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shadfanfic · 2 years ago
Silent treatment?!
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Daddy!stucky x little! Reader 
Daddy:bucky papa:steve
Summary: you had a really long week and you had a fight with the other littles (Peter and loki) but no one wanted to listen to your side of the story since you were so grumpy for the whole week
warnings!: angst, happy ending tho really mean daddy!stucky, reader is so sad in this story
I wrote this when i was sad so yeah ehehe hope u enjoy !! 🖤🖤
You sighed and glupped at the way your room looked, it’s been a whole week and you didn’t even think about cleaning it you know papa gonna be super upset but you just can’t clean or even think about another work to do you just want to sleep .. After the party off course,
You were sitting on the couch patiently waiting for your daddy to be back with your clothes 
“Baby girl why your room is so missy hmm?” Your daddy came from your room cause he was picking up your clothes since your were lost in your thoughts.. 
you looked up and glup nervously “you had a war in there?” Papa joked trying to make you smile but nothing works your in a bad mood today “sorry papa.. sorry daddy” you looked down nervously and start playing with your fingers and they smiled completely understanding that your went threw allot this week 
“All good my baby but you must know that there’s no tv for a whole week alright?” Steve said after sitting on his knees just to be your level 
“Yes daddy” you obeyed and he smiles softly “good girl” he removed your hair from your face and start dressing you 
You are now setting on the couch in the living room waiting patiently for your daddy’s too finish getting ready 
“my baby is  such a smart one huh? Waiting Bucky said and immediately picked you up placing you in his hip, you smiled at the way he looked and giggle shyly “mm daddy is handsome” you said avoiding eye contact giggling shyly, he giggled can’t handle your cuteness and kisses your forehead “well you look beautiful too my baby” he whispered “hey what about me!”steve poked both of you in the side and giggled when you both flinched “ey!” Bucky reacted but you only giggled more covering your side “papa is also handsome” you smiled big with red cheeks making steve smile and kisses ur nose “thanks cutie” steve said 
After 2hours
You tear up flustered at peter and loki, they just had their cookies but now they just want you too share yours! It’s so unfair! you waited as the good girl you are until after dinner just too enjoy your cookie now you have to split it between you three! No way
“nu! Go ask wanda” you shook your head no and answered them annoyed and they just looked at wanda who was sitting next too her mommy just too eat in peace, you looked at wanada and smiled at her smart idea why don’t you go to your daddies! 
You stepped back holding your cookie with both of your hands producting it from peter and loki then start running
Loki uses his magic and he was in front of you so you accidentally hit him with your body and he was on the ground tearing up so bad 
“oh no!, Why y/n !! You so mean!!” Peter came too help loki and he yelled at you catching all the grownups attention and you immediately start crying silently closing your fist hard “no cookies for you! It’s mine!!” You yelled too only feel a big arm on your shoulder when you looked up you saw an upset daddy “y/n i need you too apologise too loki right now!” Your daddy said in stern voice and you just shock your head no flustered “y/n” papa said only to make you throw the cookie on peter and loki “i hate you!” You yelled and papa immediately picked you up “alright angry girl let’s talk in private shall we?”papa looked you straight in the eye and talked really angrily, you didn’t clean your room for a whole week and he let that slide  just because he didn’t want to punish you,  but you treating others like that wasn’t a good thing specially for your papa
“N-..no!! No!” You started hitting your papa’s chest weakly trying to push him away “y/n!” Your daddy yelled at your for the first time in months making everyone immediately go quiet even loki crys.. the last time he yelled didn’t end up well at all 
You flinched and immediately stop moving “go to the naughty corner right now” daddy talked and steve put you down and you walked to the naughty corner and stand there facing the wall 
“hey buddy you okay?” Bucky leaned down too loki and loki nod slowly hesitated, bucky helped loki up and wiped his tears “I’m sorry about y/n pushing you but she’s been super grumpy lately” bucky said and smiled gently “you had your cookie but i think you deserve another one for being so brave!” Thor talked and hand loki a cookie, loki split the cookie into a half and gave peter “Thanks loki your the best!”peter hugged loki happily making him giggle happily and everyone start smiling seeing loki happy again 
“y/n?” Finally after a long 20 mins someone said your name, you turned around slowly too see wanda smiling at you sadly since you have been crying silently for this whole time 
“Your daddies said it’s time to go they are waiting for you outside” wanda said quietly and hugged you then immediately went to her mommy not waiting for your response 
You walked slowly ashamed of something you don’t even know, you found your daddies and immediately start running for them happily but you immediately stopped when your daddy picked up a giggly peter and threw him up in the air, that was your game! How can your daddy do that 
“papa?” You were in front of your papa but he was talking to clint.. why everyone is not looking or talking to you? 
“Papa up ups pwease” you said and put your arms up and you put the biggest puppy eyes you can put but still no one gave you attention.. not only your daddies 
“mmm..” you whimpered quietly and look around with teary eyes, everyone was busy with themselves and no one was looking at you or talking to you 
“Get in” you daddy said after opening your door but he wasn’t looking at you he was looking at his phone
You decided too listen to him and you get in the car, you gonna explain to them everything on the way .. there’s no way they’re giving you a silent treatment! Not all of them this is so unfair! 
You looked out from the window too see your daddies being so sweet to the others little hugging them goodbye .. you wanted a hug from everyone before you leave too!, you tried to open the door but it was locked, you knock on the window too get your papa’s attention but he only gave you his back completely , you swallowed hard trying not to cry and Ignoring your chest pain 
“Daddy.. papa i can explain please listen to me!” You begged but bucky turned the volume on the radio up so he can’t listen too you.. 
You were crying and rubbing your tired eyes, why they don’t want to listen to you just why! If they only told you the reason it would be much better then them staying quiet! 
You were now getting ready for sleep.. your daddies didn’t come yet.. you know too read you a story and cuddle you before sleep 
You decided to get up and try to call them maybe they forgot, right?
“papa? Daddy?” You talked quietly  only too hear loud music being played, you start crying silently and knocking the door 
“Dats So mean!! Pwease listen ! It’s not fair u dunno what he did! “ you sobbed 
After long 15 minutes you sat down in front of their door and look up tiredly 
“mm papa? Daddy? Please cuddle me…i no need a bedtime story” You called but no one answered, you decided to knock the door but still no answer 
You stayed in front of their door really quietly waiting for them to open the door .. 
10 minutes no one answered.. 30 minutes still no one answered and you were really tired.. 3 hours later pass your sleep time .. no one answered 
“I’m s-..sorry p..papa .. i..I’m so-..sorry daddy .. I’m s-..sorry I really m-..mean it p-..pwease t-..talk to me” you talked while sobbing uncontrollably and hiccuping, you walked to your room you didn’t close the door behind you just lay down and immediately slept 
you opened your eyes tiredly and looked at the time tiredly with teary eyes.. it was only 4am why your daddies is here? And why aren’t you in your bed? 
“hey, your up?” papa’s voice was behind you and you felt his arms in your back 
You turned around too face him, he smiled with red face and teary eyes 
“I’m so sorry baby I shouldn’t have ignored you.. i threw all my stress at you that day” he cried a bit and pick you up and hold you tight in his lap  and bucky hold you both tight now you were between their warm bodies 
“W-..why I’m in here?”  You asked confused and look up at them “because it’s been two days since the last time you were up” bucky said and smiled sadly 
You looked around confused “h-..huh?” Two days? How? You just lay down? Two hours ago!
“We were dummies for not listening to our baby, right?” Bucky whispered and plays with your hair “Mm daddies are not dummies” you said while shaking your head no and hug them both and they immediately hugged you back smiling big “we’re so sorry” steve whispered in your ear and kissed the side of your head long and you smiled softly feeling happy butterflies on your stomach 
“I forgive you” you whispered and look up at them and they both smiled big and hold you for the rest of the day! With so much cuddles and kisses
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