#daftpatiences topsurgery
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daftpatience · 3 months ago
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finally found this damn shirt I got for the occasion
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daftpatience · 4 months ago
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daftpatience · 4 months ago
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you don't gotta stay that way
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daftpatience · 1 month ago
3 ish months post op pics time!!
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I've got some new stretch marks coming in on the sides from gravity and stretching and stuff. the swelling is mostly gone, though my left side is still a little stiff under the scars. nips still need some time to stop looking weird, I think.
plus here's some other pics cus I feel like you never get to see ones with squishing and stretching. good examples of how cute I am
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I'm really happy that this is how I get to be now. got jumpscared by an old pic of me with boobs and I couldn't believe I lived like that for so longgg
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daftpatience · 6 months ago
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I can't wait!!!
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daftpatience · 3 months ago
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5 week post op pics!!! swelling is slowly but surely going down. I'm so cute 🥺
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daftpatience · 6 months ago
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IF ANYONE wants to help me get supplies in time i have a lil wishlist up!!!
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daftpatience · 4 months ago
I'm gonna share pics now that I've had my 1week followup and gotten my drains out and everything!!! utc for fresh scars and grafts. my surgeon did an incredible job!!
in case any one local (BC) is wondering my surgeon was dr Rebecca Nelson!
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everything's still really fresh, swollen, etc. but it's already looking so good!! I asked her for a lot of specifics:
-to leave in some fat so I don't look concave
- if she was able to curl the scars upwards in the underarm area (it helps prevent dogearing and I also I didn't want Lipo so it would help get rid of excess material there)
- i wanted to be sure the nipples didn't get placed too high or too close together cus a lot of top surgery results tend to do that
- I wanted the scar line to be a bit higher than the 'root' of my previous breasts cus they would look weirdly low and curved otherwise
she was very confident and experienced with all of my requests and I'm absolutely ecstatic. I think she knocked it outta the park, I look so cute. I'm especially blown away at how nice the sides/underarms look- there's this cute amount of bulk that feels very fitting to my proportions 🥺 and there's no shelf or dogears or anything! a lot of fat guys end up with extra tissue on the sides and it's fine (even fat cis guys have a shelf sometimes) so I'm really surprised and pleased that I came out smooth!
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daftpatience · 6 months ago
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THANKYOU TO THE NICE PERSON THAT GOT ME THE BIG TRIANGLE PILLOW FROM MY TOPSURGERY RECOVERY WISHLIST😭💕 its so great that its here so i can get used to sleeping on it beforehand yay yay hooray yippee
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daftpatience · 4 months ago
everytime I'm in a waiting room I worry that I'll somehow completely forget how my name sounds aloud and miss when they call for me
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daftpatience · 5 months ago
once my topsurgery is done i can finally enjoy boobs without feeling like that spomchbob image where the ice cream truck is gonna foll on him
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daftpatience · 4 months ago
top surgery question bc i havent gotten it yet and im nervous: you mentioned nausea, is that a symptom of the surgery itself or is it due to the drains or smthn? :0
good question!! it is both, i think!
they give you a bunch of anti nausea drugs before surgery to help, but as i've come out of it ive noticed a distinct queasiness come thru - its not the worst thing ever but it does suck. i think mostly im mistaking chest pain for nausea since it's sort of in the front center of my chest and has a vague tight/rising feeling (plus autism makes it easy for one sensory experience to be mistaken for another, like hunger and thirst and needing to bathroom etc etc). the drains just make me more nauseous because they are unpleasant to look at and clean out. since im not allowed to take off the bandages for a week and im also not allowed to shower (i can spot clean) my overall smell situation is pretty icky too. get bath wipes/a helper if you can!
i also highly recommend trying your best to take any pain meds with food cus taking pills without food can also make nausea worse - i have a hard time eating in the mornings normally so its extra difficult for me to get through it. this morning after i took my meds i stood in the kitchen and ate 1 piece of cereal at a time until i stopped salivating like a sick dog and felt well enough to get myself a whole bowl. i think if i had tried to eat it outright i woulda frew up right there.
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daftpatience · 5 months ago
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daftpatience · 4 months ago
nerves are reconnecting at an unprecedented rate
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daftpatience · 3 months ago
it's Dember!
point form updates because I'm tired 🫶
- Canada Post is still on strike! orders from the Sept preorder period up till now aren't going anywhere for a while.
- my topsurgery recovery is going well!! I'm still finding myself fatigued but am slowly gaining stamina and energy yay!
- plans to run a preorder for December may be shelved until there's more news on the strike and so I can muster up the will to draw all the charms I have planned. if all goes well we may have a little boxing day thing. oughoho
- the comms that have been politely sitting in my queue for so long are gonna get tackled this month or I'm gonna lose it I s2g
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daftpatience · 1 month ago
Turned 30 last November, and had started T in September, I've been wanting this for years but wasn't ready mentally, but now I want it all, the meds the top surgery, the hysterectomy eventually too... But I was super concerned about what top surgery could look like on my body ... But k have a very similar build to you and it literally brought me so much joy to see results that made me go !!!!!!!! I have a dr appointment next month and gonna ask to begin my process for top surgery thanks to you sharing your experience so big big thank you ! ( Also could you share what was your recovery wishlist stuff? I could see you received nice pillows and Im curious what you'd recommend as well ?)
ahh congrats im really happy for you!!
and yea i can share the wishlist stuff lemme see - u dont need to get these specific exact brands of things but i'll link them anyways for the visual aid and searchability + explain each thing:
triangle wedge pillow & pregnancy pillow - sitting more upright & supported on the sides like that really helps healing. getting it early to practice sleeping upright-er really helps. my first few nights with it were really rough and i'm glad i wasn't post-op yet.
bidet - it is difficult to bend forwards or sideways at first, so one of these is rlly helpful if you don't want to ask for help wiping your ass.
bath wipes - you can't shower for the first little while and won't be able to get your chest wet for longer, so being able to spot clean helps. your armpits are going to smell weirdbad for awhile due to the proximity to healing stuff.
bromelain - the pineapple enzyme that eats u. it helps to reduce swelling and inflammation after surgery, lots of surgeons will recommend it. i definitely felt like it helped during the first couple weeks post-op 'cus i missed it for a couple days on the 2nd week it was a much angrier red in the area and i felt extra swollen and sore.
bandage tape, bandage pads, polysporin - after the first week you're gonna be changing out bandages daily on the areas your surgeon recommends (usually nipple grafts and drain holes) until they are no longer wet and oozing. if your scar decides to spit stitches anywhere it'll open up a bit until the stitch is out (and then close again!) & you'll want to cover those areas too. this will all last way longer than you expect. you'll need a lot of these.
silicone scar gel and silicone scar strips - only to be used after all the scabs are gone. they improve the appearance of the scar + the tape helps keep it from stretching out. they're more for long-term results so idk how well they worked, i basically used up one pack and then got tired of doing it. some people develop allergies to it so if they make you really red and itchy talk to your doctors!
reusable bendy straws - lifting a cup to your mouth is not a recommended motion to be doing at first. i picked these types because i hate the taste and feel of metal/silicone straws + they're a little wider and i don't like how skinnier straws make soda fizz so much from the higher pressure/narrower passage lol. that's just me being picky. i like these though and still use them often!
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