#dachi police officer
ayoharuko · 2 years
Haikyuu Bf Headcanons
Hi everyone!
Soo after a day of debating what i should post in the meantime while the sumeru bf headcanons are under process. I decided to do haikyuu bf headcanons!
Now irl i actually play volleyball as a sports hobby with a few friends, Now i discovered haikyuu a little too late i think just a few months ago?
But yea and haikyuu was what inspired me to play volleyball and love the sport. Now i hate hate hate sports because i hate moving around(Why i stan kenma)
Now its gonna have the same style as the genshin headcanon ones only different thing is that it doesn't have voice lines obviously. But it have a little scenario(Although some of the scenario scenes might be too long so i apologize for that). of course the type will still be there( •̀ ω •́ )✧
important thing is i actually updated my pinned post and added a few things including not adding ennoshita, tanaka and kyoko to the list anymore since idk how to write their characters properly....sorry about that.
Ok....enough with my rambling and lets get started with these headcanons!
REMINDER: These characters don't belong to me this is just a work of fiction. Spoilers mention of timeskip.
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(Karasuno Boys pt.1)
~Daichi Sawamura~ 
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~Protective Boyfriend~
• Now i don't know why but i see him as overprotective....i mean he gives off dad vibes right? Then that screams overprotective to me. He would be nagging you about you shouldn't dress clothes that are too reveling or wear a shirt too short and to not walk home alone. Like for real tho i can imagine some of your friends thing that his your brother sometime💀
• Despite that he acts like an ideal husband.  One who carries your bag to school, drops you off at your house, cooks you a meal sometimes and just taking care of you😊
• If your their manager and you guys announce your relationship they of course accept it. However tanaka and noya threaten daichi to not hurt you-
• Your dates are kinda a bit old fashioned somehow....like you guys sitting at a bench and just chilling, having dinner at a restaurant and sometimes dachi likes to take you on a hill at night and dance with you💘
• Whenever a guy hits on you he puts his arm around you and saids that your taken by him and walk you away. 
• Since your probably shorter then him he likes how you always tip-toe just to kiss him, he thinks its cute hehe...
• His the type to buy you flowers and give them to you but its usually on a occasion. He gives you either roses or lily’s(Idk why i just think he would give lilly’s to you)
• Now you guys probably know yui michiyama right? And I'm guessing you guys know that she holds feelings for daichi and its pretty obvious....
• I'm thinking that there was this one time where you both had a misunderstanding and you thought that daichi was losing interest in you and started liking michiyama. So you got jealous and daichi noticed this at first he thought it was cute but when he noticed how sad you were and that you told kyoko you had insecurities he comforted you and he reassure you💕
• In the timeskip this is where his protective side truly shows. you thought he was protective in highschool? Bro his way worse now that his a police officer.....
• He constantly calls you wherever you go and he definitely installed a tracking device on your phone...but don't worry you scolded him for that.
• Back to the highschool days. When you both have sleepovers he prepares to stay over at your place...snice he doesn't want your parents to worry for you and he knows its a bit  inappropriate for a guy and girl to share a room. So he likes to stay over at your place instead and your parents respect him for that.
• If you have siblings they will instantly treat him like a big brother and call him ‘Oni-chan’ now daichi doesn't mind he actually finds it cute. and his used to it since he has younger siblings of his own.
•Daichi is the perfect husband because he has the natural energy of a dad. So you better not leave him cause you got the jackpot.
Nicknames: Baby and sweetheart 
Scenario time✨
You were jealous of michiyama...and he knew it. Daichi was chasing you and grabbed your hand and slowly hugged you. He then grabbed your chin for you to look at him. He declared
“Hey baby! Please don't get sad...just know..i love you. not michiyama. i hope you can see how much you mean to me. i wish you can see through my eyes.‟
He then smiled and gently kissed you...and you felt so stupid...you could feel he poured all his love in this kiss. So you kissed back passionately.
Oh how you loved this man.....
~Koshi Sugawara~
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~Sweetheart Boyfriend~
• Now i was supposed to put gentle boyfriend but i suddenly remembered that one scene where he hit asahi with his negativity BEGONE✨ and i instantly changed it to sweetheart....he is not gentle thats for sure...
• Now being his s/o you get very good treatment from him. such as him cooking you bento’s, giving you affection 24/8 and him doting on you.
• Now he has ✨motherly instincts✨ so if he sees you doing something wrong he will immediately scold you. Don't worry his not mad his just scolding you so you don't get her in the future :)
• Other then that. Same as daichi he also gits you flowers, But instead of every occasion he actually gives you flowers EVERY WEEK and their different kinds too. He gives you flowers that have meaning and that he thinks reminds you of him. How cute💕
• If your one of their managers he always praises and thanks you for handling the team even if sometimes they could be a pain in the ass. And he helps you in cleaning up there messes at the court.
• Since other boy is handsome and is basically the angle of karasuno this man definitely has a fanclub dedicated to him. Now at first he didn't mind but when they started to bully and disturb you he snapped at them and told them to respectfully fuck off. 
• He doesn't really mind people ogling at you as long as they don't make you uncomfortable...and if they do...oh boy...there gonna get an all too sweet smile from suga...
• When it comes to you his very much a sweetheart and can't stand getting mad at you so sometimes when you do something crazy with either tanaka or noya he lets you off the hook and just scolds the other 2 which of course they find unfair lol.
• He helps you with homework and basically becomes your tutor. With him you won't ever have a failing grade since he teaches you with patience and always motivates you.
• When you introduced him to your parents they instantly loved him, They knew he was perfect for you, He helped your mom with the dishes, had a fun conversation with your dad and if you have siblings they also instantly like him Your whole family loves him and welcome him to your family💕
• At the timeskip where suga becomes a teacher for kids. You instantly see how he much he loves kids...and it makes you wonder...what if he became a dad? Well...only one way to find out💖
Nicknames: Sugar, honey, sweetie and sweetheart
Scenario Time✨
Its been years since you and suga graduated highschool and you both had started quite a life together. Him a teacher and you a nurse(Or whatever u want✨)
You often saw how suga would treat his young students....and it made your heart swell...you can't help but think how he would act towards your own children...well future ones...so you were planing to ask him...tonight...
You made dinner and dressed up in pretty clothes and then a few minutes later suga had come home.
“Sugar I'm home! Huh? Why are you all dressed up? And what's all this!? You wanted to talk about something with me? Ok..go ahead..e-eh.? You..wanna have a baby!? I....nono sweetheart I'm not opposed to the idea...its just that..do you think...I'm ready to be a father? Y-you think so? Well then...if you wanna baby that bad... *Lifts you up* Off to the bedroom we go then...I'll make sure we have a baby the first time~‟
Oh dear y/n...what have you gotten yourself into....?
~Asahi Azumane~
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~Shy Boyfriend~
• Obviously his the shy type....but very very sweet...
• Not gonna lie when you first met him you thought he was scary but you decided not to judge a book by its cover and talk to him. and what do you know? Now you guys are a couple😊
• He at first was very shy and insecure about you guys relationship....but when months past he started to become more comfortable.
• Everything you do to him. Hug him, kiss him, hold his hand just anything. He. in no doubt will blush like a tomato, Honestly its cute so you can't help but tease him sometimes. your so mean(○` 3′○)
• When you guys go on dates its either at a cafe or the park! Since sometimes his a bit to socially awkward.....
• He likes how your shorter then him sometimes since it gives him a sense of pride knowing that he can hold you and protect you since he doesn't want you getting hurt, And when you hold his hand with your small hands he just melts💕
• Your often the one imitating things in the relationship since baby is just too shy to do something, and when he does want to do something as simple as hold your hand he hesitates. since he doesn't wanna make you uncomfortable.
• When you took him to meet your parents he was nervous and safe to say when they saw him they were terrified and were basically questioning your life choices and taste in man. But your dad gave him a chance to prove himself, and once asahi started becoming comfortable unexpectedly they were shocked to see that he might look scary and older but his actually a sweetheart who couldn't hurt a fly🥺 Instantly your mother started to love him and your dad approved of him. Your siblings obviously were first scared but later on they started to warm up to him and asahi would let them mess with his hair or climb on him. Overall your family approves him👍
• In the timeskip he is an apparel designer(Which i was shocked to know)I'm pretty sure that when he proposed to you he was the one who decided for the decor and setup of your wedding. Along with you guys clothes🥰
• He really wanted your wedding to be special💕
Nicknames: Sweetheart, dear and honey
Scenario Time✨
Its been a few months since your beloved fiancé Asahi had proposed to you, And you both have been rather busy the past few months. You with work and him with your wedding. This also meant that you both didn't have that much time to spend with each other....
So you took a day off along with Asahi and you both decided to go on a picnic!
“Ah! This is a good spot! Its been weeks since we spend time together like this....you agree to honey? I still can't believe we're getting married in a few months...its...its just so...unreal, I mean we were both so inlove in highschool i know that but...i didn't think we'd make it this far. I...I'm lucky to have you dear...I'll love you forever”
How can you not fell for him all over again?
~Yū Nishinoya~
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~Chaotic Boyfriend~
• He definitely had the thing called ‘Love at first sight’ and instantly started simping for you. Of course you thought that he was just like this infront of any pretty girl he meets because you saw how he treated kyoko. But oh boy your so wrong.
• Even before you guys started dating he started offering to hold your bag for you, walk you home, help you with things and wanting to hang out with you. Now the other members of karasuno started to notice this behavior and knew instantly that their libero liked you....alot
• When you guys started dating expect to do some crazy stuff on your dates. Like climbing the mountains, gaming together, disobeying the law and all other crazy shit.
• Definitely asks you the ‘What's your pussy size?’ when you ask him to buy you pads💀
• If you cook for him he.will.be.blessed.for.life like he can just die there on the spot happily....your probably the only one who can make him eat his veggies
• If your one of their managers expect him to act like your guard dog most of the time like if a player got close to you he might start barking-
• He tries to be sweet i swear but he just can't help but laugh at some stupid thing you do. Like if you trip he'd start laughing at you and if he pranked you...even if his gonna be dead he'd still laugh.
• If your shorter then him he'd be soo happy and call you his little shortie even if his short himself🥰 You guys are often called the short couple💕
• When your family met him. They instantly thought the you liked younger boys which you said that you both were the same age. Now your mom likes him and your siblings too but your dad don't approve of him yet since he thinks noya isn't manly enough for you.
• In the timeskip his mostly traveling the world right? Well expect him to take you with him. Since he loves being able to experience things like this with you!
Nicknames: Honeypie, My shortie, babe, love and mine
Scenario Time✨
You and nishinoya were in the Philippines together exploring the country’s beautiful beaches. When noya left to get sunscreen that you guys left at the hotel you were just walking around the beach just thinking a few things.
By that i mean....about you 2.
No...your not thinking of breaking up....your just thinking...you both hve been together until highschool and you were thinking if he wanted to take things to the next level...by that i mean get married.
But you doubted it....he wanted to travel around the world....and you didn't want him to settle down and not have that much freedom anymore......
“Heyyy honeypie! Thats where you were! Don't go running off that much just stay where i can see you hehehe, Is something wrong? Since this morning you've been deep in though. Huh you've been thinking about what? Well.....i...don't mind....babe...I've made up my mind! Once we get back to japan...I'm...I'm marrying you and nothings gonna stop me!‟
Once noya declared that you couldn't help but tear up and hug him....maybe traveling wasn't that bad after all...cause your gonna be getting your happy ending soon....
~Keishin Ukai~
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~Flirty Boyfriend~
• Now i feel like he'd be a big flirt when it comes towards you because he finds you hot and pretty. But he obviously took you more seriously when he found out that he fell for you. Now you both definitely met when you would always go to his store and buy lunch there and thats when he started noticing you.
• When you both got together he would try to stop his smorking and drinking since he knows you worry about his health. But sometimes he can't help himself-
• When the team met you...you were instantly the mom of karasuno and the boys love your sweet and caring nature💖 Now when he introduced you to his grandfather....you thought he hated you. But he instead asked you why you decided to date his weaking of a grandson💀
• Keishin is still a flirt even if you guys are together/dating he teases you alot and loves seeing your flustered face
• He definitely makes out with you at like the backroom of the store and sometimes it leads to more.....
• When his drunk expect him to get extra flirty with you...l.may the lord help your soul🙏🏻
• When your family meets him your mother instantly loves him and your dad at first didn't and thought he was a payboy but keishin proved himself and now he gets along with your family and have there blessing🥰
• When he plans to propose to you he makes the whole team help him prepare because he wants it to be special and wants you to say yes.
Nicknames: Babygirl/babyboy/baby, babe, hotstuff and sweetheart
Scenario Time✨
Now being to say....you were nervous as heck when you were at work keishin your boyfriend of 4 years had texted you saying to meet him karasuno’s court after their practice because he had something very important to say/talk to you...and you were nervous about what he was gonna say....
Before your insecurities take place you started heading over there and you saw kyoko standing outside you looked at her confused and she just smiled and lead you inside the court where you saw......
Volleyballs and balloons?
Your eyes widen and you saw keishin holding flowers while the boys were holding volleyballs that said........
‘Will you marry me?’
You had tears in your eyes and you ran to keishin hugging him...
“Soo...i guess thats a yes? Hehehehe‟
There was nothing to be nervous about after all....
~Ittetsu Takeda~
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~Sweetheart Boyfriend~
• Same with suga when i see him instantly think baby and sweetheart he just gives off that vibe to be honest with you.
• You guys met because you were the medic of karasuno and also the schools nurse so you often interact with him and he eventually fell because of our caring nature.
• He was extremely shy when it came to you and it took months for him to confess to you and it had to be with the help of the team.
• When you guys finally started dating he is the sweetest boyfriend ever. He will cook for you, buys you flowers, complement you everyday and motivate you as well💖
• Since you both are always busy he cherishes the time you both have when you spend time together, your dates are mostly of you guys either being at home resting/cuddling or having a walk and eating out.
• When you introduce him to your family they instantly love him...i mean from the way you talked about him they knew he was a great match for you. He knows how to get along with kids since his a teacher and likes kids in general
• Not long after he proposed to you and you both got married it was a simple wedding but you both couldn't care less💕
Nicknames: Love and dear 
Scenario Time✨
It has been a few years since you and ittetsu had gotten married and things were going well. He was still a teacher at karasuno and you were still a school nurse as well But you had decided to take a break soon because.....you were...well... pregnant...
Now ittetsu knows this and you both found out 3 months ago and the roundness of your belly was starting to show but you told him you could still handle walking around and working and your being careful.
When you see ittetsu with his students you can't help but feel excited at how he'd treat your kids i mean you know well but it just makes you excited to meet your baby soon!
“Love...what do you think our baby's gender would be? You hope its a boy? Hahaha...i feel the opposite....i hope its a girl...why? Well because shes gonna get your looks and not only that some studies show that babygirls are more closer to there dads!‟
You giggled at his claims and just hug him....oh dear baby...i hope you can hear your father right now...
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I hope u guys enjoy part 1 of the karasuno boys, I had fun writing and thinking of headcanons for them since i love thses boys alot.
Do u guys think the scenario scenes are nice? I personally hope they are since i think they rather sweet🥰
Again i must apologize for any grammer or spelling mistakes so I'm sorry
I hope you guys enjoy this and I'll see u on my next post.
goodbye for now✨
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lowcostfurudate · 4 years
Time skip daichi. (Sorry for the spoiler)
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(My digital art isn't polished yet, I hope he looks fine?)
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trueshellz · 3 years
First times with Daichi Part 2
Part 1
First time having sex
You were on a mission to seduce your long term boyfriend. You had explored every part of his amazing body, been on your knees for him and had his mouth on you while he bought you to orgasm multiple times but you really wanted him to fuck you. But he had always put it off, not wanting to rush you and wanting to respect your boundaries. Which would be cute as hell but now you were just horny. So tonight, you were going to dress sexily and seduce him... in theory.
Buying some sexy lingerie in his favourite colour, you had bathed and shaved everything and worn his favourite perfume. The lingerie was a cute teddy with matching lace shorts, the cups were sheer and didn't cover much but you guessed that was the whole point. You had invited Daichi over to yours for "dinner" and pulled on a t shirt and some denim shorts to cover yourself.
Under the pretense of dinner cooking, you both sat on the sofa and watched an old movie. Slipping away, you went to your room and undressed, checking your make up one last time you before you quietly went back to the living room. His reaction was comical, spitting out his drink and almost choking as he took in your outfit.
"Ba-baby." He coughed and thumped his chest a few times as you perched yourself on his lap. "Baby, what are you wearing?"
You felt your heart lurch into your throat, looking down at him with a sad face. "You... you don't like it Daichi?"
"Like it?" He stroked a finger over your nipple, rubbing a hand up you thighs and over your ass as he pecked you on your lips quickly. "Baby, I love it. But... what's the occasion?"
Running your hands up his torso, you smiled as you felt him groan. His hands now rubbing the space between your ass cheeks as you slowly grinded on him. You leaned forward and licked his neck, whispering in his ear. "Fuck me. Please?"
Holding you back by your shoulders, he held your chin in his hands. Forcing you to look at him in the eyes. "You sure? You don't owe me, I won't be the type of guy who forces you. I can wait, sweetheart."
You shook your head, removing his hands from your face and tugging at his t shirt, pulling it over his head before tracing his abs and pecs. "I want you, please Daichi." Taking his hand, you ran it over your breasts and down to your pussy, placing it inside your underwear. You breath hitched as he began stroking you slowly, fingers circling your clit as your head dropped forward onto his shoulder.
"You're such a naughty girl dressing up and seducing me y'know that? Here's me thinking you were my good little girl. But you're a little tease aren't you baby?"
Your breath caught in your throat as he reached to the front of your teddy and unclipped the clasp holding your breasts secure. His mouth sucking your nipple deeply as he hummed against your skin.
"Look how wet you're getting, fuck. You want me fill this needy little pussy up huh?"
Holy fuck where had this come from? Daichi had dabbled in some dirty talk with you before, mumbling as you sucked his cock down your throat, but this was something else. His mouth sucked your throat as he licked and bit you skin, your hands threaded themselves in his hair as you began moving against his fingers.
"Fuck baby, lookit you riding my fingers. Need me to fill this pussy up don't you? Hmm?"
You whined as he moved away, bringing his fingers up to his mouth and licking them clean as he flung your outfit to the floor. He picked you up bridal style and walked to the bedroom, laying you down slowly he caressed your legs. Kissing your calves and thighs as he pulled down your shorts, Daichi was determined to make this good for you. He knew first times hurt, but he'd be damned if he hurt you more than necessary.
"Keep your legs open for me okay baby?"
You gasped as he sucked your clit, fingers running up and down your thighs as he licked and flicked it with his tongue. Rubbing your wet hole with his thumb, he pressed in gently and waited, letting you get used to the intrusion.
"If you change your mind you let me know okay?"
You nodded quickly, hands finding purchase in his hair as you titled your hips up, wanting his sinful mouth back on you. "Don't stop please, it feels so good."
Circling your opening, he began moving his thumb in and out, replacing it with a finger instead as he reached for that spot that made you clench around them. Using his free hand to pinch your nipples, you body arched at the multiple assault of your senses.
"So tight baby, I'm gonna have to stretch you to take my cock."
Adding another finger, he started moving them upwards, your body rebelling against the intrusion at first. Not being used to the force he was using, but soon as he began sucking your clit harder. The stretch morphing into a pleasant thrum under your skin as pleasure overtook your senses.
"Daichi...please don't stop." You let out a long groan as he began finger fucking you in the earnest, your hands scrambling for purchase on the blanket as you felt your body tighten.
"Dachi... 'm gonna... 'm gonna cum. Oh God. Ohgodohgod... don't stop please."
Back arching as you.felt your body light up with pleasure, mouth open in a silent scream as you felt your body twitching and shaking.
"Thats it baby, come all over my fingers."
Mannouvering up, he stripped himself of his remaining clothes while keeping his fingers inside you as he pulled on a condom. Rubbing his dick up and down a few times, he leaned over and took your mouth in a hard kiss. Stroking your tongue with his own as he pressed inside you, swallowing your groan as you felt yourself stretch around him.
"Nearly there baby. That's it, take my cock like a good girl."
Hand reaching down you rub your clit, you widened your legs to ease some of the pressure. Daichi using this opportunity to hold your legs open as he pushed into the hilt. God you had never felt so full, you could feel him pulse inside you as he moved slowly at first. Urged on by your whimpers and seeing your hand moving between your own legs, he began fucking you in the earnest. His groans mixing with your own as his hips pistoned inside of you, reaching up to pull him down to your mouth as your leg was flung over his shoulder. This new position hitting a different spot inside you.
"Feel good baby? You wanted my cock didn't you? Wanted me to fuck this greedy little pussy. Can feel how wet you are baby, dripping down my balls as I fuck you."
"Daichi... mmm.. you feel so good. So good, oh my god. Don't stop, don't stop please. Please please please."
You could feel the familiar twinge between your legs spreading all over your body, his mouth swallowing all your gasps and moans as he felt your body stiffen. Arching your back, the feel of your body clenching around him was enough to send him over the edge.
Well, guess that plan worked super well.
First fight
You had planned for Daichi to meet your parents for a while, but they always seemed to be busy. You knew their jobs were demanding but you thought they would want to meet your boyfriend, the guy you loved and were serious about. It took two months of planning for your schedules to match up and you finally managed to organise lunch at a restaurant. You had both dressed up, you in a cute dress with matching heels and Daichi in a fitted suit and tie. You couldn't help but smile as you saw how nervous he was.
"Stop stressing babe. They'll love you because I do."
"Yeah? I hope so."
Lunch had started well enough, you all engaged in small conversation about your lives and dreams. But when Daichi mentioned his life playing volleyball and his dream of becoming a police officer, the mood on the table dropped quickly.
"A police officer? Will you be able to support our daughter?"
"Dad? I-"
"Sir, I don't understand-"
"You think working such a lowly job is going to provide for my daughter? Not only did you waste your life on a useless sport, you're now going into a terrible career with poor job prospects."
"Dad! I can work and help with the bills. Why should it be his responsibility only?"
Your mother who has been quiet most of the dinner, suddenly stood up and placed her napkin on the table. "If you'll excuse us, I'm afraid I've seemed to have lost my appetite."
"Mum! What do you mean? You're joking right?"
The drive back to your apartment was tense, the atmosphere in the car was a huge contrast to the excitement that you had felt on the way there. You could see his knuckles white as he clutched the steering wheel, face drawn in anger as he drove. You jumped as he smacked the wheel with his hand.
"I'm never going to be good enough for you."
"Getting a lowly job to support you. Making you work to help us out. Your parents are never going to approve of this relationship."
"Are you serious right now? I love you. I don't care about my parents."
As Daichi parked the car, you rushed to follow him as he stormed to the apartment. Pulling off his tie, you saw him run his hands through his hair and grit his teeth. You couldn't believe how rude your parents were, how judgemental they had been of him. You loved Daichi, you wanted spend your life with him.
"And you!" He whirled around to glare at you, you'd never seen him so angry. "You didn't even defend me."
"What the fuck Daichi? All I did was defend you. They're my parents, what did you want me to do."
"Take my side! Instead you said you'll get a job and made me look even more useless. Now they think you're settling for a poor loser."
You stormed up to him and poked his chest with your finger, you could feel tears of anger and frustration threatening to fall down your face. "Don't you ever say that again. I love you Daichi Sawamura. I don't care about my parents or what they're gonna say. I don't care about money or having a job. I care about you. I wanna marry you. I wanna have babies with you." You couldn't stop the tears this time, quickly the anger blended into sobs as you collapsed into his chest.
Daicho had frozen, not only had he been selfish and made you cry but he tried to digest what you had said. You wanted to marry him? Have babies with him? Him? He felt his throat close up as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat as he held you close.
"Baby, baby look at me."
You shook your head as he pulled you into his chest. His arms wrapped around you and rocked you side to side. You couldn't fathom how this day had turned out so badly, you didn't care about your parents and their thoughts. You had never agreed with their views on society and they had disapproved of alot of things you did. But you thought seeing you happy, they would accept him.
"I'm sorry. Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot. Shhhhhh, it's okay. I didn't mean to yell at you."
You sobs became hiccups as your tears stopped, you clutched the back of his shirt as he held you. "I love you Daichi. Fuck everyone else."
"I know baby. I know. I'm sorry."
Daichi promised himself that day that he would spend the rest of his life making you happy. He never wanted to see you cry again because of him.
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter nineteen: I’d go crazy without you 
Summary: Popular punk band, Skull crusher, had to find a new drummer due to the sudden disappearance of the last one. As band manager and lead singer, Semi Eita’s girlfriend, Y/l/n Y/n brings Kyotani, a rising internet drummer they found online into the picture. Everything was great at first, then Kuroo, the lead guitarist, started getting creepy messages and presents. Y/n is determined to find out who is trying to sabotage the band when things only take a turn for the absolute worst. Who could be the mysterious stalker really be? Is it their new band mate? Or could it be a close friend of one of the members?
TW: Blood, swearing, death, murder, mentions of body horror from last chapter, kidnaping
An: I forgot yesterday was Friday but I am going to now try and post an update for both stories everyday! I posted info on one / two of my next smaus. Its a bnha Hawks samu you can find here!  
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Third person Pov 
The door was left slightly open with the dried blood splattered across it. A hand reached up and pushed the door open more. 
“Hello?” Y/n said as she pulled out her phone, she quickly dialed the emergency line as she walked into the house. “I- there’s a- I don't-.” She dropped her phone as she let out a blood curdling scream. Infront of her sat Asahi and Yachi’s body. She ran to yachi, grabbing her friend's dead body. She could feel herself getting sick at the site. She felt herself become ill as she vomited onto Yachi’s dead back. The aroma of blood over took all her senses as she felt herself become weak and passed out holding onto what little hand Yachi had left. 
Sometime later…
Y/n jumped awake in the hospital bed and looked around. 
“Y/n, holy shit, I’m so glad you are okay!” Semi shouted as he threw his arms around her holding her tightly. 
“What happened?” She asked him. 
“You fainted at Asahi and Yachi’s house. An ambulance brought you here.” A knock on the door was heard behind him. He got up to open it. He turned to you after he spoke with them for a second. “Y/n, are you feeling up for questions right now? There is an Officer who would like to talk to you out here” She nodded her head in approval.
“Hello, I am the detective on this case. I want to ask you a few questions about today.” Y/n nodded her head in approval. “Why were you at the scene of the crime?” 
“I was there looking to talk to Yachi. We had a disagreement and I didn’t want to leave things how they were after the Yukie situation.” She looked down at her hands. “She was killed too…”
“I see, can you prove your whereabouts before the crime took place? Do you have an alibi we can talk to?” 
“Yes, I was with my Fiance, Semi Eita.” Semi waved to the women as Y/n motioned to him.
“She was with me, Officer. I can confirm, and we were at home.” He said. 
“Okay” She turned back to Y/n. “Your DNA was found all over the crime scene. Can you explain why?” 
“I ran to Yachi when I saw her. I just- I couldn’t believe it was real.” She whispered. She began to tear up as she looked back up at the officer. 
“Okay that’s all we needed.” 
“Is she in trouble?” Semi asked. 
“Her story matches what we assumed, so as of right now no. Things could still change. If you have any close friends or contacts between this case and the last case we will further investigate the situation and will possibly be back to ask questions. We did find DNA of two more people on the scene, neither of which we can contact. As of now you are in the clear.”  The officer said as she left the room. 
“I wonder who else she found there... But right now what matters is that you are okay. You saw some pretty messed up things the police said. I was so worried when I got the call that it was you who was dead. I thought Yachi killed you first.” 
“What was that last part you just said?” She asked, gazing at him confused. 
“I thought Yachi killed you?” 
“Oh I thought you said something different.” He just smiled at her as he climbed into the hospital bed beside her. 
“I love you Y/n. I’d go crazy without you, I hope you know that.” He kissed her forehead. 
“I love you too Eita.” She giggled as she cuddled into his chest. 
Dachi had Kiyoko's body tied up in front of him as he waited for her to wake up. She suddenly jumped awake and tried to scream. Her mouth was still taped closed as she tried to move. 
“Oh good evening Kiyoko. I was wondering when you would finally wake up. I was getting bored of waiting.” She began to wiggle against the restraints and move more violently than before. “I can take the tape off if you promise you won't scream.” She nodded her head as he stood up. He grabbed the tape and roughly pulled the tape off her face as she let out a scream. “Did I not just say no screaming?” 
“I’m sorry. It hurt.” She whispered. 
“I’m sure you have questions why you are here right?” 
“Why am I here? What are you- what are you going to do to me?” She asked, trying to hold back tears. 
“Well you are the second person who interrupted my plans, so I am going to kill you, slowly and painfully, just as I did to Yachi.” He said with a deep laugh. 
“Daichi please, why are you doing this?” 
“For love of course. What other reason would I have?” 
“You're sick!” 
“Why? Cause I know what I want? I am in love, Kiyoko. I would do anything for this person and they don’t even give me the time of day anymore. So I came up with the perfect plan, only my overall goal has changed you see.” 
“What- what does that mean?” 
“You see it started as love for Kuroo, but maybe it was the look in this other person's eyes that made me feel this way, or maybe it was how wonderful they looked covered in blood. It’s a delightful sight. You're lucky it will be one of the last things you see.” 
“So you and the killer are in love?” 
“Well right now it’s one sided… but it won’t be for long. I plan on surprising them with a special gift.” He said as he walked up to her and caressed her check with his hand. She flinched at the feeling of his four fingers and the rough end of his missing finger spot.  
“What kind of gift?” She asked feeling herself become sick. She looked as if she was about to throw up at that moment. He smiled down at her cryptically,  
“Your heart of course.”
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marisanimecafe · 4 years
75 with daichi please
Pairing: Sawamura Daichi x Reader
Genre: Fake Dating AU!, Fluff
Warning: mentions of cheating, curse words and mention of your child bearing hips one too many times.
Words: 2.2k+
Requested from this prompt list. Requests Open!
Author’s note: Ah, this is my first request,,,,,,, I hope that you liked it!
Daichi was troubled, You concluded as Daichi didn’t reply to your question for the second time. 
“What’s wrong, Daichi?” You had asked gently as you placed a hand on his, startling him into reality.
“Um, fine, fine.” Daichi says as he smiles. 
“Don’t you dare and bullshit me, Sawamura Daichi.” You say as you point a finger towards him. He smiles at your tone. 
“Yeah, of course, I can’t hide anything from you. The thing is,“ Daichi says as he fiddles with the mugs and you lean in closer, “you know how me and Asa broke up 6 months ago?” 
Oh, you remember how that bitch had cheated on Daichi and then had the audacity to say that Daichi was holding her back. She pissed you off, mostly because you thought that she was a nice girl like Daichi did. 
“I still haven’t told my parents that we broke up.” You truly didn’t know how to react. A part of you thought that he was kidding. Asa and Daichi had known each other for a year and had been dating for two years. Dachi’s mother loved Asa.
“Wait, are you serious?” 
“Yup.” Daichi said, with a look on a face that told you that he didn’t believe it himself. 
“You know that your mother loved Asa, right?” A smile forms at your lips remembering Daichi’s and his mother’s first meeting, “Do you remember what she said?” 
Daichi groaned remembering and in order to make him even more embarrassed, you said it, mimicking his mother, “Ah! She has such good hips. That’s good for bearing children.” 
You gave Daichi thumbs up, like his mother had and Daichi rolled his eyes. 
“She said that about you too, if you don’t remember.” It was now your turn to be embarrassed. 
“Honestly, she would love anyone as long as they have ‘child bearing’ hips.” You say, hoping to close that topic once and for all. 
“Well, you know talking about child bearing hips, I have a favor to ask you.” Daichi said as your eyes widened at his words. 
“Just adopt a fucking child. I am not going to have a kid for you just because you are single right now.” You said sharply. 
“Huh, huH- what? How did you- I don’t want you to have my kids because I am single. I don’t have time for having kids. What the fuck, ______? Why would you tell me that?” Daichi asked you and you rolled your eyes. 
“What favor would you have to ask me after talking about my ‘child bearing hips’?” You snapped. 
“First of all, let’s stop talking about hips all together-”
“And secondly, just listen to me without interrupting me.” Daichi said and you nodded. 
“You know how it is my parents 30th marriage anniversary-” nod “and I was going to tell my parents that Asa and I broke up a week ago but I told my sister me that if I didn’t want to destroy one of my parent’s most important day then, I will shut up and bring someone that my mother will like to the party.” 
Oh no, “And I wasn’t thinking about asking you but now that I think back my mother likes you the best. Sure, she loves Asa as my girlfriend but she loves you as if you are her own daughter.” 
“That makes us dating incest.” You pointed out and Daichi rolled his eyes. 
“I am serious, _______ , I am not going to introduce you as my girlfriend, just as my plus one. We will just imply that we are dating and if she asks about us later, I can just say that we are just too friendly and nothing else.” Daichi says with such a serious look in his eyes that you are convinced that it is a good plan. 
But your brain reminds you that it is not a good plan. Why? Because you are fucking in love with Daichi. Yes, you have read books and you know what happens when people fake date. They fall in love but this is not a book, this is real life and you know that if Daichi didn’t have feelings for you in all this time, one evening of holding your waist is not going to change anything for him. However, you are not sure that you could ever come back from one night of being your boyfriend.
“I am not sure, Daichi. I like your family, I was invited to your parent’s anniversary and not as your plus one. It means a lot for me, I don’t want to lose that by lying to them.” Dachi nods, understanding but then with a hopeful glint in his eyes. He says, “But it’s not technically lying.” 
Ah, fuck there goes your resolve. In high school, you have come up prefect strategy to say ‘no’ Daichi and it always involved you not looking at Daichi and for some reason you had forgotten about that strategy and fucking looked at him. 
“Okay fine.”
Those two words had changed everything since you had said it. Daichi was acting weird, not really weird but more like a boyfriend. There was this one time when he had shown up at lunch in his cop uniform. (Everyone in your office had swooned over the fit young cop.)
To cultivate chemistry, he had said. 
“I thought you said we were not going to act like a couple. Just a couple of friends being too friendly.” Daichi had just shrugged and said trust me. You felt like he was misusing your trust. 
Then, there was that one time when Daichi had showed up with coffee on your doorstep, still in his police uniform because he said that you should not go to that cafe anymore because the barista surely doesn’t have good intentions towards you. You tried to argue against him but you lost once again because you looked at his face. 
Dumb ______, you only have one rule.
And suddenly Daichi was everywhere. Before the agreement, you and Daichi had been involved in your life passively but now you were always there. Before this, Daichi just knew that you felt frustrated when your boss was being a sexist bastard but now, he was there to see you when you were frustrated. Before this you knew that Daichi was in a rather sad mood if he ever let a culprit get away but now you were there to cheer him up when he felt sad. 
That’s when you realize, somehow this wasn’t just one night of hand holding, it had, somehow, turned to be a week of Daichi as your boyfriend. To be honest, you don’t have enough willpower to stop it. You are enjoying having Daichi as your (fake) boyfriend a little too much.
So, you and Daichi make it through a week of (fake) dating each other and then, the dreaded day comes. Daichi would say that Asa couldn’t make it somehow and he would show you off on his arm. Before, his mom would freak out and he  would whisk you away on dance floor. 
The plan was perfect and so was your dress. (However, Daichi’s reaction to you in your dress was somehow even more perfect. You never thought that you would be the one who could instigate such a reaction from Daichi.) (You have decided to not think too much about it right now.) (However, you will definitely revisit the memory of Daichi with wide eyes and slightly parted lips at the sight of you tonight.)
When you reach at the party, it is nothing out of ordinary. Some people ask Daichi where Asa is. Daichi’s cousin makes conversation with you and you are more than happy to indulge them in small talk. Daichi never leaves your side. It has been a very long time since Daichi has stood beside you so fiercely. Before Asa, you and Daichi were inseparable but after Asa, you both knew that things had to change. (To be honest, you didn’t know you had realized that when Daichi’s mom had made an offhand comment about the fact that she had always expected you and Daichi to be together, in front of Asa.) So, you changed things. You weren’t attached. You met up once a month always with Asa, other than that it was Karasuno vbc reunion or family reunion. Occasionally, Daichi and you would call each other when you were at the lowest of the low. It was easy to be vulnerable with each other, even if you had partners. You and Daichi chalked it up being really really good friends. (Even though it left a bad taste in your mouth, it felt like you were cheating.) 
You finally reached the center of the room where Daichi’s parents were at. (It had taken you 30 minutes to reach his parents. Small talks were not that small.) You force all the thoughts of the past to be erased along with the feelings that are rising in you. 
“________ !” Daichi’s mom exclaimed as she saw and hugged you. 
“Yes, please forget your own son.” Daichi comments after he shares a brief side hug with his father. His mother just rolled her eyes as she let you go. 
“Where is Asa?” His mother asked and you tense up. Daichi placed a hand on the small of the back and as you assumed you can tell that this action was not missed by people around you. You feel a faint blush rise as multiple people look at you. 
“She couldn’t make it today.” Daichi said but his mother didn’t look distressed at all, like Daichi and you had feared that she would be. In fact she looked overjoyed. 
“So, you two are together-” You tugged Daichi’s shirt as to indicate that they should not let it escalate. However, Daichi didn’t bulge, ah fuck, “I had been hoping for such a long time. I always knew, I always knew that just friends was nothing but bullshit.” 
As Daichi’s mother stopped ranting for a second, Daichi’s father spoke up and said, “Is she your girlfriend?”
“Ah n-” 
“Yes, _______ is my girlfriend.” Daichi had said and the declaration had sent a shiver down your spine. The song changed and Daichi took this as a chance to sweep you away from the chaos. 
This is it, this is your limit. You truly cannot go back to being friends with Daichi after this. 
As Daichi and you stand in the middle of the dance floor with at least 20 more couples. (Daichi’s parents had invited half of Miyagi or so it seems.) 
“Who plays a slow song at the beginning of the party?” You said as Daichi loosely puts his hands around your waist and you do the same around his neck. The dance floor is cramped and you two pressed against each other. 
Ah fuck it, you will think what it means for your friendship. For a night at least you just want to feel Daichi’s arms around you. After all for the past one week, your head has been filled with only one word: why but you are going to live in the moment for once. 
You tilt your head to look up at Daichi, only to find him looking a little dazed with his eyes focused on the place where his hands meet your waist. 
“What are you thinking about?” You wondered out loud. 
“I was just thinking about you.” Daichi said, snapping out his daze but there was still a softness in his eyes. 
“About me?” 
“Ah, yeah. You make me feel so easy and relaxed but at the same time when I look at you or touch you in any way, I feel my heartbeat becoming irregular and breathing becomes hard.” He pulls you closer and slowly whispers, “Why do you do that?”
You scoff at him, for once deciding to not overthink and face Daichi head on, “You are the one to talk. Do you know how much has troubled me during the past week? Seeing you first thing in the morning made me so lightheaded and when you laid your head in my lap, telling me about your day? I thought I was going to die. Why do you do that?” Daichi smiled. 
“Can I confess something?” Daichi said as he bends a little so that no one else can hear what he is saying. You hadn’t even remembered that there were people around. The entire world had fallen apart and only you and Daichi had remained. 
“I lied about the reason behind fake dating. I thought that if I bought up this entire fake dating thing because I hoped that if I acted like your boyfriend you would see me in a new light. I think that it worked.” Daichi said as he placed a kiss at the end of your eyebrow. A loving gesture that made you want to cry out of relief. Dachi felt the same way. However, Daichi’s words about fake dating had reminded you of the business at hand. 
“So, your mom knows about your and Asa’s break up?” 
“Ah, yes, she knew about it as soon as it happened. She had told me that if I had confessed to you instead, then this wouldn’t have happened.” You laughed. This seems like something Daichi’s mother would have said to her heartbroken son. 
“Well, she is right. I would have treated you better.” You said firmly and Daichi nods as he places his head on you gently and pulls you even closer. 
“I know but I didn’t think that you liked me back.” He sighs, “Being with you feels so good.” 
“What are you thinking about now?” You ask as you feel his warmth surround you. 
“I was just thinking about you. I am always thinking about you.”
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