yesterdayandkarma · 4 months
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Dance with the devil by Unknown D3sires
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tokofagkawa · 6 months
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@d3sire-97 alright so I've said it b4 but Toko isn't really close friends with anyone from THH at all. Most of her classmates aren't outright cruel to her but they'd all just rather leave her alone. Aoi and Makoto try to reach out a bit but don't get very far because Toko is Difficult. Yasuhiro thinks it's fun to tease Toko a bit sometimes, kind of in an older brother way, but she doesn't like him very much.
Out of the survivors, the one who Toko likes as a person the most is Makoto. You can tell in UDG that his optimism and perseverance was genuinely inspiring to her. But I wouldn't really call them friends as since free time events aren't 100% canon we can't say for certain Toko has canonically opened up to Makoto, plus I think a proper friend would maybe say something about the future foundation not giving her new clothes and the whole tazer thing 😬
as for like, headcanon headcanons, I like to think Toko was on good terms with Sayaka pre-memorywipe. She's smiling at her in that one school picture and I think it's cute.
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fuckinglifestyle · 2 years
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I love my new lamp. 💚🍑
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mollrat101 · 3 years
This just occurred to me now that there’s another reason Deborah likely refuses to explore her s3xuality outside of heterosexuality, despite her dissatisfaction when sleeping with men. 
When we really let ourselves feel our authentic s3xual desires and express them with someone who we like and are attracted to...that can feel very vulnerable. And a big thing Ava and Deborah have in common is an intense fear of vulnerability. 
Deborah tries to defiantly joke about feeling s3xually dissatisfied as though it doesn’t bother her, but that’s really a refusal to let go of some control and to let her true d3sire take her someplace new. 
I can just imagine that when Deborah is having s3x, she goes off somewhere in her head. She’s enjoying the touch and the warmth, and she feels a less lonely for a while. But otherwise, she’s not getting much s3xual pl3asure out of it. Part of what’s great about good s3x is being able to lose yourself in feeling for a while. But, with men, Deborah never does. She’s detached and therefore maintains a certain amount of control and never lets herself be vulnerable with her s3xual partners. 
A big theme for Deborah is her learning to surrender. The risk of being vulnerable and honest about her feelings and who she is might alienate some people and might cause people to reject her (her bombing with her new material) but the reward is she gets to feel good about choosing herself. She told her truth. She’s following what feels right to her instead of just what would get her accepted and she finds she likes that feeling a lot more. 
Guess what I’m getting at is that it’s a big risk for Deborah to explore something new about her s3xuality but if her venture into a show has taught her anything it’s that living what feels more authentically and vulnerably you feels more amazing than any fake external validation you can get. 
And obviously this kind of life lesson can be applicable to anyone, but speaking as a queer woman myself, let’s just say that idea resonates really hard and is part of why I can’t help but feel such a connection to Deborah’s story. 
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shiftingzone · 3 years
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here i will tell you all the places i am shifting to!
i decided not to reveal too much ! pls respect that :)
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in my this dr, i am a soloist under hybe. i am one of the best-selling musicians in the world. i am going to have a comeback in 2 months so i will be shifting to the comeback preperation period
find the pics and info here (not posted yet)
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MCU DR 𖦹 (not working on it atm)
so this is my latest script and still unfinished because i havent watched the entire mcu yet (update: i finished!) but i managed to put in some things such as my powers and suit.
find info and pics here (not posted yet)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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notbeingnoticed · 3 years
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Unknown D3sires
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peekchores · 3 years
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Old castle by Unknown D3sires https://ift.tt/3jZU36z
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jadroher · 3 years
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Old castle by Unknown D3sires https://ift.tt/3jZU36z
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lewdlav · 7 years
It's amazing how productive you get writing-wise when yr k*nk is fulfilling other ppl's s3xual d3sires 👀💭👀
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@thoughts-and-d3sires @liltrashfuck-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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