crackshipus · 7 years
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Requested by olesyaannasocolova: Alycia Debnam-Carey & Dominic Sherwood
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debnamsharman · 7 years
Tralicia part IV
Alicia decided that if she wanted to avoid the public walk of shame, she had to get back to her family's cabin now. At least it was still early enough to avoid anyone seeing her sneak out of her boyfriend's brother's house.
She went looking for her shirt before realising that Troy had torn it apart. So she grabbed Troy's instead. Quickly putting on her shoes, she slipped her trusty butterfly knife in her left boot.
Before opening the Otto residence's front door she glanced back at Troy one last time. He looked so peaceful, so kind. As she sighed, she closed the door behind her.
Taking bigger steps than she usually did, she hurried back to her own cabin. There were a few early birds already up and about on the ranch but luckily for her, none of them were interested in why she was strolling around at 5 in the morning.
Back in her own cabin, she quietly snuck around looking for a shirt of her own to sleep in. As quiet as she was, nothing could go past Madison Clark.
Alicia cursed under her breath as she heard her mom sleepily asks, "Alicia? What are you doing?"
Her heart started racing as she gripped Troy's shirt tightly in her hands. "Nothing mom, I couldn't sleep. So I went for a walk and ended up here. Figured i might as well sleep here instead of going back all the way to Jake's."
She was too afraid to look at her mother. She would be able to tell if she was lying or not.
"Honey, be careful out there. You never know what could happen that late at night. It's too dangerous to be walking around on the ranch this time around. There's Walker who wants us gone. There's Troy who's a bit of a loose canon at the moment..."
As soon as Madison mentioned Troy, Alicia's mind went blank. Her mother's voice faded away away. All Alicia could think about was Troy.
She shoved his shirt under her pillow but she could still smell him. She fell asleep as she thought about Troy's smell, his touch, his taste...
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alyciajasmiin · 4 years
hello old friend | dalycia
Being full time mom was not an easy thing but it was something Alycia would never change, for anything. She loved her family and she was having the time of her life, every moment mattered but something important was missing. Someone to be exact; her good, old friend, Demi. She was missing her and Alycia was thinking to leave her son to the babysitter and go surprise her with some girl’s time. After taking that decision, the brunette went to buy a few things and then she was ready to go. She finished a couple of errands and the young woman drove to her first place. She knew Demi was home because her little source told her earlier when Alycia messaged them. -- When the brunette finally arrived, she parked, got out and made her way to the door, knocking a couple of times.
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pillowprincesslexa · 7 years
Leave. 😂😂
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debnamsharman · 7 years
No matter where you go, I'll find you. T&A.
Alicia didn't remember much after collapsing on top of Troy completely exhausted. Woken up by Troy flinging his long arm across her in his sleep. "How did I get here?" She thought to herself.
Turning her head a bit, she stared at a sleeping Troy. He looked so peaceful. His lips were slightly parted as he calmly breathed in and out.
Seeing him like this, she couldn't believe this was the same guy who shot innocent people for fun and got a kick out of killing the dead. He had to have a heart, didn't he?
As she lied there in his bed, with his arm wrapped up around her, she started to fantasize what he must have been like as a young boy. Her mind took her took her to a much too dark place to her liking.
A little blue eyed boy longing for his mother's love and daddy's approval. The little boy just finished a puzzle all by himself and proudly strolls to his mom to tell her.
"Mommy! Mommy, I finished my puzzle!" He squeals. But his mother isn't interested. Without giving him as much as a look, she rolls away from him in her bed and drags the covers over her head. Dismissing him, all together.
Walking down to his father's office, he tugs on his daddy's sleeve.
"Daddy, I finished my puzzle. I did it all on my own. Come look, daddy!"
Accidentally tugging too hard, Jeremiah Otto loses grip on the Jack Daniels bottle he was holding and backhands the boy.
"God damnit! Watch what you're doing, you useless waste of space!" He yells at the boy.
Walking out the room to fetch himself another bottle, he leaves the little blue eyed boy alone in his office. His eyes filling up with tears while his lower lip starts trembling. Looking down at his little fiddling fingers.
Alicia quickly shuts her eyes trying to push away that awful thought. Turning back to face the guy sleeping next to her, her heart breaks for the little blue eyed boy hidden somewhere deep inside him.
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debnamsharman · 7 years
Losing grip, but it's worth the risk, to brave the cold. T&A
Once she had tasted his lips, she wanted more. Slipping in his tongue, he deepened the kiss. His hand gently squeezing her thigh as he lifted her leg up to his side. Feeling a little unsteady, she curled her leg around his.
As soon as Troy broke the kiss, she whimpered. She wanted more, she needed more. If he wouldn’t give it to her, she’d have to take it herself. Trying to wriggle her hands out from his strong but gentle grip, her desperation for his taste and his touch grew.
Not letting go an inch he noticed her yearning for him as he playfully shook his head, signalling her to have some patience.
His eyes dark with desire he leaned in once more. Giving her a little chaste kiss, she whined as he trailed the kiss to her jaw. Smiling against her skin, he moved on to her earlobe, grazing it with his teeth. She gasped at the sensation her body felt when he kissed and sucked his way to her collarbone.
With his hips firmly holding her in place, she could feel his length growing and gently poking her. She gasped in his mouth as he pushed himself further into her, a smile escaping his lips at her reaction.
Releasing her hands from his grip, he guided one of them to the expanding bulge in his pants. Alicia slid her hand down his boxers and gently squeezed his manhood, causing him to bite her lower lip of pleasure, “oh baby.”
“Is this Jake’s?” He asked as he eyed her closely up and down. “Hm,” was all she could bring out. With a swift movement he tore at the hem of the shirt and ripped it apart off her.
Watching the fabric fall to the floor, she suddenly felt two strong hands on her waist as her feet left the ground. Wrapping her legs around him, steadying herself. Tangling her slender fingers in his light brown curls, gently tugging at the pleasurable feeling his scruffy beard left on her skin from kissing every inch of her chest.
Feeling the hard surface of the wooden desk underneath where he’d placed her, separating her legs giving him full access to her. She had ripped open his shirt and dragged it off of him. Bending down a little so he could reach her lips, Troy held her face, caressing her cheeks.
Intoxicated by the taste, Alicia reached for his belt and hastily started unbuckling it. Once she had unbuttoned it, she let it fall to his knees.
Eyes locked with his piercing blue ones, she saw his twinkle with list as he kissed his way down reaching her sensitive area. Pushing his index finger into her, he whispered, “so wet baby,” before going down and sucking the wetness away.
She arched her back filled with anticipation and need. A primal need for him as he sucked an licked. His curly locks firmly within her grasp, being pulled hard before Troy got back up to kiss her. She could taste both him and herself in that kiss.
Intertwining her tongue with his, she all of a sudden felt him inside of her. Moaning in his mouth, digging her nails in his back as he pushes in and out faster. “That’s it baby, come for me,” is the last thing she hears before rolling her head back and letting go.
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debnamsharman · 7 years
A Dalycia Story; the meeting
Daniel was beyond excited when he got word that he had gotten the part of Troy Otto on the AMC hit show Fear The Walking Dead. First thing he did after ending the call with his manager was dial his younger brother Hugh's number to gush. On the other end of the line he heard the sleepy voice of his little bro. "Hello?" Realising that in the midst of his excitement he had forgotten about the time difference from Los Angeles to London, he couldn't help but grin. "Hi mate. Sorry, I forgot the time. I got the part!" "What part? Who is this?" Daniel's grin grew wider at the sound of his brother's confusion. "Your favorite brother, ya knobhead." "I've only got the one and he's an absolute twat." Hugh chuckled. Daniel rolled his eyes in amusement before getting back to the reason he called his brother in the first place. "Anyhow, moving on, I got the part for Fear." "Bloody hell mate, and you chose the middle of the night to let me know. That's gonna be pleasant dreaming. Will you get eaten?" Hugh belched out laughing. "I have no idea. All I was told about the part was that I have to come in to get my eye fitted." "Eh?" Daniel couldn't help but chuckle at his brother's response. "I don't know, man. That's all I know. But go back to bed, wanker. I'll call you later." "Piss off!" Smiling while ending the phonecall, Daniel decided that to understand the project he was about to commit to he'd best watch the previous seasons. But first he needed a shower.
Feeling refreshed and after letting reality set in, Daniel grabbed some ice cream from his freezer, opened a cabinet, grabbed a spoon and walked towards his living room. Wearing nothing but his boxer shorts, he settled in nice and comfy on the couch. Slinging his long legs on his coffee table he was ready to press play, eat his ice cream and indulge into the world of Fear The Walking Dead.
Alycia woke up this morning full enthusiasm. She was excited and ready for the new season of Fear The Walking Dead. Couldn't wait to be reunited with her Fear family. She was curious to see where this season would take her character and who the newest members of their family would be. Would she like them? Would they get along as well as they had the past two seasons? Complete with the excitement of going back to work she also had a pit in her stomach. She had heard the news of a character's loss. A loss that hit close to home to most of the cast, including her. Would she be able to portray this with dignity as the character deserved? The more she thought of it, the more anxious she got about going back in. "No, I can do this, for Cliff", she exclaimed to herself. She tore herself out of bed and hopped in the shower. After a well deserved hot shower, she got out, dried herself and got dressed. One last glance in the mirror and she was on her way.
                                              TABLE READ
When Daniel drove onto the lot, he suddenly got overwhelmed with a mix of anxiety and excitement. On one hand, he couldn't wait to dive into his character. On the other, would he fit in with these people who had known each other for years? He still hadn't learned why he had to go in before to get his eye fitted. Hopefully today he'd get some answers. The curiosity was getting the best of him at this point. As he walked into the building the anxiety grew smaller while the excitement took a hold of him. Soon as he entered the room where they would have the table read a woman walked towards him. "Hi, I'm Kim. Welcome to the family!" she greeted him with a warm smile. He could feel all sense of insecurity wash away. "Daniel. Thanks, glad to be here." he smiled back. "Come, let me introduce you to the rest of us", she said as she gently guided him to where a group of people had already gathered. The group was caught up in chatter and laughter. None of them had even noticed Daniel closing in on them. "Everyone this is Daniel", Kim presented him to the group. "Is this like in high school? Do I have to tell you guys something about myself now? I sure hope not, I always was quite rubbish at that." Daniel joked. He could just about shoot himself right now. Being put on the spot like that would always bring out the hopelessness in him. He quickly looked down while running his hand through his brown locks as he heard an Australian accent jokingly stating, "Another Brit?" Once he looked up, his piercing blue eyes locked with the most beautiful emerald ones he had seen. She sweetly smiled at him as she told him her name was Alycia. He flashed her his million dollar smile and he said, "Well sorry love, guess you'll be the only Aussie for some time." At that response Alycia couldn't help but giggle. The sound of her joy evaporated the entire room. It filled him with electricity from head to toe. And for a moment, it was just him and her.
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alyciajasmiin · 5 years
f2f; Dalycia ; Catching Up.
It has been awhile since the last time she had caught up with her best friend so, Alycia decided to go give her a small visit while her son was with the baby sitter. Alycia has been out for the morning and knowing that Demi would be up by now, the young woman drove to her place. When she arrived she walked to the door and knocked a couple of times, hoping that she was not bothering her.
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