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umrumunumrundaydi · 2 years ago
Sugar daddyn olabilirim özelden mesaj at
Yok abicim daddy falan istemiyorum
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stories-long-dead · 5 months ago
This has always been a personal favourite of mine, Isabelle was just a ray of sunshine.
helo, its telling me dat i need to rite abowt wat hapened. mommy was saying that somewon was outsied and was asking daddy to go talk to them. i wasnt aloud to see who was outsied byt mommy told me that i shud go to my room so i did and then i peeked froo the windoow dat is in daddys ofice andsaw daddy talking to thet all won. the tall one picked up daddy in a biiiggg hug and took him downstars. i dont now what hapened next but the tall won said she was dansing wif mommy and daddy wich i fink i heard some of becuz of the fings being nocked over wile she waz dansing.
the tall one sed i hav ritten enuff and she is going to bring me to danse with mommy and daddyn ow so bye byeeeeee
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theuniverseawakens347 · 10 months ago
Kris genitalia dumbass self Candace Owen as Lee garlington Donald trump Barack…HEY DADDYn💋💦👅😌🖕
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infernal-jokesses · 6 years ago
Put both my headphones on to look like I’m busy but I’m actually just watching Keith Habersberger eat 1200 dollars worth of steak
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gorillageek27 · 3 years ago
Cinder *mirror: why the long face tiger?
Cinder: what if i can't handle her? I mean if neo ran.
Cinder mirror: oh you can handle her. You're the top of the food chain. Hey. Hey. When we were kids, alone in the bad room, i got us throught it right? Dont i always?
Cinder: always
Mirror cinder: no matter what.
Cinder: no matter what.
Mirror cinder: and now, i'll get us through this. Just as long as you and me stick together
Cinder: but what if salem's right? What if it was a mistake taking over the faction, and i am just talent and everyone knows i'm a fruad?
Mirror cinder: what do you care what a bunch of mutt people think? Come on, tell me the real reason, i wanna hear you say it.
Mirror cinder: SAY IT!
Cinder: i want them to love me
Mirror cinder: yahtzee! Only it never seems to work out does it? Roman, mercury, emerald, even your own mother. So why do you keep running headfirst into the same brick wall?
Cinder:... i dont know
Mirror cinder: pants on fire, you know. Its because deep down there a part of you thats still er human
Cinder: n-no.
Mirror cinder: mmm part of you is. A diry, shrivled, enimich, little part of you that still mewls for apporval and love, and a mommy and a daddyn OH BOO HOO HOO. Look at me tiger
Mirror cinder: look at me
Cinder: *looks*
Mirror cinder: we gotta cut that part of you out like a cancer, and then? well then my girl, you can finally be who you were always meant to be. Pure, clean. Like marble
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esrapinklover · 3 years ago
daddyn var mıı
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no-consequence · 8 years ago
Despite his dismissal and black listing from the medical world, Ardyn had been smart with his investments. He had never been a man of obscene grandeur. He had his vices and everyone was want to do, but even at his peak he had nestled money away for rainier days. The time had come quicker and in a way he had never expected, but even though the pain and embarrassment of being turned on by his peers, ten years down the line, now reaching his forty third birthday, he was at least safe in the knowledge that money was a far off worry.
Even so. He as a smart man. He couldn't simply sit and do nothing, at least not every day of the week. There were times when he would lay in bed until four, a feeling he refused to acknowledge as depression creeping over him, making him question if getting up was even worth it. For the past two years he'd been able to overcome it every weekend, dragging himself from his sofa where he had fallen asleep the night before and making his way to the local library for his night shift. It was open twenty four hours, frequently stocked with students from the local university. Ardyn worked on one of the back desks, generally dealing in order forms and the admin side of book keeping, also helping to review the media and archives for the libraries extensive medical section.
Tonight was like many others. he sat behind the desk, glasses perched on the end of his nose, hair pulled back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck as he reviewed over a report application, trusty red pen in hand. Every so often he would bring the end to his lips, tapping it and when deep in focus chewing on the cap before underlying a section or outright scribbling one from existence. He may have been bitter towards his ex profession, but he wouldn't allow incorrect information to be administered to the masses. That's how mistakes were made.
He heard the tell tale sound of someone headed his way but paid them no heed,  absorbed in his own work, not about to go talking to library patrons without due reason. He liked the books. Not the people.
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keskisormikissa · 8 years ago
Vittu kun en saa mitään noita tavaroita naamakirjan kirppiksellä myytyy millään ennen perjantaita ja nyt vittu stressaan sitä saatanan telkkaria mikä ois Gigantissa tarjouksella sunnuntaille asti. Ja sen telkkarin tarjous loppuu sunnuntaina ja silloin koko laitos on kiinni.
Hävettää niin kovasti kun en uskalla pyytää äidiltä rahaa perjantaina, koska tiedän että porukoilla on niin tiukkaa muutenkin rahan suhteen. Se on yleensä minä joka antaa auliaasti omille vanhemmilleen rahaa että ne saa ruokaa ostettua ja laskut maksettua. 
Vittujen kevät ja kyrpien takatalvi että itkettää.
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nateonthebeat · 6 years ago
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#likefatherlikeson we both having a #wildhair day it's all g #afroking #blackmen #blackfathers #daddynate #daddyduties 💯 😋❤️✌️ (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btv-SB9g4H_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sm8hwr50ufrm
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babycabbitemergency · 4 years ago
I was previously babycabbit. For the moment I'm still fighting to get my account back. If you can boost this I'd be very grateful. I don't know why it got taken down, tho I suspect it's because of my reporting of accounts that publish hate speech. Thank you for reading :3 I hope you are all ok, and I might return to Tumblr if it does come down to this! But it'll take me a while, as that account had everything I ever wished to share with Daddyn
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asyanthea · 4 years ago
Daddyn var mı
Daddy mi kaldı
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slashinsapkasi · 5 years ago
daddyn var mı
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havinsheaven · 4 years ago
Daddyn var mı
evet @lesyeuxdenili
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Määttä: Vaan minä tapasin mukavan vanhan miehen, joka lupasi minulle hevosen, jos lähtisin hänen kanssaan risteilylle.
Lahtinen: Määttä. Se halusi sulle sugar daddyksi.
Rahikainen: Miksi mie en voi tuolla taval löytää sugar daddya vahingossa? Mie antasin sugar daddylle, jos saisin sillä hevosen.
Rahikainen: Mie myös antasin hevoselle, jos saisin sillä sugar daddyn.
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luutakiituri · 10 months ago
Tämä onkin hyvä ajoitus koska Steam ilmoitti dream daddyn olevan alennuksessa
Napatkaa kun vain voitte
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Dream Daddy
Uni Iskä
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x-q-r · 6 years ago
Harbiden daddy mi diyosun adama? Senin daddyn olmak nasıl bi duygu acbaa¿
Evet çünkü o benim daddyymm😈diğer soruyu ona sorman lazım valla😏
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