#da rulah gifs
da-rulah · 2 months
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Rite Here Rite Now (2024)
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ghuleh-recs · 4 months
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yeah. he fucks.
(for @da-rulah)
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copias-juicebox · 2 months
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Happy belated birthday @da-rulah!!
May you bless us with your wonderful works until the end of time 🥰🎂😤
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portaltothevoid · 1 year
you're losing me part iii -- copia x reader
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A/N: alright, this has officially turned into a mini-series (yes there'll be at least a part four!). dedicating this to @ivycasket @fishwithtitz @da-rulah and @water-ghoulette for your kind words and excitement over this little story of mine. it encouraged me to just keep writing, so please enjoy part iii!
songs: you're losing me and would've, could've, should've
word count: 2.8k
warnings: another breakdown, gossip, bullying if you squint?, a fleeting moment of spice
The days after you left Papa Emeritus III made you feel as if you walked through a forest of thorns then waded into the ocean. You couldn’t hide away and wait to be forgotten. There was no forgetting you. You were the one who had gotten the illustrious Terzo to commit to one person, something that shocked the whole Ministry given his reputation. It was only a matter of time before the nature of your separation became murmurs of “told you so” and “should’ve seen that coming.”
Your relationship had advanced your sisterly duties, which you were still expected to fulfill. Burying your eyes into texts of Latin and Italian served to be a good enough distraction for the most part. Your job allowed you to be secluded. The few who you did interact with were respectful enough, but no one could take their eyes off the elephant in the room. When they did, their looks of pity sparked scorned chagrin. 
The first week after was the hardest. Truthfully, you could have been a contender for an Oscar with how you presented yourself. By the middle of the week, it was common knowledge that you weren’t at Papa’s side like you once had been. No one knew exactly what had happened, but they all knew something had changed. You held your high as you saw Brothers, Sisters, and Ghouls alike turn to each other and whisper or stop mid sentence to stare at you. Those that had the decency to treat you normally, you acted as if nothing was wrong, as if your former life with their Papa had never existed. 
Copia kept an eye on you from a distance. He was always watching out for you, ready to put everything on the line if someone took something one step too far. Both of you knew you had to keep your alliance, your relationship, a secret still. It would only create more of a scandal and you were already pushing your limit with just how much you could handle. On the rare occasion where another Cardinal would catch on, when questioned, he simply dismissed it as being entertained by this week’s gossip. If they suspected it was something more, they never let on. 
Luckily you had managed to avoid seeing Terzo throughout the week, the perks of his schedule still being lodged in your memory.  If only your luck had run out earlier. It would have saved you the near panic attack that the first Black Mass had brought you. That was the number one rule: Black Mass was mandatory. Very few exceptions were accepted for missing it. Wanting to avoid your ex? Absolutely not on the list of valid excuses. 
Your compromise was being fashionably late, arriving only moments before it started. This allowed for you to slip in and find an open seat on the end of the last pew. The Sister next to you shifted awkwardly, not knowing what to do with herself in your presence. You pretended you didn’t notice, but you did. You always did. 
Foolishly, you hoped your late entrance and being hidden in the back would shield you from his gaze. Focused on the prayer book in front of you, you didn’t even need to look up to know when his eyes landed on you. Against your own judgement, you looked up. You caught his eye just long enough to see his painted eyebrows pull together. A flash of pain, maybe even regret. But as he began the next verse, he looked away from you and carried on with Mass. If you ever looked away from the book in front of you, you found Copia. His eyes always found yours, but his expression stayed unreadable.
To everyone around you, you looked stoic and devoid of any real expression on your face. As the time for communion neared, your insides felt like they were in a blender. You balled your fists at your sides so tightly, your knuckles were white. Seeing the mischief dance in his eyes, you knew he was going to pull something. 
The closer you got to him, the more your skin crawled. Whatever he was planning, you were hellbent on getting the last word, the last laugh. Your life was a living-hell because of him. Right there, right then you vowed to make his just as miserable.
You could feel every eye on you the moment you kneeled in front of him. Everyone waited with baited breath as they waited on the edge of their seats for whatever was about to unfold. Will they? Won’t they? Civil? Uncivil?
He pressed the wafer roughly into your tongue, slowly dragging his finger away so it hit your bottom lip. Your apathetic expression vanished. Your eyes grew wide before a catastrophic storm blew over your face. He knew you well enough to know what you hated to be the center of attention, for every single person in the room to be solely focused on you. But you left him. You left him for someone else. He hadn’t heard a word from you or even caught a glimpse of you since you left and he tried. He desperately tried. 
The tension was radiating off the two of you in palpable waves. For you, this was a whole new level of fury. Depending on whatever he would do next, you prayed to Satan for forgiveness for however you would react, especially when you saw the smirk on his face deepen as he grabbed the chalice of wine from an alter Ghoul. Your breathing became hard and shallow as your rage continued to erupt.  
“Hmm,” he hummed seductively as he poured the wine into your mouth. “How I’ve missed seeing you like this, sorella…” He spoke loud enough that the handful of people who overheard let out an audible gasp. You were never a Sorella to him. His sarcastic tone poured into your open wounds like salt. This wasn’t a game anymore. This was war. 
You pursed your lips as you stood, not having swallowed the wine. In a fluid motion, you grabbed him by his papal robes, spitting the wine in his face. As the whole room gasped, they held their breaths. It was so quiet, you could’ve heard a hairpin drop. “Vaffanculo, bastardo,” you growled as you let him go with a shove. (Go fuck yourself, bastard.)
Everyone still lingering in the aisle parted as you stormed out, pushing open one set of the double doors so hard that it slammed behind you. It wasn’t until then that you let the tears cascade down your face.
Back inside, Primo had to cover his mouth to hide his laughter, Secondo let his head fall into his palm as he shook it in tired disapproval, Sister Imperator’s eye twitched, and Nihil held his oxygen mask to his face for several breaths. The whole congregation began to stir as Terzo walked off to the Cardinal’s table to get something to wipe the wine off his face. Copia stood so fast his chair almost fell over. When he turned to leave, “Ah, ah, ah, Cardinale,” Terzo tutted. “You were selected to lead the closing prayer tonight. Ricordi, sì?” (You remember, yes?) 
Slowly Copia turned to him. The fury in his eyes rivaled yours. He grabbed his prayer book and stiffly walked to the center podium. Terzo had gotten under his skin and he knew it too. He refused to wipe the conniving look from his face. Copia caught Sister Imperator’s eyes as he passed by. She looked away, but gave him a curt nod. She knew he was right. She knew what had to be done.
As soon as you slammed the door to Copia’s you sank down to your knees and let out a blood-curdling scream. You banged your fists into the floor, not caring about the pain. “Please, Satanas. Belial. Lucifer, please, please, forgive me. Please, forgive me. Ambo te ignosce me. Please. Please,” you sobbed over and over again in English and Latin. You were in a relationship with the current Papa, but you weren’t his spouse. In the technical eyes of the church, you really were just a Sister, even if you were high up in the ranks. What you did to him… during Black Mass of all times… You defiled Papa in front of the whole congregation. It was grounds for expulsion from the Abbey. It was grounds for excommunication. “Please forgive me…” you cried softly into the ground as your arms curled around your head.  
When you finally ran out of energy and were just laying on the floor catching your breath, you forced yourself to get up. Your limbs felt like they were weighed down with cement. Your voice you knew was hoarse. You could feell how puffy your eyes were and your sinuses felt like balloons.
You made your way over to the couch, grabbing the tissues that were still on the coffee table. On autopilot, you blew your nose a few times before you leaned back and stared at nothing. You sat there in the dark constantly replaying every single moment that made you want to cry and scream all over again. But you couldn’t. You simply couldn’t move. The only thing you could do was wait for Copia. You didn’t know if he would be more mad at you or Terzo for the spectacle. You didn’t know if he could do any damage control for you. So there you stayed, staring off into the void. Too numb to continue worrying. Too numb to care.
Copia burst through the door like a bat out of hell when he was finally able to return home. “Where are you?!” he demanded. 
You only winced at the sound. “In here…” was all you managed to croak. 
He went right for you, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” You avoided eye contact. He reached over and turned the lamp beside the couch on. You shut your eyes tightly as they adjusted to the light. He shook you again. “Look at me.”
You dragged your eyes to his face. Tears started to well up again when you saw the pained look on his face and the sheer panic in his eyes. For him to look that fearful… no, this couldn’t be good. You looked away from him again when tears started to fall. “What did he say to you?” he murmured, wiping your tears away.
“He said he missed seeing me like that,” you said through gritted teeth. Copia’s face darkened. It was worse than he thought. “And then he called me sorella. In front of everyone,” you added.
“But bambina,” he sighed, “you are just a sorella now. You aren’t together. He is still… our Papa.” He could barely say the last sentence.
“He is not my Papa! He will never be my Papa! Do you have any idea what this week has been like for me? Do you?” you yelled.
“No, I don’t because you’ve done nothing but shut me out!” he yelled back. Your face dropped when he raised his voice at you. You knew he was right. Old habits die hard. He took a deep breath to calm himself. When he looked back at you, his face had softened considerably. He brushed the hair out of your eyes. “You have to let me in, amore mio,” he whispered. “I can’t help you if I don’t know…”
“I-I’m sorry. It’s just… it’s all been too much,” you squeaked. “I-I don’t know how much more I can take.”
He reached to take your hands in his, but that wasn’t enough. You needed more than solace, more than comfort. You needed him. So you grabbed his pellegrina and pulled him to you. Your sudden show of force took him off balance. His arm shot out to grab the back of the couch to brace himself so he didn’t fall on top of you. He scrambled so that he was straddling you. His other hand grabbed the side of your neck. He used his thumb to caress your face. The weight of him on you was like being thrown a life vest as you were drowning.
“I’m working on… I’m trying to…” he sighed, unable to express what he wanted to tell you. “There are some things going on that not many know about, okay? The less you know… The less you know the better. It’s safer for you that way, hm?” 
You nodded. You trusted Copia. You trusted him more than you ever trusted anyone in your whole life. But so many worries and fears burdened your cluttered mind. “How can I even show my face again?” you whispered, barely audible.
“With your head held high, amore. You made it through this week, eh? You can make it through the next.” He leaned down to kiss your forehead, but you rolled your eyes.
“Unless they kick me out for what I did.”
“They wouldn’t dare. You have powerful allies, cara. You might get a, eh, slap on the wrist,” he chuckled lightly before he turned serious again. “We can go to war with him, but it is to be a silent war, hm? No more public displays of battle at mass.”
“He started it,” you pouted. 
“For what it’s worth, topolina, he deserved it,” he said with a smirk bordering on seeming prideful.
You couldn’t help but smile. “Are you… proud of me?” you asked slyly.
“No, no. I don’t condone those acts of… defiance, but… I’m not upset about it either…” he said, playfully which made you let out a small giggle. His heart swelled seeing you smile. He brushed his knuckles against your cheek. “I will always fight for you. Remember that, okay? Sempre. Ora sei mio.” (Always. You’re mine now.)
Your eyes darted from his eyes to his lips before you nodded. “Sì. Sono tua. Sono tua,” you said breathlessly as you stared deeply into his mismatched eyes. He leaned down to kiss you, softly at first, but the hunger you had for each other caused flames to erupt. His tongue caressed your bottom lip and you opened your mouth eagerly for him. Naturally, that was when there was a soft knock at the door.
“Cazzo,” he breathed. He went to get up, but you pulled him back, still having his pellegrina in your iron grip. You shook your head no with a pout. He didn’t need much convincing to return his lips to yours, but then there was another, louder knock. This time it was much more urgent. You sighed as you let go of him. 
You peaked around, able to see the small entryway from your spot on the couch. It was a ghoul, handing something over to Copia. “Grazie. Th-thank you,” he said to the ghoul before they turned and marched away. The door shut and he walked back over to you in a daze. “I-it’s for you…” he said as he handed you a black envelope. You turned it over to see the wax seal of Papa Emeritus III. 
Worriedly, your eyes flashed up at Copia. You opened it with trembling fingers. Before you could pull out the contents of the envelope, you shoved it into Copia’s chest. “I can’t,” you told him. He dutifully continued to open it, eyes scanning over the letter. When his brow furrowed, you couldn’t take the suspense anymore. “What? What is it?”
“It’s a summons. For tomorrow morning.”
part ii | part iv
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sodoswitchimage · 11 months
I don’t know what to do with myself now that October is over…. There were soooo many amazing masterpieces written that fed me everyday 🖤🖤 so proud of everyone and the effort put forth to write for us peasants 😂 thank you for making my October extra special 😈👏🏼🧎‍♀️ @da-rulah @bupia @her-satanic-wiles @writingjourney @ramblingoak @molly-ghuleh
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lilmiss-purity-xoxo · 11 months
ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚★⋆。˚ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆ ┊ . ˚. 𝒮𝓌ℯℯ𝓉 𝒹𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓂𝓈 ˚★. ᘏ ⑅ ᘏ   ഒ    zᶻ ꒰˶  - ˕ -꒱ ⌒)ᦱ
Ꮚ´ꈊ`Ꮚ Hewwo!! Ꮚ・ꈊ・Ꮚ
☪︎ You can refer to me as Purity! 💙 ☪︎ Feb.3.2005. -Bday (19 rn)
☪︎ Female ☪︎ Digital Artist
☪︎ Gamer ☪︎ #Maggot4Life / #Ghoulette4Life ☪︎ Pfp Made by me <3
☪︎ My main interest in digital art is creating oc's and fan art of my interest!
☪︎ I like to create and write my own stories or Alternative universes for random a from time to time.
☪︎ I love music, and although I listened to a little bit of everything in order of .y favorite artist/bands they are; Ghost,Slipknot,Pitbull,ICP,Weeknd,Post Malone,Seether
☪︎ I'm mainly in the fandoms; Ghost,Slipknot,Sopranos,Slashers/Horror,DBD,Twisted Metal,COD
ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰About ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
☪︎ This blog will mainly be about the band Ghost, my self inserts, ocs, and my own stories. Might splash in now and then anything in between about my interest.
ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰Status on ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
☪︎ Ask; Open
☪︎ AT; Open
☪︎ DT; Open - Hesitant
☪︎ Drawing Request; Open
☪︎ Drawing Request Rules and To Knows;
Fandoms I do: Ghost , Slipknot , Slashers , Sopranos
Subjects I will NEVER do: Furries, Zoophiles, Pro shipping, Anime
Oc Interaction: Will do but be specific on which oc of mine you want interacting with which character or your oc. (If its your oc and not a fandom character, provide reference.)
Oc Pieces: Hesitant on drawing others oc's , if I find your character interesting enough and your request isn't too complex might do!
Do not rush or get upset if I do not do your request, I have every right to reject your request, and I am doing this on my free time. I will likely not do big pieces or HQ works as I would save that for AT/DT.
Suggestive and full blown NSFW content I might not likely do, especially of you request your own oc, I WILL NOT do anything mature with another person's oc.
☪︎ Reference Sheets:
☪︎ DNI: Pro shippers, MAP, Owner of a blog with triggering themes, Anyone below 17. [My blog is more likely to be mature, there will be proper warnings and censorship for post when need to be] , Fetishize irl murderers
ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰꧑ᥡ m᥆᥆tS꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
@call-me-mephistophelees , @spooky-creamo-for-primo , @elio-ghoul , @miriena , @copiasslut , @bulletproofthroat , @da-rulah , @checkerboardhorns , @rightintheghoulies
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molly-ghuleh · 10 months
Oh my gosh please tell me something - anything - about "Secondo the Christmas Grump 😤"
YES OFC!!!! Me and a few other writers are coming up with a lil something something in the near future for the holidays (no spoilers yet!!) and I chose to write the Secondo portion of the project. As we all know he’s not the most cheerful papa, but perhaps reader can change his mind about that….. with some spice of course.
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poorlittlevampire · 3 years
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like listen. i love ghost i really really do but this shit is so KEJZJDKSJSJD
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da-rulah · 2 months
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"Congratulations... You just became a father." Rite Here Rite Now (2024)
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da-rulah · 2 months
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Boxer Copia gets dressed
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da-rulah · 2 months
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Ghost B.C. - The Olde One - Papaganda Ep. 1
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da-rulah · 2 months
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We will go softly into the night...
Respite on the Spitalfields (Rite Here Rite Now 2024)
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da-rulah · 2 months
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When you feel all alone just call me...
Little Sunshine.
Rite Here Rite Now (2024)
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da-rulah · 2 months
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THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS in RITE HERE RITE NOW (Ghost 2024) dir. Tobias Forge, Alex Ross Perry DO NOT REPOST
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da-rulah · 2 months
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I feel like a victorian gentleman at the slightest sliver of Copia Skin™️
(Rite Here Rite Now 2024)
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da-rulah · 2 months
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Sex Ed with Papa Terzo
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