#d/gs fans check out my other headcanons ;)
aaimagine · 4 years
oooh, you write dgs stuff too??? could i possibly ask for some headcanons... ryuunosuke with a male s/o, perhaps the s/o works in a cafe or a flower shop.... tender pining and tropes, just good soft gays 🥺 tysm
Yes of course! I love Ryuun, he's such a sweetheart <3 Thank you for enabling my gay ass!! (also sorry for answering out of order, I'll get to my other asks soon!)
naruhodou with a male s/o café AU headcanons
It's canon that Ryuunosuke does not take a lot of notice in women, so it would not be surprising to anyone to hear that he's been staring a little too long at the waiter of the café the inhabitants of 221B frequent.
He's honestly not subtle at all, with his darting eyes and stutters whenever you take and return their orders. At this point, common customers could all look forward to -or roll their eyes at- the boys who have obvious feelings for each other.
Ryuun being oblivious to your feelings was slightly understandable, but YOU being completely blind to his feelings drives your co-workers crazy. (They leave you be for now though, allowing drama to ensue)
When he comes with the gang, it's a little funny to see holmes (with his fatherly, well meaning yet embarrassing ways) hype up naruhodou on his feats. Ryuun stands stiffly trying to deflect each complement while you just stand there giggling.
During the periods he doesn't work on cases, he makes sure to visit your job daily. Oh, not to see you in particular of course, he just really loves the tea there. Yeah! (Sure, jan. Says the man who lives with Iris Watson herself.)
It took him awhile to work up the courage to come by without his friends though. He typically only came with another person.
At first he was too shy to do it. If you paid close attention you could see him walking up and down the street a few times before he steeled his resolve to get in. He had to convince himself there was nothing to be worried about, the poor sap.
Once he finally sets this new routine though, he ends up staying there for hours on his daily visits, studying there as a change of pace. The first few times were you simply greeting him, but the more he comes, the more you find yourself interacting with more.
During the off times where the crowd dies down and there are no new customers, it leaves room for you to idly chat with him. You both learn a lot about each other during these windows of time, and it's precious to both of you.
On particular day, he had visited early in the morning rather than his usual afternoon slot. The day was slow as it was midweek, so you decided to chat as you cleaned the tables.
It started with a quip about what he was reading. It then blossomed into a deep conversation about your pasts. Your co-workers, getting a little tired of the obvious pining, decide to cut you some slack and push you in the right direction for once.
Or... that was the plan. Before you could excuse yourself for a second to put back your cleaning supplies, a certain co-worker was already two steps ahead and took them out of your hands.
"You should take your break now, loverboy. If you don't go now me and the pals in the back think you're gonna pass out from how nervous you look. Your cheesiness bad for business, actually. Why not take the day off and go out with your-"
Before they could finish, another co-worker cut them off and told you you were free to go for the day. Your face was hotter than the tea you served and you didn't think you could face Ryuun after that moment.
Without turning, you started to apologize. Before you could finish, you were cut off with an--
"I- I'd love to take you out!! ... I-If thats okay with you!"
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