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> Jadine: Be rational about this.
You fail completely to be rational.
In fact, you fail to be anything other than completely overwhelmed - the blowback of the emotions that had run rampant through you leaving you dazed and almost hollow feeling. It was something like shock, something like when you had walked across the ruins towards Nepeta and Eridan, except there was no sticky blood underfoot this time.
There was no screaming to drown out, just the quiet, concerned murmurs of the crew where they had paused in their work at the appearance of the stranger on the deck. A stranger that you could easily pick out and identify - the faint greenish hue under his skin, too light to be an olive upon close examination, that mirrored the tint under your own.
You're sure that if you pulled up those shades, the eyes beneath would be filled (or starting to fill) with the yellow-green color of your caste, of his caste, of your shared caste. It was such a strange thought, but it was that that finally broke through the barrier of shock and left a giddiness bubbling up in your stomach.
By the time you reach him, you're grinning, your hands shaking slightly as you reach out - hesitant and careful - to lightly hover your palm over his cheek. Almost afraid to close the gap and make certain that he was real, that you hadn't conjured him up in some demented daymare.
"Is this real?" You manage to murmur instead, still grinning like a foolish wriggler, your pusher pounding in your ears in a dizzying staccato.
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daebright thanks. i try.
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daebright replied to your post: daebright replied to your post: daebright replied...
i doNt kNow im home Now so ill leave you be talk to you later
D9--n't ap9l9gize if y9--u d9--n't k--n9w what y9--u're ap9l9gizi--ng f9r.
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daebright replied to your post: daebright replied to your post: I’ve 6ee—n...
What are y9--u ap9l9gizi--ng f9r?
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daebright replied to your post: I’ve 6ee—n spe—ndi—ng the last c9—uple h9—urs...
did you have fuN
M9re 9r less.
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daebright replied to your post: I am g9i—ng f9r a swim.
have a good swim pretty doNt stay mad at me for loNg okay
I am --n9t mad at y9--u, Dae.
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daebright replied to your post:i c@nt tell if im dre@ming or not still
if youre dreamiNg im dreamiNg
daebright replied to your post:i c@nt tell if im dre@ming or not still
aNd i doNt really waNt to wake up yet
ok@y im going to come @cross deck now @nd stop being weird bec@use
bec@use we h@ve @ lot to t@lk @bout @nd the crew is st@rting to worry
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daebright replied to your post: Well. 6ackreadi—ng 9—n my dash69ard t9day was...
hi kaNkri ZZB)
Hell9 Daevit.
Y9--u have ear--ned y9--urself the disti--ncti9--n 9f 6ei--ng the m9st f99lish 6ei--ng I have ever met wh9 was still capa6le 9f sapie--nce.
I s--upp9se y9--u 6elieve it is all i--n g99d f--u--n t9 excha--nge c99rdi--nates with pe9ple y9--u have 9--nly j--ust met, wh9se i--ntegrity a--nd character is still --u--nk--n9w--n t9 y9--u? A--nd, f9ll9wi--ng that l9gic, it m--ust 6e perfectly --nat--ural t9 the--n risk life a--nd lim6 t9 p--urs--ue a meeti--ng with that pers9--n -- wh9, I reiterate, may e--nd y9--u themselves sh9--uld y9--u s--urvive the j9--ur--ney -- despite the fact that they risk --n9thi--ng i--n this l9psided excha--nge?
I d9--n't partic--ularly care what --n9--nse--nse y9--u get y9--urself i--nt9, mi--nd, 6--ut watchi--ng it --u--nf9ld 9--n my dash69ard is pai--nf--ul t9 the l9gic trays 9f my thi--nkpa--n.
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ok@y!! two things if youre running for your life ple@se get somewhere s@fe @nd why is your icon @ lime box?
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