#daemon balckfyre's characterization
horizon-verizon · 1 year
When we think about it, Daeron II essentially sold his sister Daenerys to Dorne, forced a 16 year-old girl into marriage and shipped her off to a foreign land. And I’d estimate Maron’s age somewhere between 23 and 35, with a strong possibility of 27. Maybe Daemon Blackfyre had some points for starting the rebellion (and his mother, Daena the Defiant, was the rightful heir to the Iron Throne but got usurped, I stand by that).
GRRM says this:
Despite Daemon and Daenerys being in love, her brother the king, Daeron the Good, was more concerned with matters of state than matters of love. There had been many years of fighting with Dorne, and failure to bring them into the Seven Kingdoms while not being able to keep them from harassing the Seven Kingdoms. So he realized that where violence failed, perhaps marriage could bring an end to hostilites and so he uses his sister to make an alliance with the prince of Dorne. It's a political marriage, pure and simple, a convenient marriage to guarantee a union between Dorne and the Seven Kingdoms. And also, he prefers to give his sister to the prince of Dorne over a bastard brother with whom he'd already had a few clashes and whom too many people were looking one as a legitimate claimant to the throne or rightful king. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, and helps lead to Daemon becoming the first Blackfyre Pretender.
Yeah, they fell in love at some point but Daemon didn't act until 8 yrs passed after Daenerys' wedding. He seemed to moved on enough to have more than 5 kids with Rohanne of Tyrosh. That number of kids reveals that there is likely a strong bond between husband and wife. The same goes for Daenerys and Maron Martell.
And while you are attributing Daeron's unfitness to rule based on the amorality of his sending a 16-year-old to marry a grown man in a foreign place away from all she knew, Daemon did not rebel out of this sentiment. He also uses his own daughter, Calla, to have an alliance with Aegor Rivers. His reasoning/motives were:
his father, Aegon IV, legitimizing him
his mother being the eldest living adult child of Aegon III after Daeron I & Baelor I
the anti-Dornish sentiment at court and amongst those who had been fighting against Dornish people (stormlanders mostly) propelling detractors against Daeron to choose to support and encourage him
Yes if we had a PoV, we'd likely see:
his resentment towards Daeron for not marrying him to Daenerys
that leading or coming from contemplating how her marriage to a Martell was a strictly political strategy for tying the Dornish closer and consolidating Daeron's own rule
how Daeron's rule only exists bc Daena was passed over & Aegon IV was forced to marry Naerys (it's also possible that Daemon felt that if Daena just married Aegon he could then have not been a bastard/better life/better claim/married Daenerys) -> resenting how his bastardness partially blocked him from said throne & woman
But his main motive towards the throne is much more than just Daenerys and his love for her. To me, it seems like the desire to get out of that bastard identity that follows him even after legitimization by becoming the winner in a succession crisis/rebellion/usurpation attempt.
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