#dalai lama poop
ur tags on the one post PLS share some of ur wayne analysis if you’d like
I covered the fact Wayne represents the Frogs' logos (with Emma being the pathos but I'm still trying to decide who's ethos. Bowie? Julia? Julia misquotes the Dalai Lama and talks about goddesses and crystals, so probably her?) but it's really noticeable how malleable a person Wayne is. In Ep04, while he sets himself up for being on the offense with Raj, Bowie, and why-ever they brought MK along, when it was obvious they were better off defending, he was like. defense it is. As he is a sports boy, it'd be assumed he's only good at one position (as most goalies couldn't just become a center fielder as a sub, since they don't train for the same things), especially a less "glamourous" position such as defense (in reality it does not matter, but people pretend offense players are better) He's an exceptionally good sport, which is not something we can say about all the other sports-based/jock TD characters.
It's also to note that Wayne is the first person on the team to call out MK on being a bad team player. Wayne doesn't usually look mad, but he did NOT look happy at MK refusing to huddle up and suggest there's no reason to think strategy. He's completely ok with Emma taking over and picking roles tho, so he's pretty damn comfortable with not always being the leader (as noted with Ep02, where he adapts to Emma's plan. have I mentioned those two are such team leaders for the Frogs? A million times? Oh sorry)
There's a notable subversion with their paired identities for Wayne and Raj. Wayne is the captain, while Raj is [one of the] alternate captain[s]. Essentially, Raj is Wayne's vice president. However, Wayne is a lot more reliant on Raj, than their team identities are. Throughout the season, Wayne asks Raj's opinion on everything (notably in Ep01, as one of his first defining characterizations), but Raj doesn't as often do the same. In Ep06, Raj is the one to immediately leave the catapult, while Wayne made no motion to be the one to separate themselves. He also didn't comment on Bowie calling the two of them in their "cozy", (which Raj defends, saying they're teammates, so) because that sort of attachment is so normal to Wayne he doesn't feel a need to react to people commenting on it, while Raj does. In Ep03, Wayne receives a [long] pep talk from Raj, but Raj never needed one himself going first of Emma's suggestion (or it happened off screen, but like, if it did there'd be the time for a joke where someone says "WE ALREADY DID THIS"). And also the bit in Ep06 where Raj explains Wayne has a way too stressed face when pooping (note: Raj?)
There's also the long-running plot point where Wayne is pretty concerned with what Raj thinks of him, afraid that Raj is afraid he's homo/biphobic, and that's the driving reason that Raj didn't come out to him like. Immediately. The fear of "well he tells me everything, if he won't tell me this, it's clearly something I did", but due to the 13 episode time limit of the show, Wayne didn't have time to make this insecurity about him and was just increasingly unsubtle, never really trying to force him out.
I know it's super easy and super fun to reduce the two to "omg sports himbos <3" but Wayne's got some emotional intelligence on him, and he is not a carbon copy of Raj, and it's much more than just the lack of a gay love interest. He'll always take the role of leader, but if someone else has a successful idea, he'll hop down and let them take the wheel. Paired with his leadership, friendly attitude, and general respect for everyone around him (not to Keith tho) I can see him making finale a lot more than I can see Raj making finale.
I think having the boys on separate teams and having Raj leave pre-merge could be really impactful. Wayne waits at the cabin for Raj to come back and tell him who left, but he just... never returns. Wayne wasn't at the ceremony, so he didn't even get to say goodbye. Wayne wants to throw the challenge but someone (Emma, Bowie, Julia, etc) tells him to snap out of it because Raj would be furious Wayne gave up on himself. And Wayne has to pick himself up off the ground and win for Raj. Like the Katie and Sadie micro-arc, except give Wayne more time to suffer within himself before being told to stop, as well as not axe him with no actual development. I think that kind of emotional rupture could change my brain chemistry.
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gungieblog · 2 years
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What You Need To Know About The Roto Wipe:
Say goodbye to costly toilet paper…forever!
Did you know that the average human being spends 97.3%* of their life on the toilet?
Most people have dozens of ledgers, quill pen and ink well within inches of their throne.
As the epicenter of home entertainment, the toilet is a very important place. Here are just a few of the things people do while on the old yurt n’ squirt:
Pay their bills
Refinance mortgages
Potentially invest millions of dollars in the stock market
Ponder the meaning of life
Consider the inner workings of the human mind and often zone out into a perfect state of nirvana for several hours at a time
Sometimes people also Facetime video chat with Buddha or the Dalai Lama
Did you know that 6/10 people note that the poop stoop is their preferred location to craft?
Not only do they bring in supplies like glue, construction paper and rulers – many people use their toilet as command central for larger projects like abstract painting and kiln work.
With so much emphasis on how much time, work and energy is spent on the toilet, why would anyone ever want to add the insanely arduous task of having to wipe themselves onto the pile?
Gross out.
You’re better than that!
Let the bathroom be the place you do work.
The place to enjoy life.
The place to spend hours upon hours of time scrolling through photos of people’s lunch on social media.
Let the Roto Wipe take care of the archaic toilet paper roll’s roll.
The Roto-Wipe will clean your behind and leave it sparkling fresh.
Frankly, your backside will love it so much, it might grow a mouth just to utter the words “Thank you.”
The Roto-Wipe is easily installed onto your toilet and automatically senses how horrifyingly disgusting your region south of the border is and gets to work.
No more worrying about having to waste your time using seven or right rolls of toilet paper.
The new, handy dandy Roto Wipe makes it so you don’t need to use your dandy hand anymore.
Is the local grocery store, 7-Eleven, Wal-Mart, Target, Staples, Office Depot and McDonalds all out of toilet paper?
Boom. Roto Wipe.
Are your “friends” also “out” of toilet paper?
Boom. Roto Wipe.
Save time, money and the nightmare of having to wipe yourself with Roto-Wipe.
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bagdyernoke · 4 years
The Poop of the Pious — The POOP Project
The Dalai Lama can stave off trauma: “Rosinus Lentilius, in the Ephemeridum Physico-Medicorum, Leipsig, 1694, speaks of he Grand Lama of Thibet as held in such high veneration by the devotees of his faith that his excrements, carefully collected, dried, powdered, and sold at high prices by the priests, were used as a sternutatory powder, to induce sneezing, and as a condiment for their food, and as a remedy for all the graver forms of disease.”
A hundred years ago, rumors that the feces of the Dalai Lama—the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists—had beneficial properties prompted the UK’s Surgeon General to analyze them in the interests of science. They contained nothing remarkable, he concluded. Just as well: According to a spokesperson at the UK-based Tibet Foundation, “These days you can’t even buy the Dalai Lama’s used clothes, never mind his excrement.”
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5llowance · 4 years
Poop via /r/China
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Submitted May 04, 2020 at 12:10AM by shoebur via reddit https://ift.tt/2KZ8e9s
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sid-the-super-tramp · 4 years
Shih Tzu Everything you need to know
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The Shih Tzu is quite the dynamic toy dog.The actual name Shih Tzu translates to ‘little lion’ which most likely derives from the fact that they have ‘manes’ around their face. Extremely popular one due to its adorable good looks and extremely good nature. In many ways, this dog is an ideal family companion, but it does require a lot of care to maintain its luxurious coat.
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Dog Breed Group  - Companion Dogs Weight  Female: 4kg / 8lbs – 7.2kg / 16lbs (Adult), Male: 4kg / 8lbs – 7.2kg / 16lbs (Adult), Height Female: 20cm/ 8 inches – 28 cm / 11inches (Adult, At the Shoulder) Male: 20cm/ 8 inches – 28 cm / 11inches (Adult, At the Shoulder) Life Span - 10 to 16 years Know Are Shih Tzu good for first-time owners?
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Shih Tzu Temperament
Companion -  He is happiest when he is with his family, giving and receiving attention. Shih Tzus are not just lap dogs. They accompany you everywhere, even if you are in the kitchen cutting vegetables or sitting on a couch watching TV. Shih Tzu dogs are always more active indoors than outside. Most will get a burst of energy where they joyfully race around the room for a short period of time.Traning Needs a lot of time - Training requires a gentle approach and plenty of rewards, though the rewards do not always involve food treats. Many Shih Tzu is satisfied with a favorite toy as a reward, or even a hug and affectionate pat. Crate training can help speed the process, but some owners prefer the breeder housebreak the dog before bringing him home.Intolerance for Heat - Shih Tzu dogs tolerate the cold far better than the heat. They love snow and could stay out of it for extended periods of time as long as you are out there too. The Shih Tzu is sensitive to heat. He should remain indoors in an air-conditioned room (or one with fans) on hot days so he doesn't suffer from heat exhaustion.Picky eaters - Don’t let your Shih Tzu get away with it. GIve him time to adapt to what he is supposed to eatStubborn - Can be stubborn and won't do anything unless they know what's in it for them. Training should begin early, sessions should be kept short, and activities should be varied in order to keep the dog interested in what is going on. Lots of excited praise and treats can help motivate a Shih Tzu to learn new behavior.lots of barking: If the dogs are not socialized a lot or purchased from backyard breeders and pet shops probably won't possess a quiet demeanor because they were carelessly bred for profit.Friendliness - Most Shih Tzu dogs are friendly, but some are more reserved. Those that are more reserved are likely to be cautious around strangers, but never mean or aggressive. All Shih Tzu dogs are friendly around the people they know and completely devoted to their owners.Adaptability Shih Tzus are highly adaptable. He is as well suited to apartments in the city as to live on a country farm. They generally settle in quickly to a new surrounding or with a new owner.Good with Children and Small Pets - Shih Tzu dogs are generally great with kids and other pets. They have little to no prey drive, so they are usually safe near smaller pets. Very young children will need to be supervised closely as most of the dogs in this breed are relatively small and can be hurt quickly, so handling them with care most is essential.
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Coprophagy (aka stool eating) is more than just a disgusting behavior in Shih Tzus and other breeds. It could put your dog's health is at risk. If another animal's stool is loaded with parasites, your dog could become infected with roundworms, which cause weight loss or whipworms, which may result in anemia, among other parasites. So clean the poop quite often.Heat stroke - When temperatures start to rise, Shih Tzus are at risk of overheating. That's because their flat faces and short snouts restrict airflow through the upper respiratory tract, so they can't cool themselves down as effectively through panting. Weakness, heavy panting, and frothing at the mouth are a few of the signs that a dog is too hot.Periodontal disease - Shih Tzus are prone to developing the painful periodontal disease because their teeth (all 42 of them!) are crowded inside those tiny mouths. Consequently, plaque accumulates faster on their teeth around the gums, and if not removed it hardens into tartar, a brownish calcified material.Renal dysplasia, an inherited condition in which the dog’s kidneys don't develop normally. This is something a puppy inherits from his parents, so buy puppies only from breeders who test all their dogs for renal dysplasia.Shih Tzu is prone to several inherited eye diseases, including cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy. Shih Tzus are also prone to dry eye, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca -- a condition in which inadequate tear production leads to corneal dryness, pain, corneal ulcers, and other complications.Dogs with bulging eyes, such as the Shih Tzu, are more likely to have an injury to the eyeball that causes the eyeball to bulge out of the orbit, called proptosis. When proptosis occurs, blood flow is cut off, and the lack of oxygen can result in blindness. It is a medical emergency.Shih Tzus can have underbites (or "undershot jaw") in which the lower jaw extends past the upper jaw, resulting in trauma to the gums and malocclusion of the teeth. They are also prone to periodontal disease and should have their teeth brushed daily. Know What is Teacup Shih Tzu or Imperial Shih Tzu
How much should a Shih Tzu eat
It is very important to keep a check on how much and how often you are feeding to your dog as these dogs are prone to obesity. After six months, two meals per day will work best. A healthy and normal Shih Tzu dog weighs anywhere between 10 to 16 pounds. 35 calories per pound of body weight are sufficient for an average adult Shih Tzu dog while 30 calories per pound of body weight are sufficient for senior dogs. Too much carbohydrate in their diet is not suggested. Like all other dogs, these dogs also require a good amount of protein for healthy growth. Chicken, turkey, and eggs are the major sources of lean protein for a Tzu. Also, add veggies to supplement minerals and vitamins. Shih Tzu puppy, based on age 2 to 3 months: 1/2 to 3/4 cups per day 4 to 8 months: 1/2 to 1 cup per day 9 to 12 months: 3/4 to 1 and 1/4 cups per day Shih Tzu adult, based on the weight 9 to 12 lbs. = 3/4 to 1 cup 13 to 16+ lbs. = 1 to 1 and 1/4 cup
Shih Tzu Grooming
Grooming is a sure way to make sure you’re keeping tabs on the health of your canine. Grooming doesn’t just include taking care of their coats. It also is the upkeep of their hygiene. Their ears can harbor bacteria quite easily, and they’re prone to ear infections. Not only their ears should be examined, but their entire body too. Check their coats, nose, ears, eyes, mouths, and paws for anything suspicious. This means inflammation, redness, rashes, parasites, infections, and anything that seems at all abnormal. By grooming your dog consistently, you keep them cleaner and less prone to infection, and you remain aware of their physical state, meaning you can catch something early if it comes.
Hair color
Black - Solid black Shih Tzu are rare, however, full black coloring does exist. For most, black will exist within a bi such as the lovely black and white, or tri-color coat. Because liver colored dogs lack all black pigmentation, you will not see a true black dog with a liver colored nose.White - While you see it every now and then, white Shih Tzu without a secondary color is rare. Most are white with one or two more of the accepted colors.Liver - A Shih Tzu is liver based on skin pigmentation. The coat may be any color at all. The dog has brown pigmentation on the nose, paws and eye rims.Blue - Blue is a color given due to skin pigmentation. Only if the nose is blue, will this be the official color? Blue may also be on the eye rims and paw pads.Brindle - This is a combination actually, of a base coat with streakingGold - A tan - yellow, found commonly among Labrador RetrieversRed - A very deep and dark orangeSilver - Gray/white but with a deep shine
Shih Tzu history
Will knowing the history of Shih Tzu makes a better owner, well certainly not. But it's better to know about your little lion. The Shih Tzu is considered one of the most ancient dog breeds. In fact, many members of ancient Chinese royalty kept the breed as pets. Today, they are also kept as companion animals. The lamas presented the dogs as a tribute to Chinese rulers, and it was at the Chinese imperial court that they received the name, Shih Tzu, meaning “little lion” or “lion dog.” The Chinese also gave the Shih Tzu another name — chrysanthemum dog — because the hair on the face grows in all directions like the petals of the flower. Empress T'zu Hsi had a great love for animals and carried out extensive breeding programs under the direct care of palace eunuchs. During Empress Tzu Hsi's reign, the Dalai Lama gave her a pair of magnificent Shih Tzus, reportedly the source of the imperial palace's little lion dogs. After her death in 1908, the kennels were dispersed and palace breeding became haphazard. Some breeding was still practiced by private individuals and specimens were exhibited, but the dogs were almost impossible to acquire. So far as is known, the breed became extinct in China after the Communist revolution. In 1928, the first Shih Tzus, a male and female pair, were brought to England from Peking by Lady Brownrigg, the wife of the quartermaster general of the north China command. In 1933, a Mrs. Hutchins brought a Shih Tzu from China to Ireland; this dog was eventually bred to Lady Brownrigg's. These three dogs formed the foundation of Lady Brownrigg's kennel. The gene pool of all existing Shih Tzu is from fourteen Shih Tzu dogs in England in 1952. Returning military personnel brought some of the first Shih Tzu into the United States during the late 1940s and 1950s and began breeding programs. From the first day of formal AKC recognition (Sept. 1, 1969), the Shih Tzu moved suddenly from a relatively unknown breed to one of the most glamorous and popular of all canine companions. Read the full article
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thisdayinfavrd · 5 years
September 26, 2009
My internet is so slow, it's just faster to drive to the Google headquarters and ask them shit in person.   @roughdiction (RoughDiction) – 97
At my daughter's cross country meet. Seeing girls run away from me brings back a flood of middle school memories.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 80
Starbucks. Morning. Parking lot awash with Harleys. Leather-clad men politely line up for coffee.  Bikers for Jesus.  Born to be mild.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 71
I like the scene in "Windows 7" when Windows decides to come out of retirement and fight the Russian guy.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 70
The Greek god of smugness was a minor figure in the pantheon. Prius was banished to Hades after a dismissive remark about Apollo's chariot.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 68
"And remember guys: it's not a pie-eating contest. Treat her like a lady, not a pile of envelopes, amirite? High five."  — Rene Descartes   @hotdogsladies (Merlin Mann) – 64
They didn't have G20 riots when I was in college. I did get pretty pissed off about the New Coke thing, though.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 62
Yo Swede, I'm really happy for you but 'less we go Dutch, ain't Norway I'mma let you Finnish this Danish.   @weselec (Shane Cyr) – 54
Twitter is now valued at $1 billion? I refuse to pay that much.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 54
I honked and flipped someone off while listening to the Dalai Lama's book on CD, and I-- well, I think I attained enlightenment.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 51
Coffee and eggs in bed. Long overdo love-making. Leisurely shave then newspaper and DVR. JK!!! Youth soccer 8 AM. Kill me.   @awryone (Josh Donoghue) – 50
"Oh, y'know. Writing. Talks. Walking around on a Saturday morning smoking a cigar and typing jokes about eating pussy into a phone. Talks."   @hotdogsladies (Merlin Mann) – 49
Sittin' on the floor in Ellie's room, making piles of Play Doh poop and laughing.  Wonder where Eleanor went.   @hotdogsladies (Merlin Mann) – 48
My son just told me he's having trouble focusing at school ...or something like that. It was hard to hear him over the football game.   @FriedWords (Derek) – 46
I don't know what's dumber-- Dane Cook's 10 minutes about masturbating, or me for not changing the channel.   @joeschmitt (Joe Schmitt) – 44
It seems unfair that foreplay always means playing with her tits when mine are just as big.   @roughdiction (RoughDiction) – 44
Girlfriend, pointing to my legs, "Looks like somebody's winter coat is coming in."   @poeks (Poeks) – 43
If you shave it, he will come.   @blondediva11 (blondediva11) – 42
ME: Love this song HER: What? M: And Your Bird Can Sing H: What? M: AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING H: Andrew Bird Can't Sing? M: I hate you H: What?   @hotdogsladies (Merlin Mann) – 37
The nurse just said "you're going to feel a poke." I yelled out, "that's how she got here!"  They love me here already.   @GPappalardo (Soap Box Liberal) – 37
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homedevises · 6 years
18 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Minimalist Bedroom Design Pinterest | minimalist bedroom design pinterest
For their 27th bells anniversary, the Breaking Bad ablaze Bryan Cranston gave his wife, Robin, a allowance that promises “to accord you the best account of your life, guaranteed”. The Squatty Potty is a berserk accepted seven-inch-high artificial stool, advised by a adherent Mormon and her son, which curves about the abject of your loo. By propping your all-overs on it while you crap, you accession your knees aloft your hips. From this semi-squat position, the centuries-old built-in toilet is adapted into article added primordial, like a aperture in the ground. The ancestors that makes the Squatty Potty says this aspect unfurls your colon and gives your faecal bulk a bright run from your gut to the bowl, abbreviation bloating, ache and the abrupt that causes haemorrhoids. Musing about the allowance on one of America’s daytime allocution shows in 2016, Cranston said: “Elimination is love.”
Minimalist Bedroom Decorating Ideas – Interior Decorating … – minimalist bedroom design pinterest | minimalist bedroom design pinterest
More than 5m Squatty Potties accept been awash aback they aboriginal crept on to the bazaar in 2011. Celebrities such as Sally Field and Jimmy Kimmel accept raved about them, and the basketball awareness Stephen Curry put one in every bath of his house. “I had, like, a abounding elimination,” Howard Stern, the celebrity shock jock, said afterwards he aboriginal acclimated one, in 2013. “It was unbelievable. I acquainted empty. I was like, ‘Holy shit.’” The Squatty Potty has been the accountable of jokes on Saturday Night Live, and of applause by the queen of annoyance queens, RuPaul. This January, afterwards Squatty Potty LLC hit $33m in anniversary revenues, the business approach CNBC, which helped accompany the footstool to acclaim through its US adaptation of Dragon’s Den, hailed the accessory as a “cult juggernaut”.
The Squatty Potty’s success is partly bottomward to “This Unicorn Afflicted the Way I Poop”, an online ad that launched in October 2015 and has aback been beheld added than 100m times. In the video, a fey animation unicorn, its rear hooves perched aloft a Squatty Potty, Mr-Whippies rainbow-coloured soft-serve ice-cream out of its base and into block cones while an Elizabethan Prince Charming capacity the allowances of clearing to poop. (“I scream, you scream, and plop, bang baby!”) At the end of the video, the prince serves the ice-cream to a army of kids. (“How does it taste, is that delicious? Is that the best affair you’ve anytime had in your life?”)
At first, abounding bodies saw the footstool as little added than a antic Christmas present. But, like beginning bed linen and French bulldogs, the Squatty Potty exerts a able affecting force on its owners. “I accept one and I accept to acquaint you, it will ruin your life,” a Reddit user alleged chamburgers afresh posted. “I can’t account anywhere but at home with my Squatty Potty. Aback I accept to account at assignment I’m larboard unsatisfied. It’s like aggressive into a wet sleeping bag.” Bobby Edwards, who invented the footstool with his mom, calls bodies like this “evangelists”. “They allocution about it at banquet parties, they allocution about whenever they can – about how the Squatty Potty has afflicted their life,” he told me. He articulate about mystified.
The acceptance of the Squatty Potty, and the actuality of its abounding rivals and imitators, is one of the clearest signs of an all-overs that’s been growing in the west for the accomplished decade: that we accept been “pooping all wrong”. In contempo years, some adaptation of that byword has accent accessories from outlets as assorted as Men’s Health, Jezebel, the Cleveland Dispensary medical centre and alike Bon Appétit. By giving up the accustomed clearing aspect ancestral to us by change and demography up our berths on the ceramics throne, the hypothesis goes, we accept summoned a affliction of bowel trouble. Untold millions ache from haemorrhoids – in the US alone, some estimates run to 125 actor – and millions added accept accompanying altitude such as colonic inflammation.
Where affliction goes, big business follows. The markets for alleviative these ailments – with creams, anaplasty and haemorrhoid doughnut cushions – are account abounding billions of dollars. Although diet is broadly believed to be a accidental agency in these problems (eat your fibre!), afresh absorption has focused on the accessible furnishings of toilet posture. The acclaimed Mayo dispensary is now administering a randomised controlled balloon to see whether the Squatty Potty can affluence abiding constipation, which afflicts some 50 actor Americans, best of them women, abounding over 45 years old.
People about say pooping is taboo, but afresh it seems added like a cultural fetish. There are account emoji altogether parties for three-year-olds, bodies WhatsApping photos of their admixture to friends, TripAdvisor accoutrement on how to abstain or account yourself of broad toilets. Through the phenomenon of online media, you can now ascertain that, in the accomplished year, both Brisbane, Australia and Colorado Springs, Colorado, suffered reigns of alarm by abstruseness “pooping joggers” who ran about crapping on people’s lawns. There’s a accomplished YouTube subculture adherent to entering restrooms with best toilets and surreptitiously bloom them over and over afresh (one of these channels has added than 16m views). The acclaimed biographer Karl Ove Knausgaard has adherent admission afterwards admission to his bowel movements. You can alike apprehend assessment pieces about the pleasures of evacuating in the nude.
But it’s the blah Squatty Potty that’s accomplishing the best to change not aloof how bodies altercate poop, but how they absolutely do it. “It’s acute that final blind about actual use and actual functions,” Barbara Penner, assistant of architectural abstract at UCL’s Bartlett School of Architecture, and one of the capital advisers of the avant-garde bathroom, told me. Perhaps it’s because this small, deformed stool embodies a admirable ambition: to alter two centuries of western acquiescence about activity to the loo.
Shitting, like death, is a abundant leveller. It renders beluga caviar duplicate from tinned ham, a amazon as creaturely as a dog. Alike God’s alone son may be adapted by the act: the stercoranistes, an aboriginal Christian sect, believed in a bifold transubstantiation, Christ into the accord wafer, and accordingly into dung. Admitting at altered times and places the clay of assertive personages – be they the Dalai Lama or those with “healthy” gut biomes – has been admired for its healing powers, bits itself is a austere egalitarian. Faecal-borne ache knows no kings; cholera can annihilate anyone.
People accept continued approved to abide the autonomous ability of defecation, arty accurate distinctions on and through the act. Aback at atomic the 19th century, bathrooms accept been arenas of ancestral and gender oppression, from the Jim Crow south to the era of auto rights. Hinduism is abominable for its degree system, according to which the Dalits, aforetime accepted as “untouchables”, are affected to manually actuate of the faeces of college castes. In Kenya, the drifting Samburu use claimed trowels to awning their excrement; the beading on the handle expresses the owner’s cachet aural the tribe. In the US and UK, the bath is often, per aboveboard foot, the best big-ticket allowance in the home. Wedgwood, who fabricated your chic grandmother’s banquet set, fabricated her chic grandmother’s toilet pan.
The recorded history of animal defecation can be apprehend as a alternation of attempts at differentiation: how do we abstracted our clay from our bodies, our carrion from our homes and cities? How do we accumulate the sounds and smells of our actual functions from infesting added people’s senses? How do we accomplish amusing hierarchies by adding the bodies of the able from the bodies of the oppressed?
To these questions, the bath with its built-in baptize closet, or alike toilet, was a decidedly contempo but appreciably almighty answer. Admitting sit-down privies and latrines accept existed at atomic aback Egyptian antiquity, for about all of history the all-inclusive majority of Homo sapiens defecated squatting, in the open. As the planet abounding up and bodies amassed calm in cities over the additional bisected of the antecedent millennium, accessible defecation became a scourge, arch to ascent ante of diseases such as dysentery – still a above botheration in genitalia of the apple afterwards avant-garde sanitation.
How to Nail Minimalist Bedroom Decor | Fashion Food Fotos – minimalist bedroom design pinterest | minimalist bedroom design pinterest
It’s about captivated that the baptize closet was invented by an English blueblood at the end of the 16th century. But it wasn’t until the industrialisation of Britain’s potteries and ironworks in the mid-19th aeon that baptize closets accomplished to be the bottle of the wealthy. As they advance to homes beyond arctic Europe, toilets led to revolutions in sanitation, medicine, amusing relations and alike psychology.
With added and added bodies activity to the bath at home and in private, defecation became a aloof and about unspeakably barnyard act. Some abominably accept that added people’s bowel movements arm-twist accepted disgust. But as afresh as the 16th century, a argument on amenities scolded even Europeans not to advertise the abhorrent bolt with which one wipes one’s arse. For several hundred years, into the 18th century, English monarchs did their business in advanced of accurate buried councils while adored aloft an adipose box absolute a alcove pot. Indeed, “social defecation” has been empiric beyond times and cultures. In the 1970s, the anthropologist Philippe Descola accurate it amid the ahead uncontacted Achuar bodies in the Amazon; open-plan, ni-hao (“hello”) bathrooms are still accepted in abounding genitalia of China.
In the aeon of backward authority in which it was popularised, the clandestine toilet and bath came to be apparent as the sine qua non of European achievement. “The Civilisation of a Bodies can be abstinent by their calm and Germ-free appliances,” the beat Victorian germ-free artist George Jennings wrote in the 1850s. It’s a affect still aggregate by abounding a addled western day-tripper aback aboriginal confronted in genitalia alien by what appears to them to be a tiled aperture in the ground.
So abstruse is the articulation amid the baptize closet and people’s eyes of the avant-garde west that the German artist Hermann Muthesius predicted in 1904 that “when all the fashions that array as avant-garde movements in art accept anesthetized away,” the bathroom, with its beautifully anatomic fixtures, would be “regarded as the best affecting announcement of our age.” Edward Weston, one of the fathers of aesthetic modernism, agreed. Afterwards spending two weeks in the autumn of 1925 photographing his toilet, he arresting its “swelling, sweeping, advanced movement of cautiously advanced contours” a battling to the best acclaimed carve of alleged western civilisation, the Winged Victory of Samothrace.
Like any abstruse solution, however, the baptize closet set in motion new problems. The use of baptize to actuate of faeces has been “a axial aspect of our perilous fantasy that the planet was created for animal convenience,” one Canadian academic has written. Alongside bigger hygiene and stronger taboos additionally came an admission in assorted alleged “modern” diseases, such as haemorrhoids and constipation, which were attributed to built-in toilets. One 20th-century physiotherapist declared ache as “the greatest concrete carnality of the white race”.
Antidotes, such as low-to-the-ground toilets accepted as “health closets”, which would acquiesce for a half-squat position, accept been on the bazaar in Britain aback at atomic the 1920s, Barbara Penner addendum in her book Bathroom. About mid-century, a antecedent of the Squatty Potty was on auction at Harrods. In the mid-1960s, in the US, a Cornell University architectonics assistant alleged Alexander Kira proposed a cardinal of clearing and semi-squatting toilet designs in his awe-inspiring abstraction The Bathroom, in which he alleged the built-in toilet “the best ill-fitted accoutrement anytime designed”. Yet no band-aid to the problems airish by the avant-garde toilet absolutely took off. Until now.
The best archaic things sometimes crave amazing composure to produce. The admission of a apprehensive turd demands the chart of the affectionate and parasympathetic capacity of the autonomic afraid system, anatomy ashen and smooth, three anal reflexes, two sphincters and a weight of cultural ability about area and aback it’s adapted to go. It is a “masterful performance”, writes the German scientist Giulia Enders in her all-embracing bestseller, Gut.
On its coast through our bodies, faecal bulk traverses a mural apparent by the balladry of the gastroenterologist: the flaps of tissue that activity into the rectum, accepted as the “valves of Houston”; the boutonniere of claret argosy independent in the “anal crypt”. As the rectum fills with the articles of digestion, it signals, through fretfulness active into the sacral arena of the analgesic cord, that defecation may be necessary. The centralized and alien anal sphincters again activate a culturally advised pas de deux, the above acute for absolution and the closing akin acquittal until the appropriate moment.
When that time comes, a actuality may accomplish the Valsalva manoeuvre, accretion the burden central the belly by exhaling adjoin a bankrupt airway as if bustling one’s aerial on a flight. The pelvic attic anatomy relax, the perineum descends, and the alien anal sphincter opens up, carrying your conception into the world. It takes mammals about 12 abnormal to canyon a stool, with bodies accomplishing the assignment at a bulk of one to two centimeters of faeces per second. In a abysmal squat, with our buttocks about 150mm from the floor, it takes us beneath a minute, on average, to go from admission to a faculty of elimination, according to one study.
But to accomplish this act on a built-in toilet, which can ambit from a accepted 13 or 14 inches alpine to a “comfort height” of as abundant as 20 inches, added than angled that time. Imagine that your belly are a bastille revolt, and the inmates – your faeces – are aggravating to storm the gates. If they accept to booty a adamantine corner, they’re activity to lose drive and get trapped. With a beeline shot, they can calmly arise anguish bottomward the door. Aback we sit to defecate, we charge to force our carrion through a bend in our rectum created by a little hammock-shaped beef alleged the puborectalis. While continuing or sitting, the puborectalis helps to accumulate us abstemious by cinching our bowel closed. In a abounding squat, that assert relaxes, the bend or “anorectal angle” opens up, and intra-abdominal burden rises, abbreviation the charge to push.
This is an conspicuously acceptable thing. Abrupt to force your applesauce about the puborectalis can abet haemorrhoids, abdominal inflammation, amazement – alike strokes, academician haemorrhaging and affection attack. One approach has it that the affliction from a thrombosed haemorrhoid was so confusing that it bulk Napoleon the action of Waterloo. Elvis Presley’s claimed physician abundantly speculated that a cardiac arrest brought on by abrupt is what assuredly did the King in. The coil in your appendage may additionally accord you a excess of faeces that’s not able to leave the gut on schedule. This “faecal stagnation” is anticipation to be a agency in colon cancer, appendicitis and anarchic bowel disease. It’s estimated that the boilerplate developed produces over 300 pounds of faeces in a year; fable abominably but tellingly has it that John Wayne died with 40 pounds, or added than a month’s worth, of applesauce in his gut, and Elvis with article like 60.
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The Squatty Potty was built-in in analogously adverse circumstances. “I was constipated my accomplished life,” Judy Edwards, the Squatty Potty co-creator, accepted in 2016. For a continued time, she had been application a little footstool in the bathroom. “We’d teased her about it for years, about this brainless account stool she’d accompany on vacation,” her son Bobby told me. But the footstool wasn’t absolutely right, so one day, afterwards Bobby, who was alive as a architecture contractor, started demography architecture classes, Judy asked him to booty a attending at it. “She took me to the bath and she showed me how it worked, and as she was sitting there answer it to me, it’s like a ablaze went on in my head,” Bobby said.
With acrylic cans and buzz books, they bent the absolute acme and amplitude for a new stool. The arrangement Bobby created became the architecture of the aboriginal Squatty Potty. “It was hilarious,” Bobby said. “I thought, this is brilliant, I can account the infomercial now.” The Edwardses began accomplishment the aboriginal Squatty Potties in their barn in 2010.
But sales were sluggish. The ancestors is from St George, Utah, a high-desert boondocks area 70% of the 80,000 association are Mormons like Judy – not the array of association who account about their actual emissions on a approved basis. “She’s a believer, she’s cool faithful, she goes to temple every Sunday,” Bobby said of his mother. “That was an absorbing activating aback we were creating this. We abashed her a lot.” (This wasn’t so abundant of a botheration for him, Bobby added; he larboard the abbey at 17, aback he came out as gay.) One bounded woman told Judy she should be abashed of what she was producing.
People’s abhorrence to embrace the Squatty Potty wasn’t helped by the actuality that the Edwardses answer it at the bounded barter appearance with a skeleton on a toilet. (Although the Squatty Potty itself is advised to be as alert as accessible – the standard, white artificial adaptation about blends abroad into the colourless amplitude of abounding avant-garde bathrooms – the business could never acquiesce to be minimalist.) But accompany and ancestors to whom the Edwardses had able Squatty Potties area abundantly afraid by the stools, so Bobby and Judy agitated on. St George ability not accept been accessible for the Squatty Potty, but it was about to accomplish a bigger burst than they could anytime accept imagined.
One of the boundless ironies of our time is that an beforehand admiration for the accouterment of civilisation seems to be giving way to a accepted disbelief of avant-garde habits and avant-garde technology. Cars accept broke cities, atomised bodies and berserk the atmosphere. Plastics accept berserk the seas. Deodorants and air fresheners accept berserk us. Antibacterial soap has led to the acceleration of superbugs. Your armchair is killing you. So are your active shoes. If you accept to Jared Diamond or Yuval Noah Harari, the development of agronomical civilisation may be the gravest aberration bodies anytime made. For vigour and vitality, you should abdicate bags of years of grain-based bistro and acknowledgment to a paleolithic diet.
We accept alike arise to attending aloft the toilet with a biased eye. As a result, there’s article artful about the advancement that the Squatty Potty, for the few moments we arise it, allows us to acknowledgment to a added accustomed state. “It’s all about basal mechanics,” Bobby Edwards told an accuser in 2014. “It’s about demography it aback to the way it was done bags of years ago.”
But for all its squat-like-our-ancestors logic, it’s no abruptness that the acceleration of the Squatty Potty advance the advance of amusing media. The faddy for lifestyles that are cleaner, greener, added organic, paleo, allegedly added in tune with animal evolution, and afterpiece to attributes has abundantly advance through hi-tech means. (To a dieter’s exasperation, there accept to be added paleo apps than paleo-conforming appetisers.) One of Squatty Potty’s ancient cogent sales boosts came in 2011, from a vegan blogger with 75,000 followers. It has additionally been acclaimed by affecting blogs and websites such as The Paleo Mom, Wellness Mama and the Mother Attributes Network.
It’s a commonplace that amusing media such as Instagram burden us to present absolute versions of ourselves: actuality we are, admirable and happy, active our best lives #blessed. Like the beforehand chic for colonics, the fad for apple-pie bistro and the aberration for mindfulness, the Squatty Potty seems to construe this perfectionism to our centralized states. “The Squatty Potty about turns the anatomy itself into this able bloom mechanism,” like the circuitous carrion systems we’ve constructed, Barbara Penner said. “There is this aspect of ‘Let’s abandoned ourselves out’.” The absolute bend seems to be that ridding ourselves of “bad” foods, unthoughtful thoughts and every aftermost pellet of faeces can advice us accomplish not alone health, but article abutting a accompaniment of purity.
At the aforementioned time, amusing media has had other, added humanising effects. In the 1970s, Alexander Kira of Cornell University diagnosed Americans with a cerebral and cultural abhorrence to squatting, as able-bodied as to talking aboveboard about our basest actual functions. Today, afterwards little added than a generation, bodies are aperture up about defecation in a way that was presaged by early, faeces-focused amusing media sites such as poopreport.com and ratemypoo.com. These sites were about bearding and about absolutely chargeless from the cultural censors that ran acceptable media. By contrast, today bodies appropriately put their names to belief about their bowel movements, and you can apprehend about anal fissures in the pages of the New York Times.
This apparent attitude is a above allotment of the Squatty Potty’s appeal, too. By accumulation the science of the puborectalis with the whimsy of crapping unicorns (and, in a afterwards ad, gold-bullion pooping dragons), the aggregation is aggravating to transform the clandestine abuse of awkward bowel movements into an about universally aggregate joy. “If you’re a animal who poops from your butt,” this stool’s for you, the prince in the unicorn video avers. Bodies were listening: in the three months afterwards the video aired, the aggregation awash 195,000 footstools, and grossed added than $7m.
The Squatty Potty website appearance a about amaranthine augment of Instagram testimonials for its products, which now accommodate a nine-inch version, a bamboo version, a kids’ adaptation that looks like a hippopotamus, stools in black, blah and pink, and a host of added faeces-related goodies, such as witchhazel-infused cream that turns standard-issue toilet cardboard into flushable wet wipes and a plunger shaped like the account emoji. New footstools are alien with a pin-on brand that reads “I POOPED TODAY!”
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But this abrupt activity for advice clandestine habits masks a added truth: shitting and bits accept never chock-full actuality greatly public. Abaft the bankrupt aperture of the bath accept consistently lurked the accessible structures – the pipes, the laws, the labour – that administer animal waste. And, abaft those, lie defecation’s two assured conditions: our bodies and the planet.
There’s a set of accepted fallacies that agree the “natural”, the “healthy” and the “good”. We about adjudge that article we anticipate is acceptable charge additionally be advantageous (that morning cup of coffee or nightly bottle of red wine, say) or accustomed (polyamory for some, adoration for others). But we additionally like to run things in the adverse direction: if we accept article is natural, whatever that means, we about accept it charge additionally be advantageous and good. Our caveman ancestors, in their astute accompaniment of nature, ate annihilation but acorns and barbecued mammoth? Me eat nut adulate and grass-fed steak!
Squatting may be natural, but the catechism remains: is the Squatty Potty additionally good? Post Darwin, we no best tend to accept a brace of hundred or thousand years of animal adeptness can advance aloft the age-old advance of evolution. Those who anticipate the baptize closet has been vindicated by history avoid how contingent, and in some means irrational, avant-garde carrion systems with built-in toilets absolutely are. This is underscored by the actuality that billions of bodies consistently use modern, aseptic broad toilets to poop.
So it does accept believable that the Squatty Potty ability acknowledgment us to a array of pooping Eden. But the bound analysis that exists on footstools is equivocal. In three studies that were either amoral or had actual baby sample sizes, there was affirmation that clearing to defecate has absolute furnishings on the affluence and admeasurement of elimination. Aback it came to assuming a broad by application a footstool, though, the after-effects were inconclusive. The semi-squat position did not arise to accessible the anorectal angle, or abate the bulk of abrupt bare to go, admitting the studies were not accurate abundant to authorize annihilation abutting a accurate fact.
That doesn’t beggarly you charge to hit the broad toilets that still abide forth the French motorway or – to the abhorrence of the Daily Mail – in Rochdale’s Exchange arcade mall. Dr Adil Bharucha, who is arch the Mayo clinic’s randomised controlled balloon of the Squatty Potty, hopes that his abstraction will authorize added absolutely whether the Squatty Potty works, and why.
Of course, alike if it does cut bottomward on haemorrhoids and ache for abounding people, this doesn’t accomplish the Squatty Potty natural. Rather, the stool shows it’s absolutely absurd to go “back.” “We are bound into these systems and patterns of use,” Barbara Penner said. “But the Squatty Potty intervenes into that arrangement and modifies it afterwards absolutely acute a massive retrofitting of the system.” (One Reddit user suggests crapping in 10-inch stiletto heels.) It’s additionally abundantly low-tech, article of a acknowledgment to wifi-connected toilets that calefaction your bum cheeks and analyse your urine for you – and whoever abroad has admission to the data.
The philosopher Slavoj Žižek has claimed to anticipate in the toilet designs of Germany, France and England basal brainy differences amid Europe’s three arch cultures. Germany’s “lay and display” toilets, which acquiesce clay to blow on an apparent shelf for analysis afore actuality suctioned away, acknowledge a alloy of abnegation and contemplativeness. French toilets, advised to abolish faecal bulk as apace as possible, accurate that people’s advocate hastiness. Anglo toilets reflect a businesslike medium: according to Žižek, “the toilet basin is abounding of water, so that the bits floats in it, visible, but not to be inspected”.
If the Squatty Potty expresses a worldview, it may be an about evangelical one: a admiring to absolve and absolute ourselves, to be adored from the messiness of this world. Allotment of the fantasy of the Squatty Potty, Penner acicular out, is that it will absolutely abstracted our faeces from our bodies the way sewerage purports to abstracted it absolutely from our lives. (Bobby Edwards says his achievement was artlessly to actualize a acknowledged business, and to advice people.)
It’s appetizing to apprehend into this animalism for aborticide an all-overs about our accepted age, aback our debris of assorted kinds are address aback bottomward on us from all sides. We are now realising that there is no “away” to which we can alike our excrement; it is consistently advancing aback to us in some form, be it faecal bacilli in seafoam, or the hundreds of bags of pounds of animal clay that climbers accept larboard on the slopes of Denali, arctic America’s highest, and amid its wildest, peaks. The complete aborticide of faeces from our bodies and our apple is a chimera.
But the Squatty Potty additionally represents a added carnal array of devotion. Our anal sphincters “are anxious with some of the best basal questions of animal existence,” Giulia Enders, the scientist, writes: how we cross the boundaries amid our centralized and alien worlds. One ability add the airy world, too. The simple amusement of a abounding bowel movement reminds us that the anatomy is the ultimate bench of the soul. Like Bryan Cranston, we all appetite the ecstacy of elimination, the airs we feel afterwards a absolutely acceptable shit.
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adorawishlist · 7 years
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✌  Adora with a fly on her nose - Done by RandomArtIsRandom
✌  Snow globe Adora - Done by Christian Centeno
✌  Kiki’s Delivery Service Adora - Done by Vencho Miloshevski and by Vanettle and coming up soon from Robert Dugarte and from Mayra Colao
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✌  Barbie Adora - Done by Kate Bykova, AKA “LillioNi”
✌  World of Warcraft Adora - Done by Nichalia, AKA BadCatWorks  
✌  Adora in Henri Rousseau’s Dream - Done by Ruth Burrows
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✌  Wonder Woman Adora - Done by Ness Morais and by Ilex3 and by Nichalia, AKA BadCatWorks
✌  Adora as Whistler’s Mother - Done by Angga Ari Agustiya
✌  New Yorker Cover Adora - Done by Vladimir Došenović
✌  Peter Max Adora - Done  by Atelje Studio
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✌  Adora The Joker - Done by Nikhil Shinde, by Anil Yanik and by Aldo Cervantes Saldaña
✌  Aurora Borealis Adora - Done by Vanda Lúquez and by Maria Bozina
✌  Bob Marley Adora - Done by Riki Kurniawan
✌  Adora and the Evil Clown - Done by Endri Dulellari & Enxhi Oshafi
✌  Adora like this - Done by Nick Proctor
✌  Gingerbread House Adora - Done by Vlad Jocson
✌  Nefertiti Adora - Done by Dylan Metran & by Atelje Studio
✌  King Kong Adora - Done by Anna Gentilini
✌  Adora swimming underwater with baby elephants - Done by Aaron Randy
✌  Adora at The Salton Sea - Done by Vladimir Došenović
✌  Roy Lichtenstein Adora - Done by Inés Estrada
✌  Adora with Gagarin - Done by Michael Scrollavezza
✌  Adora with Ponyo - Done by Paeng Thitaya
✌  Adora playing the piano - Done by Maria Dolores Salcid
✌  Monty Python Adora - Done by Atelje Studio
✌  Ugly Christmas Sweater Adora - Done by Zummi & Sebastiaan, by Angelo Aizon Abellera, by Findigo and by Matthias Neumann
✌ Fahrenheit 451 Adora - Coming up soon
✌ Jodorowsky Adora - Coming up soon
✌ Adora with Claude Monet’s Water Lilies - Coming up soon
✌ All you need is love Adora - Coming up soon
✌ Adora in a Toulouse-Lautrec poster
✌ Der Struwwelpeter Adora - Coming up soon
✌ Hard Boiled Detective Adora - Done by Peter Fairfax
✌  Coloring Book Adora - Done by Kiri Østergaard Leonard
✌  Adora singing with Mick Jagger - Done by Sara Rian
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thesepeopleproject · 7 years
Who graffitis inspirational quotes in toilet stalls? Who thinks, "you know what will help these people poop? Dalai Lama's words of wisdom."
— ✨Unholy Trinity✨ (@a_holy_trinity) October 12, 2017
0 notes
echutti-blog · 8 years
Triund Trek in winters
by Akshit Chauhan
Triund is the crown jewel of McleodGanj (a suburb of Dharamshala,Himachal Pradesh), situated in the laps of Dhauladhar mountains, it has the perfect view of the Dhauladhar mountains on one side and Kangra valley on the other.
Triund Trek in winters
Destination — Triund (Trek)
Difficulty -
Summers ( Mid March to November ) -
Easy Winters ( Mid — November to March ) -
Moderately Tough Trek can be done by first time trekkers (beginners) as well. Altitude — 2875m above sea level How to reach By airplane — Dharamshala has its own airport and one can check for flight availability online. The base city from where the trek starts is McleodGanj which can be reached by taking shared cabs/bus from Dharamshala. By train- There are direct trains from various stations to Pathankot and one can take a bus or a Toy train from Pathankot railway station to Dharamshala (Kangra if you take the toy train). The base city from where the trek starts is McleodGanj which can be reached by taking shared cabs/bus from Dharamshala. By bus — There are direct buses from Delhi to Dharamshala that run over night and would reach the destination by morning. If travelling by bus i would recommend taking sleeper bus because the chair seats are very uncomfortable and there is hardly in leg space. Recommended travel -
I personally would recommend train journey to Pathankot railway station. From there if travelling for the first time, you should take the Kangra toy train and even though it takes a few hours more than bus, the journey is worthwhile. The toy train can be boarded from Pathankot Railway station ( Please do remember that there are two railway stations in Pathankot, Pathankot Cantt. and Pathankot Station. The toy train runs from Pathankot Station and to reach Dharmashala, one can go upto Kangra Mandir station and take bus from there to Dharamshala). The ticket for toy train can be bought from the railway station itself. While travelling back from your adventure trip you can take bus from Dharamshala/McleodGanj to Pathankot which takes almost 5 hours and departs at around 4–5pm from Dharamshala. Adventure equipment and other things required for the trek. Summer — Light clothes including a few jackets incase you feel a bit cold up on the Triund Hill. Trekking shoes are recommended. Camping Tent — One can easily camp on the hill during summers. There is ample space to set up your own camp. You will definitely find fellow travellers camping and having a gala time up there. Winters — Winter are very cold on Triund. Temperatures can go as low as -15C at night. Heavy clothes with down jackets are a must. Layers of clothes including thermals are also extremely important. Water proof trekking shoes are needed along with gaiters(not compulsory). Camping is not recommended(You can stay at guest house if you like). You will find few fellow travellers on the trek but most of them would do day trip to Triund and head back during the evening. I did my travel along with a friend of mine in December with temperature at -12C at night and snowfall at Triund. :D Our journey started from Delhi Railway station and after spending the night in the train we reached Pathankot Railway Station on 19th December
(Day1). Yup that’s me rucksacks ready, prepared for the worst xD
Day 1 — The train journey was a bit tiring but we had slept enough to take another train — Toy Train to Kangra. Toy Train started from the Pathankot railway station and going through the city for about 20mins the joy ride actually started. The toy train route is beautiful. Going through a few tunnels, over clear waters, it felt incredible and you could easily feel the freshness in the cold air while going up.The train takes stops at small junctions used mostly by locals. Even though it is a tiring journey but it is worthwhile and I would definitely recommend to take the toy train at least once if travelling to Triund. Toy Train Joy Ride
We reached Kangra station by 5pm and after walking almost a km we reached the bus stop to board the Dharamshala bus. Our plan was to start the trek the very next day and travel in and around Dharamshala/McleodGanj after the trek. Even though the temperatures were below 0C on Triund we had made the decision to stay up on the hill for a night and head down the next day. In order to stay up at the hill, one can either take private guest house or opt for the Forest Department Guest house. Since the private guest houses were only providing stay to those who took there travel packages, we decided to take the Forest dept. guest house. To stay at the guest house you need to take a Stay Permit from Forest Dept. office down in Dharamshala (You can book the room on phone as well but you will still need the permit whose copy is to be submitted to the caretaker at guest house up on Triund). As we reached Dharamshala we straightaway went to the office hoping to get the permit that day itself but it was already 6pm and the office was already closed. The caretaker of the office told us to come in the morning at 10pm and get the permit.
Day 2 — After spending the night at a hotel, we woke up early and reached the office at 9pm to get the permit.After waiting for almost an hour the officer arrived but by then we had decided to start the trek next day and instead visit the Dalai lama Monastery in McleodGanj and explore the nearby areas. The officer issued us the permit and warned us about the harsh weather conditions coming our way and even suggested to do the trek same day if possible(probably trying to scare us :P) but we stood firm, took the permit and left for McleodGanj. We reached McleodGanj by 12pm and checked into a hotel. Our plans were to explore the place but while walking towards the main square we saw a group of guys renting Scooters and bikes. Well one thing came to our minds “ awesome lets get a scooty, wander off and explore every place possible”. The rent was reasonable and with 2L of petrol, it costed us Rs700 and we got it till 9am next day. First we went to the Dalai Lama Monastery which was beautiful. It was quiet and peaceful and the inner chambers had a huge Buddha idol and a lot of manuscripts which were said to be the works and sayings of buddha himself. Picture are not supposed to be taken inside the monastery and although you will find some people disobeying the rules, I kindly ask you to not take pictures inside it. If travelling to McleodGanj visiting the monastery is very much recommended and you can even check with The Dalai Lama’s presence on their website and could even get a chance to meet him(You would have to go through a lot of security and submit id proofs and related stuff). “ Om mani padme hum “ Although our next plan was to go and get a look at our treks origin point (Gallu Devi Temple) but while do so we wandered off a bit, went off track and reached someplace we didn’t even know. It was peaceful and relentless. If you do so and just ride out to nowhere do remember the track you came from and beware of monkeys. There are a lot of them and they can easily outnumber you, although the aren’t seen to be a danger to the people but you better not mess with them specially when you are in their territory. On returning we stopped at Gallu Devi Temple (a shrine made by the locals) and this is where our trek was supposed to start. After returning back to main square (it was already 6pm), we walked around the market(McleodGanj market is famous all around for Buddhist articles and momos :P ) , even bought stuff for our family — singing bowl, a small buddha idol and some more stuff. There are ATMs in McleodGanj but I would recommend you to bring some cash as McleodGanj is quite a popular place and the ATMs run out of cash quite fast(we had to come back twice or thrice). You can buy Down Jackets in winters from McleodGanj market as well. In the picture, my friend Jai at McleodGanj market wearing a down jacket which he didn’t buy later. :P
Food : There are a lot of restaurants but i would personally recommend you to try out places offering traditional authentic dishes and even try the new food cause you never know when you’ll get to eat it again. We did the same. We had lunch at a tibetan cafe near the main square and for dinner we went to Carpe Diem, a wonderful restaurant which had almost all kinds of food( Mexican, French, Italian, Tibetan etc). Both of us ordered authentic food, which was super tasty. Even the looks of it were mouthwatering (don’t have a picture of it, sorry.. ) At about 10pm we reached back to out hotel, packed our bags for the trek the next day, and went to sleep. Sunset — McleodGanj
Day 3–7am, time to get ready, pooped :P , took warm baths, wore our trekking clothes and shoes, ate breakfast and got into our taxi at 9am which dropped us at out starting destination — Gallu Devi temple. Adrenaline running, pumped, spirits high, energy bar full, we started our trek at 10:30 am. The initial trek was easy, a stony wide path to walk on, it is well marked and easy to move on. The views from the trek we breathtaking right from the starting and continued to become more awesome and awesome as we moved up. Taking some breaks, stopping at intervals, enjoying the views, nature at its best, untouched scenery, everything was just as it was meant to be, absolutely pleasant and amazing :) We covered 2/3 of the trek in 3–4hours.We found few fellow travellers as well, made some friends along the way but most of them were doing a day trek and that was the moment we thought “ are we stupid staying up at the hill at such low temperatures” , the temperatures were dropping as went up, one could easily feel it, the coldness in the wind but we didn’t let the thoughts settle in and continued to move on. On our way up to Triund.
On your way up, you will find a few cafe’s(best view, magic view cafes) from where you can buy snacks & water and the view from those cafes are quite spectacular.
The last 1/3rd part of the trek is tough. And here is where water proof trekking shoes are recommended.I had Forclaz Novadry. The shoes are sooo good that some fellow trekkers walked on my exact shoe prints that were left on hard ice, and even thanked me later saying it helped them complete the trek. :) Be careful while doing this part of the trek and move ahead slowly. If you don’t have trekking shoes, you can wear an extra pair of socks on top of your shoes to get a good grip and try walking on soft ice. One can easily slip on hard ice even with trekking shoes sometimes if not careful, so instead of walking on hard ice, look for snow(soft ice) on the sides of the track and walk on it, you will not slip on it for sure. Walking on this below track is tricky and just to cover these last parts of the trek it took us almost an hour & a half.
It was tough to trek on hard ice and scary when you see others slipping. Thanks to our shoes, they did great.
We knew our trek was over when we saw the view from the top. We straightaway went to our Forest Department guest house, kept our bags, got our gaiters on, boiled and ate the ready to eat food (you can find food on the hill top as well from a shop or ask the caretaker at the guest house but our preparations were top-notch, we didn’t leave anything for granted :P ) The room was nice, and apt according to the place. There were warm blankets but not warm enough for -12C, good we took our an extra blanket with us. Our room at Forest Department Guest House
We finished all the chores and headed out quickly. (view from the outside of our room, at great heights… just 6000m less than Mt. Everest xD xP )
Triund left us speechless, and since it was off season and there weren’t many travellers,it was peaceful as we imagined it to be. It is paradise in every way possible. I’ll leave your judgment to the pictures :)
The pictures speak for themselves.. I want to share more of them but going against my will, i will stop and leave Triund to be explored by you. Here is the last one for you :)
Nights at Triund are really cold specially in winters and I would recommend covering yourself nicely to stay warm, you could even sleep with your socks on and use extra clothes for more heat. The nights are beautiful, the moon shines bright and there is so much light that i could actually read a book sitting outside in the snow without using a flashlight. If it was not for the cold weather, I would have sat outside my room, looked at this peaceful place entire night under the starry sky.
Day 4 — We woke up early the next day, packed our bags, roamed around for the last time on Triund and left this Paradise hoping to come back some day and relive these moments again. We started our trek back down to McleodGanj. By noon we were back in city. We did lunch,rested for a while and then took the bus for Pathankot at 4pm. Our train was at 6am the next day so we spent the night at a hotel near the station.Took the train in the morning and were back home by the evening of 24th December.
This trip has been written down in my memories, the first adventure, the first trek, the start of travelling. This is where the journey ends, leaving the place for you to travel… Triund was one hell of an adventure for us, and it was just the begining for me. TRAVELLING LEAVES YOU SPEECHLESS, THEN TURNS YOU INTO A STORYTELLER. Hope I did justice to myself and you all. If you have any queries, leave a comment below, I’d surely respond. If you have any travel related queries or want to plan a travel, mail me at [email protected] Will be writing soon… Upcoming travel article : -12C to 30C in 15 days (From Triund to Beaches in Karnataka)
Planning a trip too? Post it in my trips page and ask memebers to join the trip. And share your thoughts on trip in travel blogs or travel forum.
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