“ Dew ,” Phantom hummed in response. He trailed his lips over the scruff of Dew’s chin, teeth coming out to scrape across his hard jawline. He sank his teeth into the skin of his neck, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to leave a giant bite mark. 
The motion sends a thrilling shiver down Dewdrop's spine as the bites get rougher, more animalistic as he goes on. Phantom bites hard, even shaking his head a bit as he does so, breathing heavily into Dew’s neck. There was no doubt he’d have bruises and teeth indentations scattered across his throat and neck for the next several days.
If Dew could, fuck, he’d have Phantom’s teeth marks on him always. He’d be littered in Phantom’s bites, bruises, everything from the quintessence ghoul. He’d be a walking testament to Phantom’s adoration. And he’d have the mating mark, deep and obvious. He wants it all so badly. He wants Phantom. 
Dew’s mouth goes slack as Phantom bites him. Fuck he’s so close… 
It takes nearly all of Dew’s self-restraint to jolt a bit, so Phantom’s bite loosens. 
No, Phantom deserves better than him. Dew didn’t think to knot or mate him before this, spending so many times between Phantom’s legs and never taking care of him the way he should have. 
Dew feels tears well in his eyes as he thinks about how differently he has treated Phantom, compared to how Aether knotted Dew. Aether was big, and strong, kissing Dew and reminding him how adored he was the entire time. He talked clearly- telling him what he was doing, why he was doing it. Dew felt so good. 
Dew is horrified Phantom will never feel that now. He should have done this before; not just knotted him during a time of high emotion and feral headspace and heat. 
But before Dew can dwell on it, Phantom kisses his attention back. Phantom is so desperate on top of Dew, he needs to try to get the upper hand so he can make this good for Phantom, actually help him and make him feel better. The smaller ghoul is almost frantic in his movements and Dew knows he needs to take the edge off, for both of them, if he's honest. 
He's been aching since the bathroom door opened, and Phantom's heat scent engulfed him. It had attacked his nose, making Dew weak at the knees. God, Phantom… so perfect. 
Pulling himself together and gently coaxing Phantom off his lap is tougher than he thought it would be. The younger had latched on to Dew’s clothes, wrapped his tail around his bicep and clenched his thighs tight around his hips, grinding his body against Dew’s, his strength keeping the fire ghoul pinned under him. 
Dew kisses Phantom’s jaw, gasping. “ Bug , you gotta let go, sweet boy. Dew's gonna help, but you gotta let me up,” he is trying to be as clear as possible for the feral boy. 
Phantom answered by whining and letting his claws come out, ripping through Dew’s shirt to get a better grip on his shoulders. Dew hissed at the sharp sting of claws, his back bowed and hips jerked up into Phantom's pelvis. The pain is delicious when coming from Phantom, and he grunts as blood comes out of the claw marks lacing his shoulders. 
The full-body reaction Phantom has to Dew thrusting into him is the perfect chance for Dew to catch him off guard. He can free his legs and flip Phantom under him, finally giving him the upper hand. The startled gasp Phantom lets out is very satisfying, it’s music to his ears, and Dew can't help but smirk. He keeps Phantom pinned with his hips and sits up to remove his shirt. 
When his hand touches a wet spot on his pants, Dew swallows hard. Fuck. Phantom is soaking . Dew feels his hard cock throb at the realization. He loves it when Rain is feral and in heat because he gets wet, soaking wet, like this too. It drove Dew wild . 
He shuffles down the bed, barely hearing Phantom's disappointed cry before it turns to a near scream of absolute pleasure. Dew has Phantom folded in half with his tongue licking as much of Phantom’s flowing slick into his mouth as possible. He isn't being careful, he's frantic in his desperation to taste his most precious Bug. Slick is dripping from his chin and Phantom's involuntary movements are causing it to spread from his chin up the bridge of his nose. 
Fuck, he tastes perfect. 
He's drowning in it, the same way Phantom is drowning in his pleasure. Dew can’t keep his hips still against the bed. His pants are rubbing against his sensitive cock in an almost painful way, but Dew deserves that. It keeps him from forgetting that this is temporary, he doesn't get Phantom like this for real, doesn’t deserve him. 
Just for now. Just while he needs help through his heat…
A hard tug from Phantom’s fingers in his hair pulls him out of his head. “ I got you bug,” he returns his mouth to Phantom's wet hole and drags one hand from Phantom’s thigh, up to his weeping, pulsing cock. A few tugs of his fist and a well-placed movement with his tongue has Phantom drawing up tight, bowing off the bed and nearly bucking lithe Dew off the bed, with the intensity of his orgasm. 
Dew hastily removes his pants while Phantom takes some deep breaths. Phantom’s, now messier, cock has not deflated in the least. It's dark head pulsing against his taut stomach, every little vein and ridge straining with how desperate he is to finally get the knot he wants so badly. 
Phantom seems exhausted at this point, his body finally stilling, but no less needy. “Please Dew. Knot. Me. Now.” It’s slow words, but intense, punctuated and sure. How could anyone say no to that?
The look of absolute petulance on Phantom's face is the last push. Dew lines himself up and enters Phantom in one smooth thrust. A little rougher than he intended but he's losing control- barely had any as is. He's shaking and trying to be gentle with the young, feral ghoul under him. Phantom's face broke into the softest smile feeling Dew bottom out . So pretty.  
His eyes are closed so Dew can stare at his face without feeling guilty, well guiltier. 
“Move, Dew,” Phantom whispers softly. At his beautiful, soft command, it's like Dewdrop’s body isn't his own anymore. Phantom’s words go to every fibre of his being. 
He thrusts fast right from the beginning, hands and arms wrapped around Phantom to keep him as close as possible. His sweaty body melds against Phantom’s perfectly, sticky skin making lewd noises as Dew absolutely loses himself in the quintessence ghoul. 
Only a handful of thrusts later, with a broken choke, Dew feels his knot swell, and it's swelling fast. It's never been like this before, he can't stop himself, he can't even think, he can only fuck. Fuck himself into HIS Phantom; his perfect ghoul. 
One, two, three… Hells , he's coming. His knot is being milked by Phantom's muscles contracting as his body empties yet another load onto his sweat-soaked body. 
“Fuck, Phantom, baby- hell-” Dew’s words are barely legible, his eyes rolling into his head as his knot pops. 
Phantom is sobbing, feeling so full, and he somehow cums again, spilling between their bodies as more slick flows between his thighs and over Dew. 
Swiss glances at Dewdrop and Phantom, fully entangled. 
Fucking finally. Dew FINALLY did something smart. He loves his fire ghoul but he makes stupid decisions with his heart sometimes. 
But now that Phantom is satiated, Swiss can focus on the other ghoul suffering in the heat. Usually, Mountain takes care of Rain for his heat, but there are times, like today based on the look the earth ghoul is giving Swiss, when Mounty is just well, too big. 
“I shouldn’t,” Mountain mumbles as he holds Rain’s face in his lap, stroking his hair with his huge hand.
Rain is sensitive at the best of times, during his heat sometimes he can't take the sheer size of Mounty’s knot and needs one that won’t inflict pain on him. So, Swiss, always willing to offer a knot and lend a hand, takes over. The three of them work together to soothe Rain's needs. Mounty holds Rain close as Swiss moves from Phantom's side of the bed to run his hands over Rain's bare legs and up over his hips. 
The earth ghoul is pressing kisses to his forehead but Rain is trying desperately to lick into his mouth. Swiss can't help but find Rain's debauched behaviour incredibly provocative and if the heat scent in the air wasn't enough, he's almost fully hard in his pants. Swiss is always turned on by Rain, the water ghoul’s pretty body and calm demeanour just lurs Swiss in. 
Swiss pulls his shirt over his head as he watches the other two. Mountain and Rain are lost in each other, their hands and mouths running over any part of the other's body that they can reach. Rain cries against Mountain, gasping and rubbing his face in Mountain’s neck. 
“Good, you’re good, you’re okay,” Mountain whispers into Rain’s ear, kissing him again. “Swiss is going to make you feel so good,”
Swiss is removing his pants when Rain looks at him and beckons him closer, with a shaking nod. Swiss is on him instantly and they share a filthy kiss of their own, making the big guy watch this time. Mountain grunts and his eyes are nearly hazy with lust of his own. Swiss makes room around the other ghouls so he can guide his cock into Rain- he can’t wait anymore. 
Rain arches his back right away, Swiss’ tight grip on his hips the only thing that keeps himself from slipping from Rain's dripping entrance. He’s so fucking wet. It sends everyone into a frenzy; Cirrus and Swiss especially though; something about how wet, and desperate, Rain is especially during his heat is fucking irresistible. 
Mounty’s the one that moans into Rain's shoulder at his beautiful reaction. Mountain is so gone on Rain, it's adorable to watch, Swiss smiles at the two while starting to build up a bit of a rhythm. Rain's body is getting restless again, feeling Swiss’s more average-sized knot grow against his entrance with everything, deep thrust. 
“Do it, Swiss,” the earth ghoul grumbles before biting against the mating bite on Rain’s neck. Mounty knows Rain so well that he's the one to urge Swiss to force his knot into the feverish ghoul at just the right time, triggering Rain's orgasm right away. 
“Fucking hell,” Swiss chokes as Rain squeezes around him. Swiss’s hands go to Rain’s dark locks, fisting them tightly. 
Rain is sobbing as he cums, Mounty holds his treasure through it while Swiss freezes above them, his own orgasm hitting nearly instantly, so he rides out his own waves.
Finally, Rain seems a little calmer, not in so much pain at the release. Mountain guides them down, so they can arrange themselves a bit more comfortably, to wait for Swiss knot to go down. Rain dozes instantly, he’s always sleepy after an orgasm, with his face in Mounty’s neck and his hand holding onto Swiss’s.
Similarly situated, with Phantom seeming blissed out of his mind- his pupils blown in ecstasy, his chest rising and falling slowly. Dew is so lost in the feeling of pleasure, that when the guilt finally creeps back in, it slams down on him like a pile of bricks. 
Fuck, Dew, you fucked up. Bug deserves so much better. 
As soon as Dew’s knot deflates, he scrambles off Phantom, tears in his eyes as he runs to the bathroom- shutting the door. The sudden, jerking movement scares Phantom, making the boy cry almost instantly. 
Dew fucked up. Fuck - he fucked up so badly. Phantom deserves better- so much better- than getting knotted for his first time in some hotel room, next to Swiss and Rain getting it on, with Mountain watching all of them, for hell’s sake. 
Dew slams his head against the door- his eyes shutting as he hears Phantom’s muffled cries, as Mountain offers comforting words to the ghoul. Dew shudders as he slumps against the door. “I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry kid,” he chokes out. 
Smoke is choking his body, heat and fire running through him, as smoke spills out of his ears, and nose, and he coughs out smoke from his lungs as biting tears spill out of his eyes. His heart is hammering in his chest as he grabs the doorknob with a shaking hand to lock it.
Mountain tenses as he sees Dew nearly bolt off Phantom and the giant ghoul’s normally calm demeanor snaps, as he scrambles to grab quintessence ghoul in his big arms. Why the fuck would he do that?! Dew knows better. 
“Hey, no, don’t cry- it’s okay- little bug, you did nothing wrong, you did so well. Please, don’t cry, you did so well,” Mountain murmurs and rubs his cheek- pulling Phantom into his lap, his huge torso wrapped around Phantom. “You’re so good. Dew is having some problems- it isn’t you. Do you hear me?”
Phantom is still coming off his waves of euphoria and emotions and the beautiful, lavender ghoul stares at Mountain. “He… doesn’t want me-”
Mountain cradles his face tightly. “He does. We all do… but him especially. He does want you… he just… he’s having an issue with himself, not you,” the earth ghoul tried to clarify but it fell on deaf ears. Mountain’s heart breaks looking at the quintessence ghoul and he wants nothing more than to make him feel so good and so loved. 
Mountain is furious with Dew but heartbroken for Phantom. He wants to simultaneously pummel Dew but protecting Phantom in his delicate state is the top priority. Dew is beyond careless with Phantom right now, abandoning him like that, after his first knot without so much as a fucking word. 
Mounty's reassurances to Phantom taste like ash in his mouth. They're empty words, he can't explain anything in Dewdrop’s brain, but he can support Phantom and stop him from spiralling. The giant ghoul takes the band's tiny bug in his arms to settle him back on the bed. The boy is still sobbing but no longer with loud or wet noises, just quiet; his little heart is still shattered. 
Mountain isn't great with words, he always was better with actions. He starts petting Phantom’s curly hair to get it out of his face, tucking it around him on the pillow. Phantom really is beautiful and Mounty will never understand how he ended up in their pack, be he's never going to complain either. He loves all of the members dearly. He hasn't been as close to Phantom since he's arrived but he will be definitely changing that, starting right now. How he hasn’t before is a mystery to him, but Mountain is normally so enamoured with Rain around it takes up most of his attention. But this pretty ghoul was in front of him the whole time and he barely touched him. He wanted to, fuck, just never did. Idiot . 
He places gentle kisses on Phantom's forehead, holding him down with his body as a living weighted blanket to ease the boy's distress. Phantom latches on to his long arms and legs, silently begging not to be left alone again. Phantom's body heats up as another wave of pain starts to hit him, the respite from Dew’s knot is gone. 
Mountain feels him clenching in pain underneath him, and he kisses everywhere he can reach to comfort him. Phantom is whimpering softly at the gentle treatment and heat pain. Mounty knows what Phantom needs but also knows that he could end up hurting him the same way he does with Rain sometimes, and he’s terrified of that. 
 “Hey, bug, can I help you now? I know you're heating up again?” Mountain mumbles into his neck. 
 “Please, Mounty. I need help.” Is his whispered reply. Rain and Swiss move a little closer to offer support for the couple, a little awkward considering the situation. Rain especially is shaken out of his trance as he can nearly feel Phantom’s pain. Mounty has renewed determination as he goes from pure comfort to helping Phantom with his heat. 
His touch is less gentle, more frenzied, and soon Phantom stops crying, and is reacting to one of his potential mates making his body sing. Their naked bodies were already pressed together, now moving to seek more friction. Mountain can't stop kissing and licking his sweet-scented skin. Phantom lets out a loud moan when Mounty goes near his mating mark with Rain. He mouths over the still tender bite and it makes a primal feeling overtake him, and he grunts, his huge body reacting by thrusting firmly into Phantom. And that's when Phantom stills. 
Mounty knows what's going to happen next, and he's getting ready to simply finger Phantom until Swiss or Dew are ready. He's too big. He's going to hurt those he loves again… fuck, he should have been more careful. 
He goes to pull away, but he feels Phantom's small hand reach between them, and wrap around his fully hard cock, the knot already obvious even though it's just starting to swell. 
“ Oh, ” Phantom sighs. “It's so big.”
Before the giant ghoul can answer, Phantom turns his watery eyes onto his Mounty, “Please. It's so big. Please put it in me, fill me up,” he’s begging. 
Fucking hell. Who could say no to that?!
Mounty is so turned on his cock twitches in Phantom's hand and a bead of precum runs down, getting caught on his small fingers. Mounty groans into Phantom's shoulders, as Rain lets out a chuckle next to them. The giant quickly returns to his previous kissing and licking, now knowing that Phantom wants this, and wants him. His neck and shoulders are addicting, even littered with marks from the others, hell especially because of the fresh mark from Rain and little bruises from Swiss and Dew. Mounty can't focus on anything else. 
Mountain is completely overcome by the intense need to bite the beautiful ghoul. “Oh, fuck,” he groans, his head pressed into Phantom’s neck, breathing deeply, as his tongue and teeth drag over the ghoul’s skin. The impulse to bite him, mate him, claim him clouds his mind. 
Phantom bares his neck almost immediately- panting and eager- and Mountain mouths at the sweet-smelling spot in the crook of his neck. His hand goes to the base of Phantom’s hair, fisting it, and pulling his head down further. 
Swiss, still knotted in Rain, breaks his gaze from the water ghoul and looks over. “Careful, big guy,” Swiss warns as he kisses Rain’s jaw. 
The water ghoul opens his hazy eyes, focusing on the scene in front of him. Mountain is close to biting Phantom. His green eyes appear almost glazed over, his fangs dragging over Phantom’s speckled neck, and the quintessence ghoul nods eagerly. 
“Wait… wait… bug, are you sure?” Rain says hazily, trying to force some sense of clarity into his voice to make sure his bug is aware of what this means. 
“Yes… don’t you want to do it?” Phantom replies with tears in his eyes and he looks at Mountain. Hell. He is beautiful. 
“Fuck, yes. Wanted to for so long,” Mountain replies desperately, but he snaps his mouth shut and looks at Phantom, carefully, before kissing along his neck. “You sure you want me to, little bug?”
Phantom is gulping, and his head nods fast. “Yes, please ,”
Confirmation enough for him, Mountain proceeds to wrap the ghoul's legs around his waist and pull him close, firm against him. He leans back just far enough to push himself into Phantom's waiting body. His reaction is stunning. Even after fucking two people and being knotted once, Mountain’s knot is so big he might as well have been a virgin. “ Mountain ,” Phantom wails. He's panting. The feeling is extremely intense, almost like it shouldn't fit but it does. 
Mountain can't help but watch as all three of them are enraptured by the stunning ghoul. “Now. I want to bite you when I cum this time,” Phantom has to pant between every few words like he's barely coherent anymore, the pleasure too much. 
Any remaining doubt is thrown out of the earth ghoul's mind as he leans forward to the quintessence ghoul’s bared neck and bites hard, right next to Rain’s, almost overlapping. 
Phantom almost shakes apart from the euphoric feeling as their bond starts to solidify within him. It’s overwhelming and he's pulling Mounty’s head away frantically, but gently. Mountain spares his neck a few licks before Phantom has his teeth on a relatively clear spot on his neck; ironically, they find out later, it's right next to Dew’s. Phantom mouths as the spot and bites. The bite lasts a little longer than Mounty’s because Phantom cums immediately, as the earth ghoul thrusts his full knot gently, and their bond is completed. 
Spiralling words and praises are falling out of someone’s mouth- Mountain isn’t sure who. He is only feeling pure pleasure as he rides out his orgasm, pinning the ghoul into the bed like he is trying to fuck him through it. Mountain couldn’t help but marvel at how small Phantom was compared to him, the bulge appearing in Phantom. Mountain can’t help himself, his huge hand slips down and he palms the spot on the ghoul's stomach, making Phantom sob. Mountain kisses the tears, reminding him that he is so good, so good for him.
When Mountain finally manages to pull himself off Phantom when his knot deflates, Swiss is quick to switch places, and holds Phantom tightly, rubbing his horns, and threading his fingers through the boy’s curly hair. He presses kisses to the Phantom’s sweaty forehead. Sweet boy. 
“Do you want them?” Phantom mumbles into his skin. 
Swiss looks down at him, pressing his lips onto Phantom’s forehead. “What?”
Phantom breathes out before his pretty amethyst eyes go to Swiss. “Kits,”
Swiss debates this question for a second. He’s never really thought about it... Or never let himself think about it, too much. No multi-ghoul has ever carried kits- but he could have them with someone else. He can’t lie and say he’s never thought about it with Rain… But he answers the quintessence ghoul. “Maybe? One day I guess. I don’t know,”
Phantom looks at him and purrs. “I do.”
Swiss smiles and ruffles his hair. “They’d be lucky to have you if you decide to have them. But you’re still young. You have time. We all have time,” Swiss says, and as he thinks about it, he smiles, overcome with the daydream he has more than he likes to admit. “A little kit in the pack? How sweet. We should have had one sooner,” Swiss jokes but almost instantly- the atmosphere in the room plummets. 
Beside them, Rain’s entire body stiffens from under Mountain. His entire energy, magic, and aura shift almost immediately- and both Swiss and Phantom notice. Phantom especially tries to shuffle forward to Rain, reaching for his sweet love. “Rain… Rainy , what’s wrong?”
Rain is so heartbreakingly sad, his huge blue eyes watering. “Please don’t talk about them...” He snuffles out as he cries against Mountain’s chest. “I don’t deserve them,” Rain mumbles, so softly, it’s like he was saying it only to himself.  
Swiss hear him well, also shuffling over, so they’re crowded against Rain. Mountain has woken up, his groggy eyes focusing on the distressed ghoul under him. Swiss looks confused. “What do you mean you don’t deserve them, Rainbow? You deserve everything good. You’d be so good with a kit-“
Rain shakes his head. “No. No . You don’t… fuck! You don’t understand!  I don’t fucking deserve anything. I’ve lost all of them. All of them. I was never able to carry one for any sort of time. Fuck . I’ve lost them and I miss them every fucking time. They deserved more. Life. They deserved a carrier who could actually protect them. But instead, they got… me. Fuck,” Rain chokes out. His eyes shut as if he is reliving the brutal experience of losing a life he wanted desperately to carry, to nurse, to adore. Fuck. He would have adored them- so much. 
The weight of the words slam onto Swiss. 
He was right.  
Rain lost kits- oh hell- he’s lost more than one. And he mourned every crippling loss, alone, never admitting the pain he was going through. 
Phantom is out from under Swiss in record time, his lithe body nearly wrapping around Rain. His hand goes to Rain’s hair, dragging his face closer to his neck, and his tail wraps around Rain’s legs, as he hugs his arm around his waist, tightly. “It’s okay- you’re so good, Rain. It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Phantom whispers reassuringly and presses soft, loving kisses to the water ghoul’s distraught face. 
Rain almost seems to try to shove him off- anger rising in him- but then he also grips at Phantom’s lithe waist. “No- shut up. Shut up. Fuck off. You don’t know. It’s my fault. Fuck… it’s all my fault.”
Phantom, a protective, low growl comes out when he grabs Rain’s face. Despite the fact they’re still in a pile in between Mountain and Swiss, Phantom props himself between them, hugging the water ghoul against his naked body, and keeping the other two ghouls off him, for the time being. 
“No. Stop it,” Phantom tells him firmly. But the tears don't stop. But just by being next to him, Phantom’s calming adoration and love for Rain seems to flood the ghoul. Words don’t matter right now. What matters is Phantom is trying, from his entire core, to remind Rain that he isn’t a bad thing simply for experiencing loss. He’s not. He’s good and pure and doesn’t deserve the pain life has dealt him. 
The bathroom door opens, and Dew comes out, on shaky legs. He was listening to everything. One look between him and Rain, and Dew slides back into the bed nearly instantly. Phantom is too lost in his instinctual need to be with Rain to be angry with Dew for abandoning him. 
Dew and Rain always shared a bond, something so strong and protective. He cradles Rain onto his chest- his heat radiating through his body. “It’s not your fault. You need to know that. Fuck. You didn’t deserve any of this shit you’ve been through,” Dew mumbles. It isn’t exactly a soft words of affirmation, but it’s a reminder for the water ghoul who is often too hard on himself. 
Rain doesn’t respond, not to anyone. The praises and constant reassurance almost make him feel worse. Not worthy of it, fuck. He just buries his head into Phantom’s neck for the time being- ending the conversation for now. He’s too feral, too fragile, for any good to come out of this anymore. 
When Dew’s hand inadvertently slips to grab Phantom’s, Swiss snarls lowly and swats it away. Dew blinks hard and tries to avoid his own tears. 
It’s a haze of cuddles and long limbs being strewn over each other as the pile of five remains on the hotel bed. Dew and Phantom huddle close to each other, despite the boy's still heartbroken look at being abandoned after Dew knotted him. 
When the fire ghoul starts kissing along Phantom’s jawline, making the quintessence ghoul melt against him, a look of confusion flashes over Phantom’s features. Phantom tries to conceal the tears and Swiss finally growls. He grabs Dewdrop, ripping him out of the bed, ignoring the surprised whines and cries from Phantom and Rain, and the questioning look from Mountain. 
Swiss loves Dewdrop. But he loves Phantom, too. And Dewdrop is hurting Phantom whether or not he means to. And as much as Swiss adores the fire ghoul; it isn’t fair to bug for Dew to be treating him this way. 
Swiss grabs Dewdrop, as he slams the bathroom door shut, pushing him against the door and growling. Dew looks surprised, but he’s used to rough treatment from Swiss- when he asks for it. Swiss fucks him rough, and loves him hard. But Dew can see the anger.  “If you can’t give that boy what he needs, be the person for him that he wants- you gotta let him go. Don’t touch him, confuse him, don’t do anything with him again. His state is way too fragile now. You knotted him then fucking ran off him like a bat outta’ hell. The fuck is wrong with you?!” Swiss snarls at Dewdrop. 
Dew stares at him. Not be with Phantom— at all? No. No. He can’t do that. “I can’t,” Dew chokes out. 
Swiss yells at him now. “You have to let him go!”
Dewdrop yells back at him, aggressively. “I can’t! I can’t!” 
“Then fucking do better,” Swiss snarls at him. Swiss loves too deeply to see the quintessence ghoul ever cry like he did because of Dew abandoning him. And Swiss loves Dewdrop, and fuck, the stompy, stubborn fire ghoul deserves happiness. And Phantom is happiness. Why would Dew deny himself of that any longer? 
“He loves you most,” Swiss admits. 
Dew sighs and sags under his hands, as the multighoul holds him against the bathroom door. “Don’t deserve him. He’s too good.” 
Swiss tightens his grip. “You deserve happiness , Dewdrop. You do. I know it doesn’t come easily but for your sake, his, for all of our sake… just… let yourself find happiness because it’s right fucking in front of you.”
It’s Rain who asks Mountain to be with Swiss to the bathroom, so he can have time alone with the fire ghoul and Phantom; both of them needing it. Rain will watch to make sure Phantom isn’t hurt. He's more clear-headed but still protective. 
Dewdrop comes out, looking defeated, and looks at Phantom with wide eyes. “I’m so sorry… kid. I’m so sorry you are… fuck… just everything. And I didn’t feel deserving of you. But I shouldn’t have done what I did.” 
Phantom looks at him, hurt still, but his eyes soften when he finally reaches for Dewdrop and pulls him into the bed. No more words for the time being. Phantom just wants to be with him. 
Rain and Phantom are immediately on either side of the fire ghoul, pressing kisses to his neck, and jaw, anywhere they can get. Phantom entangles his hand into Dew’s long, blond hair, so his head is tilted back so he can reach his pretty mouth. 
“Good- you’re so good, Dew. Fuck, so good,” Phantom praises. It nearly makes Dew sob instantly at the praise. He doesn’t feel deserving of it, none of it, but Rain and Phantom make him feel so good and so loved. 
Rain kissed the scars of his gills, Phantom sees it, but knows it’s not his place to touch. 
Phantom is kissing Dew; kissing away the tears that’s coming out of his eyes on his flared cheeks. Steam rises from the contact of the liquid on his hot skin. Rain works his way down the fire ghoul's body until he finds his cock, kissing it and wrapping his long fingers around it- making Dew gasp and buck into his hands. 
Phantom is mouthing at the spot on Dewdrop’s neck and the fire ghoul almost immediately drops his head, baring his neck. 
They don’t need any guidance from Rain for this. Phantom kisses his neck, before sinking his fangs deep into Dew’s skin, piercing the flesh, and making the fire ghoul cry out, his eyes fluttering shut, as he comes in Rain’s hand almost immediately. 
Phantom laps up the blood- kissing the wound- as Dew fists his curly hair in his hands. “Good- so good, Dew,” he praises. 
Hells, the praising. Dew doesn’t deserve it. 
But even though he doesn’t deserve it, Phantom is so willing and wants to give it. So, why keep denying himself something so good, so pure? 
Phantom— the missing piece that no one knew they needed, and now they can’t live without. 
Phantom guides Dew’s head to his neck and the fire ghoul breathes in heavily, the sweet scent filling his nose, as he turns and slots himself between Phantom's leg, grinding against him. 
Phantom nods eagerly. “Yeah… yeah. Please,” 
Phantom screams when Dew bites his neck, coming again, and crying. Good, so good. 
Rain is watching, protectively over his bug, but also… so happy, to see the love radiating through the room. 
Swiss, Mountain, and Dew are amazed that the two ghouls manage to play the shows they had lined up for the next day. They were all over each other on stage- making the fans go wild- but it was magic how they seemed to support each other and manage to still perform.
Finally, back on the tour bus, Mountain and Swiss somehow manage to cram into the same bunk as Rain. The water ghoul, who is nearly pinned underneath them, his lanky limbs stuffed into an unimaginable angle, whines. 
“Ah, fuck, you two are heavy- get off- Dew, help ,” Rain muffles, as both Mountain and Swiss try to snuggle him. Dew is out at the back, smoking a cigarette, unable to hear the water ghouls' voice.  
“You get him all the time!” Swiss snaps at Mountain, moping. 
Mountain, so full of love and adoration, just smiles and hugs Rain tighter. “I can’t help it. Where is the other one?”
Said other one, Phantom, came out of the bathroom- with big, curious eyes, as he heard Rain’s voice. He shuffles down the corridor, before Swiss nearly scoops him up by the scruff of his neck and the quintessence ghoul lets out a surprised cry. “Hey, wait- what?! No, I can’t fit!” Phantom whines as Swiss drags him into the bunk- which is absolutely, definitely, not made for four ghouls. Swiss stuffs Phantom on top of him, his limbs wrapped around him tightly to keep him from falling and somehow Phantom winds up on top of Rain, sandwiched in between Mountain and Swiss. 
He looks around and whines. “Help,” he says to Rain. 
Rain snorts- before kissing the mark on Phantom’s neck. “You think you need help? I’m getting suffocated down here.” 
Dew comes back to the bunks after his cigarette- his brow raised as he sees a pile of tangled limbs and tails from behind the privacy curtain on the bunks. He raises an ashy blond brow and snorts. “What’s going on in there, shitheads?” 
“They captured us,” Rain groans, and Mountain laughs. 
“They won’t let us go!” Phantom squeaks. 
Dew scowls, before somehow managing to grab Phantom's tail, playfully tugging it, and the ghoul whines before climbing out of the bunk and nearly falling into Dew’s awaiting arms. “Sorry. He’s mine for the night,” Dew tells them. 
Back in their familiar bunk on the tour bus, Dew sits next to Phantom, cradling the freckled ghoul’s face. Phantom is in one of Rain’s blue hoodies, and a pair of Dew’s sweatpants. Dew smiles at the sight, as he peppers kisses over Phantom’s face, making the sweet boy giggle and hug him tighter, so tightly over his torso. He’s strong. 
Dew winces a bit but doesn’t ask him to loosen his grip. It’s fascinating to see Phantom’s magic and power fluctuate and grow, and Dew will spend as much time as he can observing the quintessence ghoul. His emotions are intense and deepened, even more than before- reflecting in his magic. He’ll need to get Aether to have a look at him too. 
“You have a lot of magic, kid,” Dew mumbles into the boy's hair. Phantom is nearly glimmering in the dark. 
Phantom’s brows knit together. “I don’t understand it yet,” he admits. In the dark bunk; the freckles on Phantom’s face nearly glitter and shine like small galaxies painted over his skin. 
Dew presses kisses along his cheeks, following the outline of stars on his lavender hue skin. But his face falls when he thinks about how cowardly he was earlier. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, for what I did… leaving you after that. I don’t talk about shit well. But that… was so stupid of me. You deserve so much better-”
Phantom kisses him to make him stop talking. “Stop it. You were scared. I get it,”
“No, no, kid. No matter what I felt, I should have thought about you first. I promise I’ll do better.” Dew whispers. Clutching his face and kissing him, tears in his eyes. 
Phantom smiles and presses his body as close to psychically possible. “I know, love, it’s okay. I love you. I love you, Dew,” Phantom reminds him, and soon they’re a pile of limbs and bodies as they curl together in the bunk. Phantom kisses over his bite on Dew’s neck, making the fire ghoul shudder. 
“Mine.” Phantom breathes. 
Back in the abbey, in Rain’s little outcove, Phantom had come for a visit. Phantom loves the outcove, in a crumbling part of the abbey, where spring water is collected in a glittering pool. It’s cold and smells like earth. Reflections of the rippling water dance off the crumbling grey stones, and water plants grow all around. Outside the window, the lake is visible. 
In contrast to the cool atmosphere, in Rain’s bed, it’s warm and cozy. Rain has a thick fleece blanket he nipped off Mountain. It’s brown, warm and ragged from use. Phantom cuddles against Rain, draped in the blanket, and his head pressed against the slight swell of the water ghoul’s stomach. His lavender hand is holding onto Rain’s chest, the other on his hip, and he presses soft kisses along Rain’s ribs and stomach. 
“You’re like a cat,” Rain murmurs as he dozes against the quintessence ghoul’s touch. 
Phantom purrs, proving the point. He reaches up, holding Rain’s cold hand in his. “You don’t cry as much these days,” Phantom observes out loud. 
Rain smiles. “Yeah. Don’t feel like I need to, I guess. I have a lot more to smile about,” Rain brushed over the mark, making Phantom shiver. “Glad I found you… little bug. You’re probably the most precious thing I ever could have wanted. Didn’t even know I was missing something in my life till you showed up,” 
The quintessence ghoul doesn’t answer- he seems to be listening to something intently. His head is on Rain's soft stomach still, the pads of his fingers tracing the water ghoul's damp skin.  His eyes pop open wide and he grins. “Little water lily,” 
Rain stills but doesn’t answer. Nor does he ask for Phantom to elaborate, yet. His fingers go to the mark on Phantom’s thigh and he runs the pad of his thumb over it, making the ghoul shiver again. “Maybe. Maybe one day.” 
Phantom seems to understand. But it’s like can see it in his mind; a beautiful, little pale thing running around. Giggling, happy, created out of love. One day. Sooner than they would all think. 
Phantom snuggles closer to Rain, feeling sleepy and safe in the water ghoul's embrace. And feeling loved. Endlessly loved, with the marks on his neck to prove it. 
Rain, who always felt so undeserving of adoration, feels settled and safe in Phantom’s comfortable embrace. For so long, the water ghoul felt terrified of life. It was daunting and scary, and he didn’t understand why he was made. Dewdrop went through so much pain because of him. Rain was heartbroken often, and sad, and his bandmates always tried to remind him they loved him, but he felt so undeserving of it. He lost… so much. 
Rain deserved nothing. Sometimes, he felt that it would be so much easier if he just… wasn’t there. 
But he found love in his pack mates. But especially in Swiss’s constant kisses, Dew’s fiery love for him, hugging him around the waist and kissing his hair. And Mountain’s firm, steadfast love. He holds him during the nights, his gentle voice reminding him how loved he is. 
And now, Phantom… being the missing part of his heart, he never knew he needed. He lessens his pain, and makes him feel safe and whole. 
Rain starts crying, but not because he’s in pain. It’s quite the fucking opposite. Rain hugs Phantom tightly. That kid is pure magic. 
And everyone is lucky to have him. And he’s lucky to have them. 
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Hi ya, my ask would be for Loki....
For some reason his magic is glitching. He needs to understand why before anyone finds out.
Oddly, when he's around [insert character name] the effect is better/worse*
*delete as appropriate
Hello dear nonny!
Sorry it has taken me a thousand years to write this. It's kind of a long one but I hope it warms your heart. It's kind of silly and fluffy but unexpectedly emotionally real. I hope you enjoy.
CW: Fluff, all fluff. Loki x gn reader, surprisingly wholesome, just bit of cussing.
The Glitch
“DAMN!” Loki screamed for the tenth time that morning, smacking his fist against the kitchen counter. In the privacy of his quarters at Avengers Tower, the god of mischief was having a horrible morning.
He woke up as usual and tried to spark up the green glow of his magic to help him get ready more quickly for the day. Although long hot showers were pleasant to him, so was sleeping in after reading late into the night. Being able to magic oneself clean and ready for the day in seconds was a major convenience...one he had always taken for granted.
Although his fist was no longer magically charged, the strength of his hand still left divots in the counter top, frustrating him further. Finally the god of mischief screamed so loudly and smacked the wall so hard in rage that it was a miracle the whole building didn't hear it.
He was very lucky, in that case, that there was only one person walking quietly through the hall to the morning meeting (something Steve cutely called the “Superhero Roundtable”). You rolled your eyes thinking of the name, but Steve was too much of a sweetheart to burst his bubble about it. As your steps clicked over the polished floors you were feeling a bit proud of yourself that you would actually be early for once.
You jumped at the sudden avalanche of sound. His biting baritone tirade crashed into the hall from behind Loki's door. Your superhuman reflexes were the only thing keeping your files and your coffee from hitting the floor. Sighing in exasperation, you considered whether or not to get involved with whatever the hell this was. Ever since you joined the team a few days ago, your dramatic Asgardian coworker was none too thrilled to have another non-human demigod on the roster. Sharing the spotlight was never his forte and he made it everyone's problem, especially yours.
But...you were kind, sometimes to a fault. The idea of simply waking by and ignoring him, of enjoying some schadenfreude as this arrogant ass was finally being inconvenienced by something, was incredibly tempting. But pity welled up in your heart, knowing what it's like to be a stranger in a strange land, to feel alone and angry, so you knocked on the door despite being afraid of whatever hurricane was behind it.
Loud steps trudged closer, then the door swung open as Loki barked, “WHAT do you WANT?!”
You took a step back, eyes wide and coffee still death-gripped in one hand.
“I...uh...I heard you screaming, and breaking things. You know, you'll never get your deposit back if you keep it up,” you attempted to joke, painting an uncertain smile across your face, brows peaked in concern.
His aquamarine eyes stared down, boring into yours as he clenched his jaw, then said dryly, “How very perceptive of you.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed. “God, you're such a bellend.”
He flinched at the insult. He didn't know what “bellend” meant, but he could infer from your tone that it was not a compliment. As he tried to swing the door shut again, you slapped it back open, “But! I really am concerned about you, so can you please let me know what's wrong?”
“Nothing!” he growled out, chest heaving.
Your eyes scanned him up and down, taking in his disheveled hair, wrinkled pajamas, and the slew of objects strewn across his living room. “I'm not an idiot, Loki. I can see the obvious. Will you please just talk to me?”
He flinched again, this time struck by the genuine care in your voice and in your eyes. It rendered him uncharacteristically unsure of what to say or do. As he paused and you stepped closer, he could feel the surge of his magical energy building back up within him. Loki's face suddenly cracked into an unnerving gleeful grin. He hastily cast a green glow over his body, rendering himself dressed, scrubbed, and ready for the day. Although he knew he might be stretching his luck, he waved a hand behind him to reset the apartment back to its immaculate order. To his delight, it worked. “I'm ready, your highness. Let's go, shall we,” he said lightly, as if he wasn't in a tyrannical rage moments earlier.
You stared, eyes and mouth wide open in confusion, then shook your head and shrugged. “Whatever, Vlad the Complainer. Let's just go,” you said, striding quickly down the hall towards the conference room.
The demigod strutted after you, in much less of a hurry, until he felt the magic within him wither and shrink as the distance between you increased. He gingerly tested a theory, picking up his pace so he gained on you. As he suspected, each step closer caused his magic to re-energize within him.
Damn he thought with a huff, as the two of you entered the conference room, just in time. You settled in the only two seats left at the table, next to each other.
Great. You thought, realizing that at least for the next few hours, you would be stuck next to the intergalactic diva. That's what I get for being nice.
The meeting went on far too long, but while Steve droned on, you turned the issue of Loki around in your mind. He sat next to you, not bothering to hide his boredom; arms crossed, chin tilted haughtily and legs spread wide. By the end of the first hour, you finally couldn't stand his long limbs sprawled out into your own space, so you swiftly kicked his shin under the table. He glared, but the message was received, loud and clear, as he wheeled his chair slightly away from you and crossed his legs.
As you touched, it happened yet again, the flaring of your own magic levels and a definite feeling of transfer to him. You could sense it ever since he answered his door this morning; the fluctuating magic. It didn't take you long to put two and two together. His magic was faltering, and for no reason you could discern, your proximity was jump-starting it again. You made a mental note to immediately drag Loki with you to Bruce to get this all sorted out.
You're welcome, Loki. You thought to yourself, considering that you could have just brought it up here in the larger group to get everyone working on the problem, but you instead decided to preserve his fragile pride. Finally, Steve dismissed everyone and you waited until the room was completely empty with a hand on Loki's arm, urging him to stay seated as well.
When you were alone, Loki took the opportunity to speak first. “Well, well, wellll,” he teased, “eager to prolong my charming presence, darling, and just the two of us, no less.” He winked and smiled. And although it was corny it was also devastatingly sexy coming from his stupid handsome face.
“Can you, for once, cut the crap? Just tell me what the fuck is going on with your powers.”
Those gorgeous icy eyes went even wider than usual, as he forced out a breathy chuckle while saying, “Why, what ever do you mean?”
Your expression remained knowing and unamused as you explained. “I know, Loki, I can feel the movement of my magic in my body, just like you can, and I can tell when someone's siphoning off of it like a gas tank. We have to go to Bruce, see if he can sort it...”
“NO.” he growled, deep and articulate, close to your face, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
“Can you put your enormous ego on a shelf for a few moments and just go with me? This won't just fix itself, you know.”
He sighed. “Very well.”
“You're welcome,” you quipped as you already left your chair and made your way to the lift. Loki was dragging his feet until he felt the magic seep away as you left. Reminded of his predicament, he jumped up and followed closely.
Several hours later you were sitting in a strange plastic shell of an observation room with Loki, a transparent, zipped divider between you. You sat in opposite corners trying to get comfortable while Bruce ran his tests, sometimes unzipping the middle panel, and sometimes closing it again to isolate each of you. Dr. Banner's warm voice rang in through the intercom as he looked through the observation window, “You okay in there, kid? Got everything you need for awhile?”
You laughed. “I'm 100 years old, Bruce, and I'm totally fine,” you said gesturing to your comfortable pajamas, piles of books, laptop, pillows and blankets. “It's...uh...it's like a slumber party. I'm doing great.”
“Except for the company,” Loki quipped under his breath, as he sat against the wall reading, not raising his eyes for a moment. Unlike you, Loki refused any creature comforts besides a book to keep him occupied over what would probably be long hours of testing.
When you arrived at the lab earlier that day, Bruce welcomed you warmly with a kind hug and chit chat. He definitely did not do the same for Loki. Instead he frowned warily and gave him a wide berth. After a few initial tests you asked, “What's the verdict?”
“Well, it looks like you two have powers that behave on similar principles but for some reason, they're interfering with each other like when radio signals cross...or maybe more like magnetic fields...still figuring that out...anyway. We never knew about this problem before because we never had two...uh...similar beings living in the same building. To bring it all back to normal, I need to find a way to separate the signals and keep it that way...some device to wear or even a nano device planted under the skin.
“I beg your pardon?” Loki said, brows furrowed and expression indignant. “You want to cut open my skin and implant something?”
Bruce smiled wryly. “You're making it sound medieval. I'm not chopping anyone open. It would be a tiny laparoscopic incision. It would take seconds and then you'd be back to normal.”
“That's great news!” you chirped.
Dr. Banner, held up his hand. “but I have to keep you both here for an extended period of time to collect enough data...eight hours or more. It might be best if you come in the evening and just sleep overnight. That way I can take readings and it won't interfere with whatever else you have to do today. It might not be the most comfortable sleeping ara...”
You put a hand on Bruce's arm. “It's fine, Bruce. I just appreciate your help.”
Loki was still glaring, arms crossed, but nodded his reluctant agreement to the arrangement.
So now, here you were, locked in a bubble with Loki until morning. You almost wished the divider in the middle were opaque, so it could block his moody glares and sidelong glances. Although you bristled at his comment, you made the best of things, arranging your blankets and pillows and reading a book just as you would if you were in your own bed, in your own quarters.
Before long you heard huffs of annoyance and shuffling coming from the other side. You ignored him until you found yourself reading the same page three times because of the interruption. Finally, you gave in.
You looked over to your cellmate and asked blandly, “Can I help you?”
He grunted. “I can't get comfortable.”
“Yeah. You didn't bring a sleeping bag or blanket or pillow or anything.”
He stepped closer to the divider, as did you. “Well, I thought I could conjure what I needed. I didn't think the good doctor would ask us not to actively use our powers.”
You tutted. “A remarkable lack of foresight from the god of cunning.”
He put his hands on his hips and be began to rush his words out, “And I should have...what? Made my side look like a damn nursery as yours does? With those bizarre creatures, and that atrocious nightwear. I am a god, not a toddler.”
You braced yourself, responding as he paced. “Well, for one fucking thing those creatures are called Squishmallows and they are incredibly comfortable as pillows...and they're cute. They make me smile, Loki.”
The god of mischief raised an eyebrow, looking skeptically and derisively at a large plushy winking mango you had been using as a pillow. He asked, “And what is this apparel you have donned for your captivity.”
You blushed, looking at the zip-up hooded onesie you were wearing, and mumbled, “Shut up. It's warm and very soft on the inside.”
“In the semblance of what? A bear?”
“A capybara.”
“A what?”
“A capybara. They're cute and peaceful...look a bit like overgrown guinea pigs?”
His face screwed up into a a cringe. “I wouldn't know. I haven't been spending my long godly lifespan on a silly little eternal holiday, playing with midgardians and forsaking my dignity,” he pronounced loudly, in his most aristocratic tone.
You were now facing each other only inches apart, breaths fogging the plastic divider, arms crossed pugnaciously. You paused, gathering what little patience and compassion you had left to muster, then asked. “And which of us seems happier, Loki? Hmm?”
You didn't wait for a reply, knowing it would just raise your dander even more. Loki, however, found he didn't have any rebuttal. He watched, puzzled, as you crossed the room and spoke something Loki couldn't hear into the intercom. He watched curiously, as a lab technician took several pillows and blankets from you and brought them to Loki in the other compartment.
He held them, staring blankly at the pile in his arms. You held back a chuckle at the incongruity of the scene; the proud ancient god in his regal clothes holding a pile of soft, pastel-colored material.
To your surprise, he spread them out very carefully, returned to the divider and said quietly, “Thank you.”
As he was turning to resume his pacing at the far end, you finally asked, “Loki. Why do you hate me so much? What do you have against me? I've been nothing but kind to you...even kinder because I know what it is to be like us...to be the only ones like us, alone and misunderstood in a foreign world.”
You tried to keep the hurt from your voice, but it seeped in, and the perceptive Asgardian saw it easily. Loki's stony face softened unexpectedly, eyebrows peaked in concern and a little shame at his behavior.
“Look...I...I don't hate you. I just....I took me years...years to gain the midgardians' trust after...everything. And then it took so much time and so much effort for these Avengers in particular to accept me, respect me, acknowledge me as someone other than Thor's little bastard brother and a nuisance to the planet. But eventually, finally, I had my identity as unique and glorious and a vital member of the team and finally...finally even, perhaps, gaining friends here.”
His voice dropped to an angrier growl, “But then there was you, and in mere days...days...all of that had unraveled because of you; because of your understanding of their ways, and your intelligence and your skills and....and your kindness...your incredible, unwavering kindness.”
He sat down heavily, slouching with a bowed head, as a barely perceptible tear rolled down his cheek.
There were a few moments of silence as you came closer to the divider sitting down to match him on the other side of the plastic wall. “Loki,” you said so softly, putting your hand up on the divider.
He raised his head and met your eyes, this time not bothering to hide his tears as he barked, “Spare me your pity!”
“I don't pity you,” you said, and he could see you were telling the truth. “But I do feel for you because I have been where you are. I'm sure none of it has been easy for you, but Loki, I've wanted to be your friend since I arrived here. I'd heard all about you...all those good things you said they finally thought and felt about you were the things I heard. I was honestly, a little star-struck over you.”
He chuckled at that. “Really? Star-struck?”
“Yeah. You seemed so fascinating, and bright, and...well...and handsome obviously.”
He smiled broadly at that.
“Yeah. Yeah. Don't let it go to your head. I know everyone says that about you.”
He looked puzzled. “Actually, no one has said that to me.”
“Well. I assure you, they all think it.”
He smiled, looking you up and down in your ridiculous plush onesie and said, “And you're very...I don't remember their word for it...yndig in your...your....”
You smiled and chuckled, “In English the word is 'adorable' and I think this thing is called a onesie...which..actually is also what they call the ones babies wear so I guess you're a bit right.”
Now he was laughing too and neither of you could stop.
In the morning Dr. Banner smiled triumphantly as he strode into the isolation room. He held up two little syringes and said, “I've got it, you two! I hope you haven't torn each other's throats out after we unzipped the barrier.”
He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the two of you curled up together in a pile of blankets and pillows. The laptop was still streaming movies you had long since fallen asleep during. Loki's hand was around your shoulders and your sleepy head was resting in the crook of his neck. Sometime during the night, you had even convinced Loki to don your extra onesie (a black cat). Then, dressed up like animals, you had snuggled together and drifted off that way.
Bruce smiled, chuckled and walked right back out, deciding to let you both sleep a little longer.
He shrugged and quipped, “Guess it was a good slumber party.”
@goblingirlsarah @lokihiddleston @lokisgoodgirl @unlucky-number-13 @thedistractedagglomeration @gigglingtiggerv2 @muddyorbs @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @joyful-enchantress @marcotheflychair @mischief2sarawr @icytrickster17 @loz-3 @loopsisloops @peachyjinx @peaches1958 @lokischambermaid @ladyofthestayingpower @sweetsigyn @november-rayne @little-wormwood @littlespaceyelf @mochie85 @sarahscribbles @alexakeyloveloki @holdmytesseract
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[continued from here] [first post for October 18th]
Akhiko can’t remember a single time when the silence between them felt so awkward. 
Tense, sure– especially recently. But never like this.
Akihiko wonders if Shinji can tell just how frustrated he’s getting. Probably; they’ve always been able to read each other pretty well, Shinji especially– with the uncanny talent of getting even better at it whenever Akihiko particularly doesn’t want to be read.
Dammit, this is not how he’d wanted this to go. This isn’t how he wants to feel while talking to Shinji after facing the uncertainty of whether he’d ever get the chance to again. Why the hell is it happening this way? Why can’t things just make sense? 
With all the knowledge Akihiko has now, things feel too different. The fact that Shinji had kept quiet about all of it just makes it even worse, and he doesn’t even have the decency to be apologetic about it. It’s like he doesn’t even care that he could still drop dead at any given moment, despite all they’ve been through. Like it doesn’t matter to him at all what that would do to the rest of the team, to Mitsuru, to Akihiko–
It’s ridiculous. It’s infuriating.
Akihiko takes a deep breath in and out through his nose in a way he hopes is subtle enough to go unnoticed. He needs to change the topic again.
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Akihiko groans. Of course. Of course that’s the first thing Shinji remembers. Why on earth should he have expected his luck to be any less terrible than that? As if he didn’t feel shitty enough.
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He doesn’t sound sorry in the least. Fresh, caustic heat flares in Akihiko’s chest. The last thread of his self-control is getting more and more taut and frayed, and one stray spark really will make it snap. He can’t hide how high his temper is rising anymore, even if he could still be bothered to.
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One stray spark. Akihiko surges up to stand, fists clenched at his sides and shaking with fury.
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Shinji blinks at him, slack-jawed and stunned, and Akihiko is torn between an ugly sort of satisfaction and feeling even more infuriated, because how the hell could any of this come as a shock to him? Isn’t this exactly what Shinji’s been goading him on to since the moment Akihiko walked through the door this morning?
Since long, long before then– Shinji’s been pushing and prodding and herding him towards this cliff since the moment he walked out of the dorm with no intention of ever coming back, and now he has the audacity to act surprised that Akihiko’s gone over the edge?
“What do you think would’ve happened if Amada had actually killed you, huh? Did you really think he’d be just fine after that? Did you think that would’ve solved anything? That it would be anything other than taking the easy way out?
“I never would have thought you could be that much of a coward,” Akihiko sneers, venomous. Poison for poison, repaying what Shinji had spat out like a cobra a month ago. Shinji winces and looks away, but he remains silent.
Good, because Akihiko isn’t nearly finished. “And did you even stop to think for one second about the people who give a shit about you? About what it would do to us if you just went off and died without saying a word?!”
“Aki–” Something odd has crept into Shinji’s expression, but Akihiko steamrolls over it, too caught up in his own vehement momentum to spare a thought for curious inconsistencies. Blood roars in his ears and his throat singes and stings.
“What would I have told Miki if you went out like that? Were you fine with breaking your promise to her too? Is that it?!”
“Because you’ve gotten so good at that, haven’t you? Going back on your word, leaving people behind–”
Shinji barely raises his voice, but it still cuts right through Akihiko’s even though he’s practically shouting at this point. It’s only now that it dawns on Akihiko how loud he was being. Just like that, all of his anger snuffs out, so suddenly that it leaves him dizzy and cold.
Dizzy, and cold, and ill– every malignant word of his tirade echoes punishingly around his skull. The blood drains from his face.
“I– Shinji, I’m–” His voice has gone thin and shivery. “I’m sorry. I didn’t–”
“Don’t be sorry,” Shinji replies quietly, not looking at him. “The only reason I stopped you was ‘cause I don’t want them to kick you out.”
Akihiko can hardly wrap his head around what Shinji’s saying. He has every right to want to get rid of Akihiko by any means necessary after all of that. He should want to, why wouldn’t he want to–
God, and for him to bring Miki into it? Akihiko’s never felt so ashamed in his life. Using her memory as a weapon– what kind of person does that?
Akihiko wants to tear into his hair in frustration– at Shinji, at himself, at everything. He wants to climb right out of his skin. “I shouldn’t have said any of–”
“Yeah, you should have.” Shinji locks his gaze pointedly to Akihiko’s. “You needed to say it, and–” His eyes slide away again. “...and I think I needed to hear it.”
Akihiko collapses back into the chair, slumping forward over his knees. “Why aren’t you angry?” The question is pleading, almost desperate.” I– I was awful to you just now.” 
“You weren’t wrong, though. Not like I didn’t earn pretty much all of it.” Shinji laughs– laughs– and Akihiko feels like he’s going to be sick. “‘Sides, it…sounded like that’s been building up for a while.”
What is he supposed to say? What can he say?
Nothing. That’d be best.
He’s already said enough.
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