#dami would be upset about it if it weren’t so amusing watching bruce walk around w a cat perched on his shoulder or pretending to be a scarf
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wow-thisismylifeiguess · 2 months ago
One day, Damian can’t find Alfred (the Cat). He’s not in any of his usual spots in the Manor and doesn’t even come running when Damian shakes a bag of his favorite treats in the kitchen. It’s not uncommon for Alfred (the Cat) to be hard to find, but after nearly two hours, Damian begins to worry. It never takes this long and it’s even more concerning because Alfred (the Cat) has now missed lunch.
So Damian starts checking other rooms, literally running around the Manor searching for his dear pet, until he eventually decides to ask for help. Bruce is the only one home so he’s the only option. He’d decided to work from home for the day, exhausted from a few rough nights of patrol, so Damian carefully opens the door to his father’s study, and…
Bruce is asleep. He’s laid out on the couch pushed against the wall of his room. He’d bought that couch and put it there a month into Dick living w him because the young boy liked watching Bruce work and wanted to keep him company, but sometimes work would drag on and Dick would fall asleep, too stubborn to go up to his bedroom instead.
But Bruce lays there now, one arm thrown over his face to cover his eyes, and the other laying over his chest. Or more so, over a…lump? On his chest? A fluffy lump.
Bruce wakes up the sound of his study door opening and blinks at Damian, frowning lightly.
“Is everything alright, Dami?”
Damian knows Bruce must be exhausted because he only calls him that when he’s truly tired. The nickname slips out, all warm and affectionate, and Damian has to stop himself from blushing too hard.
“I am fine. I was simply looking for Alfred.”
The frown on Bruce’s face softens. “Oh. He’s out shopping.”
“The cat.”
And then Bruce looks down at his chest as Alfred (the Cat) wakes up and stretches across his chest, tucking his fuzzy little head into Bruce’s neck, and goes back to sleep.
“He’s right here.”
It’s hard for Damian to resist a smile. “I can see that.”
“Did you need him for something? I can-“ and Bruce tries to pick Alfred (the Cat) up off his chest only for him to dig his claws into Bruce’s shirt and meow in protest. “Well.”
Again, Damian has to push down the urge to laugh. “No, it is alright. I was worried he may have gotten out and was lost, but he is perfectly safe. Please, Father. Return to your nap. I apologize for disturbing you.”
And with that, Damian leaves Bruce’s study and finally allows himself to smile. He had been told by Richard that Bruce would eventually be one of those stereotypical parents to say no to a pet only to get attached. He just hadn’t realized how true that would be.
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thr-333 · 4 years ago
Mismatch- Part 23
Bio dad Bruce Wayne month 2020
.............. (:
First< Previous > Next
“How long were we gone?” Marion asks her, as they run through the halls back to class.
“Ahhhh,” The Akuma hadn’t been that hard but it still took time, “forty-three minutes,”
“It’s not that bad,” Marion shrugs, slipping as they turn the corner.
“Not that good either,”
“Now what would make you say that?”
“Marinette! Marion!” Lila’s shrinking greets them the second they open the classroom door, “Why would you leave me to do all the work?”
“Oh I see,” Marion whispers to her, she gives an ‘I told you so’ look.
“They had already completed more work in the three minutes they were here than you have in the past forty,” Damian sneers, Marinette watches with amusement as Lila visibly forces down the snarl.
“It’s meant to be a group project,” Lila’s lip quivers as they reluctantly take a seat at the table.
“Is that why you’ve spent the whole time talking to others and stealing their ideas?” Damian raises a brow, and hot damn if only she could film this.
“I wasn't stealing them, they wanted to help me out since my group abandoned me” Lila turns ‘innocent’ eyes to the tables near them, “Right guys?”
“I never said you could use our ideas,” One of the Gotham students looks upset as she talks.
“Plus you didn’t actually talk about the project only yourself,”  The other says, focusing on the worksheet in front of them.
“You could have at least tried to join another group,” Damian points out, gaming back Lila’s attention as she tries to defend herself, something about not wanting to upset the twins.
“Do you guys not like Lila?” Mylene, who was put with the students asks.
“Not really,” The second one shrugs, looking up from his worksheet for Mylene, “all she does is talk about herself and try to guilt you into feeling sorry for her,”
“Huh, I guess” Mylene shrugs, Marinette doubted they could break her out of Lila’s web, “Well Lila has a lot of achievement even with her disabilities,”
“Yeah, I don’t know,” Mylene looks shocked at the first Gotham students' tone.
“Mm, you get kind of good at reading people growing up in Gotham,” The other says, leaning back in his seat, “I would avoid her when walking down the street,”
Marinette looks away from their conversation, not wanting to see that look on Mylene’s face any longer. Instead, she focuses back on Damian and Lila still locked in a heated argument.
“Someone looks like their about to murder Lila,”  
“Oh sorry, I’ll reel it in,” Marion says deadpan, not looking up from his paper.
“Not you, him,” Marinette nudges him, making him look towards the pair.
“Oh,” Marinette can only sigh as a grin splits his face, “You want me to handle it?”
“Are you going to diffuse the situation or focus the blood lust on yourself?” Marinette asks instead.
“Hahaha, don’t be ridiculous,” Marion’s grin widens as he bounces over to the pair, leaning against Damian’s head, “Hey Dami,”
“Cheng-Dupain,” Damian tries to glare at him, giving Lila the chance to escape, naturally going crying to Rose and Alya, “Why do you insist on clinging to me?”
“Ummm, cause it annoys you why else?” Marion leans over to get in his face, not shrinking away from the scowl.
“Dupain-Cheng can you explain his behavior?” Damian turns to her, even under the weight of Marion.
“No, but he backs off if you hit him hard enough,” Marinette slides into the chair across from him, curiously his group members nowhere to be seen.
“Nette how could you!” Marion places a hand on his heart, “I am insulted you would think so little of my dedication,”
“So I cannot remove him by force?” Damian asks despondently.
“No, he’s like a leech-”
“-He’ll fall off when he wants to,” Marinette shrugs, fiddling with her backpack.
“Everyone is so mean to me Dami!” Marion collapses against him, although he doesn't sag under the weight, “Don’t you feel sorry for me?”
“I do not,” Damian tuts, focusing on his book, “Do not call me Dami,”
“I’ll stop calling you Dami when you call me what I want,”
“And what would that be?” Damian asks with disinterest.
“Big brother,” Marinette gives him a warning look, just getting a wink in return.
“Absolutely not,” Damian snaps, trying again to push him off, not that Marion will budge, “We aren't even related, Dupain-Cheng tell him-”
“Big sister, call me big sister,” The look of utter betrayal on his face was completely worth it.
“I thought you had more sense than to feed into this rumor,”
Won't be a rumor for long
“Think of it as reverse psychology then,” Marinette shrugs instead, that news would come later today.
“That is unlikely to work,”
“What if we called you little brother then?” Marion leans back over into his line of sight.
“ No ,”
“No fun,” Marion shakes his head.
“No fun at all,” Marinette agrees.
“Cheng-Dupain you are an idiot,”
“Is that so?” Marion grins, getting up but not before ruffling Damian’s hair.
They watch as he practically skips to the front of the room handing a stack of papers over to the teacher with a flourish. They read over it with a frown that slowly melts into approval. Even if they can’t hear they can tell Marion is being congratulated, confirmed by him walking back seconds later with a smug grin. While the rest of the class rushes to finish off the project.
“What now little brother?”
“Impressive,” Damian's tone doesn't betray any sense of being impressed, “Of course I finished it in the first fifteen minutes of class,”
“Dami, I haven't even been here for fifteen minutes!” Marion cries out, taking a seat at the table instead.
“Tt” Damian reluctantly admits, “... that is true,”
“Are you conceding defeat?”
“ No ,”
“I think that's a yes,” Marion nods wisely under Damian’s glare, pointing to Marinette, “Nette write this down,”
“I hereby officially declare Marion the winner of the first challenge issued,” Marinette recites, doing her best loopy handwriting in her sketchbook, “As such he has the ability to bring this up every time Damian calls him an idiot, this will be valid for three years,”
“I never issued a challenge,” Damian’s face twists up, still looking betrayed that Marinette would go along with Marion’s game, but it looked like Damian needed some fun in his life anyway.
“Is that really how you want to spend your objection?” She asks instead, rolling up the paper and handing it to Marion.
“... Three years is excessive,” Damian corrects, just as the bell rings.
“Ops too late, bells going!” Marion jumps up before he can protest further, “Alright let’s go!”
With that Marion starts pushing Damian out of the classroom. They get halfway out of the building before Damian breaks off to grab something before leaving. The twins loiter around in the empty halls while Damian takes his sweet time.
“Uh-oh, Satan's envy approaching,” Marinette doesn't need to look down the hall to know Lila is headed their way.
“Hi Lila, can we help you?” She asks politely, but not polite enough to look at her as she does.
“Just because these stupid Gotham kids don’t believe me don’t think anything has changed,” Lila finally release all the spite that had built up over class into her tone. At this point, Marinette was willing to bet they were a form of stress relief for her.
“Are they stupid?” Marion considers, leaning against the wall, “They don’t believe you, I would guess that's the bare minimum of intelligence,”
“Everything will go back to normal at the end of the week!” Lila shrieks, “Well leave Gotham, I’ll make up some lie about you and everyone will hate you again!”
“Lila, what makes you think we care anymore?” Marion drawls, honestly they had much bigger things to worry about today than Lila, “It’s been so long I have no desire to be their friend again,”
“Then I’ll have to step it up!” Lila smiles nastily, Marinette catches Damian at the end of the hall phone out and has to keep the smile off her face, “Everyone will hate you so much they’ll really bully you and make your lives miserable! Do all the things I say you do to me!”
“Like push you down the stairs?” Marinette raises a brow, subtly nudging Marion to look at Damian.
“Yes,” Lila crosses her arms, looking smug.
“And destroy your property?” Marion catches on, even braving a little wave to the camera.
“Yes,” Lila scowls like they’re stupid for not understanding.
“Spread nasty rumors about you?”
“Yes!” She snaps at Marinette.
“Every time you’ve ever lied that we were mean to you?”
“Great,” Marinette claps her hands, looking over to Damian. “You got all that?”
“I did indeed,” Lila pales as he comes up behind her, “I suggest you keep to yourself and not influence my decision on what to do with this footage more so,”
“I- you can’t- wait!”
“Get out of my sight,” Damian scowls, it being a lot more effective on her than Marion as Lila scuttles away.
“Dami have I told you that I love you?” Marion grins, giving Damian a side hug.
“Don’t be melodramatic,” Damian tries to push him off but Marion just latches on tighter.
“I loooovvvvveeeeee you soooooooo much,”
“That's it I’m no longer sending this footage to your class,”
“Dami nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,”
Marion somehow, somehow manages to keep it up until they reach the car. Alfred promptly forces Marion to drink a glass of water much to Damian's relief. Since Marion had ruined his voice with his little stunt there wasn't anyone to fill the silence. Marinette kept trying to distract herself, looking out the window and fidgeting with her clothes, they were in for quite the show, which would be great if they weren’t the main attraction.
Marinette can see Damian keep glancing over at her. She can see how he goes to say something several times before stopping himself. It breaks her heart to see him become more downcast the longer they ignore him. She looks to Marion for support, but he just taps his fingers to an erratic beat. He meets her eye just grimacing, she nods relieving the pressure from him. The atmosphere in the car grows stifling on the too-long journey to Wayne Manor. Marion practically leaps out of the car before the car even rolls to a stop.
Marinette follows Damian out of the car, watching as he walks more stiffly to the manor. She follows without the easy silence they usually have. They are guided to a room where everyone was waiting, technically family or not Bruce had given them a brief of every last one, and had likely done the same for them.
“What's going on?” Is Jason's immediate question, Selina slips into the room behind them.
“Is this about the rumor?” Tim asks, papers in one hand coffee in the other.
“Yes!” Marion points at him, nervous energy coming through his erratic movements, “And no,”
“It's really less of a rumor and more a very lucky guess,” Or unlucky depending on how this goes , Marinette adds privately.
“…. What?” Dick asks confused, everyone else either in thought or with dawning realization/horror.
Bruce slides a sheet of paper forward, on it a genetics test she isn't going to ask how he got a hold of.
“WHAT!” is chorused across the room, making Marinette flinch at the noise.
“Welcome to the family,” Dick pulls the two into a group hug, and is this what Damian feels like when Marion hangs off of him? The big brother hug?
“Wait... but who…” Tim trails off, looking far too tired for this conversation.
“Selina,” Bruce looks uncomfortable with all eyes snapping to them.
“Of course,” Jason mutters with a surprising amount of venom, knuckles white.
“This is unacceptable!” Is Damian’s outcry hands slamming onto the DNA test, she can feel Marion flinch beside her.
“How long have you known?” Dick turns hurt puppy dog eyes to Bruce, the hurt behind it making even Marinette’s stomach churn.
“What about-” Jason cuts himself off, glancing at the twins mysteriously.
“Excuse me” The twins jump at Alfred’s voice talking quietly to them, they get released by Dick who goes to Damian, getting brushed off, “But it may be best to give them all some time to process,”
They nod, slipping out of the room with the butler, leaving behind a mess of yelling as the door closes. They stand outside in silence for a moment before Marion breaches it.
“Well… that went well,”
“Ah Patrol the perfect place to ignore feelings and take them out on other people,” Marion stretches, looking over Gotham city. Marinette shakes her head at his antics, focusing instead on the fight in the alley below.
“Seems like we’re not the only ones,” She watches as Robin tears through the goons one by one, alone with violence she hasn't seen from him yet. Marion looks down as well, being the first willing to get in between the angry Robin and his angst.
“Hey there little bird,” Songbird drops down into the alley, Robin doesn't even spare the two a glance, “Let's try not to give the doctors a harder time than usual kay? I mean it’s Monday no one wants to deal with that,”
“It’s Tuesday,” Robin smashes another face in as if the date was the main complaint about what he was doing.
“Right, regardless, what's up?” Sparrow moves forward to take down the last thug in a much… nicer way.
“Nothing,” They both match him with equal stares of disbelief until he caves, “... my position is being challenged,”
“For Robin?” Songbird asks, something in Robin’s posture gives him away, “I know we joked about the name but we weren’t-”
“Not you,” He snaps, grappling hook taking him out the alley.
“Civilian life then?” Sparrow guesses, following him onto the rooftops, “We know a thing or two about that,”
Robin ignores them speeding up to run across Gotham. They let him for a while going to a spot that had a great view of the city. Marionette nods at Songbird when Robin lands on a gargoyle.
“I don’t know who they are, so I can’t speak for them,” Songbird lands in front, cutting off the best exit for Robin to jump to the next building, ignoring his look of irritation, “But I know you’re amazing and skilled enough not to be replaced,”
“Doesn't matter, that's just the way things go,” Sparrow lands behind them, crossing her arms as Robin seems to debate with himself, “Besides... it’s not just regarding skill,”
“Did you talk to them about it?” She asks, he pivots around to look at her, or rather glare, “Do you even know they want to take your place?”
“... No,”
“Alright then, just consider that maybe they’re not trying to hurt you,” Songbird rests a hand on his shoulder, which he surprisingly allows. He guides Robin to sit down as they do, looking over the city from atop the gargoyle.
“... This is how all the other Robins have been replaced,” He says after a time.
“And what? After that they all went ‘oh well guess it’s time to live a quiet life’,” Songbird’s comment lessens Robins frown, it might even be able to be classified as a smile for him.
“No, of course not,”
“Then there's no need to worry,” Songbird shrugs, kicking his legs no fear for the street far below him. “If you do get replaced, and I don’t think you will,” Sparrow adds quickly, “I have no doubt you will become something even greater,”
“... I’m meant to become Batman, it’s my birthright, and now it’s being challenged,” Robin reveals likely fatal information in the wrong hands, she prided herself in the trust that he thought they were the right hands.
“Again, talk to them about it,” Marinette suggests, rubbing a small circle into his shoulder.
“... They don’t even know?” To that Songbird bursts with laughter, offense crossing Robin's face.
“They don’t know then why are you panicking?” He laughs, lessening the tension in the air, “You’re worried they’re going to claim a title they don’t even know about,”
“....” Robin goes silent after that and they let him mull it over for some time. Marinette can tell Marion is judging when it’s best to pull him out of his spiraling thoughts.
“Heard you beat Sparrow on the swings,” He says randomly, looking out over the city, “Bet I could top you,”
“Yeah right,” Robin scoffs, relaxing a bit as he is broken from his thoughts.
“Well you see I have a secret,” Songbird conspires in a soft tone, despite literally no one being around to hear.
“And what would that be?” Robin sounds condescending, but she picks up the hint of keenness underneath it all.
“Singing,” His grin gives Robin pause.
“First of all that's a horrible strategy, putting energy towards singing instead of swinging,” Robin decides after a minute, “Second you’re horrible at secrets,”
I’ll have you know I’m an excellent secret keeper,” Songbird stands, ruffling Robins hair despite the look of indignation he gives,  “So rest assured this conversation stays between us,”
“... All of Gotham is going to know by the end of the night aren't they?” Robin gives Sparrow a flat look, she smiles.
@technicallyburninggarden @fusser90  @misslenamooney @superbwhispersconnoisseur @biodad-bruce-month @nalu-ismyjam @the-one-woman-army @rosesandsailboats @blackmagicforever @zeneralla @ivymala07 @tired-butterfly @Ranger-gothamite @A-star-with-a-human-name @enchanted-nerd @trippingovermyfeet
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thatawesomenerdygirl · 7 years ago
what mothers do || Damian Wayne
Note: I think I've done something similar in the first book under the title Bonding, but not with a pregnant Batmom :) so here you go!
Warning(s): N/A
tagging: @aquawomxn @cas-backwards-tie
"This is your wife?" The last word was nothing more than a spat when it slipped out of the boy's lips whom you knew as Damian. Bruce's biological son.
The way he looked at you was like he despised you, which he probably did despite the fact the two of you just met. He didn't know you just like you didn't know him, but he couldn't drop the loathing look on his face, it was making you nervous. Mainly, because he almost had the exact same features as your husband's, then again, he was his son.
Still, it didn't stop you to flash a genuine smile at him. You've heard about it all, you weren't mad, you understand. You carefully lowered yourself onto your knees, careful with the little bundle of joy in your stomach as you get to Damian's eyes level so you could speak properly.
"Yes, I am (Y/n) Wayne," you offered him your hand kindly, attempting to have a proper introduction while he just stared at it with a scowl as if your hand was dirty. "I hope we get along."
There was some silence between you and him while the two men (Alfred and Bruce) were watching your interactions with the boy not bothering to say a word since they didn't want to interrupt.
"Tell me," Damian started, he didn't shake your hand so you decided to lower it instead and the smile on your face didn't face or twitch which confuse the boy a little bit. "What you usually do?"
"Doing chores, cook, gardening, helping Bruce with the Enterprises, helping Alfred---"
Damian shook his head as he cut you off, "besides that?"
You hummed in thought then chirp, "none!"
Your answer only made his frown deepened, you heard him scoff and muttered something under his breath, he then gave you a simple nod just to he polite before leaving the cave with Alfred following behind (he excused himself) since he still needed to show the boy's room.
When he was out of the cave, you stood back on your feet with Bruce's help. "You know, he kind of reminded me of someone."
Your husband looked at you and you returned the gesture, he had his hand resting on your lower back to keep you steady as he rubbed his thumb in slow circles through the fabric of your shirt, "who?"
"He's just like you," you snorted before dragging him out of the cave by his hand, a yawn left your dry lips, "hard to crack."
"What does that even mean, Love?" He grunted as he followed you easily with his long legs.
You'd be lying if you said that it was easy to talk to Damian, he'd either avoid you or ignore your presence, it worsens when he found out you were pregnant (by himself). If he did talk, he would call you by your last name--- (L/n)--- and would only ask about Bruce's or Alfred's whereabouts then left wordlessly as soon as the name of the place was heard.
It upsets you, he was even harder to get closer to than Bruce, yet it didn't drop your spirit. You even made it your mission, when you told your husband about it he only chuckled and gently pat your back as he told you good luck.
On the other hand, Damian had mixed feelings between bothered and amused towards your behavior. He thought it was just because you wanted to welcome him by babying him, even though he didn't want to, with things he never got from Talia. A new set of clothes you bought when you were out, homemade foods, movie nights, taking care of him when he's sick, just being a mother. But you weren't, it was just how you did things. When he met Dick, the oldest Wayne boy, he asked if you always acted annoying which Dick immediately answered with a confident yes.
The constant ignoring he gave you didn't drive you away from him, instead, it made you even more determined. He could see it in your eyes every time you were sitting by his side, telling stories about your husband--- and his father--- he had never known.
Unknown to him, he was slowly opening up, he didn't ignore you as much as he used to and would subconsciously crack a small smile when you tell a joke. The tone he used also got softer, he still called you by your name but who were you to complain? It was more than enough.
Until a certain word slipped out of his mouth when he got back from patrol and was getting ready to sleep. Your hand was stroking his dark locks gently after you tucked him in.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked.
"Doing what?"
"This," he gestured to your hand and the empty glass of milk on his nightstand, he was exhausted, yet he kept his eyes open until he got the answers.
"Ah, your mother never did this?" You inquired, the question slipped out of your mouth before you could even realize, it wasn't wrong for you to question it seeing he had never told you about it, then again you didn't want to force him. "You don't have to answer," you added.
He shook his head slowly, "I used most of my time practicing with her," he yawned, sleepy tear brimming in one of his eyes before he rubbed it with his fist.
"With me, you can and you must slow down with your practices," you leaned down, placing a motherly kiss on his forehead.
Damian only responded with a nod, he remembered, the first time you kissed his forehead he practically jumped out of the bed because of the sudden contact, now he welcomed it. Not like he was going to tell you.
"Say," he caught your attention once more as you get off the bed, "can I," he hesitated, causing you to tilt your head, waiting patiently. "Can I call you mom?"
You froze in your place, staring at him with an expression he couldn't read making him worry inwardly that he had said something wrong. A huge ass grin then broke across your face, you were beaming at him as you sat back down on the bed.
"Yes! Please do, Damian!"
"Okay," a blush was covering his tan cheeks slightly as he averted his eyes, "Mom."
Since that day, he called you mom. Sometimes mommy would slip when he was feeling clingy and when nobody was around, it was so out of character of him, especially when he told you he was jealous of the baby in your stomach. He looked so cute with the littlest pout that formed on his lips.
"When she'll be born?" He asked, his hand rested on your swollen belly.
"When you came she was four months, oh! It's next month!" You gasped, "she'll be here soon, Damian!"
You were so wrong when you thought the scowl on his face couldn't be more evident, the crease between his browbones deepened as he stared at the soon to be his half-sister--- your stomach.
"What's wrong?"
"Damian, it may be only had been five months since we met but I know you," you pressed, your tone was like a mother scolding his son. Then again, he was your son too, in a way. "Are you afraid that I'll put the baby's needs first before you?"
Damian only answered with a grunt that you took as a yes.
A soft laugh left your lips as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a hug while Damian shyly returned the embrace. He liked how warm you were, the warmth he almost never gets from Talia.
"Even when the baby is here, I won't love you less. You're still my kid too, Dami."
"I know, Mom," he whispered out his answer.
"I see, the two of you get along just fine," Bruce walked into the living room, he just got back from the Enterprises with Alfred following behind him.
Both men weren't as shocked as the first time they saw you feed Damian when he was sick and the first time he called you mom, they were honestly impressed, seeing how much the boy loathed you back then. They were the only ones that noticed the glares he sent your way when you weren't looking, they knew how much food that Damian had thrown away since you were the one who made them.
"You told me to get along with her, so I did," The boy in your arms grumbled, not bothering to look at his father, his eyes were focusing on the show you were watching.
"Of course, son," Bruce looked at Alfred who had the exact same amused look on his face.
You looked at your husband over your shoulder, beaming at him as you spoke, "say, since the baby is going to be here soon, why don't we discuss a name?"
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