#dad!tom Holland x reader
waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
When Will You Realize…
Pairing: single dad!Tom Holland x teacher!Reader
Synopsis: Tom falls for his daughters teacher
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“Can’t I just stay with you today?”
“No, honey bee. We can’t do that anymore. I loved spending everyday with you this summer but now it’s time for you to go to school.” Tom told his daughter as they looked at her school building together.
“But I don’t wanna go.” She pouted and rested his head on Tom’s shoulder.
“I know. I don’t want you to go either. But you have to, Vienna. You’re 4 now. You’re old enough to go to school.” Tom told her as he held her little face between his hands.
“You’ll come back?” She asked with teary eyes.
“I’ll always come back.” He told her as he tugged on one of her brown curls. Tom wiped her tears with his thumb before pulling her face closer to kiss her cheek.
“Bye bye. I love you.”
“Bye daddy.” Vienna sniffled and slowly walked into the building.
A few hours later, Tom stood outside his car and waited for Vienna to come out of the parent pick up door. He soon saw her coming out of the building, holding your hand.
“Daddy!” Vienna broke into a smile when she saw Tom and ran into his arms. Tom scooped her up and kissed her face as you walked towards them. Tom did a double take when he saw you and felt his whole face heat up.
“Who’s that?” He asked his daughter.
“That’s Ms. Y/n. She’s my teacher.” Vienna said and waved to you.
“That’s your teacher?” Tom’s heart raced as you approached them. He expected his daughters teacher to be some old lady in a hand knit cardigan so the sight of you knocked the wind out of his chest.
“Hi. You must be daddy.” You smiled and held out your hand.
“I am. Most people call me Tom, though.” Tom joked as he shook your hand. He felt his face flush as he looked into your eyes and you gave him a shy smile.
“Hi Tom. I’m Ms. Y/n. And I have to say, I’m a big fan of your work.”
“My work?” Tom wondered.
“Vienna.” You told him. “I know I just met her but love her.”
“Oh.” Tom smiled when he got the joke. “So do I. Sometimes.”
“Daddy!” Vienna laughed and tugged at Tom’s sleeve.
“Shh. You weren’t supposed to hear that.” He teased her as he tickled her stomach. You watched with a fond smile as Vienna giggled and squirmed away from Tom. Tom noticed you staring and felt himself blush again.
“So is Y/n your first name or your last name?” He asked you.
“First. We go by first names around here. It’s easier for the kids to pronounce.”
“That makes sense. So if I wanted to call you by your last name…” He trailed off and looked at you for an answer. He was discretely trying to find out if you had a husband before he let his crush get too extreme.
“You’d call me Ms. L/n.” You replied, already picking up on what he was trying to do.
“I see. Did you always come with this last name? Or perhaps was this last name given to you from a spouse via a martial arrangement?” He asked, making you laugh.
“I’m not married, if that’s what you’re asking.” You smiled coyly.
“Psh. I wasn’t asking that.” Tom lied as his face flushed.
“Why are you so red, daddy?” Vienna asked, making Tom shoot her a look as you laughed.
“Oh, okay. Sure.” You said sarcastically. You and Tom exchanged another look and your shot him a wink.
“We should probably get going. But we’ll see you tomorrow.” Tom said as began to lead Vienna away. He only walked a few paces before turning around and walking back to you.
“What about a boyfriend?” He asked, making you laugh.
“I’ll see you at drop off, Mr. Holland.” You avoided his question with a coy smile.
“Tom.” He corrected you with a matching smile.
“Tom.” You repeated, making his face flush over the way you said his name. You waved goodbye to the both of them before walking away. Tom watched you as you went and talked to another kids parents and noticed you didn’t give the dad the same attention you gave Tom.
“Are we gonna go home, daddy?” Vienna asked and tugged at Tom’s sleeve again. Tom snapped out of his love struck daze and nodded.
“Yeah, honey bee. Let’s go home.”
The next day, Tom waiting at parent pick up and felt equally excited to see you as he felt to see his daughter. He broke into a smile when he saw you and Vienna coming out of the building.
“Daddy I don’t wanna go home. I wanna stay here.” Vienna said as Tom scooped her up.
“You’ll come back tomorrow, honey bee. But we gotta go home now.” Tom told her with a sympathetic smile.
“I don’t wanna go home. I wanna stay.” Vienna whined just as you walked up to them.
“What kind of magic did you work that these kids don’t want to leave?” Tom whispered to you over Viennas shoulder.
“I don’t know. I guess they just had a good day at school.” You smiled innocently at Tom before looking at Vienna.
“Don’t tell your daddy about the spell I cast on you to make you love school.” You whispered loudly to Vienna as you poked her stomach, making her giggle.
“Can Ms. Y/n come eat dinner with us? Please, daddy?” Vienna asked Tom.
“Not tonight, honey bee. Maybe some other time.” Tom said with a shy smile. You winked at him again before returning your attention to Vienna.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay Vienna? We can play together then.” You promised her.
“Okay.” Vienna reluctantly sighed.
“Can I have a hug?” You asked her when you noticed her sad expression. She immediately lit up and reached out to you. You stepped forward and hugged her while she was still in Tom’s arms, making your faces nearly brush each others. Tom blushed but you didn’t seem to notice.
“I’ll miss you.” You told her as you moved her hair out of her face.
“I’ll miss you too.” Vienna said and wiggled out of Tom’s arms until her put her down on the ground.
“Daddy, give her a hug goodbye.” Vienna said and pointed to you.
“Oh, she doesn’t want a hug.” Tom laughed awkwardly.
“Sure I do. Bring it in.” You said and opened your arms. Tom turned red as you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a hug. He hugged you back, letting it linger for a minute as he rubbed his hand up and down the material of your sweater. When you pulled away, you both had on shy smiles as you avoided eye contact.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked him.
“See you tomorrow.” He nodded and started to walk away.
“Uh, Tom?” You called after him.
“Yes?” He immediately wiped around, hopeful of what you could say.
“Are you forgetting something?” You laughed and discreetly pointed to Vienna.
“Oh. Yeah. My child.” He remembered and went to take Viennas hand. You laughed as you waved goodbye to the both of them and watched them until they pulled away in their car.
The next day, Tom showed up to parent pick up 20 minutes early. He noticed that he didn’t get as much time to speak to you when he came late as you were consumed with the other parents, so he got there early to ensure he got his time with you. Once you spotted Tom in his car, you came out of the building holding Viennas hand.
“Hey Ms. Y/n.” Tom smiled in excitement when you came over to him.
“Hey Tom. Can I talk to you for a second?” You asked and nodded towards the side. You left Vienna with one of her friends and pulled Tom to the side to talk.
“What’s up?” He asked you, feeling a mixture of nervous and hopeful to be talking to you privately.
“Who usually does Vienna’s hair in the morning? You or your wife?” You asked him, catching him off guard.
“I do it. Why? Is something wrong?”
“It’s nothing bad. It’s just….” You trailed off and looked at Vienna messy head of honey brown curls.
“I’ll cut right to it. Vienna’s hair is a mess. A straight up mess. She came in today with a marker stuck in it. Then she proceeded to get three more markers stuck in it because it’s so messy.” You told him.
“Ah, geez. I’m sorry. Her mom died when she was still a baby so I never learned how to do her hair. I was kinda hoping she’d be baby bald forever.” Tom admitted, making you chuckle a little.
“Well she’s not. Shes got a lot of hair.” You laughed and looked over at Vienna again, who was pulling a crayon out of her hair to give to a classmate.
“I know. It’s all over out house. I found it in my butt crack the other day.” Tom said, immediately regretting sharing so much. You looked at him in surprise and he turned bright red.
“I wish I didn’t say that.” He said after a beat of silence.
“I wish you didn’t either.” You laughed, making him feel better. He gave you an embarrassed smile and you changed the subject for his sake.
“I’m sorry to hear about her mom. I didn’t know she didn’t have one.” You said in a soft tone.
“Thanks. She was too young to remember her anyway.” Tom brushed it off.
“But I’m sure you do.” You said with a sympathetic smile. Tom was stunned to silence for a minute as he realized he hadn’t thought about it that way. Most people expressed their sympathy for Vienna no longer having a mother, but Tom really revived sympathy for no longer having a wife.
“Yeah. I do.” He said quietly.
“It must be hard doing this alone.” You said and put your hand on his shoulder. Tom felt his heart pound in his chest at the contact and nodded his head.
“Can’t be much harder than teaching 17 4 year olds how to read and tie their shoes every day.” He chuckled softly.
“That’s true. That’s not much easier.” You admitted. “But for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a great job. Vienna is a kind, smart, intelligent, and wonderful girl. That’s a reflection on her daddy.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that.” Tom said sincerely.
“You’re welcome, Tom.” You smiled and gave his shoulder a squeeze. Tom blushed again and put his hand on top of yours.
“Is that all you needed to tell me? That my daughters hair is wack?” Tom said with a teasing smile.
“No, that’s not all. I actually wanted to offer my services.”
“Your services?”
“Yeah. I don’t have any kids of my own but I’ve been a teacher for a few years now. Plus, I was a little girl myself once. I could teach you how to manage her hair, if you’d like.” You said with a shy smile.
“Really? You’d do that?” Tom asked hopefully.
“Of course. If that’s something you’d be interested in, I could come over after school one day and give you some lessons.”
“Yeah. I’d love that!” Tom blurted. “I mean, we’d love that. Vienna would love that. And so would I.”
“Does Friday work?” You chuckled at his excitement.
“Friday is perfect.”
“Cool beans. See you then.” You winked at him before walking away, leaving him with butterflies in his chest.
On Friday, you waited with Vienna by the front of the school until the last kid was picked up. Tom pulled up outside and got out of the car with a huge smile.
“Daddy!” Vienna ran to Tom and jumped into his arms. Tom scooped her up and kissed her cheek a few times before buckling her into her car seat. He then opened the passenger door for you with a shy smile.
“After you.” He said and gestured to the seat.
“Why thank you.” You curtsied for him before getting in the car.
“Ms Y/n is coming home with us?” Vienna asked once you were all in the car.
“Yeah. I wanted to surprise you.” Tom smiled at her through the rear view mirror.
“Yay!” Vienna cheered and reached her hand out. You reached your hand back and held her hand for the entirety of the car ride. Tom smiled to himself when he saw how close you two were before smiling at you. You smiled back at him and gave him one of your infamous winks. Tom pulled into the driveway within a few minutes and got out of the car to open your door for you. You got Vienna out of her car seat and carried her inside while Tom unlocked the door. You put Vienna down and he ran to go play, leaving you and Tom alone.
“Sorry it’s a little messy.” Tom apologized as you all stepped into the house. You looked around at all the evidence that a little girl lived there and smiled to yourself.
“No apology necessary. You should see my classroom. There’s half a peanut butter sandwich stuck to the ceiling and a pencil sticking out of the wall.” You told him.
“Yeah, I know a little about that. There’s a drawing of Olaf holding hands with Simba on my bedroom wall.” Tom chuckled.
“I would love to see that someday.” You said with a coy smile, making Tom turn bright red. He was too flustered to say anything so you quickly changed the subject.
“Why don’t we get started? What shampoo and conditioner do you use?”
“This.” Tom said and picked up a bottle of the counter.
“Oh.” You said after reading the bottle of Axe he had handed you.
“Is it bad? It’s the one I use too.”
“4 in one?” You looked up at him with a teasing smile.
“Yeah. It’s shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and face wash. And it smells like “dark temptation”, which is really nice.” He replied. You burst out laughing before taking a bottle out of your bag.
“What if we try this? It’s an all natural shampoo. And it smells like rainbow blast. Whatever that means.” You handed it to him before going back into your bag.
“And this. This condition is really good for getting out knots and tangles. And it’s specifically made for curly hair.“ You told him and handed him another bottle.
“Wow. This is perfect. We can give that a try.” Tom smiled as he looked at the bottles of shampoo and conditioner that he always walked past in the store because he was too overwhelmed to pick one. You smiled back at him before taking another bottle out of your bag.
“This is body wash. I know Vienna likes unicorns so I found one with them on it.”
“Thank you. Yeah, she really likes unicorns.” Tom smiled fondly at how well you knew his daughter.
“You’re welcome. Oh, and this.” You said and handed him a fluffy yellow loofah.
“What the hell is this?” Tom asked as he stared at the loofah in disbelief.
“A loofah.”
“A what?”
“You put the body wash on it and then scrub yourself. You’ve never seen one?”
“I thought those only existed in movies.” Tom whispered, too afraid to say it out loud.
“They’re real.” You laughed. “Yellow is her favorite color right?”
“Yes. Like every other little girl.” Tom chuckled.
“She’s not like every other little girl. I love that about her. She’s already her own person and she’s only 4.”
“Yeah. She’s a great kid.” Tom smiled fondly at the thought of her.
“She gets it from her daddy.” You said and took a step closer to him.
“I think it has more to do with the great influence she has at school.” Tom shrugged and took a step towards you.
“Maybe it’s the combination of the two.”
“Maybe. We make a pretty great team.” Tom smiled and pointed between the two of you.
“We do.” You agreed and leaned towards him ever so slowly. Tom leaned in as well but right before your lips could touch, he lost his nerve and pulled away. You looked to the ground in disappointment but quickly filled the silence.
“So, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you actually.” You said to him.
“Oh yeah? What’s up?”
“How did Vienna get her name? Was it the city or the song?”
“The song. But specifically the use of the song in the 13 Going on 30 movie. That scene always made me cry. And when I saw her for the first time, I couldn’t imagine naming her anything else.” Tom told you, retelling that’s your for the first time in a long time. You stared at him for a minute with a fond smile, almost not believing what he just said.
“What?” Tom wondered when he saw the way you were staring at him.
“Nothing. I just love that movie.”
“You do?”
“Are you kidding? It’s one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s so romantic.” You sighed happily.
“It’s very romantic. But if I went into a closet on my birthday and then missed the next 17 years of my life, I’d be pretty freaked out.”
“Yeah. They never really address that. She’s just exited to have a bigger closet.” You chuckled.
“Honestly, that is pretty exciting. I might give up the next 17 years of my life for a bigger closet.” Tom said and stepped towards you again.
“But think of all the things you’d miss.”
“Yeah? Like what?” He asked with a coy smile.
“You tell me.” You returned the smile and leaned in closer to his face.
“What are you guys doing?” Vienna asked, making you both jump apart.
“Nothing. Let’s do your hair, yeah?” You said quickly. You picked Vienna up and put her in a chair in front of a big mirror. Tom watched with awe as you sprayed her hair with water and began to smooth it back.
“Okay. Let’s start with the basics.” You began. “This is a pony tail. All the hair goes to the back. You can have fun with this. It can be a high pony or a low pony. And it’s great to accessorize with a bow or scrunchie. Here. You try.”
Tom gulped nervously as tried to copy what he just watched you do. It took him a minute, but he eventually formed a pony tail in Vienna’s hair.
“That was good!” You clapped for Tom. He blushed and stepped to the side so you could show him more.
“These are pigtails. Pigtails are two pony tails on either side of the head.” You explained and showed him the hairstyle you just did.
“That’s a lot of tails.” Tom mumbled under his breath.
“You try.” You laughed and stepped to the side. Tom did his best to copy what you had done and ended up with two sloppy pigtails on either side of Vienna’s head.
“Amazing. You’re a natural.” You complimented him. “But now this is the real test. Can you braid?”
“Braid?” Tom gulped.
“Yeah. Like this.” You said and braided Viennas’s hair with ease.
“Darling, I believe those are called plaits.” Tom clicked his tongue at you, sending shivers down your spine.
“Mmm, sure. Plaits.” You laughed. “Let me show you how to plait.”
“I believe you’re mocking me.” He smiled teasing as he took his daughters hair in his hands.
“Me? Never.” You said sarcastically. “Now, you can have a lot of fun with braids- er - I mean plaits. You can do a pony tail and then a plait, two plaits, French plaits, Dutch plaits. Or my favorite….” You trailed off as you made a Dutch braid that went all the way across Vienna’s head and ended on her shoulder.
“This is how I wore my hair every day as a little girl.” You said as you proudly showed Tom your work.
“Do you like it daddy?” Vienna asked as she admired herself in the mirror.
“I love it. You look beautiful.” Tom smiled at her in the mirror before kissing the top of her head. You carefully undid the braid in Vienna’s hair so that Tom could give it a go.
“Here. You try.”
“Like this?” Tom asked after loosely recreating the braid you had made.
“Almost. May I?” You asked and went to place your hands over his.
“Go ahead.” He nodded as his throat went dry. You smiled and put your hands over his to help him with the braid.
“Perfect. You made a perfect plait.” You smiled proudly at him once the braid was done.
“No. This right here is a braid.” Tom said, making your smile grow. You stared at each other for a minute before you both started to lean in.
“Bun.” You blurted before your lips could touch.
“What?” Tom asked and pulled away.
“Do you know how to do a bun?” You quickly changed the subject to relieve the tension.
“Oh, uh, no.” Tom shook his head and hoped his disappointment wasn’t as obvious as it felt. You showed him how to do a bun without making eye contact with him and eventually get yourself relax.
“I have one last thing to show you.” You told him.
“Oh no. I can’t handle anymore.” He chuckled.
“That’s why this is perfect. One that days when you just can’t be bothered to do a hairstyle, the headband is your best friend.” You said as you handed Tom a yellow headband you had brought.
“This is a boomerang.” Tom said and pointed to it.
“No, actually, it’s not. It’s exactly what I just told you it was.” You laughed and put the headband in Vienna’s hair.
“Boom. Headband.”
“It’s that easy?” Tom’s eyes widened.
“It’s that easy.” You nodded.
“Wow. Her hair hasn’t looked this good since it first came out of her head.” Tom said in disbelief.
“I honestly believe you.”
“Thanks so much. How can I repay you?” Tom asked you while Vienna admired herself in the mirror.
“Please. The pleasure was all mine.” You said and squeezed his shoulder again.
“Can Ms. Y/n stay for dinner? Please daddy?” Vienna asked.
“That’s up to her.” Tom said and looked at you.
“I’d love to.”
You and Vienna cleaned up the hair supplied while Tom got started on dinner. You left Vienna to play in her room before going to help Tom in the kitchen. He put on an old song and twirled you under his arm, making you feel like you were an old married couple. You snuck glances over at him every few seconds as you chopped up some vegetables and brushed against his shoulders every time you had to move past him.
By the time you finished dinner, Vienna’s eyes were shutting every few seconds as she rested her hand on her cheek.
“Come on. I think it’s time for you to get some sleep.” Tom said and picked her up. You followed them in Vienna’s room and stood back as he tucked her into her bed.
“Can I stay up for just five more minutes? Please, daddy?” Vienna asked through a yawn.
“Sure. Just five more.” Tom agreed. You put a hand on his shoulder and stroked your pinky down Vienna’s nose a few times until her eyes shut. Her soft snores soon filled the room so the two of you snuck out and quietly shut the door behind you.
“How did you do that?” Tom asked once you were alone.
“Magic.” You whispered and ran your finger down Tom’s nose the way you had done to Vienna. He blushed a pink all the way to his ears and leaned into your touch.
“I guess I should probably go.” You said softly as you pulled your hand away.
“You don’t have to.” Tom offered, hoping you wouldn’t go.
“I don’t?” You asked and took a step towards him.
“I mean, not to brag, but I do have 13 Going on 30 on DVD.”
“Oh do you now?” You raised an eyebrow.
A few minutes later, you were sitting on Tom’s couch with your head on his shoulder while 13 Going on 30 played. You talked about all the things you couldn’t talk about while Vienna was awake and slowly got to know each other better and better. You looked over at each other every so often to make sure the other was enjoying themselves. The movie ended all too soon and before you knew it, you were standing by his front door again.
“I had a good time tonight.” You told him, feeling like you were a teenager again.
“So did I.” Tom smiled. “Maybe you could swing by tomorrow and show me how to do those French braids again? Or you could just move in and teach me everything. Do you think you could talk to her about her first period while you’re here?”
“She’s 4.” You laughed.
“I know. When do periods start again?” He asked and nervously scratched the back of his neck.
“Don’t worry. You still have a couple years before you have to think about that.” You laughed again and patted his chest.
“I know I do. But I worry now because I won’t have someone like you in a couple years to educate me like you did today. And the Internet can only teach me so much.” Tom said with genuine sadness.
“Who says I won’t be around in a couple years?” You shrugged and took a step towards him.
“Well, the school only goes up to 5 year olds. She’ll be out after next year.”
“That’s true. What are you gonna do about it?” You asked him as you tilted your head to the side.
“I don’t know. Do you have an ideas?” He asked and put his pinky under your chin to tilt your face closer to his.
“I’m a teacher. I’m full of ideas.” You replied before leaning in the rest of the way to kiss him.
Vienna was driven to her grandparents the following morning while you hid in Tom’s room, still tangled in his bed sheets. You stared at the drawing of Olaf and Simba with a fond smile until Tom came back.
“Okay. My parents are letting her sleep over at their house tonight. That means you can stay the night again.“ Tom smiled in excitement as he climbed back into the bed with you.
“Do you feel bad that we’re lying to her?” You asked as you moved some hair off of Tom’s forehead.
“I did at first. But somewhere between the first kiss and waking up beside you, I stopped feeling any sort of remorse.” Tom smirked before leaning in to kiss you again.
“Yeah.” You smiled against his lips. “Me too.”
That Monday, Tom carried Vienna to the parent drop off door and couldn’t wait to show you the braids he had done in her hair. You noticed it immediately and gave him a knowing look.
“Hey Vienna. Nice hair.” You said and twirled one of her braids around your finger.
“Thanks Ms. Y/n.” Vienna smiled shyly before going to hug Tom.
“Bye daddy.”
“Bye, honey bee. I love you.” Tom put her down and kissed her cheek a few times before sending her into the school. You casually walked over to him and looked around for anyone who might be looking.
“Hi, Mr. Holland. Do anything fun this weekend?” You asked him with a coy smile. Tom grinned and pulled you by the waist against his body.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” He whispered in your ear before kissing you cheek. You quickly stepped away from each other afterwards so that no other parents would get suspicious but exchanged shy smiles.
“Do you think she knows about us?” Tom whispered and nodded towards Vienna.
“She’s 4. She doesn’t even know how to get dressed by herself.” You assured him.
“Okay. Good. We’ll figure out a time to tell her together, then.” Tom said with a shy smile.
“I like that. Together.” You repeated and fought the urge to kiss him again.
“I’ll see you at parent pick up?” He asked, fighting the same urge that you were.
“See you then.” You winked at him before going inside to your classroom.
“Welcome back, students. I’m glad to see you all returned for another fun filled week. Does anyone want to get up in front of the class and tell us what they did this weekend?” You asked your students once they were all in their seats. Vienna’s hand immediately shot up and you pointed to her.
“Yes, Vienna.” You called on her and she went to the front of the room with a huge smile.
“This weekend, I saw daddy kissing Ms. Y/n. On the mouth!” Vienna told the class with a huge smile. The kids reacted with a mixture of disgust and excitement from the news as you covered your mouth with your hand.
“Oh my God.” You whispered.
“I saw them kiss on Friday night when they thought I was sleeping and I thought they would kiss again but then daddy sent me to my grandmas house for the weekend. But when I came home on Sunday, Ms. Y/n’s jacket was still on my couch!” Vienna continued, sending the kids into a frenzy. Some were screaming “ew!” while others ooo’ed and made kissy faces at you.
“Oh my God.” You whispered again and pulled out your phone to text Tom.
“she knows. she 100% knows. we must’ve left her bedroom door open when we kissed. and I left my jacket on your couch”
“oh no 😦 we need to cover our tracks better next time. no more 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 until we know she’s 😴”
“not loving the emoji choice” You chuckled as you texted him. “but agreed. lesson learned”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey @20fandomfangirl
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
@jackiehollanderr @mara-twins @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow
@unbelievableholland @flixndchill @sovereignparker @thisisthebiplace @every-marveler-ever
@undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild
@canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman
@smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger
@electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff
@maybemona @alexxcorona113
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my-status-single · 4 months
The One Where Peter Parker Has a Baby: Chapter 1
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant. 
It had been early. 
So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included.
And months later she had given birth to their son.
Their son.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
From the Author: This is a Peter Parker/Reader fic. It jumps back and forth between the "present" (after the blip is reversed) and the past (pre blip reversal). The main focus is Peter and our girl Y/N, but there will be exploration into other relationships as well. These include but are not limited to Tony/Steve Peter/Harley Harley/Harry Peter/Harley/Harry Steve/Bucky Tony/Stephen. Each chapter will have content warnings listed that are specific to the chapter just for added security, there will also be a summary of the chapter if the content is something you don't want to engage with but would like to continue to the next chapter. There will also be a comprehensive list of warnings. The severity of these topics varies from very intense to simply implied. Be sure to check the individual chapters for more detailed descriptions of how these themes are used.
Fic Content Warning: Underage sex, unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy, polyamoury, child abuse/neglect, parental death, suicide, self harm, Tony Stark in Endgame Chapter Word Count: 1743 Chapter Summary: This chapter sets up the premise of the story. Touches briefly on Peter and Y/N's relationship, as well as introduces us to Y/N's powers. Chapter Content Warning: Teen regnancy/unplanned pregnancy-We discover that Y/N was pregnant during the blip. Peter and Y/N are in high school at this point. Blip-The Blip is a part of this series, the way Peter was blipped is mentioned Mentions of anxiety/depression-It is implied that Y/N struggled/struggles with mental health Parental death (not Tony)-Peter has dead parents Descriptions of injuries-After the battle with Thanos many characters are injured, Tony and Y/N's are discussed Medical themes-Tony and Y/N are in a medical centre, Y/N is in a coma
Please, if there is ever something in this or any of my fics that you feel needs a content warning, feel free to message me and I will make sure to add it. I want this to be a safe place for everyone.
Ao3 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
May 2023
Peter has known her for as long as he’s known anything. 
Back before his parents died, they had been prominent members of the Oscorp Foundation. They worked directly with Norman, and so Peter grew up spending a lot of his time with Harry Osborn. Occasionally, though, there would be a collaboration between Oscorp and their largest competitor, Stark Industries. With S.I. came Tony Stark, and with Tony came his daughter. 
She was about a year younger than him and Harry but she held her own just fine. She was smart as a whip and full of fire. 
He’d been in love with her for longer than he knew what love was. 
They had taken such a liking to each other that Tony made the effort to get them together as often as possible. Eventually, moving them to New York full-time after Peter’s parents died. Tony made an effort to keep up the relationship even then. He did it for his daughter; she’d become so attached to Peter. And he had done the same. 
The sun rose and set with Y/N Stark as far as he was concerned. 
The bond between them grew as they did. They became halves of the same whole. One rarely without the other. He held her when she sobbed, broken and exhausted, after spending the court-ordered time with her mother. She calmed his overloads after he was bit. They knew each other instinctually. Better than they knew themselves in some ways. 
And yet, there was never anything romantic.
Until there was.
They both knew. When they’d grown old enough to understand what love, marriage, and dating were, they knew it was inevitable. That there was no Peter without y/n. 
And that is a very daunting thing to face at such a young age. 
And they understood that there would be no going back once they crossed that line. 
They knew they would cross it eventually. 
But they had all the time in the world to cross it. And now, when they were so perfect as friends, neither wanted to risk what they had. 
And so they didn’t.
There was flirtation that couldn’t be helped. There were touches that toed the line between platonic and romantic, touches that lingered. Nights where they would fall asleep next to each other and wake up in a state where you couldn’t tell where one started and the other ended.
But it never went further.
Until it did
They were good kids, really. Good students, excelling in their studies, involving themselves in extracurriculars, making a difference in their community. They were good avengers as well. They weren’t officially on the team, certainly were never put in harms way. But Tony allowed them to patrol the city in the evenings, and to train with the team at the compound on the weekends. They excelled there too.
But everyone has times when they just need a break.
It happened the first time during one of those breaks
They had finished midterms, Natasha had been kicking their asses in training for the last month, they were tired.
And so they snuck into the hangar and hacked one of the jets. Because she could override her father’s protocols without even blinking. Spain. She had wanted to go to Spain. He’d remembered her talking about it, so he puts in the coordinates and settles in for the ride.
They’ve shared a room, a bed, countless times at this point and yet somehow this is different. Somehow this leads to their mouths on each other and their virginities lost to each other.
Things change after that.
It takes a while for them to get over it. To admit “I want you” and “I always have” and “I don’t want to wait anymore”. But once they do, once they allow those walls to be broken down they are inseparable.
The funniest thing about the whole ridiculous situation is their behaviour barely changes. 
They simply kiss now. Because they already spent nights in the others bed, they already were always touching the other somehow, they already could read the others mind and anticipate their needs. So at school, no one noticed they were dating until Peter gave her a quick kiss before running off to some sort of internship activity.
Its been years now. They are perfect. Ideal. He loves her with everything in him. 
And that’s why, when the invasion starts, he webs her to the bed so she can’t follow after him as he goes toward the battle. 
Why he goes to the battle despite her screams, her begging, her pleading. Why his last words as he disintegrates in Tony’s arms, after pleading whispers of “I don’t want to go” are “I don’t want to leave her.”
He spends five years living a life with no memory of his previous one. No memory of her, of Tony, of Spiderman. 
When the dust finally settles after that final battle, he’s the one screaming, begging pleading. Because his girl, his brilliant, beautiful, reckless girl, simply refused to let her father die. 
She’s always had them. The powers, the enhancements, that were so graciously forced upon her by her mother. 
She hated them, hated why she ended up with them. But they gave her the ability to save Tony’s life, despite it being at nearly at the cost of her own.
He’s held back, not sure by whom. He hears Steve yell for assistance to get them both off the battle field and to get them immediate medical assistance.
Her powers are…complicated. 
Her ability to heal is incredible. Whether it be herself or others. But it comes at a cost. 
Healing takes energy. She’s able to choose, when healing injuries, whether to use the injured person’s energy or her own. The severity of the wound would usually influence her decision. 
She was comfortable using someone else’s energy for smaller things, scrapes, bruises, most of Peter’s injuries because of his own accelerated healing. But bigger things…she would use her own “Because I heal better” she would say. 
Like after he’d taken the weight of a building their sophomore year, she’d used her own energy to heal that. He watched the colour drain from her face, watched slashes and bruises come and go across her skin, watched her exhaust herself right in front of him as the pain eased from his body.
After a fight like this neither had the energy to heal something as severe as this. But she did it anyway.
She does heal better. Quicker, more efficiently. It’s hard to leave any kind of mark on her because her body just rids itself of it.
So she lay in a hospital bed, half dead, as her body begins to repair what should be fatal.
Tony was exhausted, on the brink of death, he’d had nothing left to use up. She herself had been spent. So she took, and she gave. She gave what little energy she had left to Tony and took as much pain and damage from him as she could. Took as much as she could until her body gave out.
Tony woke later that night. Exhausted. Badly scarred. Weaker than Peter had ever seen him. 
But alive.
Peter is sitting at her bedside now, holding her hand in his. Needing to feel that it’s warm, needing physical proof that she’s alive. He’s fading in and out of consciousness. Fighting sleep because he can’t risk something happening while he’s asleep. It would be a restless, nightmare filled sleep anyway.
“Tony, we shouldn’t be arguing about this; you’re exhausted; you need to rest. We can talk about this la-“ He can hear Steve’s voice in the next room.
“We’re talking about this now.” Tony responds. 
Peter, even with his heightened senses, can barely hear him. He tries to tune them out, focusing instead on her heartbeat. A comforting, familiar sound that lulls him into a sense of security. 
But the next words he hears make his blood run cold, and his head snap up.
“He’s my grandson. He’s likely scared. He can’t have his mother, so let me see him.” Tony sounds angry despite his severely weakened state.
“Tony…” Steve says gently. “Look at yourself. You’ll only scare him more. He’s my grandson too. Let me look after him.”
Peter takes a moment. 
Tony has no biological children other than y/n. There is Harley…a boy Peter’s age that Tony had taken in when they were thirteen. They’d been fast friends. And…maybe Harley could have had a child in the five years Peter had been gone…except he’d been in the same place as Harley for the last five years, and there was no child. 
So…so that must mean that y/n had…that she’d had a child. 
Sometime in the last five years she’d moved on…gotten pregnant…had a baby? He shakes his head, his chest aches. His feet move before he’s fully aware of it. He walks into Tony’s room. He stands there silently, until Steve notices him.
“Peter.” He whispers, a sigh in his voice.
Peter laughs weakly, tears on his cheeks that have no right to be there. It had been five years, he had no right to have expected her to wait five years. “I um…” He clears his throat, sniffing. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop…it’s just so quiet here.” He says quietly.
“Kid ther-“ Tony starts but Peter holds up a hand.
“Don’t…don’t. It’s okay. You don’t need to defend…just…if there’s a way I can help? I could call his father, if someone hasn’t already or…or go pick up anything that he might need…or…or I can fuck off if you think that would be bett-“
“Peter.” Tony says as firmly as he’s capable of. Peter looks up. “Come sit. We need to talk.” He says, gentler now.
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant. 
It had been early. 
So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included.
And months later she had given birth to their son.
Their son.
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ifortom · 10 months
Champagne Problems - T.H.
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Synopsis: Tom and y/n, a couple that used to be inseparable, now face a deep crisis in their marriage. Their daughter, Olivie, 4, is in the middle of this emotional turmoil. With busy lives, differences of opinion and fragmented communication, the love that brought them together is slowly fading. After the aftermath they must face their own demons, rediscover empathy, and find a way to rebuild the relationship they once shared. Not just for themselves, but also for the well-being of their daughter, who longs for a united family.
A/N: Well here it is, this is a rollercoaster of emotions and I hope you enjoy it. An important note: English is not my first language so I hope you understand if there are any errors, be kind and let me know if necessary and I can fix it.
W/A: +5k
‘’Where’s my sweet baby pie?’’ You heard Nikki’s voice before she even opened the front door.
‘’Grandma!’’ Olivie screamed loudly when she saw her grandmother and ran straight into her open arms.
‘’Hi sweetie! I missed you.” She said hugging the little girl tightly. ‘’Everyone was waiting for you.’’ Olivie smiled and made her way inside the house without looking back.
Nikki turned to you, as you walked in the living room and smiled opening her arms just like she did with Ollie, welcoming you into a warm hug.
‘’What about you, darling? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.’’
‘’I know, and I’m sorry for that. Work’s been so hard lately, there’s a lot going on.’’ It wasn’t a lie, the last few weeks had been a pain in your ass with so much work since you got your promotion to chief editor at the publisher you worked.
‘’Yeah, Tom told me, that’s great news though!’’
‘’Its is, I’ve waited this for such a long time. But is complicated, Ollie is growing up and I feel like I’m missing out sometimes.’’ She smiled softly at you.
‘’I get it, just try not to stress yourself, that girl needs you... and you know, your promotion wasn’t the only thing Tom talked to me about the last time he was here... what’s going on with the both of you?’’
This was a question you really didn’t want to reply and this was a conversation you didn’t want to have, especially with your husband’s mother.
‘’I guess our relationship has seen better times but we’re trying. I’m just... I can’t have this conversation right now”
‘’I see... it’s alright sweetheart. I don’t want to intrude, just want to see you happy, the both of you. And that little girl.’’
‘’Me too.’’ You smiled at her, trying to hide the forming lump on your throat. ‘’I need to go, Tom is probably already home and we need to get ready.’’
‘’Of course. I’m going to find Ollie for you to say goodbye.’’ She walked out in the direction of the back garden.
While you waited, you took your time looking around the living room you’ve seen a thousand times already. Memories spread across the walls in the form of photos. Tom’s graduation day, Paddy’s first day of kindergarten, your wedding day, their family trip to Hawaii, Olivie as a new born. Memories you’re proud to be a part of.
The sound of small feet running to you woke you up from the small daydreaming.
‘’Mummy!’’ She hugged your legs and you bent down to her level to stare into her eyes.
‘’I’m going now, ok? Remember our deal?”
‘’Yeah, to be a good girl for grandma.’’ She said happily remembering your words from earlier.
‘’That’s right! Two nights, ok? And then we’re taking you home.’’
‘’You and daddy?’’ She asked playing with a string of your hair.
‘’Yeah, mummy and daddy.” She nodded. ‘’Alright, now give mumma a hug.’’ You tighly held her for a while, taking in her baby scent, the one you loved so much. ‘’Bye, babybug.’’ She let go of you and turned around finding her grandmother standing next to the couch. ‘’Bye Nikki, thank you for taking care of her. And please, say hi to everyone.’’
‘’Always. And please, have fun. You both need that”
Tonight was a special night. Tom’s company is hosting a party to celebrate a new partnership with a foreign company and, of course, as the wife of one of the partners, your presence is unquestionable. You need to be there to support your husband and keep the facade of the perfect couple with the perfect family. Because no one knows what goes on behind closed doors.
You stared at yourself in the mirror. The dark red dress you chose hugs your curves in all the right places, the small slit on the leg made it a little more daring but didn't lose the classic touch. It had been a while since you dressed up for a gala event, so you decided to take advantage of the opportunity and remember your features that have been hidden for a while.
Tom entered the room wearing his elegant suit. His hair was straightened and with every step he took he exuded class, and as you watched him in the mirror's reflection, you noticed his gaze fixed on your body.
 ''Woah, you look beautiful tonight'' Was the first thing he said. Tom hadn't had the opportunity to see the dress you had chosen before this moment, so it was definitely a surprise.
''Yeah, I wanted to try something today.'' You smiled, breaking eye contact in the mirror and going to the table next to the bed, picking up the necklace you had chosen. ''Can you put it on for me?'' You walked up to him and handed the necklace into his hands, turning your back.
Tom calmly analyzed the necklace and felt his breathing hitch. There was the necklace he had given you just before Olivie was born. Your pregnancy was not easy. There were many complications during the period and the risk of something happening to you or the baby was high. To this day, he is grateful that you two made it out of the operating room safe and sound.
The small, sparkling jewel dangled from the chain, reminding him of simpler times. He knew the moment he saw it for the first time that you would love it. It was simple, but it carried enormous emotion, love and hope.
He raised his hands towards your neck and noticed that they were sweating. And you felt his warm breath on your neck and his fingers delicately ran across it, making goosebumps run down your body. How long has it been since you felt each other's touch like this? It's impossible to believe that the two young people who couldn't live without having contact with each other for a long time became like two strangers afraid to touch.
Maybe a few years ago he would have come closer, placed his hands on your waist and left a kiss next to your ear. You would have thrown your head back leaning on his shoulder and the two of you would have stayed like that for a while.
But things changed and the two of you were no longer the same couple at the beginning of a relationship as you were before. Life happened and differences emerged, thoughts changed and opinions diverged. How could things be the same as before?
Instead, Tom put space between you and scratched his throat. His hand went to the back of his head. You looked in the mirror once again.
''I'm driving today, so if you're ready we can go''
You nodded and turned to him waiting for some reaction. Whatever it was. But what you got was him turning his back and walking towards the bedroom door. Holding back the cry that wanted to leave your throat, you lifted your head and followed him. Time to play the part.
The path to the venue's party room was silent. In the car, Tom let the music take over the space. As you mouthed the lyrics to a random song that was playing, Tom let furtive glances find you. But you would never know it.
When you arrived, a boy went towards the car while Tom opened his door. He quickly turned around and opened your door, extending his hand to help you out. Tom thanked the boy who entered the space he previously occupied and left with the car to park it.
You held onto Tom's arm as you walked together to the entrance of the already crowded room. Taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on your face as Harrison, Tom's best friend and one of his partners, walked towards you.
''You're finally here, what happened that took you so long?'' He said suggestively, making Tom laugh.
‘’No need to pry, mate.’’ Tom replied, now wrapping his arm around your waist. ''We arrived and we are fine, thank you for asking.''
''No defensiveness, Tom. You look great tonight, Y/N.'' Harrison said.
''Thanks, H. You don't look bad either.'' Harrison smiled and spun around as if showing off his outfit. You laughed at his mannerism.
''Well, some of the investors are already here and want to meet the person responsible for the partnership with the Japanese company.''
''Don't put all this on me, you were responsible too.''
''Wait, Tom... you didn't tell me that this came from you.'' You said resting one of your hands on his chest.
''What? Didn't he tell you? It turns out that if it weren't for this guy here, things wouldn't have happened. He was the one who stayed up working for hours and hours, making it impossible for the company to refuse the agreement.'' Harrison said.
How come Tom never mentioned this? Of course you knew something big was about to happen at the company but you didn't know that Tom was working so hard on it. So every night he took a while to get home, he was at work? Was the silence that came from him caused by this?
Tom looked uncomfortable, which was strange. Why was he acting like this?
A waiter approached the three of you and held out a tray with glasses of what looked like champagne. Harrison took one, while Tom did too and handed it to you.
''Aren't you going to drink?'' Harrison asked raising an eyebrow.
''I'm driving tonight.'' His hand returned to your waist and you felt his fingers lightly caressing over the thin material of the dress. ''Let's do this. I'll be right back, okay?'' He turned to you, who in response just nodded.
''Y/N, Sophie is near the bar. She was looking forward to your arrival.'' He pointed to where his wife was talking to two women unknown to you. ''She said that only you understand her in this place.''
''I say the same about her.'' You started walking towards your friend, who, upon seeing you, completely forgot about the two strangers she was talking to.
''I'm so grateful to see you. I was already starting to panic.'' She hugged you. ''Girl, and that dress! You look wonderful.'' She said looking you up and down.
''Did you like it? I think I made the right choice.''
''Definitely. I bet Tom went crazy when he saw you like that'' She said winking. Sophie was one of the only people who knew about how troubled your relationship was, and she certainly hoped that things between you would get better.
Just like your words to Harrison, she was the only person you could count on at the moment. Ever since their relationship began, just a few months after you and Tom became official, you two had been inseparable. The two of you worked together to help the two of them when they decided to start a company. And in this world made of appearances, you remained the same.
Obviously, Tom and Harrison have other partners who are married to snobbish and difficult to deal with women. And even though their husbands only have a small portion of the company, they act as if they are in charge of everything and everyone.
That's why you two stick together. Holding each other.
''It turns out that I was also expecting a reaction but I didn't get much.'' You say dejectedly taking a sip of the drink. Her hand affectionately roams your arm.
''I'm sorry, darling. He may not have shown it but I bet he won't resist and at the end of the night we know what will happen.'' The suggestive way in which she spoke made you laugh sincerely. ''We know what you have hidden there!'' You chuckled even though you weren't sure how this night would end and if it would go that way.
''For now I don't want to think about it, let's just enjoy it, okay?'' You tell her, holding her hand and pulling her close to the bar. ''Let's order a drink!''
And while you distracted the thoughts that disturbed you with what you were experiencing at the moment, Tom followed your every move, instead of paying attention to the compliments and questions he received.
''What you're doing for the company is great, Thomas! I'm sure it will grow more every day.'' Peter's hand, one of the investors, stopped on his shoulder, pulling him back.
''Thanks, but I wouldn't be able to do any of this alone.'' He said. ''None of this would be possible without the help of everyone who works at the company. Everyone, without exception.''
''And he's still humble. You really impress me, boy'' Peter laughs, making everyone in the circle laugh too.
''If you'll excuse us, we need to talk for a second.'' Harrison interrupts and pulls Tom aside, leaving the circle of middle-aged men. ''Mate, are you okay? You seem a little distant.''
Tom stares at the ground, trying to keep himself steady. His emotions were running high, and he didn't want to show it, at least not here and now.
''Yeah, I just need to have a glass of water.'' He replied walking towards one of the waiters who was carrying what he needed. ''This conversation has stressed me out. Harrison, I didn't do it all alone. You were part of it too.''
''Tom, I know that. Just accept the compliment, you know that's what they like to do. They're just interested in the money they're going to receive from all of this.'' Harrison says, resting his hand on his friend's shoulder. ''You do not need to worry about me. After all, I didn't lie about who actually stayed up late working on this project. The merit is yours, my friend.''
‘’Thanks, mate” Tom smiled and hugged his friend.
''Let's mingle a little bit more, okay? Then we can return to the arms of our dear wives.'' After Harrison's words, Tom's eyes went looking for you again. And they found you in the same place, laughing and enjoying the night, looking freer than before. ''Speaking of which, why didn't you tell her what was going on?''
''I think I was working too much and didn't want to worry her. She just got promoted and you know how Y/N is like. Always putting the needs of others above her own.’’
''Tom, she is your wife. Not to mention she's the mother of your daughter. She needs to know about things that happen, you can't deal with everything alone.''
''I know that.'' He took a deep breath. ''But this is not the time for that, shall we continue?''
Harrison looked a little disappointed but didn't want to step on any more toes, so he just agreed and they carried on with the night.
''I can't believe he did that.'' Sophie said shocked. ''What an asshole.''
''Well, you can believe it.''
''He promotes you and still has the courage to challenge you? Doubting whether you will be able to complete your tasks on time?''
Since you were promoted, your boss has been making comments about your work making you doubt whether it was a good choice or not. Which doesn't make sense because the decision to promote you was his. How can he doubt your abilities now?
''It's been exhausting but I've been trying not to pay too much attention to his sarcastic comments.''
''I bet so, but I'm sure you're doing an excellent job.'' She smiled. ‘’Seriously, you shouldn't care about this asshole’’
''Whoa, who's the asshole?'' You heard Harrison's voice, and turned around to find him and Tom approaching the two of you.
''Y/N's boss is trying to make her work life hell.'' She responded as Harrison hugged her from behind. At that moment you felt jealous of her. ''Hey, want to dance?''
''Hm, one of the bosses embarrassing himself on the dance floor with his lovely wife? Is this something everyone here would like to witness?'' He pretended to think for a while before holding her hand. ''I bet they wouldn't miss this for anything.'' He dragged her to the dance floor, leaving you and Tom standing next to each other laughing.
When the laughter stopped it was strange. They were there, husband and wife embarrassed to be so close. Tom broke the ice and got closer to her, who leaned back on a table. His hands went to her waist while hers went to his chest.
''I would ask you to dance too, but I don't know if everyone here is prepared to watch this disaster.'' The playful tone in his voice made her startle. She feigned shock.
''Are you sure about that? Am I the cause of disaster? Do I need to remind you of our first dance? How many times did you step on my foot that night?'' They laughed together and for the first time in a long time, you felt close to him. Almost complete. He was there, and he was yours. ‘’Tommy...’’
His heart missed a beat when he heard the nickname. Your hands went around his neck, your face slowly approaching his.
‘’Yeah, darling, I’m here.’’
''I really miss you.'' You say placing your head on his chest. ''I'm tired.''
''Do you want to go home?'' He asked, stroking your back.
''Are you sure? It's your party. I can go alone if you want. I'm not that drunk, I'm just really tired.'' Your voice was muffled but he could hear it.
''It doesn't matter, I won't let you go alone. I just need to say goodbye to some people, okay? And talk to Haz.'' He said, making you look at him.
''Okay, I'm going to the bathroom.'' He nodded and let you go. Watching your path before following his.
In the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed how flushed you were. Not knowing if it was caused by the drinking or the closeness you were with your own husband.
You entered one of the stalls just as two women entered the bathroom.
''Did you see them today?" One of them said. ‘’They look so hot.’’
''Yeah, it's a shame they had those two clinging to their arms all night.'' The second voice said, Ava, you recognized it. She was Tom and Harrison's assistant at the company. The person everyone has to deal with directly before they can exchange a word with either of them. Normally, she is the one who decides which issue is extremely important and needs to reach them or not.
''Did you see Y/N tonight? I never imagined she could dress so well''.
''It was definitely just for the show.'' Ava replied and you held your breath in fear that they would realize that there was someone else in the same room as them. ''At least she looks pretty today.''
''And how do you feel about that?'' The girl asked cautiously.
''What do you mean by that, Izzy? Do you think I'm afraid of her?'' Ava mocked. ''You don't even know the half of it.''
''It's his wife.'' The second girl, Izzy, clarified.
''Do you want to know? Tom and I have become very close these last few weeks. Late one night, while we were at the office, he opened up to me. He was very honest saying that their marriage is not going well. Made it seem like he was tired of her or something.'' She said. ''What they did today was just to keep up appearances. I know what he really wants.''
''You mean he wants you?'' Izzy said and you felt your heart stop waiting for the answer.
''It's not that, I mean, we had a moment. This week, he was in the middle of a meeting when his daughter's daycare center called. Something about her fighting with a colleague over a pen, childish stuff, you know? I needed to act and since my name was on the list of people who could pick her up, I went.'' You felt dizzy upon hearing the information. How had Tom not told you this? ''I think he was extremely grateful, we hugged and well, we almost kissed.''
Everything was getting blurry, you couldn't believe he would do something like that.
''It didn't happen, so I don't want to say he wants me, but maybe he wants to get rid of her.'' She finished. ''Anyway, I wouldn't have a relationship with him. A daughter and an ex-wife? It is not for me. But that's it, looking doesn't take away anything.''
They left the bathroom still gossiping, but you couldn't hear anything else. How could he have done this? Not just exposing your relationship to a stranger and almost kissing her but hiding something about your own daughter? Trying to remember a moment that may have been abnormal, you remembered two weeks ago, when Tom called you informing you that he was already at home with Ollie earlier and that you didn't need to pick her up. This was unusual, and never happened unless you agreed beforehand.
Something happened at her school, little Olivie got into trouble and you didn't know about it. You couldn't discipline your own daughter because your husband decided to hide it from you.
After the shock, some things started to make sense and well, your husband almost kissed another woman. There's a lot going on and you're not in a good place to think about it. Your only goal now is to go home.
Leaving the cabin, you looked in the mirror and finally noticed the tears running down your face.
You quickly wiped your face and left the bathroom, encountering who you wanted to avoid. He was there, near the door, talking to the two women who had just exposed the biggest nonsense that Tom Holland could have done in his life. His eyes met yours and he was distracted, confused by your expression, soon the women also noticed that you left the bathroom right behind them.
And they knew what they had done. They said goodbye to Tom without looking back. He walked up to you and cupped your face with his hand.
''Y/N what happened?'' He said worriedly, you grabbed his wrists, removing his hands from your face.
''I'm going home.'' Was the only thing you said before walking past him towards the exit. Without looking at anyone, not even Sophie.
When you finally left the salon, the same boy from earlier was standing in front of the familiar car, waiting for the owner. He spotted Tom, who was behind you and handed him the keys.
He thanked the boy and stopped in front of you.
''Let's go, and we'll talk about what's going on.'' He held your hand only for you to make him let go right away.
''I'm not going with you''
''What? Y/N, get in the car.''
You shook your head and the tears came back. Soon your face was covered and you couldn't control it.
''No. How could you... how could you do this to me?" Your voice was increasing and Tom started looking around frantically.
''Y/N, baby, please. Let's go home.’’ Your hands went to your face, hiding it, embarrassed by this whole situation.
''You're hurting me so much, Tommy.'' Carefully he approached you and hugged you. And you allowed it. Because you are tired, tired of fighting, of holding this relationship alone, of holding a family alone.
Tom managed to guide you to the car and just like on the way there, the return was filled with silence. The only thing that could be heard this time was the sound of your sniffing.
When you arrived home, you were the first to get out of the car without looking back. Tom hadn't even parked properly and you were already outside. Sobriety overshadowed any drink you had this evening. With difficulty you found the keys to the front door inside your bag.
Finally inside the house, you took off your heels, leaving them at the entrance and made your way to the living room. You can hear Tom closing the door and walking right behind you.
''Can you tell me what happened to Ollie at school?'' You turned to him. ''Or are you going to keep hiding this from me?''
And so, Tom understood. He finally understood what had happened. You knew everything.
''She had a fight with a friend. Apparently, he took something from her and she tried to resolve it by pushing the child.'' Tom said as he ran his hands through his hair, messing it up. ''The child was not hurt and the parents understood that it was just a silly disagreement between the children. But the school called me to talk about her behavior.''
''They just called you, or called us both?’’
''Both of us.'' He said knowing where this was going. Your face contorted into an expression of pain.
''Do you know how that makes me feel, Tom? My daughter behaved badly and you omitted me to be responsible for it. She's not just yours, Tom. I need to know these things. What does this teach her? That it's ok if she hides certain things from me, because you did the same? And when she decides to do this with both of us? That hiding things is better?''
''I know I made a mistake, Y/N but I didn't want to burden you. I know the work has been difficult. Hell, you said that to Sophie today.'' He said trying to defend himself. ''I'm sorry for hiding it from you, but I did it thinking about saving you some worry.''
''Thomas, she's my daughter too. I need to know what happens to her. God, Tom, she's 4 years old.'' You try to reason with him, who just sits on the couch. ''I know that's not the whole reason you kept this from me.''
And when he looks up, you find him with eyes full of tears ready to collapse.
''I heard Ava's conversation in the bathroom, that's how I found out. I know she went to pick up Olivie that day. And for the record, I know she's your secretary but I want her off the list of people who can pick up Ollie.'' You say, moving away from him. ''I know what happened next. Between you two.''
Tom quickly stood up in front of you, his eyes begging you to accept whatever he was going to say.
''I don't know what she said, but you need to believe me when I tell you that nothing happened between us. I could never do that to you Y/N, you need to know that.'' And to his surprise you smiled softly. ''From the first moment you came into my life, I knew I would never need anyone again, no matter what.''
''Tom, what happened to us? When and why did we grow so far apart? Isn't this what we wanted, our family?''
''I know I've been distant but Y/N... things really aren't easy. We almost lost... we almost lost the company. Our accounts weren't good, there was a month when I thought we wouldn't be able to pay the employees. Me and Haz were desperate.'' He turned around as if he was embarrassed. ''We almost lost our investors. That's why I had to work twice as hard. So I spent a few nights away from home. In the midst of all this, all I could think about was the two of you. I needed to protect you no matter what.''
Your face softened upon hearing his outburst.
''It's been 10 years since we started this project and look at everything we've built. I had to do something. I know you work and believe me, you are the best at what you do, and your boss is just another asshole in this world who thinks he is better than others, but wouldn't be able to do half as much as you.’’
His face, like yours, was already full of tears.
''I'm sorry, I just couldn't let it all end like this. So, I did everything I could to rebuild what we have.'' He finished, approaching you once again, carefully his hands cupped your face. ''I'm sorry, my intention was never to hurt you. I would never do that.''
Without thinking twice, your lips pressed against his. You hadn’t felt them in a while. Your hands went to his hair while his went to your waist, pulling you as close as possible. As you deepened the kiss, Tom's hands ran down your back. His lips trailed down to your neck and collarbone, leaving open-mouthed kisses along the way.
Your hands found the jacket he still wore, removing it.
''Y/N, I don't want to... are you sure?'' He said with a hitched breath as you left small kisses on his lips. It had been so long since you had truly felt him.
''Yes I'm sure. I miss you so much, Tom, please.'' You said as you stared at him firmly.
He guided you to your room and as always, you let him, trusting him as you always did. And that night, Tom made you feel what you hadn't felt in a while, closeness to him. The care he always had, the affection. Skin on skin, sweat, short and mixed breaths.
On Sunday, two nights later, in the morning Tom told Nikki that you would be there for lunch and she could barely contain her happiness at hearing the news. Somehow she managed to notice the difference in her son's tone of voice and knew that things were working out.
Of course, you talked afterwards, for a long time, and agreed that you wouldn't hide anything from each other, especially issues related to Olivie. And you would always be there to listen to each other in any difficulty that may arise. That's what you promised when you exchanged rings and it would remain that way for a long time.
''Mumma, daddy!'' Olivie's excited voice was the first thing you heard when you arrived in the back garden of the Holland family house.
''Hi, baby!'' You said as Tom picked Ollie up. ''Did you have fun with grandma and grandpa?''
''Yeah, we made cookies.'' She said excitedly.
''I hope you left one for me.'' Tom said making the little girl laugh.
''I ate them all.'' She said jokingly. ''Sorry dad.'' Tom opened his mouth pretending to be shocked and you laughed at their mannerism.
This was what you missed, moments of joy and togetherness, happiness and love.
Hope you liked it!
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
a missed chance
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tom holland x single mom!reader
from this request here
note: this is a repost! i've been having so many issues with tumblr and posts not showing up so i decided it was best to just re-upload <3
Almost three years ago Tom came to the conclusion that he'd missed his chance. The photo of two pink lines on a stick you'd sent to the group chat with no caption was an image that Tom saw whenever he closed his eyes. It haunted him in the middle of the night and clouded his mind when he sat in traffic. It summed up the situation, as he saw it - he'd waited too long and the opportunity for your will-they-won't-they friendship to ever grow into something more had slipped out of his grasp.
He settled into his role as Uncle Tom wonderfully. As the eldest of four he'd always been great with kids and he loved your young son as if he were Tom's own, but the tension in your friendship never quite fizzled out.
Your phone rang as you sat on a park bench, watching Alfie play in the sandbox just a few meters away.
"Love, you've got to start checking the caller ID before you answer." Tom chastised lightly on the other end of the line.
"Tom!" you squeal, drumming your feet on the concrete ground. "Does this mean you've landed?!"
"I'm touching solid ground," he confirms. "Back in the land of hope and glory."
"Good," you grin. "I've missed you."
"Yeah?" you don't miss the hope in Tom's voice and if you could see him, you'd notice the crinkles by his eyes that only appeared when he received really good news.
"Does that mean I can come over this evening?" he wonders aloud.
"I wouldn't complain," you shrug. "It's your first night back though, you don't want to see your family or anything?"
"How many times do we have to have this conversation?" Tom shakes his head. "You and Alfie are family."
As if being summoned, Alfie begins to whine from the sandbox, seemingly done with the plastic shovel in his hand as he holds his arms in the air, wanting to be picking up by you.
"Alright, I've got to go but I'll see you tonight," you say. "Talk soon."
"How's my little man?" Tom asks, scooping Alfie up as he runs towards where Tom stands by the front door. He swings Alfie through the air, spinning around before bringing the giggling toddler to rest on his hip.
"He's grown!" Tom remarks. "You're almost too big for me to do that." He tells Alfie, poking him playfully in the tummy.
Tom feels stupid for not realizing how much bigger Alfie's gotten in the last four months since Tom's been away filming. Your FaceTime calls usually took place while Tom was in hair and makeup, right before you went to bed back in London and by that time Alfie was more often than not fast asleep already, so Tom hadn't seen much of the little guy. He wanted to kick himself for once again kidding himself into believing that you and Alfie existed in some sort of time-warp, lives permanently still until Tom came home to London. Of course you guys had your own little life together. You didn't need him, right?
"Yeah, he's getting older by the day," you laugh, wiping your flour-covered hands on your jeans as you step into the hallway. Tom wraps you into a side hug with his free arm, making sure not to squash Alfie between you two, who's fiddling with a loose thread on Tom's sweater.
"Alfie's just had dinner, do you want any?" you call over your shoulder as Tom follows you into the kitchen.
"Hmm, what's on the menu, chef?" He chuckles, placing Alfie down on the carpet and ruffling the boy's hair.
"It's the extremely gourmet and elegant meal of boxed Mac and cheese." You answer.
"Ooh, yes please!" Tom calls as he wanders into the living room.
He's always felt so comforted in your flat. It’s always felt a mile away from the stresses and worries of Tom's life as an actor, and more importantly it's always felt like you. Despite the baby bouncer hanging in the doorway, the discarded toy stuffed behind the TV and a few picture books strewn across the sofa it retains the features that made it yours like the vinyls on display above the record player Tom bought for your birthday one year and the mini chalkboard with a half rubbed out score from a game of beer pong from before everything changed. There was now a hastily scribbled reminder to 'buy teething rings' over the top.
"Sorry about the mess," you say, gently kicking a few brightly colored building blocks out the way. Tom helps by stacking the picture books from the couch into a little pile on the coffee table. "I was going to have a tidy up when Alfie and I came home from the park, but you know how it is."
He doesn't know how it is, not really. As close as you are, he's always slightly on the outside when it comes to you and Alfie, reduced to an uncle just the same as Uncle Haz or Uncle Tuwaine. But he wants to be more than that. He wants to be your partner in this, someone to lend a hand when the house gets messy or a shoulder to cry on when things get tough. For being a web-slinging superhero during the day, he wishes he was brave enough to tell you how he felt.
"Don't even worry about it." He says instead, smiling in thanks when you pass him a serving of mac and cheese in a colorful plastic bowl and a plastic spoon.
"I ran out of real cutlery." You laugh as he looks at it quizzically, one eyebrow raised. "You know, no one tells you how much living with a toddler changes you," you say. "I haven't used adult cutlery in about a week, and just the other day I found myself eating a sucky yogurt for dinner while watching Cocomelon. Alfie wasn't even in the room."
Tom laughs as he spoons the golden pasta into his mouth.
"It sounds to me like you're desperately in need of some adult interactions." He hears how it sounds as soon as he says it and hopes you don't think he's being creepy.
"Oh God, don't even get me started, " you say. "I haven't gotten any sort of adult interactions in like, a year. No wait…two years and nine months."
"Two years and nine months?!" Tom gasps, glancing at Alfie out of the corner of his eye who sits on the carpet playing with a toy train track Tom had given him last Christmas.
"Welcome to motherhood." You grimace.
Tom puts his empty bowl on the coffee table, trying to figure out how to word his next question.
"Do you ever get…lonely?" He asks delicately. "I don't mean physically, I mean actually."
You shrug, pulling a blanket over your lap.
"I mean, yeah. It's just that between work and Alfie, I don't have time to go out and meet people, you know?"
Tom nods thoughtfully, letting you continue as he gently tugs the edge of your blanket, pulling it over his legs too.
"And if I do meet someone, it's hard because sometimes if I tell them about Alfie it's a deal breaker, or if they're okay with it I'm still not comfortable bringing people in and out of his life. If someone's in his life I want them to be in for good, right?"
"Yeah, I get what you mean," Tom sympathizes, placing a hand on your leg.
"I wouldn't change having him for the world," you say quickly. "I just sometimes wish I had someone to talk to who doesn't speak only in Bob the Builder references."
"I'm always here to talk to, lovie." Tom reassures you. "Can we fix this? Yes we can!" He giggles and you laugh too, pushing his shoulder with yours.
"I'm really glad you're home, Tommy." you say quietly, putting your hand over his where it still rests gently on your leg and rubbing small circles into his skin.
"It's good to be back." He agrees. His eyes meet yours and you both lean in ever so slightly. He picks his hand up off your leg and slowly brings it up, only to be interrupted by a shriek from Alfie as one of his trains crashes off the track. You both jump away, Tom's hand hovering in mid-air as the only proof of the moment that might have happened, frozen on its collision course to your cheek.
You avert eye contact, standing up and reaching for Alfie.
"I'm sorry-" Tom starts but you shake your head, eyes shining.
"No don't worry, it's okay." You say. "Uhm, do you want to help with bathtime?"
"Hello?" Tom calls down the hallway, kicking the front door shut behind him. There's no answer but he hears chatter and laughter from in the distance. He deposits the cake on the kitchen counter, breathing a sigh of relief upon discovering he'd gotten it from the bakery to your house in one piece.
He steps out of the French doors, immediately grinning as he takes in the scene before him. In the back garden Alfie's second birthday party is in full swing. A handful of toddlers play on the mini slide set you'd set up, their parents hovering nearby and chatting. He assumes these must be some of Alfie's friends from daycare. He spots Alfie almost immediately, running (or waddling) around with the top half of his face painted to look like a Spider-Man mask, clearly having the time of his life.
"Tom!" you spot him standing on the deck, excusing yourself from a conversation with a few parents and heading over to him.
"I'm so glad you made it," you say, giving him a quick hug. He lingers for a second, basking in the feeling of being able to hold you close. He lets you go with only a slightly wistful smile.
"Did you get the cake?" you ask hopefully.
"Of course," he says, rolling his eyes but taking you by the arm and leading you into the shade of the kitchen. "It's in here."
He opens the cake box, grinning as you gasp happily.
"It's perfect! Thank you so much for picking it up." you say, giving him a quick one sided hug and he gulps.
"You look pretty." he murmurs before he can stop himself, taking in the glittery dress you'd chosen for the occasion.
"What was that?" you blink, turning your head away from where you were putting two blue candles in the frosting and making eye contact with Tom.
"Uh, I said I love this city." Tom tries to save it, suddenly losing confidence as usual. "Glad to be back, y'know?"
"Okay?" you nod. "'s good to hear."
Tom hangs back as Alfie blows out his candles with a little help from you, allowing himself to hide in the small crowd of toddlers and parents. He'd been so confident driving up to your house with Alfie's cake safely in the passenger seat, even going as far as blasting Enchanted by Taylor Swift with the windows down to prove to himself that today was the day. He had to admit how he felt for so many years or it would truly eat him alive. But now here he was, leaning against the wall at a two-year-old's birthday party and feeling like the biggest wimp in the known universe. He silently excused himself to the bathroom, locking the door and knocking his head on the mirror. Come on, Tom!
"Hey," Tom said, tapping you on the shoulder.
"Oh shit," you say, whipping around and dropping the pile of paper plates you'd been collecting up. "You scared me, Tom! I thought everyone had left already."
"Sorry," Tom laughed gently. "No I was just in the bathroom. Want some help cleaning up?"
"You were in the bathroom for an hour?" you ask worriedly. "Jesus, is everything okay?"
"Oh, everything's brilliant." He smiles at you. "I was just thinking."
"I didn't know you knew how to do that." you grin at him. He breathes out, glad some of your familiar banter had returned.
"I have to tell you something." he says before he can think too much about it.
You nod, smiling gently for him to continue as you clean up.
"Can you…can you stop doing that for a minute?" he asks shyly, taking the stack of paper plates from you and putting them down. "This'll only take a minute and then I'll be gone, promise."
He hesitates before taking both your hands in his. You lean into his touch, trying to ignore the electricity that radiates from where your hands meet.
"Do you remember that night at the pub a few years ago?" he asks slowly. "It was the night they were doing the trivia night on pop culture and you won our team all those points for knowing the One Direction questions."
"Yeah," you laugh. "Once again the 1D obsession saved all of our asses."
"And then later that night," Tom continues, his voice wavering. "You uh- you found out about Alfie and you sent that picture of the test to the group chat."
You nod, remembering that night all too well.
"I was outside your house that night." he blurts out. Well, I've done it now, he thinks.
"What the fuck, Tom." you laugh. "You got all serious just to tell me you were stalking me almost three years ago?"
Tom groans.
"Will you let me finish, love?" he asks. "You left before any of us. And the boys all hyped me up, and then I left too. I came to your house because I had to tell you how I felt. And then before I could even knock, you sent that photo to the groupchat. And then how could I possibly add more to the situation and tell you that I've been in love with you since we met?"
Your eyes widen after his confession and you slowly take your hand out of his. Tom swears he's never heard a silence quite this loud before, and he takes it as a bad sign.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he babbles. "I just had to tell you because I couldn't keep lying to you and pretending that everything I see or think about doesn't remind me of you."
"No, Tom." you stop him, gently placing one finger over his lips to shush him. "It's just that I don't really know how to respond to that. I mean, you want me? You actually want me?"
"Darling, you could punch me in the eye and I'd still want you." Tom tries to ease the situation and you giggle. You wrap your arms around him gently, breathing in his scent.
"Is this okay?" you ask hesitantly.
"It's more than okay." Tom confirms, copying your actions. He nuzzles his head into your hair, inhaling the sweet smell of your conditioner that he's only ever been able to admire from afar before now.
You nudge him ever so slightly away from you and tip your head up a tiny amount so you're looking at him. He's been so brave, being the first one to make a move so you feel it's only fair that it's your turn to break the ice. Chest flush against his you close the gap between your mouths, meeting his lips in a soft kiss.
Tom all but melts into the kiss, holding you firmly. There's no way he was letting the chance slip away again, now that he was right where he wanted to be.
tysm for reading! reblogs are always appreciated and really help a writer out <3
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thewriterg · 2 years
♡︎Winnie the Pooh♡︎
Pairing(s): Tom Holland x Fem!reader, Dad!Tom x Mom!reader
Summary: You were a stubborn women just about everyone in your life knew that but Tom will put his foot down no matter what when it comes to your health —flufftober;day 10—
Word count: 800+
Warning(s): Sleep deprivation, going into detail of breastfeeding, stress, bad habits, and concerned Tom
A/n: —GIF isn’t mine— I was literally half dead sleep when I wrote this so waking up and correcting typos
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Tom had rolled over in bed going to throw an arm over you when his fell into the mattress of the result of your side of the bed being empty this had your Husband peeling his eyes open reading the red number on your bedside clock
3:52 am
It was witches hour and while Tom thought as rationally as he could sense he was still half asleep Sitting up in his place he reached for his glasses and began to look around the room your bathroom light wasn’t on so that idea left as soon as it came
Pushing his tussled curls out of his face Tom rose from his bed taking not a short second to stretch before he made it way out the door of your room and into your hallway going to the place he’d thought he find you first the nursery but when he opened the door to not see you nor the baby he couldn’t help but furrow his brows
The rocking chair you favorited was left untouched and the honey pot nightlight you used to see was left off after standing in the middle of the nursery for a short while the Winnie and the Pooh stickers stared back at him before moving on to the next room
Tom had checked all of upstairs including guest bedrooms before he started his trail down the stairs of your home before turning the corner tho where the kitchen was you could see a dimly lit light seeping into the hallway
Without another waisted second Tom had quickly walked Into your office you were sitting at your desk a baby wrap securing Y/b/n to your chest while they fed from you and if you listened close enough you could hear the soft suckling noises
You on the other hand had rested your head against your palm with a set of index cards, at least three different notebooks, and a textbook In front of you your eyes were bloodshot and glossy and the bags under your eyes grew and by the looks of it you didn’t even know that Tom had entere
“Hey mama, what are you doing it’s late” Your husband had made his his way in front of your desk before walking to the side of you now squatting in his position looking up at your face never taking his eyes off you
“Oh, well they were crying and I uhh just decided to get some studying in” Tom tilted his head at that pressing his lips into a straight line it was one of the hardest weeks you were all having in your household to the point where you would start to tie it with the week of your delivery date
You had been working your ass off. You were on the road of graduating college at 22, Continually promoting the movie that you’d starred in with interviews and pr, and overall handling being a mom.
You both had talked about this and Tom couldn’t help but be a bit frustrated that you had so many things on your plate and you wouldn’t let him take something off your shoulders
It wasn’t like you had openly said no, that’s not what you said at all but You and Tom had repeated discussions about You letting him take the baby more often and even brought up the idea to start breast pumping
But yet here you were again up with your baby at the crack of dawn.
“Baby you.. you can’t keep doing this to yourself” Tom had sat his warm hand on your thigh rubbing his thumb back and forth and it almost could’ve put you to sleep hell anything could’ve put you to sleep in that moment
“I just, wanna be a good Mom but i-it’s so hard trying to juggle everything by myself ” Your voice began to crack and Tom could cry at how you began to break down
“Hey,hey, hey.. You are a wonderful Mom Y/n you’re the worlds greatest one but honey I have to put my foot down I can’t keep letting you go on like this” You we’re both hand in hand and the pad of your thumb ran over the cold gold of Toms wedding band before You nodded 
“You’re going to get six to seven hours of sleep minimum, You are going to eat three meals a day, You do not walk into that nursery past twelve, and you will not be in this office past ten understand?” While your husband listed your new rules you couldn’t help but softly smile to yourself because you knew how much he cared and that you were a team, you always had been.
“Come on we’re gonna get you both to bed” Tom had smiled back at You before standing to his full height and holding out his hand for you to take as you both left your office hiking up the stairs
That early morning night you didn’t lift your head from your pillow once and you didn’t wake up to at least eleven In the morning all your alarms and notifications silenced with pancakes in bed
You couldn’t ask for a better partner
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lovebugspots · 1 year
peter man?
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Y/n Rebecca Barnes
Age: 15
Dad: James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes
Mom: Natalia Alinovna Romanova, or Natasha Romanoff.
best friend: peter benjamin parker
she has a metal right arm that is just like her fathers.
"You ever been so madly in love with your best friend to the point that people find it cringe?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peter Benjamin PArker
Age: 16
Aunt: May Parker
Best friend: Y/n Rebecca Barnes
"She is everything I need, Mr. Stark!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
here is the spotify!! :)
chapter one: a not so fun necklace.
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hollandsfavbabe · 2 years
Popsicle Pairs
pairing: dad!tom holland x mom!reader
synopsis: in which you and tom decide to enjoy more than just popsicles until your son intrudes
warnings: super cliché, bathroom talk(toddler training)
word count: 1.3k
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a/n: based off of that one super cliche imagine if anyone knows what I’m talking about. i can’t find it anywhere on the internet, but trust me, it’s a thing. really i just had to get this out of my drafts ... enjoy!
“MOMMY!” your toddler shouted from the hall bathroom, eager to show you his latest accomplishment. You rushed from your position in the kitchen, leaving the ingredient cupboard open as your son took priority over starting dinner.
It was just three years ago that you and Tom were blessed with your wonderful son, though it felt like only a week. And now as he started to get bigger, you had begun every parent's favorite process when raising a toddler … not. Indeed it was potty training time. Helping your son switch from diapers to undies was a challenge for you two, but with Tom’s optimism and your determination, you were both sure you could do it. The trek had been long, but you were close to completing one hell of an accomplishment.
You took baby steps, starting by rewarding your little boy with soft candy whenever he simply alerted you that needed to go to giving him a treat when he had gone in the actual bathroom, whether he had taken off his diaper or not. Now, bigger steps caused for bigger rewards, so when he started actually using the loo you upgraded his reward to half of a popsicle, his favorite sweet.
When you arrived at the door of the bathroom your son was excited to inform you that he had yet again earned another popsicle half.
“Nice job buddy!” you congratulated before helping him to reach the sink so that he could wash his hands the way you taught him to.
When you were finished you both left for the kitchen, only to be greeted by your husband Tom. He stood outside the bathroom door with a curious expression.
“Did you make it again?” he asked, referring to your son’s triumph. The little boy nodded in reply, jumping up and reaching his hands into the air, gesturing for Tom to pick him up.
“I did it daddy, I did it!” he squealed excitedly.
“Oh I’m so proud!”
“Can I have my popsicle now?” your son asked, eyes widening.
“I don’t know, it’s awfully close to dinner. You’ll have to ask your mother.” Tom replied, looking at you as he waited to hear your decision. Your son turned towards you too, eager to hear what you had to say as if he could burst out of your husband’s arms, quite possibly the definition of jumping out of a seat from excitement. You let out a defeated sigh. You supposed your son could stray from his normal meal plan for one night.
“Sure.” you answered. Your son cheered in Tom’s arms, delighted by your conclusion. “It’s too late to start dinner anyways. I’ll just order a pizza.”
“Yeah, pizza!” your son whooped. You couldn’t help, but giggle at his reaction as you pulled out your phone to order the food. Tom chuckled with you walking off in the direction of the kitchen.
“Let’s choose a flavor while mommy orders. What kind do you want?” Tom asked, opening the fridge as he got close to it.
“Blue! I want blue!” your son demanded and so he was given what he desired.
Tom set him down as he handed over half of a blue popsicle, grinning at his son who was overjoyed by the frozen delight.
“The blue one is my favorite.” your son said, sticking the popsicle in his mouth.
“Oh really,” smiled Tom. “And why is that?”
“It colors my tongue!” exclaimed your son, showing his now blue stained tongue to his father. Tom laughed at the little boy, bending down and tickling his sides the way the boy loved.
“Silly.” grinned Tom and the two both broke into contagious fits of laughter.
Two empty pizza boxes lay on the kitchen table, the food they once contained now long gone in the digestion process as you and Tom laid your son in his bed, tucking him in before wishing him goodnight. He nestled his head into his pillow and bid you goodnight, ready for sleep. It was when you heard soft snores that you closed the bedroom door gently behind you.
Tom took your hand as you closed your son’s door, leading you away from his room and back into the kitchen where once again he opened the freezer.
“There’s two halves of two different popsicles left over that I doubt he’s gonna miss. Do you want red or blue?” He asked you, having no care which flavor he had himself.
“Red.” you replied, prompting your husband to hand over half of a red popsicle, the wood underneath sticking out the top, untouched by the knife you used to cut it for your son. Tom took a similar looking blue one for himself and together you peeled off the already opened wrapper and started licking them.
Tired of standing, you led Tom to the nearby sofa in the living room, taking a seat on one of the cushions and patting the one beside you for your husband to sit on to which he happily obliged, allowing you to lay on him as you both got comfortable.
“Today was a good day.” you stated mindlessly, almost finished with your popsicle. Tom set down the now bare stick of his and wrapped his hands around your waist as you laid on him, placing feather light kisses to your hairline.
“It was indeed.”
You were finished with your popsicle now, setting the stick on top of Tom’s discarded one, you turned around in his lap to face him, sitting up so that you could better see his features, better admire the structure that made up his heavenly face.
He plucked one of your hands from your lap and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it while grinning at you.
“I love you.” you blurted, the words falling from your lips easily as he showered you in affection.
“I love you too.” He replied, pressing another kiss to your knuckle.
“No way.” you whispered with obvious sarcasm.
“Yes way,” Tom joked right back before moving his other hand to the bone above your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your face as he gazed into your eyes. “Would you care for me to show you just how much I love you?”
You smirked, giggling as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Yes please,” you nodded.
Tom scanned your smirk and no longer stalled to kiss it away as his lips met yours.
It was slow at first and built as you went along. It wasn’t very long before his tongue was in your mouth forcing a groan out of you.
You wanted to take it further, almost suggesting he carry you to your shared bedroom, but as your son walked into the living room you pushed yourself away from your husband and erased any lewd thoughts from your mind. You swore he had been asleep no more than five minutes ago.
Luckily he hadn’t seen anything and forchabtly for a three year old, smug red faces and crazy hair were not clear indications to him of what had been going on.
“What’s up honey?” you asked, blushing furiously after being nearly caught.
“I did it again!” he cheered with such pride in himself. You smiled, smoothing down some of the strands that were out of place as you stood to usher him out of the room, Tom by your side.
“Good job bud!” your husband praised.
“Can I have another popsicle before bed?” your son asked, ironically also taking notice of the two sticks on the table.
“Did you and daddy have some?” he questioned curiously.
You nodded with Tom, picking up the sticks to throw them in the nearest bin.
“Yep, we did.” you affirmed.
“Oh cool!” your son grinned. “Can I see your colored tongue?”
You shrugged and opened your mouth, Tom doing the same so that your son could see. Instantly the face of your toddler skewed into one of confusion and you felt immediate guilt.
“How’d you get purple tongues if there aren’t purple popsicles?”
You looked at Tom absolutely mortified, catching sight of his purple tongue before he shared your expression.
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heytherejulia · 1 year
Only you ~ Harrison Osterfield
pairing: harrison osterfield x female reader
warning: swearing, crying, anxiety
summary: you had a really bad day and your boyfriend is there for you
word count: 1,4k
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It simply wasn’t your day. Your alarm clock didn't ring on time, so you overslept. You forgot to dry your hair before you went to bed and it was sticking out in every possible direction, so you had to straighten it and you burned yourself. You were late for work, your computer broke, just when you needed to print some important documents for the meeting that was in the next ten minutes. When you were going home you got stuck in traffic and it took you almost an hour to get to your flat. You didn't have time to eat lunch or drink your tea, so you had a completely empty stomach all day, forgot to do the groceries, and finally, while going up the stairs to the fourth floor (the lift turned out to be broken), you fell, bruised your knees and hands and broke the heel of your favorites shoes. 
When you finally got home your already bad mood got even worse. The mess you'd left in the morning was bigger than you had remembered, and there was complete silence inside, which meant Harrison, your boyfriend of four years, wasn’t home yet. 
Usually you kept things in check. You were the one in charge in your relationship, you were always the one who had everything under control. Especially your emotions. Sure, you loved to share your emotions with your loved ones and cry during movies, but when it came to dealing with adulthood, you had the power. 
Usually, but today wasn’t that day. Today you were tired, and everything that could possibly go wrong went exactly like that. Normally you would just ignore it and get on with the things you had to do, but today wasn't normal. Today you were too nervous and frustrated and so damn tired you couldn't keep it cool. Tears began to gather in your eyes as you removed your worn shoes and coat. When you entered the bedroom and threw yourself on the bed, you felt a little better. The smell of your favorite fabric softener, blend of both of your perfumes, and what you could only describe as Harrison's scent soothed your nerves a little. 
When Haz came home some time later, he faced a complete silence and a mess he had made before he left. He was surprised that you hadn't cleaned it up when you got home from work. Not because he thought it was your duty as a woman to do the housework, but because he knew your pedantic nature and knew you would clean it up in a second if you were home or you just wouldn't be able to go on with your day if the flat was untidy. Yet Harrison was glad that this time he could do some of the chores and took that responsibility from you. 
About ten minutes later, your flat looked like your flat again, and the groceries were put in the right cupboards and then he finally headed to the bedroom to put his phone to the charger. He saw you lying under the pile blanket and heard your soft sobs. He immediately sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking your shoulder. 
‘Hi, love.’ When you did not react to his words he put his hand on the small of your back. ‘Come here.’
There was silence for a moment, broken only by your sniffling. Harrison didn't want to overwhelm you, so he waited for any reaction from you, the slightest gesture that would give him permission to approach you. After a minute, however, you came out from under the blanket and climbed onto his lap. Haz wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
‘Do you want to tell me what happened?’ In response, you just hid your face in the crook of his neck, and you just sat there for a while. Harrison was worried sick about what might have happened to affect your mood so much, as you slowly calmed down in his warmth, still crying silently. ‘Shhh, you're safe, I won't leave you. Come on, darling.’  
Harrison stared at your tiny body resting on his lap and noticed goose bumps on your skin. He took the blanket that was abandoned on the bed long ago, but you pushed his hand away. He looked at you in surprise. 
‘I don't want a blanket.’ You croaked. ‘May I have your hoodie?’  
Harrison tossed his head back, laughing, but either way taking off the mint hoodie he was wearing. You smiled gracefully as you settled more comfortably on his lap. The truth was, Harrison's clothes were kinda therapeutic for you. You weren't sure if it was because they were more comfortable than yours, or because they always smelled like his perfume, but they were just so soothing for you.
‘Have you eaten today?’ You shook your head as no. ‘So? Chicken with rice? From Sam's recipe?’
‘Yes, please.’ Haz laughed, getting up from the bed and walking towards the kitchen with you still in his arms. You wanted to help in preparing dinner, but he told you to sit at the kitchen island and handed you a mug of warm tea with milk. ‘Thank you darling. For everything.’ 
Harrison smiled warmly and kissed your forehead. When dinner was cooking your mood started to improve and you weren’t as devastated as you were when you came home. Now that you both were in a much better mood, you were dancing and singing to some random Spotify playlist. 
After dinner, you both decided to get some rest, even if only for a moment. It had been a tough day for you, and now that your stomach was full and all the tension left your body, all you could think of was a nap in your boyfriend's loving arms. Haz lay down on the bed after taking off his t-shirt and changing his jeans to causal gray sweats. He wasn't sleepy, but he wanted to give you a sense of comfort, so he covered you with a blanket and lay down on his back, going on his Instagram. 
‘Hm?’ You looked at him and stretched out your arms towards him. He laughed, pulling you against his chest. ‘Get some sleep, love.’ 
Moments after that, you were sleeping peacefully in his arms. Harrison lay still to not wake you up as you were the lighter sleeper in the world and he only looked at you with a lovesick smile. No one was aware of how much he fucking loved you. He always knew that, but today’s events, your daily routine, you both getting up, getting ready for work together, having breakfast tea together, knowing that you felt safe in his arms, that he simply was happy with you, made him realize that he wanted to marry you, that he wanted you to be his happily ever after. 
‘What are you thinking about?’ Harrison jumped slightly at the sound of your voice.
‘Marry me.’
‘I may not have another chance and the courage to say that. Y/N, you are the most important person in my whole life, you make me happier every day. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Inside and out. I want to have you by my side forever, I want to start a family with you, have children with you, grow old with yoy. Therefore, marry me.’
You laughed at the mixture of joy, surprise and affection.
‘You shouldn't be laughing! God, I'm so embarrassed right now. I made a fool of myself, didn't I?’ You looked into Harrison's eyes, which had shed with tears. 
‘No, Haz, no. Of course you didn't make a fool of yourself. I want to be your wife, I want to have children with you, I want to spend my whole life by your side.’ Harrison put his hands on your cheeks, drawing you to his lips. The kiss didn’t last long but showed all the love and joy you both felt. The kiss was sweet of the coconut balm on your lips, but also salty with your tears. 
‘I love you, Y/N. Most in the world. I know this isn’t the proposal you deserve, I don't even have a ring, but I love you and I want you to know that.’ 
‘I don't need a ring or any romantic gestures. You're all I need. Only you.’ 
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sp1dermaam · 5 days
People of the Spider-Man/Marvel fandom!!
I need your help!!
I read this amazing Spider-Man x reader way back in middle school on Wattpad where the plot looked like this; You’re Tony Starks daughter but when you were two you touched the Teserac (lokis spear thing) and it ages you about 10-13 years and then you go to high school with Peter. You also have spider powers (idek) and it’s 3 books that each take place with the movies
1st book: Homecoming
2nd: infinity war
3rd: end game
PLEASE if anyone knows anything about this or the author or if it exists anywhere I need to find it or I will rewrite the whole thing myself I was obsessed with it and I think it’s gone now.
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parkerpeter24 · 2 years
building a snowman with dad!tom
i love the idea 🥺
pairing: tom holland x reader
winter blurbs 2.0 ❄️ | 2.0 masterlist ❄️
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“winters are her favorite season.” tom tells your mom as he helps your little girl pull her arm through the sleev of her new christmas sweater.
little strands of her hair went flying and you brushed them down with your fingers, “do you like the sweater nana got you?” you ask her.
june– your three year old– nods, giving you a toothy smile, “pretty.”
on christmas eve, you and tom called your families over for a dinner. it was a tradition. and now, after dinner, all of you are gathered around the living room, watching june play with her new toy train as everyone exchanged gifts and memories of the past year.
“dada! snow!” june pointed out and all of you noticed that it was starting to snow.
“oh, we better be off before it starts to snow heavily.” your dad pointed out and however much you insisted they stay, it didn’t work as you found yourself standing on the patio of your little house and tom held june’s hand, waving her grandparents goodbye.
the next morning a good layer of snow had set in and the look that tom and june shared first thing in the morning was enough to tell you to pull out jackets and boots for all three of you. sometimes you felt like you had two kids.
you even had to force them to stay in for breakfast. after that, however, the two of them rushed outside because “june wants to make a snowman!”
you went along with them, smiling as june ran over the snow, leaving behind a trail of tiny bootprints. when she accidentally fell over the snow, tom ran towards her and fell on his back beside her on purpose. he started moving his arms and legs over the snow to make snow angels, prompting the little one to do the same as her father.
“come on over and make snow angels with us, darling!” you chuckled at the two of them before following suit.
after the three of you were done making snow angels and june sat up, tired of flailing her arms and legs around.
“hey, little junie, you wanna go inside now?” tom asked, rubbing her back but she shook her head.
“i want snowman!”
and as far as you knew tom, he would do anything to complete any demands of his angel. thus began the conquest of building a snowman.
tom worked on getting the base made while you and june made the smaller ball of snow. when the lower part was done, june helped tom in shaping the snow with her tiny gloved hands. you and tom assembled the remaining snowman, letting june fix the carrot as its nose at last.
“yay!” she grinned, clapping her hands when she was done. tom smiled at her picking her up in his arms and admiring your work.
“now what should we name it?”
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taglist | masterlist ✨
taglist: @httphollands @the-girl-in-the-chair @annathesillyfriend @spideyspeaches @prancerrparkerr @usergarfields @theglitterymess @quaksonhehe @lowkey-holland @starlight-starks @piscesparker @incorrectsourwolf @wildxwidow @blankspaceblankday @kelieah @arvinsvintage @parkersdahlia @raajali3 @uwiuwi @mcushvft @tommyfroggie @saturnpeter @ellabellabus07 @hollandstyles
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betzabobababi · 1 year
I wrote some stuff but I'm not sure what to post. So vote :D
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ifortom · 11 months
Champagne Problems - T.H.
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Tom and y/n, a couple that used to be inseparable, now face a deep crisis in their marriage. Their daughter, Olivie, 4, is in the middle of this emotional turmoil. With busy lives, differences of opinion and fragmented communication, the love that brought them together is slowly fading. After the aftermath they must face their own demons, rediscover empathy, and find a way to rebuild the relationship they once shared. Not just for themselves, but also for the well-being of their daughter, who longs for a united family.
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
hot chocolate
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dad!tom x reader
based off this request
"You guys grab us a table and I'll order?" you suggest to Tom who nods and scoops Miles out or your arms. The two of them settle in a small booth hidden away in the corner near a window.
As you approach with a coffee, a tea and a small, very milky hot chocolate your heart squeezes at the sight of Tom with his son standing in his lap, both pulling faces at the poor passersby on the street.
"Stop terrorizing those people," you scold playfully as you place the cups down on the table and slide in across from your boys. "It's not very festive for the season."
Tom nods in playful apology.
"Thanks for the tea, love." He frowns, re-counting the cups on the table. "Is this one for Miles?"
"Yeah, I thought he might like his first taste of hot chocolate. Plus I didn't want him to freeze in this weather."
"Are you sure he's old enough? I don't want him to burn his tongue." Tom worries. "And it's very sugary, isn't it?"
"I asked them to make it with milk, and we'll just brush his teeth as soon as we get home." You say, picking up the teaspoon that came with Tom's tea and stirring Miles' hot chocolate to cool it down. You test one spoonful yourself and satisfied it's not too hot anymore you slide it across the table, catching Miles' attention.
"Do you want to try it, baby?" you ask.
He blinks at it, unsure until he notices how similar it looks to his dad's drink. Smart boy.
He nods, scooting as close to the table as he can in Tom's grip. You scoop up another spoonful, holding it out and tipping it into Miles' mouth. He smiles immediately at the taste, droplets spilling out. Tom uses the edge of his own T-shirt to wipe his son's face neatly.
"Is it good, mate?" He asks, chuckling along with you as Miles nods, slapping his tiny hands on the table happily and opening his mouth for another taste.
"I told you he'd love it," you laugh, spooning more into his mouth.
"Yeah, yeah." Tom rolls his eyes, creases at the corners giving him away. "You're queen of the universe, you know everything, we should all listen to you always."
"Precisely." you smile, bringing the spoon to Miles' mouth again. He coughs, startling you and Tom as he splutters.
"Baby, what's wrong?" you both lean in, worry creasing your features.
Miles sticks his tongue out, scrunching up his face.
"Oh shit," you laugh. "I accidentally gave Miles his first taste of coffee."
ty for reading! please consider reblogging, it really helps a writer out <3
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sincerelyrki · 8 months
fate works in different ways, sometimes it even comes disguised as a life sized pikachu and a clumsy idol.
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SYNOPSIS ➙ Niki knew that the pikachu’s on stage with them were real people dressed in a costume but that doesn’t mean he can’t get shocked after accidentally revealing one of their identities. his shock quickly changed to amusement as the revealed pikachu could only think of one thing to say as the tension in the room heightened- “pika pika?” it’s not like you could avoid him after humiliating yourself either, you still have all of tour left.
PAIRING ➙ idol!riki x nonidol!fem!reader
WARNINGS + GENRE ➙ smau. fluff. riki is down bad. forced proximity. opposites attract. reader is the leader of a 5 member dance group. angst. friendly fighting. real fighting (js one scene). overprotective riki. jealousy. yn gets in some fights. older reader (a year older). more to be added if necessary.
STATUS ➙ STARTED ! HIATUS [march 27, 2024]
TAGLIST ➙ OPEN ! send an ask or comment to be added
FEAT ➙ chuu (soloist). jaehyun (boynextdoor). wonbin (riize). ricky (zerobaseone). yuma (&team)
A/N ➙ i lied this one comes before he loves me not 😝😝 anywaysss
spotify playlist
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| chuu’s chu (plural)
| emflopout
| yn’s dads
| fan accounts aka the holy grail
| one : if you want something to play with get a pikachu
| two : Shit day 😔
| three : girl he doesn’t want you [ written ]
| four : merrily we fall out of line…
| five : 1 2 3 any boys here? ❤️😍😝
| six : cake and candles my brother [ written ]
| seven : take off your sunglasses
| eight : fuck ass tom holland
| nine : reliable car max?
| ten : twenty questions
| eleven : MADE IT TO THE PRIV 💪
| twelve : my pini <3
| thirteen : i think i have a stalker
tba + titles are subject to change
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@ SINCERELYRKI do not plagiarize, translate, copy or repost
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
And I Wouldn’t Marry Me Either
Pairing: Tom Holland x singer!reader
Synopsis: you release some songs about Tom after a disagreement ends in a breakup
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“Marry me.”
“Right now? But I just got comfortable.” Tom mumbled into his pillow with a sleepy smile.
“I’m serious.” You whispered through a laugh and shook his shoulder. Tom’s eyes slowly opened and he could see the blurry outline of you lying next to him in your bed.
“I’m just thinking.” You began. “We’ve been together five years.”
“I’m aware.” Tom laughed and snuggled back into his pillow.
“So we should do it. We should get married.” You propped yourself up on your elbow to look at him.
“We are married. Everyone knows you’re my girl.” Tom said without opening his eyes and pulled you into his arms. He tried to go back to sleep but you still wanted to talk.
“I know.” You laughed. “But I want to make it official.”
“What, in Gods eyes and all that? I didn’t think you cared about that.” He laughed dismissively and rolled over. You sat up fully in the bed and looked down at him.
“It’s not about that. I want the flowers and the dress and the rings. Don’t you want that?” You asked and shook him a little to clue him in that you were trying to have a serious conversation. You watched Tom shrug and roll onto his back to look up at you.
“I don’t know. I always found weddings kinda dumb.”
“What? What do you mean dumb?” You forced a laugh and tried to hide the disappointment in your tone.
“I mean, like, they’re not even legally binding. It’s this whole big celebration that people spend their life savings on just to get drunk and slid rings on each other fingers. You still have to go to the courthouse to get married and even that’s just a piece of paper.”
“Oh. I didn’t realize you felt that way.” You laughed shortly and picked at your nail polish to look busy.
“I didn’t realize you felt a different way.” He said and rolled back onto his stomach. Tom closed his eyes to go back to sleep and you felt your heart sink in your chest. You got out of the bed and opened the curtains a little to distract yourself with the view. You touched the silky white curtains and smiled to yourself as you thought of all the pictures of white dresses you had saved on your Pinterest throughout the years.
“I’ve always dreamed of my wedding.” You said over your shoulder. “I think every little girl does at some point. Every rom com I grew up on ends with the perfect fairy tale wedding. I always wanted that. I wanted my happy ending.”
“But those are just movies. I bet half those couples wouldn’t last in real life.”
“But it’s sweet that they plan that special day together and then get to celebrate their love in front of all their family and friends.”
“Yeah, all that planning just so they can get divorced before the first year is up.” Tom snorted. “I think the whole idea of weddings are stupid. I mean, you spend all that time and money planning for a one day event that people will just attend for the free booze. Plus, women starve themselves for months and spend thousands of dollars on a dress they’ll wear once? It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Wow. Tell me how you really feel, Tom.” You laughed shortly and folded your arms to glare at him. Tom sensed your tone and sat up in bed to pay better attention.
“I just think it’s all so ancient.” He shrugged. “I’m surprised you don’t agree. Weddings cannot exist without all the bullshit sexist traditions. I mean, the white dress to symbolize the brides supposed purity, the father of the bride literally “giving her away” to another man after being asked permission to get engaged in the first place, and then to top it off with her taking his last name because she’s now his property or something. It’s all so trivial and perverse.”
“It doesn’t have to be like that. Those traditions may be rooted in old fashioned thinking but I think it’s sweet to ask for my fathers permission. And yeah, I do want my dad holding my hand and walking me down the aisle. He’s not giving me away to be another man’s property, he’s standing by my side as I enter a new chapter of my life. Which is why I want my mama right there on my other side. Plus, lots of people hyphenate their last names nowadays. It doesn’t have to be this monstrous sexism fest you’re making it out to be.” You rolled your eyes and walked into the bathroom that was attached to your bedroom. Tom frowned when you shut the door. You usually left it open a crack when you did your morning skincare routine, but today, you were shutting him out. Tom got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to see you. You didn’t look up at him as you washed your face.
“Come on. Are you seriously mad because I dissed your rom coms?” Tom said as he put his hands on your hips and kissed your shoulder.
“I’m not mad about that.” You mumbled and brushed him off.
“Then what are you mad about, sour patch?” He teased and kissed your shoulder again.
“I’m mad because I’ve been getting my nails done weekly leading up to our five year anniversary just in case you proposed and you just told me that’s never even crossed your mind!” You exclaimed as hot tears of embarrassment brimmed your eyes. You stormed out of the bathroom and when Tom processed what you had said, he followed after you.
“I don’t believe in marriage, okay? I think it’s unnecessary. Why can’t we just live like this forever? What’s the difference?”
“The difference is pretty big. But I guess you don’t see it like that.” You shrugged and kept walking away from him.
“Can you honestly tell me what would be different between us if we signed a stupid piece of paper at the courthouse or didn’t?” Tom said as he put his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place for a second.
“The difference is I’d be your wife and not just the pathetic girlfriend who stayed even though you didn’t lock it down.” You raised your voice at him and pushed his hands off of you.
“So you only want to get married because you care what people think? How romantic.” Tom rolled his eyes at you.
“That’s not the only reason. I want to get married because it’s important to me. It’s a public commitment where we promise to love and protect each other forever. I want that.”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t. I don’t need a ceremony to do that. I can promise you that right here.” Tom calmed down and took your hands.
“But that’s not special.” You sighed and withdrew your hands.
“If you don’t find that special then maybe you don’t love me as much as you think you do.” Tom said, immediately regretting it.
“What?” You whispered and looked into his eyes to see if he was serious.
“Look, darling, I’m sorry.” He said softly. “I just don’t see the point in marriage. I don’t need to prove I love you with a ring and wedding. I chose to love you every day. That’s enough for me.”
“What if it’s not enough for me?” You genuinely asked him as you wondered it for yourself.
“Then maybe you need to stop being so shallow and materialistic and ask yourself if you’re with me because you love me or because you want to play out some childhood fantasy that you saw in a stupid movie.” He shouted.
You both instantly got quiet. You were quiet for a very long time.
“I didn’t even mean that.”
“I don’t even care.” Your voice cracked as you grabbed your purse and slammed the front door behind you when you left.
“Is this one okay?” Harrison asked, pulling Tom out of his daydream. He replayed that fight over in his head about a dozen times a day. If his mind wasn’t occupied by something at all times, he’d perform an autopsy on that last conversation with you to try and understand what he should’ve done differently.
“What?” Tom asked without looking at his friend. He was too busy staring at the seat you always used to sit in at the kitchen counter.
“Can I use this one?” Harrison repeated and held up a muted purple mug as the tea kettle went off in the background. Tom tore his eyes away from your chair and when he saw the mug, all he could picture was your lipstick stain that used to stain it.
“That’s Y/n’s mug.” Tom said, descending a chill over the room. Harry and Sam’s attention was caught and they looked at Tom to see where this conversation was going.
“Oh. Sorry. I’ll put it back.” Harry said and quickly went to put it back in the cabinet.
“It’s fine. She’s not using it.” Tom shrugged. Everyone looked at each other as the awkwardness became palpable.
“How’s she’s doing?” Sam asked and sipped his tea to seem less interested than he really was.
“She’s good. Shes been recording some stuff at her New York studio. New music and whatnot.” Tom replied. He didn’t know this because you told him. He knew this because he’d been stalking your fanpages for every possible sighting of you.
“Have you guys talked lately?” Harry asked.
“Not really. Not since she left.” Tom admitted without looking up at his friends.
“You guys didn’t break up, did you?” Harrison asked, worsening the icy tension. Tom froze at the question for a minute and then shrugged. He didn’t really know what the answer was. In the weeks you’d been gone, you’d make small talk sometimes about work and the weather, but it never went beyond that. It was more to be polite. You kept in touch enough to know what the other was up to on a weekly basis, but you both knew you were dragging out something that had died. You wanted Tom to just say it was over already instead of pretending everything was normal, but he was never going to do that.
“I don’t know. We left things kinda up in the air.” Tom replied. The boys exchanged glances and Harrison nodded to let them know he was gonna take charge.
“Up in the air?” He questioned.
“Yep. Up in the air. Ambiguous. Vague. Open to interpretation. Call it what you want.” Tom shrugged again like it didn’t matter, but it did.
“Well what was the last thing you said to each other?” Harry wondered.
“She said she needed some space and was going to New York. And I said okay.” Tom recalled.
“What about before that?”
“I don’t know. We didn’t talk much in the days leading up to her leaving.” Tom replied and took a long sip of his tea.
“She didn’t speak to you?” Sam asked.
“She did.” Tom nodded. “Sometimes.”
“You didn’t speak to her?” Harrison asked, already knowing the answer.
“I didn’t have anything to say.” Tom shrugged. Nobody spoke a word, but all the boys were thinking the same thing. They knew how bad this was, and that it signaled the end of your relationship.
“What?” Tom asked when he noticed the shift in vibe.
“I’m just surprised.” Harrison shrugged. “You guys were never like this. I can’t even remember your last fight.”
“We didn’t fight. You can’t fight when you don’t speak.” Tom said with a sarcastic smile.
“You should call her.” Harry suggested. “It’s gonna be at least a week since she’s been there, right?”
“Four weeks.” Tom corrected without meeting anyone’s else.
“Mate, you gotta call her.” Harry said quietly and put his hand on Tom’s shoulder.
“I can’t.” Tom shook his head.
“Why not?”
“She can’t break up with me if I don’t talk to her. As long as we don’t have that conversation, we’ll still be together.”
“I’m not sure that’s how it works, Buddy.” Harrison said apologetically. Tom sucked in a sharp breath and looked at his friend with tears brimming his bloodshot eyes.
“I don’t know what else to do.” He said with a crack in his voice.
“Oh shit.” Sam said suddenly, getting everyone’s attention.
“What?” Tom asked.
“She’s dropping a song tonight. She just announced it.” Sam said and showed Tom your Twitter. Tom took Sam’s phone to read your announcement better. Sure enough, you had posted a picture of you dramatically lying across a piano bench with your left hand covering half of your face. You had a ring on every finger except for your ring finger, a detail that wasn’t lost on Tom. He handed Sam’s phone back and look at the floor.
“You didn’t know about this?” Sam asked, and Tom shook his head. He’d gone from being the first person you played every song for to finding out on Twitter that you had a song coming out.
“What’s it called?” Harrison wondered. Sam looked down at his phone to read the title and gulped.
“Who cares?” Sam forced a laugh and put his phone away.
“What’s it called?” Tom asked again.
“You Don’t Know Me Anymore.” Sam mumbled. Tom shut his eyes and hung his head in shame. He hadn’t even heard the song yet but knew it was going to be bad news.
“When does that come out?” He asked Sam.
“Midnight. Tonight.”
Tom’s friends stayed with him all day until midnight rolled around. At 11:58, Tom placed his laptop on the kitchen table and opened YouTube. He knew you always released lyric videos when you dropped a new song and he needed to reach every single world you said. When midnight came, he refreshed his screen and clicked on your video. The background image was a picture of you looking in a mirror with messy hair. You had digitally added sparkly, purple tears to run down the still image of your face. You played a couple notes on the piano before the lyrics appeared beside your face in your handwriting.
“I wish you’d just put me out of my misery
You already know I’m at your mercy
I don’t know why you’re dragging this out
You have all the power, if that’s what this is about
I’m not gonna be the one who walks away
So I need you to say what you want to say
I already know it’s over so just let it end
Please don’t give me the pity of asking to stay friends.”
“I don’t think we should be listening to this.” Sam said as he paused the video.
“Play it.” Tom demanded. Sam sighed and pressed play while the other exchanged looks.
“I’ve been feeling you leaving
I hate this part more than the ending
The moments leading up when I know your heart has changed
I don’t know why we keep pretending
If it’s done just say it’s done
Don’t just change your mind and not tell me
I already know so just let me go
Don’t just watch as I sit and bleed.”
“I don’t think-“ Sam began as he paused it again.
“Stop pausing it.” Tom cut him off. “Play it. I need to hear it.”
Sam pressed play again and Tom pulled the laptop over to himself so he could control it.
“Cause I cut my hand on that first crack in the glass
I feel the icy air between us when you pass me
So I took your chain off from around my neck
I’ll think of something else your initial can stand for
You don’t deserve to see me wearing it anyway
You don’t know me anymore.”
Tom didn’t realize he had started to cry until his tears his his keyboard. He couldn’t see the video anymore from his blurry his eyes had gotten. He wiped his face and leaned on his hands to give the song better attention.
“You know I would die for you in secret
Like that song I showed you in my car
I don’t think you even listened to it
You didn’t draw stars around my scars
You drew your arrow and let it fly
Right into my heart and let me die
Actually, I wish that was the curtesy you provided
Instead, you let this love become one sided
And now we’re shattered like a glass that was dropped
You broke my heart until the day that it stopped
You never got down on knee
Even when I crumbled onto both of mine
I wonder if you ever really wanted me
How did you think we were fine?
And at what part did you realize you liked the idea of me?
But who I actually am isn’t someone you wanted
I miss who I was before we met
Now I can’t go back, I’m haunted
And you were right not to marry me
If I could walk away from me too, I would
You were right to leave when you did
I know I would too if I could
But I’m stuck here with myself
Forever scratching and clawing at your door
Keep it all, even my memories
You’re lucky you don’t know me anymore.”
Everyone sat in silence once the song ended. Tom wiped his eyes again but tears just kept falling down his face.
“That probably wasn’t even about you.” Harrison said after a long beat of silence. Tom gave him a look before turning to his brothers.
“What do you think?” He asked Harry.
“It sounds like she’s hurting too.” Harry shrugged. “I think you’re both waiting for the other to say you’re broken up.”
“Well I’m not saying it.” Tom stated. “She has to.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Sam asked kindly.
“Then we don’t break up.”
“Again, I’m not really sure that’s how it works.”
“Well it’s what I’m going with. Because I can’t break up with her.” Tom sniffled and shut the laptop.
“But you can’t go on like this either.” Sam pointed out.
“She’ll come home when she’s ready.” Tom said, but no one in the room believed him.
And didn’t come home for a while.
After another week of silence, Tom flew to New York to see you. He got to your apartment and knocked on your door without any particular plan in mind. You opened it with a smile but when you saw who it was, you tensed up.
“Hi.” He said with a sad smile.
“If you came to to propose to me as some kind of grand gesture-“
“Please, let me talk.” He cut you off. You sighed and nodded as you leaned against your doorway.
“We have different opinions. But I don’t love or respect anyone more than you. So I am willing to hear your side, which is not something I did last time we spoke about this. I was just listening for what I could rebuttal against. I wasn’t actually listening to understand your thoughts and feelings. But I’m ready now.” He said. You nodded again and seemed to drop the wall that you had put up.
“It matters to me that we get married.” You told him. “I know you think it’s pointless and doesn’t change anything, but it changes things for me. If you picked out a ring, asked my parents permission, and got down on one knee, that would all make me feel special and loved. Those things matter to me in a relationship.”
“Okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.”
“But now you do know so if you propose, I know you’re just gonna do it to appease me. I’ll always know that you think it’s stupid when I look at the ring.”
“I admit that it found it a little dumb in the past. But it matters to you. And nothing that matters to you can be stupid.”
“I can’t get married to you knowing you don’t really want it. It’s not fair to you and it’s not fair to me.” You said and went to close the door.
“But I can’t lose you. My thoughts on marriage literally do not matter to me in the slightest. If it’s important to you and if it is what it takes to make you feel special and loved, then I want it too.” Tom pleaded as he pushed your door back open.
“But you don’t want it. You just don’t want to break up.”
“I can put on a tux for a night and suffer through if it means that much to you.” He said with a slight laugh to lighten the mood. Your face changed and he had somehow made the situation worse.
“Suffer?” You asked quietly with a told of your head.
“I’m sorry. That was a poor choice of words. But darling, I’m saying we can get married. I’ll do whatever it is you want. Why do you still look so upset?”
“Because you don’t get it.” You shook your head. “And I’m afraid you never will.”
“What don’t I get? I don’t understand. I’m telling you I’ll give you what you want.”
“But you don’t want it too. That’s what I’m trying to say. It’s the principle, Tom. Remember how disappointed I was that one time when I said I wanted ice cream so we went to the shop but you didn’t get anything? I didn’t mean I wanted ice cream. I meant I wanted us to get ice cream together so we could eat it and spend time together. This is like that but times a million. You can’t compromise on marriage. You either believe in it or you don’t. So even if we did get married, it wouldn’t mean to you what it means to me. I would always think back to that conversation we had and remember how you really feel about marriage. I keep replaying all the things you said that day in my head. We both know how you feel about marriage and we both know it’s not something you want.”
“So that one conversation ruined it for you? Completely?” He asked.
“Yes, it did.” You answered truthfully. You stared at each other for a minute as both your eyes welled with tears. You both knew you’d reached a stalemate and there was nothing more to be done.
“So what do we do now?” Tom asked without looking at you.
“I love you. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.” You told him, making him perk up.
“So do I.” He smiled as tears rolled down his face.
“But what if that’s not enough?” You asked him. Tom froze and felt the situation escaping from him fast.
“We’ve been together almost 5 years, darling. That’s five birthdays, Christmas’s, anniversaries. You make up so much of my life. We’re exactly right for each other. It’s supposed to be you and me in the end. I can’t do this with anyone else.”
“And I can’t do this with you.” You laughed sadly and gestured to him. Tom’s heart dropped in his chest when it became apparent that this was more than just a fight.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“I think I am.” You nodded. Neither of you could believe the words that were coming out of your mouth but it was too late to take them back.
“Does marriage really mean that much to you that you’d rather break up instead of just living a long, happy life together?” Tom asked you.
“I guess it does.” You realized. He stood there in shock as you put a hand on his shoulder and brought him closer to kiss his cheek.
“Goodbye, Tom.” You smiled sadly at him and shut your door.
Another month went by and you did not come home. You busied yourself with your music and dove into your next album, but that didn’t stop you from thinking about him on midnights when you were left alone with your thoughts. Tom thought about you a lot more often, like every time he saw your face on his TV. He tuned in one night to watch you debut your latest music video of your newest song. His eyes were glued to the TV as the video opened with your back to some brown eyed actor.
“You say “I don’t understand” and “I say I know you don’t.” We thought a cure would come through in time, now I fear it won’t.” You sang with your eyes glued to the floor. The setting changed and you were walking through an apartment that Tom recognized.
“She filmed this on Cornelia Street?” Tom whispered to himself and sat back on his couch.
“Remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light.” A smiling version of you sang as she walked though the apartment holding the hand of the actor playing Tom. The setting changed again and you were still in the room, but the lights were off and you were sitting alone in the floor.
“Now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time.” You sang while not looking in the camera. The rest of the video followed in suit. You flashed between happy, golden hued memories with the actor to grey toned solo shots of you sitting alone at your piano or on the floor. The difference in the moods made Tom reminisce on the old times and he wondered how long it has been since he had made you smile the way you were doing in the video.
“Stop, you’re losing me. Stop, stop, stop. You’re losing me.” You sang while looking directly into the camera as a purple heart monitor line ran through the background behind you and eventually flatlined. Tom felt like you were staring right into his soul and realized this was the closest he’d gotten to making eye contact with you in a while. He watched the sad, grey version of yourself split from the happy version and suddenly, there were two of you on the screen while the actor playing Tom ignored them both.
“How long can we be a sad song till we were too far gone to bring back to life?” The both of you sang while Tom’s counterpart read the newspaper and didn’t look at either. He thought of the days leading up to you leaving for New York where he’d be doing exactly that, reading the newspaper to pretend to look busy when he felt you glaring at him. He wiped his face and watched as the scene changed to the three of you at a party. The sad version of you was clinging to Tom’s counterpart defensively while the other version of you yelled at him with a drink in your hand.
“Fighting in only your army. Front lines, don’t you ignore me. I’m the best thing as this party.” You yelled and drunkenly stumbled around while the rest of the party watched.
“You’re losing me.” The grey version whispered into Tom’s ear. He assumed that version represented the part of you that missed him while the other version represented the you that knew it was over. The scene changed again and this time, you were back in the Cornelia Street apartment with an open ring box in the center of the table. There was no ring inside, just a burning flame.
“And I wouldn’t marry me either. A pathological people pleaser.Who only wanted you to see her.” You said into the camera while Tom’s character threw things into a bag behind you and went to leave.
“And I’m fading thinking do something babe! Say something! Lose something, babe. Risk something. You’re losing me! Chose something, babe. I got nothing to believe unless you’re choosing me.” The grey version of you desperately said to Tom’s counterpart as she pulled on his arm to beg him to stay. It was like he couldn’t see her at all and just kept walking towards the door. The golden version of yourself opened the door and pointed for him to get out while the other version of you jumped in front of him and dropped to her knees to get him to stay. Tom’s character walked right through her and she faded to dust, leaving just the one version of yourself to watch him go. The music stopped and you ended up running after him, but he was already gone. You turned and ran down Cornelia Street but didn’t go back into your apartment. You just kept running down the street and turned the block so that the camera couldn’t see you anymore. The camera panned out to show the Cornelia Street sign and a violin version of your song by the same name played in the background as the street sign turned grey and faded into dust. The screen turned black and Tom was left alone in the silence.
After another month, he found himself outside your door again. He knocked on it and felt his heart pound until you opened it up.
“Tom? What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for you. I came to fix this.” He said simply.
“Tom, I don’t know that we can fix this.” You said apologetically. It felt amazing to see him, but it didn’t change the fact that you ultimately wanted different things in life.
“You were right. You can’t compromise on marriage. And you either believe in it or you don’t.” He began before getting down on one knee.
“Tom?” You asked skeptically as your eyes went wide. He pulled a ring box out of his pocket and opened it up for you.
“It’s your moms ring. Your dad gave it to her for the third Valentine’s Day they celebrated together in college. She doesn’t wear it anymore because it’s one size too small, so she gave it to me when I asked them for permission to marry you.”
“You asked them?” You smiled in surprise that he had done one of the things you said mattered to you.
“I did. It was a little awkward to find out your mother already knew all about our previous conversations about marriage so you can probably guess how confused I was.” He said with an embarrassed laugh.
“What did my dad say?”
“He said as long as I make you happy, he’s proud to have me join the family.”
“See? No one’s giving me away to anyone. We’re just creating a bigger family for the two of us.”
“I see that now. I see a lot of the points you made. And what your dad said got me thinking.”
“All I want is to make you happy. Which is different from agreeing to things I don’t want to do to appease you. I do want to watch you walk down the aisle in a dress that’s been in your Pinterest board since you were 13. I do want to plan the seating arrangement and introduce my weird friends from college to your weird friends from college. I want to plan the entire thing because that’s something we can do together, and those are my favorite things to do.”
“What about the ceremony? And the marriage license? You don’t want those things.”
“I didn’t at first.” He admitted. “But after actually thinking about it and reevaluating the opinion I formed before I ever even had a serious relationship, I realized I feel differently. You make me feel differently. I would proudly sign my name next to yours on a marriage license. Because I happen to think our names look pretty good together. And as for the ceremony, I know we can’t compromise, but we can collaborate. It doesn’t have to be a huge blowout party. It can be the best elements of the both of us. And we can plan it together.”
“That all sounds very lovely, but it doesn’t change the fact that you didn’t believe in marriage just a few months ago. Am I really supposed to believe you’ve truly changed your mind? What if this is just some grand gesture to win me back that you end up regretting?” You asked him.
“I will never end up regretting promising my love for you in front of our family and friends. I’ll never regret hyphenating our names so that everyone knows I’m a part of a duo. I’ll never regret choosing to legally attach myself to my vets friend and spend the rest of my life with her. But I can tell you with the utmost assurance that I would regret letting you walk away and become a name I wince at for the rest of my life.”
“You felt differently not too long ago.” You quietly reminded him. You wanted so badly to believe him, but you couldn’t fully trust it.
“I changed my mind. I realized somethings are more important than other things. And that you’re more important than anything.”
Your skeptical expression turned into a coy smile as you slid your hand into the one that wasn’t holding the open ring box.
“You never actually said the words.” You told him, making Tom break into a relieved smile.
“Darling, would you make me the happiest man-“
“Eh. Try again. Too cliche.” You cut him off. Tom smiled and shook his head, knowing you weren’t gonna make it easy.
“My love, I don’t want to spend another minute as just your boyfriend.” He tried again.
“Lame. Thumbs down.” You shook your head and pointed your thumb down.
“Would you do me the honor-“
“Yawn.” You interrupted.
“Will you just marry me, you annoying brat?” Tom groaned.
“Tom! I thought you’d never ask!” You gushed over dramatically and put your hand over your heart.
“Is that a yes?” Tom asked as he stood up.
“I have to think about it. I don’t know if marriage is for me.” You shrugged as he slid the ring onto your finger. You looked down at the ring and remembered the time you tried it on as a little girl and how it didn’t fit your finger until now.
“Yes. I will marry you.” You smiled as you looked back up at Tom. Tom broke into a grin and scooped you up to spin you around.
“Sorry I wrote all those emo songs about you.” You said into his ear, making him laugh.
“It’s okay. It’s what you do.” He couldn’t stop smiling as he set you down. He then pulled you in for a long kiss to make up for all the time you were apart. When you pulled away, he pulled your face back towards him with his hands to kiss your left cheek.
“I see you.” He said, then kissed you right cheek.
“I choose you.” He continued, then kissed your forehead.
“I love you.” He said, the kissed your nose before looking into your eyes.
“And I know you.” He told you. You smiled softly and nodded your head.
“You do?” You asked him. “You really know me?”
“I do.”
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boiohboii · 9 months
The people's sweethearts
Chapter 1
(Verstappen!reader x tom holland x zendaya)
Soulmate au
YN Verstappen had been through hell, by her own father, for something she didn't even ask for. She grew up learning that she should hate what was given to her, after all it was the reason her father was always angry with her. So what should she do when the one thing she learned to hate is the one thing that brings her love, safe and comfort that not even her older brother can compare.
WARNING: not proof read, Jos Verstappen (worsned like 10 times for this fic) poly relationship, derogatory terms by father, abusive father. If I missed anything else please let me know
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Max and Yn Verstappen are close, really close, some would even say they are too close for being siblings, after all it's not usual for an 18 year old to go live with her older brother in a country 2 hours away (by plane) from her university rather than just to rent something close by.
Everyone had very harsh words to say about the pair of siblings, some still do but these are just people who hate max verstappen and they know nothing angers him more than someone insulting his baby sister, everyone was very vocal about how strange, weird and abnormal it is for 2 grown siblings to live together.
Everyone thought that the Verstappen siblings would change their living arrangements after Max and Kelly found each other, only to be surprised by Max buying a bigger penthouse that'd be enough for all 4 of them.
Everyone was negative about the prospect of the redbull formula one driver being followed around by his little sister until the release of The Anatomy of A Champion came out.
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When the producers of the show pitched in the idea of talking to yn, max had refused, he wanted his sister nowhere near any of these vultures knowing how bad it can, and most probably will, get. Max was aware from a very young age that what his dad was constantly saying and doing to him and his sister wasn't normal, whenever he was at a race he would see the other boys' dad's hugging them and telling them they did a good job even if they didn't get first place, he would see how other's would have their father waiting for them with water and towels, and most importantly he would see how other dad's had their daughter on their shoulder making the other little girls laugh; Why does dad only make yn cry?
He remembers it so clearly, the way his father hit his sister because of something out of her control, something that she didn't even ask for, something that was thrown at her, it was the day his sister got her soulmark.
Everyone had a soulmark that appeared on their 5th birthday and today was yn's which made jos take her to the soul doctor. Soulmarks were complicated, which is why soul doctors were important, they let you know more about your mark and the bond that's to form between you and your other half.
"Wow young lady, you'll have twice the amount of love it seems."
Max knew his father's tone, he know that he's angry and he unconsciously held onto yn's hand, hoping that his father wouldn't take his anger out on her.
"Well Mr Verstappen you see these lines," the doctor gently held up yn's wrist, turning it over to show off her newly given mark "that's an indicator of one soulmate, I'd say he is 3 or 4 years older than her given the shade of the mark, while this other lines that are in a circular shape indicate the other soulmate, he seems to also be around 3 or 4 years older as well. It looks like the mark that indicates young miss yn here is the moon, with how the moon is in the center I would say that yn would be the last in the group meaning that her two other soulmates will meet each other before they meet her."
Jos was angry throughout their drive home, he had already smacked yn into the car while rushing her to get in and as soon as they were in the car he hit her across the head, his arms tall enough to reach the young girl in the backseat. That was the first time max heard these words that would be so easy to recite within a few weeks.
"Two soulmates? Why couldn't you just be normal, why do you have to be such a slut?"
The ride back home was one of the worst max and yn had ever expirenced.
"Two soulmates, ridiculous.They're not even going to want you! They'd meet each other before they even know you!! At least if you turn out to be good for nothing I can just pimp you out on the street, maybe then you'd be useful, and it's not like your soulmates will even like you or want you. Unlovable whore."
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"So," the interviewer started as Sophie Kumpen sat on a white sofa in Max's home in Monaco "how is your relationship with your youngest?"
"It's not as close as I'd want it to be," the mother of three confessed as she looked into the camera "yn is a very sweet girl, she had been through a lot. When Jos and I divorced she wasn't really aware of what was going on, she was too young to understand, and as she grew older all she could see was Max. He had been the one to take care of her: i remember once when Max was around ten years old he called me up, asking me how to make a soup because yn was sick and jos was out god knows where.
Max and YN were and are always there for each other, and I don't think that will ever change. I'm sure everyone thought their relationship will sort of tweak a bit when Max and Kelly met each other, but I don't think Max will ever allow that and it's not like Kelly even tried to change their relationship, she was the one who was apartment hunting for all of them while Max was racing and Yn was back in England for her university." 
"Do you think yn is putting in the effort to be there for Max?"
"Oh definitely, I mean studying mechanical engineering along with aerospace engineering at one of the top universities in the world is enough proof. Her whole life revolves around Max and I don't think it's a bad thing. Max had been her everything, he's the one she always goes to cause he is all she knows. When she was deciding what to do right after high-school all she said was that she will choose the majors that'll help her get an internship at formula one so that she'd be there with Max for the rest of his races, however long he wants to be there."
"Do you know what happened between Jos, Max and Yn? Don't you think it's weird that once Max turned 18 he asked Christian Horner to ban his father from the paddock? And to help him have yn with him as much as possible?"
"I'm not really going to go into the details of it, but Jos has done a lot of damage, especially to yn. It's not something I can talk about, not that I even want to, but Jos was a terrible husband and a wose father, I'm insanely glad that yn and max turned out as good and well as they are. Seeing them so close is not something that's surprising me given what Jos did to them, to yn" Sophie's voice broke as a few tears escaped her eyes "sorry, it's just, what she had to go through, it's traumatic and I'm happy that she had Max with her through it all. It fills my heart with joy seeing the little family Max and Yn formed with Kelly and Penelope"
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ch. II
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