darling-i-read-it · 6 years
Pool After 9
Billy Hargrove x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Cuss words and mentions of sex i guess, underage drinking
Author’s Note: This is for @dacremontgomerylover s writing challenge! Go check them out if you like that they have such amazing Stranger Things stories. Also this is based like at some point early in the summer because Billy has his job at the pool.
Prompts: “You’re drunk.”
“You make me happy.”
“I want to take care of you.”
Genre: FLUFF
Song: 99 by Barns Courtney
(not my gif)
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It was a hot summer night when you found yourself in Billy Hargrove’s car. The vacation from school had just begun a week ago and the hot sun was already beating down on the hood which during the day would have been horrible. You and Billy had found yourselves outside of one of the infamous parties that Billy always managed to drag you along to.
He did so so often that people had started calling you two ‘the tag team of kegs’ even though you were never actually hoisted up yourself. It didn’t surprise anyone when you walked in together.
It still surprised people over the fact that you still weren’t together together.
Anyone could see the jealousy in Billy’s eyes when you danced with anyone else and everyone could see your eyes roll whenever Billy told you to ride with Nancy home because he was picking up some no name chick and bringing her to lovers lake or something.
Lovers lake, his house, just hanging out in an alleyway parked in the car.
It was worth it to mention he never once took a girl to the community pool after hours.
The pool was to be locked up at 9 o’clock sharp and with Billy’s new job he always picked up chicks there and brought them home when his shift ended at around 2 in the afternoon. Billy took girls from the pool but it was kind of your guys spot.
He never said that and neither have you, but you both knew that the pool after 9 was off limits to anyone that wasn’t carrying a beer and riding there in a camaro. In other words, no one but you.
Billy was immediately greeted with a ton of handshakes and screams of drunken joy from fellow popular kids. You flanked back to find Nancy by the punch bowl, talking with Jonathan about something closely. It was odd to see him here but you guessed Nance had dragged him as Billy had dragged you.
“Who spiked the punch today?” you asked as you approached. Nancy rolled her eyes and pointed at Tommy who was dancing on top of a table. You noted neither Nancy or Jonathan were holding a red solo cup and you decided that was probably a good idea.
“Thanks,” you commented, sitting on the counter beside them.
“Are you here with keg king again today?” Jonathan asked. You chuckled.
“When am I not Johnny boy?” Nancy gave her boyfriend a look that you just barely caught. “What is it?” you asked defensively. She shrugged.
“Nothing. Just that we haven’t seen Billy take anyone home for a few days is all. That’s new for him,” she commented. You rolled your eyes.
“What are you insinuating?” you asked. Jonathan was going to speak but he was interrupted.
“Baby get over here!” Billy yelled. You turned around and watched him be carried out the door to where there was presumably some challenge he had been caught up in.
“Gimme a moment!” you called back, turning back to the couple. You waited for them to finish whatever they had started saying but Nancy just gave you her eyebrows.
“Go get your boyfriend,” she whispered and you sighed, walking back to the back door.
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
As you were leaving Jonathan called after you, “Try telling him that!”
You didn’t say anything but blushed as you walked away.
Eventually you ended up finding Billy, a little while later and by the time you got to him he was stumbling around. You caught him just before he fell and tried to balance his weight with yours.
“Hey baby,” he slurred, voice still charming and flirtatious.
“Hey Billy,” you countered with a laugh. He raised a hand to your cheek, holding it for a moment. You swore you stopped breathing for just a moment with how he had managed to catch you off guard.
“You’re so gorgeous,” he muttered.
“You’re drunk,” you told him. He rolled his eyes.
“Can we go to the pool?” he asked, voice vulnerable. Billy either melted as a drunk or he was a hardass that somehow managed to get people to get in bed with him. You nodded and started leading him outside.
“I’m driving.”
Billy kept the keys to the gate of the pool around his mirror so that on nights like these when he was sobering up he was well aware he wasn’t able to locate keys and so you could grab them. You opened the gate and helped him walk inside as he had already started to get sober on the ride. He walked to sit on the edge of the pool. He had enough sense to take off his shoes while you grabbed two beers, small ones so he couldn’t get anymore drunk then he already was, from his work locker. You kicked off your flip flops and sat beside him, opening your bottle and making sure he had taken off his shoes and rolled up his jeans.
“I still don’t know why you insist on wearing jeans in this weather,” you grumbled. He watched you carefully.
“Why do you take care of me?” he asked when he had both feet in the cool pool. You looked up at him, taking a swig of the drink. You shrugged.
“I want to take care of you. Who knows what’ll happen if I don’t?” you joked. He watched you and you could see him slowly regaining his sobriety. Instead of opening his bottle you gave him a water to drink which he took with an eye roll.
“But like why?” he asked again. You shared a smile and kicked your feet in the water so that they were just barely touching his.
“You make me happy you big dick. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you confessed. He smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“You make me happy too. Always got eye candy around,” he slipped. You hit his arm which caused him to chuckle. “No but really. I’m glad you’ve stuck around with my big dick.”
“You’re trying to be genuine but it's just not coming through,” you told him with a grin. He drank some more of the water before putting it down. You placed the beer bottle down as well.
“You’re the easiest to tolerate,” he tried.
“One more time.”
“You’ve got a really nice ass.”
“Fine! You make me happy. You make me happy on nights at the pool, you make me happy when you watch me get drunk, you make me happy when you’re smiling, you make me happy when you sit on counters and you have really great lips.” You were speechless.
“Yeah okay that works,” you whispered in awe. He rolled his eyes and waited for something else. “Oh you want me to kiss you? I thought you were going to kiss me here bu-”
It didn’t take him long to get the hint and kiss you. He knocked the beer bottle over getting closer to you but you didn’t break away.
The moonlight reflected off the pool that the two of you managed to nearly fall into out of eagerness.
Somewhere Nancy and Jonathan were nodding to each other.
Tag list: @swanky-batman @caswinchester2000
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Welcome to Hawkins
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Request: Yes Pairing: Billy Hargrove x reader Warning: implied smut, not really any just a mention
A/N: this was a request but I thought it would also be great to combine it with the 1.2K writing challenge @dacremontgomerylover has, so this is what it came out. I have wanted to write for Billy for a while and this is my first piece of work I have done for him so I hope you enjoy this x
Words: 1.3k
Billy Hargrove with a shy reader who wants him to feel welcome in Hawkins but is super nervous around him. She breaks into his locker to leave him some "welcoming" cookies.
14. “you´re so cute”
45. “I made them for you”
part II
You have lived your entire life in the small town of Hawkins. Always loved the familiar and kind surroundings; the forests full with brown leaves in the autumn and bright green ones on summer. You loved the familiarity between the villagers, you all knew each other since it wasn´t a big town; so whenever you had visitors, it was quick and easy to know.
Everyone had their part in the small town; Hopper was the chief, Jonathan was known as the photographer, Nancy was the intelligent one, Steve was the popular kid, and you? You were the sweet and innocent girl. You were known for your welcoming desserts or foods, always taking either one of those to the new resident. You had made a casserole when the Anderson´s moved into your house next to yours and you also made an upside down cake for Brooks. You were sweet to everyone, never losing your nerves or getting into any type of drama.
You were always willing to help in whatever way you could, so whenever the school made a dance you were a chaperone, or when the school needed funding to fix the gym you raised the money by making a desserts sales. You were Hawkins sweetheart in everyone´s eyes.
So one day you were walking your dog, Cooper, around the neighborhood. This was something you always did on Sundays, right before you went for dinner with your family. It was kind of a tradition, all your family would gather to have some fancy diner, play some games and then go back home to get ready for school the following day. When you were walking back home along with Cooper you saw a moving truck right outside the Anderson´s house, which had been on sale for three months now. The Anderson´s were really nice neighbors; they were a lovely married couple with two young daughters who brought joy to the neighbor.
Your neighbor wasn´t the fanciest or the funniest to be in, actually everyone who lived in it has at least some grandchildren. So when you saw a beautiful blue Camaro parked right in front of the doorway you got excited. It meant that someone around your age was moving in, and not to offend any of the older but you got bored easily around the area. You were excited to go knock on the door and meet the new family, offer your help in the moving in but Cooper had other plans for you. He somehow got free from his leash and ran away, you following right after him, trying to catch him before he got lost. When you finally caught the small animal, you went straight home, tired from all the running.
The following day you got up like every other school day, you took a shower, brushed your teeth and got dressed. This time you had put a little more detail to your outfit, excited to meet the new guy or girl that was going to attend your school. Your outfit consisted on some high waisted clear jeans and a bright yellow t-shirt along with some white sneakers. You took your backpack, which you had prepared the night before and put in the container you filled with some cookies. Soon enough you were walking my way to school.
When you arrived to school you began to look for any unfamiliar face, it was not that hard to know when you had a new student around, and the cheerleaders that went pass you confirmed it.
“Oh my god. Have you seen the new hottie?” Megan said, dramatically bringing her hand to her chest
“Have you seen his ass?” said Sophie
“I´m calling dibs” said Megan
“That´s not fair” this time it was Jessica
“He flirted with me” Megan did a hair flip trying to bring herself some attention
“I´m pretty sure a smile is not flirting but whatever”
And then they were gone. You now knew you were looking for a male figure but he was still nowhere to be seen. The bell rang and you sighed, making your way to your history class. You were not a nerd but you enjoyed listening and paying attention to the lesson so that you had less work to do when you arrived home. The class went by pretty calm, no signs of the new guy. You took notes and did an assignment with Steve who was sitting next to you on the table.
“Have you met the new guy?” you asked him
“Yes, he´s an ass” Steve responded with an eye roll
“Are you sure? He´s new, maybe he´s just nervous”
“Or you just try to see all the good in everyone…”
Steve and you continued to do the assignment. When the bell rang you decided to go look for Nancy, maybe she could help you find the new guy. But as you approach Nancy´s locker you saw someone you couldn´t recognize.  As you got closer you scanned him, he was wearing some jeans, a white shirt and a demin jacket, his blonde hair styled in a mullet, his curls falling in the back of his neck and the top of his shoulders. You stood behind him and cleared your throat in order to bring his attention but he didn´t seem to notice you. So you tapped his shoulder. He was fairly higher than you and when he turned around you felt intimidated. He just stayed still, staring at you and waiting for you to say something.
“Hello, I´m y/n. I noticed you´re new and thought I would come by and introduce myself and welcome youo to Hawkins”
You smiled but he seemed confused, intrigued by your sudden actions. No one in the town had the guts to come and introduce themselves; he had already made himself a reputation when he began a fight with no other than Steve Harrington, the popular one. It was just a stupid fight which got out of hands, one to establish his dominance in the new school.
Billy checked you out, he thought you were extremely beautiful and your innocent vibe gave him chills. From that moment he knew he was going to have you, one way or another, wreck that innocence of yours. He laid his back on his locker and stared at you.
“Hey, I´m Billy, Billy Hargrove” his voice went one octave down and smiled at you
“I made them for you... for you and your family” you said while taking the container with cookies out of you bag, handing it to him
“You´re so cute” he said while taking the container in his hands
He took one out, looking at you straight on the eye while taking a bite. You were expectant to see if he liked them so you stayed there, not catching the whole flirting thing since no one had ever tried to seduce you before.
“Do you like them?”
Billy was shocked and confused as to why you weren´t begging to be on his bed already, he didn´t think you could be that oblivious to the situation.
“They are really good” he did that characteristic smirk while licking his lips in order to get the attention that he wanted.
But the bell rang, indicating the end of the break and taking your mind from his actions and to worrying you would be late. Billy didn´t seem to care about being punctual to his class.
“I´m glad you liked them. I noticed we live in the same neighborhood so if you ever need help with anything, me and my family are more than glad to help you. I´ll see you around”
You gave Billy a smile and left. The blue-eyed guy stayed there, against his locker, wondering why you didn´t catch his flirting, if it was on purpose or you were unaware of his seduction. And the fact that you had completely ignored him, made him even more curious about you, more interested in getting to you.
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staticscreenwriting · 6 years
God only knows - Billy Hargrove
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A/N: I wrote this for dacremontgomerylover’s writing challenge. I chose the prompts :  “Are you ready for this?” “Ready as I’ll ever be” // “I’m in love with you, okay?!” // “I want you more than anything!”. 
It’s a bit angsty but mostly It’s cheesy fluff to make your heart all warm and fuzzy.
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
If you should ever leave me Though life would still go on, believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me God only knows what I'd be without you
Billy’s face is pulled into a frown as he stares at the black suit that hangs from the door of his wardrobe, almost mocking him. He’s supposed to be wearing it, right this moment. He’s supposed to be sitting on a table with a bunch of people he doesn’t particularly care about and listen to music he doesn’t like and drink punch that Tommy H. undoubtedly tried to spike at some point. And he’s supposed to do all that only because it makes (Y/N) happy.
But the truth is, he’s not wearing the suit and he’s not suffering through the bad music choices of the DJ at prom. And he’s not getting to see (Y/N) in her dress. The one she talked about for so long with that breathtaking sparkle in her eyes that makes the world, Billy’s world, seem just a little less shitty.
No. He’s home, alone and fucking miserable. There’s Metallica blasting through the house and a cigarette dangling from his lips and god there’s this awful feeling in his chest that he can’t really explain or understand. It feels bad though. Like someone burst open his chest and reached into it to squeeze his heart tighter and tighter every time he reminds himself of what could’ve been. What should’ve been.
He wonders what (Y/N) is doing now, if she wastes even a hint of a thought on him right now. There’s no doubt in his mind that she looks breathtaking. He knows her dress is red to match her favorite lipstick and he knows she plans on wearing her hair in big curls. She mentioned it one day when they were hanging at Starcourt and shared a serving of Cheese fries. He didn’t show it then but he listened to every word she said. He always listens. Now he wonders if letting her know, if showing her he cares would’ve made a difference.
Because that’s what got him into this whole dilemma, isn’t it ? His inability to let go of stubborn ideas, of dreams that were never dreams to begin with and open up to the one person that ever bothered to listen.
Every time he thinks back to that moment 3 weeks ago, his chest grows tighter and his hands get clammy. It makes him so unimaginably angry, at himself above all.
It was raining that day but it was friday and they spent every friday parked at the edge of the quarry looking down at the water and talking about their week or ranting about their parents or, on rare occasions, coming up with theories on how Steve Harrington’s hair managed to stay that pouffy and voluminous.
So even with the rain crashing down from the heavens, they didn’t wanna break tradition. So they went anyway and got comfortable in the car, sharing cans of coke and a pack of Reese’s Pieces while Mötley Crüe was softly playing from the car radio.
“ So, I got some really exciting news to share “ (Y/N) said and Billy could almost feel the excitement radiating off of her ever word.
“ Yuh ? “ he murmured around a handful of candy, hastily stuffed into his mouth.
“ Mh. I got accepted to University of Michigan. Dad’s super excited about it, he was so close to fainting when he hear — hey are you okay ? “
Billy still remembers the moment she said those words. His heart dropped right down to his gut and he felt both anger and sadness taking over everything.
“ That’s it then, huh ? “ he spat out, jaw tight.
“ What ? “
“ You’re going. To fucking Michigan. So that’s it for us then ? “
“ What are you talking about ? “ (Y/N) asked, confusion masking her beautiful face.
“ I’m going back to California. You know this. You knew this when you applied. “
“ I know, but this is a huge deal, Billy. This is a great opportunity. “
“ Yeah well what about Berkeley? “ his voice got louder with every word. Laced with malice and pure unfiltered betrayal. This wasn’t what they had planned was it ? It was supposed to be them by the west coast. Them in California where things are better. Where things used to be good. Not fucking Michigan.
“ I didn’t get in, okay ? They rejected me. Is that what you want to hear ? I wasn’t good enough. “ there’s another sparkle in her eyes. One of sadness and unshed tears threatening to fall any minute.
“ So ? There’s more universities there. Don’t see why it has to be one in Michigan. It’s like our plan doesn’t even fucking matter to you!  “ he knew it was unfair then. Could feel the guilt taking over his entire being and seeping through every pore. But anger was a feeling Billy was accustomed to. One he knew so well. It was easier to give into that one than face the fact that he was being unreasonable, unfair, and a huge fucking asshole.
“ What plan Billy ? “ (Y/N) asked and threw her arms up in frustration, spilling a bit of coke on the car’s leather seat. “ there is no fucking plan if it doesn’t involve a college for me to go to. All you plan is to go back. That is it. You have no perspective. There is nothing for you to go back to. And I — I would’ve done it if I could’ve. Because it makes you happy. But I need something to work towards. I need a future that doesn’t consist of just going to California and then watching what happens. I was hoping that you would be excited for me and that you would maybe consider putting the move on a hold and come with me until I’m done with university. I’ll have a degree then and an idea on how to build a future in California. Or we could do long distance until I’m done with school. Lots of people do it. . It’s not never it’s just — a little later than you were hoping for. “
In all honesty, she’s the one good thing in his life. The girl who somehow wormed herself in and never left again. The one girl he ever truly loved. But that wasn’t enough in that moment. Not enough  to fight off all the anger and frustration. All the misguided and misplaced fury. Sometimes love isn’t enough. Sometimes anger is louder. Sometimes hurt is. Sometimes fear.
“ No. “
“ No ? You haven’t even — “
“ I said NO !” his voice rang through the car at an ear shattering volume and to him, it sounded an awful lot like the voice of his father. His blood went cold, his hands went clammy and all Billy wanted then, was to turn back time to when things with (Y/N) were easy. When he could still fool himself into thinking that things would work themselves out in the end and ignore the fact that his idea for the future was hazy at best and that asking of her to go with it, was absolutely selfish.
“ So that’s it ? California or nothing ? California or break up entirely ? “ her voice was soft and quiet and he could tell just how close she was to crying. And he hated himself for that, he still hates himself for that.
He didn’t respond with words then, just shrugged his shoulders like the stubborn baby he was, he is. He didn’t want to break up, god no. He loves this girl and even if he never told her that it was in all he did. In the way he didn’t hate going to school. In how he picked her up for class every morning. How he was comfortable just sitting with her and talking. How he told her about his mom. About his dad. In kisses and touches and hushed words when the night was young and quiet.
But he had always had this idea of the future, that he would go back to California as soon as possible and once he returned, things would magically solve themselves. Things would be better. Good even. He never once thought about giving up that plan, that dream of a future that seemed an awful lot like a lie. But it was a comfortable lie. One he liked to believe in.
One that didn’t terrify him as much as the idea of going to Michigan did. Even if that involved her.
“ Guess that’s it. Ball’s in your court “ He didn’t even dare look at her then. Just hearing the tears in her voice. The sadness. The unmistakable sniffles coming from his right, were enough to break his heart. Seeing it would’ve absolutely killed him.
“ Wow, “ she sighed followed by another sniffle “ I can’t believe this. You expect me to give up a secure future. A place at a university that means a lot to my family. For what ? Being a little housewife while you do one odd job after another pretending that all is well. Like being in California magically fixes every problem we have. It doesn’t work like that Billy. If I come, I’ll just be miserable. “
He knew this. Knew that every word she was saying was right. And yet, he was too stubborn to admit it. To her and to himself.
“ For me. You’d give it up for me. “
From the corner of his eyes could see her shaking her head and taking a deep, shaky breath “ No Billy. I’d end up absolutely hating you. “
The next words were some of the hardest he ever had to say and yet they slipped off his tongue as if they were nothing. As if they didn’t change anything.
“ Guess that’s it then. Get out of the car !“
And it was then, that he looked at her for the first time since their fight had started. And despite the tears running down her face and her hair being all messed up from combing her fingers through it in frustration, he thought she was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. To finally face all that he was giving up for selfish reasons, made him realize just how shit of a person he really was. And maybe people had been right all along. Neil. People at school. All of them. Billy Hargrove was an asshole. A liability. He broke things. Good things. The best things. He had actively and on his own accord, broken the one thing, the one person he loved most in the world. And he deserved all the shit that was coming to him. The anger. The pain. The heartbreak.
She didn’t respond, just shook her head, grabbed her bag and opened the door. As she stepped into the rain, Billy could see her jeans getting soaked in the matter of seconds and clinging to her legs. If this had been a movie, he would’ve gotten out of the car and ran up to her. Give her some grand gesture, some romantic speech about how much he loves her and use a lot of big words. He would’ve kissed her and the camera would’ve panned away with some sappy song playing in the background.
But this wasn’t a movie and if it had been, Billy sure wouldn’t have been the hero.
Billy’s face is pulled into a frown as he stares at the black suit that hangs from the door of his wardrobe, almost mocking him. He’s supposed to be wearing it, right this moment. But he’s not and it’s because he fucked up.
His eyes glance towards the ticket placed on his bedside table. The one (Y/N) had bought for him in hopes of spending prom together. The one she’d given him with that huge signature smile on her face.
He wonders if she’s having a good time, if she’s smiling that way now. If today is just another stop on her path to greatness. Because despite it all, Billy thinks she’s destined for greatness and he’s insanely proud of her. And if he wasn’t such a stubborn ass he’d admit to the fact that she deserves so much more than an uncertain future in a state that was never home to her with someone like him. And if he wasn’t such an ass he’d admit to himself that that state won’t be home for him either. No matter the memories. None of what made it home is still there. His mom is dead. His grandparents are dead. There’s no love there. And he actively fucked up the one chance of taking his love there with him.
There’s no love in California but there is love here.
He looks at the photo stuck in the corner of his mirror. It’s of (Y/N) and him and it was taken on his 18th birthday. She was the only one to remember. But that didn’t matter. She was the only person that Billy wanted to spend it with anyway. She’s smiling in the picture as Billy tries to look grumpy about the fact that she’s placed some silly birthday hat on his head. There’s a smirk hidden in the corner of his lips though. Because she makes things happy and worth it. Even the dumb shit. Even the silly stuff.
And it’s then that Billy realizes that all his dreams of the future have two things in common, her and California. But dreaming of them now, without her, feels hollow and dull. And maybe it’s not the place that’s home anymore, that’s happiness, maybe it’s her.
A cheesy Spandau Ballet song echoes through the halls of Hawkins High. (Y/N) hates it for several reasons.
1: It’s a shitty song.
2: it makes for a great song to cuddle with your date on the dancefloor.
And when usually she isn’t one to be envious of other couples, tonight she might as well turn green all over.
This was supposed to be a good night. A night filled with dancing and fun and kisses and dreams of a future with Billy.
But it’s none of that. It’s just a reminder of all the things she doesn’t have. And despite knowing that choosing university, choosing a proper path in life, was the right choice, it doesn’t make her heart hurt any less.
So she slumps down on one of the bleachers, cup of punch in hand and frown on her face. The red tulle of her dress surrounds her like a cloud of red cotton candy.
“ You know you’re supposed to be having fun right ? “
It’s his voice that sends shivers down her spine and makes her heart beat twice as fast.
When she turns towards him, he’s not in a suit but in his signature jeans and white shirt but it’s buttoned all the way up for once and he’s wearing the red tie she bought him that matches the color of her dress perfectly. He looks delicious and it makes her angry. He doesn’t get to break up with her, kick her out of his car, not answer any calls and effectively break her heart and then — and THEN have the audacity to show up here and look like a young god.
“ Nah. You don’t get to do this “ she says and stands up and rushes off. Nowhere in particular just — just away from Billy.
But Billy is sneaky and … fast. (Y/N) doesn’t even realize he’s caught up to her by the time she feels his warm hand softly grabbing onto her arm and spin her around.
When she gets a good look at his face, it’s filled with so many emotions it’s hard to place them all. Billy isn’t usually one to show his feelings. He’s guarded and reserved and the only emotions he really puts on show are anger and lust. And sure, there have been moments when he allowed himself to be vulnerable. When he shared other emotions with her. Sadness and joy and all the things inbetween. Those are the moments that made her fall in love with him in the first place. Those are the moments that are so hard to forget now that she never gets to tell him how much she truly adores him.
“ (Y/N) stop running. “ he says and she’s this close to ripping him a new one. But there’s something in his voice that makes her stop. He seems — he seems sorry. Genuinely. And that’s not something she’s used to. Billy is stubborn and hard headed. He never says sorry.
“ What ? Why are you here, Billy ? “
“ To see you “ his hand lets go of her arm but slowly wanders down towards her hand, softly holding onto her fingers.
“ Yeah well you did. Now can you leave me alone ? You made it abundantly clear that we’re over. “
“ Wasn’t sure you were gonna be here “
“ Oh what, just because you didn’t want to come doesn’t meant I can’t go by myself. Isn’t that the same sentiment you’re going for with the California thing ? “
She says it to hurt him, deliberately. And it’s not fair but (Y/N) is sure whatever he’s feeling doesn’t even come close to the heartbreak he’s put her through. Ever since that night she’s been questioning everything. All the good moments. Was it really worth it? Did she really mean that little to him? Maybe it’s good she never told him how she felt. Maybe — maybe that would’ve completely ruined her.
“ I deserved that one “
“ You think ? Billy I — please just tell me if all we had was just you trying to pass the time. If all I was to you was a distraction until you could finally go home to California. “
His face falls and for a moment she regrets asking. But not knowing would’ve never let her mind go to ease ever again. Some things need to be said, no matter how hard the truth might hit you.
“ Never. Fuck, (Y/N). You were the only good thing in my life. You ARE the only good thing in my life. I don’t want you to think that for one single second. Not one goddamn second, you got me ? “
The tears are threatening to fall, again. It just doesn’t make sense.
“ Why are you here, Billy ? “
“ I’m in love with you, okay ? And I know I fucked up but I needed you to know that. “
His voice is raised and (Y/N) notices him getting more and more uncomfortable as the people around them take notice of their conversation.
And yet it doesn’t lessen the intensity of his words. Or change anything about the way he looks at her. Billy isn’t a person who does grand romantic gestures, especially not in public.
But he does this. Tell her he loves her in a room full of their classmates and he doesn’t waver or look away. He’s there in the moment and it’s all she ever wanted from him.
“ You love me ? “
“ Fuck yeah. I’m sorry I ever made you feel like I didn’t. “ Billy says and pulls her closer, cradling her face in his hand.
“ You look beautiful by the way. Smokin’ if I’m being honest. Like if Michelle Pfeiffer had a child with — I don’t fucking know, but you look incredible. “
“ You’re wearing the tie “.
“ I’m wearing the tie “
His lips are so close to hers she can feel his breath on her skin. And she wants to kiss him so badly, but no sweet words or love declarations suddenly make their problems go away. The fact still stands that her future doesn’t lie in California, at least not for now.
“ Billy ? “ (Y/N) says and pulls away slightly.
“ Hm ? “
“ Let’s get out of here. The music sucks. Tommy did a horrible job at spiking the punch and — “ she stops and looks around them for a moment, making all the nosy classmates around the avert their eyes “ — I think the people here are way too much into other people’s business. “
And he agrees, but not before pressing a soft peck to her lips. Because he’s still Billy Hargrove and if he’s presented with a chance to kiss his girl, even if it’s just a whisper of a touch, he’s gonna take it.
“ You’re a sight for sore eyes “
“ Oh shut up “
There it is again, that smile that he loves so much. He always thought telling her he loves her, actually saying those words, would be hard. That it would fundamentally change things.
It wasn’t and it didn’t. It just slipped out and it took a big weight off of his shoulders. Because whatever comes now, at least she knows how much she truly means to him.
It’s not fundamentally different it’s just — lighter. Easier. He always thought that saying the words out loud would make it harder for him to leave her. That’s not true. It just makes it easier to stay.
(Y/N) is perched on the red leather booth of the diner, across from him. Tull pooling around her like marshmallow fluff. There’s a greasy burger clutched in her hand and she’s smiling. God how he missed her smile.
“ I got you something. I got it last week and I was so close to coming around your but then I — “
“ You chickened out ? “ she asks and smirks.
“ Nah. I don’t chicken out of anything. You know this babe. I just— something came up. “
“ Like what ? “ (Y/N) questions and raises her eyebrow in suspicion.
Like my nerves. He thinks, but doesn’t say.
“ Like Tommy. Idiot locked himself out of his car. Had me pick the lock. “
And it’s not a lie. Not really. He did pick Tommy’s lock, just not that day.
“ How noble of you. “
“ Anyway — “ Billy starts again and fumbles around with his keys for a moment before placing something on the table in front of (Y/N).
“ A key chain ? “
“ Look at it. “
It’s a blue key chain with a bold yellow M on it. As (Y/N) realizes what it actually means, her heart starts beating a mile a minute.
“ It’s a Michigan key chain. Did you — did you drive up to campus ? That’s quite the drive, Billy. “
Billy nods “ Yup. Well I had to check out our future home. It looks nice up there. Pretty fancy. Heard they got some good bars. It’s better than Hawkins for sure. “
“ What are you saying ? “
There’s a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips and (Y/N) thinks it makes him look younger than he usually looks. Almost bashful. Softer. She wishes he would give her more smiles like this.
“ I got a matching one. “
“ Are you saying that you’re considering moving up there, with me ? “
Billy bites his lip and nods, waiting anxiously for her reaction.
And when it does come, it hits him full force. Right in his heart and swallows him whole. That smile. That goddamn smile that has him hooked. Line and sinker.
“ Billy, what about California ? I don’t want you to give up your dreams for me. If it’s what you really want I think we could make it work in one way or another. “
Billy just shakes his head though “ No, (Y/N). I want California yeah. But that’s a place and it can fucking wait for us. They ain’t ready for us anyway. I want you more than anything. Those three weeks where I didn’t have you around made me realize that I don’t want a future anywhere if it doesn’t include you. We’re gonna make Michigan our fucking bitch. “
There’s a smile on his face so big, (Y/N) doesn’t think she’s ever seen him smile that hard. She thinks it’s her favorite sight of all time.
It’s when the sounds of God Only Knows by the Beach Boys stars sounding through the diner, that Billy gets up and holds out his hand to (Y/N) who raises her eyebrow in question.
“ I think I owe you a dance, don’t I ? “
“ You hate dancing. “
“ I also hate ties and buttoning up my shirts and yet here I am. You wanna do this or not ? “
(Y/N) take a last sip of her soda before getting up and being pulled into Billy’s arms.
To have him hold her tight and sway with her, it when she realizes how much she missed this boy. Flaws and issues and all, he’s her boy. Her Billy.
“ I can’t wait to start this journey with you. “ (Y/N) murmures as her head rests against his shoulder.
“ I’m so proud of you, (Y/N). I know I didn’t say it when I should have but you’re — you’re so cool. Pretty sure you’re the only person with an ass almost as good as mine. And you — you make life seem less shit which is really all I can ask for. “
“ I love you Billy Hargrove “
It’s the first time he hears those words from anyone that isn’t his mother. There’s no way to properly express just how they make him feel.
Being loved is terrifying but he thinks it might just be worth it.
“ And I love you. “
“ Are you ready for this ? “ she asks, a gentle expression on her face and endless adventure sparkling in her eyes.
“ Ready as I’ll ever be. “
And it’s true. Nothing has ever felt more true in his life except maybe the fact that he’s in love with her.
Billy doesn’t know what’s gonna happen. He doesn’t know if things will work out. What he does know though, is that he loves her and that a future without her seems really fucking boring and miserable.
But that’s not a future he’ll have to face anytime soon.
She’s here in his arms and as her lips softly meet his, he can’t wait for more moments like these. In Indiana or Michigan or California. It doesn’t matter as long as they’re together.
And maybe sometimes love is enough to overcome the pain and the hurt and the fear.
And maybe sometimes life gives you a moment when it does feel like a movie.
And maybe sometimes even someone like Billy Hargrove gets to be the hero in that scene.
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moonlitwings1 · 5 years
Hawkin’s First Gay Couple (Kinda)
Requested by anon: harringrove mistaken for being in a relationship
Billy still had three more classes before he was free from the hell hole called school. He didn’t know if he could last that long. He briefly thought about skipping for the rest of the day. He could come back to pick up Max later. But one of his teachers was bound to tell Neil, and he didn’t want to deal with that. 
The only thing he was looking forward to was seeing Harrington in Physics. It was one of the two classes he had with him. Physics was a class that he naturally hated, but throwing spitballs at the back of Steve’s head was always amusing. 
He still needed his book, though. Mrs. O’Connel was a bitch and told him that he’ll get a detention if he forgot it again. He kind of wanted to forget it just to spite her. 
As he was walking to his locker, a familiar brown-headed boy caught his eye. Might as well mess with him a little bit. Maybe even walk to class with him. Billy tried to ignore that last part.
“That you, Harrington?” Billy greeted, catching Steve’s attention from across the hallway where he was searching through his locker. 
He caught Steve rolling his eyes. What a charmer. 
“The hell you want, man,” Steve asked, a hand going through his hair.
“Just thought I’d say hi to the prettiest boy in school,” Billy replied, winking, his arm resting on the lockers. He didn’t actually have a reason to talk to Steve, so he better come up with something before things got awkward. 
“Looking for something, pretty boy?”
“Listen. I don’t know what your---OW FUCK.”
Billy jumped back (much to his disdain) as a bunch of school supplies flew out from Steve’s locker and landed on his foot. 
“God fucking dammit,” Steve exclaimed, banging a fist on the lockers. 
“Well, it sure doesn’t look like you’re having a good day,” Billy said, looking down at Steve as he picked up his books. 
“No shit.”
“Aw come on, Harrington,” Billy smirked. “Don’t be like that.”
Steve ignored him, continuing to pick up his books to shove them in his locker. 
“You missed something,” Billy said, leaning down and picking up a pencil from the floor. 
He picked up Steve’s hand, placed his pencil in his open palm, and closed his fingers around it. Both of his hands covering Steve’s. He held his hand while staring directly into his eyes. Making Harrington uncomfortable was definitely one of his favorite pastimes. 
He watched at Steve shifted his feet and cleared his throat awkwardly. But he wasn’t necessarily trying to pull his hand away. 
Suddenly, loud laughter came erupting from the other end of the empty hallway. 
“Look at ‘em holding hands!” 
Billy turned around to see Tommy hunched over laughing obnoxiously to himself. He felt Steve rip his hand from his. 
“You know Hargrove, I didn’t take you to be a fag, but I guess you can never tell!”
He sounded drunk as hell, laughing like that. Usually, someone calling him a fag would piss him the hell off. But today was a good day, and no one was in the halls for Tommy to hear. So he found it kinda amusing. 
“We weren’t holding hands, asshole!” Steve yelled back at Tommy, “I’d never be caught dead with this California-raised piece of shit!” 
California-raised piece of shit. That’s new. He’s never gotten that one before. And Max is pretty creative when it comes to name-calling. 
“You’ve just been caught, Steve!  Give it up already,” Tommy yelled back, continuing to laugh down the hallway. 
Billy was just standing there, watching them argue. He noticed how red Steve’s face got when he was mad. (It was kinda cute). 
“You don’t know shit, Tommy!”
“Two faggots flirting by the fucking lockers!” He continued to laugh like a maniac. If he didn’t shut up, some teacher was going to hear him.
“Fuck you.”
“HAWKIN’S FIRST GAY COUPLE!” Tommy finally screeched, running off to his next class. 
Steve turned back to Billy who was leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed, a smirk etched on his face. 
“Fuck you, Hargrove.”
“What? I didn’t do shit,” he said, still smirking. 
“I think I’m going to be sick,” Steve said, leaning against the lockers next to Billy, looking at the ceiling. 
“Don’t be so overdramatic, Stevie,” Billy replied. “Plus, maybe we could be.”
Steve turned to look at him. “Could be what?”
“A couple.”
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