#dad cor gives me life and the angst just makes the story stick better
nyanykamito · 1 year
i love expanding on galahd and Niflheim of course straying a wee bit from canon. because its more fun that way I’m a strong believer that canon is meant to be broken. i’ve been bouncing around with ideas for years and they rise and fall. 
i have 2 official fleshed out ffxv ocs but one kinda remains strong because she’s become literally apart of me, darn my love for firecracker oc’s. plus the idea of Cor being a literal dad warms my heart! even if he didn’t get much time with her
so Imma ramble, 
To cushion the angst Dad Cor would cry seeing his daughter take her first steps, her mimicking his facial expressions (espcially grumpy faces), her waiting for him to get back from his missions, falling alseep with his coat draped over her tiny body, her giving lil kisses on his frown lines because she thinks their owwies. Just Cor getting to be wholesome and loved because dammit he deserves it!
Dad cor gives me life and I think he deserves it a hundred percent, since my oc would be older than rest of Lucian kiddos she’d lead the pack....into trouble. lol
Her and Gladio would try to establish a pecking order, she’d win. Before Regis and his wife have kid(s) I imagine she’d be a favorite. trailing behind Regis’s wife and being a little princess. Even King Regis can’t shake her cuteness and the fact that she’s a spitting image of cor...just with curler hair on her head. Of course Cor has to demand to have his daughter back.
not angst, course stuff happens and she gets taken and she spends the rest of her life in  Niflheim. Without the love of her father and mother and really any warmth. Because the empire is a rough place.
Cor gets angry trying to find his sunshine, than quiet because he can’t find anything...and the warmth he had for his little monster now burns him with regret. How could he the Marshall... the immortal man.. how could he not save his little girl? She believed in him, he was her super hero and he let her down.. And now amount of counseling from his friends.. can change that. Everyone tried to help and offer their words but he just kept walking.. oh and this also caused issues with the woman he loved who birthed her so uh yeaaaahh
Bu~uut this way I get to play around with  Niflheim and touch a bit of Galahd. more straying from canon yay. Because I gotta knows more. and i do enjoy some good angst
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