#d*pression sucks
skenpiel · 3 months
are u sick 😢
omg actually. ok its a good thing u asked so i can post this 4 all my other followers and frieands as some sort of a. update or somethifn. anyway i have been feeling Not Good 4 the past week Like not leaving my bed not talking to anyone and stuff. i didnt eat a single thing for 4 days and then my mama had to prescribe me meal replacement drinks…….. anyway Um i dont think its anything genuinely serious, i just finished my last semester of school and now im out in the big wide world and also a few other small things that made me feel bad has happened so i really just think i just need some time to adjust and stuff BUT!!!! i wanted to say that so u all know why ive been so inactive recently. BY THE WAY EVEN THOUGH IM NOT FEELING GOOD IM DOING FINE!!!! as in im not in any danger ive got my meal replacement drinks im staying hydrated my mama (doctor btw. good to mention) is making sure i still get everything i need even if im like bedridden or whatever. so anyway SORRY IF I WORRIED ANYBODY BUT IM GANNA BE FINE..!!!! just need some time to decompress Much like george costanza at the start of the Summer of george. so no im not sick in the sense u r thinking of im just like. temporarily depressed i Guess
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sweetchildcloud · 5 months
||PRETENDING|| ル ˖ ♡ ₍ ᐢ..ᐢ ₎ 📍 ࣪ . › written by me
Plot:You felt down about everything and about your art style so Yuji tries to cheer you up
Tags:You're Yuji best friend,self loathing,hating towards oneself,crying,venting,not eating nor drinking,vomiting,anorexia(reader)
please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
Art not mine⚠️👐😟,if you know the artist let me know in the comments
P.S: i have made a dark theme blog go check it out! Minors DNI!
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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"My drawings sucks,my art style is horrible,my favourite characters looks shitty in my art style" You sobbed wiping away your tears "I'm not good enough even at what I like"
Yuji sighed and gently brushed away the remaining tears on your face, his thumb gently circling your chin. he didn't like seeing you like this, he hated it, in fact.
Seeing you like this, and knowing your mindset towards life, made him realize that no one would be more devastated than him if you were to ever disappear from this world.
"your art style doesn't suck." he said quietly. "i quite like it, actually. and i'm sure others do too."
"But...I tried to draw you but..it's not in a realistic style or anything...it's just...simplified style" You whimpered takout your sketchbook and handing it at Yuji
he took the sketchbook from your hands, looking at the drawings you were referring to as he quietly flipped through the pages.
despite you calling it simple and being disappointed with it, he thought they seemed lovely. it was quite different from how other people drew and he really liked that about your style.
"and i love it." he replied with a small smile as he looked up at you again. as he did, his other hand slipped underneath your chin again and tilted your head upwards so that you were now looking right into his eyes.
"But I don't" you sobbed covering your face "I don't and I hate myself for it because I'm not like others"
his grip on your cheek remained firm as he held your face upwards. all of these thoughts, self-inflicted pain and negativity you had towards yourself had to end one way or another.
"you're right, you're not like other people. but that's not a bad thing" he spoke softly once more, while the hand that was holding onto your cheek now also moved to gently caress your cheek.
"and that's exactly what makes you unique" his voice remained gentle as he maintained eye contact with you.
"but i'm not like you aither,i'm not happy,positive i don't smile at life"
"well, i don't want you to be like me" he responded with a soft chuckle.
his fingers stopped the gentle caressing motion and moved down to your side.
"and trust me, i'm the furthest thing away from being fully happy"
he paused once more, before finally speaking again.
"i… i wish you could see yourself the way i see you"
his eyes scanned you up and down. as he did, he realized just how frail and thin you looked, as if you were some walking skeleton. the bags underneath your eyes, the pale colour of your skin and the fact that you rubbed your hand once more told him the things you never mentioned but he always suspected.
"how long was the last time you ate?" he questioned quietly.
"i…" you couldn't bring yourself to answer the question. you didn't even know how much time had passed since you ate last. you simply shrugged your shoulders, trying to avoid the topic.
he seemed unamused by your answer.
"tell me." he asked forcefully this time, his tone having shifted into a stern one.
you remained silent. you weren't going to tell him that you hadn't eaten in days, and you knew how much he'd hate this.
he'd probably think that he wasn't doing enough, that you weren't eating because you were upset or that he somehow wasn't doing enough to keep you happy. and, well, you didn't want that to happen.
"I'm not hungry" you finally spoken up, and even that was a lie, but it was better than admitting the truth… right?
he sighed as he heard your words.
his grip on your hands tightened once more as he stared at you, his gaze turning into one of irritation.
he didn't fall for your lie, and he was not going to take "i'm not hungry" for an answer.
"so, you're telling me you haven't eaten anything in over-" he paused, unsure of just how much time passed without you eating. "days?"
"why does it matters anyway?" You pouted looking away and turning your back at Yuji
"because you're killing yourself by not eating." his tone remained harsh, but he refused to loosen his grip on your hand.
"and i don't like that." he said simply.
he wasn't lying when he said that he didn't like that you were doing this to yourself. when he saw you starving yourself, he felt like he'd do anything to get you to eat again.
"Well I don't feel like to" you replied looking away "I don't feel hungry,I don't feel thirsty"
"well, even if you don't feel like eating, you have to." he replied once more, and it was only now that you finally noticed how tightly his hand held onto yours.
his grasp never loosened, despite your attempts to move his hand away.
"how about something to drink then?" his tone had changed slightly, as he asked this question. "just anything."
You sighed as you looked down "a tea" you whimpered feeling weak
"tea?" he raised an eyebrow at you, before gently letting go of your hand.
he was now on high alert when it came to your habits of not eating and starving.
"follow me." he said quietly.
yuji walked to a nearby cafe, gently keeping an eye on you, and once you were there, he ordered you some green tea along with anything you wanted to eat.
"take a seat" he said as he guided you to an empty table.
after getting you a table, he sat down opposite of you, eyeing your movements. he didn't like how you looked, it was clear that you had been starving yourself.
"now, you're going to drink that." he said simply, gesturing to the glass of green tea in front of you. "then, you're going to eat something."
even if you didn't feel like eating, he was going to make sure that you ate something. his gaze was firm, and he wouldn't accept no for an answer.
his gaze remained on you as he waited for you to take your first sip of the glass of green tea.
he could tell immediately after you took your first sip that the glass of green tea would be the only thing you had that day.
after you took a few more sips, he took a small plate, filled it up with some sandwiches and placed it in front of you.
"eat." he said quietly but strongly, as his gaze remained on you the entire time.
once again he noticed how you looked away when you glanced at the plate of food.
his jaw tensed slightly, and he moved the plate of food closer to you.
"try a piece." his tone was firm and there was little to no room for negotiation.
With your trembling hand you tooked the sandwich but as soon as you bited it...you felt nauseous and you runned to the bathroom of the cafe
the second he saw your trembling hand and noticed the uneasiness on your face, he instinctively knew the outcome of it all.
without letting you get a word in, his instincts kicked in and he was quick to sprint to the bathroom.
he found you hunched over the toilet sink, gagging and struggling not to empty your stomach.
"god damn it..." he muttered under his breath, his hands balled up into tight fists as he glared at your small frame.
his jaw tightened as he heard the sound of you gagging and throwing up some of the tea.
he was fuming on the inside but he kept it in, taking deep breaths to calm down.
he took a step closer to you from behind, and without thinking much, he started rubbing your back, hoping to soothe you atleast somewhat.
*just calm down* he repeated to himself in his head, hoping that it'd work, even just a little.
he held you in his embrace, staying close even when you were still gagging.
as the sound decreased, his hand continued to rub your back until you stopped throwing up the tea, a sigh escaping his body as he breathed in relief.
he was now holding you in his embrace, waiting until you'd calm down a bit, his expression showing nothing but annoyance as he looked down at you, waiting for this madness to finally stop.
he sighed softly as you finished throwing up. the entire time, he made sure not to let his grip on your back loosen, until you finally stopped and there was a hint of silence from your end.
once you had quieted down, and there wasn't any sound in the bathroom at all, yuji spoke up again.
"are you done?" he asked quietly.
as he waited for your response, he noticed how you were still trembling, whether from the aftermath of the throwing up session or the fact that you hadn't eaten anything all day, he couldn't tell.
with his other hand, he grabbed a small pack of napkins, before passing it over to you.
"wipe your mouth, and then wash your face." he said softly this time, as he finally released his grip on your back and stepped away from you.
"I'm...sorry.." you whined "I.. I tought I could overcome it all by myself" your coughed
as you apologized to him, his eyebrows furrowed slightly when he heard the sound of your cough. you sounded like you could cough up a lung at any moment, and just hearing your frail state, it made him feel terrible.
"you shouldn't have attempted to 'overcome it' by yourself, not when you know how much you struggle." he replied as he watched you wipe your mouth with the napkin.
"now, wash your face."
he paused when he realized how shaky your hands were, and as you struggled to grip the pack of napkins with ease, he was silently reminded of how frail you were.
he wasn't going to let you do everything on your own anymore.
"come here." he said as he beckoned you to come to him. once you were closer to him, he grabbed the pack from you and began wiping down your face for you.
after he wiped down your face, he noticed that you still seemed like you were struggling to stand up. with the lack of food and the exhaustion it caused you, it was no wonder you were so weak right now.
"sit..." he instructed gently with a gentle push towards the sink.
after you did so, he grabbed a paper cup, filled it with water and handed it to you.
"Drink this." he said quietly.
he noticed the way you were struggling to grip the paper cup with your frail hand, and it only further reinforced to him that you needed to be cared for more than he initially thought.
he was right. you weren't eating or drinking enough.
"drink... slowly." he added on, as he watched you drink the water.
after you had taken a few sips and seemed to take your time with the water, he finally let out a sigh of relief. at least you were drinking something.
he looked at you for a few minutes more, seemingly inspecting your small frame as you sipped on the water, before finally speaking up once more.
"are you feeling any better?" his tone was still slightly concerned, but there was a much softer edge to it, unlike earlier where he spoke with more firmness.
you weren't the type of person to admit when you were physically not feeling alright, but you could never lie to him when he did ask you. you tried to hold back your groan of pain though, it was getting increasingly difficult to do so as your stomach was protesting the emptiness.
you were exhausted, both mentally and physically, and you had barely eaten anything today. your stomach was in pain and your head felt like it could split at any moment.
"bad..." you said quietly, with a hint of an ashamed tone in your voice.
you sounded so weak right now, and it broke his heart.
he was so mad at you for refusing to eat all day and for not telling him about it, but all of this only caused him more concern. he didn't understand why you were so persistent in hiding everything from him.
"do you want to leave?" he asked softly, his gaze still locked onto yours.
you thought about it for a moment before you slowly nodded your head. you definitely weren't feeling too good at the moment, and the thought of staying in a cafe for any longer made your head hurt.
you just wanted to go back home, to lay on your bed and close your eyes for a little while.
"then, let's do that." a soft smile spread across his face as he spoke, before gently grabbing your hand and beginning to lead you out of the bathroom.
he had to guide you out of the bathroom, as you were still so weak from the entire ordeal.
you were trembling and your legs felt like they could fall out underneath you anytime.
the more you tried to walk by yourself, the more apparent it became that you were exhausted.
he kept a firm grip on your hand, as he held you in place and led you out of the cafe.
when you walked outside, the cold breeze made you shiver as your body adjusted to the sudden change in temperature. you were clearly uncomfortable and it was evident as you stopped walking and shivered once more.
he noticed the way you were shivering and it took everything in him to hide his annoyance.
he really couldn't stand how hard you worked to maintain this facade of yours, trying to act like everything was fine when it clearly wasn't.
"here." he said, as he wrapped his jacket around you to help with the cold.
"i don't need this." you spoke up, as you tried to shake off the jacket.
he looked at you with a stern gaze, his grip on the jacket remaining firm.
"you're obviously cold. we're not going to argue over this, you're wearing the jacket." he said sternly, but he couldn't help the slight irritation that laced his tone.
"but i said I don't need it…" you began to protest, though he interrupted you.
"well, I said you do. put the jacket on…" instead of arguing further with you, he simply began putting the jacket on you himself.
as he did, he remained closely positioned behind you, his body pressing against yours. he was keeping you warm as you were still trembling, the jacket was surprisingly large on you considering the fact that it was his.
"that's… way too big on me," you said out loud, as you felt how much space you had inside the jacket.
"well, it's better like this." he muttered before pulling the jacket more tightly around you.
since the jacket was big on you, you were able to fit inside of it quite snuggly, your body pressed up against his in the process.
his breath quickened as the feeling of you pressed up against him was much more apparent now that you were wearing the jacket.
he could feel your body, he could feel the heat radiating from your skin and he could feel every slight movement you made.
it was such a strange sensation, and for a brief moment, he felt tempted to lean his head onto the top of your head, which would certainly be better for his comfort, as well as hiding how badly he wanted to do that right now.
the way that his breath quickened caught you off-guard, and you noticed the sudden shift in his breathing.
but then, quickly, you remembered that you were pressed up against his body at the moment, and this is most likely why his breath had quickened.
there was a silent pause as he remained standing behind you while you were wearing his jacket, both of you remaining silent for a while until he finally spoke.
"you're still trembling…" he said quietly, and he continued to keep his body pressed against yours as he spoke.
"yeah, i uh…" you were unsure how to respond when he made that observation. you did indeed still feel cold, and you were shivering quite a lot.
even with the jacket on, you were still trembling and you thought it would lessen, but it had barely changed at all.
it only further made you realize just how frail and skinny you were…
"i'm fine… really" you said quickly, although it was quite obvious that you were lying.
"we should go to home now"
"right, yeah" you quickly nodded your head, agreeing with him.
you were still feeling extremely weak, and you wanted nothing more than to just go home and sleep the entire day.
you were so tired, both mentally and physically. it was about time for you to lay down for a little while.
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when you got home, yuji led you to your bedroom, and you sat down on your bed.
you groaned and laid down shortly after as you felt your eyelids begin to droop a little bit as you closed your eyes.
yuji noticed the heavy bags under your eyes and it annoyed him because he immediately blamed himself for stressing you out this much.
but, even though you looked horrible, you still looked so beautiful to him, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from your frail self…
even if you were physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted, he couldn't help but notice how pretty you looked in this state.
how small you looked as you laid down on the bed, it really was quite adorable.
even though he was irritated with you, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming urge to just go over and lay down next to you, and just embrace you…
he got on the bed next to you, laying down on his side so that he was facing you.
he laid his arm around you, pulling you in closer, and he brought himself even closer until he was almost pressed up against you.
he let out a soft sigh as he smiled down at you.
"get some sleep…" he whispered, as he began to slowly stroke your hair, hoping it would help to soothe you into a long and comfortable sleep.
he continued to stroke your hair for a while longer before he stopped and closed his eyes, allowing himself to sleep as well.
it had been a long day. for you and him.
your body relaxed as it was pressed up against his, and you could finally feel yourself slowly slipping away into a deep sleep.
you felt safe in his arms, and for a brief moment, you forgot about all the stresses that you had to deal with during the day.
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ncumenia-archived · 3 years
How does Ernye feel about her abilities? Does she wish she had none or something different? Can she control it completely?
// Le me replying to eons later.
She feels both blessed and cursed for her current condition. She feels powerful, and yet a monster. Being able to bend the shadow under her will, Nina feels closer to the night than ever. Even though this meant partially losing most of her human side permanently. Her power, however, was obtained through despair and revenge. The angrier she is, the more powerful and dangerous she becomes. One of her biggest fears is losing control of them and herself, mostly due to her trauma. It’s pretty easy to understand, from decimating the Solari, she would then decimate the entire world... And, then, the Lunari who she considers to be not faithful enough.
Just like C.armilla did, at the end.
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seducedsolo · 5 years
i’ve been trying to get on but i’ve been SO tired but i’m really gonna try my best to get on and actually get things done tomorrow.
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cxndaquil · 5 years
It's upsetting me a lot the fact that it's only Thursday I need a long bath
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hyunjinwrites · 6 years
just wanna say i appreciate my 1x1 partners putting up with me, the slowest dumbass of all time
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corvidbrains · 5 years
all of the gay girl asks plz
alright you asked for it:
1.       what does your wallet look like?
it’s an exact copy of the original Legend of Zelda nes game cover
2.       favorite color?
Depends on the day I guess. I really like teal, but I also vibe with pastel pink, red, purple, and black.
 3.       do you own a pride flag, or more than one?
I don’t, unfortunately. Haven’t had the money to buy one and it’s unfortunately not at the top of my “needs” list
 4.       describe your favorite outfit.
Right now, i guess it’s my blue sweater with my light blue “hug me I’m a lesbian” shirt and my blue mom jeans with my converse.
 5.       when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter? how’d she do it?
everytime I think of my gf, so like, today, an hour ago, a minute ago, two seconds ago… she just exists.
 6.       do you use nail polish?
I’d like to, but I suck at painting my nails and it always looks bad
 7.       do you keep organized? 
as well as i can and as much as my d*pression allows me to
 8.       ever take naps?
more than i’d like to admit
9.       who was your first crush?
yugi moto from yu-gi-oh
10.   what are your crush tendencies? fall hard or often?
not always hard, but I do get small crushes, I guess. you have to be special for me to fall hard for you
11.   describe your ideal day.
get up and go out, maybe to a bookstore or coffee house or smthn, come home and watch whatever show I’m binging at the moment, all while spending time with my gf, drinking tea as it gets late, then go to bed before 11.
12.   describe your ideal date.
pretty much the same as the last question with a really cute dinner out.
13.   what’s your favorite food?
uhh I guess snow peas
14.   who do you feel most comfortable around?
my partners, my brother, dad, mom, aunt and grandparents
15.   what is your favorite compliment to recieve?
“you smell really good”
16.   did you/do you like highschool?
it was alright I guess. don’t remember much even though I only graduated three years ago lmao maybe it wasn’t that great
17.   favorite animal?
18.   do you like your name?
my name that I picked for myself? yes. my birth name? eh it’s alright I guess
19.   what kind of weather is your favorite?
cool and sunny, or if I get to lay in bed all day, dark and rainy
20.   do you believe in horoscopes?
yes and no. I believe we have the power to improve ourselves, but I don’t think the horoscope isn’t something that we should completely write off.
21.   tell us about your music taste.
eclectic, except for new country.
22.   have you had your first kiss? if so what was it like?
yes, it was with two girls in the back of my grandparent’s church, so that was cool.
23.   did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid?
I have two actually: a bunny from easter and tiger from the zoo. I still have them.
24.   what time do you usually wake up/go to bed?
what’s a sleep schedule
25.   what dream trip would you take with your wife?
I want to travel all over, but I really want to go to Japan, and have since I was a kid.
26.   do you have any pets?
I have five cats and a dog
27.   what pair of underwear is your favorite?
my meundies with cute little cats on them
28.   what makes you smile?
Jenna Marbles, my animals, EXO, and my loved ones.
29.   what makes you feel heavy?
everything, currently. its all happening at once
30.   what makes you feel better?
back rubs and forehead kisses. food. video games. Naruto.
31.   how do you show your love?
spending time with the people I care about
32.   when is it time to get a haircut?
when my neck hair is two finger’s width long.
33.   where would you live if you could live anywhere?
South Korea or Washington state. Maybe Cali.
34.   do your friends and family take good care of you?
for the most part; they do their best
35.   have you always used the labels you use now?
nah, I used to use she/her and bi
36.   what makes you laugh?
Jenna Marbles, dry humor, my animals, my Friends
37.   who is your favorite fictional character?
Steven Quartz Universe, probably.
38.   who do you admire?
my nana, she’s really strong and smart and hardworking
39.   describe yourself with three words.
tired gremlin baby
40.   how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
if I have to shower, appro. 45 min-1hr. if not, 30min
41.   what do you wish you could tell your younger self?
bro why you so mad, eat some bread
42.   what would you do if you won the lottery?
buy a bus and make a tiny home so I can live my best life
43.   would you call yourself a romantic?
unfortunately, lmao
44.   what is your gayest childhood memory?
I had a crush on Tinker Bell after they made that CGI movie
45.   do you have tattoos or want any?
I have four
46.   what’s your worst habit?
anger issues
47.   what are you proud of?
my little brother
48.   did you know you’re actually a gift to the world, for real?
shut uuup ahhhh
49.   what’s your favorite memory?
my little brother being born, I think. Or meeting my gf for the first time after we started dating
50.   do you have a sweet tooth?
a little bit, but not all the time
51.   what do you like most about yourself?
my eyes
52.   what makes you fall for a girl?
what doesn’t make me fall for a girl
53.   make a recommendation.
listen to Antares by Kris Wu on itunes and spotify
54.   have you ever had your heart broken?
many time
55.   when do you feel most yourself?
when listening to my favorite songs
56.   name a gorgeous celeb.
Kim Minseok
57.   what are some of your favorite songs this week?
Hips by Gallant; Trouble and Jekyll by EXO; Slave by Taemin; She Plays Bass by beebadoobee
58.   tell us 2 of your biggest hopes and fears.
hope: I’ll be able to do what I want to set out to do and figure it out fully soon; I’ll have her by my side always
fear: I’ll never feel fulfilled in my life
59.   what flavor of chapstick/lip balm is the best?
Chapstick brand aloha coconut
60.   are you okay?
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mvdipetsch · 6 years
wait, what happened w the music rp and “nina dobrev latina” thing?
okay so in 2015 i was in this really great rp and i was in there for a really long time. as you do, i made some friends within the rp. one day, when i logged on ( remember that i’m in gmt and it meant that i used to spend my mornings playing “ catch - up ” and seeing what’d happened the night before ) and the roleplay was just upside down.      > a friend of mine was being bullied + she’d finally had enough, even despite talking to the admin about it ( bless the admin though, she really tried her best but there was little she could do. ) so she’d left and made a large post saying what had happened + what she was upset about. her best friend left alongside her.     > the nina fc ( along with her cronies ) would bubble rp 24/7      > the nina fc said that they were “ latina ” just bc her character spoke spanish ( a mess ) she meant hispanic..           > this got really bad because people had messaged the admin + the player, but the player kept being rude + whenever the admin would try and talk to the player, it always seemed ....... awkward ?? ig ??      > i got hella triggered a lot bc people kept tagging incorrectly ( this was like at the height of my d*pression as well which SUCKED ) 
i guess that’s really it but .... in comparison to the experiences some people have had this is minor, it just still boils my bunnies at times 
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theexpressmusic · 7 years
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Singes de l'Arctique à Sheffield.
Les Arctic Monkeys ont une carrière étonnante depuis leur arrivée fracassante sur le marché du rock indé en 2005. À ce moment-là, ils ont 19 ou 20 ans, et aucune réelle envie d'aller à la fac. Entre quelques concerts sulfureux dans les bars, le quatuor enregistre des démos tous les deux/trois mois. Ce sont ces morceaux que le groupe donne gratuitement sur CD lors des fins de concerts, puisque « Personne ne les aurait achetés à l'époque », si l’on en croit le parolier d'une génération désabusée, préférant soumettre sa timidité à la musique.
23 Janvier 2006, les stocks de Whatever People Say I'am, That's what I'm Not (réplique tirée du film Saturday Night, Sunday Morning) sont dévalisés. L’Angleterre rencontre encore une fois l'Europe avec ses singles sous la main, comme si c'était aussi simple de réunir une usine à hits pour un premier album. Le groupe a 4 ans de pratique instrumentale, et dote son esthétique d’un excellent batteur (cf. The View From The Afternoon) et de guitares aussi naïves que géniales. Plus tard, les jeunes hommes s'amusent à dire qu'ils ont battu les scores de ventes des Beatles, mais juste pendant les premières semaines. Tout comme pour les Fab Four, le charisme a opéré : les filles écoutent autant que les garçons cette musique entraînante et pleine de sens, de l'adolescence à l'âge adulte. Et puis Fake Tales Of San Francisco, ça fait danser différemment de Franz Ferdinand. Alex Turner est surtout un malicieux génie derrière sa Stratocaster américaine, blanche comme celle de Jimi Hendrix. 
La date qu’on veut retenir, c’est celle du 23 avril 2007. À un moment où la pression devrait être gigantesque, la réalité est noyée dans le rêve et le cirque obscur, au regard de la pochette de Favourite Worst Nightmare. Pourquoi ça devrait être celui-ci, le meilleur album du groupe ? Pourquoi pas Suck It And See ? Humbug ? Oui, mais il y a le premier jet aussi, dont on parlait juste avant. Pour y voir plus clair après onze ans qui vont bientôt nous séparer de sa sortie, on tentera de voir comment l'œuvre des AM demeure un classique du rock indie purement britannique.
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Écouter Favourite Worst Nightmare à fort volume en 2018, ça fait encore son effet. À l’époque, les garçons renvoyaient Brianstorm à la face du monde, conscients de leur succès. Un mur de son remplit le lieu dans lequel est diffusé ce premier single de l'album. Un morceau étrange au premier abord, mais terriblement efficace. Le groupe a l'allure d'un TGV pour les quatre morceaux d'entrée : Brianstorm, Teddy Picker, D IS For Dangerous, Balaclava. Après la violente ouverture en fa mineur, le speed Teddy Picker nous parle des machines à pinces qui n’attrapent que très rarement les peluches lors des fêtes foraines bondées. Et voilà qu’apparaissent de nouveaux sons très intéressants, comme cette guitare hurlante qui ondule à travers une cabine Leslie dans le solo de Teddy Picker. Que dire de D IS For Dangerous, pendant laquelle Matt Helders parvient à chanter et jouer de la batterie en même temps ? Et tout va très vite rythmiquement. Pour sûr, ils gagnent en maturité. Tandis que la secousse Balaclava porte en elle un riff et un débit de paroles significatifs, on tombe inexorablement sur une madeleine de Proust : Fluorescent Adolescent, le morceau pop et quasi-enfantin par excellence. Mais entre les lignes, les relations sont montrées du doigt : jamais évidentes. Avec des paroles qui abordent le sexe et l'amour, Alex Turner analyse différents aspects comportementaux d'une jeunesse vouée à l'échec amoureux.
À l'heure où le relationnel est difficile, la musique continue sur Only Ones Who Know, une ballade secrète et intimiste. « That true romance can't be achieved these days » chante Alex dans les dernières lignes des paroles, d’un ton impétueux. Bien évidemment, la passion authentique est l'atout charme de la chanson mélancolique.
Le sentiment d’évasion que procure Favourite Worst Nightmare va encore au-delà. La conception de cet album, scindé en deux parties distinctes à la manière d’un vinyle, nous offre une face B plus sombre, plus expérimentale et davantage osée ; nous sommes dans le cirque de Mr. Kite, plus que jamais. Do Me A Favour réanime les interrogations laissées en suspens dans un crescendo poignant, les singes sont surdoués pour le contemplatif et le rock épais.
On trouve un son plus industriel dans la production des deux joyaux que sont This House Is A Circus et If You Were There Beware, grâce à des atmosphères qui selon nous changent radicalement les Arctic Monkeys. La sauvagerie qu'est This House Is A Circus lâchée par un « In dead man’s eyes », est lancée par le jeune cyclone AM et vacille sur deux accords instables. Le champ de bataille est encore perceptible avec la suite : une transition vers un rêve inachevé. If You Were There Beware est très atypique, et si loin du AM des débuts. Un esprit plus mélancolique et vaporeux gravite. Encore une fois, on assiste à une dualité qui oppose le calme à la tension nerveuse : Alex Turner s'est trouvé une guitare Gretsch particulière qui sonne presque comme une basse durant le pont, et apporte encore une fois du génie au renouvellement du rock indé.
Après l’énergie enchanteresse de The Bad Thing, transition sur Old yellow Bricks. Car on trouve encore à ce stade de l’album un titre qui pourrait faire office d’un single obscur. Toujours dans une alchimie détente/tension qui tourne sur elle-même, le morceau a tellement plu que deux ans plus tard, Britney Spears (vous avez bien lu) s’empare de la mélodie pour son morceau If U Seek Amy, le tout dans un clip évocateur. Oui, les jeunes de Sheffield ont fait danser indirectement les fans de Britney !  
La scène finale est romantique et très imagée. 5:05, c'est l'heure à laquelle le protagoniste sera de retour, là où il met fin à l'attente d'une jeune femme recroquevillée dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Une vague histoire qui pousse à l'imagination dans une atmosphère intime installée par l'orgue. Non sans douleur, le troisième couplet explose. Les notes cristallines de Miles Kane à la guitare surgissent avec délicatesse, après toute la tension accumulée jusqu'ici. Il parvient à nous faire rêver, comme toujours. Tout s'est éteint dans le calme brumeux du final de Favourite Worst Nightmare ; on a la sensation d'avoir appuyé trop vite sur l'interrupteur. L'album s'achève en un magnifique drame. Plus tard, Alex Turner version cheveux gominés et cigarette au coin de la bouche reparlera d'une secrète chambre d'hôtel dans Fireside, soit deux albums plus tard... 
La culture des Arctic Monkeys est allée, à ce moment là, plus loin que le simple phénomène hype qui embrassait tout le monde sans peine. C'est avec Favourite Worst Nightmare que tout s'est déclenché dans le bon sens, que ce soit du point de vue des compositions structurées avec bizarrerie, ou d’un son et des paroles allant en profondeur des choses. Est-ce nébuleux ? Oui, toujours. Quoi de bien fou que de proposer le premier single hors norme Brianstorm, qui répondait à l'urgence d'un succès stimulé ? Favourite Worst Nightmare remet en question l'ordre établit du précédent disque : la ferveur s'écoute et s'entend sur ce que l'on prétend être l'album parfait, celui qui s'écoute d'une traite et sans ménagements. 
Qui sait ? Peut-être que l'on dira que Suck It And See est un écho en tonalité majeure à FWN ? Ou bien que Humbug est forcément l'authentique brèche discographique du quatuor ? Autant de questions qu'il y a de force qui s'échappe du deuxième LP d'AM. 
L’année 2007 confirmait ce succès avec un Brit Award du « meilleur album de l'année » au placard. Alors qu’on leur demandait lors d’une interview : « Quel membre a conservé le trophée dans son appartement ? », Jamie Cook répondait vouloir mettre le Brit Award au four pour « voir s’il fond ». Non, aucune mouche n’avait piqué les jeunes hommes. Quoi que maintenant, on ne sait plus trop…
“Well see you later, innovator”
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goeticassking · 7 years
Will I lose the D(eppression)? And become hApPy and sUcEsSfUL one day?
NICE try bub , de pression is SHITE(shit
human brain is a bad try, sucks ok
but listen that for you I pull Banned From Heaven (Children of Bodom)
 I blame myself for every second That I was gripped by some foe Standing for the only one, for you To kill me by your left toe
Feel like you are to blame? Feel the TRAPPED
. . To focus less on Lose and more on Deal With
Bring unto us instead the Iron Lad , He of The Many Knees , Who Was Once Green . . Who was once Altered ! as you must be . . stress - ed out ?
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lightenis · 5 years
0 notes
r3-drum · 8 years
Le projet très anticipé de l'entertainer multi-casquettes George "Joji" Miller sous un de ses nombreux pseudos, Pink Guy, illumine déjà 2017. Contrairement à son prédecesseur, Pink Season n'est pas intégralement produit par Joji, en effet il a fait appel à des producteurs confirmés comme Josh Pan, Ryanjacob et Holder. 
Oscillant entre la parodie de rappeur soundcloud (I Have A Gun, Small Dick, I Do It For My Hood) et des morceaux très travaillés, l'ensemble du projet reste sur un degré 0 de prise de tête et d'humour. Les mots les plus prononcés de l'album sont pussy, sex et dick, ce qui est loin d'être surprenant quand on est un minimum familier avec l'esprit malade à l'origine de la chaîne la plus borderline de YouTube. 
Certains morceaux ont d'ailleurs déjà eu droit à leur illustration en vidéo, come Dumplings, STFU, Furr ou l'énorme Pink Life. D'autres pistes comme Meme Machine ou Gays 4 Donald sont sorties avant l'album, mais impossible de s'en lasser malgré tout. 
Si vous hésitez, peut-être que des titres comme Smd (pour Suck my dick), D I C C W E T T 1, Uber Pussy, Please Stop Calling Me Gay ou Hentai, tout simplement, peuvent vous convaincre d'enfin achever cette souffrance qu'est votre vie. Ce message est plus subtil que dans l'album Pink Guy (cf. Kill Yourself) mais à l'écoute de High School Blink193 je ressens le même vide interne. 
On cerne par ailleurs une légère obsession avec les personnages de dessins animés (Dora the Explora, Goofy's Trial qui est à mourir de rire ou Nickelodeon Girls, mon morceau préféré de l'album). Joji se fout de la gueule de Kanye (Be Inspired) et s'en prend à Young Thug (Another Earth) sans pression en copiant leurs instrus et leur flow avec succès. 
Dans un bon quart de l'album il sort son ukulélé mais ne vous inquiétez pas les paroles sont toujours aussi infâmes (I Will Get a Vasectomy, Help) à l'exception de We Fall Again qui est peut-être le seul réel moment de respiration de tout le projet, fort appréciable vu que le reste du temps on est soit mort de rire soit beaucoup trop ambiancés (soit les deux). 
35 morceaux pour 80 minutes de bordel rose incohérent mais tellement drôle et/ou efficace que je risque de revenir sur la moitié d'entre eux au moins jusqu'à la fin de l'hiver. Plus abouti que Pink Guy (l'album) qui m'avait fait ni chaud ni froid, Pink Season témoigne du bien être de Joji sur le plan créatif et augmente encore l'impatience que j'ai vis à vis de ses prochains projets. 
Petit regret: l'absence de tueries comme Hood Rich et Teriyaki God qui avaient pourtant bel et bien leur place ici. 
Longue vie à George Miller sans qui internet serait définitivement bien plus triste.
(Justfuckingkillmealready/20 est ce que je peux donner qui s’apparente le plus à une note)
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Clone Wars        Slaves of the Republic
     Children are slaves
     Contin        -uing          on,                  That’s            Kin             da-
  (smarter than Anakin)
   It hasn’t been for several years           though right?
  Z-y      ger-i         a-  
  Seriously         you guys co -exist       and have a giant council,
    How did no one       notice this shit?
   Also if they’re         Sep-ar            Tist-             -      they have a   govern     -ment-
   So, is this some kind of   iron   curtain?
  Se-      riously?        -         How?
Also why is     Rex       or Cody?      —       Okay, seriously what is up with the    uniform?          -        Where’d you even get that from?
    There’s one dude,
   And if it was from like a secret         stash of disguises?
    Wouldn’t that be          several years          out of date?
   Like,      What?           -        You’re better off not doing the    dis-guises
    Also, geez a lot of assumptions like one       extremist made a claim and now the whole planet has the       burn           ...     Like seriously it’s in      char-        acter,
   But this means Obi-Wan was only agreeing with her because he knows her personally
    (’Her’ being            Man-             dal             Or              Ia             N       Duchess,’)
   Those are    ships
   What- music-
 The music is just      nope,
   Bor        der-        Ing-          On-         .        Seriously     why is he here?           .          What is with the          clothing ?
        Seriously, how is that going to           fool anyone,
       I don’t like the lack of logic            already in this episode,
  ‘you’ll be so distracted by that she won’t notice that we completely invaded her kingdom wearing the uniform (possibly 10 years out of date) of her guard and do not at all look like a species
        Or anyone     she hi       -re         -d
     (And somehow     won’t get stabbed to death)
   And       Ahsoka,
    Also why is       she wearing face coverings?
   Like, didn’t seem to be a       custom?
    Odd         Dis         guise
    (I guess anything covering features would         give her less of a chance of being           recognized)
      (Yeah but you know more about the emotions involved,             And probably would be better acting at it)
  ��        Ma-ster
           Damn      she just scorch     ed his teaching
         Boomers,             Don’t know                  shit
            Why is it                  blue?
            Why is there a               dragon thing?                     -  
I don’t know     Ah-soka why don’t you ask the     clone you’re work      -ing with,              Or remember how they raised you for the sole purpose of serving their system
     Fighting for it
  Oh great   did she tell you that information  ?
    (Instead of         y’know        fixing the damn problem,”
       Yeah,            Sucks,
      Oh they actually        brought that up,
     Okay, I deduct that point           (Slight               ly,)                -                Invit            -ation                  -                 Fair
          Brig              -and
         Again what makes them think that this is anything more than an        extremist ?
        Like, how is that        important?
     That          thi-ng,                ?
        Again           what?
   Also yeah the uniforms look      significantly different?
       That mean              anything?
        Oh, so those            birds are native ?
        Or, Other            Wise-
       Se-        riously           what?
       Not exactly how         attraction works,           Which I think is          what they were trying to             imply there,
      There needed to be more of a       look over-              Or                Him      taking off his hat               (For that                gasp reaction,)
            Also yeah        a newly minted slave would totally                   bow,                      To their oppressor,
               That’s                   something Anakin,                  should be doing,
               Ah, did you not send from                        your-self?                          That would’ve been more of a rea-lis-      tic scene for        the drinks line,
     Ha-           tred             -          Yeah no this is a really bad       job,
     Yeah, there’s no way       she’s falling for this,
  ‘This is he      he’s cute so I’ll play along,
      There’s, no other way this     isn’t ending with a dagger to a neck,
      Wa- rrior
      Oh she’s      talking about Ana                             -kin
  Again he literally sent you the    whole population of the planet,
   So, I don’t think he was that       specific,
   You know   it’s a good thing         Ahsoka’s as an adult            Because this would be highly      disturbing with any other      alternative..
   Also I guess that kind of makes sense as           the shock wearing off 
     but she definitely wouldn’t be that wild,
    Yeah there’s      no way lady is falling for this,
    That’s     got dragged into it        temperament,
     Point,          It’s           Not-
     It’s         not          fitting        ‘ I know you’re         bull-     shitting me,”
  Yeah there’s      no way,      she’s falling for this,
   (Anyone   would probably have a let’s see      where this leads,
   This-            Isn’t             It-
      You know this flir-            ting is better than anything that happens with    Padme-
       Like     it’s at least got the tone       -right
       But also no
      She’s significantly older than him and...  toxic,
       I’m going with     tox        -ic          -         Also- yeah 
   Anakin is definitely a lot better       at this-
 Ah-       soka          -            Not          even bothering        with it,
         Again,       Why is this so much better than anything with       Pad-me,
  Like it’s toxic          -     but it holds them both accountable,
  Generally a lot      better writt          -en
   (Hopefully they were going for they don’t actually love each other      they just like breaking the rul-es)
   Because-       I can’t see it as any       -thing          else          Now,
   (Or even then,)
     Da-          Mn-
  Yeah dude      it’s clear that she’s faking,
   What’s a        Hutt?
  Also yeah no one questioned them about their     human appearance-
  Also, yeah what are they even doing     bury-ing them alive,
        Obi-Wan acts a lot more sus instead of just staying down in the pit with him under the guise of screwing with a prisoner
        Also yeah      I can’t blame him,
           She’s an adult
     Tox          -ic
       Also,           You          figured out the price between you two                That   should be     a lot more dramatic,
     They’re adults.
       Also yeah        no way she’s falling for that           -                 Also yeah   where did his name come from?            -          Like did they give an           alias at some point?           -         Cause is Lars just seems to come out of the air-
   [they told them that they knew said dude, Anakin talked with the queen but I can’t- but he didn’t mention her name-
     Again this is pretty good 
   though the tone did drop there a little,
   She’s        screwing with him-
     Yeah,          I’d be worried about him drinking the Kool-Aid right about now         too
     [he already drank the Generational Overstep one           ]
  What       -       Sl-        aves        -       Uhm,
   Sucks          . .      that he decided to enable that shitty system
    Accoun-    tability is always better,
    But if he dies the system of his        own making it his own fault,
      -  also yeah     now we’re sussing out the human targets,
 Yeah       no she’s definitely fucking with them,
   Also you’re telling me they didn’t notice him from the       white republic ass       robes?
      (Or did they just          give that to him?)
     Yes      she’s right,
  Mhm, loving this ro-     ast of Kenobi right now,
     It’s still said by a         worse enable
     So not too sweet
      But it      hits a spot,
       Any          way,
Well isn’t this Anakin’s fantasy,     finally his anger out on his abuser              (Vent-ing)
            Seriously that is damn light
            Call-ing him a                   boomer
              Then they’re both enabling old Gen                     So pretty past the                  redemption mark,
                 But,                    Still,
Cath,arsis      is nice,  
 Yeah,        see      she      knew          it      was        bull,         shit-
   Wh-elp-           -          A more realistic relationship                   (toxic)
              High                  -                  Well
(Also when did the      clone get back?)
      Also R2-D2 has the capabilities of a           projectile              launch                -er                  -               G           -uard                -              A-i
      Exp-ression going a little          Looney Tunes        the-           re-
     (I should be able to read           their ex-           pression,”
  Did      that?
   She wasn’t wearing a     shock collar,
   And we didn’t see her gets sent to processing with that kind of thing would be implemented,
    Oof           -          Rex?           -        Freckin         down,
   W-h-         elp
   Again     emotion?
        [what’s              the           emotion?]
      W-h                  Oh-    
       I thought that was         pretty neat~ 
     Also,             friends,         His       poisonous        en-abler          who        groomed          him          to            be          a child soldier,        And someone from a        younger       generation,         Who he groomed to be a child soldier,           Great         freck           ‘in           friends,               W-    
     Hey, that’s              some thing,              Mis-             s-             ion             .    
      Again has anyone been taking the mission        seriously            .         ever?         ..         At any point?   
     Anakin‘s been hecking around with this                      Obi-Wan decided screw            Subtlety, and went for             one guy,    
        And Ahsoka’s been been            be               grud               G                    Ing                        Ly                       -                      Putting                         up                      with                        it-                        ...                    Gen                          eral                         . . .                          Ser                          -vant                              -                                 Okay the tone just went into                               gar-                                 g-                               ,ling                               marbles,                                  And the                                   expression                                          is                                   neutral                                     (at                                      best)                                                                            What                       ��                 the                                         hell?
   (Seriously why whenever Anakin‘s unfortunate childhood            it turns into gargling marbles?
        Like I can’t even tell what               emotion that is
     Either way    it’s just not how people talk,           Voice possibly getting         lower,          Not         what th             is- is
She is right - he has enabled a terrible system and continue(s - to be Obi- wan and the Council’s         bitch         (Non   identification          term,)
 Hey, no     difference from Obi-Wan,
       Here,    The Boomer bait     Obi-Wan gave me,     Promising a place in      their screwed up           Future,       That I traded it then          Future            Now             Present              Ahsoka      ’s           (Chance)         at          A            Non-       (Completely)        Feck      -e-d              Child                 hood                 For,                  Thank       -s
   (Totally not a servant)
      Despite the      very conditional nature of         that agreement
              Also I real-ly like what they did there,      Anakin not being a slave         (Like he       said,
      Like in childhood)
              Now just being        a willing          servant,
        Really showing the         Modi    -cum      Of         Diff        er        en         ce         Be-tween    Being unwittingly       ordered         into it,                  And      (continued)     choosing to           enable it
       Fri-en          d-s
         Well that’s better for Ahsoka than literally anything Anakin and Obi-Wan have done for her
         Con-stantly              putting her in harms way-
         (Not giving a shit       about the child soldier thing)
I don’t   honestly don’t get the idea behind the get up
As seen none of the   other     [of her     species]      Is     wearing     similar   get up
 Just-      doesn’t        add       up,-
   Seems-         fine-  
     More hassle to get        food and water and        everything else up there to be        quite honest,
    Also seriously what is up with the wildlife?
   Like we have the cute        squishy things?
   And then        these?
    Also,      That really     didn’t sound        too malicious         ...      Don’t get me wrong I think      I know what they’re trying to imply,
   But dude here’s suffering from          Clovis syndrome,
    Aka the tone just isn’t       carry          -ing           —-           There doesn’t seem to be any   malician     .behind what he just said,
   Like dude sounded like he said      “mine” as in mine for       board game night,
   “sk         -ug,”         Ok,     that’s Malacian      but it’s not the        right        kind,
       That just sounds          mildly offensive
                Non                    committal
                 Doesn’t really connect with    the tone of the previous sentence,
    Which was         like;           ‘The queen has promised you to me       how do you feel about it?’
      That, just coming            out of nowhere,
         Not carrying
         A-         Ight-
         Not even             -consistent
           Like seriously,
       If you’re going to do a flat character              like that;
            At least try to do it                consistently;          Like dude went from “lust”, (I’m assuming it seems more like self-  conscious/doubt) to me then off-hand        Passive aggressiveness, then       Disciplinary,         Without so much          Of a pre-            empt       (Not        prompt,)                We never saw that        conscious          -ness               turn                to           aloofness,               Then cold rage,              pushing the button                   no shift,                     Only                impromptu                    jump,
            Shame would’ve been interesting if Ahsoka had a Clovis like friend,
            (I don’t know                  his age,)
  What am I supposed to feel          what, emotion is that
       I have           no clue,
      Well,         Why?
     Who is        this guy?
      A slave           owner/buy               -er?
        We’ve       found them
         No you were brought to them            -by force-
          Also where is the dude              that was just in a chair?
           [also wow for Rex this must feel a                return ho                              me-
     Okay, not gonna          question it,
         -             Also yeah that was the question what their education of their youth actually is like
   *Groom            Ing
      Like the      propaganda        must be         damn          thick,
         As well as         the child abuse                    (If this is the state of society and seeing how they can see another         adult human being              (Sen             -tient)                 Yeah there’s no way those kids are in good condition,
            Also this dude comes off as such a              doof,
              Like not even remotely intim-              idating-                      -                  Well,                   Fuck
(Also yeah I’m pretty sure the         queen is going to be real fucking pleased that you just wasted a bunch of        stock
 Of a trade that is just getting back up and running again
 Also yeah     Kenobi really fucked this one up      -     His job to find them-       Fecked that      up-          -          Atten       -tion               -           Worst. way to get        attention         ever,
  See, they’re specifically doing this to        mess with him-          -            De-fy
   And Obi-wan was then     allowed to wander off,
   While dude     spun the wrong way in his chair,
     Rom-antic     ?
    Lady that’s like pointing and saying you were once an abuse victim weren’t you?
    Like, very likely
  With the council, the clones            At least two slave               states                 (Planets)
       I think the only way you could get                 “vagu-er”                       Is saying                 child soldier,                       Sl-ave
  Being a slave      doesn’t make you       naturally virtuous,
    With      abusers,      it makes you pissed off
      Others,          Ty-pica               ll           y            Fine,
   But again that’s not guaranteed,
   Ex-abuse victims can still enable the abusers-
   [There’s just a lot of problems with this that I’m kind of     gargling,]
    Point being you can’t tell      something like that,
    And      suffering doesn’t make you more       virtuous,
          (Just means normal human decency stand out a lot more in the   darkness of degeneracy,
        Any,            Way,
   Groom         Ing
   So they are actually       fram-          ing that it’s a bad thing,
     Good, cause it is
  Obi-Wan is a grooming frick
   And Ahsoka is a child robb         -ed of her child-            hood-
      By the council and implied to be              by Anakin              (Who did nothing and enabled it long past the point of        return,)
     And literally        every-one             else                 (Inc-luding              the abuser        as we just saw)
         Self-           destruction            (and           enabling                it)             is a shit time,
             Be            Absolutely nothing besides a toxic enabler      upon a pile of rubble,
   It’s damn       useless,
    Oh, that’s almost           flirt              Ing-
That’s really dramatic music        for FLYING Frogs,
        Again, he’s not       terribly opposed to this,
    Again, that came out of nowhere
    Like Anakin slavery hangups are the equivalent of an           on and off switch
     * Note, a reason.                To,              Slavery is bad         objectif             ication of other humans is bad,               Don’t do it,
          I called them hangups just to denote the fact            that there never anything,                  im-portant,                consistent or some thing he sticks by,
             Being perfectly fine with this        flirt      -ing        off the clock
    With a sl             -aver             -             Only occurring at random with no reuniting theme
         And literally just sounds like the writers,             Shou-ting-               “ Hey guys remember Anakin was a             slave?”
           Yes and while that can cause            rush-es of             e-motion
            None of that                 is shown,
            We don’t see Anakin clenching his fist and it building up that resent       -ment-
         We don’t see him fighting              the idea,                 that the            Jedi just use him,                 Like his               old slave                master-
                We don’t       see any emotion,
              It’s just dull
              Not like an emotional dull
              Like an unemotional one,
                            There’s not        h-ing
                            Which is a shame because there should be a lot of emotion here-
         And there’s not-
     She’s          Right,
     And Anakin is an          inhuman        abomination,            That can’t even           manage an emotion,
     (Might want to try          someone else)
        Because he hasn’t managed a single emotion or       conflict this entire time,
        Unless you mean biologically complicated in that case yes how the feck does this man work?
        Adult people are             very emotional,              Dude can’t          even manage a bit of it
   - His expressions        are damn atrocities
      (Of logic!)
     (And        ,empathy)
   Again      Emotion,
  Well I will give this episode the benefit,        It’s the episode that got things the            closest thing to right             (Greivous’s lair,           Not          withstanding)                In terms of tone, 
       Near the middle
    (Before promptly          coming crashing down to the ground,)
     Unfortunately considering the rest of the episodes that isn’t really high  praise
      The thing about tone is I need to be able to understand what emotions your char-acters are feeling and being por-tray-ed in about every scene,
       And,           You can’t cut corners
       And hav-ing switching emotional        moods            With             out              pre            empt              or under-              standing,
        Still passing the threshold of being a              good story;
          -Co-herent tale that can be followed
          - doesn’t normalize        problematic or self-destructive                   Behavior
         However not one of a fun story;
       Leaving me with the persistent fee-      ling of chew-            Ing metal
      Mildly      irritating,        Clunky,          And not the least bit entertaining        or of any value                 (Much)
     That it has yet to          rise above
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ncumenia-archived · 4 years
|| @dcvorakk sent:
“It’s not what you think...” ||
Send in “It’s not what you think” for my muse to see yours covered in blood! - always accepting
The acrid scent of blood quickly reached her nostrils, a gasp as her hues met his bloodstained figure, his clothes smeared as if he just had a deadly fight with something way more dangerous than the Lunari. And, to say that sight was as frightening as her last night was somehow the least, and hiding the horror she was feeling proved a challenge was tougher than she expected.
Besides the shock, concerned regarding his current conditions overwhelmed her as well. Carefully, Ernye took a step toward Julian, silently inspecting his body with her eyes, looking for any sign of injuries.
«What happened...? What should I thinking instead of “You miraculously have escaped death”? I can assure you I have seen more blood than you could actually believe, and this is not a mere coincidence, nor a simple accident... Something huge has just happened, and I want to know.»
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yoongislilbutt · 5 years
1/2) I read ur post from a few days ago. I dont have d*pression, but I have phases where Im very down and dont do much when Im really stressed and my anxiety is high. So I dont know how much this helps, but for me its good to do stuff I dont necessarily feel like doing, for example meeting a friend(s). Talking about things that are weighing me down with them. I usually feel better afterwards, cause it helps me get out of the bubble Im stuck in and I dont get sucked into that bad feeling too deep
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rmtual-moved · 6 years
d*pression sucks .
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