#daily dose of fluff to tend the big gaping hole that main story left me fr
laxmiree · 9 months
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien Cabin Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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"Alright~ just another tiny ten minutes of bed lazing."
"Only ten minutes?"
"Um... how about an extra ten minutes then?"
"Just twenty minutes?"
"...Just twenty minutes! Lucien, you're not allowed to tempt me again."
His triumphant laugh is muffled in my ears. I have always been powerless against him and I bite his collarbone in frustration.
[Part 1]
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Dim light penetrates the darkness and falls onto my retina. The world feels warm, shedding the drowsiness bit by bit like the ebbing tide.
Sunlight generously pours in from the three surrounding French windows, illuminating this wooden cabin atop the mountain.
I rub my eyes. After adjusting to the light, I look out the window.
Shadows of trees covered in snow are particularly clear. The sea of white seems to lead to the end of the world. It makes me momentarily feel as if I'm lying in the snowy expanse of the mountain woods.
Lucien: (in a sleepy but gentle voice) Good morning.
His warmth envelops my back, carrying the familiar scent that wraps around me. I smile as I turn around, and fall into an even more beautiful dream.
MC: (smiles softly) Morning. So you're awake too.
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Lucien: It seems my wake-up duty was taken care of by the "early bird" today.
MC: Pfft, blame it on the overly enthusiastic first ray of morning sunshine. Great Professor Lucien, just let it be~
Lucien squints his eyes, exuding a rare sense of laziness and sleepiness. I can't help but poke his face, and he seizes my finger, pulling me into a tighter embrace.
Lucien: (whispers sleepily) Then, don't take advantage of its goodwill. Let's just indulge a little longer.
His warm breath falls on top of my head, and I affectionately nuzzle into his embrace, closing my eyes contentedly.
MC: Alright~ just another tiny ten minutes of bed lazing.
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Lucien: (chuckles softly) Only ten minutes?
MC: Um... how about an extra ten minutes then?
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Lucien: (whispers with temptation) Just twenty minutes?
MC: ...Just twenty minutes! Lucien, you're not allowed to tempt me again.
His triumphant laugh is muffled in my ears. I have always been powerless against him and I bite his collarbone in frustration.
MC: Although lazing around doing nothing with you for two days is not bad.
MC: But it’s better to welcome the sunrise and embrace the sunlight at the earliest moment, I always feel that casually neglecting these moments would be too unfair to the weekend.
Lucien: It sounds like you already have a rough plan for this short vacation.
The window sill beads with faint droplets due to the temperature difference and the warm sunlight bathes people warmly but also uplifts our moods.
MC: Haha, can we consider wandering freely and stopping as we please as a plan?
Lucien: Mm, of course.
The arms around my back tighten imperceptibly and the skin pressed together takes on the same warmth.
It makes one irresistibly sink deep into it.
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MC: It's really comfortable... How about we start over our twenty-minute bed-lazing time from now?
Lucien: (chuckles) As long as you want, we can start over as many times as you like.
[Part 2]
Actually, this weekend trip was a "spur-of-the-moment" idea that came up during a barbecue yesterday.
=Flashback start=
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Lucien: Seasonal affective disorder?
I nod, picking up a large piece of diaphragm from the sizzling tray. After rolling it around in the dry dish, I satisfyingly stuff it into my mouth.
MC: Today, I heard Kiki and the others chatting about this topic.
I say this while taking a big bite of blueberry cake. The perfectly balanced creamy sweetness makes me squint my eyes in satisfaction.
MC: People tend to feel sleepy and lack energy in winter, which is caused by insufficient sunlight exposure.
MC: The best solution is to eat barbecue and sweets in the sunlight. The principle seems to be... regulating serotonin levels?
MC: Although I'm not an expert, it does seem quite effective!
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MC: Right now, I feel there's nothing happier than being with someone I like, having a barbecue and cake on the best sunny afternoon in winter!
Lucien looks thoughtful as he gazes at the sunlight outside, his eyes sweeping over the barbecue and sweets on the table. He smiles and picks up a piece of beef, offering it to me.
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Lucien: (chuckles) So that's how it is.
Detecting the teasing tone in his voice, I obediently pick up a piece of beef tongue and place it on his plate.
Lucien: (teasingly) I thought the Great Producer came all the way to have lunch with me, but it turns out to be a small scientific experiment?
MC: I wouldn't dare to show off in front of the great scientist.
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MC: Moreover, Professor Lucien. If that's the case, then you are the biggest variable in this experiment.
Lucien raises an eyebrow slightly, showing a look of attentiveness.
MC: Whether it's sunshine, barbecue, or cake, perhaps they indeed have scientific bases for regulating physiological functions.
His gaze consistently rests on me, and I vaguely feel my cheeks warming. It's hard to discern if it's from the charcoal fire or the sunlight.
MC: But there are also many things that defy reason, beyond the reach of scientific proof.
MC: For example, in my case, your presence is the best way to regulate my physiological well-being.
MC: ...Why are you silent?
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Lucien: I'm just thinking, this is not good.
MC: Um?
Lucien: If I don't run faster now, I might not keep up with the Great Producer's ability to say romantic lines.
He says it so matter-of-factly, yet it feels like a small handful of charcoal sparks crackling has landed in my heart.
I smile and push the cake on my side toward him, propping up my chin with a thoughtful expression.
MC: You say... if there are variables, does that mean the combination of sunlight, protein, and sugar is not the sole solution?
Lucien: For example?
Lucien naturally picks up where I left off, and like me, he takes a chopstick, dips it in sauce, and starts drawing on the plate.
MC: For example... if we maximize sunlight while keeping the other two constants, would the sense of satisfaction still be the same?
Lucien: If you sequentially control the variables, perhaps different chemical reactions might indeed occur.
I feel as if we're not in a barbecue restaurant but in his office, facing a whiteboard, discussing some important and profound problem.
His deep, profound eyes narrow slightly, and the fingertips of his other hand rhythmically tap on the tabletop.
Lucien: For example, embracing the sunlight at the moment of sunrise?
MC: That seems to be the idea!
Seemingly thinking of something, Lucien picks up his phone and makes a few taps. When he hands it over to me, the screen displays a confirmation for booking a homestay.
The planned duration is three days and two nights, with the check-in starting today. Judging by the uploaded photos and address, the homestay seems to be located in a mountainous area around Loveland City.
MC: This is…
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He pauses, takes my fingertip, and lands it on the phone screen.
Lucien: Since we want to embrace the sunlight as soon as possible, let's go to a place where we can see the sunrise earliest.
Lucien: It's less than three hundred kilometers from here, enough for us to arrive before sunrise.
Lucien: Alright, MC. Now, we can set off whenever you're ready.
=Flashback Ends=
I naturally won't refuse Lucien, even if this weekend trip is indeed a bit unexpected.
In the end, we only indulged in bed for an extra hour before getting up to have breakfast.
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The wooden cabin is not large but intricately decorated.
The floor is almost entirely covered with a plush, floral-patterned rug, making the room exceptionally warm.
Two vintage brown sofas are adorned with lace cushions, and in the center is a charming round wooden table with a vase of fresh flowers.
On the side, there's a petite desktop chalkboard with elegant chalk handwriting that reads, "Enjoy your weekend :)."
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MC: Lucien, look. The freezer even has instant-heating pizza and pasta, and there's even family-sized ice cream...?
MC: This host must have been too prepared.
Lucien lifts his hand and turns the small vase counterclockwise. With a faint click, a "wall" springs back half an inch, revealing a dark gap.
Lucien: Not only that, I found a hand-drawn map and very professional outdoor equipment in the cabinet at the entrance.
Lucien: It seems that besides being hospitable, the owner of this house also has an adventurous spirit.
Behind the wall is a wooden ladder leading to the attic. It creaks when I step on it but surprisingly is spotless despite its age.
At the top, vintage-colored lights hang in the attic that I can reach with my hand. Facing each other are two leather recliners, there's a nostalgic wall-mounted telephone on the wall.
I blink in astonishment until colors start dancing before my eyes.
Lucien, who pressed the switch behind me, withdraws his hand, and his gaze falls heavily on me.
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[Part 3]
Lucien: I think, this place seems to be more than just a display room.
Time remains silent but magically presents the traces of the past in front of us. These seemingly decorative antiques feel like silent witnesses.
A strange and wonderful feeling inexplicably arises in my heart, and I squeeze the hand that is holding mine.
MC: Even though we are just temporary "owners" here, it feels like our lives have intersected with another life for a moment.
Lucien: Perhaps the connection between people is inherently objective.
Lucien: Subjective choices or external influences can lead to the occurrence of a relationship, whether it's meeting, running in parallel, or missing each other.
Lucien's gaze falls on the only source of light in the attic, and I feel as if I can see a colorful and shining reflection of myself in those eyes.
MC: Can we call it fate?
Lucien: Hmm. I'm afraid fate may not be sufficient to encompass it all.
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Lucien: The ripples created by a stone thrown into the lake often not only touch oneself but also reach the person on the other shore.
Lucien: Therefore, before these ripples die down, let's go and explore further.
Before heading out, we take the hand-drawn map and basic outdoor gear left by the landlord, along with a mysterious key that also remains in the cabinet.
Following the map's directions, we arrive at the hill behind the small cabin. In the distance, a lonely lighthouse comes into view.
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MC: Is anyone there—
The spacious tower echoes with a muffled sound. As I glance at the not-so-long spiral staircase, I'm about to say something when I hear Lucien's voice.
Lucien: Excuse me—
The deep voice engulfs the trailing notes of my echo. Seeing Lucien mimicking my posture by tilting his head back, I can't help but laugh.
He looks down at me, giving a little shake to our holding hands.
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Lucien: Let's go, we've already greeted it.
Ascending the tiered stairs, we quickly reach the top of the tower. There's a rusty iron door, entwined with dark green vines, that leads to a partially open observation deck, revealing the panoramic view of the entire mountain forest.
I walk to the edge of the railing, overlooking the lush landscape adorned with patches of pristine white. I can't resist taking out my phone to capture this scene.
Lucien suddenly calls my name, making me turn my head in confusion.
MC: Ah—this place is so beautiful~ Even the air feels fresher!
Lucien: MC
He holds a telescope, his dark eyes firmly focused there, as if looking into a more distant place through the lens.
Subconsciously, I aim the camera at him.
And as if sensing my gaze, he turns his head to look at me.
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The air is tinged with a faint chill, and the white world is illuminated by sunlight. A cold wind passes through, causing the thick snow on the pine trees to fall into fine, fragmented pieces.
The eyes that were gazing at the world just a second ago are now filled only with me.
Time seems to have stopped, frozen in this moment when he looks at me.
The echoes in the valley resonate with the rhythm of my heartbeat, and even the sunlight seems to favor him, gently falling on his swaying hair.
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"Click". I hold up the frozen frame to him, speaking confidently.
Lucien: (teasingly) Weren't we here to capture the scenery?
MC: I am capturing the scenery, you know.
MC: The best scenery is right in front of me. Of course, I have to capture him first~
Lucien's eyes soften. He pulls me into his embrace, and gently rests his chin on the top of my head. Using my hands, he raises the telescope to my eyes.
Lucien: I just spotted an interesting scene, I wouldn't want you to miss it.
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I blink my eyes. In the magnified view, the snowy cedar trees appear soft, and a faint shadow can be seen leaping on the snowy ground.
Suddenly, a fluffy brown bundle comes out of nowhere, shaking its head while glancing around. The next moment, it plunges into the snow.
MC: It's a groundhog!!
I exclaim softly, my gaze following that splash of brown, watching as it quickly pops out from another part of the snowy landscape, shaking off a pile of snow, thoroughly enjoying itself.
MC: Hahaha, is it having fun all by itself?
Lucien: Yes and no.
A soft laughter echoes above my head as Lucien tightens his arms, hugging me even closer.
Lucien: After all, in a certain sense, this snowy landscape and sunshine are its companions.
MC: So, the entire mountain forest is its playground.
Perhaps the serene scenery before us prompts a tacit understanding, and we both refrain from speaking. Instead, we nestle close, gazing in the same direction and listening to the echoes of nature.
Stepping on the thin snow beneath our feet brings a crisp sensation, mingled with the rustling sound of the wind sweeping through the mountain forest, creaking and crunching.
MC: Lucien, listen.
Suddenly, I think of something and can't help but smile, then I step on the snow on the ground again.
Crunch, crunch.
At this moment, the entire valley is left with only this one sound.
MC: Isn't it very special? It sounds just like laughter.
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Lucien: Mm. It seems like we've discovered the world’s happiness by accident.
As the golden edges of distant mountains slowly come into view at the end of our sight, we leave the lighthouse and begin a leisurely descent along the stone steps in the opposite direction of the small cabin.
[Part 4]
Warm yellow ground lights illuminate the winding path, and following the map's guidance, we pass by a lake and a mountain cave.
A chubby snowman, wrapped in a scarf, stands by the roadside with a delightful smile.
Following the distinctive icons on the map, we explore this snowy forest, novelly experiencing the joy brought by this "snowy mystery box".
MC: Lucien, what do you think that little cabin is?
Not far from our line of sight, there sits an exceptionally small wooden cabin. The reddish-brown bricks appear remarkably warm against the snowy landscape.
Curiously, I approach and discover that the name on the doorplate is the same as the cabin owner. However, the entrance is tightly shut, and it seems like there's no one inside.
Recalling the key in my pocket whose purpose I don't know, I widen my eyes and take it out, looking towards Lucien.
MC: Could it be…
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Lucien: It appears that we've discovered the true purpose of this key.
He reassuringly lifts the corners of his mouth, raising the hand-drawn map adorned with various symbols.
MC: But wouldn't it be a bit abrupt if we just open the door and go in like this…?
Lucien: I don't think there should be such concerns.
Lucien: Perhaps, this is the "special easter egg" left for us by the interesting landlord.
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As we step into the wooden cabin, the entire interior instantly brightens up as if welcoming us.
The entire house doesn't seem very large, but due to the sparse furnishings, it appears somewhat spacious at a glance.
Tiny string lights decorate the surroundings of the room, and the wallpaper is covered with hand-drawn castles and trees, whimsically crooked yet exceptionally charming.
The curtain of the small theater nearby is slightly ajar, and a tent nestles in the corner next to a low bookshelf. The picture book spread out on the floor, bears the traces of some mischievous little child's fondness and reluctance to part with it.
A very familiar small blackboard is leaning diagonally near the entrance, seemingly imbued with a soft and cozy fragrance.
"Welcome, hope you can enjoy here.:)"
It seems like we've stumbled into a dreamy fairy-tale world here, where there are no worries or boundaries, and imagination can turn into reality.
[Lux’s remarks: sobbing at this particular line because of what happened in main story :”D]
MC: (smiles happily) It feels like we've all turned into little kids here~
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Lucien: Being little kids is good too.
I walk around the small theater in a circle and notice there are even a few hand puppets on the stage. Perhaps they are props used for performances during gatherings.
Just as I was about to show it off to Lucien, I turned around to find him earnestly flipping through some picture books.
His demeanor becomes softer, I gaze quietly for a moment, and suddenly an idea forms in my mind.
MC: Hello there, little friend!
I crouch behind the wooden board, lifting a small girl puppet high and wiggling my fingers.
[Note: remember that since MC hides behind the board, she can’t see or expect what Lucien will do-]
The little girl with braided hair cutely shakes her head, joyfully calling out to her best friend.
The world pauses for a moment, and soon a familiar voice rings out.
Lucien: (in amused voice) Hello.
The smiling voice draws nearer. Although I can’t see Lucien’s face right now, I can almost picture those eyes brimming with laughter.
MC: I didn't expect anyone else to come and play here. I'm MC. What's your name?
Lucien: I’m Lucien.
Something has grasped my hand, and a faint warmth seeps through the fabric.
MC: Well, little Lucien, would you like to play with me?
Lucien: I’d be delighted to join your game. But I’m not sure if you’d mind. After all…
I look up to see a little fox hugging the little girl.
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Lucien: I’m just a little fox.
Lucien crouches on the other side of the wooden board, with that hug remaining in mid-air, softening my heart a bit.
MC: It doesn't matter if you're a little fox.
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MC: I like the little fox the most.
The little girl also hugs back tightly, using her hand to gently stroke the little fox's head.
Lucien: Can I get even closer to you?
As the little girl nods vigorously, Lucien's face appears under the brightness.
Lucien: There are still many things I want to accomplish together with you.
MC: Come here, dear little fox!
He doesn't make the little fox let go of the girl's embrace. Instead, while maintaining that hug, he walks behind the wooden board and crouches down next to me.
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Lucien: Now, we’re together.
His voice is gentle but sounds as certain as a conclusion of a story.
MC: Well then, let's set off! Today is going to be a good day.
I pick up the rainbow sun puppet prop and wave it over the heads of the two puppets.
He curves his lips, and in those deep, serene eyes, I feel like I see every moment of wonder and dreamy fantasy we've had these past few days.
MC: Where should we go?
Lucien: With such good weather and being with you, we can experience many, many wonderful things.
It seems like a conversation between a little girl and a small fox, but at the same time, it feels like ours.
Lucien: After all, the person who makes wonders happen…. is right by my side.
MC: So, you must have had things you wanted to do before, right? Are you not worried about the "plan" going off-course?
Lucien: Although you're not wrong, I don't think it's a bad thing.
Lucien: Unexpected branches born outside the plan also hold meaningful significance.
The small fox raises its hand and touches the little girl's head, while Lucien also hugs me.
MC: So what you're saying is it's okay to do whatever you want? Even if it doesn't have meaning.
Lucien: I believe "meaning" itself has no fixed definition.
His scent envelops me, gently surrounding me like snow.
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Lucien: For instance, right now, I want to hug you, and that is the entire meaning of this moment.
[Lux’s short rambles]
AHHHHHH what a really cute date ~~if we ignore hidden knives that can only be found after you read main story~~. Their interactions are just so heartwarming and sweet huhu. The way it started with them waking up together in the morning and then negotiating with bed lazing is both cute and hilarious. Lucien’s sleepy but gentle voice and triumphant laugh when he gets what he wants just make me SWOON; Their morning banter is reminiscent of Lucien’s Mini House Story when MC is lazing around and Lucien punished her by leaving a mark on her collarbone (funny how the table turned huh-). Lucien’s rare display of childishness and laziness is like uncovering a different side of him.
The barbeque scenes- I can see that MC is a good ‘student’, she learns how to say romantic lines from its master so well. I love how the whole weekend getaway is more of a “spur-of-moment” thing compared to Lucien’s usual style of planning things thoroughly and, in a way is a reference to Lucien’s previous date like [Slow Motion Fireworks MQ] and [Wild Luxury Date].
The whole date feels magical and childlike. The way Lucien and MC explore the snowy landscape, discovering a lighthouse, a groundhog playing in the snow, and then stumbling upon the hidden wooden cabin – it all feels so fantastical and I love every bit of description that the writer wrote. I won’t get tired of saying that, being childlike, for Lucien is a kind of “growth” too.
“The eyes that were gazing at the world just a second ago are now filled only with me.” Is one of my fav lines!! Lucien is someone who always ‘looks’ at the world as a whole, observing it as a scientist. So the transition from observing the external world to focusing on the person he loves is just so!! Ugh. Like a silent declaration that she’s the sole focus of his universe.
And then the discovery of the ‘fairy tale’ cabin! I can’t help but imagine tiny Lucien reading books and then tiny MC calls him over to play puppet with her. The way Lucien chooses the little fox puppet, being clingy even as a puppet (it is as if he’s admitting that yes he is a fox LOL) is cute and funny; the way they end up together is a conclusion that he is sure of (ignoring the main story cough); the way he regards her as marvel (ie. one that causes wonder/magic) my heart can’t take them :”D. ! Not to mention dialogue about doing things outside the plan and finding meaning in the unexpected (even if the meaning is as simple as 'want to be with you)– they’re just so profound and beautiful.
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