#d2 wank
viiridiangreen · 1 year
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I keep getting these recommended & I've been trying soooo hard not to be a hater but. This is straight up like preschool lvl analysis I can't believe it lands as somehow Revelatory for Gamerz(TM)... like you'd have to skip every cutscene and plug your ears for every dialogue not to know this months ago but especially by now 🙃
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the-nut-queen · 3 years
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spotted ScoMo playing Destiny 2 instead of doing his job
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bostonchungschwa · 5 years
the D2 Salt Raid in the context of the Fake AH Crew is fucking hysterical. here you are minding your own business trying to cash a check when the Fakes burst in in full heist mode. but instead of the usual bullshit, the New Guy starts screaming at the fucking Vagabond about WHO’S BEEN TELLING YOU HOW TO HOW TO WANK YOUR GODDAMN DICK, V!? IT’S BEEN ME!
conclusion: nobody except for new people and the LSPD are afraid of the Fakes because honestly they’re better entertainment than anything that comes out of Vinewood
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2bstudioblog · 4 years
Thoughts on Composer forums, no more negativity...
But before we begin, let’s make it a straight and clear... I don't want to out anybody, but I guess it isn't news because we are all aware that these community/forum problems/people exists, no matter the content or platform.
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In the community of film-composers, game-music composers, Audio-directors, Sound-designers and perhaps music supervisors, the film-composer forum/community has been one of the first stepping stones to help and most of all build new relationships with people in the industry.
I’ve always had the image of this community to be about being equal, nobody was above or below, but talking to each other on the level. All that was required to enter was 1 IMDB credit (Internet Movie Data Base), get it verified and then you were in this very exclusive groups.
But so far, the idea was sound, we started to establish a group of a mix of westerners and Japanese composers, and the idea was to share ideas, help people who wants to break into the Japanese scene and the AAA-gaming industry. However, we only had a few meetups and 2 of them happened in a very interesting place in Korean Town in Tokyo. We ended up in the home of former On Tour QUEEN Keyboardist Morgan Fischer, who in turn was one of the first names I remember on an instruction manual for the Yamaha DX7. The first gathering brought about 7-8 members and we talked, showed each other what we do and then we enjoyed general talk, jamming and had a lot of fun. There I also ran into another young guy, who just scored an iPAD app. Let’s call him R2.
A few months later I was contacted by someone from the U.K community chapter, a young lad, with ideas on how things should be and he asked me if we should meet up and talk a little bit since he knew I’ve written music for Resident Evil 6 at this point, so I felt honored and thought let’s help each other out. Let’s call this guy D2.
D2 is now at first glance, I thought he was an OK guy, and I showed him around the city, we talked a little about ourselves and then I had to get back to my ordinary job as a teacher afterwards. He’s very focused on keeping up a fashion and to look cool... all the time. At this I didn’t really care, but I told him that if you want to have a chance at pitching to get into the industry, perhaps he should meet one of my agents. So I arranged that, brought him over to the agency, took about 1 hour, sitting down talking to one of the toughest and impressive women in the industry. She asked about his ambitions and why he was in Japan for a casual tourist visit and in the end the question came: - “What game would you like to write music for in the future?” -”Metal Gear...” was his answer.
He already told me before the meeting that he always wanted to work on a MGS project but I felt a little bit guilty but I told D2: -”I can’t guarantee anything about the chances of getting that kind of gig as a first from that agency. But they’ll try to find something up your alley.” The agent said that would be hard one to get him into because they only like to work with established artists on their MGS franchise, so getting it would seem to be impossible at this point, since we didn’t know that it was being developed at the moment, or so it had been in secret.
He returned back to Europe and I was on my own again. But we promised that we’d follow each other on the platforms and he said he’d try to promote me to get a few more followers on twitter (Duh, he didn’t, naive as usual.) and give a shout-out on his “incredible” YouTube channel devoted to his brand of a software/kontakt library creator. Nothing came to fruition on that front. I sure did give him a shout-out and told people about him, but I got nothing in return.
A few months later he returns and he decides to meet with me again, so I thought, what is it this time? Well, turns out he was back in Tokyo again for a business meeting or something, however he also met someone last time he was in Tokyo and decided to say hi to his girlfriend.  So we all 3 went out to a cafe in Shinjuku area and we sat down and talked about film, games and music since we all were kinda in that industry. But since I know he is passionate about “EPIC” music as he would call it, we (me and his girlfriend) started to talk about Star Wars and he was .... incredibly ignorant. I told him, if you want to hear EPIC music, these are the films you have to see.
I told him: -“John Williams is the reason I am here. The reason I started to do film-scoring and bringing that into cinematic games like Resident Evil 6.” -”Who's John Williams? Never heard of him...” was his response.
Me and his girlfriend were completely flabbergasted of this guys total ignorance of a film-defining classic that changed film-music for science-fiction, approaching it with an operatic execution, giving characters themes, music that flowed with the action like those old golden-era film styles, but modernized for a new generation of movie-goers. It was the biggest risk, bringing in an orchestra for a sci-fi fantasy, but it paid off. Orchestral music was COOL again. Without John Williams, we wouldn’t have one of the first hybrid-action scores in Return of the Jedi with big thick synthbasses in Jabba’s Palace for that ominous uncertain character that turned out to be Leia unfreezing Han Solo from his carbonation chamber. Minimal amount of synth, but it was there.
The ignorance of D2 started to show. But I didn’t want that to be the moment, so I told his girlfriend to sit down and watch those films together. Not sure if they did, but it was here I started to feel the “British twit” mentality, the “I am better than thou”, the “I’m in my 20′s and I have already figured out the meaning of life...” All he had was his own business back home generating the dough in making sample-based kontakt-libraries. Good on him.
Then a few month’s later, I saw something on his YouTube channel that really started to kill my vibe for the dude. Whenever when I work for big companies like Konami, Capcom or Sega, I always sign an NDA. That mean’s I’m not allowed to record or show off my work for projects that are in progress. But here he is, talking about his cues he’s composing in real-time on YouTube. My first thought was, maybe I should tell anybody about this, but I don’t want to be a buzz-kill. I decided I didn’t want to butt in. Perhaps he would learn something from that mistake. Or did he?
A few months later D2 came back, now the game was pretty much in it’s final stages and he decided to meet me up together with R2 and we went out to yet another cafe, talking about software and stuff. Before we even met up with R2, D2 started to ask me if I had any registration keys for some software he didn’t own... I’m now getting even more confused. Is he asking me for pirate copies??? I just can’t make this one slide, so I’ll just stay quiet. R2 shows up, they start to make fun out of my English, my use of words in fun ways. I know the Britt’s and the Australians share the dry word humor, but I told them that I really like to perform on real hardware and twisting knobs for cutoff filters and stuff. All they wanted was to make fun out of me using the words “I like to turn knobs” (English slang for wanking off people, not my intention since we are talking about synthesizers...) R2 however was sucking up to D2 due to his huge following on YouTube and Twitter, so my point of view was completely irrelevant for R2. I had made valid points, but D2 shot me down, R2 is right behind him like a narcissists flying monkey.
This was the moment where I felt I should distance myself from D2 for trying to acquire pirate software keys, asking me if I had any cool software etc. He’s bloody rich. He should buy the software like everyone else, especially guys like me. I pulled a small ploy and pretended I got a phone-call from an agency going;
*hanging up the phone* -”...Sorry guys, it’s seems to me something important has just landed in my lap and I have to leave you here, but I wish you all good on your ventures. Take care and talk to you guys later.”
From that moment, I was just exhausted from R2 and D2. They are a perfect fit for each other. But the ignorance and bluntness from D2 lost all of his credibility for me and I just said to myself quietly I just have to keep fighting my own battle in an uphill, serving D2 with the best kind of courtesy I’ve learned from the Japanese and being shit on in the process. He doesn't respect many of us, so I’ll now don’t give a damn.... I need closure. And with a snap of my fingers, all the bad went away.
After leaving these thoughts to you, I’m ready to let go and start a new future in the land of music production. But one thing is for sure, I'm done with the charade.
Of course there are times when enough is enough. And I've had enough.
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
soooo devs announced another one of those internal advocacy groups, this time it's 'latin @ bungo'
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& now my streamer acc's fb feed (that i used to announce my stream on, which i used to need to make ends meet, which i only keep using out of morbid curiosity for what The Hetero Gamerz are up to) is exclusively comprised of braindead latam dudes going ON and ON abt how "latinx is a slur hurr hdburrr 1!1!!!!!11! it's a gringo thing!!! women and nonbinary folks and activists don't exist in latin america actually this exclusively is an out of touch murican leftie imposition!!!"
Y NO PODÍAN FALTAR--- racist anglos just having an absolute meltdown. whining and stomping and shitting themselves about the unforgivable """virtue signaling""" of (*checks notes*) allowing latin employees an internal advocacy group the likes of which black, aapi, queer, & trans employees already had...........
PLENTY of fragile little clowns """"threatening""""" to leave the game & never buy anything from bungo ever again over this
like BRO..... what do they expect at this point? genuinely? there's four other groups like this already my guy. they went out of their way to dunk on folks over Roe v Wade. do they TRULY believe that like?? any day now they'll pull a 180 & start rallying against the evils & dangers of supporting PoC and gay folks?.....
i already know the comments are full of brainless heartless scum but they r Outdoing Themselves today lol
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
Idk what's wrong with facebook destiny fake geek boys but there's a lot of it
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the absolute most hinged thing to say about a canonically gay dude whose husband is coded as jewish
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
Copypasta'd from my reply to a post abt By/f & then added onto bc I prolly shouldn't be ranting to the extent or level of pettiness that I feel over there, op sounded tired
I didn't think he sucked just for relaying the written lore in a way that's weighted towards either his own interests or what his audience responds to & then having mid takes on that. Like that's. Clearly not my cuppa in terms of takes and vibes which is why I'm here on this webbed site in the first place. But I liked the fact that there was someone taking the time to educate the terminally loreless cutscene skippers. Some of the ppl I play with do pay attention to the cinematics and some dialogue but aren't the sort to take the time to read the lore tabs or books, so the videos got them caught up enough for me to rant about it and being semi understood. I've previously recommended them as like. A jumping off point. Like a one-man wikipedia: prolly shouldn't use it as a source, but it'll point you in the right direction of further reading.
I also respected the dedication bc doing anything at all consistently is fucking difficult, especially producing online content for a ravenous merciless audience of entitled gamerbros under the More Merciless yoke of the youtube algorithm. Like. Yeah props for that. Lol.
However... I do think he sucks for nuking the Mare Cognitum server (branded as his but which he didn't participate super heavily in & which hosted conversations with devs as well as many fans who put effort into what they shared there) on a whim bc of silly twitter beef with one of its mods 🙃
This part I'm not 100% on & would go back and fact check if I cared abt Tarnishing His Reputation for the 2.6 mutuals who might read this but,, didn't he skip over Immolant even though it was Fucking Momentuous, and also wait until WQ Collector's Edition to talk about Sjur / the hElMeT sTaYeD oN corpse horse? Bc gays wouldn't play as well to the Almighty Algorithm, perhaps? lol
Good thing the destiny fandom is just me & like 40 other tumblrinas, tops.
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
Every Day The Traveller Tests My Patience
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
wrt sird business- I wish publicising the thing meant anything but if his audience hears he profited off of egirls who sell their time online w/o their consent, most of them would have to be walked through what the problems w/ that are or even call it 'based' so... lol.
Also at the time I only had a low paying part time gig and saw it kinda favourably bc if he posted my profile to so many people I thought I might get more business? So I wasn’t even properly mad in the moment. Which I think makes it more not less messed up :-)
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