#damage ctrl fanfiction
qosbaez · 9 months
Main writing account: @south-of-heaven
My rules are the same as on my other account, please check them before requesting
Requests are OPEN
Updated: 22/12-23
Who I write for
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Damage CTRL
Liv 4 Brutality
The Judgement Day
The Outcasts
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south-of-heaven · 6 months
Reader is damage ctrls(including bayley and Dakota)’s “child” (not really reader is just a wrestler who is younger then them but they coddle them bc..they are annoying
Just a Kid || Damage Ctrl x Reader
Summary: Everyone in the locker room think you're just a kid, too green and you don't belong there. Damage Ctrl take you in.
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As you step into the bustling locker room, the chatter around you falls to a hush, replaced by a subtle tension that hangs in the air. You know what they're thinking—that you're just a kid, too green to be here among seasoned wrestlers.
You can feel their eyes on you, scrutinizing your every move, their disapproving whispers barely concealed behind forced smiles. You try to shake off the unease creeping over you, but it's hard not to feel like an outsider in a room full of veterans.
Just then, the familiar sound of laughter breaks through the tension, drawing your attention to the corner of the room where Bayley, Dakota Kai, and the Sky Pirates, Iyo Sky, Kairi Sane, and Asuka, are gathered. Despite the icy atmosphere surrounding you, their laughter is infectious, filling the room with a sense of warmth and camaraderie.
You tentatively make your way over to them, the weight of their gazes heavy on your shoulders. But as you approach, they greet you with open arms, their smiles genuine and welcoming. You can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you as you join their circle, the tension of the locker room melting away in their presence.
Despite being the youngest member of Damage CTRL, you've always felt like part of the family with Bayley, Dakota, Iyo, Kairi, and Asuka. They've taken you under their wing from day one, guiding you through the ups and downs of the wrestling world with patience and understanding.
Sure, some may see their coddling as a weakness, but to you, it's been a lifeline—a source of comfort and support in an otherwise daunting environment. They've helped you grow as a wrestler and as a person, teaching you the ropes and cheering you on every step of the way.
As you laugh and joke with your teammates, the weight of the locker room's judgment fades into the background. With Bayley's arm draped around your shoulders and Dakota's playful banter filling the air, you know that you're exactly where you belong—surrounded by friends who see you for who you truly are: a valued member of the team, no matter your age or experience level.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 2 years
The Lady’s Man~Becky Lynch x fem! reader
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Pairing: Becky Lynch x reader
Genre: Romance, fluff
  Summary: After spending close time with Becky during your time as tag team duos, she starts to dress differently, something not only the fans pick up on but you along with Becky’s competition for the Smackdown Women’s championship too.
Writer’s Note: First and foremost, I’m sorry about not updating a certain fic yet (The Astrid, Crazy Rich Asians one. I’m still working on it!) or just writing a lot on here in general. Depression has its hooks sunk deep and work has been draining me more than usual but here I am. One of the things that has helped me lots is wrestling, haven’t watched it since I was a young teen and wow, it’s like interacting with an old friend again. One thing that I’ve also noticed is how much the women on the roster are hot and why I liked them so much. The gay awakening was real. Anyway, hope you enjoy my first wrestling fic!
Word Count: 1, 978
You were classy. If you were to partake in feuds or clap-backs, you kept it high-brow and let your skills in the ring do most of the talking. That was part of your character: Lady Y/N, here to bring back beauty and class to the WWE, an exhausting effort to get through with your in ring abilities instead of full on trash talking. That being said, you did have your moments where you popped off on the mic, especially when Damage Ctrl was involved. 
You came face to face with Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky tonight; the people of the crowd roaring and chanting, “My Lady” once your music hit and you came strutting toward the ring.
“Aw, here she comes!” Bayley yelled. She pointed off around the crowd and continued to mouth off“Shut up! We’re the top ladies here you heathens.”
“Bayley, all this crying isn’t gonna get you anywhere,” you said. You entered the ring, smiling at the audience, waved and aimed a few kisses at the people, swooning them in the process. “Didn’t Becky and I beat Iyo and Dakota last week and didn’t you lose your championship to Charlotte at the Rumble last week?”
Bayley nodded eagerly, smile plastered on her face. 
“Yeah! Lady yeah! I did y/n! But who’s been a champion at all? Me! Not you! Some lady you are!” Bayley exclaimed while laughing and nodding to her Damage Ctrl sidekicks. “Maybe, if you’re nice to us tonight, I can bring you in the spotlight on my Ding Dong Hello show next week. Well, just you and not your man.”
You cocked up an eyebrow at the mention of “your man”, right when the WWE universe all “oooooed” all at once. It was some sort of joke you weren’t in on, yet you caught yourself with a sly grin and went back in on Bayley. 
“My man? You making up delusions now, huh, Ms. Role-model?” you said. 
Bayley scoffed then let out a snort while turning to Dakota and Iyo. The crowd seemed to react as well, chanting “The Man” over and over. 
Oh. Becky, that was who Bayley was referring to. She called herself the man, didn’t mean she was your “man.” Right? And Bayley is totally wrong, the WWE Universe did have their bright moments but they didn’t dictate who did or didn’t belong to you. Especially Becky Lynch. She was your friend and tag team partner. Period. Nothing more, nothing less. 
“Please, you might be able to fool these idiots!” Bayley yelled. She gestured to the audience before continuing. “But you can’t fool me and the heart eyes she gives you! Have you even seen her new merch?”
Now you knew Bayley made up insults and material on the fly but you really had no idea what she was talking about. Before you could wrap your head around it or throw your own comment back at her, Becky’s music hit, sending the arena along with Damage Ctrl into a frenzy.
“Aww, now look who you’ve spawned!” Bayley groaned. “How dare you idiots speak of The Man!”
The combination of the loud music, the crowd and Bayley’s irritating yells swirled into a cacophony of noise that left you frozen while you watched your fiery headed partner (tag of course) rush out, all smiles and cockiness under her black shades. It’s like what Bayley alluded too, her outfit and merch was different: instead of wearing her flashy, “Bex” shirt underneath her leather jacket, Becky sported a new shirt with blocky letters reading “The Lady’s Man.” 
Your heart skipped a bit at the display; being around Becky was already complex, she just made it twenty times harder. She trotted down to you on your frozen spot in front of the ring, eyes obscured by her shades until she lifted them. 
“You called?” Becky asked. She aimed her words at Bayley and the entire WWE Universe, but it felt as if she was just talking to you. 
Becky stepped closer toward you, rearranged your hair a little before placing the shades on your head. 
“This Ok?” she asked. “Don’t want to mess up your hair, but I just couldn’t resist.” 
Her Irish accent always had an effect on you but how low it was when she whispered, with her gesture of the shades left you flabbergasted longer.
“Hey! Flirt on your own time!” Bayley said. She pointed at Becky, who chuckled. “This is between me and your Lady!”
“Woah, woah, woah! You know Y/N and I are a team, like you and your Ctrl clique,” Becky explained. She brought an arm around your shoulder, patting the spot in an attempt to bring you back from your stump. “The Man always defends her lady. Dare I say, she’s got a better chance at Charlotte for the Smackdown women’s championship than you!” 
Becky’s words got your chest to flare; you nodded along however, smiling a bit too big as words of your own bubbled up from your throat. 
“The Man’s got a valid point though, what do you say, Role-model?” you said. 
Bayley guffawed. 
“Sure! Yeah right, like she would--” Bayley said. She was cut off by the crowd chanting your name over and over, angering her yet again. “Shut up! You idiots don’t know anything! Y/N can’t even compete with Dakota or Iyo, let alone me!”
Becky cocked her head back, as if her fellow horsewoman’s words struck her face on. She turned toward you, mouthing a “can you believe this?” You just rolled your eyes and shook your head. 
“Bayley, keep spouting this nonsense and maybe I’ll have to kick your ass again,” Becky said. She brought you closer, close enough to hook her arm around your waist. “Or! We could take care of Kai and Iyo and they can defend those tag titles for once! Jeez! Those things have been collecting dust!” 
You found yourself smiling more as the heat built up your chest. Becky and you only teamed up due to being a great match against Fire and Desire, along with other amazing women in the division but to suggest you both challenge Damage Ctrl? It was a commitment to what you two could do together, although, it wasn’t as grand as Becky proclaiming herself “your man”, was it the direction Triple H wanted or was it something more?
“No way!” Bayley growled. “I mean, they’re the greatest bunch of the womens division they don’t need to prove a thing!”
Iyo Sky and Dakota nodded, a little too swiftly with conflicting emotions pouring through; you picked up on them immediately.
“You sure Bayley? They seem scared. Let’s ask them, folks! Iyo? Dakota?  Are you afraid to take on Becks and I? Maybe to even put the titles on the line too?”
The WWE Universe erupted in another fit of chants: you made it out to be them calling Damage Ctrl cowards over and over again. Becky chuckled and pulled you close while Iyo and Dakota went over what was going on with Bayley off mic. It looked as if Iyo and Dakota were trying to talk their leader out of it, you felt quite terrible for them and how the crowd began to drown them out with the noise.
“All right! Quiet you idiots!” Bayley shouted. She gestured for the WWE universe to calm down more, leaving mummers among the crowd and stands. “They’ll accept the challenge, next week!”
You didn’t expect them to accept so quick, believing them to think it over throughout the week or maybe go back and forth with Becky on Twitter(usually ending up with you mediating). 
“Yes!” Becky cheered. “We got this, lass.”
You could only nod, lost in the feeling of opportunity: white noise of the crowd and a tingling feeling that warped down your chest toward your belly. A title shot for the first time in your career, with Becky. Becky freaking Lynch. 
The thought kept up its constant ringing in your head, even after you escaped the effervescent noise the WWE universe were known to cause. You managed to reach your personal locker room before a hand grabbed your wrist--the action forced you to tense up, thinking it was Bayley or Damage Ctrl. 
“Whoa, lass, you all right?” Becky said. Concern clean on her face. “Is it OK if we talk?”
You nodded. Becky shut the door behind you, then proceeded to pace the space, back and forth like a blur of orange flame that flicked from one end of a candle to the next. 
“It wasn’t your idea, was it?” you said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. 
Becky froze, attention immediately on you. 
You let out a humorless laugh and motioned to her new T-shirt. 
“The Lady’s Man? It was just a new way of introducing our tag team? Making it official, yeah? Or is it a new storyline that I’m not caught up with yet?” you asked. You pressed your fingers together and fidgeting them while continuing. “I-I just want to understand what all that was.”
“Rebecca, please be honest with me,” you said. The emotion in your voice was sharp and firm.
Becky rushed over to you, taking your face in your hands. 
“Breathe, y/n, I’ll explain, let me just sit you down, OK?” she said. 
She led you to the folded chair you had set up by your cubby, helping you sit prior to her kneeling in front of you. 
“It was my idea, and yeah Triple H and the people wanted to market it, thought it’d be a great thing to lead up to something amazing to do with the Tag titles,” Becky explained. She took your hand as she spoke, rubbing the knuckles and the underside of a few veins. “But under all of the bravado and what The Man means to me, there’s some truth to it. I really want to try and be your lady too. I-I like you, Y/N, I really do.”
The way Becky looked up at you almost made the emotions break from you, tears flooded your eyes, some spilling over to your dismay. 
“Y/N, no, hun, don’t cry I--”
You cut Becky off with a kiss, meeting her halfway as your arms wrapped around her neck. Becky returned the kiss instantly, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you flush against her. A mini makeout session just about occurred. You pulled back (a little self conscious that you both were still in the arena aka work) but Becky lifted your chin up tenderly, planting a short yet passionate kiss to your lips once again. 
“I love that desire, lass,” Becky whispered. “Does this mean we’re to be more than tag team champions in the future?”
You nodded. “That and we’ll have a lot more moments outside of Wrestlemania.” 
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qosbaez · 8 months
Where bayley is the baby of the group, like maybe she has anxiety and damage ctrl are the only ones who know how to calm her down
Crippling || Damage Ctrl
Summary: Bayley might be Damage Ctrl's fearless leader to the public eye. But when she gets behind that curtain she's not so fearless anymore.
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In the world of professional wrestling, Damage Ctrl was a force to be reckoned with. Led by the Bayley, the group consisted of Asuka, Dakota Kai, Kairi Sane, and the rising star Iyo Sky. To the public eye, Bayley was the undisputed leader, the woman in control both in and out of the ring. However, behind the curtain, a different dynamic played out.
Bayley, the heart and soul of Damage CTRL, harbored a secret that only her partners were privy to. Despite her confident persona, she battled with crippling anxiety that threatened to engulf her at the most unexpected times. The weight of expectations and the constant pressure to lead took its toll on her, leaving her vulnerable in the solitude of her thoughts.
Asuka, Dakota, Kairi, and Iyo had an unspoken pact to protect their leader. They understood the fragility that resided beneath Bayley's tough exterior and took it upon themselves to be her pillars of support.
One evening, after a particularly grueling match, Bayley found herself sitting alone in the locker room, the echoes of the crowd still ringing in her ears. The anxiety that had been brewing within her threatened to surface, and she felt the familiar weight settling on her chest.
Just then, the locker room door creaked open, and her teammates filed in one by one. Asuka, with her commanding presence, took the lead. "Bayley, we're ordering some post-match pizza. What toppings do you want?"
Bayley, startled by their sudden appearance, managed a small smile. "Uh, just pepperoni, I guess."
The others nodded, recognizing the subtle signs of distress in their leader. As they settled in, unwrapping the pizza boxes and sharing stories from the day, they created a comforting atmosphere that cocooned Bayley in warmth.
Dakota, ever perceptive, noticed the tension in Bayley's shoulders. "Hey, Bay, how about a little sparring session later? It always helps blow off some steam."
Kairi chimed in with her trademark enthusiasm, "And then we can have a karaoke night! Or maybe a movie marathon?"
Iyo Sky, the youngest of the group but wise beyond her years, added, "Don't forget, Bayley, you're not alone in this. We've got your back, always."
The night unfolded with laughter, camaraderie, and support. The Damage Ctrl members took turns sharing their own struggles, reinforcing the bond that went beyond the squared circle. As they sang karaoke, traded wrestling stories, and playfully sparred in the ring, Bayley felt the weight on her chest lift.
It was during these moments, away from the spotlight, that the true strength of Damage Ctrl revealed itself. They weren't just a faction; they were a family. Bayley, the supposed leader, found solace in the knowledge that she didn't have to face her battles alone. With her teammates by her side, she discovered that vulnerability was not a weakness but a testament to the strength of their unity.
As the night drew to a close, Bayley, surrounded by her supportive teammates, felt a profound sense of gratitude. Damage CTRL wasn't just a wrestling group; it was a sanctuary where vulnerabilities were embraced, and anxieties were conquered together. The true strength of the faction lay not in their dominance in the ring but in the unbreakable bonds of friendship they forged backstage.
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qosbaez · 9 months
Damage CTRL Masterlist
a - angst. s - smut. f - fluff. etl - enemies to lovers.
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Survivor series (a, f)
Team player (a)
Crippling (a)
Explain (a, f)
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south-of-heaven · 10 months
Damage Ctrl x reader
When asuka turns on biancas team reader goes with her even tho she’s honestly terrified of damage control and when they both join damage control they all grow really really close then you can decide what else happens or just leave it there beacauseee idk
Not so bad || Damage CTRL x Reader
Summary: Maybe joining Damage CTRL isn't so bad.
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You stand in the ring, nervously watching the chaos unfold. Asuka has just turned on Bianca, misting her in the face and aligning herself with the formidable team known as Damage CTRL. The fear of repercussions gnaws at you, as Damage CTRL is infamous for their ruthlessness.
However, to your surprise, Asuka motions for you to join her. The others in the group—Kairi, Iyo, Bayley, Dakota—they're are eyeing you, but there's no malice in their gaze. Tentatively, you step forward, aligning yourself with Asuka and the intimidating faction.
The initial tension eases as Asuka welcomes you, her demeanor changing from the fierce warrior to a friend. Iyo, with her infectious enthusiasm, offers you a reassuring smile. Kairi, Bayley, and Dakotai, who you expected to be adversaries, extend an olive branch rather than a threat.
As the days pass, you realize that Damage CTRL is not the nightmare you anticipated. Instead, it becomes a family of sorts. The camaraderie among the members is palpable, and you find yourself growing close to Asuka, Kairi, Io, Bayley, and Dakota.
Training sessions become moments of shared laughter. The fear you once felt transforms into a sense of security. You discover that Damage CTRL isn't just about chaos; it's about loyalty, support, and unity. Each member brings something unique to the table, and you're welcomed into the fold with open arms.
Asuka, the catalyst for your integration, becomes a mentor and a friend. Iyo's infectious positivity brightens your days. Kairi's intensity becomes a source of inspiration, while Bayley's leadership offers guidance. Dakota Kai's toughness is balanced by a surprising warmth.
Together, you navigate the tumultuous world of professional wrestling, realizing that the fear you harbored was unfounded. Damage CTRL is not just a force to be reckoned with; it's a bond that transcends the squared circle. And in the heart of it, you find not just allies, but genuine friendships that make the unpredictable world of wrestling a little less daunting.
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south-of-heaven · 9 months
Bayley x reader
Reader comforting Bayley after damage Ctrl starts to leave her ouy
Left out || Bayley x Reader
Summary: Bayley starts feeling left behind by her friends. At least she still has you.
A/N: I will riot if they hurt my baby. Also I cried writing this. I love her way too much.
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The bond you shared with Bayley was special, a connection that went beyond the ring. As part of Damage CTRL, the group had always been tight-knit, but lately, Bayley had been feeling increasingly isolated. She felt the sting of being left out, the hurt evident in her eyes as the rest of the group seemed to drift away.
You noticed the change, the way the others had grown cold and distant toward her, her usual bubbly demeanor replaced by a sense of hurt and loneliness. It tugged at your heartstrings, seeing Bayley, usually the life of the group, feeling left behind.
One evening, you found her sitting alone, a melancholy expression on her face. Without a word, you joined her, offering a silent but supportive presence. Bayley's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and gratitude as she glanced at you.
"Hey," you said softly, a gentle smile on your face. "What's going on?"
Her shoulders sagged slightly, a sigh escaping her lips. "I don't know... it just feels like I'm on the outside lately."
You listened as she poured her heart out, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. The feeling of exclusion weighed heavily on her, and you could sense her vulnerability.
"I feel like they don't want me around anymore," she admitted, her voice cracking with emotion.
Your heart ached for her. With a reassuring touch, you offered words of comfort, assuring her that she wasn't alone. You reminded her of the bond you shared, the genuine love that went beyond the dynamics of the group.
"You're a vital part of this team, Bayley," you affirmed, your voice filled with conviction. "And you've got me, always."
Her eyes glistened with gratitude, a faint smile forming on her lips. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.
In that moment, you both found solace in each other's company. You stayed by her side, sharing stories, laughter, and providing the support she needed. The evening passed, but the connection between you and Bayley grew stronger, a reminder that true friendship transcended the ebb and flow of group dynamics.
As you bid her goodnight, you could see a glimmer of hope returning to Bayley's eyes. She may have felt left behind by the others, but with you by her side, she found comfort in knowing that there was someone who truly cared—an unspoken promise to always be there for her, no matter what.
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qosbaez · 7 months
Explain || Bayley x Dakota Kai
Summary: Bayley feels hurt after Dakota's betrayal. She knows it's all scripted but she can't help it.
A/N: I genuinely started crying writing this.
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Bayley stood in the center of the ring, the sting of betrayal still fresh in her heart as she watched Dakota raise her hand in victory alongside Iyo and the Kabuki Warriors. The cheers of the crowd washed over her, but they felt hollow against the ache of disappointment that gnawed at her insides.
As the match ended and the arena emptied, Bayley found herself alone in the locker room, the echoes of Dakota's betrayal ringing in her ears. She knew it was all scripted, that their rivalry was just part of the show, but the pain she felt was all too real.
Just as she was about to drown in her sorrow, the door creaked open, and Dakota slipped inside, her expression a mix of concern and regret.
"Bayley, I..." Dakota began, her voice hesitant as she approached her former friend.
Bayley turned away, unable to meet Dakota's gaze. "Save it, Dakota. I don't want to hear your excuses."
Dakota sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Bayley, please. Let me explain."
Reluctantly, Bayley turned to face her, her eyes brimming with tears. "Explain what? That you stabbed me in the back? That you betrayed everything we stood for?"
Dakota took a step closer, reaching out to gently grasp Bayley's hand. "Bayley, you have to understand. It was all part of the storyline. It wasn't personal. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you."
Bayley shook her head, her voice trembling with emotion. "But it felt personal, Dakota. It felt like you were turning your back on me, on everything we've been through together."
Dakota's heart ached at the sight of Bayley's pain, the realization of the hurt she had caused hitting her like a ton of bricks. She knew she had to make things right, to reassure Bayley that their bond was stronger than any scripted storyline.
"Bayley, listen to me," Dakota said, her voice firm with conviction. "No matter what happens in the ring, no matter what storylines they throw at us, it's always going to be us against the world. You and me. Together."
Bayley's gaze softened, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes as she looked at Dakota. "Do you really mean that?"
Dakota nodded, cupping Bayley's face gently. "With all my heart, Bayley. I know things got messy tonight, but I promise you, I'm always going to have your back. Always."
Tears welled in Bayley's eyes as she threw her arms around Dakota, pulling her into a tight embrace. In that moment, all of their past grievances melted away, replaced by a renewed sense of trust and solidarity.
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Bayley knew that no matter what challenges they faced in the ring or in life, she and Dakota would always be there for each other. For in the end, their bond was unbreakable, their friendship a force to be reckoned with.
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south-of-heaven · 6 months
Dakota Kai x reader
Reader looking after Dakota after her match with Bianca like readers forcing Dakota to have and ice bath and like kissing Dakota’s bruises and giving her massages to help with the muscle aches
Bruises || Dakota Kai x Reader
Summary: Dakota just wants to go back to the hotel and sleep after her match with Bianca, you won't let her.
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As Dakota steps out of the ring, you can see the exhaustion etched into every line of her face. She's had a gruelling match with Bianca, and all she wants to do now is collapse into bed and sleep for a week.
But you know better than to let her do that. You've seen how sore she gets after matches like this, how stiff her muscles become if she doesn't take care of herself properly. So you gently take her hand and lead her towards the locker room, determined to make sure she gets the rest and relaxation she needs.
Despite her protests, you guide Dakota into the ice bath, watching as she winces at the shock of the cold water against her skin. But she trusts you, knows that you only have her best interests at heart, so she grits her teeth and bears it, sinking down into the frigid water with a shiver.
You stay by her side the entire time, rubbing her shoulders and offering words of encouragement as she soaks in the icy depths. And when she finally emerges from the bath, her muscles relaxed and her spirits lifted, you can see the gratitude shining in her eyes.
Back at the hotel, you help Dakota strip off her clothes, carefully wiping away the layers of sweat and grime that cling to her skin. She sighs in relief as you work, the tension slowly melting away under your gentle touch.
As you finish cleaning her up, you press a tender kiss to each of her bruises, your lips lingering over the darkened patches of skin as if to soothe away the pain. Dakota leans into your touch, her eyes fluttering closed as she basks in the warmth of your love.
Finally, you help her into bed, tucking the covers around her with a soft smile. She looks up at you with sleepy eyes, gratitude shining bright in their depths.
"Thank you," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. "For everything."
You lean down to press a kiss to her forehead, your heart swelling with love for this incredible woman lying before you. "Anytime, babe," you whisper back, knowing that you'd do anything to make sure she's happy and healthy, now and always.
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qosbaez · 7 months
Could you do one with Baylynch where Bayley is having a anxiety attack after Dakota betrays her and Becky’s there to comfort her?
Betrayal || Bayley x Becky Lynch
Summary: Becky's there when Bayley freaks out after Dakota's betrayal.
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In the wake of Dakota's betrayal, Bayley found herself spiraling into a whirlwind of anxiety and uncertainty. The sting of betrayal cut deep, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable. As she stumbled backstage, her chest tight with panic, she longed for a sense of comfort and stability.
That's when she saw Becky, her former friend turned rival turned lover, standing in the hallway, her expression a mix of concern and determination.
"Bayley," Becky called out, her voice gentle yet firm. "Are you alright?"
Bayley shook her head, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. "No, no. I'm not okay. I don't know what to do. Dakota...she- she betrayed me."
Becky's heart ached at the sight of Bayley's distress, her own resolve strengthening as she reached out to gently grasp Bayley's trembling hand. "Hey, hey, I'm here. Whatever you need."
As Bayley's anxiety threatened to overwhelm her, Becky guided her to a quiet corner backstage, away from the prying eyes of their fellow wrestlers. With each passing moment, Bayley felt the tight knot of tension in her chest begin to unravel, the warmth of Becky's presence a soothing balm against the storm raging within her.
"I don't know what to do, Becky," Bayley admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I feel so lost and alone."
Becky cupped Bayley's face gently, her gaze filled with compassion and understanding. "You're not alone, Bayley. I'm right here beside you, every step of the way."
In that moment, Bayley felt a sense of peace wash over her, the weight of her anxieties lifted by Becky's unwavering support. With each word of encouragement, each reassuring touch, Becky helped to anchor her in the present, guiding her through the storm with steady hands and a compassionate heart.
As they sat there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Bayley realized that she didn't have to face her fears alone. With Becky by her side, she felt stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Together, they would weather the storm, navigating the highs and lows of life in the wrestling world with courage and determination. And as they faced the challenges ahead, Bayley knew that with Becky's support, she could overcome anything that came her way. For in Becky Lynch, she had found not just a friend, but a kindred spirit, a beacon of light in the darkness.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Damage Ctrl x fem reader
Reader never speaks like none has ever heard her say anything and she’s really shy and reserved,one of the members of damage Ctrl decide to approach her and doesn’t say anything,just sits next to her then the rest of damage control arrive and they start talking sometimes talking to the reader ,eventually after they are really close damage control goes up to reader asking to be in a relationship they don’t expect reader to answer but she says yes, then as the relationship progressses reader speaks to Bayley Iyo and Dakota more and eventually starts speaking to other people too (if that makes sense I feel like half of it is me waffling on)
Silence || Damage CTRL x Reader
Summary: Nobody has ever heard you speak, Iyo Sky makes it her mission to get close to you.
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In the world of wrestling, where vibrant personalities and loud personas dominated, you had carved out your own unique niche – the silent enigma. Not a single word had ever passed your lips in front of your fellow wrestlers, an unintentional choice that shrouded you in an air of mystery. Your shyness and reserved nature became part of your character, captivating the curiosity of your colleagues.
Among them, Iyo Sky was particularly intrigued. Her bright and outgoing personality was a stark contrast to your quiet demeanor, and she saw it as a challenge to unravel the layers that hid your voice from the world. Day by day, she made it her mission to get to know you better, finding small ways to connect.
One day, as you sat alone in the catering area having lunch, Iyo decided to take a seat next to you. A friendly greeting left your lips sealed, but she didn't seem deterred. Minutes turned into moments, and Iyo's animated chatter began to feel like a comfortable backdrop.
Then, the unexpected happened. Bayley and Dakota joined the table, their vibrant presence contrasting against your silence. They exchanged stories and laughter, all the while making you feel welcomed and included, despite your lack of words. This repeated a few times, and slowly, you found yourself smiling along with them, sharing in their camaraderie.
One day, as you all sat together, Iyo, Bayley, and Dakota exchanged glances. They seemed to communicate silently before Dakota leaned forward. "Hey, you know, we've been thinking."
There was a pause, a beat of uncertainty. You tilted your head slightly, curious.
"We're together, as in a relationship," Dakota continued, a note of uncertainty in her voice. "And we've kind of realized that we'd love for you to be a part of it, too. But we totally get if you're not comfortable or if that's not your thing."
The air was heavy with the unspoken question, but what caught them off guard was the unexpected answer that escaped your lips, quiet yet clear. "I'd like that."
It was the first time anyone had heard your voice. The surprise on their faces was palpable – Iyo's eyes widened, Bayley's jaw dropped slightly, and Dakota's lips curved into a delighted smile.
From that point on, your journey began. As your relationship progressed, the three of them became a consistent presence in your life. Gradually, you found yourself growing more comfortable. The conversations started small, whispered words shared between the four of you. And as trust blossomed, your voice began to emerge, gradually gaining strength.
It wasn't just with Iyo, Bayley, and Dakota anymore. Slowly but surely, you extended your conversations to others in the arena, your comfort growing with each interaction. The wrestling world that had seemed so overwhelming and loud at first became a bit more familiar, a bit more your own.
The enigma that you had once embraced started to evolve, revealing a person with thoughts, emotions, and a voice. With Iyo, Bayley, and Dakota by your side, you discovered the power of not just being seen, but also being heard. And as your world expanded, you realized that the quietest voices could carry the most profound impact.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Damage CTRL x reader
Reader is super emotional when Iyo wins,and she just completely breaks down when she sees Dakota stepping into the ring
And when they go backstage Bayley dakota and Iyo all comfort reader
Proud || Damage CTRL x Reader
Summary: Emotions well up when Iyo cashes in and Dakota returns.
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As you stood in the Gorilla position, anxiously watching the intense match unfold at SummerSlam, your heart was already heavy with emotions. Iyo had just cashed in her Money in the Bank contract, and the WWE Women's Championship was on the line. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, and so were you.
As the final bell rang, signaling Iyo's victory and her becoming the new WWE Women's Champion, tears welled up in your eyes. You couldn't believe it; your partner had achieved her dream, and you were so proud of her.
But the surprises were far from over. Just as Iyo was celebrating her victory together with Bayley in the ring, Dakota appeared. Your heart skipped a beat, and tears streamed down your face as you saw Dakota making her return after months of absence due to injury.
You missed Dakota dearly, and now seeing her going through the ropes to join Iyo and Bayley in the ring, you couldn't contain your emotions. The joy of having all of your girls back together overwhelmed you.
As the celebration continued in the ring, you couldn't stay away any longer. You rushed out to meet them backstage, tears still flowing freely down your cheeks. Your heart pounded in your chest as you approached, and they immediately enveloped you in a tight group hug.
"I'm so proud of you, Iyo," you managed to choke out amidst your sobs.
Iyo grinned, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "Thank you, my love. This is all because of your support and love."
As your gaze shifted to Dakota, she had tears in her eyes too. "I missed you so much," she said, hugging you even tighter.
Bayley joined in the embrace, wrapping her arms around all of you. "We're so happy for you, Iyo," she said, her voice filled with genuine joy.
The love and support from your partners overwhelmed you, and you were incredibly grateful to have them by your side. As the sobs wracked your body, Bayley took notice and gently wiped away your tears.
"Hey, it's okay," she said softly, her voice soothing. "We're all here now, and we're together."
You nodded, feeling their love surround you like a warm embrace. "I love you all so much," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion.
"We love you too," Iyo said, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
Dakota held Iyo close, her arms wrapped protectively around her. "You're our champion, and we're so proud of you!" she said excitedly.
Bayley smiled and held you in her strong arms, just like she had done with Iyo out in the ring. "We're a team, and nothing can tear us apart," she said, her voice unwavering.
As you looked into the eyes of the three amazing women who had captured your heart, you knew that this moment was something special. With Iyo as the WWE Women's Champion and Dakota back in the mix, there was no doubt that this bond between the four of you was unbreakable.
The road ahead was bright, and with your girls by your side, there was no limit to what you could achieve together. And as the tears of joy continued to flow, you were reminded of just how much love and happiness this wrestling family brought into your life.
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qosbaez · 9 months
Survivor Series || Damage CTRL
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Summary: Bayley has an anxiety attack after the war games match. Asuka helps her through it.
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The energy of Survivor Series had been intense, leaving everyone buzzing with adrenaline and emotions running high. But for Bayley, the aftermath proved overwhelming. As she sat backstage, the weight of the night’s events crashed down on her, triggering an anxiety attack.
Her breaths came in short, panicked gasps as she tried to regain control, but the walls seemed to close in around her. That's when Asuka noticed, her keen eyes picking up on Bayley's distress. Without a second thought, she rushed to Bayley's side, her presence a comforting beacon amidst the chaos.
"Hey, hey, focus on me," Asuka urged gently, her voice a calming presence in the midst of Bayley's turmoil.
Bayley struggled to steady her breathing, her hands trembling as she clutched onto Asuka’s arm for support. "I can't... I can't..."
Asuka’s voice remained steady and reassuring. "You're okay, Bayley. Just focus on your breathing, in and out, slowly."
She guided Bayley through deep breaths, matching her pace to help regulate her erratic breathing. Asuka’s presence was a stabilizing force, her calm demeanor grounding Bayley amidst the storm of anxiety.
With each breath, Bayley began to regain control, the panic slowly dissipating. Asuka stayed by her side, offering words of encouragement and comfort.
"You're safe, Bayley. You're not alone," Asuka reassured, her voice soft but firm.
As Bayley's breathing steadied, she finally met Asuka's gaze, her eyes filled with gratitude and vulnerability. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice hoarse with emotion.
Asuka gave her a gentle smile, her eyes reflecting warmth and understanding. "Anytime. I've got you."
In that vulnerable moment, Asuka's unwavering support became a lifeline for Bayley. She helped Bayley regain her composure, offering a sense of calm and reassurance during a time of distress.
As the anxiety attack subsided, Bayley found solace in Asuka's presence. The weight on her chest eased, replaced by a sense of gratitude for the genuine care and support that Asuka had shown her.
Though Survivor Series had been a rollercoaster of emotions, Asuka’s act of kindness and support resonated deeply, a reminder that even in the most overwhelming moments, there could be someone there to offer a steadying hand and a comforting presence.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Bayley x reader or Bayley x Dakota x reader
Reader is really ticklish and Bayley or Bayley and Dakota figure this out when trying to kiss readers neck
Ticklish || Bayley x Reader x Dakota Kai
Summary: Whilst kissing your neck, Bayley and Dakota find out you're incredibly ticklish.
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It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and you were spending some quality time with your girlfriends, Bayley and Dakota. The three of you were lounging on the couch, wrapped up in each other's arms as you watched a movie. Bayley had her head resting on your shoulder, while Dakota was leaning against your other side, her fingers gently tracing patterns on your thigh.
As the movie progressed, Bayley leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your neck. Little did she know that you were incredibly ticklish in that area. You let out a soft giggle, causing both Bayley and Dakota to look at you with mischievous grins.
"Oh, I see, someone's ticklish," Dakota teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
You blushed slightly, realizing that you had just revealed your ticklish weakness. "Uh, yeah, just a little," you admitted, trying to play it off.
But Bayley and Dakota were not going to let this opportunity pass. They exchanged a knowing look and then simultaneously began to pepper your neck with gentle kisses, sending ticklish shivers down your spine.
You let out a squeal of laughter, squirming in their arms as they continued their playful assault. "Stop, guys, that tickles!" you protested between giggles.
But Bayley and Dakota only laughed in response, thoroughly enjoying your reaction. They loved being able to make you laugh and feel so carefree in their presence.
"Aw, look at how adorable they are when they're ticklish," Dakota teased, pressing more kisses to your neck.
Bayley chimed in, "I think we've found their secret weakness!"
You tried to wriggle away, but their combined efforts kept you firmly in place. You were caught in the middle of their playful attack, and there was no escape.
"Okay, okay, you win!" you finally surrendered, breathless from laughing.
Bayley and Dakota finally relented, their playful expressions softening into gentle smiles. They pulled you into a tight group hug, surrounding you with their love and warmth.
"We love you, ticklish spots and all," Bayley said sweetly, planting a loving kiss on your forehead.
Dakota nodded, adding, "Yeah, you're stuck with us, tickles and all."
You smiled, feeling incredibly lucky to have such amazing girlfriends who knew just how to make you feel loved and cherished. "I love you both too," you replied, cuddling closer to them.
From that day on, Bayley and Dakota never missed a chance to tickle you and make you laugh. And even though it was sometimes embarrassing, you couldn't help but adore the moments of joy and playfulness that they brought into your life. With them by your side, you knew that you would always be surrounded by love, laughter, and endless tickles.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Heyy if you wanted could you do a Bayley x Dakota x reader
Reader has always been on her own in the ring, like keeping to herself and everything but for some reason Bayley and dakota are desperate for her to join damage ctrl they do everything, interfering with the readers matches,following reader around. They eventually get reader to break and join damage ctrl with them and shortly after they all catch feeling, dakota confessed to reader first and then Bayley finds them cuddled up or whatever, then Bayley confesses too.
(Sorry it’s so long😭)
Join us || Bayley x Reader x Dakota Kai
Summary: Bayley and Dakota have been pestering you to join Damage Ctrl for what feels like forever. Eventually, you give in and end up getting much more than anticipated.
A/N: I'm sorry if this sucks, like I said I don't know Dakota all that well but it's something at least.
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You've always been a lone wolf in the WWE, preferring to keep to yourself and focus on your in-ring performances. However, recently, Bayley and Dakota Kai have taken a keen interest in you, going to great lengths to try and convince you to join Damage Ctrl.
At first, you resist their advances, not wanting to compromise your independence. But they're persistent, interfering in your matches and following you around, leaving you no escape from their charm and influence.
One evening, after a particularly gruesome match, you find yourself cornered by Bayley and Dakota backstage. They look at you with earnest eyes, their expressions a mix of determination and affection.
"Come on, join us," Bayley implores, her voice filled with sincerity. "We know you're incredible on your own, but together, we could take over this whole division."
Dakota nods in agreement, adding, "We've seen what you can do, and we want you by our side."
You sigh, feeling the pressure building up. You had always been adamant about standing on your own, but there's something about Bayley and Dakota that's hard to resist. They believe in you, and maybe, just maybe, you could find strength and camaraderie in their alliance.
Finally, you relent, giving in to their persuasions. "Fine," you say, "I'll join Damage Ctrl, but only if you promise not to try and change who I am."
Bayley and Dakota exchange triumphant smiles, pulling you into a tight hug. "Deal." Bayley says. "We wouldn't want you any other way." Dakota fills in.
From that moment on, you become a part of Damage Ctrl, and your performances in the ring become even more formidable as you work together as a united front. But as time goes on, you find yourself growing closer to Bayley and Dakota offstage as well.
One night, after a grueling training session, you and Dakota find yourselves sitting on the gym mats, catching your breath. She glances at you, her eyes softening with affection.
"You know," she says, "I've admired you for a long time. Your determination and skill are really inspiring."
You blush, grateful for her words. "Thank you, Dakota," you say, "I feel the same way about you."
She reaches out, gently taking your hand in hers. "You don't have to be alone anymore," she says, "We're here for you, I'm here for you and... I love you."
Before you can respond, you hear a soft clearing of the throat. You turn to see Bayley standing there, a small smile on her face.
"Am I interrupting something?" she teases playfully.
You and Dakota exchange a knowing look, and Dakota chuckles. "Actually, we were just having a heart-to-heart."
Bayley nods, seemingly unfazed. "That's good," she says, "Because I have something to confess too."
You look at her curiously, and she takes a step closer, her gaze locked with yours. "I've developed feelings for you," she admits, her voice steady but full of vulnerability. "I tried to fight it, but I can't deny it any longer."
Your heart skips a beat, and you feel a rush of emotions wash over you. This alliance with Bayley and Dakota has brought you closer than you ever imagined, and now, it seems like your connection has deepened even further.
"I feel the same way," you confess, your voice barely above a whisper.
Bayley's eyes light up with joy, and without a moment's hesitation, she leans in and presses her lips to yours. The world around you fades away, and all that matters is the love and affection you share.
In that moment, you realize that Damage Ctrl isn't just a powerful alliance in the ring – it's also a bond of love and friendship that has changed your life in the best possible way. With Bayley and Dakota by your side, you know that you'll never be alone again, and together, you'll face whatever challenges come your way, both inside and outside the ring.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Damage Ctrl x reader
After iyos win at fastlane they all celebrate and reader is just so happy and proud of Iyo like she won’t stop hugging and kissing and congratulating Iyo (and the others) and jus lots of fluff with damage Ctrl 😻😻
One person celebration || Damage CTRL x Reader
Summary: After Iyo's win at Fastlane you can't stop congratulating her.
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Fastlane had been an intense night, but it was a night to remember for you, Bayley, Dakota, and Iyo. You were all in the same stable, and you had developed a strong bond, not just as teammates but as friends and partners.
The event had featured a triple threat mathc where Iyo had faced two tough opponents in Charlotte Flair and Asuka. You had been on the edge of your seat the entire time, nervously watching her every move. When the referee's hand hit the mat for the third time, signifying her victory, the arena erupted in cheers, and you felt like your heart was going to burst with pride.
As soon as Iyo made her way backstage, you couldn't contain your excitement any longer. You rushed over to her, your arms wide open, and engulfed her in a tight hug. "You're incredible! I knew you could do it!"
Bayley and Dakota followed you, their smiles as wide as yours. They watched with amusement as you rained kisses and congratulations on Iyo.
"Wow, babe, you're like a one-person celebration," Dakota teased, but there was a fondness in her tone.
Bayley chimed in, "I've never seen someone so proud of their partner before."
You finally let Iyo catch her breath, but your excitement was far from over. You turned to Bayley and Dakota, your eyes shining. "Did you see that? She's amazing! You're all amazing!"
Iyo laughed and hugged you back, "Thank you, Y/N. I couldn't have done it without you all."
As the night went on, the four of you celebrated Iyo's victory, relishing in the joy of being a close-knit team. Your excitement and pride were infectious, and it was clear that your bond as a group was stronger than ever.
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