#dakota x seree
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ickybby · 10 months ago
@pevertd asked: "being greedy as per usual, #10 FFM and/or 30 MF (giving seree and dakota on a honeymoon! feel free to drop the other thread w them(:)"
prompt and gif ♡
first starter (for seree and dakota)
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how one of the biggest byproducts of the toddler-to-trainwreck pipeline and the prodigal son of one of hollywood's most influential power couples make it down the aisle is a bit of a shock to the general public. but to anyone allowed in the inner sanctum of their lives, their marriage is not a matter of if but rather, when. still, the sleek wedding band and the luxurious ring on her finger are more a public proclamation of their commitment to one another. staking their claim. they made their own vows of devotion to each other in private long before dakota asked to marry her and seree said yes. after he got his answer, time seemed to blur from the engagement all the way to the start of their honeymoon. seree is glad things finally seem to have calmed down enough for her to really revel in every look. every touch. she's kind of surprised things don't go too far on the boat ride over to the island. he's only human, though. there's plenty of groping to keep them entertained. once settled, they don't last long clothed before he pins her petite body to the sandy beach with an iron grip, possessive and demanding in his quest to take her as his wife for the very first time. strong hands press her heart-shaped ass tight against him with each powerful thrust, leaving her to uselessly dig her fingers into the sand as she lost herself in the heat building in between the apex of her legs. "'surprised you, ahhnmm —made it through the entire ceremony and reception without insisting on a quickie in the bathroom."
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years ago
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Os 20 anos de Taken
Por Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
Em 2 dezembro de 2002, o canal Sci-Fi (renomeado para SyFy em 2009) estreava Taken, uma minissérie de 877 minutos divididos em dez episódios, produzida por Spielberg e roteirizada por Leslie Bohem.
Mega-produção de US$ 120 milhões, o que a tornava a minissérie mais cara da história, Taken levou o Sci-Fi Channel à liderança na TV a cabo norte-americana pela primeira vez desde seu surgimento, além de ganhar o Emmy.
Se Arquivo X em seu episódio piloto faz uma referência direta a Spielberg, uma influência inicial que se diluiria, Spielberg admitiu abertamente ter se inspirado em Arquivo X para fazer Taken, fechando um círculo de influências.
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Mas enquanto Arquivo X o tempo todo punha em dúvida a existência dos extraterrestres e enredava os agentes Mulder e Scully numa teia de conspirações governamentais, Taken não deixava margem a dúvidas e mostrava os extraterrestres sem rodeios, centrando o enredo na vida cotidiana e nos problemas mundanos de três famílias tipicamente americanas profundamente afetadas por contatos e abduções alienígenas num período que abrangia mais de cinco décadas, a partir do famoso Incidente de Roswell, em julho de 1947, no Novo México.
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A saga começa durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando o avião do piloto Russell Keys (Steve Burton) é abatido em combate e aquelas estranhas luzes chamadas de foo fighters salvam sua vida.
Daí em diante ele passará a vida toda atormentado pelo pesadelo da abdução, tentando evitar e resistir ao máximo, sem sucesso, ser capturado seguidamente pelos ETs, pesadelo e resistência que acompanharão seu filho Jesse Keys (Desmond Harrington) e seu neto Charlie (Adam Kaufman).
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O capitão do Exército Owen Crawford (Joel Gretsch), por sua vez, participa do resgate do disco voador e dos seres que caíram em Roswell e fica obcecado em recolher provas que atestem que uma invasão iminente está a caminho.
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Daí em diante ele passará a vida toda sacrificando as pessoas à sua volta, inclusive sua família, para manter seu poder e não deixar escapar nenhuma informação importante sobre os OVNIs. Ele guarda em sua casa, sem que ninguém saiba, um pedaço da nave, o qual legará como uma espécie de herança maldita ao seu filho Eric (Andy Powers) e à sua neta Mary Crawford (Heather Donahue), que ficarão igualmente obcecados e tenderão a repetir os mesmos erros que cometeu.
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Já a sonhadora e fogosa dona de casa texana Sally Clarke (Catherine Dent), infeliz no casamento, tem uma aventura amorosa com o misterioso forasteiro John (Eric Close, o John Loengard da série Dark Skies).
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O que ela não sabe é que o homem na verdade é um extraterrestre sobrevivente da nave acidentada em Roswell. Grávida de John, Sally é abandonada pelo marido, dando à luz o híbrido Jakob (Anton Yelchin), que carrega em seu DNA uma parte alienígena. Tom Clarke (Ryan Hurst), o filho mais velho de Sally, se tornará um ufólogo cético que mais tarde se converterá em um crente vigilante das ações secretas do governo.
Os destinos das famílias Clarke, Keys e Crawford se entrecruzarão em meio às manipulações e interesses dos extraterrestres, dos cientistas e dos militares.
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A ação culmina com o nascimento de Allie Keys, vivida pela menina prodígio Dakota Fanning (1994-), em seu melhor e mais encantador papel, e que mais tarde voltaria a trabalhar com Spielberg em Guerra dos Mundos.
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Metade humana, metade extraterrestre, Allie é o resultado final de um experimento que levou mais três gerações para dar certo, e que guarda a “chave” do futuro desses seres e da humanidade. Ela também faz, em off, a narração — cheia de filosofia e poesia — de seu diário em todos os episódios.
O governo norte-americano está interessado em seus poderes paranormais na guerra contra os alienígenas e, ao mesmo tempo, os ETs querem levar Allie para o seu planeta.
Allie perfaz um interessante jogo de palavras em inglês, evocando o termo “allied” (aliado, unido, associado, coligado, parente, aparentado e afim) e ao mesmo tempo remetendo a “alien” (alienígena, estrangeiro, estranho, forasteiro, oposto, contrário, hostil, divergente, discrepante e de natureza diferente), bem como à menina Alice do livro Alice no País das Maravilhas [Alice��s Adventures in Wonderland (1865)], escrita pelo matemático britânico Lewis Carroll (1832–1898).
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Com extrema competência e sensibilidade, em primorosas e quase que impecáveis reconstituições de épocas, Taken abordou os fatos recorrentes da ufologia — embora de modo nem sempre fiel, como quando por exemplo mostra os círculos nos campos de trigo no início dos anos 70 e a febre pela Área 51 no início dos anos 80, sendo que ambos datam somente do final dos anos 80 –, com referências diretas a muitos casos verdadeiros.
Para quem não estava familiarizado com a ufologia, no entanto, as abduções, os implantes, as experiências com híbridos e a política de acobertamento devem ter parecido indistinguíveis da ficção.
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De qualquer forma, Taken ofereceu sua resposta a duas perguntas-chave que há tempos os ufólogos vinham fazendo: o que os ETs realmente querem de nós e o que estão planejando?
Jacques Vallée confidenciou que quando conheceu Spielberg, argumentou com ele se não seria mais interessante se o Fenômeno OVNI fosse apresentado como algo real, físico, mas não extraterrestre. Spielberg respondeu que ele (Vallée) até tinha razão, mas que não era isso que o público esperava, “e eu quero dar para as pessoas algo que esteja próximo daquilo que elas esperam.”
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Quem assistiu a série se lembra do final emocionante, que deixou os espectadores em lágrimas e maravilhados, bem como com uma promessa esperançosa, a promessa de uma filha para sua mãe e seu pai de voltar um dia. Será que Spielberg um dia retomará essa série para fazer cumprir tal promessa?
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behindthecurls7 · 8 years ago
✿ Nome completo✿: Eponine Solum Stone
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✿ Idade/Signo/Data de nascimento✿: 17 anos, Escorpião, 4/10/1995
✿ Sexualidade & Opção sexual✿; Pansexual, mas tem preferência a Trans e homens
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✿ Aparência & Photoplay ✿ ;
Uma menina de pele quase pálida como papel de 1,70 metros de altura, cabelos pretos e repicados de forma bagunçada,  Olhos negros como a noite, uma boca levemente rosada e fina.  Nariz fino e levemente repicado.  Possui detalhes físicos da cultura tailandesa. Possui três piercing´s na orelha esquerda, corpo magro com leves detalhes de muscúlos, seus seios são de tamanho pequeno.
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✿ Personalidade ✿; É uma menina que não fala muito no começo por ser tímida, mas é uma pessoa de bom coração e simples. Tem uma paciência muito longa mas é possível fazer essa menina ficar com raiva e cuidado quando ela ficar com raiva pois seus poderes (principalmente de fogo), pode se descontrolar. É uma menina fiel e conselheira, tenta sempre ver o lado positivo e quando acontece uma briga sempre ver os dois lados antes de qualquer coisa. Ela não tem medo da morte,por isso de modo emocional ela protege seu amigo sem pensar duas vezes. Ela tenta demonstrar não demonstrar muito seus sentimentos, mas as vezes ela não consegue. Ela não gosta de demonstrar fraqueza e nem chorar na frente de ninguém. Ela gosta de ajudar os amigos mas nao sabe reagir quando pessoas querem ajuda-la, o que faz os outros pensar que ela é orgulhosa e não quer ajuda, mas apenas ela não sabe como reagir. Quando está numa trabalha ou num treino, fica bastante concentrada. Mas quando algo a preocupa, ela fica bastante avoada. É uma menina bastante determinada e não desiste facilmente.
✿ História✿: Uma menina que recebe o nome de Sakura Yumi, nascida no Japão com uma família totalmente tradicional que vivia perto de um templo, vivia com seus pais que demonstravam ser pessoas normais durante aos seus 8 anos, mas tudo mudou quando estava com a sua mãe no parque e quase foi sequestrada por uma criatura obscura, com medo, sua mãe revelou a grande verdade que elas eram de uma linhagem de bruxas dos dragões dos 4 elementos e que quando nasceu o poder deles estava dentro do seu corpo e muitas pessoas más queriam esse poder, mas que ela ainda nao estava preparada para aprender a mexer com a magia. Então, a solução que os pais de Varsha encontraram foram fazer ela aprender a lutas de corpo a corpo.
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Durante anos lutou todo os tipos de artes de luta oriental e ocidental, se apaixonou pelo Le Parkour. E escondido da sua mãe, tentava aprender alguns feitiços. Mas numa noite quando tinha 14 anos, sua casa foi atacada por estranhas criaturas que mataram os seus pais enquanto eles tentavam proteger Varsha, mas antes a mãe de Varsha lhe disse sobre um lugar que talvez ela ficasse segura, mas a menina estava assustada demais que não ouviu direito o nome do local, apenas que ficava em LAS VEGAS. A menina correu desesperada com medo de ser encontrada e agora não tinha mais lar e nem família, quando estava nas ruas movimentadas, algo lhe chamou atenção: Um cartaz do Cique Du Soleil que queria recrutar novos participantes para trabalhar nos show´s em Las Vegas. Varsha achou interessante pois Las Vegas era bem longe do Japão e talvez fosse mais seguro ir e achar o local onde a sua mãe falou. 
Então, quando ela escreve seu nome na ficha, decide trocar o nome para ser dificil rastrea-la, colocando nome que seria seu para sempre depois daquele dia: EPONINE SOLUM STONE. Ela entrou e passou no teste conseguindo ir para Las Vegas para trabalhar no espetáculo KÀ!, cortou o cabelo deixando de modo mais masculino até trocando suas roupas.
Por anos ela trabalhou no espetáculo, mas continuou procurando o local que a sua mãe tinha lhe dito antes de morrer, até em seus 17 anos finalmente uma mulher a viu no espetáculo e dizia que era uma das diretoras e que conhecia a mãe de Eponine, com isso conseguiu encontrar descobrindo que era um tipo de escola e foi estudar no instituto WITCHES.
✿ Poque está no instituto? ✿ : Para não ser perseguida pelos seres que a querem e para aprender mais a usar a magia.
✿ Responda✿:
— O que você é?
[ ] Vampiro:
[X] Humano : [bruxo]
[ ] Lobisomen:
✿ Poderes✿: Consegue conjurar os 4 dragões dos 4 elementos da natureza (água, fogo, terra e ar)
✿ Qual sua relação com✿:
— Scarlett Roberts? Ela tem um pouco de medo, por lembrar das meninas que a irritavam na escola. Então, só fala "bom dia", "boa tarde" e "boa noite". Elas não se falam muito mas se Scarlett se dirigir a palavra a ela, Eponine irá responder de modo normal, afinal ela não é grossa.
— Dakota Pierce? Eponine a respeita muito, mas tem muita curiosidade sobre como conheceu a sua mãe, tenta conseguir pistas sobre o passado da mulher com a sua mãe. A ver como um possivel segunda mãe depois que ela a achou no espetáculo KÀ. Não puxa saco dela mas a ver de modo como uma filha olha para uma mãe.
— Outras diretoras? Não tem uma relação mais forte como tem com a Dakota, mas as respeitas de forma igual, as cumprimenta de modo japonês nos corredores, mas não como algo de "puxa-saco" e sim de modo de respeito. Se uma a chamar
— Vampiros? Ela tem um pouco de medo dos vampiros por causa de uma lenda japonesa sobre os vampiros, e os vampiros a fazem lembrar das pessoas que tentaram sequestrar ela na infância, e que possivelmente, matou seus pais.
— Lobisomens? Não tem nada contra os lobisomens, só tenta acalmar quando algum está com raiva. Ela até gosta dos lobisomens, trata eles de forma normal.
— Outros alunos normais? Trata todos de forma normal, meio tímida mas quando ganha uma nova amizade começa demonstrar melhor seus sentimentos.
✿ Musica que define o personagem✿: NOT TODAY - BTS
✿ Gostos & Desgostos✿: Gosta: -Cozinhar -Deitar debaixo de uma árvore e descansar -Ir na piscina a noite
-Comida de todos os tipos -Cantarolar -Musicais -Praticar Le Parkour
Desgosta: -Pessoas preconceituosas -Verduras -Brigas por coisas desnecessárias
✿ É veterano ou novato?✿ Novato
[X] cortar o cabelo
[X] fazer tatuagens
[ ] pintar o cabelo
[X] ter cenas sexuais
[X] ter cenas de separação
[X] ter cenas de terror
[ ] engravidar
[ ] tudo
✿ Está ciente que seu personagem pertencera a mim?✿ SIM!
✿ Está ciente que seu personagem pode morrer?✿ Sim, mas espero que não hahaha
✿Está ciente que seu personagem não pode ser aceito?✿ Sim
✿ Algo mais?✿ -Ela nunca contou sobre seu passado e seu nome verdadeiro. Ela guarda esse segredo a 7chaves. -Ela tem diabetes no nivel crítico, levando a tomar 3 injeções aplicadas na veia por dia, se for esquecida uma injeção, a possibilidade dela morrer é grande se não for aplicada a injeção que falta. muitas pessoas acham que ela se droga.
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ickybby · 1 year ago
dakota's ability to make her feel like she's his whole world never ceases to amaze her. especially taking into account the complexities that came with, well, being them. the families. the careers. the glamour and the grandeur. it was enough to consume a human being and mutate them into a splintered version of who they once were. who they could have been. seree and dakota have done something incredibly rarer within the hollywood machine; they seem to be doing alright with themselves. that's saying something in the city of train-wrecks and facades. they offer each other a unique perspective that could only come from knowing one another since childhood. some family dynamics were easier to witness than explained. it's fair to assume seree never really pictured their dynamic evolving past that begrudging acceptance they'd probably always be connected thanks to the bond she originally made with his sister. she's forever grateful time has the power to change people, and liquor makes her horny enough to commit to a one-night stand. they wouldn't be here otherwise. their relationship flourished in a way others hadn't. proving their commitment to each other was worth the sacrifice and secrecy they went through to ensure they had time to explore and enjoy their relationship without others offering up unsolicited opinions. the smile that brightened her pretty face is dazzling and oh-so-rare. it's not a red carpet smile, nor is it akin to any of the looks snapped for marketing campaigns or on runways. this smile is one of genuine trust mixed with copious amounts of lust. a smile full of love for someone eager to shower her with the same. he climbed on top and pressed himself inside her once again. her lips parted to make room for a delighted gasp, stealing the i love you too right out of her. a dainty, tattooed hand stays buried in his hair while the other clings to his muscled back. the quiet filth he murmured against her ear caused goosebumps to erupt on her soft skin as her nails dug into his flesh. he completely buried himself inside her warmth with each thrust, bringing her nearer and nearer to that familiar peak of ecstasy. the fantasy of being held captive and trained into the perfect sex toy by the only man she had ever adored leaves her panting like a bitch in heat. he's right about everything. how needy he made her. how she belonged to him, body and soul. seree toyed with her sensitive clit. the bundle of nerves swollen and slick with arousal, tormented by her own fingers until she was finally able to let go and come undone for him. she clenched around his cock with a scream that was short lived, cut off by a breathy whimper as her cunt convulsed around him and became tighter with each spasm, always eager to follow through with his commands, "f-fuck! oh fuck. please! fill me." her orgasm feels never-ending, toeing that thin line of pain and pleasure as he continued to drag out the exhilarating sensations coursing through her body.
the way seree gazed up at him almost brought dakota to his knees. he rarely saw that look in her eyes - true submission with a deep trust that he slowly, but surely earned throughout the course of their relationship. since he was pretty much busy nine months out of the year ( with a 3 month break for the summer months, which really wasn't a break due of his other obligations ) , he barely had time to take care of a house plant, let alone maintain a relationship. it was rare for him to find anyone that he connected to on a deep level - and even rarer for him meet a person that understood his schedule and didn't expect it to change anytime soon. it was great that seree had such a strong sense of self and kept herself busy with her own studies, hobbies and activities that didn't require his presence. of course, he missed her when he was caught up in training, matches, post-match interviews and the like. but the joy that he felt when he was around her made all of that waiting worthwhile.
most people that he came into contact with on a daily basis were only interested in his lifestyle and subsequent wealth. or, they wanted a piece of his body so they could take the experience home and brag about it to whoever cared. dakota wasn't one to complain about his luxurious life - but that didn't mean he didn't feel. sometimes, the people around him treated him like an object that was meant to bring them pleasure. his management, while great, only interacted with him because it was their job to do so. the handful of friends that he kept since childhood got used to his distance and stopped reaching out. his parents and sisters were endlessly supportive, but they wouldn't get it, so he couldn’t talk to them. sometimes he felt like a superstar floating through an orbit by himself. the only thing grounding him and pulling him down to earth was seree’s touch.
the answer to seree's question came quickly. "the love of my life." he said, still staring into her eyes. all he wanted to do was create a fantasyland in his bedroom and fill the silence with his seree’s breathy moans and pleas for more . a genuine smile came to his mouth as he pushed her back onto the bed, guided her to the top of it and positioned his body over hers. the camera to the left of them was nothing more than object in his peripheral. "i love you." he whispered as he re-entered her, his eyes slowly rolling back into his head. in an attempt to control himself and slow down his orgasm, dakota moved at a slow and steady pace instead of plowing into her. he then moved his mouth right next to her ear so he could whisper into it. "i want you to forget about every other man that's ever been inside of you. every man that's ever touched you, ever flirted with you, ever even made eye contact with you. when you're at home, by yourself, i want you to be consumed with thoughts of me. want you to fuck yourself with a dildo and call my name so many times that it sounds like a chant.”
“ god, if you didn’t have work and shit, i’d trap you here with me. slut you out and teach you how to take dick the way that i like it. make you my sex slave. we both know that you’d take it all and still be cock hungry when i’m done. ” now that he was fully comfortably with seree , he felt free to express all of his desires — one of which was his free use kink.talking shit while balls deep inside of her was the perfect way for him to release all of his intense emotions. “your pussy belongs to me. don’t even need to hear you say it to know that it’s true. now be a good girl and cum for me - daddy needs you to be so tight that i can barely keep my cock in.”
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ickybby · 4 months ago
closed starter for @heirloomeds ♡
character: sereeeeeeeeee :)
plot/connections: u wanted someone to treat koda like just another hoe <3
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"hey, can you save your number on my phone? look, i know we've been talking for a few weeks now but i'm gonna be straight up with you, i did not see things going on this long, so i haven't actually saved your number and well... there are too many unsaved numbers for me to make that call with confidence." that's a bold admission to make when he's flown out to accommodate her schedule, as she's just getting started on her final year at university. even bolder to make said admission naked on her bed after chugging half a water bottle because they've been fucking like animals for the better part of a day. but seree figures she oughta get the awkward shit out of the way as soon as possible, so things between them don't continue to snowball into an even more confusing situation. besides, considering his ego could withstand this amount of chasing and waiting for this long, seree is curious to see how well he can handle the reality check that she's never been the kind of girl to take anyone she's fucking too seriously. "hurry up, please. i'm hungry and i need to text my assistant to drop off dinner for us and i have a quiz due before midnight, i wasn't kidding when i said we couldn't spend the entire time you're here fucking like last time. mmm!" another messy swallow, pink tongue lapping at the droplets of water left on her lips from her rushed sipping as a hand dries the water that dripped on her tit. "while you've got my phone, will you pull up doordash and pick a place that looks good? i'll let you know if it's actually worth it. i can't really like, walk to most of the good spots to eat around campus but i've asked demtri to pick up from every single so i can try them!" she smiling like she's proud because truth be told, seree is. at this point in her life, the burned-out starlet is sometimes so disconnected from her own reality she doesn't quite seem to understand when she blurts out something terribly sad about the restraints put in place for her own protection. a necessary safety net when her every move has been notoriously stalked and talked about for years instead of the exciting tidbit of information seree feels like she's acquired.
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ickybby · 5 months ago
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after their month-long moment of honeymoon bliss in an island paradise most people can't even conceptualize exists, seree finds herself a little more than anxious to rejoin society. perhaps in a sign of growth and a moment of vulnerability, she'd rather confide in her spouse about her concerns instead of stewing in that anxious storm brewing within. there's not much of a point in fretting over how she thinks she should feel when her reality is a stark difference; seree knows she's swimming in an ocean of wealth and opulence. the kind with inconceivable depths to warp her thinking in unfathomable ways. yet finding a safe, peaceful place to call their own is a terror-inducing concept even with the seemingly unlimited resources at their fingertips. of course, it is when that newly attained sense of serenity is something seree only discovers in adulthood after plenty of trial and error. the fierce protectiveness over their little bubble of bliss is understandable to anyone there to witness this version of the former child star. the added layers to those complex, tumultuous feelings stem from the discovery that they'll be meeting their first baby in what will surely feel like a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things. knowing her man's got a fierce sense of determination once he's got his mind set on something, plus that newfound fatherly protectiveness over a tiny person he hadn't even met yet is soothing and reassuring. all in all, very telling about his faith in their future home. the faith he has in their intertwining futures overall. it's not surprising seree is quick to fall in love with the property her husband has in mind for them. in certain aspects, dakota understands her in ways no one else can. better than she knows herself, on some days. perhaps the most surprising thing is how quickly seree stops missing the sound of the waves in their oceanic paradise. there's no question that the idyllic sounds of the birds and trees rustling in the french countryside help soothe her the same way the sand, sun, and water did. but what works the best is knowing dakota is more than happy to be by her side, regardless of where or what they're up to. seemingly entirely sure that by her side is where he belongs. ultimately, he's a huge part of the reason seree can consistently relish in her sense of safety.
her husband's strong arms wrap around her petite and shapely body, the warmth of koda's brawny chest radiating against her back with its cozy familiarity. his words draw happy laughter from his wife, rounding belly shaking underneath her soft, patterned sundress. her arms settle over his, three heartbeats playing a newfound tender, homegrown symphony. "music to my ears." he's right about the worrying being for naught, especially once his lips meet the delicate spot just above her collarbone. seree's surprised gasp serves as a prologue to his carnal promise. "oh? —then i think you'll be very interested to know i'm not wearing anything under my dress."
surprise closed starter – @putaaas
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although he's lived in many beautiful homes throughout his life, dakota's particularly piqued with his and his wife's new property. settled right on the gorgeous countryside of france, the fuimaono-rhani estate is a sight to behold. anybody who knows of it's existence (other than the newlyweds) is either a relative or close friend who knows better than to show up unannounced. nestled comfortably behind rows of greenery and a fence that seems a hundred meters high, their new home is the perfect place for their growing family. dakota's basically on a high as his movers hand him their signed non-disclosure agreements and go on their merry way.
“do you hear that, baby? silence.” he gleefully comments, hugging his gorgeous wife from behind. rare moments of quiet rank high on his list of priorities. since his career is a rush of flashing cameras, screaming fans and overly aggressive teammates, he cherishes his newfound pocket of peace. a little slice of heaven among the hellish whirlwind of his life. “told you this place's gonna be great for us. that you can trust me. all that worrying for nothing.” hungry as he attaches his mouth to her neck, dakota greedily bites at her skin. the obsession that he has with her goes beyond anything he's every felt in his life. one would think the month-long nonstop breeding session honeymoon would be enough for him to be satisfied for a while. yet he can't get enough. the possessive urge to mark her as his while she shares his last name, dons a rock wedding ring and carries their child is strong. “and i’m gonna fuck you in every room of this house.” a promise, not a request.
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ickybby · 11 months ago
when her temper gets the best of her, it's as if the word consequence is completely nixed from her lexicon. her tempestuous nature certainly got her in her fair share of trouble back in alabama. unfortunately, lexi is no stranger to spending a night in a cell if her tits weren't enough to get her off the hook with small-town cops. it seems as if she's kept the rebellious streak alive here in the state of california. there's something to be said for her consistency in a city where people are constantly desperate to evolve into a better, shinier version of themselves. she's messy and upfront about it too. alexis rarely finds any shame to spare, whatever disapproval she does locate certainly isn't wasted on questioning perceived character flaws. not her own, anyway. critiquing others, subjecting them to her rage fire when she feels she's been wronged? that's fair game.
it's no wonder she seems completely at ease going fucking batshit in front of him. it's a familiar state of existence for lexi. she's prepping for round two as he openly leered at her chest. in her line of work ( and her off time, to be honest ) alexis is accustomed to people fixating on her body before any other part of her. typically, she's capable of ignoring salacious attention. but dakota isn't a typical man. he forces her down onto her knees with ease while she's absorbed by her rage, though this is simply a coincidence. he doesn't need a distraction to gain the upper hand on her. a fact that makes her underwear damp, though today it also makes her further dislike him. dakota's fingers thread through her loose curls with viciousness, forcing a hiss out of her along with that familiar rush of arousal between her legs that he knows how to weaponize all too well. ".... really?" there's a flippant grin on her face like she's not humiliated or aroused by his orders. by him. it's all too clear that alexis gets a thrill out of tempting the fates. "— i, for sure, thought you'd be into the french maid look. do you even have crap to clean this place with? also, do you realize if i choke on your cock like that, i'd just be making more of a mess?— oof, flawed logic you got there."
lexi's defiance was truly puzzling to him. on one hand, he actually loved that she put her foot down and presented a challenge with her refusal to follow him like lamb to a slaughter. but on the other hand, dakota felt like things would just be easier if she did what he said like most people tended to, and didn't put up a fight. usually, he could use his money or social status to get what he wanted from others without a fuss. and if they did resist his influence, he found a way to manipulate them so they felt like they had a choice, or pressure them so they had none certainly wasn't the most morally righteous way to live. but dakota learned controlling behavior like that at a young age and it protected him from being a victim of the same. he purposely let his gaze fall to her ample chest his as she snapped at him.
all he could do when she started talking about his dad was genuinely laugh. again. if she wanted to play a back and forth game, he was willing to do the same until he dominated the conversation (and her). but right now, he was fully hard and didn’t have the patience to go back and forth. so he swiftly pushed her to the floor to show that it didn’t take much effort for him to get his way with her, psychologically and physically. he kneeled down to her level, grabbed a fistful of her auburn hair and forced eye contact. “don’t ever disrespect me in my own home. i was being fucking generous with you.” how the prospect of going to jail didn’t freak her out was beyond him. “ you’re gonna strip down to your panties, clean up your mess and then deep throat my cock. it’s not optional.”
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ickybby · 9 months ago
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seree knew she was in deep once she caught herself fantasizing about the thought of dakota never leaving, dreading the moments when either of them would have to part ways to fulfill some other engagement. the lines between casual sex and friendship and something more rapidly blurring the more time spent together. his confidence is attractive. seree could appreciate the arrogance within him too. she found his flaws as fascinating as his strengths and values. the natural but intense magnetism between the two kept her intrigued far longer than any other fling had. then she was vulnerable with him in a way that both touched and terrified her, especially when he didn't shy away from wanting to be there for her. wanting her still. perhaps something that scared her even more was the effort dakota was willing to pour into gaining her trust and getting to know the woman seree wanted to be, despite her well-documented sleazier trashier public persona immortalized via vicious tabloids and gossip blogs. even with the stressors that came with fame and the heavy weight of their respective family legacies, the authenticity and tenderness that BLOOMS within their relationship is too exhilarating for seree to ignore.
the warmth of the sunkissed sand against her skin elevates her euphoric daze. the sensation only dwarfed by the heat radiating from their bodies. for the first time in months, it feels like she's getting a chance to catch her breath and rest after a jam-packed schedule. ironic for someone panting like a bitch in heat pinned under her husband. it worked out best for everyone involved in the honeymoon planning that the newlyweds had quite literally, a deserted island to themselves. albeit, the term deserted island usually conjures up images of shipwrecks and survival shows. their wealth and privilege granted them access to their own luxurious, private eden to truly enjoy each other's company. the engagement and wedding bands on her ring finger twinkle as they catch the light just right. it's a sight to see, not necessarily because the rings themselves are essentially wearable works of art. but because of their significance; the newness of it all as she revels in being his wife after anticipating this transformation for weeks on end. her fingers dig into wet sand uselessly as she grips at the earth like it's their bedsheets, her walls gripping every single inch of every thrust he forces inside her as he notes the care he takes to preserve the desired look she wanted for their wedding. a piece of her almost wishes he would've forced her to touch up her makeup. after all, the wedding wouldn't have started without her anyway. "no," the word is rare coming from her mouth, especially considering he's trained her very well and that her interruption follows a correction, of all things. "... i'm yours forever." a romantic at heart, at least with dakota. though she doesn't hesitate to follow through with his command after getting sentimental, already desperate to be pumped full of his cum. "—fuck, thank you daddy! thank you for fucking me raw!"
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settling down before the age of thirty wasn’t something that the world expected from a professional athlete that had a reputation like his. since dakota traveled the world and didn’t spend much time in one place, he often found himself fluttering from person to person. didn’t take much effort for him to charm a complete stranger and pull them into his orbit. so he had a string lovers scattered across different countries, none of which took him all that seriously or expected to find a husband in him. and while that was fun for a while, he became increasingly bored and unsettled by the superficiality. and he honestly wasn’t looking for anything serious when he first hooked up with seree at his sister’s party. but since she was intimately involved with his family, he had no choice but to keep seeing her. couldn’t keep running away from the intimacy. before he knew it, he was falling in love and asking for her hand in marriage.
choosing a destination for their honeymoon was only difficult because he wanted to be away from the prying eye of tabloids. the benefits of having enough combined wealth to start a small country? an entire island to themselves with staff that was a plane ride away if their service was requested. dakota had even made it more than clear that he wanted to be alone with seree, and their presence was unwanted unless asked for. and thank god they listened — things would have gotten awkward quickly if they didn’t. he had his wife pinned on the sand like a common whore, pumping into her like his life depended on it. “me too. wanted pull you aside and cum all over your face, but i didn’t wanna fuck up your makeup.” all of the stress and time it took to plan this trip was worth it. being able to fuck seree completely raw, with no protection was the most intoxicating part of it all. “you’re fucking mine for the next month, baby. say thank you for giving you raw cock.”
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ickybby · 1 year ago
seree doesn't get an answer. though truth be told, she wasn't expecting one. not verbal, anyway. he forced her head into the fine bedding, a soft grunt leaving her body as her back arched at that amazing angle that leaves her fist balled while she grips the sheets. each divine stroke of his cock was pushing her closer and closer to her first orgasm. though knowing her boyfriend, it wouldn't be the last unless they were interrupted or taking a break... and they were known to let little interrupt moments like these. seree can feel her arousal slick her thighs, muscles quivering as she struggles to hold her tiny body up as her breathing grows erratic. when seree slips her hand between the apex of her thighs to tease at her clit, she can't say she'd be surprised to feel how wet she is. dakota's praise and his filth couldn't have come at a better time, they're all the encouragement seree needs to send her over the edge and into her first orgasm. seree comes so hard she's left stuttering the first syllable of his title between her own moans and gasps, refusing to break eye contact until she couldn't handle it any longer and had to shove her face back into the winkled sheets as she rode out the last few waves of pleasure pulsating through her body, fucking herself back into him. she gasps when he pulled his cock out of her, leaving her empty without warning but doesn't question dakota as he moved about the room. when he emerged from the closet she can't help the nervous bout of giggles that left her body. god, how many people had begged for this chance? you could be so rich, you could be the next paris. like she wasn't already a success in her own right. a scandalous one, still. anyone else got laughed at the moment they bought up the ridiculous question. dakota gets her undivided attention. she sits at the edge of the bed on tucked knees, running manicured hands through the silky smooth curls he's tousled. nerves aside, he was the only human being currently alive that could convince her to do something like this with excitement, and for free. he tilts her head upwards with commanding ease. it takes all the self control in seree's body not to allow distraction to kick in to suck the fingers firmly guiding her to meet his intense gaze. "yes sir. -- i can confidently say i've never had a casting process like this before, what's the role?" the word wifey pops into her mind, almost sending her into a tailspin. it sounds forbidden to even think, despite being something her own consciousness presented her with. seree meant the question as a joke, but there was little denying the thought of this relationship title changing like that felt exhilarating. it fucking better, considering she'd risk everything she's built for herself thus far.
arched eyebrows rose in response to seree's snarky comment. dakota liked when she snapped back at him and bitched him out because he found her bratty defiance both arousing and entertaining. he knew that she loved to get a rise out of him by refusing to submit until he fully dominated her - and whatever that meant depended on the day. instead of arguing back and asserting that she did belong to him (which he fully believed, but that was besides the point), he shoved her head down and sped up his tempo. the grip on her skin tightened hard enough to leave bruises as he railed into her, slowly but surely releasing the tension from his body. all of the anger and frustration that stayed in his system throughout the day was coming out through his powerful thrusts and firm grip on seree's body. "you're such a fuckin' brat." he said after a minute or so, trying to laugh, but it quickly turned into a moan as he felt her pussy walls clench around him. hazel eyes rolled back and then closed before he moaned again. "oh, shit - this angle is the one that makes you cum, isn't it?” the question was rhetorical, of course. “good girl. make your pussy grip onto my cock just like that.”
the sound of their bodies moving together in conjunction with their breathy moans echoed through his bedroom. as much as dakota loved to wine and dine his girlfriend and treat her like the queen he thought she was, he also loved to use her like his own personal sex toy. there was something so erotic about making a powerful woman fall to her knees, and allowing her to feel safe enough to fully submit. hazel eyes went back and forth between her gorgeous physique to his own sweat-glistened torso. it was wonder that he hadn't thought of recording them - a sex tape featuring himself and his equally sexy girlfriend would bring him to an orgasm in seconds. and then he got an idea. “hold on, baby.” he pulled out again to search for the camera that he kept in his closet. it only took him a moment to locate the device and the tripod, as well as the oil that was set besides it. once he set it all up, he walked back over to her and lifted her chin to force eye contact. “you were an actress, right? so you know how to perform for the camera? be a good girl follow my lead. show me how talented you are.”
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