#dads workplace and it pissed me off that we dont stay late enough for me to watch the entire episode
heavenly-delusions · 10 months
Looking up anime opening/ending songs that i thought were a banger (back when i actually listened to opening/ending song before watching the anime, cuz now i dont cuz im lazy<3) and fucking encountered this one anime that fucking brouhht me migrane inducing war flashbacks, fushigi yuugi. For the longest time this anime didnt even exist anymore in my brain until i was reminded abt it now. When i tell yall this mf anime swept, it swept alright. My entire 3rd grade classmates loved this fuxkn anime and no other anime aired locally at the timw could compare. Well except for me, i did love it but i was based from a young age you see and IRONICALLY. i was treated like a fuckkng outcast because i refused to join in their shitty character assigning and rp-ing. Everyone was so fucking cringe i hope every single one of them remember it from time to time and die of cringe every single time and realize i was a based kid ahead of her time and didnt deserve that kind of maltreatment.
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