#daemon is both pissed off and amused at whatever the hell is going on between Lucerys and Aemond in this au
childotkw · 2 years
Daemon recognizing Unhinged Targaryen Soulmates when he sees them: ...
Daemon staring into the void: ...
Daemon to Rhaenyra: You realize your father is laughing at us, right?
(Rhaenyra is not impressed.)
Daemon to Lucerys: Look, I'm provisionally supporting this, here's snacks for the road and a knife to stab him if you need to. Aim for the gut this time.
Daemon to Aemond: I won't tell you not to hurt him. I will say that if he dies, or if he ever asks me to, I will ENJOY ripping out your spine and beating your bloodied corpse with it. Be safe, have fun.
A 1000x yes 😂
Daemon is the tentative cheerleader - but he’s fully prepared to murder Aemond if he hurts Lucerys in anyway.
--- -- --- -- ---
He stepped up behind her, hands lightly caressing the bare skin of her back, reverence in the fleeting touch of his fingers.
Daemon noted the tension in her neck, the way she held her head straight and the subtle clench to her jaw. “You’re upset,” he said, tracing the smooth glide of her shoulder blade with his thumb.
Rhaenyra scoffed, twisting just enough to catch his eye. Displeasure stained her delicate features. “Upset?” she echoed, mouth curling down at the corners. “I am far passed that. Just what is he thinking?”
She was more exasperated than angry, though worry still bubbled in her tone. He knew her fears, knew how Lucerys’ recent admissions had sent a stab of anxiety through her gut - because he felt it too.
Still, a part of him - buried deep beneath the biting, ferocious rage that consumed him - could not help but find some spark of amusement at this new revelation.
“I suppose our boy is thinking of what he wants, and how he might take it.”
Rhaenyra turned in his hold, her eyes blazing with motherly indignation.
“And he wants Aemond?” she demanded, sharp as a dragon’s teeth.
There was confusion in her eyes, and hidden carefully in the lines of her face - hurt.
Daemon reached up to gently hold her head between his hands, gazing down at his glorious wife with unconcealed admiration.
He loved her more than anything, but he just couldn’t resist stoking her ire this one time.
“Falling for his uncle…he truly is his mother’s son,” he said with an impish grin.
Rhaenyra smacked her hand against his chest, her pretty mouth pursed in an effort to mask her amusement.
It bled away swiftly though, and she looked down to where her hand now rested on his doublet. “I worry for him,” she confessed quietly. “This…fascination he has with him, the way they circle each other…I fear that one day we will lose him again, permanently. That Aemond will succeed were he didn’t before. That Luke will…”
She swallowed, and Daemon pulled her close, tucking her against his chest. The fact that they had almost lost him once hung heavy over their heads.
“Fret not, love. If anything should happen to Lucerys, if my foolish nephew harms one hair on his precious head, I shall take a knife and flay him alive in payment.”
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Dancing with the devil - One-shot
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Pairing : Kol mikaelson x Male reader Tags: Angst , First meetings word count :2482 Based on S3 Ep14 Edited - 20/06/2024 Part two
Y/N leaned against the kitchen counter as he observed the disaster that was his brothers and their pet human Complaining about the original family  yet again.
“Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus” Elena said causing  Y/n to roll his eyes he could already feel a headache coming on from her complaining. He barely listened as his brother talked in circles and bickered between them. The bickering is finally  interrupted by the doorbell which Elena goes to answer only to come back frowning with a white envelope with her name written on the front in her hands .
Daemon glanced at it on edge as usual“ what is it?” Elena looked confused herself as she turned it over to open the envelope and removed the card inside Reading it out loud “it's an invitation ,Please join the Mikaelson family. This evening at seven O’clock. For Dancing, cocktails and celebration.”
Both of his brothers frown confused as they look at eachother,“Who the Hell are the Mikaelson?” Stefan asked.
Y/n rolled his eyes yet again, it had become a common occurrence since they had come back home to mystic falls , he shook his head annoyed and slapped stefan on the shoulder “The Original Family, Klaus Mikaelson, you fucking idiot” the youngest salvatore brother said irritated. Stefan moved away glaring at Y/n before daemon interrupted whatever Stefan was going to say . “ It's not bad enough they’re moving into town, now they want housewarming gifts?” Daemon said sarcastically.
Elena turned the card over and saw the  writing on the back. It said  Elena , "I think it's time that we finally meet, Esther“ Wait, There’s a note on the back” she said reading the note out loud.
Y/N pushed himself off the counter and walked over to see the card with his own eyes as Elena kept talking . “If Esther wants to talk to me, maybe I should find out why” Elena suggested. Y/n looked at her like she was a moron his brothers wouldn’t like that one bit, he took the card out of her hand himself to read it. As his brothers argued again about Elena going
“Well, that’s a dumb idea, she already tried to kill you once”
Which duh Y/n thought, shaking his head as daemon tried to argue for Elena not to go he snorted a laugh as Stefan said she should go which caused Daemon to get snarky  “Can we go back in time where the old Stefan cared if Elena lived or died?”. 
Y/n pulled a mock face of disgust “Oh god please don’t ,it was revolting to watch” Y/N begged mockingly grinning. Daemon glared at him to shut up “Shut it little brother” Damon warned glaring at both Y/n and stefan when stefan argued with Y/n.
“ What’s for Damon ?, it's your job now.” Stefan said sarcastically, y/n watched amused god he like this new stefan who didn't care about Elena. He glared at Elena when she took the invitation back off him as she interrupted stefan’s and daemons argument agreeing with stefan about going which daemon again was against  “ you can't protect yourself “ Damon argued 
“Okay fine i'll go” Stefan said, shrugging his shoulders, Daemon rolled his eyes and glared at him “ you’ve pissed off enough originals to last a lifetime time i'll go “ Damon said snatching the invitation out of Elena’s hand ignoring her shout of protest as he walked away Y/n followed after him stopping when daemon turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow “What are you doing” He asked.
Y/n looked at him like he was stupid, “Coming with you” he said bored out of his mind. Daemon huffed a laugh  “ like hell , You aren’t going to the party ,end of story” Daemon said before leaving Y/n behind to glare at him.Like hell he was staying out of it, he was going to this dumb party and his brother can go fuck himself.
 *Time skip*
Y/N stood in the sea of people drinking from his champagne flute watching the crowd for his brother or the originals when he spotted Damon walking through the doors as soon as Daemon spotted him his older brother glared at him and made his way over to him. Y/n rolled his eyes “ here we go” y/n muttered as he shotted the rest of his champagne. As Daemon reached him looking pissed off “I thought I told you to stay home" 
Y/N rolls his eyes and gave his brother mock smile as he passed off his now empty champagne flute off to a passing waiter  “I’m not a child Damon, I can do as I please, I don’t need your permission” he glared as Daemon put his hand on his shoulder gripping it tightly  “now isn’t the time for this, the originals are dangerous”Daemon said his voice low as to not attract attention.Y/n shrugged his hand off his shoulder  irritated “ i’ll do as i please”
Before Daemon could say anything they were interrupted by a man he stopped in front of the pair of brothers he smiled at Y/n as he took his hand and brought it up to his lips pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles “ I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m kol Mikaelson” he said before releasing Y/n hand 
Y/n was slightly surprised by the action but not displeased, it had been some time since somebody had acted like a gentlemen and kissed his hand like a lady .  he smiled as he felt his brother's warning gaze on him but he ignored it “ Y/n Salvatore, pleasure to meet you” he said watching as Kol looked him up and down with a smirk. But of course his brother had to interrupt them 
Daemon interrupted  them holding his hand out for kol to shake “Damon Salvatore, have we met?”.
 Kol looked at his hand then back at  Damon's face before he ignored daemon's handshake which caused Y/n to smirk “I’ve met a lot of people. And you don’t particularly stand out”Kol said his gaze flicking back to Y/n as he heard him snicker whilst daemon glared at him. Kol smiled at the younger Salvatore brother “ it was lovely to meet you , I hope to see you again” he said, taking y/n hand once again to kiss the back of it before taking his leave and disappearing into the sea of party goers. Y/n watched him go only looking away when Daemon speaks  
“Dick” Damon said glaring at where kol had been standing, Y/n hummed and a small smile on his face “ I don't know I like him” Y/N said his attention turning to a passing waiter carrying a tray of champagne flute which Y/n took one.
Daemon looked at him with irritation however he stopped to stare  behind his brother. Y/N turned expecting Klaus or something of importance  only to roll his eyes when he found what had gotten Damon's attention. Elena had come with Stefan. God his brother was pathetic   he sighed “Well, I’m leaving before this gets pathetic”he said practically walking past Daemon to go and find something to do other than watching his brother pine. 
*Time skip*
Y/N leaned  slightly against the far wall as he people watched , it made him remember the lavish parties he and his brothers were made  to attend in his youth, when everything was simpler for him. 
“Hello again trouble” A voice said behind him causing his to tense slightly before he covered it up that kol had snuck up on him 
“Hello kol” Y/n said his gaze still watching the groups of people kol followed his gaze but he didn't  find anything of  interest he turned his sight back to the youngest Salvatore.
“Are you having fun ?” he questions with a smirk as watched the younger vampire act like a wallflower at such a party.
Y/N turned to face kol finally meeting his gaze he shrugged slightly  “not really” Kol raised an eyebrow a smirk still on his handsome face “ No?” 
Y/n sighed “No offence kol but parties and people aren’t really my thing” kol grinned at him and held out his hand “ Then how about a tour?” he asked
Y/N paused, his gaze looked around searching for his brothers, he found them both with Elena and he rolled his eyes. He thought Screw it, why not , he put his hand in Kol's “lead the way” he said smiling slightly as Kol pulled him along showing around before leading him to a library guiding him to a small couch to sit together with very little space between him.“so, tell me, How did you become a vampire?” kol asked curiously, watching him closely.
Y/n Sighed  “ it's not that interesting”
Kol raised a brow and looked at him until finally Y/n gave in and told him his turning story “Both my brothers tuned because of Kathrine, after Damon turned, he decided that he wanted both of his brothers to be miserable with him forever so he turned me too”
A look of pity crossed Kol's face before he covered it up easily “ I guess we both have brothers that are bastards”he said.
Y/n hummed he chuckled slightly “I guess we do, but my brother doesn’t dagger me when he gets pissy” He said jokingly.
 Kol laughed lightly “yes I suppose that’s true”
Y/n tilted his head slightly as he looked at kol’s face  curiously  “ so? How long were you daggered for ?” He asked 
Kol didn’t seem annoyed or angry about his question he just looked  thoughtful “about a century” 
Y/n made a face of surprise and the pity “well, if you need a guide for the 21st century I’m your guy” Y/n offered with a slight smile.
Kol gaze stayed on his face as if he was searching for something in Y/n gaze before he smiled  “ i’d like that” he said before standing offering his hand again to help him up “we should get back before your brothers think I’ve kidnapped you” he said smirking as Y/n laughed leading him back out of the library .
 As they eventually return to the ballroom again kol spotted Elijah walking up the stairs he turned to the younger vampire with a smile  “I must go to see my brother, but i will be back”
Y/N nodded "of course I should probably look for mine” he said waving kol off just in time as his brothers came up beside him  as Elijah began an announcement.
Damon leaned over “Where have you been “Damon whispered as they both watch the original family stand together 
Y/n moved away “None of your business “ Y/N whisper back harshly as he watched elijah give him speech
“Welcome, thank you for joining us, you know whenever my mother brings our family together like this, its tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance”
Y/n ignored his brothers and Elena who were furiously whispering between each other eventually Elijah asks them all to the ballroom which everybody follows to including Y/n he was planning to just watch however fate had other ideas as his arm was grasp gently he looked up to the owner of said hand finding it to be the youngest Mikaelson “May I have this dance” kol asked extending his hand smiling at Y/n.
Y/n looked over to his brother Damon who shook his head his gaze warning for Y/n to say no but instead Y/n smirked and placed his hand in kol’s for the third time that night “ i would love too” he said. Kol returned his smirk and led him onto the ballroom floor placing his right hand on Y/n hip whilst y/n placed his left hand on Kol's shoulder kol took his right hand into his left one holding it out as they began the steps to the music. Kol leading and Y/n following easily, kol smiled at him impressed almost “you’re quite the dancer”
Y/N rolled his eyes, smiling slightly as they followed the steps with ease“it's almost like I’ve had practice” He said with playful sarcasm. Kol smiled back as he spinned the younger vampire away from him as they changed partners Y/ n was spun into Damon’s  arms “having fun?” Damon asked with gritted teeth as he led the Waltz with obvious anger.
Y/n rolled his eyes "I was actually until now” he said sarcastically reluctantly continuing the waltz with his older brother, Daemon rolled his eyes at his younger brother attitude  “ I get it I ruined your life and you hate me but think about this, it's dangerous”.
Y/n glared at him “ I promised when you turned me, I would make sure you were miserable for the rest of our lives. I intend to make good on that promise,Brother” He said his voice filled with venom as the dance came to an End. Y/n pulled away quickly with a final look of anger before he left the ballroom to look for kol.
 *Time skip*
The young vampire had looked for kol after the dance for quite awhile but hadn’t been able to find him so he had given up and was forced to talk to one of the guests when a huge commotion came from outside making everybody rush outside Y/N included to the front entrance to find Damon on top of kol just as he snapped his neck
“Damon! Are you crazy?” Y/N shouted as he looked between his brother and kol panicked as the rest of the Mikaelson came outside to see what had happened.
Damon shrugged his shoulders, tensed and anger practically radiating from him “Maybe a little, far be it from me to cause a problem” Damon said bitterly and full of sarcasm before he turned his back and walked away leaving as Y/N watched him he heard Elena apologise to Esther before she and stefan leave to go after Damon leaving only Y/n, The youngest salvatore looked back at kol who had now been picked up and was being taken inside the party guest being compelled to forget if they had seen what happened the rest just being ushered out ending the party.Y/n noticed Elijah and quickly made his way over to him  “Elijah I’m sorry for my brother ,when kol wake up will you tell him I had fun tonight , and if he wishes he can find me at the boarding House?” He asked, hoping the Original would.
Elijah nodded politely “Of course I will” the Original said before taking his leave.
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fallenqueen2 · 4 years
Seeing The Unseen [NaruShika]
When Naruto and Shikamaru turn 16, they gain the ability to see their soulmate’s Daemon.
Ao3 Link
Naruto was jolted out of his sleep by something heavy landing on his chest. Naruto was a second away from jumping up onto his feet, hand curled his Kunai ready for the attack but something stopped him. It wasn’t exactly a concrete feeling, but whatever had just landed on him was safe to every part of him and even the Kyuubi stayed silent, which was rare nowadays as he and Jiraiya were working on accessing his powers.
Naruto opened his eyes and was greeted by the most adorable small jet-black kitten that was curled up on his chest. The kitten was already fast asleep and was gently purring as it rose and fell with the rise and fall of Naruto’s chest.
“Oh,” Naruto whispered as he carefully, slowly cupped his hand around the small kitten and an amazed smile crossed his lips as he gently stroked the soft fur.
“What’s going on brat?” Jiraiya rumbled as he rolled onto his side, eyes blinking slowly to look at his student.
“I…My soulmate’s Daemon.” Naruto was in shock and awe as the kitten slept on unaware of the storm of emotions that it just unlocked inside of the 16-year old.
“Yeah? Congrats kid, what does it look like?” Jiraiya asked curiously as he pushed himself up into a sitting position.
Only the two souls that were meant for each other could see their Daemon’s, well up until the two souls connect and then the Daemon’s would become visible.
Naruto knew that for sure as had been present when Iruka-Sensei had met Kakashi-Sensei and a large silver furred dog with one eye covered and a small brown-furred dog with a scar over its nose came into view, tackling the other happily and both of his Sensei’s had turned a bright red colour as they stared at the other in shock and happiness. Naruto and his team had to a lot of threatening that day, after all, Kakashi-Sensei was a pervert and Iruka-Sensei was amazing, but it seems it turned out okay for them after everything.
“A black kitten, it’s so cute and small,” Naruto said in a shaky voice, as his vision got blurry before he used his free hand to swipe at his eyes.
“Cute and small… What’s wrong kid?” Jiraiya didn’t remember crying when his appeared on his 16th birthday.
“I just… I didn’t think I was going to have a soulmate.” Naruto admitted as he stayed lying down, unwilling to move lest it woke his soulmate’s Daemon up and this all disappeared like a dream.
“What? Why?” Jiraiya was awake now and had a bad feeling in his gut as he watched Naruto stare at his chest with wide, glassy eyes.
“I’m me, a Jinchūriki. I just… I just didn’t think I had one.” Naruto admitted, forcing back the horrid memories of his childhood and all the cruel villagers hurting him, mocking him, telling him that no one would want a monster as a soulmate. Some things he had managed to move past but that one thing, that he wouldn’t have a soulmate, that no one would want him stuck with him.
“Jinchūriki or not, everyone has one. You deserve the happiness that your soulmate can give you, don’t doubt that Naruto.” Jiraiya set his hand on Naruto’s hair, messing it up playfully earning a familiar yelp and pout. Naruto couldn’t help but smile as the kitten on his chest peeled one brown eye and stared at him offended that Naruto had disturbed his sleep.
Naruto cradled the Daemon to his chest as he stood up and giggled as the kitten yawned cutely before scaling his shoulders and plopped down onto his head, making itself comfortable in Naruto’s spiky hair.
“It’s sleeping on my head,” Naruto informed his amused Sensei who was looking at him with fondness that Naruto wasn’t sure was directed at him.
“That makes things easier,” Jiraiya mused before he set about gathering their things up so they could leave.
Naruto lifted his hand and gently scratched the Daemon who purred happily in return and Naruto felt happier and lighter than he had in a very long time.
For days this feeling stayed burning in his chest and his fondness for his soulmate’s lazy Daemon. The kitten barely walked if it could manage to get Naruto to carry him somehow and Naruto would rarely say no, in fact, he fully enjoyed having his soulmate’s Daemon cradled in his arms or draped over his head.
However, when it came time for another session of trying to get the Kyuubi under control, the Daemon was pacing and hissing impatiently from across the clearing as the violent red Chakra whipped around Naruto and the blond fought to control it.
Naruto was only half aware of what was happening as he wrestled for control over the Kyuubi’s angry Chakra and could only dig his newly formed claws into the dirt below him. Jiraiya staggered up from where he hit a tree when one of the tails had lashed out against him.
Naruto, however, became very aware when his soulmate’s Daemon lunged across the clearing towards him and panic bubbled up in his throat at the mere thought of hurting it, hurting his soulmate and getting rejected just as he feared he would be.
His soulmate’s Daemon stood its ground, hair raised on end as it stared down Naruto and the Kyuubi with intense brown eyes. The kitten was suddenly covered in darkness as it shifted and morphed until it was the size of a panther, but the roar it let out was one that rivaled the Kyuubi.
Naruto felt the Kyuubi’s hold on him slip and that was all he needed to yank control back to his side and slam the gates shut between them. Naruto gasped and panted as he collapsed onto the ground, steam rising off of him as the Kyuubi’s Chakra faded away.
Naruto huffed when a familiar tongue touched his cheek and he managed to turn his head to the side to look up at the panther.
“Kage,” Naruto whispered finally deciding on a name and something he had been missing about the kitten, or rather panther cub clicked into place and Naruto passed out with Kage curling around him protectively.
Shikamaru never really made a big deal of his birthday, but he could honestly say that he would have preferred not to be leaping from tree to tree to avoid some hunter-nin on his heels. Shikamaru had once again become a decoy to lead the hunter-nin away from the rest of his team. Shikamaru wasn’t sure why he had agreed to that if he was being honest, but he didn’t have much time left to think about it.
Shikamaru swore as the branch he was about to land on broke in half thanks to one of the hunter-nin’s blowing it to pieces with a fire Jutsu. Shikamaru twisted in the air and managed to land on his feet on the ground below. Shikamaru took off in a different direction, eyes darting side to side as blurry shapes of the hunter-nin overtook him.
Shikamaru skidded to a stop just as Kunai’s dug into the dirt inches away from his feet.
“It was brave if not suicidal of you to act as a decoy,” one of the hunter-nin called out, respect in his tone even as he and the rest of his team unsheathed their Kanata’s from their backs. Shikamaru winced at the sharp blades and weighed his options. Not many of them were left as he heaved a sigh, tipping his head back to look at the night sky.
Shikamaru was coming to terms with his death on the same day he was born when someplace a clock struck the same time he had been born and the world around Shikamaru shifted.
Shikamaru was shaken off balance and landed harshly on his back as a large cloud of smoke engulfed the area. Shikamaru knew that some Daemon’s liked to make dramatic entrances; it depended on whose soul they were representing. Shikamaru had to assume that his soulmate was extra dramatic as he coughed some smoke out of his lungs.
“Oh my God,” Shikamaru whispered in shock as the smoke was flung away by nine large golden foxtails. The golden furred fox was the size of a mountain at the least and roared angrily at the hunter-nin who took one look at the massive distortion and echo of a roar that Shikamaru’s soulmate’s Daemon and took off into the forest. They knew better than to take on a massive and pissed off Daemon, they may be invisible but they could still touch and hurt those who are a threat.
The giant nine tails grunted in approval before its head turned and easily found Shikamaru. The fox’s tails flared out as if it was preening as Shikamaru stared up at it slack-jawed. Shikamaru’s limbs felt like jello and he refused to try to stand as the Daemon preened and showed off for Shikamaru.
The fox let out an earth-shaking roar before it glowed as bright as the sun and Shikamaru soon had his arms full of a smaller version of the golden nine tails. It purred as it nuzzled against Shikamaru’s cheek, tails swaying happily as Shikamaru held it closer on reflex.
“What?” Shikamaru stared at the now content mini nine tail fox curled up against his chest.
“The Kyuubi, a golden Kyuubi is my soulmate’s Daemon… That means…Naruto?” Shikamaru whispered as the pieces fell into place for him and the fox gave a pleased yip before licking his cheek playfully.
“This is going to be so troublesome, I suppose I should at least give you a name?” Shikamaru felt something warm spread in his chest at the thought that Naruto was his soulmate. Shikamaru gently pet the soft gold fur and felt a smile appear when the fox wiggled happily and blinked up at him with familiar blue eyes, hell even the whisker marks where present.
“Taiyō, the Sun.” Shikamaru decided and Taiyō yipped in approval before it clambered up to settle on Shikamaru’s shoulder, it’s small nine tails curling around his neck like a scarf.
“Let’s go find my team and go home, does that sound good Taiyō?” Shikamaru rose to his feet, glad his limbs had returned to normal and he wasn’t being hunted any longer.
Taiyō chirped and nuzzled his cheek again before turning its blue eyes towards the sky almost forlornly. Shikamaru understood almost at once what Taiyō was feeling as he felt it more often than not, which looking back should have been a major clue to who his soulmate was.
“He’ll be home soon,” Shikamaru patted Taiyō’s head, unsure if his words were truthful or not but he hoped he was right as he took to the tree’s again to meet his team at their pre-set meeting point.
Shikamaru had kept what form his soulmate’s Daemon had taken to himself. He knew most weren’t aware of Naruto housing the Kyuubi and it wasn’t Shikamaru’s place to reveal that. Shikamaru had grown accustomed to Taiyō wrapped around his shoulders and neck like an oversized, affectionate scarf or bouncing around at his side like a hyperactive pup. What Shikamaru hadn’t expected for Taiyō to leap off his shoulder while he was talking with Temari and bite at his pant leg, pulling him intently towards a certain street.
“Whoa, calm down!” Shikamaru muttered as he stumbled after the suddenly excited fox, waving awkwardly at Temari who was watching amused as Shikamaru was dragged away by his soulmate’s Daemon.
“Taiyō, seriously!” Shikamaru warned after he almost fell flat on his face as he was dragged around a corner.
“Kage, come back here! You’re usually so lazy, why are you now running?” A familiar if not deep voice rang out and Shikamaru froze as Naruto came into view. Naruto froze when his eyes landed on Shikamaru at the end of the small street that both of them had been dragged too.
Shikamaru could only blink as Taiyō lunged forward and the air shifted to reveal a small black cub of some sort collided with Taiyō. The two small animals yipping and nuzzling each other happily as they reunited.
“Shikamaru?” Naruto’s voice was quiet and unsure.
“…Welcome home Naruto,” Shikamaru followed Taiyō’s example and went to greet his soulmate.
“You’re… You’re really my soulmate?” Naruto’s voice was shaky as he stared at Shikamaru wide-eyed as Shikamaru stopped in front of him.
“I’ve been waiting for you to come back home for a while,” Shikamaru placed his hand on a whiskered cheek and smiled when Naruto shuddered even as he nuzzled the other’s palm much like Taiyō does.
“I…Yeah, I’m home.” Naruto sounded choked up, but Shikamaru couldn’t blame him, his throat was closing up a bit as well. Having Naruto here was like coming home in every possible way.
Naruto leaned forward and a smile crossed his lips as Shikamaru’s forehead pressed against his and their hands somehow found each other, twining together as their Daemons’ mirrored them and curled around each other finally content and complete.
I am undertaking the task of creating a ShikaNaru event, so please take some time and fill out this survey and think about joining the event :)
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