#damian priest and you
magnoliacharmed · 6 months
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raw, april 8 2024
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milesworld96 · 2 months
The only real ones in Judgement Day were the ones Edge picked out from the beginning ☹️☹️☹️
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kinkdaddykinard · 1 month
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
i know it might be early but can you write about reader being in the judgment day and seeing her family breaking up at summerslam and so even if rhea and damian just lost they comfort her because they know how important was the jd to her? like they were her family.
oh i’ve been waiting for this request honestly
damian priest x reader (platonic) + rhea ripley x reader (platonic)
tw : mention of abandonment, family issues, feeling of loneliness, brief panic attacks
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don’t break my heart
if someone told you a year ago that you would have joined the most successful faction in the wwe at the moment you probably would have laughed at them in their face.
and yet, a year ago rhea and the rest of the judgment day saw your potential when you were just in nxt. they saw as the fierce and feisty teenage girl that no one could handle and they knew that they wanted someone like you in their team.
you were only twenty but it felt like you were in the business for forty years. you knew that wrestling was your passion and you wanted to trasform that passion into your everyday work.
your family didn’t agree. they didn’t see what you saw in wrestling and so they couldn’t see the talent you actually had. they said you had to focus on a real career path, that once you finished high school you had to apply for more colleges you could. they wanted a future for you that you didn’t want.
and when you tried to explain to them that all you wanted to do in life was wrestling, they kicked you out. they didn’t want you in the family anymore and you never felt so broken in your life. you were lucky your best friend let you into her house so you helped her with what you could. you found a part-time job so you could help her pay the bills or the food while you were still training to become a wrestler.
it was hard but somehow you managed to get signed into the famous wwe.
but once you joined, you realised that it wasn’t perfect as you thought it would be. you struggled with getting booked and the first time you actually got booked they set you to lose even if you knew you would have won those matches easily. but the pay was good and fans started to recognise you more.
in reality you felt lonely and alone. you barely made any friends as they labelled you as the new one and you didn’t feel welcomed at all. your family still didn’t talk to you and due to you constantly being on the road, you lost contact with your best friend.
one special day the judgment day surprised everyone in nxt, claiming that they were looking for you so when they saw you fighting on the ring, they decided to make a special appearance and shocking everyone.
“we want you y/n” you remembered rhea saying and the crowd screaming of joy “we want you in the team” and so you joined them.
you thought it was all for publicity but truth was that they really saw potential in you. you were young and you already had a big potential of becoming a real threat for the women division.
so they helped you train. rhea and damian showed you some moves and techniques you’ve never saw before, finn was like the mind, teaching you how to trick your opponent with simple mind tricks and dominik was your comfort person, he helped you gaining more confidence, especially during your first matches.
later on you opened up about your past with them. how you basically had no family as they kicked you out, how you had no friends because the girls at nxt didn’t like you and how lonely you felt but they made sure to change all of that. they always included you in their car trips, sundays together and movie nights.
you finally felt like you belonged somewhere.
so you couldn’t believe of what you were witnessing while watching rhea losing against liv at summerslam. tears in your eyes as you watched dominik turning on rhea and betray her like that.
you were backstage watching the whole match with finn and jd and you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking.
“no no no no…dom please…don’t do that…” you whispered as your eyes were glued to the tv.
you couldn’t deny there had been tension this past weeks but you were the judgment day, you always solved all the issues you had so why was it happening now?
“y/n…” finn slowly approached you. his heart was breaking for you, mostly because he knew what was going to happen and mostly because he knew you didn’t deserve to be put into this mess.
“finn…we have to do something we…” he hugged you because he couldn’t lie to you. he couldn’t find words to comfort you because what he was going to later was gonna make you hate him.
you cried into his arms until damian broke into the room and started screaming. he was visibly upset and he couldn’t understand why dom turned on rhea.
“did you know that?” he started screaming at finn but before he could answer you jumped in.
“of course he didn’t…”
“no i didn’t know man” finn lied. he didn’t care about lying to damian, but you, after he said that he simply left the room without saying anything to you.
you stayed there, confused while your brain was trying to elaborate everything that happened in the past 30 minutes.
you knew rhea wanted to be left alone so you guys waited for her to calm down. she joined you a few minutes before damian’s match started “hey” you smiled at her.
“hey…” she put her arm around your shoulder and let you rest your head over it.
“you good?”
“i’ll be okay…not the match i imagined but it will be okay” she softly smiled at you. you knew she was hurting and that she was clearly pissed, but she didn’t want you to worry for her so she pretend that everything was fine.
as damian’s match began, you both had hopes for him to retain his title but everything went downhill when you saw finn turning on damian.
“rhea…what-what is he doing over there?” rhea was as shocked as you were because finn wasn’t supposed to be there.
“i…i don’t know”
“rhea we have to do something! damian’s gonna lose and…” but before you could continue, she grabbed your arm when she saw that you were about to leave the room and she stopped you.
“there’s nothing we could do y/n…” she was hurting as much as you were.
“no no, please rhea…i can’t, this group can’t break up please…” it was like losing a family all over again “we have to go there and help damian, talk some sense into finn’s head and…and”
“hey y/n…calm down, come here” she hugged you as she sensed that you were panicking “there’s nothing we can do right now…they made up their minds”
“but finn…finn, he told me everything was going to be alright, he told he didn’t know anything about dom and now, now he’s just going to betray us like that…rhea we have to stop him…” you were visibly crying right now.
but before you could continue or before, she could answer you, finn did unthinkable and betrayed dam on live tv. he made damian lose his title and while coming backstage, he had this twisted smile on his face that made you sick enough.
“where are you going y/n?” rhea asked you when she saw you about to leave the room.
you stayed there for a minute, thinking if you should go to talk to finn or go to comfort damian “i don’t know…i wanna talk to finn, i need him to tell me to my face that he doesn’t care about us, that he doesn’t care about this group and…”
“love, please stop” rhea’s heart was breaking for you because she knew how much you loved the group as it was your own family “there’s nothing we can do now…finn and dom turned on us but me and damian aren’t leaving you, i promise you”
“rhea’s right…” you both turned your heads to face damian. he had a broken look on his face and it was clear that he was hurting “we ain’t going anywhere y/n…”
“damian…” you went for a hug and he softly smiled when he felt your arms hugging him as strong as you could “i had no idea finn was going to betray you like that…he told me everything was okay and then…”
“it’s not your fault y/n…you couldn’t have known that…”
“are you okay damian?” you asked, feeling guilty that they were the ones who just got betrayed and you were the one crying about it.
“i’ll be okay…you know finn was like family to me and see him betraying me like that. it will hurt for a while but we are a family and we stay together through all of this” he smiled at you.
“i just…i wish i could talk to them and”
“y/n, love…nothing you say would make them change their minds…” rhea softly spoke to you.
“i know but they can’t break this family apart…” you wanted to say group but you never felt like you were part of a group, you felt like you were part of a family and suddenly you felt 18 again, when your parents kicked you out and turned their backs on you.
damian and rhea knew how much that affected you, how scared you were of abandonment and they promised that you would have never felt like that again. but they couldn’t keep their promise as long as they wanted because finn and dom were breaking the group apart and they couldn’t do anything about it to stop them. they knew how much you struggled to make friends and apart from them and a few other wrestlers, you didn’t have many friends.
you struggled again in the women’s faction because they all were too focus on themselves to make space for someone else, apart from shayna or bayley, the rest of them never acknowledged you.
damian introduced you to jey uso and some other people like drew or la knight and even if they were all kind to you, you couldn’t really rely on them as friends because they weren’t.
so all you had left was the judgment day, until now.
“hey hermosa…we are not leaving you okay?” damian reassured you.
“everyone leaves at some point…”
“hey none of that nonsense okay?” rhea almost scolded you “you probably weren’t expecting this, i saw it coming eventually but trust me when i say that me and damian won’t leave you alone…you still are part of this group and we ain’t leaving you behind” rhea gently rubbed your back while you were wiping some of your tears away.
“rhea’s right…we are here and we are here to stay…” damian smiled at you.
“thank you…”
“don’t thank us love, it’s the truth”
maybe, in the end you still had a family that cared about you but for now, you couldn’t wait to kick finn and dom’s asses on monday night raw.
part two
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sydsaint · 7 months
Gotta show my Latino Papi some love <3
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Summary: The reader is Damian's plus one at Dominick's wedding.
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You and Rhea are taking the afternoon to buy dresses and get your hair and nails done for Dominick's wedding later in the day.
"What about this one?" Rhea pulls a ruby red dress off of the rack and presents it to you.
You look up from the rack you're looking at and examine the dress. "Not really my style." You shrug. "But I bet it'd look killer on you, Rhea. You should try it on." You suggest.
Rhea nods in agreement and hangs the dress over her shoulder while she browses for a few more options to try on. You go back to browsing the rack you're in front of and come across a pretty black dress.
"How about this one, Rhea?" You pick the dress up and present it to Rhea. "I like the neckline."
Rhea turns around and almost instantly nods her head. "YN, yes." She beams. "That will look so good on you."
You giggle and hang the dress over your shoulder so you can browse some more.
You and Rhea both collect four or five dresses to try on and head for the dressing rooms. The two of you have been friends for years so you opt for one of the bigger rooms and share.
"Zip me up, yeah?" Rhea asks you after she's pulled on a black dress.
"Sure, turn around." You nod.
Rhea turns her back to you and you pull the zipper up her back. She turns back around and you compliment her. "How is it you manage to look good in literally everything?" You jokingly complain.
"It's a gift, really." Rhea giggles. "Here, try this one on." She picks up the black dress you picked out and hands it to you.
You begin pulling on your dress and Rhea slips out of hers to try another one on. You get settled into your black dress and admire yourself in the mirror. "I really like this one." You admire your reflection. "What do you think, Rhea?" You turn back to her.
Rhea turns around while she's shimmying into the red dress she picked out and her eyes widen. "Damn, YN." She compliments you. "You might look too good in that dress." She teases you. "How badly are you trying to impress Damian tonight?"
You giggle with Rhea and grab your phone from your bag sitting on the bench. "Do you mind if I snap a quick pic?" You ask Rhea. "I wanna see what Damian thinks of this one."
"Sure." Rhea nods since she's got her dress on by now and is admiring herself in the mirror. "Let's take a few together after you're done." She adds.
"Yes!" You agree and snap a quick mirror picture of yourself.
You send the picture to Damian then take a few with Rhea for fun. You decide on the black dress, and Rhea choses the red. The two of you get your hair and nails done then head back to the hotel to wait for your dates to come pick you up.
"Yeah, we're good, Damian." You call out to him and reach for your clutch sitting on the table.
Damian comes into the door and you watch his gaze flit over Rhea and come to a halt when it reaches you.
"Well?" You ask Damian with a giggle and do a little sin for him. "How do I look?" You ask him.
Damian chuckles and the sound sends a shiver down your spine. You could easily become addicted to the way he looks at you.
"You look absolutely stunning, princessa." Damian shakes his head and walks over to you and wastes no time in pulling you into his side by the hips.
"Told you that he wouldn't be able to keep hiss hands to himself." Rhea laughs.
"You won't ever hear me complain." You grin and lay your hands on Damian's chest. You smooth out his tie for him before tugging him down by the neck for a kiss. "You look handsome too, baby."
You and Damian share a quick heated kiss while Rhea collects her bag. She walks over to the two of you and loops her arm with yours. "Let's get going, yeah. Wouldn't want to let Dom down on his big night by being late."
Damian nods and strides over to the door. He swings the door open and steps off to the side. "Right this way, ladies." He grin at you both. "I'll go on ahead and pull the car around for us."
"Thanks, babe." You touch Damian's arm gently as you and Rhea pass him.
Everyone arrives at the wedding venue about half and hour later and heads inside. You and Rhea find your seats at a table near the bride and grooms place. Fancy cream name-cards mark your spots for you.
The ceremony is beautiful and you shed a tear or two for your friend and his girlfriend, now wife.
The real fun begins after the ceremony. Everyone files into a immaculately decorated space with plenty of room for dancing and a wide array of foods off to the side of the room.
"You hungry at all, hun?" Damian asks you after you've found your table with Rhea and a few other friends from work.
"I'm aright for now, Damian. Thanks." You shake your head. "Dom and his girl look so happy." You gush. "Gosh, I can't wait until I finally get to plan my wedding."
Your comment earns a giggle from Rhea and a wide-eyed look from Damian. The two of you have been ating for about a year now.
"No pressure, Damian." You laugh when you see the guilty look on his face. "I'm content just the way we are."
Damian sighs in relief and plays it off like he wasn't freaked out. Everyone mingles at the table for a while until the dancefloor begins to fill up. You watch people dance for a while with a longing look in your eyes. You know Damian isn't much for dancing. So you try not to get your hopes up.
"YN, Amore, dance with me?" Damian gets up from his seat next to Austin after a while and offers you his hand.
"Oh, you don't have to, Damian." You shake your head at him, but Priest persists.
Damian keeps his hand outstretched to you and flashes you a deabonaire smile. "Come on." He urges you. "I know you want to get out there. And I'm not opposed to once dance." He insists.
"Really?" You take Damian's hand and he leads you out onto the dancefloor. "Thank you, Damian." You smile at him as a slow song starts to play.
Damian pulls you close to his chest and the two of you sway to the soft music. "I know I said it before, but you really do look stunning tonight." He compliments you. "I know I don't say it often. But I love you, YN."
"I love you too, Damian." You blush and lean in a little closer.
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codypunk · 3 months
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the only thing I took away from that ppv were the outfits
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sistertonin · 3 months
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your honor, he is very beautiful to me
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mayahawkeswife · 2 months
“my comfort people” and it’s people who have never had a moment of comfort in their life
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rheasbrvtality · 6 months
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mazikeenhyde · 1 month
Less than a minute...
(Ive decided to be brave, I always wanted to try my hand at writing fan fiction so here we go! If i got anything wrong, like warnings for example please let me know so i can fix it! )
A Poly!Judgment-Day fanfiction containing themes and mentions of DEPRESSION, LONLINESS, SOME SMUT, ANGST, SADNESS, ALCOHOL etc 
Overall, I’m just trying to make you all cry… 
READER X JUDGMENT DAY/POLY! – Rhea, Damien, Finn, Dominik x READER- Written in first person with Y/N (Reader Female)  
Italic font – flashback, speech or memories
Less than a minute 
The hotel room was quiet, the cheap TV fixed to the wall showing Monday night Raw on a low volume mixed in with the sounds of footsteps in the corridor, each sound filling the hot humid air. Outside the rain lashed down, heavy rainclouds hung low in the night sky blocking out the starlight, yet the full moon powered through, illuminating the streets, reflecting in the puddles that ran along the gutter line. 
 It was late, most of these anonymous guests rushing around just outside our door would be returning from busy work days to catch up on sleep or be heading out for a fun night on the town.  A blissful life for most, a chance to escape their homes and stay in a bed with room service, maids to clean up after you and a reception for any assistance required! I hated it though; it wasn’t my choice but when you are on the road traveling for what felt like 300 days of the year with your partners there isn’t much of an option. A different country every month, a different state every week, Christ a different town every night. I longed for those one-off days where we were all free to do nothing. Something many people take for granted is the ability to do nothing, and I missed it. 
Life felt far too chaotic, and despite being in a 5-way Polyamory relationship, I’d never felt so alone. I longed to go home, back to our own little house, we had been away for so long now. I could picture it, the front room shelves filled up high with my collection of books. My own little library I had spent a lifetime building now just collecting dust. The cabinets filled with Dominik’s board games that had bought about so many nights of endless laughter and equally some rather extreme arguments over winners, losers, cheaters and a half empty liquor cabinet that had been drained dry after a game of Scrabble. I still laugh now thinking back to when Rhea would demand the Alexa to define a word, we were sure Dominik had made up. Still, you could always rely on Finn to settle the score with a round of tequila shots and an accidental knock of the board. 
“Oh no!” Finn would laugh as he ‘accidently’ kicked the board off and onto the floor. 
“The board fell… guess we will have to play something else aye lass” he stated sarcastically, winking at me as he passed over one of the shot glasses. 
“I wouldn’t say No to a game of Twister” Damien suggested, raising his eyebrows as he took his shot and ran his fingers down my back. I swear that man would give me goosebumps from the top of my head to the center of my core with just a passing look and that fiendish glint in his eye! 
Rhea was quick to move herself over towards us resting her head in my lap, turning her view point to a more favored position. “I’ll second that” she smiled gently kissing the inner of my thigh, my breath was hitched, excited and on edge all at once. 
“Well I’m calling it!  I won..” Dominik stated with a huff as he began to pick the letter tiles up off the floor. Smirking over at him we each adorned a loveable gleam towards the boy. A little brat at the best and worst of times, but we wouldn’t have changed him for the world. 
Moving Rheas head onto Damien’s lap where the two of them began their own little make out session I crawled my way round to Dom, helping collect the remaining tiles off the floor and boxing his board game up. 
Smiling into his eye line I whispered ‘Never change who you are Dom Dom, We will always be here and we will always love you”
“What about when they break us up though?” he asked, I could hear the anxiety in his voice, his eyes. “I have to turn on Rhea and…and..” 
I held him close, his hands holding tightly to my back and I could hear his gentle muffled cries. 
“You’ll never be alone Dom, I love you so much. Even if I’m not always there to hold your hand, ill never be far away” I whispered in his ear. 
“Less than a minuite?” he smiled. 
I couldn’t deny how much love I felt for each of them, work life had been tough for the four of them after the WWE had stated they would be splitting the group up to start a new storyline involving the likes of Liv Morgan, JD & Carlito. It didn’t stop the love we had for each other, but it certainly made traveling together difficult! I often reminded them that unlike myself none of them exactly blended into a crowd. 
Sitting in the middle of this king size bed I pulled my knees up to my chest, I had stolen Damien’s hoodie and a pair of rhea’s gym shorts in the hopes of being comfortable enough to focus while I studied my textbooks, but alas tonight my mind was elsewhere. I had been studying Law for some time, it had always been such a passion of mine and thankfully no matter where we slept I could bring my books and get my head down while my partners entertained the world. It also came in quite handy when certain members of the group had one too many drinks on a night out and needed some help in escaping the police without legal prosecution. Dominik can tell the world he did hard time in jail all he likes, but it was me that got the little brat released early after a dramatic night with Rhea at his parents’ house on thanksgiving. 
The WWE had offered me a position on their legal team once I had passed all my exams, yet that was over a year ago. I had deferred my exam date twice already, I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me but I didn’t feel the love, the passion or the joy I had done surrounding myself in plans for my future dream career, I was starting to worry I had wasted all these years for nothing.
Finn was always the voice of reason; he would often sit and help me revise while Rhea and Dom would shower together after the gym and Damien would take a nap. He was the voice of reason in the group, the glue that held us all together when things got tough. It was Finn that supported us all the most when our relationship went public, none of us had wanted to hide how we felt and the WWE were supportive, but that didn’t stop the online hate. The four of them were use to random strangers throwing insults due to the nature of their job, and thankfully I wasn’t of much interest to the fans. We had done our best to keep me away from the public eye, almost everyone just assumed I was part of the WWE teams supporting the group. There were a few fan speculation pages online who loved to play the guessing game but the majority saw me as nothing, as no one. 
Finn always knew when something was wrong, he hadn’t wanted to leave me this evening but I had persuaded them all to go on the promise when they returned we could order in and cuddle up to watch a new release on tv if we connected Damien’s laptop. 
“Chicken tenders! Ooh and nuggies?” Dom said, looking around the room in minor disbelief as we all looked at him with smiles. “What?” he asked. 
“Really Dom? Chicken tenders, I’d never have guessed that bro. There’s me thinking you’d want Sushi!” Damien stated sarcastically with a smirk as he zipped up his duffel bag. 
“Ew, raw fish? Bleugh! That’s gross!” Dom was genuinely disgusted at the idea. 
“Hey! Don’t knock Sushi you little squinnie! Just because the rest of us have some foodie culture, your mother should have had you expand your pallet better!” I replied as I walked over and flicked Dom on the head. He was quick to wrestle me up and onto his shoulder, spinning me round onto the bed where he climbed on to pin me down. 
“Uh Excuse me! I think you’ll find…Mami! has expanded my pallet just fine hermosa!” He stated, daring his lips closer to mine. 
“Oh I bet..” I whispered to him closing the gap between us, our lips aching to touch. “Your pallet has had its fair share of tasting sessions aye Dom Dom” 
Before he could respond Damien wrapped his arms around Dominik’s waste pulling him off me and planting him back down to earth, ruffling his hair upon release. 
“Alright you two, break it off!” Damien patted Dom on the chest as he tossed over his rucksack from the chair. I bought my chest up leaning back on my hands winking at Dom as he scowled at me with a mix of frustration and cheek. 
Rhea walked out from the bathroom with Finn following in tow, slapping Dom on the ass and wrapping her arm around his neck. 
“Behave yourself Dom Dom” Rhea said before looking over at me on the bed, “You too Bunny, Brats be warned there will always be consequences.” She laughed and pulled Dom towards the hotel door blowing me a kiss as the two of them headed out to work. Damien followed suit leaning down on the bed to kiss my forehead. 
“Te amo, Hermosa” he held the back of my neck touching foreheads before following Rhea and Dom. 
“Ill catch up with you three downstairs” Finn said and Damien gave him a thumbs up as he headed out the hotel room door and closed it behind them. 
Finn took a seat next to me on the bed as I sat up properly and moved to the edge, adorning one of those fake convincing smiles that had worked so many times before. 
“A night of studying then? We won’t be back too late I promise, you can pick the film tonight. I dread another of Rheas slasher films aye. We will be up all night watching the door” Finn said with a gentle nudge to my shoulder. I just nodded, unsure of how to respond. It was strange, I could hide myself in the love and laughter I felt for them all, the never ending flirting and sexual frustration that would build when we were in a room. But a reminder of the real world, of the real life we were living was enough to shatter my dreams back to reality. Every day was blending into one, the repetitive endeavors were tearing my soul apart. Tears began to fill the corners of my eyes as I was quick to stand and rub them away taking a sharp breath. I knew inside I was breaking, I was like a ticking time bomb and I needed to protect them all. Finn leapt up to his feet spin me around and face him.
“Y/N, listen to me lass, you know we all love you. No matter what, no matter how hard it all gets, whether you sit the exams and pass or fail.” Finn held his hands to my face cupping my cheeks. 
Finn had suspected something was wrong for a while, he and Rhea had sat down with me before to talk. They knew about my past, the scars I had whilst silver and faded now were a window into a past life I had battled for so long to break free from, always terrified it would find me again. I was like a rabbit in headlights when it all got to much, I would freeze in fear of my mind running away with my sanity. Hence the nickname Bunny. 
“I don’t know what is wrong with me..” My voice was fragile, broken. 
Finn held me in a close hug, his warm embrace relighting the fire inside my chest, a willing to keep going forward. The serenity was quickly broken by a car horn beeping outside followed by a text alert on Finns phone. 
BRAT NO.2  -
“Oi! Save some of her for the rest of us Finn >_< get your ass down here! We’re gonna be late!”  
Finn shook his head, “That boy tests my patience to its limit at the best of times, ive a good mind to put him over my knee’ 
I laughed wiping my eyes with my sleeves “Only if you let me watch” 
He smiled and held me close, “I can stay, if that’s what you need?” 
I shook my head and released him from the hug, “No. its okay, you go kick ass! I’m gonna jump in the shower and try to get in a quick nap before I crack on with those books, can’t defer the exam forever!” 
“We will be back before you know it” Finn said softly 
“Less than a minute?” I half smiled
“Less than a minute” He returned the all too familiar phrase. Finn kissed my forehead before getting his bag of the chair and reaching into his pocket to get his phone that had started to ring. He answered the call whilst slumping his bag over his shoulder and nodding his head goodbye to me before heading out the door. 
“Dominik, I am telling you now! I swear to god if you don’t…” Finns voice faded out as he continued down the hotel hallway, the door closing behind him. 
Taking a deep breath I shook off the heavy emotional cloak weighing me down and headed for the shower. 
Looking around the rather large hotel room we had booked for the night I came to wonder; anyone would have thought we would have been used to this horrendous decor by now. No matter where we stayed every room felt much the same, whether it was the dismal wall art, low pressure shower heads or dull painted walls that felt like they were closing in. Though I knew the others were not fazed by it, they very rarely spent a lot of time in these rooms, aside from catching up on missed sleep or dancing the devils tango with any sparing energy the four of them would be in the gym or at the WWE training centers for live shows or TV. 
Sitting here I couldn’t steady my mind, I felt lost, lonely, empty even. It wasn’t their fault, they showered me in affection, I could want for nothing but more time with them. Yet it wasn’t that either, no amount of time in the arms of Rhea could fix the damage, she was the only woman I could love with the entirety of my heart, but as incredible as she was, even Rhea Bloody Ripley couldn’t fight off the demons inside me. 
The deeper I looked the more the world felt wrong. It all felt alien, uneasy, I wondered if it was just me, was I the problem? I checked the time, just after 10pm, they would be back soon enough, why did that bring about such panic, an anxiety drowning my heart, my breathe hitched and I felt it. You just know don’t you, it could have been years, weeks, days, hours or minutes that you had been fighting the voices in your head, the devil on your shoulder, but I was so lost in it all I just wanted to be alone. 
Slipping  off the bed I pulled on my socks and trainers and headed for the door. Pausing in the doorway I felt my heart sink a little, maybe this was it, maybe I wasn’t what I had promised I would be. 
A single tear fell down my cheek as I closed the hotel room door behind me, leaving my phone and keys on the nightstand. I needed to break free, only time would tell how long for, but I needed to feel. I needed to escape the War inside my head and the only way I knew how to do that, was to run. 
Rhea and Dom walked through the carpark with his arm wrapped around her waist as they headed towards the rental car. It had been a hard night for them and all they wanted was to climb into bed with their girl and sleep. Damien followed just behind the both of them carrying the groups bags. Finn bringing up the rear of the group was locked into his phone, his face filled with concern for their girl who hadn’t responded to a single text all evening. They had received a message from the WWE management team that they could leave early to limit fan interaction ahead of SummerSlam. 
Climbing into the rental car Dom, Rhea and Damien waited for Finn. 
“Maybe she fell asleep studying?” Dom asked as Finn sat in the back passenger seat. 
Rhea had her phone up to her ear listening to a never ending ringing on the other end, Voicemail again. “Bunny? please call me back.” She ended the call and looked up to Damien in the drives seat. 
“Priest, Floor it!” 
Reaching the hotel all four of them raced from the car inside, adrenaline fed through them as they reached the hotel room. 
Hands shaking Rhea swiped the card multiple times before holding it still long enough to enter. The realization. The Silence. It was deafening.
Damien rushed in to check the bathroom as Finn scrambled around the room with Dom, looking for something, for someone they knew wasn’t there. Rhea stood frozen in the doorway, in silence, her eyes locked in. 
“Rhea?” Dom hastily rushed over, hand on her shoulder as he turned to her eye line. There it was, on the bedside table. 
Finn edged his way over to the bedside as Damien came back into the room. Hands shaking nervously Finn reached down and picked up Y/N phone and hotel keycard. 
They all shared a look between each other, a look of fear and confusion. What were they meant to do now? Where did Y/N go? 
“I shouldn’t of left her…” Finn held the phone tightly pacing the same two steps over. “I could see it, I saw it, I shouldn’t of left her…” Finn repeated again. 
“Finn?” Dom hesitantly questioned his actions. 
Rheas demeanor quickly turned and she slammed her hand against the doorframe and rushed out followed by Finn and Damien desperate to find their girl. 
“Dom stay here! In case she comes back!” Damien yelled, he paused in the hall before rushing back to the room and holding Dominick’s face in his hands. “We will find her, I promise, we will all be back before you know it” Damien kissed his forehead before turning and running back out the door. 
Dom was frozen on the spot, he couldn’t move, he looked around the room at abandoned study books, half unpacked suitcases and clothing discarded on the floor. He felt smaller than ever before, his heartbeat felt cold, his chest filled with butterflies and his hands cold to touch. 
Walking over to the window that stood from floor to ceiling he held his hand to his chest tearing up at the rain lashing down outside . “Less than a minute?” 
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harleyvaleska19 · 2 months
Damian Priest x Reader
( warning ‼️ smutty!!)
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Naughty Dreams
Damian couldn't sleep. His mind was running a mile a minute and he was restless. He cast his attention over to you sleeping peacefully beside him. Then you made a noise. A quiet little moan.
Interest peaked, he turned on his side to study you. Another soft moan and you shifted, rocking your hips, hands gripped around the pillow.Unsure if it was a nightmare or a wet dream, Damian reached out to wake you and then paused. He had a better idea.
Slipping beneath the covers, he positioned himself between your legs, feeling them clench around his body as he went down on you, licking and swirling his tongue. Your moans were getting more voluminous, and your hands slipped down to tug into his hair.
"Damian?" You panted questionly as you slowly woke from a very pleasant dream to an even better reality. He hummed in response and you tossed the covers down, "Come here."
You kissed him, long and slow, trying to convey exactly how much you appreciated him. His erection poked into your stomach and you helped push away his pajama bottoms so that he could push into you. There was nothing hurried out this, nothing frantic. Unlike other times where Damian was in such a state, all he wanted to do was find his pleasure and move onto the next thrill.
It was soft, quiet, the slow languid ease of your bodies moving together. You had your hands loosely placed around the back of his neck as he watched the miniscule expression chase each other over your face as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. There was a shudder when he felt you tighten around him, and then you relaxed blissfully. Only a few more easy thrusts for him and he pulled out, tension gone from his shoulder and his mind now more at ease. He cleared his throat and pulled you close, cuddling you in a post orgasmic bliss that you relished.
Soon your breathing slowed and deepened, signalling that you had fallen back asleep. He kissed the top of your head and closed his eyes, content enough to pass into a slumber of his own.
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buckysdolls · 3 months
Please Don't Be In Love With Somone Else
Damian Priest x You Oneshot
TW: Swearing, loss of a loved one
Summary: One gesture from Priest finally pushes you to make your move.
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“That bastard!” You huffed out quietly as you lifted your ring gear out of your bag. You didn’t know whether to scream or cry. You ex had left you one last parting gift. You’d been apart for eight months now but he finally finished collecting your stuff at the weekend, you’d let him into the house and gone out with your girls for the day. You didn’t expect him to rummage through the wrestling stuff you’d packed away ready for the week ahead. You knew it was Rhea from her voice as she approached you asking what was wrong. You held out your gear in front of you and looked over your shoulder as you watched Rhea’s mouth form an ‘o’ shape. You brought your closed fist to your mouth to help control the anger that wanted to burst out of you. 
“The piece of shit” Rhea breathed out shaking her head. It was ruined. There was no way it was going to be fixable. 
“Can you believe he did this?” You sat down on the bench deflated and clutching onto your ruined gear. He had taken scissors and cut holes into it. 
“Rhea, this was the last set she made before she passed.” Your words trembled out of your mouth, the tears starting to trickle down your cheeks hugging the gear close to you as you thought about your sister. 
“Why would he do this?” You sobbed as Rhea pulled you into her embrace, she soothed your back and allowed you to cry. Rhea was the complete opposite of her on screen character, in reality she was humble, caring and nurturing. 
“He’s a jealous selfish prick, that’s why!” Rhea carefully peeled you off her, wiping away your tears then placing her hands on your shoulders for reassurance. 
“Hey, we will figure this out okay. Right now we need to find you some gear otherwise you're gonna be a naked girly.” You half heartedly smiled and giggled at Rhea’s attempt to cheer you up. 
“Hah you laughed, that means we can do this!” She squeezed you tightly before holding your hands and helping you up and heading out of the locker room. 
You were sitting in the styling chair, your hair being put into space buns when his soothingly low pitched voice came from behind you.
“Do you mind giving us a minute?” Priest was now standing in front of you; his usually cheeky smile was this time full of sympathy. 
“I told you I should have stayed at the house” He approached you in an intimate proxemics as the palm of his hand rested on your cheek. He tenderly manoeuvred your face side to side and up and down scanning your face. His eyes eventually settled on yours and you too looked up at him. Your heart always did this when he looked at you, touched you,it would rapidly beat and then hurt as if it had burst into a million tiny little hearts that floated in your insides. His hand fell from your cheek and you felt instant withdrawal symptoms.
“He didn’t hurt me. I went out with the girls” You spoke trying to start a conversation. 
“Good. Rhea told me what he did to your gear, I’m sorry Y/N” “It’s not your fault. Besides, there's no point getting upset about it anymore, I can’t fix it.”
“Well I do believe I have the perfect solution.” He wiggled his eyebrows and held a smirk as he pulled out a shirt from his back pocket and threw it at you. It was one of his merch t-shirts, it was cut and shaped to fit like ring gear. He could always put a smile on your face. 
“You want me to wear this?” You raised your eyebrows and smiled widely as you held it out.
“Me? Personally, I'd prefer it if you wore nothing. “ Damian whispered into your ear as he pulled you off the chair and into him. He carrassed his fingertips along your arms until he reached the straps of your tank top and gently tugged them down revealing your collarbone. He then traced his fingers across your chest slowly as he made his way up your neck and then onto your lips where his thumb parted them as he pushed your bottom lip down finally resting his tips on your chin. You wanted it badly, to feel his lips on yours.
Damian had always been a good friend to you, you were the last two people at the bar chatting the night away. He was the one who stood by you and held your hand tightly as you mourned your sister at her funeral. He was the one who lifted you up and spun you around in celebration as you won your first championship. Things had changed between you one evening after the third and final time you and Bron had broken up. Damian had escorted you back to your hotel room, the two of you just stood in front of the door in silence staring into each other. You didn’t want him to leave, his presence was comforting. You had one hand on the door handle but refused to open it until Damian had closed the gap between you and placed his hand on top of yours, twisting the handle and opening the door. He was so close to kissing you every part of him wanted to do it for years. He could see the breathing in your chest rise and fall as he stood this close to you.
“Do you want me to stay with you?” He asked and you nodded in return. He had never forgotten watching you dress down to your bra and pants as you climbed into the bed. Damian had never said anything about how he had felt all these years, cause you’d always been in love with someone else.
“You’re a tease Priest” You hushed and smiled pushing off of him.
“No, what will be teasing is you performing in my shirt.” He leaned beside you grabbing the shirt off the chair and holding it to your chest.
“So I won't wear it then..” You pushed his hand away and sat back down in the chair as Lydia started on your hair again. “You will wear it, trust me.” He placed the shirt on the table beside you and walked away.
“I hate it when you’re right!” You shouted out, he responded by throwing up a love heart. 
A few days later
There was a present on your locker room bench. You picked up the card to read the message. 
I will always be there to help you fix problems.
D.P. x
Placing the card down you unwrapped the present. Gently unfolding the outfit you realised it was a version of your ring gear. As you began to observe it you realised that the gear your sister had made you was used to help make this one. You brought it close to you and hugged it as if it was the most important thing to you. You had assumed someone had thrown it out when it had gone missing. It wasn't until you read back over the card it registered in your brain who had this made for you. Grabbing your phone from your back pocket, you open your messages.
Y/N: Where are you?
Instantly you had your reply.
DP: Been waiting outside the women’s locker room since Rhea told me you were there. 
You dropped your phone and made your way over to the door. After one big release of breath you opened the door to see him standing on your left, leaning against the wall wearing the most attractive and warm smile. It felt as if this moment as you stood in front of him were happening in slow motion, it felt like this moment was what would happen in a film, one grand gesture and all the palpable tension between two people would finally unavoidably explode.
With a quiet volume and shaky tone you asked him “did you do this?” holding up the gear in your left hand. 
“I mean unless you know another DP?” He shrugged his shoulders. You leapt, physically leapt into Damian’s arm as you pulled him down into your frame and kissed him. He kissed you with passion as he needily roamed his hands down your back, along your thighs, gripping onto your neck before finally settling on the apples of your cheeks. Pulling away he leaned his forehead on yours.
“That was a nice thank you.”
“Thank you Damian. This is the most thoughtful gift ever. Really.” 
His hand settled on your lower back as yours clasped around his neck.
“As much as I love how happy this has made you, I’m kinda mad I don't get to see you wear my shirt in the ring again. I look good on you” You rolled your eyes playfully to which Damian responded by planting kisses along your neck.
“Just for you I’ll wear it tonight... In and out of the ring.” You flirtatiously bit your lip.
With a growl of temptation Damian kissed you. After a few delicate kisses Damian stopped and looked at you seriously.
“Y/N, on a serious note I’m so glad it's finally me.” “What do you mean?” “You’ve always been in love with someone else.” After a brief moment of silence Priest pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear to capture a full picture of you up close in this vulnerable state.
“I won't be like him Y/N. I hope you know that.” You nod your head in acknowledgement.
“Please don’t be in love with someone else again.” You intently gazed into his eyes letting the biggest smile spread across your full lips.
Damian lifted you up to wrap yourself around him, his hands tangled in your hair as he fervently kissed you again. 
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
Can I get some rough smurt with damian priest PLEASEE 🙏🙏🙏
okay i don’t usually do rough smut because personally i don’t feel like i’m good at writing them as i don’t read much of them but i made an exception for this request
damian priest x reader
‼️rough damian, dom!damian, sub!reader, slapping (?), praise and degradation, everything that regards smut basically, overstimulation, subspace, aftercare!!! + i’m not good at writing these type of requests so i hope you enjoy it‼️
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
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damian was known for many things.
for being an excellent wrestler, for being the new world heavyweight champion, for being a tattoo lover and for being an important member of the judgment day. what people didn’t know was that he was also known for being the greatest lover you ever had. he always took you on romantic dates, he never missed an important occurrence like your anniversary, he always brought you gifts home and he always prioritised you.
and what people also didn’t know is that the sweet and kind facade of his lover personality turned into a starving animal anytime he got you naked under his touch.
so maybe your neighbours would hear all the pornographic sounds you were making but you didn’t care.
the way he had you ass up in the air, thrusting in and out of you, making the bed creak against the wall was enough to make you come and scream damian’s name.
“you came already?” he asked, smirking seeing how easily he could break you “i’m not done with you hermosa…turn around” and you did as he told you.
not to mention that he already made you cum twice just with his experienced fingers.
he smiled seeing your teary face. he smiled even more when he saw the remaining drops of his cum near your lips and nose. he knew you and your body so well.
“gonna be a good girl for me?” he asked and you simply nodded “ i asked you a question so i expect a proper answer” he said before his strong hand collided with your ass, making you slightly jump.
“y-yes sir” you whispered, your ass burning for the sensation.
“good girl, don’t make me slap you again…”
“okay sir” he seemed satisfied with your answer so he continued his dangerous game with you.
he thrusted in you in full force, making you clench around his dick.
“fuck…” he groaned “don’t do that or i’ll punish you…”
“o-okay sir…”
he loved every second of it.
one of his strong hands went to wrap around your neck, adding a little bit of the pressure he knew you loved.
in result of his action, you clenched again around him “what did i say?”
“fuck…sorry sir…”
“you better behave or i won’t let you cum again…” he groaned.
“no no please…i’ll behave…” you cried out.
“you better, don’t come until i say so…” he whispered into your ear making you shiver.
“okay sir…” you moaned as he started moving inside of you. he brought one of your leg over his muscular shoulder. that position hitting spot inside of you that made you see stars “oh fuck papi…”
“you like that?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“yes sir, please…so good” he smiled seeing how power he had over you.
he kept praising you, telling you how good you were for him and the familiar feeling you loved so much started to build up.
“faster…” you moaned.
usually damian would have done the opposite of what you asked, showing you who was in control but seeing your face covered in cum and tears made him soften a little so he allowed you to be in charge for that split of second.
“don’t cum before i say so” he reminded you, not sure you understood his words.
“dam…” he slapped your ass “fuck, sir…”
“that’s good” he smiled.
“please…” you begged, not sure what you were begging for. everything was too much, the pleasure and the pain, you loved every second of it “please…please…”
“please what uh? use your words” his hand put a little more pressure on your neck while he kept moving inside of you.
“please i -…” words caught in your throat.
you couldn’t focus anymore. your body was on fire, ready to explode, you were about to cum but at the same time you didn’t want to disappoint damian as he told you to wait for him.
“i said use your words” he remarked, going faster as you asked him to do.
“i can’t please…let me come please sir…” tears streaming down your face, mascara mixing with the remaining cum from before, a beautiful sight for damian to see.
“hold it” he simply said.
“no no no…i can’t i can’t…” the way your body was shaking under damian’s touch made him realise that you were on the edge so he slowed his movements just to play with you a little.
you slowly opened your teary eyes just to meet with his beautiful ones.
“what color are you on pretty girl? do you want me to stop?” he checked in with you, making sure to never push you too far. he enjoyed it as long as you were enjoying it too and hurting you wasn’t on his list.
“no no, please…don’t stop…i’m good” you whispered making him smile.
the hand that was before on your neck, now gently moved some of your sweaty hair away from your face.
“color?” he asked again.
“so fucking green…please, i just need to come sir” you moaned once he reprised his speed.
“my little slut wants to come uh?” he smirked at you, seeing how quickly you nodded your head “you want to come on my dick so bad that it’s the only thought you had in that little brain of yours uh?” and once again, you nodded.
“please sir…”
“then come on my dick, now” he said with a stern voice. his dick hitting that spot again and again made you sink your nails into damian’s back, probably leaving some marks. the pleasure you were feeling was something you’ve never experienced before. you were so lost in your mind that you didn’t feel damian coming right inside of you. still high on the pleasure, you kept clenching around his shaft making him shake from pleasure too.
you slowly opened your eyes when you felt damian’s lips on your neck, gently kissing the bruises he left on you.
he knew you were still high on your pleasure when he saw your look. he smiled seeing you so peaceful, knowing that he’s the reason you feel at ease right now.
“come back to me pretty girl…” he whispered against your ear “come back baby”
it took you a few minutes to realise what was going on around you, only when you saw damian laying next to you, your brain connected “oh shit…” you whispered.
“are you alright? was it too much?” he always asked you if you were okay, especially right after a rough session like that. it wasn’t always like that with damian, some nights were more intimate, some weren’t. some nights he would take his time just to pleasure you, some nights he would let you be in charge and some other nights he would be the one in charge. some other nights he would treat you like his personal slut just for him to use but he knew you wouldn’t do it if you didn’t have a 100% trust in him and he felt so grateful because you put all of your trust in him.
“i’m okay…just a little tired” you smiled.
“let me get you a towel, and something to drink” he smiled leaving for just a few minutes. he came back with a clean towel in hands, a glass of water and some of your favourite biscuits “close your eyes for me…let me remove my work of art” he joked making you chuckle.
he carefully cleaned your face, removing the remaining cum and tears present on your face. he then proceeded to clean between your thighs, moving slowly between your folds “i know i’ll be quick, i don’t want you to feel uncomfortable” he reassured you when he saw you closing your legs “and all done…” he smiled, kissing your thighs and going up from chest to neck.
“thanks…” you whispered.
“is there anything that hurts? i know i’ve been too hard on you…” he asked a little concerned.
“i’m perfectly fine…just tired and probably i won’t be able to walk for a day or two” you laughed “but i’m okay, i promise, i enjoyed it a lot”
he slowly turned your face to face him, his hand gently caressing your cheek “i love you y/n, so much, thank you for trusting me with this, with your body and soul…i’m so lucky to have you in my life, never forget that”
“i know…” you smiled at his kind words, reminder that probably was for him instead of you, just to remind him that no matter how many times he called you a slut in bed, no matter how many times he degraded you, he would always love you and cherish you with every inch of his heart.
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myluvrrhea · 4 months
Wrapped in your arms | D.Priest
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Request — Can you write an imagine about reader and damian priest being friends to lovers where they are forced to share an hotel room and she ask him shyly to cuddle and he agrees and he plays with her hair and caress her cheek
Pairings — Damian priest x Fem!Wrestler!Reader
Warnings — None just fluff
Song for this fic — Light Shower — Melanie Martinez
I felt the exhaustion hit me as I entered my dressing room. I sat down on a the couch , steadying myself and gulping damn near my whole bottle of water. I soon heard a knock at the door thinking it might have been liv, or Iyo . So I responded.
“Come in!” 
But what I didnt expect was one of The Judgment Days members to come walking in. The archer of Infamy, Damian priest. He wore his classic Senor Money in the bank T-Shirt , with black leather pants and a black belt to match. I felt confused as Damian never really cane into my dressing room. Sure we were close, but he knew his boundaries and I knew his. We cared about each other’s privacy. That was That.
“Oh, Damian what are you doing in here?” I asked. The confusion evident in my voice.
“I know I never go into your locker room , but this is important. We have to room together. I mean we haven’t in the past but Hunter said something about “getting to know each other” or whatever . So why not just share right? Plus who knows maybe you’ll join the judgment day,”Damian replied a smile forming on his face after the last sentence.
I giggled a bit , trying to hide the blush that creeped onto my face. My nervousness was now clear as day as I began to fidget with my fingers. But nonetheless, I replied back.
“Hey if you want I could drive you there,” Damian spoke. 
“Oh yeah..sure,” I felt my hands sweat up as I spoke.
Damian gave me a smile and nod as he left my
Dressing room, phone in hand. I sighed as I thought aboit the interaction. What did he mean when he said we fit together? Discarding the thought, I changed into more comfortable clothes ,and began to pack my stuff and head to Damians rental.
Location - At the hotel
As me and Damian had arrived at the hotel , I found his presence to be comforting and soft. So unlike his onscreen character. It was safe to say we had gotten to know each other way better than we had before. Sure we had been friends for a little over a month , but that didnt mean we knew each other like we thought we did.
Our laughs got quieter as Damian parked into the hotel driveway. That was also the point where I got into deep thought. What did he mean when Triple H said we had to get to know each other? were already friends so why? And what did Damian mean when he said I might join TJF. I cleared my thoughts as I hopped out the car, leaving Damian in a confused expression.
When we arrived to the lobby , I found one of my good friends Rhea to be sitting on one of the couches. Once she spotted me a smile formed on her face.
Me, Damian , and Rhea talked for a while but me and Damian found ourselves giggling and laughing while talking to each other. I felt my face grow hot as he mentioned how well I was at wrestling. Telling me how he loved my gear and it made my beauty stand out. 
“Alright you two stop flirting with each other,” Rhea said with a smile.
“What I-” 
“No we weren’t-“ 
Me and Damian spoke over each other. 
Rhea giggled and began to get her stuff together.
“Whatever just check in. I’ll talk to you both later” Rhea spoke as she grabbed her keycard and headed to her room.
Next up was me and Damian. I was about to put my bags down when they slipped out of my hands. Into Damians. I looked at him for a quick second seeing a sly smile on his face, before checking in for our room and grabbing our keycard.
— In the hotel Room 
It had only been about 15 minutes since we checked in and unpacked our stuff, picking our beds and chatting a bit. Although it hadn’t been long, I had felt safe and comfortable with him. Telling him more about my past and things I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone. I felt safe.
I felt safe with him
“Hey Im gonna take a shower we can talk after, yeah?” Damian spoke. In which I nodded in response.
After he finished up in the shower, gotten dressed and ready for bed, we found ourselves i found myself zoning out as i looked at his features.
“Hey Y/N you there?” Damian asked. Small giggles leaving his lips.
“Oh yeah I’m fine.” I responded.
Damian tried believing me, but it was the way I looked at him which made him think differently.
“Whats on your mind chica?” He asked. 
“I was wondering if we could sleep in the same bed, I know it might seem weird but-“ I was cut off.
“So you wanna cuddle?” Damian asked with a sly smile.
“Yeah if thats fine…” I trailed off scared of him rejecting me.
Instead of answering, he stood up and laid facing my front. His arms wrapping around me. I felt my heartbeat pound faster as he got comfortable.
“Relax mariposa,” he spoke in a whisper.
For the rest of the night, I felt calm and safe as we laid with each other. One of his hands playing in my hair as he started falling asleep. Me softly snoring after him.
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madhatterbri · 6 months
Brotherly Love | D.P.
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Summary: Reader is Drew's sister, and she is dating Damian Priest. He promised her that he wouldn't cash in on her brother and well.
Author's Note: Congrats, Damian girlies. Here is some angst. ❤️
Tag list: @theworldofotps @plentyoffandoms
The arena erupted in cheers as your older brother defeated Seth Freakin' Rollins for the championship. Tears poured down your cheeks as you watched your brother. He sat in the middle of the ring by his fallen opponent soaking it all in. The ring announcer makes it official by calling your brother the new champion.
The referee grabbed the belt to present it to Drew. All his years of hard work paid off. He was champion during a time they couldn't have anyone in the audience to a sold out night 2 of Wrestlemania. Your brother sat on his knees as the referee handed the belt to him. Drew buried his head in the belt.
He celebrated with Kaitlyn and you before turning his sights on CM Punk. The two men had been going at it since your brother injured the man at Royal Rumble. Your brother climbed on the table and towards the Chicago native. Words were exchanged, and suddenly, CM Punk attacked your brother.
His arm was not as injured as once thought. He took off his brace. The crowd started to chant for him. Your brother laid on the floor in pain, but at least he was champion. You found out it wouldn't be much longer.
Your boyfriend's music suddenly played through the arena. The purple flames hard to ignore. Your stomach sank when you saw him running down the ramp with his briefcase in hand. He promised not to take your brother's dreams away from him.
Around the ring, the archer of infamy ran until he collided the purple suitcase to your brother's head. Drew fell like a sack of potatoes on the floor. He appeared dazed and confused.
"I'm cashing in! Right now!" Damian yelled and handed the suitcase to the referee. He had waited long enough, and his time was running out. Judgment Day needed this win after they were stripped of their tag titles the night before.
Damian turned his sights to the wounded prey before him. This was the perfect opportunity to strike. CM Punk practically handed him the championship. The promise he made you was out of his mind. He only had one thing in mind, championship gold.
Damian helped your brother off the floor and pushed him in the ring. The crowd was cheering so loud you could barely hear Samantha on the microphone. Your brother could barely defend himself. In his daze, he started to slowly stand up, but Damian was already above him.
The bell rang, and Damian went to work. He grabbed your brother by the neck and hoisted him in the air. With a loud noise, your brother's back connected to the ring. Damian crawled on top of your brother and lifted his leg. The countdown began again.
You hoped your brother would have had enough strength to kick out, but it was over. Your lying boyfriend was now the champion. He stole your brother's spotlight. Damian cheered in the ring as CM Punk laughed from commentary. Your lover continued to cheer and grabbed the belt from the referee. He left the ring to celebrate with the other members of his group. Rhea and Damian were now on the top of the division.
"I'm sorry, princesa," he grumbled when you met up with him that night. He was getting ready to celebrate at the hotel bar with his crew. "Judgment Day was starting to look weak, and we had to capitalize and win tonight,"
"You promised me!" You cried out in anguish. "You promised that my brother would have his moment,"
"I promised Judgment Day that I would get the belt tonight. They are my family,"
The conversation went to a dead stop. Tears filled your eyes, making your surroundings blurry. You could feel your heart break. Your stomach felt heavier than it had a few minutes ago. Damian kissed the top of your head.
"I had to, princesa. One day, I hope you will understand," he whispered and left you alone with your thoughts in the hotel room.
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magicalbuttertarts · 7 days
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WWE Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Damian Priest x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: unprotected sex. P in v sex. Oral (f receiving). So much fluff.
WC: 2892
Gifs and photos do not belong to me: title photo is from @lorena26 . The other photo was from Damian's Instagram.
©️ magicalbuttertarts 2024: do not repost or translate my work. This is the only place I post my work.
F/Reader looks back at how her and her husband Damian got together. She was a sorority girl, and he was the hot nerd that couldn't keep a relationship.
I rolled over, slowly placing my hand on his side of the the bed, but I felt just a cold pillow. I opened one eye to see that I was alone, and I instantly knew where he would be.
It also helped that I heard the laughter of second youngest laughing at her father, bringing a tired smile to my face.
I got up and stretched, putting on one of his old star wars tshirts and a pair of his boxers that I have taken for myself, and walked down the hallway towards the sound of kids play room.
I could see him sitting at the sparkly yellow table, with a tiara on his head, a green feather boa over his shoulders, and his glasses on his face as he clicked tea cups with Elena, and then with our youngest, Benito, who was happily clapping his hands in his father's lap, swinging the plastic teacup around, almost hitting my husband in the face.
I smiled as I watched this moment happen between the three of them.
I decided to leave them there and to start on breakfast.
But as I got to the kitchen, I could smell that he already had something in the oven, and my mouth instantly watered as I could smell the Pan de Mallorca baking in the oven.
I decided to leave it alone, already knowing he has a timer on his phone ready to check on it.
I walked towards our family room, enjoying the peace and quiet until the rest of our children woke up.
Knowing our two oldest, they would be in bed until I go and wake them up.
It wasn't very often I get mornings like this, as Damian is away from home most week days.
He built up his own IT Cybersecurity firm, and he has truly worked hard all these years building up his company.
He is proud of it and says that it is one of his greatest accomplishments, but when asked what is greatest accomplishment is, he always says his family.
As I sat in our family room, I looked at all the photos of us throughout the years.
We have photos upon photos on the wall, and they are all wonderful memories, but then my eyes caught the one in the center of it all.
The very first photo Damian and I ever took together.
I couldn't help but think back all those years ago, and how we got together.
It was my last year of university and I was focused on partying along with my sorority sisters.
I was a Legacy, my mother before me was in the same sorority, as was her sisters and my grandmother.
When I first got to University, I didn't want to belong to any sorority, but when I got accepted to the same university as my family members, I knew I would be sought after.
At first I said no, that I didn't want to be apart of it, wanting to be my own person, but then there was problem with the dorms, and I didn't have a place to stay on campus.
So I said yes, and now I am almost done school, having the best time with my sorority sisters.
My GPA is decent, 3.7 so the partying has never gotten in the way of that.
I dated throughout school, but none never seemed to stick. They were basically jocks whose whole life revolved around whatever sport they played and partying.
So for the first time in a long time, I am single, and I promised myself that I was going to be single for my last year and try to focus on school and my friends.
But then Quantum mechanics that last year was kicking my ass.
"You will be assigned a tutor." My Professor said to me, and all I could was agree.
"Who is it?" I asked her.
"Damian Priest."
I have never talked to the guy, but he seemed nice.
I knew he dated a few of my sorority sisters but he never seemed to last long in a relationship.
From what I been told, he is to nerdy.
His room his filled with action figures, movie posters, old text books, and I have only ever seen his nose buried in a book.
But even I can admit, he is freaking good looking.
"Now, I want you to answer a few of these practice questions to see what we are working with." Damian said to me as he handed me the practice test, but it was hard to focus with him sitting across from me.
This is the first time I have gotten a good look at him, and I can see why so many people thought he was good looking.
He probably is the most gorgeous guy on campus and he doesn't even seem to care.
I shook my head and started to work on the practice test.
I was biting my bottom lip as he looked over the test.
"Hmm." Was all he said.
"Did I do okay?" I nervously asked.
He placed the test on the table. "You got just about half right. The ones you got wrong, I will go over how to get the correct answer."
Damian got up from the opposite side of the table, and sat down in the seat next to me, and the smell of his cologne hit my nose, and shit, he smells good.
This is going to be longest day of my life.
One hour of Damian trying to teach me how to get the correct answer, but I was no better off.
"Let's call it a night. I know it was a lot for the first session." He stretched and his shirt lifted and I got a good look at his abs and the bit of the hair disappearing under into his jeans.
I shifted in my seat and to my utter embarrassment, I could feel how soaked my panties were.
That night, once I got to my room, I pulled out my favourite vibrating dildo and came so hard to the thought of Damian.
This went on for weeks.
I would have my tutoring session with him, come home and cum on my favourite toy.
Then one night, it all changed.
It was our turn to throw a party, and it was Halloween.
Damian, the ever kind man, understood why I couldn't make it this week to our tutoring session.
"But next week, let's meet twice." I squealed when he said that, and kissed his cheek.
I pretended not to notice how his cheeks seem to heat up, as he covered his cheek.
"Come to the party." I told him, hoping he would come.
"I don't know." He looked a bit uncomfortable.
"Even for 10 minutes. Come and find me and I won't leave your side."
"I will think on it." He still looked unsure.
"Thank you." I said softly to him.
As the party went on, I kept an eye out for Damian, not knowing if he would be coming or not.
I danced with random guys, but none of them seemed to hold my attention.
The one I just left was just showing me his bicep and I had to hold in my eyeroll.
I turned around after excusing myself from this one-sided conversation, and walked right into a hard chest, their arms wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling backwards.
I looked up, ready to apologise to the person, when I noticed who it was.
"Damian, you came." I exclaimed.
"I figured what was the harm of ten minutes." He joked and smiled back at him.
"I see you and I had a similar idea." I told him, as I looked at the jersey he was wearing.
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"Yes, but I guess you dressed like Dottie from A League of Their Own."
Finally someone who knew where this costume was from.
The song changed, and it was a bit slower than what has been playing most the night.
Damian still had his arms wrapped around my waist.
"You wanna dance?" Damian asked.
Let's just say he didn't leave early as we spent the rest of the night together, until he decided to leave.
I wanted to invite him up to my room, but he kissed my cheek and told me he would see me for our next tutoring session.
I was helping to clean up with the other girls, when my best friend spoke up. "I saw you with Damian last night." I looked over at her, and I noticed she and a few girls were staring at me, hard.
"Yeah, he is a good guy, and he is very good looking."
They muttered in agreement.
"But you know he is a nerd right?" Our sorority president spoke up. I looked over at her, nodding my head yes, knowing he is considered a nerd.
"I dated him for a bit, and things were going smoothly until I went to his room." Another girl said.
"Yes I heard about his nerdy stuff."
"No, you don't understand. He likes going to comic con. He is obsessed with wrestling and even has Star Wars blankets and sheets." Another girl spoke up.
I couldn't help but find that adorable that Damian was bring true to himself, and not letting anyone tell him what he should and shouldn't like.
"We just danced and talked." I wanted this conversation to end.
"Just keep it that way." The sorioty president said, then we went back cleaning up, their words replaying over and over again in my mind.
I cancelled on our next tutoring session, pretending to be sick, and even didn't go to class.
Damian didn't question me, just asked me to get in contact him when I am feeling better.
I didn't respond, but a few hours later, as I was walking to the kitchen, there was a knock on the front door.
I opened up, putting on the sick act and there was a delivery driver there. He said my name and I said that was me.
"Then this is for you." He handed me the paper bag and I saw that it was from the Soup Emporium.
"I didn't order this." I said to him, clearly confused.
"A man by the name of Damian paid for it."
A lump was forming in the back of my throat as I told the driver thank you.
I ate the soup, savouring how delicious it tasted.
I found myself at the entrance to his dorm room that night.
I knew he lived alone, and I knew he was there because his favourite show was on, and it was almost over.
He opened the door, and said my name once I was there.
He went to open his mouth to speak even more, but I grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss, smashing my lips against his.
At first his lips didn't move, and I started to panic thinking I read this all wrong, until he pulled me flush against his body, and kissed me back with as much enthusiasm as me.
"I thought you were sick?" He questioned against my lips.
"Just needed a day." Was all I told him as he pulled me into his room, slamming the door behind me.
I was stuck between him and the door, but I didn't care.
Not when he pushed his hips against me and I could feel how hard and large he was.
"I need you Damian." I whined as he started to kiss way down my neck.
"I need you to, baby." He pulled back, looking me in the eyes.
My hand was covering my mouth as Damian gripped my hips as he fucked me from behind. He was stretching me beyond I have ever been stretched.
I couldn't think about anything but how much I have cum already.
Earlier, Damian had me laying against his Yoda pillows, him between my thighs as he had his strong arm over my stomach, holding me down as he made me cum over and over again with his mouth and fingers.
My one hand was tangled in his hair, grinding my pussy against his face, as my other hand was gripping his Millennium Falcon sheets.
Damian didn't stop until I literally pushed his head away, telling him it was all too much.
He lifted hid face, his mouth and chin soaked with my juices, "I am not done with you." I literally whimpered as he got off the bed and pulled me along with him.
"Feel so good." He grunted from behind, as he slapped my ass, making me cry out his name.
I was so close. My whole body felt like it was fine as I was close to finishing.
"Come on baby. I can feel you. Cum for me. Come on." He groaned behind me, speeding up his pace making me cry out his name for the final time.
He let out a string of curses as I came around his cock, my pussg fluttering around his cock as I moaned his name like a prayer.
Damian's thrusts became erratic before he pulled out, his hand quickly jerking himself off before he came all over my ass and my back.
I collapsed on his bed, not being able to on all fours any longer.
He joined me, laying on his side after he cleaned us both up. Damian moved my hair from my face.
"Damian, I like you." I said, not even realising I said anything, which made him chuckle.
"I hope so, because I like you too."
The two of us falling asleep in his bed, but we woke up the next morning, and had our first date, which was a breakfast date.
My sorority sisters weren't happy about him and I being together, but I didn't care.
They started to come around to us being together when he helped the others with their classes.
Two weeks later him and I told each other we loved one another.
Damian was complete opposite and he completed me. He was nerdy, yes, but he was kind, and sweet, and treated me amazing.
I passed my Quantum mechanics class, and my GPA even went up to 3.8, which is what I graduated with.
Damian proposed to me just after we graduated, and we didn't wait to get married.
Our wedding was a mix of traditional like what I wanted and what he wanted.
Our cake topper was us coming out of the Tardis. The flowers weren't even real flowers, they were flowers made out of comic books.
It was the perfect mixture of him and I.
My thoughts were pulled back to the present when I heard the giggly voice of Elena calling for me.
"Say good morning to mommy, Benito." Damian said as he handed me a plate with a piece of Pan de Mallorca.
"Good morning my loves." I told my two youngest, as Damian leaned down and gave me a kiss goodmorning.
"Good morning Mommy." Elena said, as Benito squealed happily in his father's arms.
"Sebastian and Adan still sleeping?" I asked Damian, who nodded his head.
"I will be waking them up soon. They have to get ready for camp." I agreed with him.
"Let's just let then sleep a bit longer. A few more minutes won't hurt them. They are packed already and the bus won't be here until noon."
Sebastian and Adan are on their way to camp, the two of them barely acknowledging their father and I as they rushed past us, out the front door.
Elena and Benito are with Damian's parents.
"We are alone for the day." I said to him as I snuggled into his side.
"Mmmm, the last time we were alone like this was a couple of months ago. Remember?" Damian said as he turned his head to look at me.
"How could I forget. It was the two of us, there was a storm and we lost power. The only light we had was candles."
He pulled me into his lap, and I could feel how hard he was beneath me, making the two of us moan.
"Remember what we did to pass the time?" I asked him, as I leaned forward and nipped his neck, making him shudder.
"Yes, oh lord yes baby." Was all he said as he flipped us around, pinning me against the couch cushions.
"Damian, I have to tell you something." I gasped as he knelt down between my thighs, kissing up and down my thighs.
"I am sure it can wait baby. We are finally alone." He growled.
"I'm pregnant." I told him, making him look at me.
"Really?" He asked surprised.
"Yeah." I smiled, knowing he would be thrilled.
"We have been careful." He was trying to figure out when we didn't use protection.
For a man so smart, sometimes he is a bit slow.
"We were just talking about the time."
"Baby number 5."
"Baby number 5." I squealed out as he wrapped his lips around my clit and started to suck.
My hand gripped the Thor blanket that was thrown over the back of the couch, thanking my lucky stars that I fell in love with the nerdy man of my dreams.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @madhatterbri @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell @terrortwinunicorn @hotwheels1108 @there-goes-thefighter @claymoresofinfamy23
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