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firstxman · 4 years ago
‘ i’ve always wanted to travel the world. ‘ // @daisyquakes
“Did you travel with SHIELD at all?” It wasn’t the kind of travel she meant, he knew, just like the traveling he’d done with the X-Men didn’t exactly qualify for what they were talking about now. But... Scott often felt as though he didn’t quite know her, and he wanted to. He wanted to make up for lost time, wanted to build back what was taken from them when they were both stolen away from the childhood they might have been able to have together. 
It was something far easier said than done.
Scott tapped his fingers against his thighs, humming thoughtfully. “You know, uh... The X-Men have a jet. And I know how to fly it. If you want to travel the world... Maybe we could go on some trips together, sometimes. You could bring your...” He trailed off, uncertain, before settling on “Reyes. I could bring Jean. We could go to a beach somewhere.” It seemed like a pipe dream, the idea of him and Jean leaving Genosha and relaxing somewhere, even if it was only a temporary thing. But... It was a nice thought. A nice concept. Even if Scott wasn’t sure it would ever be real.
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impulselantern · 4 years ago
[ txt ]: Is that what time you arrive at the ghost station? // @daisyquakes
(✉️ ➡️ literally shaking): i’m begging you to stop calling it that. it’s a /hospital/ (✉️ ➡️ literally shaking): the last time you said that, one of the patients /heard/ you. he told the nurse! she yelled at me!
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twentyninetynines · 3 years ago
[ text ]: I’m certain he heard me shout and LOUDLY ‘nap time comes before pants time’. // @daisyquakes
(✉️ ➡️ NOT from the future): is that the weirdest thing he’s ever heard you yell? (✉️ ➡️ NOT from the future): because i’m willing to bet it’s not. [...] (✉️ ➡️ NOT from the future): what kind of adult has a naptime.
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greatresponsibility-a · 4 years ago
[ text ] Life is like your ponytail. Overtime it’s going to fall down and get messy, but you just have to take time to pick it back up and fix it // @daisyquakes​
(  ✉️ → ???  ): that was beautiful and inspiring and very poetic thank you (  ✉️ → ???  ): however (  ✉️ → ???  ): i don’t think it was meant for me (  ✉️ → ???  ): i don’t have a ponytail
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legendxry-outlaw-archive · 4 years ago
[ text ] if you want to get out of here just blink and i’ll pretend to faint and then we can get the hell out of this place -- @daisyquakes
[jellyfish girl] what? you wanna go already?? [jellyfish girl] but they haven't even played the chicken dance yet! [jellyfish girl] maybe we can ask the dj to play something better? if they don't have the chicken dance, they might at least have celebration [jellyfish girl] or whatever else they've been overplaying at weddings and parties for the last thirty years [jellyfish girl] you'll have to fill me on the recent chart-toppers
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rxdshood-a · 4 years ago
She was familiar. It took a second for it to click for Jason before he realized just who it was. Daisy, Steph and apparently Babs’ friend. She was a constant annoyance, decided to pop up here and there and text him after their first interaction where she apparently decided to come to Steph’s aid. (Steph deserved good friends like that, not that he’d ever breathe a word of that to her or any of her friends—or god forbid Tim.) She was an utter jackass usually, quick to try to poke fun at him or find any of his buttons she didn’t know where exactly he had but jab as soon as she found him.
But right now? She looked...different. Like there was a cartoon dark cloud hanging over her head and pouring down rain everywhere she stepped. 
“You look like you’ve been hit by a train then rolled down a hill into a landfill and crawled your way out,” Jason said instead of any sort of normal greeting. “What’s gotta you so down in the dumps? Literally.” Probably not the best way to approach someone who looked like they had a shitty day (he knew it wasn’t) but he didn’t know how to approach this. Even with someone he’s known for years it was always one wrong wire cut from it blowing up in his face. Nine out of ten times it was the wrong wire. 
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bewaretheraven · 4 years ago
“ i have no one to blame but myself. ” // @daisyquakes
There were eggs all over the sidewalk. Rachel slowed to a stop as she approached her building, looking down as a broken eggshell cracked under her shoe. There seemed to be at least two dozen rolling around, some already broken and others miraculously in one piece. In the center of it all stood a woman. Vaguely familiar, Rachel realized --- she’d seen her around the apartment building a few times. She lived with the surly-looking guy on the third floor, and she looked... pretty devastated. It was a safe bet, Rachel figured, that these were her eggs all over the sidewalk.
Rachel knelt down, picking up one of the few unshattered eggs and holding it out. “I think you can save some of them,” she said with a small half-smile, “so don’t go drowning in guilt just yet. I’m guessing you were planning on making something specific with all this?”
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paradoxstars · 4 years ago
[ flower ] for your muse to offer my muse their favourite flower @daisyquakes​
The daisy was bright yellow and was a breath of fresh air, reminding Star that spring wasn’t that far away. It also meant that brighter days could be ahead, or he hoped, he liked the warmer weather for the rebirth of nature. That flowers and various plants could die, shrivel up to nothing in the winter months only to come back with a vengeance in the spring. It was poetic in a sense he thought. Though, if he told that to Monet she’d likely just give him that bewildered look she always did. 
“You shouldn’t pick flowers, you know? You don’t want to upset the plants.” Star said seriously, but took the flower from the woman regardless. “Though, they are beautiful and the temptation is reasonable. Most beautiful things are destroyed one way or another by those who wish to steal the beauty.” He mused as he looked at the daisy then back at the woman in question. “Though, I really like the yellow ones. They remind me of the sun. Which ones are your favorite?”
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rxdqueens-a · 4 years ago
[ text ] do you have a needle and thread? i am having a wardrobe crisis @daisyquakes​
( 📩 → unknown ): absolutely. i’m always prepared! ( 📩 → unknown ): well, most of the times. not always, but for a wardrobe malfunction? you got it. ( 📩 → unknown ): especially at a fancy ass event like that, you can’t show any sort of weakness. rich people are like vultures.  ( 📩 → unknown ): i'm more than happy to help. where do you need me?
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flylikefalcon · 4 years ago
Some days never left you. They settled into your bones and stayed there, took up residence in your bloodstream. You carried them on your back and knew they’d sit upon your shoulders forever, knew the weight would probably kill you someday even if there was no way knowing that could help you find a place to set them down. 
The day SHIELD fell was one of those days.
Sam had nearly died a hundred times over that day, had seen nearly as much death and destruction in a city he loved as he had in a warzone. He’d watched Steve fall from a hellicarrier in the sky, felt paralyzed with fear because this time, this time he didn’t even get to watch from the sky. This time, he was grounded and helpless and watching was still all he could do. 
He’d met people, in the time between his wings being ripped off and the hauntingly familiar picture of a blonde man falling from the sky. Some of them made it out, some didn’t. Sam’s goal had been to help as many as he could, no matter how many times he nearly got his own head taken off in the process. And he hadn’t been the only one risking it all to save who he could save --- heroism, his father always said, was more common than people thought.
So, when he landed in the middle of a firefight to find Skye shooting some kind of vibration blast at the gunmen, he wasn’t exactly surprised.
“You leveled up,” he said with a grin, bringing his shield up to block a few stray bullets. “I did, too. Been a while.” Belatedly, he remembered this version of her might not know him at all. He hoped she did --- if not, this could be awkward.
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fxllen-one · 4 years ago
[ dance off ] for the SENDER’S MUSE to challenge the POSTER’S MUSE to a dance off. -- @daisyquakes​
"A dance off?" Lucifer stared at Daisy for a moment before laughing. "I don't see a pole here, Miss Beauty and Grace, and you know I only show off my skills for select audiences." This audience was one that he had been hoping to make connections and possibly deals with. If he was going to give any of them a dance show, that would be done in private. "Besides, why would you issue a challenge for a contest that you have no chance of winning? I was wowing royal courts with my dancing skills for centuries before you were even born! Who do you think they consulted for the dance steps in Saturday Night Fever? Me! So please don't make me embarrass you in front of this very influential crowd."
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firstxman · 4 years ago
⚠️ a text meant for someone else. // @daisyquakes
(✉️ ➡️ Rachel Daisy): Are you going to make it home for dinner tonight? (✉️ ➡️ Rachel Daisy): Your mother is cooking, and you know she gets self conscious if you don’t eat it. (✉️ ➡️ Rachel Daisy): And I love my wife, but I can’t eat /all/ her tuna casserole alone, Rachel. I need your help. (✉️ ➡️ Rachel Daisy): You wouldn’t leave your dad hanging, right?
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impulselantern · 3 years ago
[ text ]: Does today require people clothes or can I just wear my pyjamas? // @daisyquakes
(✉️ ➡️ literally shaking): that depends (✉️ ➡️ literally shaking): what are your pajamas? (✉️ ➡️ literally shaking): this dude has, like, 0 concept of earth culture. he’s probably gonna think your pajamas are regular clothes. BUT he has seen the christmas movie where the duck is scrooge, so if you show up in an old timey nightgown, he’s gonna be suspicious. anything other than that and you’re golden
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twentyninetynines · 4 years ago
⚡ an angry text. // @daisyquakes
(✉️ ➡️ NOT from the future): do you think (✉️ ➡️ NOT from the future): just maybe (✉️ ➡️ NOT from the future): you can go one shocking day (✉️ ➡️ NOT from the future): without shaking the godjam city? (✉️ ➡️ NOT from the future): i’m trying to sleep.
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roi-des-voleurs · 5 years ago
[ blink ] for our muses to lose the line of sight on sentinels/enforcers/protesters -- @daisyquakes​
"Bet you wishin' it was jus' me fallin' outta a window on you ag'in, huh?" Remy remarked over his shoulder to Daisy. The whole city was one big shitstorm, it seemed, and he had been facing so much of it on his own so far. Not that he could not handle it, but when being set upon by both angry humans and Sentinels alike, it was nice to have someone on your side. After running into yet another aggressive group of protesters, Remy had thrown a few cards to try and shake them, then had taken off down an alley. Coming out the other side, he almost ran into someone, and with everything happening, he was too much on the defense not to react. 
Thankfully, he had recognized her in time, though he feared he would be pulling her into danger--if she had not already been facing it herself. "We need t' stop meetin' when I'm gettin' chased by people for doin' nothin'! Well...ok. Dis time I was usin' some cards, but not in de way you t'ink!" Pulling out a few more cards, he looked back down the alley, though he could not see the protesters any more. That, however, could have been due to the fact that there was a big pile of boxes now blocking the far end of the alley, which could have been done by the protesters or even Remy himself when he flung his cards. Either way, there was no way to tell where the people were, or if they were going to come around by another way. "Don' suppose you got like, super vision or somethin', do you? 'Cause I'd love t' play another hand wit' dose rowdies, but I kinda gotta see 'em for dat!"
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legendxry-outlaw-archive · 5 years ago
[ alcohol ] for our muses to avoid facing what is happening by drinking -- @daisyquakes​
Running into danger--usually without thinking--was Peter's typical MO. But considering he did not even understand what all the Terrans were fighting about, and thus had even less of an idea of what to do than usual, he made the choice to duck into a bar. Even getting there had not been easy, so by the time he got in, he was really ready for a drink. Sitting down at the bar, he glanced around and saw Daisy sitting at the other end. Obviously he was not the only one who needed a break from the chaos.
"Hey!" he called, "I'm willing to buy a round if you promise not to tell me about any other weird cures that humans have come up with for injuries. 'Cause I swear if you tell me someone thinks spitting on a person will cure cancer, I'm outta here." He would have loved to literally get out of there; at least he understood what the hell people were fighting about in his own universe. As Daisy came over, he dug into his pocket for what little Earth money he had. "Has all this got something to do with humans not liking aliens? Or are they just sending out big ass robots for kicks?"
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