#d'you like the ''don't get your hairs in a tangle''? that's a new expression i just coined on the spot for this fandom
To anycreature in the Trolls fandom still upset that we didn’t get to see Poppy and Branch kiss and that if they did kiss the camera was too far out for us to see...
Look, I don’t understand the reason for the having-them-kiss-but-too-far-for-us-to-actually-see-it either. And I know it’s been a long wait and we all wanted some serious broppy in this film.
But we DID get plenty of broppy even without a kiss. We got Branch’s part of Trolls Just Wanna Have Fun, calling Poppy beautiful and saying “just need the guts to tell her that she’s the one,” which, besides being incredibly sweet, explicitly confirmed to us for the first time that there is definitely canonical romantic interest there. We got Branch awkwardly trying to confess it to Poppy, being unable to spit it out, and visibly dying inside when he got friendzoned. We got a little heart-to-heart with him and Hickory about it after an angsty mini-song about it. We got the implications of Poppy and Branch’s incredibly weird hallucinations caused by Chaz’s smooth jazz music. We got the angsty, musical, 80% tearjerking 20% heartwarming, absolutely beautiful ultimate feels-fest that was the Perfect For Me scene, for crying out loud! We got another “I love you” from Poppy and Branch that, if all this is anything to go by, is definitely canonically romantic this time.
Even the high five, which some people got upset that we received instead of a kiss, that could be interpreted as broppy too, in a way. It’s still directly tied to their relationship. A lot of the subplot with them was the whole problem of “we don’t seem to connect very well,” which was first represented by the repeatedly failed high five earlier on, so of course they had a wildly successful high five to wrap it up showing they’ve learned a thing or two and the connection and their relationship are better now for it. I think y’all knew this, it ain’t rocket science or anything. Point is just because it was less tied to romance specifically doesn’t mean it wasn’t tied to their relationship in a super meaningful way. Plus you can’t deny it was THE most epic high five in the history of high fives. I mean, come on.
So we didn’t get to see them kiss. But the truth is, we didn’t really need to. Seeing them kiss after it all would’ve been a little extra icing and a cherry on top of the cake, but like...just look, it’s already SUCH an amazing cake, y’all. Why complain we didn’t get a broppy kiss on top of everything? Why not just be grateful for all that we DID get?
Besides, the franchise isn’t over yet. We’ve still got Trollstopia coming up, and quite possibly a third movie further in the distance. Poppy and Branch are the franchise’s big official couple, there’s no doubts about that now, and as such I have zero doubts that we’ll be seeing plenty more of them and that one day sooner or later we WILL get to see them kiss. We’ve just gotta remember that, have faith and trust and pixie dust in it, y’know? And, of course, patience. Yeah, yeah, the patience part might not be the easiest, but hey, we’ve waited this long, right? We can wait awhile longer. And maybe the ridiculous amounts of broppy kisses in fan art and fanfics will help, huh?
So yeah, don’t get your hairs in a tangle about not seeing a broppy kiss in TWT. We got all the broppy we needed from TWT without that, and sooner or later some other installment of the Trolls franchise WILL finally give us that broppy kiss that so many of us want so bad.
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