litnerdwrites · 6 months
The NC is literally a dystopian hellscape.
The Capital, or Velaris, is the safe zone from where they watch the suffering of others (the CON and Illyrians). They srpead propaganda to hide the hellscape that they've turned the NC into, painting themselves as paragons for good, and like siding with them is the best and only option. The IC themselves are a form of walking propaganda, calling themselves "The Court of Dreams" and gas slighting the citizens of Velaris and other courts into thinking that they're in the right and are just misunderstood good guys all along.
They use the CON and Illyria as forms of propaganda, showing it off to others, and painting a tail of them doing their best, but that these places are just too far gone or stubborn or whatever, to paint themselves as the ones struggling as they try to offer them help.
They use force as a way to control the populous, instead of starting with negotiations, or enforcing laws. Instead, they put down rebellions and slaughter their own people, while leaving the females to suffer, and orphans to starve.
They use force in the Hewn city too, though at the wrong times. He used force to control them when Kier called Feyre names, but not when they needed to get control of the Darkbringers? Once instance seems a lot more important than the others.
They control the spread of information, even from their own "family" when they feel like it, as seen in ACOSF. When information leaks from the NC, rhys (or another nc damati), wipes their memories of it. This is seen in ACOWAR after Eris and his brothers found out about Feyre's powers, while his brothers had their memories wiped, he uses it as leverage.
There's also the fact that most people consider Illyrians uncivilised brutes and the denizens of the CON to be unpleasant at best, monsters at worst. People from outside the NC or from velaris, don't really have any way of knowing if it's true first hand. They have the accounts of the IC, but that's it. They just take their word for it. It's not like Feyre or anyone ever see any of the CON outside of that court, that's basically an elaborate masquerade for the sake of survival.
They deny free thought, since we all saw what happened to Nesta the moment she dared to disobey, have individual autonomy, free thought, and healthy boundaries. She was pretty much tortured, and denied information regarding her own body. Even in the HL meeting, anybody with an opposing view, like Tamlin, was quickly shut up, dismissed and/or kicked out.
There's also the fact that it's unlikely anyone from Velaris has ever left it. It's hidden, cut off from the rest of the world, and it's not like we're told of any other safe places in the NC. It's either Velaris, this perfect city, the hellscape that is the CON (supposedly), or the frozen wastelands of Illyria. On top of that, if they stay, they remain the IC's priority, since he did only act to protect Velaris during Amerantha's reign, and not any other location. Has anyone ever left, without getting their memories wiped? Are their methods of transportation for people to leave Velaris, or come to it, if that's what they wish? Unlikely.
The IC don't let anyone see any good in any part of the NC, aside from Velaris. They convince their citizens that they are the only good thing in the NC, putting them on a pedestal above the rest of the territory. Velaris is protrayed as this Utopia, with the rest of the NC being portrayed as the kind of places they tell kids about to make them behave.
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cadmusfly · 6 months
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Two young ambitious INSANINFANTRY soldiers in the grand army of the IMPERIOUS EMPIRE are definitely not friends and are definitely not considering playing a certain HIT VIDEO GAME. At the age of 10 sweeps, they both think they’re too old for video games, but their friends and colleagues are pretty convincing!
The bronzeblood JELANN MONBEU was told that this video game involves a lot of running around and breaking shit, unlike other video games which are for nerds.
The tealblood SOLLDE DAMATY is intrigued by reviews comparing the game to strategy games such as TROLL SID MEIER’S CIVILIZATION and TROLLPOLEON TOTAL WAR.
And it’s not like either of them can be promoted to officer rank with their blood colours, so they might as well play some games while they're on leave!
Happy Homestuck day!
These are definitely just normal fantroll OCs.
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halaahmed259 · 1 year
Um grupo de cientistas de uma universidade encontrou uma casa feita de rocha e uma estátua de uma criatura com corpo de leão e cabeça humana em um lugar chamado Qena no Egito.
Um grupo de cientistas de uma universidade encontrou uma casa feita de rocha e uma estátua de uma criatura com corpo de leão e cabeça humana em um lugar chamado Qena no Egito. @cairo-top-tours
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amiramohamedblog · 1 year
L'équipe archeologica dell'Università di Ain Shams ha portato alla luce una cabina di pietra calcarea e una statua di sfinge nel governatorato egiziano di Qena.
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mohamedhassan0 · 1 year
A equipe arqueológica da Universidade Ain Shams desenterrou uma cabine de calcário e uma estátua de esfinge na província de Qena, no Egito
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mariammaher · 1 year
Cairo Top tours
Egypt is a country of art, culture, and history, and if you want to explore all of this and more just come to Egypt and join one of our trips.
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saulcastillo · 2 months
mucho más » semana DCLXVI (29Jl)
En medio de la vorágine olímpica la prensa ha seguido publicando infografías sobre otros muchos temas y es momento de repasarlos en la sección «Mucho más», que como cada domingo desde hace 666 semanas, arranca tras el salto:
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Trabajo: El Sena en los JJOO de París 2024: el río de los sueños | Autor: Victor Sanjinez | Medio: South China Morning Post, del 28 de julio
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Trabajo: El caso Begoña Gómez | Autora: Sara I. Belled | Medio: El Correo, del 29 de julio
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Trabajo: Curiosidades sobre las huellas dactilares | Medio: Folha de Sao Paulo, del 29 de julio
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Trabajo: Nusantara, una capital para Indonesia construida desde cero | Medio: La Voz de Galicia, del 29 de julio
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Trabajo: Dónde acusa la oposición venezolana sobre el fraude electoral | Autores: Rodrigo Damati y Carolina Daffara | Medio: Folha de Sao Paulo, del 30 de julio
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Trabajo: Tamaño de cada delegación olímpica según cada edición de los Juegos | Medio: Folha de Sao Paulo, del 30 de julio
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Trabajo: Análisis a la estructura de Hezbollah | Medio: Corriere della Sera, del 31 de julio
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Trabajo: Sistema electoral automatizado con auditoría analógica | Medio: La Vanguardia, del 31 de julio
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Trabajo: Los últimos cien segundos del Alvia siniestrado en 2013 | Autor: Alexia López | Medio: La Voz de Galicia, del 31 de julio
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Trabajo: La polémica jornada electoral en Venezuela | Medio: El País, del 1 de agosto
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Trabajo: Récords olímpicos intactos desde hace más de cuatro décadas | Medio: Folha de Sao Paulo, del 1 de agosto
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Trabajo: Los bancos cierran más de 14.000 oficinas desde 2015 | Autor: C. Cortinas | Medio: Cinco Días, del 2 de agosto
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Trabajo: Quién es quién en el intercambio de prisioneros entre Rusia y EEUU | Autores: James Hookway y Kara Dapena | Medio: The Wall Street Journal, del 2 de agosto
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Trabajo: El funcionamiento de los airbags de moto | Autor: F. J. Bienzobas | Medio: El Diario Vasco, del 3 de agosto
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Trabajo: Lesiones medulares por malas zambullidas en el agua | Autor: D. García | Medio: El Diario Vasco, del 3 de agosto
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Trabajo: Los saltos previstos en la final de gimnasia celebrada ayer en París 2024 | Medio: O Globo, del 4 de agosto
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Trabajo: Frentes abiertos de Israel en Oriente Próximo | Autora: Esther Utrilla | Medio: Ara, del 4 de agosto
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Trabajo: Accidente en una atracción de feria en Vigo | Autora: Laura Placer | Medio: La Voz de Galicia, del 4 de agosto
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thewul · 1 year
Ali Al Yamani
nadariyatou a za3imou al qawiyi wa tatbiqouha
ila akhi tariq aziz
akhi al aziz choukran li barqiyatikoum alati tou3abirouna fiha 3an ahamiyatou a za3imou al qawiyou, fa inani la ara fi hada al mawdou3i ichkaliyatan in kana hada a za3imou youlabi tomo7atou a chou3oubi, na3am wa layssa tomo7i cha3bihi fa7assb
fa tomo7atou a chou3oubi hiya mabda'iyan mouchtarakatoun wa lihada kanati al inssaniyatou moukhtalifatoun koula al ikhtilafi 3an tarakoumi chou3oubin
bal inani ara fi nadariyatou a za3imou al qawiyi amroun khatiroun in kana 3akssa dalika ananiyoun mousstabidoun, aw chibha qawiyoun wa zimamou al oumouri fi aydin roubama kana houwa bi nafssihi yajhalouha, am ya3lamouha wa houa radikhoun li an yakouna chibha doumyatin bayna aydihim
fa ina a chou3oubi ya ssadiqi fi khataroun mou7diquoun moundou kanati al inssaniyati, wa hada al khatarou houm tilkoum al ayadi al khafiyatou alati touridou an tasstabida koula damiroun 7ayoun wa an taqhara a chou3oubi fi iradatiha wa ssoulbiha gharada a rib7i aw sa3yan fi a toghyani aladi ja3alaha ta7takirou 3ala mawaridi a chou3oubi wa ssiyadatiha
layssa hounalika ya ssadiqi ssayidoun lil 3alami ilama kana nabi3oun 3an iradati chou3biha
bal a za3imou al qawiyou a zaa'ifou mawjoudoun mou7diqoun bi chou3oubi, yatassalaqou ila harami a ssoultati min dou3fi iradati wa intibahi al jamahiri fi zamanin maa
touma mada yaf3alou hada? youqawidou haramou a ssoultati il yaj3ala atba3ihi al fassidina al moufssidina fi kouli manssibin da ssoultatin
laa yara hada a za3imou al qawiyou a zaa'ifou fi ssoultati ila wassilatin li ta3dimi nafssihi wa ghidaa'an li kibriya'ihi, wa laa yaraw fihi anssarahou ila ta3biran li fachalihim 3an ta7qiqi daatihim
ama al ayadi al khafiyatou fa gharadouha moukhtalifoun in dahara za3imoun qawiyoun wa nazihoun aradat an tou7arifahou wa toufssidouhou wa taghrihi li a sa3yi fi ma touridouhou
wa hiya toufadilou koula tafidili a za3imou a doumyatou al hachichi al harimi aladi toussayirouhou kama chaa'at bal inahou ya3rifou mada istibdadiha wa yakhchahou aktara min ma yakhcha chay'oun akharoun
layssa hounalika sadiqi al azizi za3imoun qawiyoun fi moujtama3in hazilin, fa ina zou3ama'ou la you3abirouna 3an cha'yin ila kana 7aqiqatou al moujtama3atou aladi nabi3ou minha
fa inana 3indama wada3na 7izba al baath'i wada3na mabadi'oun wa qiyamoun wa lam noudi3 achkhaassoun, fa tamourou al ajyalou wa tadhabou al achkaassou, wa yabqa 7izba al baath'i ssamidoun fi mabada'ihi wa qiyamihi ma tadoumou al jibalou wa ma doumna
baath'iyoun baath'iyoun na7nou baath'iyoun, fal yachadou bi hada wa youqirou bihi, fa in lam youqirou bihi fal ya7joubou a chamssou fi l3oula
banaytou qabri fi l'ourdoun wa ana amchi ka jaychoun taraktou ahli wa houm fari7oun qaalou in raja3a am lam yarji'3 fa na7nou bihi mouftakhiroun al boundqiyatou wa tiini wa zaytoun
kadalika ssayanda7irou a3daa'ou al baath'i wa yafchaloun, wa kadalika ssatakounou hazimatouhoum hazimatan ssaa7iqatin hazimatan li qiyamihim al moun3akissati wa mabada'ihim al mounkassirati
wa ssayabqa al baath'ou, ssayabqa mountassiran laa yaqdirou 3alayhi a7adan li anahou ssawtou al jamahiri wa damirouha, ssawtou oumatina al baathi'yati al qaadimati laa ma7alhou, ssawtoun qawiyoun fi moujtama3i al oumami
na3am ssayafchalouna laa ma7alin wa toussbi7ou qouwatouhoum al mawhoumatou al wahmiyatou chay'oun yatta7assarouna 3alayhi wa qad raa7a wa zaala la ma7ala, wa sata3a al baath'ou khaalidan fi al oufouqi
wa kadalika ssayabqaa chaa'a man chaa'a wa aba man aba
laqa 7adarnahoum wa nou7adirouhoum al aan wa naqoulou lahoum inkakoum ssatafchaloun, bal inakoum fachaltoum moundou dahara al baath'ou fi al woujoudi
wa lam yakoun 7izbou al baath'ou mina al 3adami bal kana wa fikrihi mawjoudan moundou al azali yantadirou a darfa al mounassibi, ina darfa qad ata wa ha na7nou
wa in kountoum tadounouna anana ssanamoutou wa ssayantahi al baath'ou fa aqoulou lakoum bi 3ibaratin ssadiqatin, inana lan namouta abada
wa ana al baath'ou khaalidan ma damati al jibali wa al oufouqi
3an qadiyati filistin, hiya qadiyatoun inssaniyatoun massiriyatoun youridou man laa yamtalikou li inssaniyatin aw massirin an youjaridaha min inssiniyatiha wa massiriha
wa hiya qadiyatoun tassna3ou al abtala wa chouhadaa'a kama tassna3ou al joubanaa'a wa al moujrimin
qadiyatoun tassna3ou a dama'iri wa layssa fa 7assb fi a cha3bi al filistiniyi wa al oumati al 3arabiyati bal fi saa'iri al 3alami wa kadalika fi a cha3bi al isra'iliyi
fa na7nou laa nou'minou bi l3oudwani 3ala chou3oubi, kama lan nassma7a abadan li dawlati al isra'iliyati an taqouma 3ala kidbatou cha3bin bi douni ardin
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nourhan-soliman1 · 1 year
Es una cosa asombrosa e interesante sobre la gran civilización egipcia
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merit-maher · 1 year
L'Égypte a fait une nouvelle découverte dans le gouvernorat de Qena en explorant la cabane romaine
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raefsaad · 1 year
Welcome to Egypt: We are waiting for you to visit the latest archaeological discoveries
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abdelrahmanemad33 · 1 year
Исследуйте Египет и узнайте больш�� о его истории.
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mosalah1 · 1 year
Explore Egypt and learn more about its history.
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rajeshpillai · 1 year
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Whether you're looking for containers to store food items, office supplies, or any other items, the Rectangular Series from Damati Plastics has many options. Additionally, they provide a contact form for those interested in learning more or placing an order. Overall, Rectangular plastic containers are an excellent resource for those seeking high-quality plastic containers for their storage and organizational needs and food delivery.
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titou-nz · 1 year
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Vallée des Rois, Tombeau de Toutânkhamon - Égypte
Chambres secrètes
Selon l'égyptologue britannique Carl Nicholas Reeves - qui lance cette théorie début 2015 à partir de fresques scannées par l'entreprise Factum Arte et demande qu'on autorise des recherches complémentaires sur le site - la tombe de Toutânkhamon serait en fait celle de Néfertiti, demeurée elle-même inviolée, et dont la partie la plus proche de l'entrée aurait été réutilisée pour y placer la dépouille de Toutânkhamon après son décès prématuré, dix années environ après la mort de Néfertiti.
Nicholas Reeves avait noté que certains éléments de la tombe de Toutânkhamon, tels que l'iconographie, font penser à la tombe d'une reine plutôt qu'à celle d'un pharaon. Sa théorie pourrait aussi rendre compte des dimensions relativement modestes du tombeau de Toutânkhamon par rapport à d'autres sépultures de pharaons.
Début novembre 2015, le ministère égyptien des Antiquités annonce qu'une équipe scientifique avait trouvé, au moyen de thermographie infrarouge, les premières indications de l'existence d'une pièce secrète dans le tombeau de Toutânkhamon, ce qui corrobore l'opinion du Dr Reeves selon laquelle les fresques du mur Nord de la chambre funéraire de Toutânkhamon dissimulent deux portes, deux passages vers deux autres pièces (une autre chambre funéraire et une pièce de stockage). L'égyptologue avait formulé cette opinion après analyse des scans de la pièce qu'avait effectués le groupe espagnol Factum Arte (en), spécialiste de ce genre de reproduction.
Le 28 novembre 2015, le ministre égyptien des Antiquités, Mamdouh al-Damati, annonce lors d'une conférence de presse que de nouvelles recherches, menées cette fois par l'expert japonais Hirokatsu Watanabe au moyen d'un radar, indiquent « une probabilité de 90 % » qu'il existe une pièce secrète au-del�� du mur Nord. L'expert japonais aura cependant besoin d'un mois de recherches complémentaires pour confirmer ce résultat.
Cependant, une nouvelle série de balayage radar menée par une équipe de la National Geographic Society aboutit ensuite à des conclusions différentes ; puis, en mai 2016, une conférence internationale organisée au Caire ne permet pas non plus d'arriver à un consensus sur la question de la part de la communauté scientifique, provoquant un arrêt provisoire des recherches, d'autant plus qu'intervient au même moment un changement du ministre de tutelle du département des Antiquités égyptiennes.
En 2017, une nouvelle recherche — la troisième — est menée avec un radar à pénétration de sol pour retrouver une éventuelle chambre secrète ; conduite par une équipe de l'École polytechnique de Turin dirigée par Franco Porcelli. Les résultats des tests radars démentent toute possibilité de cavités cachées.
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cainenterprisesllc · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Men’s size large damati embroidered red Crewneck sweater.
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