#dalton lamber imagine
lwsr8 · 1 year
Stay with me,I don’t want you to leave.
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Basically,y/n wants to do that one tiktok trend with her boyfriend,Dalton
• ”no baby I love you but I’m not getting lipstick all over my face”Dalton said which made y/n pout “don’t do that” he said and looked away knowing that if he kept on looking he couldn’t say no to those eyes
“fine I’ll just do it with Chris then,at least she likes my kisses” y/n says as she makes her way to the door
“Nono cmon baby I didn’t say that I dont like your kisses” Dalton says knowing that she and Chris would actually do that “uh uh you said you don’t want lipstick all over your face which means you don’t want my lips too” y/n says while smirking “fine I’ll do it” Dalton finally gives up
well that was fast y/n thought “EEEK I LOVE YOU” she said as she jumped into his arms and planted kisses all over him “okay come here” Dalton sighed knowing how sticky his skin will feel
y/n sat on his lap and cupped his face in her hands,after putting on lipstick of course then she slowly started to plant kisses on his nose,cheeks and neck
Dalton relaxed into her touch and knew it wouldn’t be too bad anyways
she took a look back and admired her work of art
Dalton blushed and looked away “just finish the video” y/n smirked “there’s one more place” she said before kissing his soft lips slowly he kissed back and held her hips when she pulled away and smiled noticing his blushing face “now we film the video”
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lambertdiary · 1 year
hiii can I request a fanfic where the lipstick demon is high key obsessed with the reader and taunts dalton about it in his dreams and then when it comes to him being possessed like in the movie he was daltons more scared for the reader than himself and when he wakes up his body is like mid way between hurting the reader and he just feels so guilty but clingy incase the demon comes back (I’ve had this idea for a while but I lack writing talent lol) ? thank u if u do write it 💞💞
A/N: omg thank you so much for your request! I’m obsessed with the concept and I had a lot of fun writing this. I think it turned out okay, so hopefully you’ll like it too and hopefully this is something like what you wanted. Please feel free to let me know what you think!!
Word count: 1.8k+
Warnings: established relationship, angst, the further, blood, language
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Echoes And Shadows
Dalton is constantly worried about his ‘gift’, he’s terrified of his out-of-body experiences, the realm he travels to, the spirits that constantly stalk him and threaten to take his body, and the dangers that go as far as threatening the safety of his own friends. He was aware of all of them, but he was mostly aware of one of these things going after his girlfriend, so he tried really hard to stay away from that, although sometimes he couldn’t really help it. But right now, his biggest worry is his sick girlfriend.
“I’m sorry we can’t go to the movies today” Dalton said, dropping Chris off at her dorm. Y/N, Dalton and Chris were supposed to have a movie day together for their ‘third wheel session’ (as Chris liked to call it) of the week, but as soon as Y/N said she was feeling a little under the weather Dalton called the whole thing off.
“It’s ok, I get it” Chris opened her door and took her things from Dalton’s hands “Lover boy has medical duties, and I suppose no one can stop you” 
Dalton was slightly overprotective when it came to Y/N “I guess not” He replied smiling at his friend. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll get over it” Dalton just chuckled. He felt bad for canceling on Chris, he really did, but the last thing he wanted was for Y/N to get worse “Well, thanks for walking with me, tell Y/N she can keep my hooter” She exclaimed before closing the door.
Y/N was waiting for Dalton in his dorm, wrapped around his sheets and wearing her comfy pajamas. As he opened the door, he potted her still on his bed, sipping on a hot cup of tea she made for herself while she waited for her boyfriend to come back from class.
“Hey” Y/N whispered with bright eyes at the presence of Dalton.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked sitting next to her, taking the cup from her hands and placing it to the desk next to them.
“Yeah, I think so” Y/N replied, giving him a soft smile. Dalton’s hand went straight to her forehead. His face grew worried as he felt her hot skin against his hand.
“Are you sure you’re feeling better? You’re burning up” He questioned again.
“Dalton, I’ll be fine” She said, removing her boyfriend’s hand from her face “Come here, I just wanna cuddle” She confessed, tugging at his shirt forcing him to get closer “We can still watch something later, was Chris mad?”
“No, she can take it” Dalton softly laid next to her, carefully not to hurt her “Is there anything you need?” He asked as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, watching as she closed her eyes and burrowed her head deep into his chest.
“No, I just need to rest for a bit” She whispered.
And so they cuddled. Y/N fell asleep quickly, which was a good thing cause Dalton thought she needed it, and he just looked at her, admiring her relaxed face, the way her chest moved when she breathed and if he focused hard enough, he could feel her heartbeats against him. And before Dalton could stop himself, his relaxed state he soon drove him into a deep sleep. Which could only be a problem for him. 
He realized his mistake when he opened his eyes and perceived nothing but a suffocating darkness. He looked around him, trying to find a source of light but the shadows and echoes around him flooded his mind. As he took a few steps he felt his soul sink deeper into this realm, almost as if he was getting detached from his physical body.
Suddenly, a loud noise behind him caught his attention. Turning around, he saw the familiar red lit lair. Not seeing any other option, Dalton decided to walk into the demonic space looking for a way out of that place before anything could find him. Or his body.
Back in the real world, Y/N was still sleeping, holding his torso close to her. A few seconds later he opened his eyes and smirked as he gained consciousness in Dalton’s body. Standing up from the bed, he took a deep breath and examined the presence in front of him. There she was, so… defenseless.
Y/N opened her eyes at the loss of contact “Dalton?” She whispered with her eyes still tired, reaching out for him.
“Still scared of the dark?” He rumbled. Y/N rubbed her eyes quickly. The once familiar voice was now distorted and the soft blue eyes she was used to seeing in her boyfriend were nowhere to be seen. 
“Dalton?” She hopelessly repeated, fear consuming her and confusion fogging her thoughts, ‘How is this happening again? Didn’t Dalton and his dad close that damn door?’
“He can’t hear you” She heard the entity say, getting in the bed dangerously close to her “It’s just you and me” Y/N could feel Dalton breathing in her face, making wheezing noises as it tried to grab her cheek.  
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, trying to avoid seeing Dalton's body in such a state. But even then, she could feel the demon’s malevolent intentions. Eventually, the demon took a step back, looking around the dorm for something he could use to cause harm to the girl sitting in the bed. A string of lights caught his attention, so he moved to the other side of the room to collect them. 
Y/N finally opened her eyes but didn’t dare to say a word, the unsettling atmosphere filling the room as she scanned it looking for Dalton. Finally, her eyes landed on him, watching him as he gathered something from the floor.
Y/N stood up from her spot on the bed and ran towards the light switch, desperately pressing it in a failed attempt to light up the dorm. When the entity noticed this, he turned around to face Y/N, as he slowly approached her, she paid attention to the yellowed eyes and dark features on her boyfriend's face, and as her eyes began to fill with tears with forced breath she yelled “Dalton!”
In the Further, Dalton had a bad feeling. He walked around for a bit, trying to be as quiet as possible to not draw any attention to himself. If the lipstick demon caught him, it would be impossible to get back to his body. Looking for a way out he spotted a lantern in the middle of the room, he quickly walked towards the light, and as he kneeled to grab it, he caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye. A string of lights hanging from the roof, the same ones Y/N brought to his dorm when the Red-Face Demon claimed his physical body a few months back.
With shaky hands, Dalton reached for the lights, and a different part of the lair lit up, revealing mannequins of Y/N and Chris making up a perfectly crafted scene of when they dealt with his possessed body for the first time “Dalton!” He heard an echoey scream.
It suddenly hit him: it happened again. His physical body was just a vessel for the demon he feared the most, probably using him to hurt the girl he loved the most. He turned around and started running, desperately trying to find his way out of the dark realm and back to his body.
Y/N saw Dalton lift his arm. Preparing for the worst, her body flew across the room, landing on the desk making a mess of Dalton’s stuff and probably damaging his sketches and canvases.
She quickly lifted her head to look at the thing, it was getting closer to her, with an intense stare and an evil smirk while his hands focused on the string of lights, wrapping them around his big hands. Blood started dripping from his mouth and eerie sounds were coming from everywhere.
Y/N’s mind was overwhelmed with dread. She looked at him, wondering if Dalton was okay on the other side. The demon stopped in front of her and Dalton’s face was almost unrecognizable, his hair being the only distinguishable feature, Y/N feared this was way worse than last time.
Dalton’s hands stopped adjusting the string, and he began to place it around her neck. She was unable to move, too scared to even breathe at that point. She closed her eyes and awaited her inevitable doom.
Suddenly, she heard Dalton gasp loudly. Still scared, she opened her eyes and found Dalton’s normal being, and with a terrified look on his face he quickly dropped the string and apologies began to fall from his lips as he held Y/N's face.
“Dalton?” She whispered.
“I’m so sorry. I should’ve never put you through this” He said with a broken voice.
“Is it really you?” She asked looking for the familiar blue eyes, relieved at the warm touch of her boyfriend, she inhaled deeply and gave him a soft smile.
“Where did I hurt you?” Dalton asked, desperately examining every inch of Y/N’s body, helping her get back onto his bed.
“You didn’t do this” Her voice was loud “You know this wasn’t you”
“This is my fault-”
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked in a worried tone. 
Dalton looked at her speechless, did she really just asked him if he was ok when she was the one attacked by a demon? One that he dragged into her life? “I only care if you’re ok” He said, bringing her arm up to his mouth after he spotted a bruise “Where else did I hurt you?” Dalton asked as he kissed Y/N’s arm.
“What happened? I thought the door was closed” Y/N was worried something like this would happen again, she was worried Dalton wouldn’t wake up next time.
“I- I’ve been having nightmares again” He replied with his head down “But I didn’t think they were strong enough to pull me out of my body again”
Oh, Y/N was worried, and honestly a little annoyed he never told her this.
“I know what you’re thinking and you’re right, I should’ve told you” Dalton left his bed and went to get a first aid kit, he sat carefully next to Y/N and started taking care of her, his blood boiling as she detailed how and where the spirit hurt her. After finishing up, Y/N insisted she wanted to cuddle again “I’m so sorry Y/N” Cupping her face, he leaned in for a kiss, a little worried she would reject him after what happened.
Thankfully, she kissed him back “Please, stop apologizing or I might break up with you”
After a few more kisses, Dalton stopped and looked at her "What do you need?" He asked her, softly rubbing her hair avoiding any harmed parts.
"I need you to be honest with me"
"I promise" Dalton chuckled and stood up, Y/N watched as he walked to the other bed, laying down and making himself comfortable  “Let’s be cautious tonight”
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lwsr8 · 1 year
But I can’t help..falling inlove with you
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(skip if there are mistakes this is my first time writing in a while)
y/n suggests Dalton a little break from his project.
”Dalton lambert! If you don’t take a break this instant,I will invite nick over.”y/n says knowing her boyfriend won’t leave his stupid project and take a little break that wouldn’t harm
he looks up to her and she crosses her arms and puts on a mad face “fine as long as you do too” he says before smiling “Alr fair enough now c’mon!”she says excitedly pulling him up from his seat and leading him to the middle of his dorm “stand still” she says sternly and he obliged,eyes not leaving her
she goes over to her phone and connects the Bluetooth to her speaker and puts on Can't Help Falling in Love which immediately made Dalton chuckle and pulled her close to his chest “you are so cheesy.” He says before spinning her “but you love it.” When her back collides with his chest he smiles and said “one of my favorite things about you honestly.” y/n lays her head on his chest and holds his hand while his other is on her waist and they both sway slowly to this song and just enjoying every bit of this moment.
when their favorite part came on Dalton sang and spun y/n around “and I can’t help falling inlove” y/n giggles and sings along “with you..” alas their faces was inches from each other and noses were touching they rested their forehead on each other and kept swaying to the music till a loud laughter came from behind them causing y/n to jump and Dalton held her so she wouldn’t fall
looking back they noticed it was just kali and foster,y/n got extremely embarrassed for clinging onto Dalton in front of his siblings “n/n I missed chuuu” kali says running over to y/n and jumping into her arms “I missed you too sunshine”
“Hope we didn’t interrupt anything” foster says as he smirks up to Dalton which leads to Dalton nudging him “you very much did.” He says getting all grumpy
I think this was too cheesy…🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️
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lwsr8 · 1 year
y’all I literally have no idea what to write please request anything 😭😭😭
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lambertdiary · 1 year
Sorry Won't Fix This
"Sorry Won't Fix This" Masterlist
A/N: I decided to join @omgrachwrites 's 2K followers celebration! Congrats friend on this amazing milestone, I hope you like this! I went for the angst prompt "sorry won't fix this" since I don't think I've posted enough angst. I'm sorry if this is confusing and messy, I don't know what happened. also I was heavily inspired by this gif and that whole scene.
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: angst, alcohol consumption, language, lots of dialogue
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It was New Year’s Eve and the three friends were making their way through the crowded hallways. They had just arrived at the party and the big mansion looked like it couldn’t hold one more person. It was a big deal apparently, one of the rich families in town were the hosts of the celebration, they were famous for their incredible parties and it seemed like they went bigger every year, so being invited was a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’, as some would call it.
Chloe, the youngest daughter of the family, went to the same school as them. She was beautiful, cool, interesting and had a lot of friends who constantly got invited to her parents’ home. Chris and Y/N didn’t know the girl but Dalton did, and she asked him to bring his friends. They were of course very excited to be there but the hundreds of drunk people bumping into them made it a little overwhelming. 
“I don’t wanna get drunk tonight” Y/N said as soon as they found the alcohol.
“It’s New Year’s Eve, why do you care?” Chris asked, raising her voice so that her friends could hear her.
“I don’t know, there’s too many people here and I basically know no one” Y/N was looking around trying to find a familiar face “Plus, someone should stay sober”
“If that’s what you want” Chris replied, shrugging her shoulders “Dalton, take a shot with me”
“Uh-” He hesitated “Maybe I should be the sober one tonight”
“No, drunk Dalton is more helpful than sober Dalton for some reason” He rolled his eyes and took the tiny glass from Chris “You were the one who got invited to this party anyway, it would be rude if you didn’t get wasted tonight”
Dalton nodded. Maybe Chris had a point, he wouldn’t wanna appear rude in front of everyone, especially not in front of Chloe. He took that first sip like he has never had alcohol before, making a disgusted face and a weird noise. 
“Don’t be dramatic” Chris said, rolling her eyes and handing him another shot. 
“I’m gonna find food” Y/N said as she saw her friends determined to get plastered before midnight. The second shot went down a lot easier for both of them, and eventually, after many many weird combinations, any drink tasted like water. They swore they were fine, that they were not drunk at all, even though Y/N spotted them dancing. It was like they didn’t have a care in the world and their only purpose was to get lost in the beat, which wasn’t hard to believe for someone like Chris, but Dalton? He would never do something like that, especially not in front of hundreds of people. 
Y/N was holding a soda while she kept an eye on her friends, talking to a lot of people and occasionally joining them on their dancing. The whole party was really impressive, there were waiters everywhere, unlimited food and drinks, a massive pool and even some entertainment every now and then. She has never been to a party like that and she was curious to meet the person that invited them there in the first place. 
Hours went by and Y/N looked at the time. 11 PM. One more hour until midnight. Everyone around her was having a great time, she was too but she was starting to regret her decision of not drinking anything. Waiting for the new year to come with her closest friends at a party like this called for a drink, even if it was just one. She wanted to tell Chris about her one drink but as soon as she found her, she grabbed her hand and started guiding her through the people 
“I need to find a bathroom” Chris said. They walked through the many hallways until they finally found a bathroom.
Chris went in but kept the conversation going “Where’s Dalton” Y/N yelled.
“I don’t know, with Chloe and her friends I think”
“Oh, did you meet them?”
“I did, I’m sure they’re nice but it’s hard to understand what they’re saying with so much alcohol in their systems”
“You’re one to talk” Y/N joked, and Chris opened the door dramatically.
“I’m not drunk, and even if I was, I think I’m really good at hiding it” Chris started walking back to the party, Y/N following her. 
“I would like to disagree”
“You’re not allowed to”
They went back to the dance floor, finding a lonely Dalton dancing with passion, stumbling as he tried to stop himself from falling. They danced with him for a while and then tried to convince him to go wash his face before midnight, but he refused. Y/N decided to get him some water, that would definitely help her drunk friend. She went to find some water for Dalton and an alcoholic drink for herself, and after a moment she made her way back. It was nearly midnight and she wanted to be with Chris and Dalton when the clock hit 12 AM. Unfortunately, with everyone at the party gathering outside getting ready for the count down, Y/N lost sight of them, they weren’t on the dance floor where she left them. She assumed they were in the garden, where the big screen with the time was, so she walked around for a while to look for them but gave up when she noticed how hard it would be to spot them in the massive crowd. 
She did see a familiar face though, Chloe “Hey” She approached her with a friendly smile. 
Chole looked a little drunk, just like anyone else there, but she returned the smile  “Hi! I’m Chloe” She said, hugging Y/N. 
“I know, I’m Y/N” She replied, hugging her back and breaking it after a moment. 
“Pretty! I love your name”
“Thanks” Y/N smiled at her, happy that she finally met the famous Chloe  “I’m here with Dalton”
“Oh yeah, Dalton, I was just with him. He looks like he’s having a really good time. Are you enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, I am. This place is amazing” She looked around and admired the expensive art on the wall “Anyway, how do you know Dalton?”
“He painted me once” Oh. 
“Oh, cute” She forced a smile. 
“Yeah, he’s so talented” Chloe smiled again, and her smile made Y/N realize why they were invited to the party “Don’t you think?”
“He is, definitely” Y/N wasn’t being mean, but she felt guilty for reacting this way, Chloe was really nice and it wasn’t at all her fault, Dalton could so whatever he wanted anyway “Listen, I’m gonna go find my friends but thank you”
“Any time!” She left and Y/N chugged the drink she was holding. Looking at the time again she realized there were five minutes left of the current year. She had to be quick if she wanted to find them before midnight.
Was she jealous? Maybe. Y/N and Dalton had a rather complicated history. They have known each other for a couple of years now and are definitely good friends. It wasn’t always like that, though. The first year of their ‘friendship’ consisted of hooking up and regretting it, they tried to be something more but it always ended badly. Whether it involved trust issues, constant jealousy, lack of effort or even meaningless arguments, they never found a way to work through their problems. 
Y/N still had feelings for him, they never went away but she didn’t wanna keep trying, not when Dalton didn't feel the same way. Truth is, he did feel like that, he constantly thought about her but whenever he tried something it went nowhere, so he just gave up on her. They were so oblivious of each other’s feelings. 
“Chris, have you seen Dalton?” Y/N asked when she finally found her. 
“Uhh-” Chris scanned the people around her and was about to say no, but then she saw him. 
Her reaction was really obvious, making Y/N immediately direct her attention to where she was looking. 
Dalton and Chloe were together, really close to each other. She had her arms around his neck and he was holding her waist. Looking down at her with those eyes.
“I’m sorry Y/N” Chris whispered before hugging her.
She wanted to look away, but just couldn’t for some reason. Why would she want to hurt her own feelings like that?
“Happy new year!” Everyone yelled at the same time.
Y/N closed her eyes and held Chris tighter, whispering “Happy new year”
She dared to look back at Dalton and Chloe, wanting to confirm her suspicions. And they were right. They were kissing deeply, and a few of Chloe’s friends were hyping them up.
She wanted to cry but that is not how she wanted to start the new year, and she was mad at herself for not trying to fix things with him before it was too late “I’m gonna go find more alcohol” She told Chris.
“Y/N come on, don’t let Dalton ruin tonight”
“He didn’t, I just want another drink” Y/N said before leaving, Chris wanted to follow her but she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Happy new year!” Dalton said, leaning in for a hug.
“What the hell, Dalton?” Chris took a step back “Why did you abandon us? I thought we agreed to be together for the countdown” She was mad.
“Sorry, I was just with-”
“Good job, now we’re gonna leave. You should stay, though”
“What? Why?”
“I’m gonna go find Y/N” Chris rolled her eyes and went back into the mansion.
Dalton followed her. He was a little confused, why was she mad? Were they both mad? He was about to ask her but he saw Y/N going back to the garden “Y/N!” He yelled, but the music was too loud. He walked behind her and touched her back when he was close enough.
“Happy new year” Dalton smiled, but it quickly faded when he saw her eyes “Everything okay?”
Y/N looked at him with storms in her eyes “Is that why we came here?” 
Dalton stayed silent for a moment “I don’t know what you’re talking about”
Y/N didn’t know if she should tell him, they weren’t together so why should she care? He for sure didn’t so maybe it was time she let him go “It doesn’t matter, I’m leaving” She started walking but Dalton stopped her.
“Please tell me what happened”
“I shouldn’t-” She said, walking again “Just forget it, okay?” 
Dalton finally understood why she was acting like that “Is this about Chloe?”
“I said forget it”
“Why do you always do this?” That made her stop on her tracks and turn around to face Dalton.
“Do what?”
“Come to me yelling about us when you have made it clear you want nothing with me”
“I never said that”
“But that’s what you always imply, I make moves and you push me away. You say you’re not ready for a relationship but-”
“But what?”
“You- I’m the only one you reject, every time. And now this is my fault somehow?”
Y/N scoffed “You know damn well how I feel”
“No I don’t, Y/N, and that’s the problem”
“Well, that’s your problem. You never listen to me, not then and not now”
“I did- I do” He stammered, running a hand through his hair, unsure of what to say “I just wanna understand”
“Understand what?”
“What happened to us” He got closer to her and tried to hold her hand, but Y/N didn’t allow it.
“You know what happened, you and your million reasons to simply not care about me, about us, or our relationship. Dalton, you made it so fucking hard”
“So you’re just tossing out blame and washing your hands”
“You have no idea how hard I tried to save us”
“Did you really? Then why did you insist on picking every little detail to fight with me?”
“Because I cared”
“Cared? So you don’t anymore?” Y/N didn’t say anything, scared to make things worse between them “Then why are you so mad that I kissed Chloe?”
“Because I love you”
“Stop lying to me” Dalton was loud this time, too loud.
She stared at him and Dalton didn’t say anything. She couldn’t believe he just raised his voice at her. He quickly realized and was about to apologize but Y/N interrupted him “Don’t even bother, happy new year” Y/N started walking again, repeating in her mind that she needed to find Chris.
“Y/N, I’m sorry”
“Sorry won’t fix this, it won’t fix any of this”
“Then I don’t know how to fix it”
She turned around again “Maybe you can’t, not this time” 
There was an awkward silence, both of them trying to think of something to say “You said we’re not good for each other and maybe you were right” Dalton finally muttered.
Y/N didn’t know how to respond to that. It broke her heart to hear him say those words but she knew it was true. Being together and hating him seemed worse than not being with him and wondering what could’ve been. 
“I guess I was. Have fun”
She walked away for the last time, knowing things would never be the same.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
Misunderstood maybe? Like the reader thinks dalton likes chris, because dalton tells her about his crush and everything. So the reader avoids dalton because she thinks dalton doesn't like her. But actually dalton is really in love with her. Make an angst but happy ending please. Thank you. xoxo 🥰
A/N: I loved writing this so much! This isn't exactly what you requested but thank you anon so much for the request, I'm sorry it took so long to post but I hope you like it! likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🥰
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of drunk characters, language, angst, fluff
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Truth or Dare
It was a little past midnight, and Y/N was currently sitting in a dark living room across from Chris and Dalton and a bunch of other drunk teenagers. They arrived at this party hours ago but as people started to leave the small group that was left was guided to that one room. One of the guys that was part of the frat house entered the room with an excited smile. He held up an empty bottle of alcohol as he shared his idea of playing truth or dare.
Everyone exclaimed in disgust at the same time, some people starting to get up “What are we? 13?” Someone said on their way to the door.
“Come on, we are doing this” He replied as he stopped the other guy. Somehow he managed to convince everyone there to play truth or dare.
It started off boring, nothing interesting enough was happening that some people ended up leaving. The questions were dumb and childish, and the dares weren’t fascinating for anyone. At some point the bottle landed on a kind of drunk Dalton. A lot of people there knew him, meaning a lot of people knew how reserved he was and that he probably wasn’t gonna answer any of their questions or do any of their dares.
“Truth or dare?” Someone asked him.
“Truth” He replied right away.
“How old were you when you had your first kiss?” Some people rolled their eyes at the question, but his answer was a little more… interesting.
“Uh- 19” He hesitated. Y/N looked around at all the girls there, wondering if it was one of them who kissed him for the first time.
Everyone looked at each other and almost let out a laugh “Is the person that gave you your first kiss here?”
Dalton didn’t say anything at first, but he looked around and having everyone staring at him for too long made him nervous “Chris” He finally said.
The whole room looked at her, sitting there with widened eyes. Deep down she knew it was his first kiss, but the confirmation made it somehow worse, feeling bad for taking away that special moment from him.
Y/N looked down, a little disappointed she never realized the way Chris and Dalton acted around each other. She has had feelings for him since the moment she saw him, they became good friends but she always wanted to be more than that. She never made a move though, scared that maybe he would reject her and she would have to live with something like that for the rest of her life. And now, that came to her without even trying.
The game kept going, it was finally getting more interesting. Some people kissed, some people discarded pieces of clothing, others were jumping to the pool in the freezing night and a few moved to a ‘more private’ room. But it seemed like some people couldn’t drop Dalton’s confession, and were taking every opportunity to tease him about it. So when the bottle landed on him again, they had their question ready to go.
“Do you have a crush?” Everyone was looking at him.
“Yes” He simply said, not wanting to be the center of attention.
“Who is it?” They insisted. Y/N looked at him expectantly, nearly crossing her fingers.
“Okay, everyone out!” Someone else from the frat house entered the living room yelling and interrupted the game, he started to walk every person out, begging them to leave.
Y/N, Chris and Dalton exited the frat house. The first two were fine but Dalton… He still had to figure out how to control himself. Y/N made sure Dalton made it back to his dorm safe, and before saying anything she left their building and walked to her own, too tired to think about what had happened.
The next day she saw a message from Dalton asking her if she was hung over. She didn’t want to think about him, so she just ignored him and started her day. Truth is she was hung over but that’s not what was keeping her in a bad mood all morning. Instead of paying attention she was replaying Dalton’s answers, and she was trying to come up with a plan to get over him.
Ignoring him would be hard but it would be doable. She removed his contact from her phone and deleted any incoming message or call. They never saw each other around campus unless they planned it, so she was sure she could easily avoid him, as long as she didn't stay in her dorm for too long.
“Class dismissed! Please make sure to finish the exercise by tomorrow, and do it with your partner, it’s important you work with each other on these things” Their professor said before leaving the classroom.
Y/N gathered her things as she turned to her partner “Can we work in your dorm?”
“Why? Is Annie driving you crazy?”
“No” Y/N chuckled “But I need to get out of my comfort zone” She said not giving any further explanation.
The days went by and she still hadn’t talked to Dalton, ignoring all of his texts and calls, being aware of her surroundings at all times to make sure she wouldn’t run into him and crashing with her friends in case he came to her dorm. She had to admit that it was a little extreme, but it was better than having to see him.
It was now Saturday and Y/N always slept in, but with her current plan of avoiding her friends at all costs she had to come up with something. She decided to go to town with her roommate and eat some breakfast. Annie was the first person she met when she got there so it was safe to say that they were close. She knew pretty much everything about Y/N, and even though she hadn't seen her enough the past week she knew there was something wrong. Although her suspicions appeared when Dalton started showing up at their door almost every day, looking for Y/N and begging her to tell him where she was. Or at least to ask her to pick up his calls.
“So are you finally gonna tell me why you abandoned me?”
“What? I didn’t abandon you” Y/N replied.
“Y/N, you have barely been at our dorm this week and today, a beautiful Saturday, you woke up really early to drag me here” Annie was making good points and she knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid this conversation “Something is going on and I wanna know what it is”
Y/N sighed and thought about it for a second “My chances with Dalton are down to zero”
Annie knew about her feelings, and she used to tell Y/N all the time that she was sure Dalton felt the same way about her “I’m sorry honey, what happened?”
“The party I went to, we played truth or dare-”
“You went to a frat party to play that?” She asked, interrupting Y/N, her face was a mix between confusion and disgust.
“Annie that’s not the point” She apologized and let her friend continue “Anyway, they asked Dalton who his first kiss was and who his crush was and both answers were Chris”
Annie furrowed her eyebrows “I didn’t know Chris and Dalton knew each other before college”
“They didn’t…”
“So what you’re saying is…”
“Yes, he just had his first kiss” Y/N rolled her eyes at Annie “Why does everyone keep getting so fixated on that? It’s not a big deal”
“No, you’re right, sorry” Annie decided to let it go “So… Chris and Dalton?”
“Yep” Y/N replied, looking at her empty plate “Am I stupid or what?”
“Y/N you’re not stupid, I don’t think anyone could’ve known that they felt that way about each other”
“Yeah well I should’ve known, I spend a lot of time with them but maybe I wanted to ignore what I already knew”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better there are tons of guys out there. This is what college is for” She exclaimed “Don’t let some dude bring you down like that”
“He’s not just some dude though” Annie looked at her with a defeated expression “You know how I felt about Dalton”
“I know but still! There are frat parties like every other night. Go to one, have fun and forget about him” Y/N just nodded and remained completely silent.
Annie didn’t wanna entertain the conversation any longer, it was clearly just making Y/N sadder than she already was so she just shared random stories about her week, completely excluding the fact that Dalton came looking for her. They ended up leaving 30 minutes later, and Y/N agreed to go back to their dorm.
The day went by and Annie managed to keep Dalton off of Y/N’s mind and she was thankful for that. The thought of Chris and Dalton hadn’t left her brain since the party but she was finally giving it a rest. Currently they were in their room catching up with their favorite tv show, fully absorbed by the screen, until someone knocked on the door. 
Y/N froze, scared that it was who she thought “I’ll get it” Annie said, hoisting herself from her seat. She opened the door and rolled her eyes at the person on the other side “What’s up?”
“I know she’s here, her bike is outside”
“Brilliant! Now you’ve become a proper stalker” He crossed his arms took a deep breath. He didn’t have time for this.
“Annie, please”
“She doesn’t wanna talk to you, mate”
Y/N was still on her seat, debating whether or not she was ready to confront him. But ultimately decided she wanted to get it over with. Joining her roommate at the door, she opened it all the way to allow Dalton to see her.
“Can you give us a minute?” Y/N asked. Annie sighed and stepped out of the room.
“I’ll go get more snacks” She said before leaving.
They both waited for her to fully disappear, and once she did Y/N signaled Dalton to come in.
“What is going on?” Dalton began “Why have you been avoiding me this entire week?”
“I haven’t” Y/N said nonchalantly, pretending it hasn’t been killing her.
Dalton bit his lip and stared at the ceiling “Y/N we see each other every day, you think I didn’t notice your absence?”
“I’ve been busy”
He didn’t know how to proceed, getting an answer out of her was harder than he thought “Will you please stop ignoring me?”
“Look, I’m not ignoring you, okay? I told you, I’ve been busy”
“But I miss you”
“Why would you miss me?”
“Because you’re my friend and I-” But he stopped himself.
“I don’t understand why you’re doing this” He said, avoiding the question.
“Giving you and Chris more space, that’s what I’m doing. You should be thanking me”
He widened his eyes in disbelief “What are you talking about?”
“What you said at the party” Dalton was lost, he didn’t understand a single thing and it was obvious on his face “Please, save it”
“Y/N, I want to understand, I want to make it better” He said, giving her an honest smile.
She propped her hands on her hips and gave him a look that told she was probably giving up on her act “It’s okay, you don't have to” Dalton stared at her and waited for an explanation, still not aware of the issue “It’s not your fault you fell for someone else, and it’s not fair that I wanted to make you pay for it”
This didn’t clear things up for him, if anything he was more confused than before “What?”
“Yeah, I never meant to get in the way of you and Chris so maybe this is for the best”
“There is nothing between me and Chris” He clarified, still not understanding why Y/N would think that in the first place.
“But what about your crush?” She asked him slowly.
“You think that’s how I feel about Chris?” 
“That’s what you said the other night”
“I didn’t say that, I never revealed a name when they asked me that question”
“You said that she was your first kiss and that you had a crush-”
“Yeah, we kissed once but I never said I had a crush on her” Y/N was tugging at her lower lip, worried she got mad over nothing “Y/N… Do I really have to spell it out for you?” He got closer to her.
Y/N could feel her heart fluttering in her chest when he reached for her hand “I like you, and didn’t want to tell you like this, but you left me with no choice” He was impressed he got the confidence to tell her how he felt.
Y/N on the other hand was speechless, she really had to stop jumping to conclusions “I like you too” She admitted blushing when she met with his blue eyes.
He was relieved to say the least, but now he wasn’t sure what his next move would be. 
“I’m sorry I avoided you all week” She apologized. He raised his eyebrows at her finally admitting to it, an 'I knew it' expression taking over his face.
“I will think about it” He joked. 
Y/N rolled her eyes and was about to say something, but Dalton pulled her closer to him, brushing their lips together and kissing her deeply at last. 
“You have no idea for how long I’ve been wanting to do that” He said before kissing her again.
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tag list! @emilyahgreen27 @chloekienzle @llvmos @mayathepsychic1999 @daltonshotgf @i2raggi @taymour13 @maddiescinema @fluentmoviequoter @omgrachwrites [If you wanna be removed from my tag list please let me know!]
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lambertdiary · 1 year
this is for a concept! but imagine dalton being really needy for kisses, and it's not even in a sexual way its just fluffy and sweet 😩
i love this.
imagine it’s really late at night and Y/N has to go back to her dorm but Dalton can’t get enough
“Please, just one more” and he pulls her in for another kiss. Y/N enjoys the make out sessions but she really needs to go back.
“baby please, i don’t wanna wake up my roommate every night” she keeps kissing him but is waiting for him to stop “i think she hates me”
“then stay here” he is not planning on stopping so Y/N has to pull away.
“you know i can’t” Dalton is for sure giving her puppy eyes and she almost gives in “i’m gonna go”
and before she stands up from his bed, he grabs her arm and says something like “no goodbye kiss?”
she can’t resist him when he gets like that “fine, but i’m really leaving this time” and dalton knows its the last one so he makes it last. like a lot.
he says something like “i’m gonna miss you” but she barely understands cause they’re still kissing.
when she finally leaves dalton immediately sends her a text inviting her over for a movie night, which is when most (if not all) of their make out sessions begin.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
OH MY GOD imagine Dalton getting charcoal on his face while he's drawing and getting super flustered when the reader points it out
imagine he’s in his dorm working on a new painting and him and Y/N are supposed to go out on a date or something, so he’s waiting for her and when she finally arrives he opens the door for her.
“what happened to you” she giggles and licks her thumb to clean the charcoal off of his face.
“what is it?” he asks and takes a step back to look at himself in the mirror, and blushes when he realises “sorry, i’m working on something” and he’s trying to clean his own face
“i can see that” she loves too see him like that “you look… cute” and she’s on her tiptoes trying to kiss him.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
now i can’t stop thinking about dalton and y/n cooking something together 🥺 like chocolate chips cookies
imagine Y/N is really into baking and before her Dalton had like zero experience in the kitchen but he wanted to spend more time with her so he offers to help one day.
“do you need help?”
“don’t worry baby, why don’t you go back to bed and i’ll be right there?”
“i came all the way here to help you, and now you’re rejecting me?” he acted offended
Y/N rolled her eyes with affection and accepted “ok, fine”
“what are we doing?”
“chocolate chips cookies” and he LOVES them so he gets really excited
she knows the recipe from memory and Dalton is just following her around the kitchen, holding all the things she hands him and making suggestions like “you could add more chips to that, you know”
“that’s not the recipe”
“please, i won’t tell anyone”
she laughs and says “is not about it being a secret, it will fall apart if i add more”
he accepts and makes sure to wash his hands before helping her with the dough, and it’s really obvious which are the ones he helped with cause they’re either too big or too small.
with time though he makes sure to remember the way she does things in the kitchen, like where she keeps the bakeware, or the spoons she uses for baking. just little things that makes her love him even more.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
First, I love reading your responses to Dalton concepts! I have lots of concepts (all of which are probably wrong) but I'm interested in your thoughts on Dalton's clinginess! I think he would be a HUGE cuddler and would have absolutely no problem being the little spoon and letting his girlfriend hold him!!🤍
and yes i totally agree with you. i think that when she spends the night for the first time, he tells her something like “we’re gonna have to cuddle if we both wanna fit into this tiny bed”
she loves to cuddle too but that takes her by surprise, “i didn’t take you for a cuddler” she says, grabbing him by the waist and looking up at him.
“we’ll have to” when they get in bed and Dalton is ready to cuddle her, but she stops him.
“actually… do you mind being the little spoon” she was kinda shy about but Dalton’s eyes lit up and was down immediately. so he turns around and gets in position to let her hold him.
he loved the feeling, making a mental note to be the little spoon again.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
it was really late and they had been watching movies for a WHILE. Dalton is very used to sleepless nights but she isn’t.
so maybe they were watching one of Dalton’s favourite movies, they’re cuddling on his bed, Y/N laying on his chest and when a really funny part is happening he looks down at her but he notices she fell asleep.
he smiles and kisses her head, and waits a little to make sure he won’t wake her up. then he grabs his laptop and leaves it somewhere else, and carefully puts her down.
he tries really hard to not wake her up and when she’s laying down completely she asked him in her sleep “is the movie over?”
he was worried she was awake but after that, she just reached for him and cuddled again.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
do you think he would bring her breakfast to bed?
I think it would have to be an off campus situation. Maybe they moved together and it’s their day off and he wants to do something sweet for her. So he makes sure to wake up a little bit earlier to cook her favorite breakfast.
He had a recipe ready and all the ingredients he needed, so once in the kitchen he tried his best to follow all the steps and not mess up. He was careful with the mess too but it did take him a little longer than he expected.
So finally when he was done cooking, he put everything on a small tray and made his way to their shared bedroom “Morning love” He said, putting it down next to her.
Y/N was awake, she woke up when she heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen but went back to bed when she smelled french toast and fresh coffee, knowing what his plan was “Morning” She replied with a soft smile. She took the tray and put it on her lap, noticing a rose and a little post-it with a cute drawing of them “You didn’t have to do this”
“Yes I did! Now eat and tell me I did a good job”
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lambertdiary · 1 year
PLS can we talk about reader painting Dalton's nails??
Maybe Y/N was in the middle of painting her own nails and Dalton fell next to her and said “my turn” as he spread his fingers on her lap.
She could never say no to him so she went for it, but not before saying “fine, but you’ll finish up mine later”
He agreed and watched as Y/N painted his nails. He would accidentally shuffle his fingers which resulted in polish on his fingers and a little on her thighs, but none of them cared.
Once she was done, Dalton would spread his hand in front of him to admire his freshly painted nails and kiss her. And when it was his turn to paint hers they would turn out PERFECT due to his abilities with a brush.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
how would Dalton react to reader making the first move?? at like a party or something
i feel like he’s really shy when it comes to that, but he also had feelings for her and was planning on doing something about it, so when they were alone at the party he was hyping himself up in his mind.
‘just tell her’ ‘do something’ but when he’s barely paying attention to his surroundings, he notices her getting closer.
“i… i like you” she said. Dalton didn’t know how to react so he just stares at her, and she thinks he doesn’t feel the same cause he doesn’t say anything. she was thinking about leaving but Dalton rests his hand on her leg and leans in for a kiss.
“i like you too” and he finally has a good memory of a party
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lambertdiary · 1 year
I have the hunch that Dalton might be an Earth Sign. I move heard earth signs are very artistic.
i feel like he’s not really into astrology but Y/N is, and since the moment they met she shared it with him.
she LOVES his art and the first time he showed her she shares how much she loves the energy he transmits through it. she also asked his sign and when proven right, she immediately says something like “an earth sign! no wonder you so talented and kind”
Dalton does not understand much when she talks about his birth chart and that kind of stuff, but he loved to listen to her. he also tries to remember the things that seem important to her so next time she talks about it, he can contribute to the conversation.
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