#cypress nelson: one
Kingsnake Shopping List
If you've decided on a kingsnake (Lampropeltis sp.) as a pet snake, you've made an excellent choice! Kingsnakes are known for being fantastic eaters and are very hardy, fun pets who can live to be over 15 years old with proper care.
This guide is intended for California and Mexican black kingsnakes, and it can also work for black, Sinaloan, Nelson's, and Honduran milksnakes.
Enclosure setup shopping list:
You will want to set up your enclosure so your snake has room to stretch out, climb, and explore! You will need to set up a temperature gradient of 85-75 Fahrenheit, and kingsnakes prefer mid-range humidity, about 50-60%.
Enclosure. For a young kingsnake, a 20 gallon is fine, and a 40 gallon works well for yearlings. As an adult, your snake will need a 4x2x2 enclosure at the absolute minimum, and bigger is better! Kingsnakes average around 3-5 feet across species, with males being significantly smaller than females. Check out Animal Plastics for affordable, high-quality enclosures.
If your enclosure has a screen lid, two sets of screen clips. Never bring a snake home without screen clips!
A dome heat lamp with ceramic sockets. Any big reptile brand is fine - Fluker's, Zoo Med, and Exo Terra are all trustworthy brands here. Make sure your dome lamp is rated for the wattage of bulb you will be using - 150 is usually a safe bet.
Heat bulbs. I use ceramic heat emitters for my kings. You can choose to provide halogen light and UVB if you'd like. Arcadia makes high-quality heat sources your pet will love. The wattage you choose will depend on your enclosure size and the temperature in your home.
A thermostat to plug your heat source into. Vivarium Electronics thermostats are excellent but pricey; you can go as expensive as you like but here is a cheap one I swear by.
Digital thermometer/hygrometer reader with probes - Zoo Med and Exo Terra make great dual gauges. Avoid stick-on dials!
At least two identical hides, one on either side. A proper hide has three solid walls and a smallish entrance - you want your snake to feel snug and secure. I recommend extra hides for milksnakes, who can often be more timid than other kings.
A container to make a humidity hide. Simply cut a hole in the lid, fill with damp moss, and you're set! Providing your snake with a humid hide will help them have perfect sheds every time!
A large water bowl
(Insider tip: if you go to the grocery store and buy a pack of black plastic food storage containers, you can easily make hides, humidity hides, and a water bowl out of them! Here's my go-to option, you can easily take care of all that for one baby snake for like 5 dollars!)
Sphagnum moss for your humid hide
Substrate - for kingsnakes, I prefer cypress mulch. It allows for easy burrowing and holds humidity well! Other humidity-retaining substrates, such as coconut husk or coconut fibers, are good choices as well. Whatever you choose, provide your snake with at least a couple inches so they can dig.
Climbing branches and other decor - climbing is a must, and vines, rocks, and tunnels made from cardboard tubes are other great options. Kingsnakes thrive on novel stimulation, and small cardboard boxes and hol-ee roller balls are frequent favorites. Cluttering up your enclosure is a must! Rolled up balls of paper towel can make great clutter for young snakes.
Consider a blanket or other visual barrier to put over the enclosure to help your snake feel safe and hidden. Kingsnakes are visual snakes and babies can feel jumpy and exposed in an all-glass enclosure.
General care:
Feeding tongs.
Food for your snake. Even baby kings can eat whole pinky mice. Your offered food should be about 10% of your snake's body weight. It's easy to overfeed kingsnakes - do not listen when they act like they're constantly hungry! Being fed once a week is plenty for young kingsnakes.
A soldering iron, believe it or not! A cheap soldering iron will serve you well throughout your snake's life - you can use it to easily melt holes in bowls and containers to make hides.
A small snake hook can help you with handling your snake, especially if you're nervous. Kingsnakes have excellent feeding responses and mistaken feeding bites can happen, so handling with a snake hook can help get your snake out of food mode and help you be more comfortable.
And some common beginner mistakes:
Don't move your snake to a separate enclosure to feed. It's a myth that will make your snake "aggressive" - it can actually cause more mistaken feeding bites as they associate handling with being fed!
Don't worry if your snake spends most of their time hiding, especially while young. A hiding snake is a happy snake! Don't be concerned if your pet kingsnake seems flighty and jumpy at first, kingsnakes can be jumpy babies but many become much more confident by the time they're a year old.
Don't over-handle your snake, and always give them at least a week to settle in before offering food for the first time.
Never handle your snake for two days after they've eaten - that could cause a regurgitation.
Kingsnakes are some of my favorite snakes to keep, and I'm sure you'll see why when you bring yours home! They're fun, curious snakes with big personalities, and you never have to worry about them missing a meal!
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God Gives What Is Good
1 The Lord says, “All you who are thirsty, come and drink. Those of you who do not have money, come, buy and eat! Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost. 2 Why spend your money on something that is not real food? Why work for something that doesn’t really satisfy you? Listen closely to me, and you will eat what is good; your soul will enjoy the rich food that satisfies. 3 Come to me and listen; listen to me so you may live. I will make an agreement with you that will last forever. I will give you the blessings I promised to David. 4 I made David a witness of my power for all nations, a ruler and commander of many nations. 5 You will call for nations that you don’t yet know. And these nations that do not know you will run to you because of the Lord your God, because of the Holy One of Israel who honors you.”
6 So you should look for the Lord before it is too late; you should call to him while he is near. 7 The wicked should stop doing wrong, and they should stop their evil thoughts. They should return to the Lord so he may have mercy on them. They should come to our God, because he will freely forgive them.
8 The Lord says, “My thoughts are not like your thoughts. Your ways are not like my ways. 9 Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. 10 Rain and snow fall from the sky and don’t return without watering the ground. They cause the plants to sprout and grow, making seeds for the farmer and bread for the people. 11 The same thing is true of the words I speak. They will not return to me empty. They make the things happen that I want to happen, and they succeed in doing what I send them to do.
12 “So you will go out with joy and be led out in peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees in the fields will clap their hands. 13 Large cypress trees will grow where thornbushes were. Myrtle trees will grow where weeds were. These things will be a reminder of the Lord’s promise, and this reminder will never be destroyed.” — Isaiah 55 | New Century Version (NCV) The Holy Bible, New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Cross References: Numbers 23:19; Deuteronomy 4:7; Deuteronomy 4:29; Deuteronomy 32:2; 2 Samuel 7:19; 2 Samuel 22:44; 1 Chronicles 16:33; Psalm 18:43; Psalm 22:26; Psalm 33:11; Psalm 65:12-13; Psalm 96:12; Psalm 103:11; Isaiah 1:16; Isaiah 5:6; Isaiah 14:24; Isaiah 16:5; Isaiah 45:14; Matthew 5:6; Matthew 10:8; Matthew 24:35; John 6:27; Acts 8:22; Acts 13:34; Romans 10:5; 2 Corinthians 9:10
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moneeb0930 · 5 months
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Did Harriet Tubman ever see her sisters again?
Edward Brodess sold three of Tubman's sisters, whom she never saw again.
Tubman escaped slavery and rescued approximately 70 enslaved people, including members of her family and friends. Harriet Tubman's family includes her birth family; her two husbands, John Tubman and Nelson Davis; and her adopted daughter Gertie Davis.
Tubman's parents—Benjamin "Ben" Ross and Harriett “Rit" Greene Ross—were enslaved people who were owned by two different families. Their lives came together when Mary Pattison Brodess, Rit's owner, married Anthony Thompson. Ben Ross, owned by Thompson, met and married Rit Greene. They lived together until about 1823 or 1824, when Rit and their children went to the Brodess farm. Ben was a timber estimator and foreman and Rit was a domestic servant. After Ben was freed, he bought his wife's freedom. Ben was a conductor on the Underground Railroad and slaveholders were becoming suspicious of his role in escapes in the area. Tubman, having freed other family members, rescued her parents. After a short period in St. Catharines in Ontario, Canada, Tubman and her parents settled in the Auburn, New York area.
Tubman married a free man, John Tubman in 1844. In 1849, Tubman fled the area, believing that she was going to be sold. She returned to the area to bring John Tubman north with her, but he had already married another woman. Tubman operated a boarding house out of her home in Auburn and Nelson Davis boarded with her for three years before they were married in 1869. Davis fought during the American Civil War. They adopted a girl, Gertie, and operated several businesses out of their farm. They raised pigs and chickens, operating a farm selling eggs and butter.
She made 13 trips to Maryland to bring back her brothers and parents, other family members, friends and others. She did not know of the whereabout of her sisters, except Rachel who was separated from her children and died before the family could be reunited.
Born Araminta "Minty" Ross, her parents were Benjamin "Ben" and Harriet "Rit" Greene Ross. They were "respected as clever, honest, and religious people with a strong sense of family loyalty".
Ross family sites in Maryland. Ben lived at Peters Neck, and for awhile Rit and 5 children lived there as well. Rit and her children lived at Brodess Farm beginning about 1824. Ben later lived at Poplar Neck, and Rit joined him there after he purchased her freedom around 1854.
Around 1785 or 1787, Benjamin Ross was born in Dorchester County, Maryland, the property of wealthy landowner Anthony Thompson,who married Mary Pattison in 1803. She was the slaveholder of Rit Greene. Ben and Rit were married in 1808, through an informal marital ceremony, which was their only option to commit to one another.
Ben was a lumberman who supervised slaves who brought down poplar, oak, and cypress trees. He then transported them to Baltimore, where they were used to build ships. In the late 1830s and early 1840s, Ben and Tubman both worked on digging canals for Lewis and John T. Stewart, who were shipbuilders.
Anthony Thompson died in 1836. In the early 1840s, Ben was emancipated and received 10 acres of land following Anthony Thompson's death, as stipulated in his will.Thompson's son, Dr. Anthony C. Thompson, a "timber magnate" and a physician, inherited the estate. He also owned Poplar Neck, an area in southern Caroline County, where Thompson sent free laborers and enslaved people. Poplar Neck is approximately 35 miles from Peters Neck, where Tubman was born. Ben once said that Dr. Thompson was "a rough man towards his slaves, and declared, that he had not given him a dollar since the death of his father". He ultimately sold his 10 acres to Dr. Thompson.
He continued to work as a foreman and lumber estimator by hiring himself out within the Eastern Shore for $5 (equivalent to $164 in 2023) a day. He saved his earnings to buy his wife's freedom.
He was a conductor on the Underground Railroad,which included hiding people on his property in Caroline County. The increase in successful escapes drew the attention of local law enforcement in 1857.He was seen as a "primary agitator", such as with the escape of the Dover Eight, which led to Ben and Rit's trip north to avoid retribution. They initially moved to St. Catharines, Ontario in Canada, but the climate was too cold for the 70-year-old couple and they then moved to Fleming outside of Auburn, New York.
Rit was born about 1785 or 1787 in Dorchester County, Maryland. Rit and her mother Modesty were owned by Atthow Pattison, and they lived on his 265-acre farm near Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge east of the convergence of the Blackwater and Little Blackwater Rivers. Tubman believed that Modesty had arrived in the colonies on a ship from Africa. Her grandmother may have come from the area now known as Ghana on West Africa's Gold Coast. People of that area are of the Ashanti ethnic group. In 1791, Modesty does not appear in Pattison's will.
In January 1797, Pattison died and left Rit to his granddaughter Mary Pattison, who was the wife of Joseph Brodess. There was a stipulation in Pattison's will that she and her children should be freed when they reached forty five years of age. In 1803, Mary Pattison Brodess married Anthony Thompson, who had an enslaved man named Benjamin Ross. She died in 1809 and her son Edward inherited her estate.
Initially, her enslaved parents and siblings lived in Ben Ross's cabin on the Anthony Thompson farm at Peters Neck in Dorchester County, Maryland, in what is now the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. Around 1823 or early 1824, after the death of Mary Pattison Brodess Thompson, Edward had Rit and her five children moved ten miles away to the Brodess farm in Bucktown, where she worked as a domestic servant. Edward sold her daughter Linah. He attempted to sell her son Moses to a slave trader from Georgia, but Rit traded off hiding him in the woods and her cabin until the trader gave up and left.
Edward Brodess decided not to honor the stipulation in Pattison's will that would have freed Rit and her children at the age of 45. Edward died in 1849. Eliza Ann Brodess inherited her husband Edward's estate. Edward, and then his wife, Eliza Ann, hired Rit out and kept the money that Tubman earned. Gorney Pattison, great-grandson of Atthow, filed a lawsuit against Brodess for the monies that she earned, since she and her husband had not honored Atthow Pattison's wishes. Pattison lost the case.
Ben purchased his wife's freedom from Eliza Ann Brodess for $20 (equivalent to $654 in 2023) in 1854 or 1855, and the bill of sale was recorded on June 11, 1855, at the Dorchester County Court. Rit was not manumitted because a law of Maryland did not permit for enslaved people over age 45 to be set free. She then lived at Ben's cabin in Caroline County.
Freedom in New York
Fearing that she was going to be sold away from Maryland, Tubman ran away in 1849. She followed the "north star" and was aided by white and black people to make her way north. Her parents were among the people that she brought north and out of slavery. They escaped with Tubman in 1857.
I had crossed the line of which I had so long been dreaming. I was free; but there was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom, I was a stranger in a strange land, and my home after all was down in the old cabin quarter with the old folks, and my brothers and sisters. But to this solemn resolution I came: I was free and they should be free also. I would make a home for them in the North, and the Lord helping me, I would bring democracy all here.
— Harriet Tubman
Tubman arrived in Caroline County, Maryland with a horse and a makeshift wagon to pick up her parents, as well as the belongings they most treasured on their trip north. They traveled at night to a train that took them to Wilmington, Delaware, where they waited for Harriet at the home of Thomas Garrett. After a stop in Philadelphia to meet William Still, they headed north on a train to St. Catharines in Ontario, Canada, where Tubman had her headquarters and waited for fugitive slaves.
Tubman made a meager income chopping and selling wood and working for farmers. Her parents spent a difficult winter, subject to illnesses from the cold. William H. Seward, the governor of New York, helped arrange for the purchase of land in Auburn, New York for Tubman and her parents. Her parents lived in Auburn the rest of their lives. When Tubman was away on Underground Railroad trips or during the American Civil War, friends looked after her parents. Ben died about 1871 in Auburn, New York. Rit died in October 1880, nearly 100 years of age.
Ben and Rit had nine children together. Dorchester County records provide the names of Harriet's four sisters: Linah (b. 1808), Mariah Ritty (b. 1811), Soph (b. 1813), and Rachel—and four brothers: Robert (b. 1816), Ben (b. 1824), Henry, and Moses. Harriet also considered two of her nieces as sisters: Harriet and Kessiah Jolley.
Edward Brodess sold three of Tubman's sisters, whom she never saw again. A trader later wanted to buy her youngest brother, Moses, but Rit was able to resist being separated from her son.
A conductor on the Underground Railroad, Tubman made 13 return trips over 10 years to lead about 70 + people north, including her parents, siblings, and friends to freedom. Her first trip was in December 1850 when her niece Kessiah and her two children were to be sold. At the auction, Kessiah was sold to her husband John Bowley, a free black man. Before the children could be sold, the family left with Tubman for Philadelphia. Tubman led three of her brothers and other people away from Peters Neck on Christmas, 1854. Doing so, she took the risk of becoming enslaved again or lynched if she was caught; escaping slavery was even more risky after the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. As a result, Tubman extended travel routes into Canada, where slavery was prohibited.
Three of Tubman's brothers worked at a plantation near a free black named Jacob Jackson. In 1854, Tubman had a letter sent to Jackson to coordinate the escape of the young men. She would look for them at her parents' home at Poplar Neck in Caroline County. The end of the letter states "tell my brothers to be always watching unto prayer and when the good ship of Zion comes along, to be ready to step on board." She was particularly concerned that her brothers would be sold to the Deep South.
For ten years, during multiple attempts, Tubman tried to rescue her sister Rachel, and her children, Angerine and Ben. During those attempts, Rachel had been separated from her children and she would not leave without them. In late 1860, Tubman found that Rachel had died and she was unable to rescue her niece and nephew.
Her brother John, his wife Millie, and their son Moses lived next to Tubman in Auburn. A number of nieces and nephews lived in Auburn, New York.
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antigonick · 2 years
hi Pauline! hoping all's well with you. :) I was going to ask you this on Instagram since we're mutuals there, but we aren't on here and we've never spoken before so I got too chicken to actually send it but! are there any short reads you would recommend? for either prose or poetry. I've been struggling to get back into reading, so I don't want to jump right into longer works & was wondering if you had any to share?
Of course! I think I have a few answers about that in my book recs masterpost but they are very, very old, so let's see.
For poetry I would recommend not getting hung up about length. Just take it one or two poems at the time, whatever the length of the volume itself. Here, what's key might be the simplicity of the poems themselves: things that take you in immediately, and that say a lot in a few words. My go-to is always Mary Oliver. Red Bird, Felicity, West Wind, Thirst, The Truro Bear (in this one the poems are very narrative too, if having a clear story helps with reading), Blue Horses, etc.
Louise Glück's Averno is a breeze to read. Donika Kelly's Bestiary also comes to mind. Alice Oswald's Memorial which is a long poem, but very quick. Rebecca Lindenberg's Love, an Index. Anne Carson's Bakkhai. Seamus Heaney's North. W. S. Merwin's The Moon Before Morning.
In terms of short prose... Carmen Maria Machado's short stories in Her Body and Other Parties, and Angela Carter's in The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories. Pushkin's Tales of Belkin. If you have French, Céline Minard's books are very short but pack a punch; I'm thinking especially of Olympia. Maggie Nelson's The Red Parts. Henry James's The Turn of the Screw and Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, of course. For short and easy reading, I also go back to Agatha Christie's mysteries (especially Ten Little Soldiers, Death on the Nile, Sad Cypress, Halloween Party...) or "children's" books (Carson Levine's Ella Enchanted, Goldman's The Princess Bride...). If you like romance and/or mysteries, Georgette Heyer’s books are very easy to read while still being little gems of humor and solid writing style.
Books that read fragmental are also easy to pick up and put down, although they often lack a strong narrative. Feux / Fires by Marguerite Yourcenar, Plainwater by Anne Carson, Gravity and Grace by Simone Weil. I'd also put Natalie Diaz's Postcolonial Love Poem here -- her poems are longer and more challenging at first glande than the ones I've mentioned before, but they can be taken one at a time as "fragments" of a bigger narrative.
That's all I've got off the top of my head! I hope this helps!
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horsesnbourbon · 3 months
Top Must-Visit Bourbon Distilleries in Louisville & Lexington, KY
A visit to Kentucky's bourbon distilleries is a must if you're a whiskey enthusiast or are just interested in learning more about the complex manufacturing process and lengthy history of this famous American spirit. Kentucky is home to some of the most well-known bourbon distilleries in the world and is well suited for your bourbon distillery tours in Louisville KY and Lexington.
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Why Visit Bourbon Distilleries in Kentucky? Kentucky is the origin of bourbon, not just any old spot to enjoy it. Rich soil, clear limestone water, and a state with a particular climate all contribute to Kentucky bourbon's distinctive flavor profiles. Exploring these distilleries provides an in-depth look at the passion, tradition, and skill that go into each bottle.
Top Bourbon Distilleries in Louisville
Evan Williams Bourbon Experience The Evan Williams Bourbon Experience, situated on Louisville's famed Whiskey Row, is a must-see when it comes to bourbon distillery tours in Louisville KY. It provides guests with an intimate look into the life of Kentucky's first commercial distiller by fusing an interactive bourbon taste with a guided tour.
Angel's Envy Distillery Angel's Envy, a company renowned for its creative finishing technique, provides a special tour showcasing its handcrafted methodology. Not only is the distillery's finishing room visually stunning, but the tasting experience is also quite noteworthy.
Michter's Fort Nelson Distillery The Fort Nelson Distillery by Michter offers a fusion of traditional and contemporary bourbon-making methods. The tour includes a sample of some of Michter's best spirits in addition to an examination of the original pot stills and cypress wood fermenters.
Top Bourbon Distilleries in Lexington
Woodford Reserve Distillery The ancient and gorgeous Woodford Reserve Distillery is tucked away in the undulating hills of Woodford County. After a thorough examination of their small-batch bourbon production process, your bourbon distillery tours in Lexington KY concludes with a taste of a stunning location.
Buffalo Trace Distillery Buffalo Trace, one of the oldest distilleries in the US still in operation, is known for its bourbons and has a rich history. Everything from fermentation to aging is covered in this extensive tour.
Town Branch Distillery The Town Branch Distillery is one of the unique spots for your bourbon distillery tours in Lexington KY it makes both craft beer and bourbon. They offer tours that give visitors a distinctive look at the distillation process and include a sampling of their beer and bourbon.
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Conclusion Bourbon enthusiasts and novices alike may have an unmatched experience at Kentucky's distilleries when it comes to bourbon distillery tours in Louisville KY or Lexington. These excursions, featuring distinctive production methods, fascinating history, and delectable tastes, are the highlights of any visit to the Bluegrass State.
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Leo Robinson (May 26, 1937 - January 14, 2013) was born in Shreveport, Louisiana to Arthur and Pearl Lee Young, The family moved to Oakland during WWII. Both parents worked at Moore Shipyard. Along with his parents and four siblings, he lived in the Cypress Village housing projects in West Oakland.
He attended Oakland Technical High School but quit to join the Navy. He served almost four years after the Korean War, receiving an honorable discharge. He worked at the General Motors factory in Oakland, and he joined ILWU Local 10, earning full “A” status.
He became politicized by discussing the Vietnam War with fellow longshore workers and joined the Communist Party. He had become an active rank-and-file union member, vigilantly protecting worker rights, union democracy, and worker contracts. He was repeatedly elected to the local executive board and the union’s key decision-making body, the Longshore Caucus.
He helped form Local 10’s Southern Africa Liberation Support Committee, the first anti-apartheid group in an American labor union. This group boycotted South African cargo for one day in 1977 and collected tons of food and medical supplies for freedom fighters in Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. They worked closely with the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists and community groups in the anti-apartheid movement.
When Nelson Mandela toured the US after his release from 27 years in prison, he thanked the ILWU before a mammoth crowd at the Oakland Coliseum.
He was survived by his wife, Johnnie, seven children, and three stepchildren. The South African ambassador to the US presented him, posthumously, with the Nelson Mandela Humanitarian Award. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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nelsondesign · 1 year
House Plan 604 Cypress Drive, Craftsman Bungalow House Plan | Nelson Design Group
Ever wish you could walk through one of our house plans? Now you can! Take the virtual walk through of NDG 604 - Cypress Drive! 🏡📬.
📏 2244 sq.ft. 🛌 4 bed 🛁 2.5 bath.
Customize this house plan & more! Our Home Plan specialists are here to help!
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yourlocalnews · 2 years
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orthodoxydaily · 4 years
July 1, 2020: Bogoliubov icon of the Theotokos
Celebrated today, June 18 on the “Old Calendar” 
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The Bogolyubov Icon of the Mother of God, one of the most ancient wonderworking icons of Russia, was painted in the twelfth century at the request of Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky (July 4), to commemorate the appearance of the Mother of God to him. Painted on cypress wood, the Icon is remarkable because of its large size.
In the year 1131, an Icon was sent from Constantinople to the Holy Prince Mstislav (Theodore in Baptism, commemorated April 15) in Russia, and was placed in the Devichii monastery in Vyshgorod, the ancient appanage (land given by kings and princes to their younger children for their support) city of Saint Olga (July 11).
One night in the summer of 1155, Prince Andrew secretly removed the wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God from the Vyshgorod church without the blessing of his father, Prince George Dolgoruky, and started northward toward Suzdal'. Some sources say that his father bequeathed the Icon to Prince Andrew. Later, this Icon would be known as the Vladimir Icon (August 26, June 23, May 21). Tradition says it was one of the Icons painted by the Holy Evangelist Luke (October 18), or a copy made from the original.
Seven versts from Vladimir, the cart carrying the wonderworking Icon stopped and could not be moved from that spot. Prince Andrew asked the priest Nicholas, who accompanied him, to serve a Moleben before the Icon. For a long time Andrew prayed before the holy image with tears. Later, he went into his tent and continued his fervent prayers. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him holding a small scroll in her right hand, and said: "I do not wish you to take my Icon to Rostov, but to the city of Vladimir. Here, in this place (the site of her miraculous appearance), you shall build a stone church and a monastery in honor of my Nativity."
Then the All-Holy Virgin lifted one hand toward Heaven, and received a blessing from Christ the Savior, and the vision ended.
In obedience to the will of the Mother of God, Prince Andrew built a stone church dedicated to her Nativity, as well as a monastery. After this, the Prince commissioned skilled iconographers to depict the All-Holy Virgin just as he had seen her in his vision: in full stature, with a scroll1in her right hand, and her face turned toward the Savior in the upper right hand corner. When the church was completed, the Icon he had commissioned was placed inside, and June 18 was designated as the annual commemoration of the appearance of the Mother of God. The Icon depicting the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos remained at Bogolyubov and was called the Bogolyubov Icon.
Saint Andrew named both the monastery and the city which sprang up around it Bogolyubov because as he himself said, "the Mother of God loves this place." The Prince also became known as Bogolyubsky ("the lover of God"). The Vladimir Icon remained in the convent until work was completed on the Dormition Cathedral at Vladimir, then it was solemly transferred to the cathedral.
The Bogolyubov Icon of the Mother of God has been glorified by countless miracles, and over the course of many centuries she has consoled the pious Christians of Russia, and has healed their infirmities. The fame of the miracles which took place before her Icon have inspired the faithful in many places to make copies of this holy Icon, some of which are also wonderworking.
The Moscow Bogolyubov Icon (1157) shows several saints gathered before the Theotokos: the Metropolitans of Moscow Peter, Alexis, Jonah, and Philip; The blessed Basil and Maxim, fools for Christ; Venerable Paraskeve; Saint Basil the Great; Saint Alexis the Man of God; Symeon, the kinsman of the Lord; the Apostle Peter; the monastic martyr Eudokia; and the Martyr Paraskeve. In some variants of the Icon the following Saints are also included: Saint Onouphrios, Venerable Mary of Egypt, Zosimas and Sabbatius, and the Great Martyrs Barbara and Katherine.
In 1771 an annual feast day was established in in honor of the Bogolyubov Icon to commemorate the deliverance of the city of Vladimir and the surrounding area from plague. As soon as the Icon was brought to Vladimir, the plague disappeared. It became customary to bring the Icon from Bogolyubovo to Vladimir on May 21. As many people as possible took turns in carrying the Icon at different times to and from Vladimir Province. The Icon stayed at Bogolyubovo Monastery, 10 versts from the city. In 1820, the inhabitants of the city of Vladimir adorned the Icon with an expensive riza.
Before the Bolshevik Revolution, the Icon was customarily brought to the city of Vladimir on May 21, where it remained until July 16, when it was returned to the monastery.
1 The scroll on the Icon reads: O Most Gracious Master, Lord Jesus Christ, my Son and my God, hear the prayer of Your Mother, for she is praying for the world.
Source OcA
Jude 1:-10 NKJV
10 But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves.
John 14:21-24 NKJV
21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and [a]manifest Myself to him.”
22 Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?”
23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.
John 14:21 reveal
New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.
Source Biblegateway
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the-lisa-anon · 5 years
Simpson Girls: Allison's Bio
Allison Taylor is one of Lisa's best friends. She was born on June 26. Lisa first met Allison in the hallway on the first day of school. During a lockdown drill, Lisa was pulled into Miss Hoover's class. After the lockdown took place, Lisa first saw Allison when she correctly answered a question. But Lisa never got a chance to interact with Allison until she defended her after she saw that she was being harassed by two bad girls in the hallway. She is described as smart, shy, naïve, and kind. She skipped a grade because she was too smart for the first grade, making her the youngest friend in Lisa's group. Allison always shows empathy for her friends and family around her even when it's not necessary. As sweet as this girl is, she faced very difficult obstacles at her old school. Before she attended Springfield Elementary School, Allison attended a different school in Springfield where she got dissed by some popular girls. The particular group of girls didn't think that Allison was cool or pretty enough so they wanted nothing to do with her. Like Lisa, she was targeted for being an overachiever, thus making her feel bad about herself. She realized that in order to get through life she treats other people the way they want to be treated, whether if they deserve her daily act of friendliness or not.
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Name: Allison Taylor
Birthday: June 26
Birthplace: Cypress Creek
Parents Status: Currently together
Siblings: None
Pets: Merida and Ozzy (Has two cats and is thinking about getting a third cat)
Best Friends: Lisa, Janey, Alex, Isabel, Tumi
Other friends/allies: Tiffany, Ashley, Jenny, Greta, Brittany, Samantha
Current Crushes: Reiden, Donny, Brendan
Enemies: Sara, Sara's two best friends, Jessica, Francine, the Waverly Hill kids, Megan, the popular kids, Sherri and Terri, Nelson, Adam (the game show host of Springfield Fracas), Rick (the president of the Game Show Channel), Harper, Rachel (Lisa's former imaginary friend), Jimbo, Dolph, Kearney, Billy (the new editor of the Daily Fourth Gradian)
Interests: Music, animals, writing, making diaromas, playing volleyball
Hobbies: Hanging out with her friends, spending time with her family, playing the saxophone, playing with her cats
Likes: Cats, dolphins, birds, communicating with animals, her family, her friends, her allies, babysitting Maggie, animal sitting others pets, sleepovers, chocolate, donuts, anything cute, band, playing anagrams, being liked for who she is, being nice to others
Dislikes: Sexism, racism, animals getting hurt/killed, people getting discriminated for their gender/disability, being bullied, getting humiliated, having stage fright, performing in front of others, singing in front of others, having blurry vision, being clumsy, haunted houses, anything scary, heights, the unknown, rats, people getting hurt, seeing her family and friends upset, people being mean to her, having rumors being spread about her and her friends
Favorite Color: Blue (along with red, pink, and any other bright colors)
Extracurricular Activities: Plays her saxophone in the school band
Favorite Joke: How come no one told me that for 4 hours there was chocolate cake ALL over my face?!? Because you ate it alone, Taylor. You ate it alone.
What do you think of my bio for Allison, @barbaras-mermaid-cove?
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dustinreidmusic · 5 years
Mac's Wild Years: By Michael Hurtt.  Originally published in Offbeat Magazine
Mac Rebennack was born in 1941. Dr. John was born in 1967. What happened in between would color his whole musical career. "In New Orleans, everything--food, music, religion, even the way people talk and act--has deep, deep roots; and, like the tangled veins of cypress roots that meander this way and that in the swamp, everything in New Orleans is interrelated, wrapped around itself in ways that aren't always obvious."--Mac Rebennack In 1967, Malcolm Rebennack, Jr., exiled to the West Coast after a final drug bust that forbid him "to go to or through New Orleans," donned face paint, glitter and plumes and emerged as Dr. John the Night Tripper. His debut album Gris-Gris, and the stage shows that followed it, hawked a brand of psychedelic New Orleans R&B that mixed Mardi Gras Indian street chants with the primal gospel of holiness churches, the pianistic funk of Professor Longhair, heavy doses of hoodoo mysticism and nearly every shred of ritualistic South Louisiana culture that he'd absorbed during his decade and a half in the New Orleans music scene. From the drag shows at the Dew Drop Inn to the electric guitar evangelizing of the Reverend Utah Smith, it was a netherworld far stranger and more colorful than anything the pioneer of voodoo rock could have dreamed up. His role in it, though often been eclipsed by his later metamorphosis, established a reputation that would inform every aspect of his later musical life. Populated by high school greasers, high-rolling gangsters, down-and-out dope fiends and jive-talking record men, it was a world that had rapidly begun evaporating with the election of District Attorney Earling Carothers "Jim" Garrison in 1961. Prior to his widely known investigation into the Kennedy assassination, Garrison made his name locally by leading a systematic crack down on Crescent City vice that padlocked night clubs, juke joints and gambling dens. He often led the raids himself, pistol in hand, and by 1963 had managed to single-handedly dismantle the around-the-clock-party that had been Rebennack's entire young life. It had been one of after-hours jam sessions that lasted well into the next day, followed by "record dates" that produced aural snapshots that just reeked with crazed rock 'n' roll atmosphere: Jerry Byrne's frantic "Lights Out" and "Carry On," Roland Stone's narcotic anthem "Junco Partner," and Mac's own sinister, tremelo-charged "Storm Warning." "If we didn't have an artist and we had some studio time we'd just be the artist," Rebennack says of the sessions that produced hundreds of singles under monikers from Ronnie and the Delinquents to Drits and Dravy. The former's 1959 "Bad Neighborhood" was a greasy period piece if there ever was one. Meant to commemorate "the end of the zoot suit era," its gleeful lines of "Lie, steal, drink all day / good folks try to keep away," was an outright celebration of the lifestyle that Garrison sought to eliminate. And the Delinquents moniker was really no joke. "When we hired Ronnie Barron to be the singer with us, he was a li'l thug," says Rebennack, who'd had remarkably bad luck with great front men thus far. "We lost more singers to the penitentiary," he says, naming nearly everyone who preceded Barron with the exception of Frankie Ford. "Deadeye went to the joint for manslaughter, Jerry Byrne fell and went up for statutory rape, then Roland Stone went up on narcotics." Local disc jockey Jim Stewart once recalled that Rebennack's teenage bands "were always high, always late." But somehow through the haze, Mac would manage to simultaneously wear the hats of talent scout, A&R man, composer, producer, arranger, session musician, and when the need arose, singer. It might have stayed that way had Barron not refused to take on the Dr. John persona, which was invented with him in mind. Rebennack had started flirting with drugs when he was 12, already well seasoned in the art of skipping school and Mass to catch the street car to the early morning R&B jams at the Brass Rail. Since his father owned an appliance store that serviced jukeboxes, his childhood was spent wearing out stacks of hillbilly, jazz and blues 78s when they came off the boxes. Schooled on "Pinetop's Boogie Woogie" by his piano-playing aunt, he soon took up the guitar. By the time rock 'n' roll hit during his freshman year at Jesuit High School, he was more than ready. At Jesuit, Rebennack formed his first band the Dominos, with Henry Guerineau, then joined Guerineau's the Spades with whom he played "the Holy Father Circuit," as he refers it, starring at CYO dances from Redemptorist in the Irish Channel to Saint Anthony's in Mid-City. His teachers were current and future Fats Domino guitarists Papoose Nelson and Roy Montrell, who took an axe to young Mac's brand new green and black Harmony guitar. "He broke it all up, called my Pa and said, 'Mr. Rebennack, I ain't teachin' your son on that piece of shit. Go pick him out something nice.' I thought I was going to get killed. My Pa was hip, though. He knew it wasn't about the guitar as much as having that guitar to bring on the gig." Montrell took Mac to a pawnshop where he picked out a Gibson that he worked off lugging appliances for his dad. "My father didn't say a word til later," Rebennack wrote in his autobiography Under a Hoodoo Moon. "Apparently Roy had taken him aside and told him, 'I taught your son a lesson, that you don't get things because of the way they look. You get them on how they work." "He had a way of teaching that kept me coming back for more. During the lesson, he strung me along with ordinary riffs--but then right at the end he'd play some killer lick, his back turned so I couldn't see his fingers, and say, 'Hey, wanna learn that shit, kid? Come back next week. Now get the fuck outta here." Having already met studio owner Cosimo Matassa, who was a friend of his father, Rebennack spent his schooldays honing his songwriting skills. "Man, I used to go to school, I had a couple of comic books where the outside cover looked like a loose leaf binder. And I'd sit there in class reading that. They thought I was doing something in school but I'd be sitting there writing songs, ripping them off from Mad or Tales from the Crypt." He'd also begun hanging out at Warren Easton High School on Canal Street, a hotbed of hip musical activity that had already birthed New Orleans first bona-fide white rock 'n' roll band, the Sparks. It was here that he first encountered saxophonist Leonard James, whose band was blasting out a set of Sam Butera songs in the school gymnasium. It turned out that James knew all about the Brass Rail too, and dug the same hard-driving sounds as Rebennack did. They were soon rehearsing at James' house in the notorious St. Roch park neighborhood with guitarist Earl Stanley--now playing the recently introduced electric bass--and drummer Paul Staehle. "Leonard lived on Robertson not too far from the park and Stanley used to live around there on Dauphine," Rebennack says. "One of the things St. Roch Park was known for was as a good cop spot. St. Roch church was famous, too, because they'd take the grease out the bells by the cemetery, mix it with some graveyard dirt and some gun powder, add extra nitrate and put that all together with Patchouli oil to make goofy dust. Now, what you did with it was according to how rank a motherfucker you were." The mysterious worlds of drugs and hoodoo fascinated young Mac, but in his new musical partners he found an even deeper magic. "Paul Staehle was bad. I remember him having drum battles with Edward Blackwell and all the top drummers. And Stanley had a finger-plucking style of guitar like Snooks did, North Mexican shit that he'd learned from his daddy. He was into Earl King and Guitar Slim just like I was. We liked those cats because they did something different." Rebennack had picked up on the flamboyance of his guitar heroes a little too acutely for the priests at Jesuit, who'd brought his high school career to a halt after a Christmas talent show where they accused him of making "lewd gyrations" with his instrument. The real beef, Henry Guerineau later told Tad Jones, was that they were playing R&B instead of big band swing or Dixieland. "At the time," he recalled, "it was heresy." Stanley, who became the Spades' guitarist after Rebennack left the band, was having his own issues over at Nicholls High. "I used to hang with the gangsters, all the tough guys," Stanley says. "I was so bad they threw me out of Nicholls but they couldn't throw me out of school. So they asked me to leave and I went to McDonough on Esplanade for a couple of months, then I quit when I was 15. That was in '55. "I didn't know Mac when he was in the Spades. I just remember seeing him playing guitar at the dances. I thought, 'That guy's pretty good.' Then I got with Leonard and through Leonard I met Mac. They had a guy playing piano with them, Hal Farrar, he went by the stage names 'King Helo Attaro' and 'Spider Boy.' Now Hal was a character, he was the character of them all; the main lunatic. He liked to drink vodka, he could care less about anything, just a wild man. He used to have this Cugat jacket he'd wear and he'd play piano and try to do all of Little Richard's stuff. He even had the little moustache. In fact, he recorded the original demo of 'I've Been Hoodood' (later to become the flip side of the Dr. John hit "Right Place, Wrong Time") with Leonard." Vocalists Wayne "Deadeye" Herring and Jerry Byrne were also drifting into the group at this point. "We used to do the old low-down blues," Herring told Jones. "There weren't too many white bands that could do it. Back then if you sat in with a black band, boy, they'd jump on your ass when you come outside. People took a dim view of that but we did it anyway." While band names revolved from the Skyliners to the Loafers to the Night Trains to the Thunderbirds, the foundation remained James, Rebennack, Stanley and Staehle. "Crippled" Eddie Hynes and Eddie Shroeder often floated in on trombone and baritone sax respectively. "Whether it was Leonard's band or my band, it was all pretty much the same crew of guys," says Rebennack, "Nothing really changed other than we changed the name of the band quite frequently. It kinda helped us get some gigs and win some talent shows. We lost them under one name and won them under another." The core foursome debuted on wax with an album of raunchy guitar and sax instrumentals, Boppin' and A Strollin' with Leonard James, recorded for Decca in 1956. Rough, ready and loose, the LP was the perfect soundtrack of noir New Orleans; at once evocative of French Quarter strip joints, high school dances and hood hangouts like the Rockery Inn. Along with discs like the Saxons' "Camel Walk' and the Sparks' "Merry Mary Lou," it stands as a testament to city's incredibly potent--but often obscured--white rock 'n' roll underground. "Leonard always took pride in combing his ducktail perfect," recalls Rebennack. "I mean, he would stand in front the mirror for an hour and then put his be-bop cap on--perfect. He had his little zoot suit pressed, more than the rest of us. We'd just wear them. They were the kind that didn't wrinkle any way. "Leonard was a great hustler. He used to walk in joints where they never had a band in their life. I remember us getting a gig in the Ninth Ward at a grocery store. Leonard conned this guy into hiring us but he wanted country music. We didn't know any country music so we'd play 'Comin' Around the Mountain' or whatever. As long as we were working, we didn't care nothing about none of the rest of it." From dives like the Club Leoma, the Blue Cat and the Jet Lounge, they moved up to the Clock on St. Charles Avenue and finally, the Brass Rail. "While we were working there Paul Gayten says, 'If y'all want to keep the gig, you're going to have to quit playing songs like the record.' And that became kind of a theme with our band. We didn't play them like the records, we played them our way." Gayten also took issue with their slightly out-of-date stage wear. "We had the same suits for so long that I don't think anybody ever considered getting new uniforms until Paul started fuckin' with us: 'Nobody wears zoot suits in Chicago; they wear continental suits.' Man, here we had all our money invested in these royal blue zoot suits. And what do we do? We got some new suits from Harry Hyman's or old man Sutton's on South Rampart--continental suits--and we wore them in Gretna when they had a gang fight at Cass's Lounge. They throwed us all in the drainage ditch out behind the joint. We ruined our new suits and we hadn't even paid for them yet! "When we worked at any of them joints on the West Bank, shit happened. At Spec's Moulin Rouge, old man Spec used to have guys walking around with pieces dressed like police but they wasn't official police, they was just guys who worked for old man Spec. Gang fights was, like, prevalent. When the Choctaw Boys and the Cherokees would have their annual beef at the Wego Inn on the Hill, it would be around Carnival. And it would be like, 'Goddamn.' You know the shit's going to happen; it's just when it's going happen. I would be trying to play close to the slot machines that were on the bandstand because I figured the slots could deal with the slugs better than me. When I saw anything that looked like it could be trouble, I'd back up toward the slots. But this is the kind of shit you had to endure back in them days because you were dealing with a bunch of crazy motherfuckers. And we were crazy, too." If there was one song that distilled the insanity into the length of a 45 RPM record, it was Rebennack's "Lights Out," cut by Jerry Byrne for Specialty in 1958. Punctuated by stop-time drum breaks, a foghorn-like saxophone riff and a searing piano solo courtesy of Art Neville, "Lights Out" has justifiably been called "the perfect rock 'n' roll song." Byrne's breakneck vocal nods to a personality so bent on bringing the house down that fights--and sometimes worse--often ensued. "Jerry was one of them suckers who worked the house," says Rebennack, "but he was a piece of work. He drove me crazy a number of times in my life. He was special with that. Hey, guys wanted to shoot me over things Jerry did. He had the ability to kick up more shit with more motherfuckers than anybody I know." In 1959, Byrne cut Mac's equally boisterous "Carry On" and then got sent to prison on a trumped-up statutory rape charge. Deadeye was already behind bars. "It was a never-ending thing," says Stanley, "just make a record and things happen, you know?" Despite the trouble, says Rebennack, "our band was really popular." They'd toured with Frankie Ford behind "Sea Cruise" and Byrne behind "Lights Out" as well as backing the traveling rock 'n' roll caravans at both the Municipal Auditorium and Pontchartrain Beach Amusement Park. And the records kept coming, from Bobby Lonero's "Little Bit" to Morgus and the Ghouls' "Morgus the Magnificent." "I don't think any of us thought that much about doing a record date," reflects Rebennack. "The gigs were the fun part. When I started working for Joe Ruffino's record company, Joe asked my daddy if I could be the president of the company and my daddy says, 'What are you crazy? This boy can't even find his fuckin' shoes!' But there were so many guys we did sessions for like Andy Blanco at Drew-blan in Morgan City and a bunch of other guys that had different little labels in the country. We played on all of Cos's Rex stuff and then we did a lot of crazy stuff all through the days we were working for Johnny Vincent over at Ace. I remember we stole 'Jimmy Crack Corn' and called it 'Ain't No Use.' We cut 'Row Your Boat' with Big Boy Myles. And I don't know how many different versions of 'Junco Partner' we cut with Roland Stone. We were some plagiarizing motherfuckers." Stone, the most prolific of Rebennack's vocalists on record, had already blazed the white R&B trail with local luminaries the Jokers when he waxed the regional smash "Just a Moment" with Rebennack in 1961. His entrance roughly coincided with the departure of Leonard James, who was replaced by Charlie Maduell after he joined the Air Force. "Charlie was just as crazy as Leonard was, but Leonard never got high. On the other hand, Charlie fit right in with the rest of us because he liked the narcotics, too. Probably the only one that wasn't a really serious drug addict was Stanley. If we were somewhere in the country, we would burglarize drug stores. When we were in the city, we forged 'scripts. We were strung out dope fiends, what the hell you going to do? There was a pharmacy on the corner of Dorgenois and Canal that used to sell to all the dope fiends. You had to go in there and ask for certain things, that's when I started getting my collection of Mad comic books together. If I got a comic book and a bag of pork rinds, that meant I wanted some opiates. Everything you ordered meant something else. We used to have so much fun that who'd have ever thought we'd wind up in jail? "My favorite gig was when Roland was singing with us and we started working at Little Club Forest on Jefferson Highway. At Club Forest, you could tell what audience hit because when all the junkies would come in, they'd just want to hear 'Junco Partner' over and over. When the whores came in they'd want to hear whatever their song was that night. So there were all these songs that fit the set. That gig was so fuckin' off the hook, so much crazy shit happened at that gig alone, I couldn't even describe it. "Between Charlie Maduell and Paul Staehle, they would always hide the stash for the band. One night they had a raid and Paul had the whole band's stash in his sock. They didn't shake us down, but the FBI came in and they emptied the joint. Somebody paid everyone's bond and before the night was over, Wes, the Jefferson Parish narc, was selling the customers back their dope in the band room! This is how out there it was. "And then Charlie went out and walked the bar and did the dance of the Seven Veils. He's out and there doing a striptease walking the bar. It's one of them gigs that's printed in my brain. And we always had what we used to call our 'band-aids' back then. Before they called them groupies, we called them band-Aids." When Stone fell for one of the young ladies a little too hard, friction arose. "I told Roland, 'Hey, listen, you can't marry this girl. She's our girl. She belongs to the band.' I thought I was doing him a favor but it backfired. He was obviously pissed." Stone showed up for his next recording session with three henchmen in tow including prizefighter Pepi Flores. "They stomped my ass. Charlie went out and got a gun and was firing in the air. I says, 'Charlie, quit shooting in the air! Shoot these motherfuckers!' He didn't even have real guns. They were replica weapons he'd loaded up! But we all went to work the next night together. Me and Charlie wound up having to wear shades and makeup to hide the black eyes. That's when I learned, hey, when it comes to matters of somebody's heart, stay the fuck out of it." The good times had to come to an end and they eventually did. Stone was busted on a narcotics charge, as was Maduell, who remains in Angola today. Within just a few years, Paul Staehle would die of a drug over dose. Rebennack's own luck ran out on Christmas Eve of 1961 when he intervened in a scuffle between Ronnie Barron and a jealous club owner who accused Barron of having an affair with his wife. "I walked in to get Ronnie at the last minute because Ronnie was like Leonard James, he'd take forever to get himself all perfect. So I go to get him and the guy's pistol-whipping him. Miss Mildred, Ronnie's mama, said if anything happened to her son on the road she was going to take a butcher knife and chop my cajones off. So I'm thinking, 'Man, if anything happens to this guy, his mama's going to fuck me up.' And hey, she was much more frightening to me than this guy was. I thought I had my hand over the handle of the gun, but it was over the barrel. I'm beating his hand on the bricks and as I'm hitting it, all of a sudden the gun went off and my finger's just about to fall off of my hand. It was hanging by a piece of skin and then I went crazy. I took Paul Staehle's ride cymbal out the case and just fucked up the guy's face. I was trying to pull his eyeballs out his head." Doctors managed to reattach the finger, but Rebennack had trouble playing guitar with the intensity he'd become known for. He concentrated on the keyboard, playing organ on virtually all of Huey Meaux's New Orleans sessions, most notably those of Barbara Lynn and Jimmy Donley. The first--and perhaps wildest--chapter of his musical career officially came to a close when he was busted and sent to federal prison in Fort Worth, Texas. Upon his release in 1965 he headed to California and his future as the Night Tripper. "You know what the kicks of it was?" Rebennack asks. "We wanted to play music so bad that we didn't ever think about it. We were trying to make a hustle just off of the gigs and that was part of the fun of it. Everything we done, we had fun doing it. That was the one thing that I always treasured about them days. It was just something that happened. When you're young and crazy and stupid, you do a lot of crazy, stupid shit. But a lot of that shit is great because you're too stupid to know better. I know that we made it a point to always have kicks, to always have good times no matter what was going to go down. We never thought, 'Oh, this is a suck-ass gig we're going on.' We went on all kinds of suck-ass gigs! But while we were doing them, we had a ball."
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wikifoxnews · 2 years
Who was Savannah Graziano ( Woman was shot to death by her father ) Wiki, Bio, Age, Crime, Arrest, Incident Details, Investigations and More Facts
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Savannah Graziano Biography                                Savannah Graziano Wiki
A Southern California woman was fatally shot Monday in a domestic violence incident, and police believe the suspect is on the run with her 15-year-old daughter.
“This was a domestic violence incident. The suspect, Anthony John Graziano, 45, is believed to be armed and dangerous," Fontana Police said in a statement. Photos released by the police show that Graziano has tattoos on his neck and arms. Investigators believe Graziano is traveling with his daughter, Savannah Graziano, in a white 2017 Nissan Frontier with California plates. The pickup has distinctive decals on the rear quarter panel that read "Pro-4X" and "Tier." An Amber Alert was issued for the teenager. BREAKING: A deadly domestic violence dispute in #Fontana has resulted in an #AmberAlert for Savannah Graziano, 15. Her father is suspected of shooting & killing one woman as kids walked to school at Cypress Elementary this morning. pic.twitter.com/zbzapIEaHJ — Shelby Nelson (@KTLAShelby) September 26, 2022 Officers responded to reports of gunfire around 7:30 a.m. and found the victim with multiple gunshot wounds at a home in Fontana, police said in a statement. The woman was taken to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. While the investigation into the home is ongoing, the nearby Cypress Elementary School has been temporarily closed as a precaution, police said. Read the full article
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 2 July 2018
Quick Bits:
Ant-Man & The Wasp #3 is another fun issue in this mini as Scott and his tiny alien friends try to come up with a way to rescue Nadia. I’m still highly impressed by Javier Garrón’s art on this series, as it continues to push inventive designs, combined with Israel Silva’s bright, bouncy colours.
| Published by Marvel
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Astonishing X-Men #13 begins Matthew Rosenberg and Greg Land’s run on the title and it’s very well done. It kicks off what looks to be Havok’s redemption arc, but the road is very rocky and unlike say, Magneto or Sabretooth, he’s not being given too much slack from his former compatriots. This first issue has a good deal of Rosenberg’s trademark humour and some pretty decent art from Land, Jay Leisten, and Frank D’Armata.
| Published by Marvel
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Avengers #4 made it dawn on me what this run reminds me of, Grant Morrison and Howard Porter’s run on JLA. It’s intelligently crafted, widescreen action with Jason Aaron, Paco Medina, Ed McGuinness, Juan Velasco, Mark Morales, and David Curiel pulling it off very, very well.
| Published by Marvel
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Captain America #1 is great. Ta-Nehisi Coates’ debut on the series finally addresses the fallout of Secret Empire on a personal and emotional level and it leads to an incredibly compelling story of war and pieces, as a new threat begins to surface and we’re left in a world where people don’t know who to trust. The story is enriched immensely by Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan, and Sunny Gho’s artwork which is just incredible. Yu is a consummate storyteller and this book is just flawless with its visuals. I’m very interested to see where this creative team is going to take this story.
| Published by Marvel
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Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 continues the fun that was to be had during Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, and Antonio Fabela’s excellent run on Thanos, with Cates’ Interceptor/Reactor collaborator, Dylan Burnett taking on the art chores. You don’t need to have read the earlier Thanos series to come in here, but I still highly recommend reading that run. “Thanos Wins” was a damn good story and so is this. The irreverent humour is here in spades, the art is glorious, and Frank Castle’s new mission should be interesting.
| Published by Marvel
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Dark Ark #8 takes a very interesting turn as Shrae confronts the monster of the deep plaguing Noah’s ark. Juan Doe’s designs for even more of the monsters, and the deep one, are amazing.
| Published by AfterShock
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Deadpool #2 has more glorious art from Nic Klein. This is among the best art in a Deadpool series and the character has seem some pretty incredible artists work on him. I can again easily recommend the title on the art alone, but I do have to say that the story is growing on me. I like the somewhat serious yet patently ridiculous interplay between Klein’s art and Skottie Young’s dialogue, with some very nice humorous moments here.
| Published by Marvel
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Death of the Inhumans #1 is going to break your heart. Even if you hate the Inhumans, this is pretty harrowing. Donny Cates, Ariel Olivetti, and Jordie Bellaire are crafting a tale of loss here and this issue really makes that loss feel real, the threat possibly inescapable, as the Kree threaten genocide. This is pretty epic and I’m anxious to see what happens next.
| Published by Marvel
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Death or Glory #3 is a harrowing issue, cutting deep twice, once as we go on a trip through Glory’s past and once again in the present, with a few other punches for good measure. Rick Remender and Bengal are delivering an incredibly nuanced, well-thought out, well-illustrated crime tale here and I recommend it highly for everyone. Loving this series.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Delta 13 #3 reaches the point in the horror story where there are weird shenanigans going on, but the creature(s) haven’t yet revealed themselves to the crew. Steve Niles and Nat Jones are really milking the atmosphere they’ve established, it should be very interesting when the story explodes.
| Published by IDW
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Doctor Strange #3 is labelled as an Infinity Wars tie-in and given that it advances the plot and whereabouts of the Time Stone, it is absolutely essential to the overall story (even if “Infinity Countdown tie-in” might be a better label at this current point). Mark Waid and Jesús Saiz deliver a mostly standalone story here, fleshing out some of the character development between Strange and Kanna, but this issue should have interesting ramifications on the wider Infinity Stones arc.
| Published by Marvel
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Giant Days #40 sees the welcome return of Max Sarin to the art chores, coinciding with Ed moving back in from the hospital. I’m impressed with what John Allison does with the confrontation between Ed and Esther. It’s not at all what I would have expected, but it feels right.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / BOOM! Box
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The Gravediggers Union #8 is the quiet before the storm, with Cole having a talk with his daughter before the end, trying to convince her to walk away from destroying the world. I still love how Wes Craig, Toby Cypress, and Niko Guardia have turned this huge, weird epic into a deeply personal story of a girl who feels betrayed by her parents. Very much looking forward to seeing how this concludes next issue.
| Published by Image
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The Highest House #5 is another brilliant issue in this series that everyone should be reading. Everyone. The layers of characters, the intricacies of the plot, the absolutely amazing artwork, Mike Carey, Peter Gross, and Fabien Alquier are crafting a masterpiece here.
| Published by IDW
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Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost #3 takes a turn as the detective group searching for Wolverine find a Wolverine. As with the other Hunt for Wolverine minis, most of this looks to be shaping up to be a wild goose chase, but for the most part these are still interesting stories in their own right. Charles Soule gives us another cliffhanger at the end here, I wonder if it will end up like last issue’s?
| Published by Marvel
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Immortal Hulk #2 I’d probably argue is even better than the first issue. While that feel of the lonesome wanderer that’s reminiscent of the television series and the Marvel Knights run from Bruce Jones is still present here, of a Bruce Banner terrified of the Hulk, the story here twinges a different flavour, Len Wein and Bernie Wrighton’s Swamp Thing. This issue taps into that feel of the reticent monster, hunting down things that are even worse. This is a great standalone tale from Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, Ruy José, and Paul Mounts.
| Published by Marvel
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Incognegro: Renaissance #5 concludes this wonderful series, working out the final details leading up to Xavier’s murder. Like the original Incognegro graphic novel, Mat Johnson and Warren Pleece have crafted a wonderful mystery that weaves into it some very important, very interesting history and sociological themes. I’m hoping that there will be more.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Infinity Countdown: Champions #2 makes some big changes, huge developments really, that make this issue absolutely necessary if you’re a regular Champions reader. Jim Zub, Emilio Laiso, and Andy Troy conclude this tale on a bittersweet note, including an epic confrontation between the team and Warbringer.
| Published by Marvel
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Joe Hill’s The Cape: Fallen #1 reunites the team who adapted Joe Hill’s short story the first time around, Jason Ciaramella, Zach Howard, and Nelson Daniel, for a new mini set between the panels of the original story. While reading the original certainly informs this, I feel like you can still enjoy this new mini so far on its own merits.
| Published by IDW
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The Last Siege #2 brings us round to gathering the pieces for the conflict between this last bastion against an upstart king, as well as the ramifications of capture and exile of Sir Feist. Like the first issue, the art from Justin Greenwood and Eric Jones is perfect.
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Medieval Spawn & Witchblade #3 incrementally advances us forward, giving us a fight between Spawn and one of the Queen’s minions and delivering a bit of exposition on the Witchblade’s legacy. I’m not sure if it’s in Brian Haberlin’s originals, since it kind of looks like he’s using digital models, or ultimately completely Geirrod van Dyke’s work, but the rendering on Spawn and Scourge’s armours looks incredible.
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Paradiso #5 returns with some incredible world-building as we learn more about the religion of the world as it is now and of some of the history and landmarks throughout the city. Everything about this series is amazing, with Ram V, Devmalya Pramanik, Alba Cardona Gil, and Aditya Bidikar, creating something very unique here.
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The Quantum Age #1 begins a new ongoing series in the Black Hammer empire, with Jeff Lemire riffing on the Legion of Super-Heroes, and Wilfredo Torres and Dave Stewart providing some beautiful artwork. I’ve loved what Lemire and his artistic collaborators in Dean Ormston, David Rubín, Max Fiumara, and Stewart have done previously, deftly working through the various different eras of comicdom (mainly with analogues to DC stuff), while still telling engaging surface level stories. This looks to be no different, although featuring a future gone wrong rather than the optimism of the usual LoSH stories.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Submerged #1 is an enthralling first issue, with Vita Ayala, Lisa Sterle, and Stelladia capturing an almost perfect balance of magical realism, juggling between the fantasy and horror of the descent into the underworld and the mundane of Elysia’s family life.
| Published by Vault
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Thief of Thieves #38 comes a little more than a year and a half after the last issue, with a transition from Andy Diggle to Brett Lewis on writing duties for this final arc. There’s a decided stylistic shift, from all out action to Lewis’ epistolary narration, but with Shawn Martinbrough’s art it still feels like a continuation of the overall story. It does a decent job recapping what happened previously in story through a flashback of Conrad’s last moments, but even as someone who’s read the rest of the series, I feel like I need to go back and re-read them again for full impact.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Transformers: Lost Light #19 adds a step away from zombie robots to the mix as the series races towards the end. There are a lot of moving parts coming together in James Roberts’ script, plot threads and characters converging from years of storytelling, and the payoff is pretty epic. It’s also really nice to see a return of IDW’s original Transformers artist, EJ Su. It seems fitting as everything starts coming to an end to return to the beginning.
| Published by IDW
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Unnatural #1 begins republishing in English Mirka Andolfo’s Contro Natura, which was originally published by Panini in Italian. It’s definitely different for North American markets, but I welcome more translations and more funny animal books. Especially ones as good as Andolfo delivers here. The art is phenomenal and the story, putting forth a society that is oppressive in its reproductive rights, making taboo any number of unions that don’t follow conception, is a much needed one.
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Weapon X #20 continues this transition into a new incarnation of the team. It’s not as hard a break into the new as the solicitations and some of the ads would have you believe, continuing on the story of Omega Red and the Russian mutant death camps, but it’s working towards setting up a new status quo under Sabretooth’s lead. The humour and action from Greg Pak and Fred van Lente is still present, but they’re joined here by Ricardo López Ortiz, just recently having finished an arc on Hit-Girl, who brings a decidedly different verve to the story.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Ask for Mercy #2, Assassinistas #6, Cloak & Dagger #2, Dungeons & Dragons: Evil at Baldur’s Gate #2, Elephantmen: The Death of Shorty #2, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #1, Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #4, Go Go Power Rangers #11, Hillbilly #11, Jazz Maynard #12, Jeepers Creepers #3, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #1, Jimmy’s Bastards #9, Judge Dredd: Under Siege #2, Lowlifes #1, The October Faction: Supernatural Dreams #5, Paper Girls #22, Prism Stalker #5, Pumpkinhead #5, Red Sonja/Tarzan #3, Ruin of Thieves #3, Spawn #287, Spider-Man vs. Deadpool #35, Spidey: School’s Out #3, Star Trek: Discovery - Succession #3, Star Wars #50, Star Wars: The Last Jedi #4, Throwaways #14, Transformers: Bumblebee #1, Vagrant Queen #2, Xerxes #4
Recommended Collections: Animosity - Volume 3: The Swarm, Betty & Veronica: Vixens - Volume 1, Doctor Strange: Damnation, Fear Agent - Volume 2, James Bond - Volume 2: Eidolon, Quantum & Woody! - Volume 1: Kiss Kiss Klang Klang, Rogue & Gambit: Ring of Fire, Scales & Scoundrels - Volume 2: Treasurehearts, Skin & Earth, Sleepless - Volume 1, Spider-Man - Volume 4, Transformers: Wreckers Saga, Witchblade - Volume 1
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d. emerson eddy often feels like a stranger in a strange land
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thgatestom · 4 years
Hillsbrough nc homes for rent
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Hillsborough NC homes for salein Deer Creek Ranch real estate investment are inside of a master-planned subdivision situated west Cedar Park. Residents have easy accessibility to large developing cities which include Austin, Leander, Round Rock, and Lake Travis. Houses listed below are surrounded through subdivisions of Reserve at Twin Creeks, Cypress Bend, Bella Vista, and Twin Creeks. This subdivision has houses possess internal 2001 and they are charging typically 270,000. Since May 15, this pricing is a 4.1% decrease, ultimately causing an $11,574 lowering in price. Morrison and Standard Pacific build the homes in Deer Creek Ranch real estate. The usual salary of a household through this subdivision is $7,000.
Schools of Deer Creek Ranch Real Estate Homes
Residents of your community are developing the Leander Independent School District. LISD is one very popular school district that is constantly on the grow. You will find 37 schools in LISD and 33,000 students. LISD is an ever growing school district that educated a wide variety students. Children keep in mind that the homes of your subdivision can attend Deer Creek ES, Cedar Park MS, and Cedar Park HS.
Homes for Sale in Deer Creek Ranch Real Estate
This community has houses located near to Highway 183, making simple to use to arrive at mostly anywhere. Lake line Mall is fever currently brewing, offering great restaurants and shops, or perhaps a movie theatre. Lake Travis is nearby too, offering boating, camping, and fishing opportunities, Restaurants within reach include North & South China Restaurant, Shake's Frozen Custard, Gaetti’s Pizza, Hot Wok Café, Daisha Sushi & Grill, Firehouse Subs, and King Noodle. A shorter 15-mins away may be the Regional Medical Centre, and slightly even further away is Next Care Urgent Care, Med Spring Urgent Care, Seton Northwest Hospital, Cedar Park Paediatrics, and also the Paediatric & Family Medicine. There are several conveniently located necessities near these homes.
Cedar Park Deer Creek Ranch Real Estate Homes
Houses here have loads of amenities of choice from. A basketball court, a covered playground, a swimming centre, Zappa Pool, Quiet Moon Pool, and a residential area gathering facility are merely examples of the perks to being residents. Including, no less than quite a few parks surround this community. Nelson Ranch, Colby Lane, Tree Line, Cluck Creek, Elizabeth M. Milburn Community, and Carriage Hills are a few sizeable number of parks surrounding this area. There are several outdoor activities for residents of choice from.
Jason Randall is surely an expert with real estate investment in Austin, Round Rock, Cedar Park and various surrounding Texas cities. Use his how does a person Search Deer Creek Ranch Homes for Sale and Search Homes near Cedar Park Schools.
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architectnews · 4 years
Bradco Industrial Unit, Castelo de Paiva
Bradco Industrial Unit, Castelo de Paiva Factory Building, Portuguese Architecture Photos
Bradco Industrial Unit in Castelo de Paiva
10 Feb 2021
Bradco Industrial Unit
Architects: Em Paralelo
Location: Castelo de Paiva, Portugal, south western Europe
The Bradco Industrial Unit is located in the industrial area of Felgueiras, in the municipality of Castelo de Paiva.
The company finds its genesis in the leather goods area, however over the years it has also expanded its activity to bracelets and in the leather goods area: belts, bags, briefcases, purses, wallets, shoes, etc. It is currently a notorious company for also working with renowned brands.
With this project it was mainly intended the increase in both production and number of employees, and consequently stimulating employment and the regional economy, becoming this way, a more autonomous Industrial Unit and with total freedom for future growth.
The building is characterized by 2 floors, which in their entirety have different characteristics.
It comes down to a pure rectangular shape in which, roughly speaking, at its center is comprised the entire production area and on three of its sides (north, east and south) are located the rooms and offices and other spaces necessary for its correct functioning.
The standout point of the entire production area is its zenithal roof (sawtooth roof), providing constant stretches of natural light that diffuse during the day, thanks to its north orientation.
The administration offices were designed facing south, for the most privileged side of the Industrial Unit, where all the mass landscape that best characterizes this land and territory is concentrated.
Since this is the most privileged side of the building, regarding the outdoors landscape, we opted for the design of a balcony that comprises all this side, so it would benefit the above-mentioned offices, as well being a great spot to invite clients for a small relaxing break.
Still focusing on the relevance of the balcony and all the surrounding landscape, a sort of an “extension of the landscape” was attempted by making two circular slits in the slab, in such way that the vegetation on the lower floor would reach upwards. There is also a stone staircase that connects the balcony to the lower floor.
The basement floor is the main entrance to the building. Here we find two key areas: the entrance hall and one of the meeting rooms.
Unlike the top floor, which occupies the entire shape of the installation (rectangle), this floor occupies only part of it, mainly for morphological reasons. This floor benefits from direct sunlight from the south, east and west side. The balcony also has an important role on the entrance floor, providing shade to this area. A leisure space, for recreation and landscape contemplation, that is embellished by a solid stone bench, that also works as a landmark for the surroundings. Neighboring this bench, we have a green area punctuated by two cypress trees that rise through two circular holes and connect with the balcony, presenting it with more dynamism and different types of light.
As requested by the client from the beginning, the intention was not to link the image of the Industrial Unit to a mere “warehouse”, but rather an architectural landmark that would represent the brand in the best possible way in the municipality.
As the north façade does not provide any kind of entry point to the building, it was used to create a more dynamic representation of the brand “BRADCO”, since the main entrance is located in the opposite side (south). For that reason, the north façade works as a showcase for those who pass by. Granite, a typical stone from this region, was used to cover some of wall sections.
Bradco Industrial Unit in Castelo de Paiva, Portugal – Building Information
Architects: Em Paralelo
Main Architect: Cristina Vaz Santos and Paulo Rodrigues
Location: Castelo de Paiva Year of conclusion: 2020 Total area: 5500 sqm
Photography © Ivo Tavares Studio
Bradco Industrial Unit, Castelo de Paiva images / information received 100221
Location: Castelo de Paiva, Portugal, south western Europe
Portuguese Architecture
New Portugal Architecture Design– chronological list
Portuguese Building News
Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon Design: AL_A photo courtesy of architects Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology in Lisbon
Oporto Architecture photo © Fernando Guerra
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Portuguese Architect Firms – contact details
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Serralves House, Porto Architect: João Vieira Campos photo © Nelson Garrido New Property in Porto
Alvarinho Houses, Melgaço Design: Architects: Correia/Ragazzi Arquitectos photograph : Juan Rodriguez New Houses in Melgaço
Comments / photos for Bradco Industrial Unit, Castelo de Paiva page welcome
Website: Castelo de Paiva
The post Bradco Industrial Unit, Castelo de Paiva appeared first on e-architect.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods (born December 30, 1975) is a golfer. He is tied for first in PGA Tour wins, ranks second in men's major championships, and holds numerous golf records. He is regarded as one of the greatest golfers of all time and one of the most famous athletes in history. He is an inductee of the World Golf Hall of Fame. He was born in Cypress, California to Earl and Kultida "Tida" Woods. He is their only child. Earl was a retired Army officer and Vietnam War veteran, Kultida is originally from Thailand. Following an outstanding junior, college, and amateur golf career, he turned professional in 1996. By the end of April 1997, he had won three PGA Tour events in addition to his first major, the 1997 Masters, which he won by 12 strokes in a record-breaking performance. He reached number one in the world rankings for the first time in June 1997. Throughout the first decade of the 21st century, he was the dominant force in golf. He was the top-ranked golfer in the world from August 1999 to September 2004 and again from June 2005 to October 2010. During this time, he won 13 of golf's major championships. He has been the number one player in the world for the most consecutive weeks and the greatest total number of weeks of any golfer in history. He has been awarded PGA Player of the Year a record 11 times and has won the Byron Nelson Award for lowest adjusted scoring average a record eight times. He has a record of leading the money list in ten different seasons. He has won 15 professional major golf championships and 82 PGA tours. He leads all active golfers in career major wins and career PGA Tour wins. He is the youngest player to achieve a career Grand Slam, and the second golfer to have achieved a career Grand Slam three times. He has won 18 World Golf Championships. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the fourth golfer to receive the honor. He married Elin Nordegren, a Swedish former model, and daughter of former minister of migration Barbro Holmberg and radio journalist Thomas Nordegren, and they have two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CmywxTiLrli/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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