#da para14: tis the season
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‘tis the season.
It snows in Briarwood. The first true snowfall of the season and it leaves the town blanketed in white, fluffy snow— that kind that sparkles in the morning sun. It cements the holiday season and while sometimes inconvinent, it does seem to put everyone is the spirit of the season. Ryan knows for herself that it means a whole day of decorating or having a rotation of movies, today it’s both. They’ve slowly started to put up things around the apartment, a wreath on the door, some lights and so on.
Ryan’s not sure where she’s got the idea to DIY a garland for around the windows but she does it. She sits in the middle of the living room with a glue gun, thread and needles, and a bunch of items she got from the craft store. There’s ribbon and bells, mini baubles and other decorative pieces that she lays out to create something full and nice. White Christmas plays on the TV as she sits on the floor with her art project, petting Moon every now and again.
The apartment smells like coffee and a candle called marshmallow fireside, so it’s pretty perfect. “I’m play with those,” she tells Moon and snags a small bundle of ribbon away from the cat. Ryan twists her hair into an oversized claw clip and returns to making bows out of the ribbon.
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Ryan's eyes adjust to the dark and watches the outline of August move around the room, then climb in bed. There's ripples of excitement that Ryan doesn't question, just goes with it instead and it feels like the right thing. She kisses him back, almost making August stay put for a couple seconds longer. Ryan hopes it's not the proximity that instigates this. And she thinks it's not fully that because she knows the certain ways she feels when August pays her attention, and she also know the opposite feeling of when other people try to get his attention.
She sighs quietly, pressing another kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight," she whispers, slinking to lay down next to him, finding positions that work for them. It takes a little while for Ryan's brain to unwind, but when she falls asleep it's right against August's side peacefully.
August watches her crawl into his bed and it’s like…she’s always been there. Always been a part of settling into his bed. He smiles a little, knocking the lights out, tugging his shirt over his head. He scratches at Moon’s chin and grabs onto Ryan’s hand.
He squeezes, settling against his pillow, her scent overwhelming the other side of the bed. He breathes her in, memorizing this moment, her warmth.
He lifts his other hand and glides his fingers through her curls, something he loves to touch. He leans forward, brushing his lips over hers.
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Ryan glances up as August stands in the room and she smiles a bit, a small smile, "So do I," she tells him, scratching the top of Moon's head again. Ryan shifts on the bed, resting against the pillows and pulls some of the blanket over her legs. A yawn slips as she covers her mouth, sinking down as she looks over at him.
She thinks for a moment, looking at the clock and it's late. Well, for them this is a very normal hour and sometimes they stay up later hanging out in the living room or having some make shift 'dinner.' Ryan wonders if she should say anything about them being like this, how they've entered another fraction of their friendship. Some part of her thinks if she says anything, she'll jinx it.
Instead Ryan holds out her hand, this soft beckoning for him to come and join her.
August isn't sure if Ryan is going to take that fishing line at all, but she surprises him by going right along with it. He knows it's probably silly, he could just ask her if she wants to sleep in the same bed tonight. It's not like they haven't done that sort of thing before but...things aren't always easy to figure out, especially when you're in this weird limbo of kissing and touching but not exactly in a relationship.
He wanders into his bedroom and cleans up a little, mostly just random clothes in places and slides into his bathroom. He washes his face, brushes his teeth and comes back out in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He smiles a little as he sees her sitting with Moon, who already has her spot in the center of the bed.
His eyes trail over the t-shirt she's wearing, "She steals covers, just FYI."
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August isn't sure if Ryan is going to take that fishing line at all, but she surprises him by going right along with it. He knows it's probably silly, he could just ask her if she wants to sleep in the same bed tonight. It's not like they haven't done that sort of thing before but...things aren't always easy to figure out, especially when you're in this weird limbo of kissing and touching but not exactly in a relationship.
He wanders into his bedroom and cleans up a little, mostly just random clothes in places and slides into his bathroom. He washes his face, brushes his teeth and comes back out in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He smiles a little as he sees her sitting with Moon, who already has her spot in the center of the bed.
His eyes trail over the t-shirt she's wearing, "She steals covers, just FYI."
Ryan hums, content with the brunch plans. She hopes she doesn't sleep until noon, though. Ryan begins to shuffle down the hall, ready to undress from her work attire and put on a big shirt. But she halts as August asks about a draft and she turns around him to ask if he's delusional. But the second half sums it up instantly for her. She glances at his bedroom across the hallway then back to him.
"It is a bit cold," she nods, the corners of her lips turning up and she can play his game too. Ryan disappears to change, tugging a thrifted big shirt over her head. She scrubs her face in the bathroom, brushes her teeth and steps across the wooden floor to August's room, pausing for a moment.
She wonders if she should be nervous? She isn't, there doesn't feel a need to be. It anything there's a bit of anticipation about it. She's laid on his bed before, mostly just in the midst of a conversation but hasn't slept in it. She can't wait. So Ryan pushes open the door wit the pads of her fingers, walking into August's room. She glances around before sitting, petting Moon.
Much warmer in here.
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Ryan hums, content with the brunch plans. She hopes she doesn't sleep until noon, though. Ryan begins to shuffle down the hall, ready to undress from her work attire and put on a big shirt. But she halts as August asks about a draft and she turns around him to ask if he's delusional. But the second half sums it up instantly for her. She glances at his bedroom across the hallway then back to him.
"It is a bit cold," she nods, the corners of her lips turning up and she can play his game too. Ryan disappears to change, tugging a thrifted big shirt over her head. She scrubs her face in the bathroom, brushes her teeth and steps across the wooden floor to August's room, pausing for a moment.
She wonders if she should be nervous? She isn't, there doesn't feel a need to be. It anything there's a bit of anticipation about it. She's laid on his bed before, mostly just in the midst of a conversation but hasn't slept in it. She can't wait. So Ryan pushes open the door wit the pads of her fingers, walking into August's room. She glances around before sitting, petting Moon.
Much warmer in here.
August nods, a small smile on his face as he toes off his shoes.
"Yeah, whatever you want, that sounds good." He's got zero qualms about French toast. Honestly, that sounds amazing. He glances up at the Christmas decorations with a soft smile, putting his phone on 'Do not Disturb' before glancing at Ryan.
God, he's tired. But he also doesn't want to stop spending time with her. Probably weird how that is.
"Is that draft in your bedroom still bothering you?" He asks after a moment. "Because my bed doesn't have that."
There is no draft in her bedroom. He just wants her to join him in his.
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August nods, a small smile on his face as he toes off his shoes.
"Yeah, whatever you want, that sounds good." He's got zero qualms about French toast. Honestly, that sounds amazing. He glances up at the Christmas decorations with a soft smile, putting his phone on 'Do not Disturb' before glancing at Ryan.
God, he's tired. But he also doesn't want to stop spending time with her. Probably weird how that is.
"Is that draft in your bedroom still bothering you?" He asks after a moment. "Because my bed doesn't have that."
There is no draft in her bedroom. He just wants her to join him in his.
Ryan grins, slipping off her boots and bends down to scoop Moon up. She kisses the top of the cats head, cradling her like the precious baby she is. "I think she just appreciates another female around," Ryan hums, moving into the apartment. She places Moon back down, shedding her coat and bag onto a chair. Ryan stretches her arms above her head and yawns softly.
The Christmas decorations look great, feels cozy in here more and more. She turns back around to look at August, rubbing one of her eyes. "Brunch tomorrow? I want to make this french toast bake I saw. Got some brioche from the market."
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Ryan grins, slipping off her boots and bends down to scoop Moon up. She kisses the top of the cats head, cradling her like the precious baby she is. "I think she just appreciates another female around," Ryan hums, moving into the apartment. She places Moon back down, shedding her coat and bag onto a chair. Ryan stretches her arms above her head and yawns softly.
The Christmas decorations look great, feels cozy in here more and more. She turns back around to look at August, rubbing one of her eyes. "Brunch tomorrow? I want to make this french toast bake I saw. Got some brioche from the market."
August takes her hand like it's the easiest thing in the world to head home. He draws her close with a soft smile and they make their way back to his place. Their place? He's glad he ate something at the club because knowing him, he'd be trying to get pizza on the way home and he promised himself he'd wake up tomorrow at a decent hour. Less he has to do, the better.
He shrugs his jacket off and opens the door, Moon coming trotting off the couch to greet them--Ryan first.
"Traitor," He says lovingly to her.
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August takes her hand like it's the easiest thing in the world to head home. He draws her close with a soft smile and they make their way back to his place. Their place? He's glad he ate something at the club because knowing him, he'd be trying to get pizza on the way home and he promised himself he'd wake up tomorrow at a decent hour. Less he has to do, the better.
He shrugs his jacket off and opens the door, Moon coming trotting off the couch to greet them--Ryan first.
"Traitor," He says lovingly to her.
The night ends with mopping up a broken beer bottle and making sure all the glass is cleaned up. The club gets tidied and put back in order. Ryan's ears right slightly from all the noise and music but that seems to be part of her life now. She hums to herself as she puts the cash boxes into the safe and enters the code, coming out of the office to get her coat and her back.
She waves to a few of the other staff people as they make their way home, zipping up her jacket. Ryan does another lap of the club, making sure all the doors are locked up and all is secure. She walks along until she finds August, "Ready to go?"
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The night ends with mopping up a broken beer bottle and making sure all the glass is cleaned up. The club gets tidied and put back in order. Ryan's ears right slightly from all the noise and music but that seems to be part of her life now. She hums to herself as she puts the cash boxes into the safe and enters the code, coming out of the office to get her coat and her back.
She waves to a few of the other staff people as they make their way home, zipping up her jacket. Ryan does another lap of the club, making sure all the doors are locked up and all is secure. She walks along until she finds August, "Ready to go?"
August lingers within that kiss, a small smile on his lips despite it being interrupted. He breathes in the scent of Ryan’s floral shampoo or lotion and eats a few more fries before leaning back. His gaze meets Amy’s before she skitters away. A soft laugh leaves his lips—that’ll be all over the club before they close tonight. He shakes his head, looking up at Ryan.
“A few more hours,” He squeezes her hand in agreement, “Let me know if you need anythin’.”
He lets out a short sigh and watches her leave, John giving him a look with raised eyebrows.
John grins. “Nothin’ boss.”
August rolls his eyes but he’s smiling, finishing his food before heading back out on the floor to see who needs help with what on a busy night before they can all head home.
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August lingers within that kiss, a small smile on his lips despite it being interrupted. He breathes in the scent of Ryan’s floral shampoo or lotion and eats a few more fries before leaning back. His gaze meets Amy’s before she skitters away. A soft laugh leaves his lips—that’ll be all over the club before they close tonight. He shakes his head, looking up at Ryan.
“A few more hours,” He squeezes her hand in agreement, “Let me know if you need anythin’.”
He lets out a short sigh and watches her leave, John giving him a look with raised eyebrows.
John grins. “Nothin’ boss.”
August rolls his eyes but he’s smiling, finishing his food before heading back out on the floor to see who needs help with what on a busy night before they can all head home.
It’s going to quickly become a problem the longer her and August sit here, stealing a few kissed in between words and bites of food. They’re created this bubble inside the walls of the club, their apartment too, and it feels a bit unfair that they did this to themselves. Now Ryan’s pressing another silly little kiss to August’s mouth, laughing a bit.
“A few sounds nice, but I only need one,” she tells him, smiling in to another peck when it feels like a record scratches and pops their bubble. There’s footsteps that come towards the kitchen, a bit rush.
“Hey Ryan, can— oh,” Amy stops at the other end and while she didn’t see much, there’s definitely a vibe in the air she can feel. Wait until she tells Rachel about this. “The system is doing that thing where it freezes.”
Ryan makes a face, standing up from the stool while still tethered to August. “Okay, let me grab the manual, I think it needs an update,” she says and Amy nods, slipping away. Ryan turns back to August, “Thanks for the fry date, work calls. Only couple hours left.”
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It’s going to quickly become a problem the longer her and August sit here, stealing a few kissed in between words and bites of food. They’re created this bubble inside the walls of the club, their apartment too, and it feels a bit unfair that they did this to themselves. Now Ryan’s pressing another silly little kiss to August’s mouth, laughing a bit.
“A few sounds nice, but I only need one,” she tells him, smiling in to another peck when it feels like a record scratches and pops their bubble. There’s footsteps that come towards the kitchen, a bit rush.
“Hey Ryan, can— oh,” Amy stops at the other end and while she didn’t see much, there’s definitely a vibe in the air she can feel. Wait until she tells Rachel about this. “The system is doing that thing where it freezes.”
Ryan makes a face, standing up from the stool while still tethered to August. “Okay, let me grab the manual, I think it needs an update,” she says and Amy nods, slipping away. Ryan turns back to August, “Thanks for the fry date, work calls. Only couple hours left.”
He thinks that night at the club will be a lot of fun. Their friends are easy to get along with and everyone loves Aiden, at the end of the day they want him to be happy, with someone who deserves him. And he thinks that might be it with Luci. He doesn't know her really well, but she does seem bubbly, outgoing, fun--probably has to be in order to be a kindergarten teacher.
Kinda funny how those aspects probably draw a lot of extroverted things out of Aiden.
He looks down at Ryan again, giving her another grin as he leans forward and nuzzles their noses in a bunny kiss.
"Lucky for you, I know a few self-made men."
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He thinks that night at the club will be a lot of fun. Their friends are easy to get along with and everyone loves Aiden, at the end of the day they want him to be happy, with someone who deserves him. And he thinks that might be it with Luci. He doesn't know her really well, but she does seem bubbly, outgoing, fun--probably has to be in order to be a kindergarten teacher.
Kinda funny how those aspects probably draw a lot of extroverted things out of Aiden.
He looks down at Ryan again, giving her another grin as he leans forward and nuzzles their noses in a bunny kiss.
"Lucky for you, I know a few self-made men."
"Oh," she says, covering her mouth as she thinks. "You may be right. Might have to sit Vic down and tell him to not be himself," she jokes. Ryan thinks everyone is or will be happy for Aiden. It wasn't like they were all sad to see Natalie go, Ryan thinks. She was fine until thinks weren't fine, lines were drawn in the sand and unfortunately there wasn't a rally behind Natalie.
Ryan hums warmly, turning her head back to look at August as she sweeps her hair away. "Do you think that's true?" She asks him, curious with the corners of her lips curling upward mischievously. "Because I did not find one trust fund guy in the city to be my person," she teases. "Guess it'll have to be a self made man for me."
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"Oh," she says, covering her mouth as she thinks. "You may be right. Might have to sit Vic down and tell him to not be himself," she jokes. Ryan thinks everyone is or will be happy for Aiden. It wasn't like they were all sad to see Natalie go, Ryan thinks. She was fine until thinks weren't fine, lines were drawn in the sand and unfortunately there wasn't a rally behind Natalie.
Ryan hums warmly, turning her head back to look at August as she sweeps her hair away. "Do you think that's true?" She asks him, curious with the corners of her lips curling upward mischievously. "Because I did not find one trust fund guy in the city to be my person," she teases. "Guess it'll have to be a self made man for me."
August smirks a little. If he knows anything about what he's already observed? Luci kinda looks at Aiden like he's hung the moon, so he's not too overly worried about what she'll think about the club. He grabs a fry and dips it into gravy, their interlaced hands resting on his one thigh. He gives her an absentminded squeeze.
"She might meet everyone that night," He replies, licking his lips, "I'd be more worried about Vic bein' on his best behavior."
Then he laughs, something warm and knowing, "Yeah, just goes to show I guess that everyone's got their person." He looks over at Ryan, giving her a soft smile, brushing her hair over her shoulder.
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August smirks a little. If he knows anything about what he's already observed? Luci kinda looks at Aiden like he's hung the moon, so he's not too overly worried about what she'll think about the club. He grabs a fry and dips it into gravy, their interlaced hands resting on his one thigh. He gives her an absentminded squeeze.
"She might meet everyone that night," He replies, licking his lips, "I'd be more worried about Vic bein' on his best behavior."
Then he laughs, something warm and knowing, "Yeah, just goes to show I guess that everyone's got their person." He looks over at Ryan, giving her a soft smile, brushing her hair over her shoulder.
Ryan lifts her head as she reaches for a napkin, sitting back up to look at August. Her brows raise but there's a soft smile that forms at the mention of Aiden and this girl he's been newly seeing. "That's good. I mean, Aiden doesn't do anything he doesn't think means something, or seems good. I admire that golden boy aspect of him," she laughs and wonders if that's ever exhausting for him, or if he even notices. Maybe it's just a town instilled observation.
"Well, when he brings her, I'll make sure the club is in tip top condition," Ryan jokes, grabbing and dipping another fry. "Somehow Aiden dating a kindergarten teacher makes complete sense. Like the planets are aligning."
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Ryan lifts her head as she reaches for a napkin, sitting back up to look at August. Her brows raise but there's a soft smile that forms at the mention of Aiden and this girl he's been newly seeing. "That's good. I mean, Aiden doesn't do anything he doesn't think means something, or seems good. I admire that golden boy aspect of him," she laughs and wonders if that's ever exhausting for him, or if he even notices. Maybe it's just a town instilled observation.
"Well, when he brings her, I'll make sure the club is in tip top condition," Ryan jokes, grabbing and dipping another fry. "Somehow Aiden dating a kindergarten teacher makes complete sense. Like the planets are aligning."
August feels a settled emotion bloom in his chest. Him and Ryan are eating food and just...enjoying one another's company. No one bothers them as they hide out on a break, eating food as the kitchen busies itself, waitresses come and go, and the music pulses in beats from the room beyond this one. He turns his head a little, brushing his lips over her forehead and eats with one hand, because his other is still holding hers.
"Aiden invited Luci to the club, I think," He mentions, slipping into another topic that feels safe to broach. "One of things we were talkin' about while we were playing darts. Guess spendin' the night went well."
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August feels a settled emotion bloom in his chest. Him and Ryan are eating food and just...enjoying one another's company. No one bothers them as they hide out on a break, eating food as the kitchen busies itself, waitresses come and go, and the music pulses in beats from the room beyond this one. He turns his head a little, brushing his lips over her forehead and eats with one hand, because his other is still holding hers.
"Aiden invited Luci to the club, I think," He mentions, slipping into another topic that feels safe to broach. "One of things we were talkin' about while we were playing darts. Guess spendin' the night went well."
"Mmkay," she replies, pressing a kiss to the side of his mouth.
John bring the fries and grilled cheese over, side of gravy for them to share. Ryan eats, and maybe it should be something better but hey, it's food. It does make her feel a bit better too, taking a bite of her grilled cheese and there's a decent cheese pull to it. She eats with one hand, and her other still doesn't let go of August's. Ryan holds out the sandwich for him to take a bite of it, going in for some of the fries after.
The club feels like a backdrop to their food rendezvous, but no one seems to come around to find them or need anything. Ryan rests her head on August's shoulder, nibbling on some fries.
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