#dad! bucky x ofc! kaiya barnes
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"Days Like This"
Summary: Bucky relishes in his joyous life.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC! Kaiya Barnes
Word Count: 720
Warnings: Mentions childbirth, pure fluff!
Divider: @firefly-graphics
@jobean12-blog, I appreciate you looking this over.
@avintagekiss24, your knowledge is golden. Thank you.
A/N: Part of the upcoming series "Maggie's Diner."

Children are a gift, a blessing. For Bucky, he always believed he wasn’t worthy of such happiness. Then, he entered “Maggie’s Diner,” laying eyes on someone who would flip his interpretation of happiness on its ear. Her name is Kaiya Nycole Bradley. A vision of loveliness. Radiant sun blinding smile, soft waves framing her face, glowing skin.
Bucky never envisioned himself attracted to such beauty. It never failed, the once suave lady’s man from the 40’s era rendered tongue tied whenever she spoke. A running joke around the diner was he and Kaiya would marry and have kids. Scoffing, Kaiya laughed ignoring her ridiculous friends.
Fate created a clear pathway 3 years in the making. The first date for Bucky and Kaiya. Sadly, racists felt obliged to lend their opinion regarding the ills of ‘dating outside of one’s race.’ They did not stand a chance against Kaiya’s fiery temper. He’d never witnessed venom from a woman, but damn did his best girl light those asses up. When it was all said and done, you could hear a pin drop in the restaurant. The exchange was met with applause and free dinner from the owner.
Fast forward 4 years from their first date. Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan Barnes welcomed Trinity Neveah Barnes, 7 lbs.11 ozs., strong lungs. Bucky and Kaiya were overjoyed. Although Kaiya’s parents were no longer alive, she knew they were angels in heaven, looking down on her. They’d approve of Bucky, spoiling Trinity rotten.
Sounds of torture, now filled with hearty giggles. Trinity definitely had her daddy wrapped tight around her little fingers. Honestly, she had that effect on everyone. Kaiya didn’t acknowledge the pouting and temper tantrums. As a matter of fact, any punishment doled out came from her momma.
Relishing in the festivities of Trinity’s 3rd birthday party, Kaiya delivered a birthday surprise to her husband, Baby Barnes #2. As you could imagine, he was over the moon. Trinity, not so much.
“I don’t want a baby momma. Send it back!,” crossing her arms.
Chuckling, Kaiya explained to her unimpressed daughter, “Trini-bear, we can’t send the baby back. It’s simply not possible.”
Refusing to let it go, Trinity tilted her head “Why?”
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Kaiya sighed heavily. “Sweetie, listen. There’s no way we’re sending your sister or brother back. Drop it, please?”
“‘Kay momma. I sowwy. C’mon Peenix, we go play.” She and their dog, Phoenix climbed the stairs to her room.
Bucky gazed at his wife with puppy dog eyes. “Don’cha think you were a little hard on her doll?”
“You’re right. She’s just so stubborn.”
“Like her ma?”
Days like this, Bucky wouldn’t trade for the world. After 12 hours in labor, Tristan Najee Barnes, 8 lbs.,13 ozs cleared his healthy lungs, emitting a loud wail. With the cord cut, Kaiya attended to by the nurses, Tristan readied to meet his big sister.
Holding her daddy’s large hand, Trinity entered Kaiya’s hospital room to find her holding a baby. Bucky lifted her up on the bed.
Leaning forward, Trinity inspected the little bundle in her momma’s arms. “Is that my brudder?”
“Yes, big girl. This is Tristan. Would you like to say hello?”
“Hi Twistan, I’m Twinity, your big sister. We have a doggie named Peenix. He fun.”
Bucky beamed with pride watching his daughter interacting with her brother.
“Baby girl, ya wanna hold’em?”
“Uh huh.”
Carefully, Bucky laid Tristan in Trinity’s arms, instructing her how to hold him. Pulling out his phone, pictures were snapped.
“Twistan, it’s okay. You can stay. I pway wif you, 'kay?”
Bucky kissed Kaiya’s hand. “Doll, thank you for loving me.”
“James Buchanan Barnes, no thanks needed. It’s my genuine pleasure. We love you.”
Squirming, Tristan signaled his hunger. Bucky handed him to Kaiya. Trinity became fascinated as her brother nursed. “Wow, momma he gweedy.” Laughter filled the room.
Days like this are definitely what Bucky lives for. The love of his wife, daughter and now son. He walked through hell, exiting into a world never dreamed of... peace, love, unimaginable joy!
@jobean12-blog @marvelgirl7 @loricameback @samwilsons-pillowpecs @hiddles-rose @jewels2876 @pegasusdragontiger @buckysforeverprincess @eurynome827 @n00t-no0t
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"Minnie Mouse Wonderland"
Summary: Trinity Barnes loves Minnie Mouse. Kaiya and Bucky plan a 3rd birthday she’ll never forget.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC Kaiya Barnes
Word Count: 1K and some change
Warning: Maximum fluff and cuteness
Beta: Yours truly. I own all mistakes.
Divider: @firefly-graphics Thank you for creating wonderful dividers
Bucky edit: @nix-akimbo. What can I say? This look spells Dad Bucky to me. Thank you for your immense talent.
A/N: Welcome to "Maggie's Diner." I'm excited for this series. It showcases Bucky and Kaiya's friendship, mountain high and valley low. The road wasn't always smooth, but the endgame was all that mattered.

Dodging through a grove of apple trees, Trinity Barnes chases Phoenix, their Golden Retriever around the yard. Life hasn’t been the same since she was born. Although past haunts plagued his mind sometimes, Bucky wouldn’t change his life for anything. Who knew frequenting his favorite diner, “Maggie’s” would lead to friendship, love and marriage. Four years in the making, Bucky summoned the courage to ask Kaiya on a date. Hence, the beginning of a love he’d never experienced.
Babbling to Phoenix regarding her upcoming birthday party, Trinity plucked petals from a sunflower. “Guess what? My birthday is t‘morrow.” Unfazed by her statement, the dog licked her hand. “You can have cake too, Peenix.” That garnered another doggie kiss.
Lounging on their flagstone patio, Bucky couldn’t hold back the megawatt smile on his face. Trinity Nevaeh Barnes, 7 lbs., 11 ozs. Time of birth: 9:52 p.m. She was extremely stubborn. Kaiya wasn’t pleased with the grueling pain of childbirth, but once Trinity was laid on her chest, any pain subsided when her daughter lovingly gazed at her. Bucky cut the umbilical cord, tears rolling down his stubbled cheek.
T-minus 24 hours until Trinity’s birthday and she couldn’t be more excited. Her constant babbling about the party, guests and presents caused Bucky and Kaiya to shake their heads.
“Momma, guess what?” Swallowing a bite of flatbread pizza, Kaiya turned her attention towards Trinity. “What Trini bear?” Bucky chuckled at the mention of her nickname. “My birfday t’mowwow?”
“Yes, baby girl. How old will you be?” Arms pumped in high, shimmying in her booster seat, Trinity exclaimed, “Thwee!!!!”
“Alright, lil’ mama. That’s correct.” Kaiya complimented Trinity , who is wise beyond her years.
Bucky noticed his daughter yawning. “Someone’s sleepy. Almost time for bed Trini.”
Bottom lip poked out, Trinity attempted to guilt her daddy into staying up late. “I not sleepy daddy. Watch a movie?”
Kaiya wasn’t having it. “Oh no ma’am. Don’t start Nevaeh.” Her momma’s warning tone shut down any thoughts of a sympathy vote. “ ‘Kay momma. Baft time?”
Interceding, Bucky suggested he give Trinity a bath. “How ‘bout I clean up the kitchen and give Trinity her bath.”
“Thanks babe. M’gonna read for a bit.” Kaiya retreated to their bedroom. She heard Bucky and Trinity’s laughter and singing. Just think, in 7 months, another Barnes would require attention from her big sister, momma and daddy.
Using her bed for a trampoline, Trinity sang to the top of her lungs. “♪♫♪ Happy birfday to me, happy birthday to meeeee. Happy birfday to meeeee.♫♪♫''
Down the hall, Kaiya groaned, snatching the duvet over her head. “Buck, please get your daughter. M’tryna sleep.” Mumbling into her silk bonnet, “Shhh, go back t’sleep. She’ll quit eventually.” Wrong! Trinity’s voice inched closer and closer to her parent’s bedroom.
Small knuckles tapped against the door as hard as possible, while calling out to Bucky and Kaiya. “Mooommmaaaaa, daddddyyyyy, time to wake up. It’s my birfday.”
Bucky padded across the bedroom, opening the door. On the other side stood the cutest 3 year old in the world. Hopping from one foot to the other, Trinity flung herself in Bucky’s arms, receiving kisses on her cheeks.
“Is it party time?” Trinity tilts her head. Kaiya gazed at the clock on their nightstand. “No, sweetie. Your party is at 2:00 p.m.”
Sighing, the dejected toddler’s shoulders slumped. “What time is it now?” “
“Too early for a party, but not too early for breakfast.” With a rousing chorus of ‘yes’, Bucky, Kaiya and Trinity made their way to the kitchen for Minnie Mouse pancakes, bacon, eggs, orange juice, milk and fresh fruit.
Since it was her birthday, eating in front of the television, watching “Frozen” and “Dumbo.”
An hour before Trinity’s party, Kaiya “Trini bear, time to get dressed for your party.” Running around in circles, Trinity squeals, “PARTY TIME...PARTY TIME. MOMMA, WHERE MY CWOES?!!!”
In a huge box on the bed, Kaiya opens it up to discover a Minnie Mouse ensemble from Wanda and Nat. Eyes wide, mouth formed in an ‘O,’ Trinity removes her dress. “Thank you Te Te Nat and Te Te Wanda. Pretty momma. Minnie Mouse.” Wanda and Nat weren’t able to attend Trinity’s party. They were away on an emergency mission with Peter, Tony and Bruce.
“Baby girl, I love it. Here, let’s put it on.” Trinity modeled in front of a full length mirror. “Awww sookie sookie. Looking good Trinity.” Hands on hips, momma and daughter twirled, clapping and dancing.
Bucky watched his wife and daughter acting silly. This was his life. Nothing and nobody could take it away.
Stepping out into the yard, Trinity couldn’t believe her eyes. “It’s ‘mayzing. I love it. Minnie Mouse”
Pepper, Morgan, Steve and Te Te Skylar watched as Trinity jumped into her daddy’s arms. “Tank you momma and daddy. I love it so much. Gotta go.”
Her parents were replaced by Morgan and her preschool friends. Kaiya’s best friend, Skylar, attended the party. Pepper, Skylar, Kaiya and some of the mommy’s from Trinity’s preschool class conversed on the patio. Bucky entertained Steve and a few dad’s in attendance.
Turning her gaze towards Bucky, Kaiya excused herself. “I’ll bring out more juice boxes.”
“Do you need help?,” Pepper asked.
“No. Please stay and enjoy yourselves. I’ll be right back.”
Bucky entered the patio doors, searching for Kaiya. “Doll baby?”
“M’here babe.” Excitement danced in her eyes, as tears flowed.
Instantly, Bucky held his wife. “Hey what’s wrong? Did someone say something to ‘ya?”
“No, my love.” Kaiya placed an envelope in Bucky’s hand.
Carefully, he opened it and pulled the sonogram pictures out. “Oh shit. M’gonna be a daddy again?”
“Yessir, 7 months from now, we’ll be parents again.”
“You’ve given me something I thought I didn’t deserve. I’ll love ya till the day my breathing ceases and beyond.”
“I’ll love you, James Buchanan Barnes, until my breathing ceases and beyond.”

@marvelgirl7 @jobean12-blog @samwilsons-pillowpecs @loricameback @indyluckycharlie @hiddles-rose @nix-akimbo @pegasusdragontiger @nacho-bucky
#Dad! Bucky Barnes x OFC Kaiya Barnes#Minnie Mouse Wonderland#Bucky Barnes one shot#Bucky x You#Bucky x OFC#Dad Bucky is the best
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