#cyphers gayanswers
cypher-gay1 · 4 months
good afternoon, dearest. here i am to answer questions. i had quite a good sleep, have you?
one. hmm, a few days ago for both. i slip right under your nose as intended.
two. hmm, months, maybe shorter, maybe longer.
three. a symbol, like to be creative.
four. nope, nobody at all, i will let you soon, though.
five. about as long as you, marionette. but, of course, maybe shorter or longer.
- 🐊
Oo yes yes I have..you came just in time to save me from this heat I am melting waiting for you and my husband
Oo I must be ditsy then to face not of noticed .
Oo you such a tease not giveing ome one answer (pouting and giggling) , mhh ok
So more questions
1) what couor role do you have
2) how many severs are we in together
3) do you remember what the last thing that we said directly to eachother was in LL
4) why type of simple one like punctuation ( !,?,.) or a different one like ( , £ , # , ∆ )
5) what persnalttly type role do you have
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
Why, I am not bisexual like him, but I do have people I moreso 'consider' my children. I do indeed come from that place, wherein you also are birthed from and have caused quite a stir in with your ditsy-driven words and brilliant beauty.
- ✒️
Ooo, I think I have adopted kids on Discord but I forgot about them. ..... In my defence, they don't talk to me too.
Ooo, aw. Yeah I guess. I am the server's himbo of course. I have a few questions.
1) have we ever directly talked to eachother in the server?
2) age?
3) staff or member? And are you server booster?
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
I know not of this Lord Byron, but if this is a compliment from thee, I will take it and pin it to my heart. So that I may live on with a reminder of what to yearn for.
- ✒️
Oo yes he was a poet known for being bisexual and if I remember correctly his daughter was the genius Ada Lovelace.
Ooo. I am guessing you are most likely from love letter?
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
Together, yet alone. No?
- ✒️
I have no clue what that means. It reminds me of something lord Byron would probably say tbh.
Also hii
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
let me ask a question of my own, first.
if i am the person who you think i am,
what would your reaction, hmm?
tell me.
- 🐊
Someone who I have known for a while and other people also agree.
Well if you are the person who I think , I would probably get giggly , give you something to edit , call you a bully and probably go to ghost screming i was correct
I left a hint on who I think it is and if I am correct just message me with just saying that yoir croc anon
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
the goodest boy goodnight, doll, see you in the morning. - 🐊
Shhh and fine. I hope I am correct on who you are tbh
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
you're clingy cause you're sleepy if you go to sleep like a good boy i'll answer your questions once you wake up. - 🐊
I am a good boy.
Hm ok. I do have a few ideas on who you could be. I am starting to recognise the style and put together the clues. But I won't say anything untill I am sure as I don't want to be embarrassed.
Anywyas I wake up at half 5 I think that for you is around 11 or 12 . So I will be expecting answers
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
you are pretty, hun. no need to flutter those eyelashes. - 🐊
If am pretty then please answer my questions.
I want to know who you areeee
I am in a clingy mood again mo clue why
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
Typical Yandere things.
Not so certain.
A while, depends on how obvious I become.
And good evening, doll. I have been sleeping.
- 🐊
Ahh being bullied. I am now sad
I hope you had a good sleep
So more questions
1) why do you keep answering with a smiling face
2) have we interacted anywhere today
3) do you roleplay
4) have I talked to you in a sever about you
5) what time zone are you
6) have we ever talked in DMS
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
i don't wanna go into the corner :( 1) a letter, like everyone else's . 2) i haven't use any pluralkits as yet, so i don't think you need to know that part as yet. 3) of course, but i'm dragging this out as long as possible. 4) debating with others. 5) same as the answer for 2. 6) all of them. -🐊
Go to corner. I went though all 600+ messages and found nobody with your exact roles. A few came close like my bestie and a few others but nobody. They either didn't have the both roles or were not systems.
Gasp! You are teasing me, I am going to go hide with Octavius and read my books.
1) debating about what?
2) what drew you to me in the first place?
3) are you certain you lied about nothing else or misremembered anything?
4) what letter does your username start with?
5) how long do you plan on dragging it out for?
6) have you talked to my husband (Tyler) before?
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
1) the most i've remembered to lie about was my username, which changes a lot. 2) obsessive general, as usual. 3) i can't tell you that :) 4) i believe most of it is true, yes. 5) hmm, both but leaning to beloved.
Gasp the shock. You lied to me gi to the corner
1) what does you username really start with
2) what does your display name start with
3) are you ever going to revel yourself to me
4) what was the last thing you said in love letter
5) is your display name your name
6) have we ever talked in these other servers if so how many
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
1) four of them are talking ones 2) hmm 3) i'd like to say a lot, but then again with you time just goes by so quick 4) wonderful, i've eaten and i'm working on some characters. how about you, hmm? 5) i have 6) a sys friend of mine uses the crocodile emoji as their pluralkit tag. that's why also, yes. i am a bully, i like treating my dolls with a little disrespect when i know it gives them a thrill. - 🐊
Ooo ok, don't hmm me (pouts) , oo aw that's sweet , oooo what characters , oo. Oo ok
Yes yes to ae teasing me .
1) have you lied about any of the details you have given me
2) at what time or in what channel did you last speak in love letter
3) what's the name of at least one of the other severs we are in together
4) we can't find anyone that matches the info we have so far. Is everything true ?
5) do you have the yandere , beloved or both role ?
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
1) possessive 2) hmm, about 4 or 3 servers if memory serves correctly 3) we discussed yanderes in passing together. 4) punctuation! specifically a full stop. 5) i don't have a personality type role, but i am a INTP .
- 🐊
Oooo ok . Writing this all down.
1) out of tgiise 4-5 secers how many are talking ones not emoji ones
2) did we first meet in love letter
3) how often do we talk
4) how has your day been
5) have you talked in love letter today
6) why do you go by the crocodile emoji
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cypher-gay1 · 4 months
I have eaten, pretty. Favorite character in Stardew must be .. Sebastian or Shane. I would tell you the name of our system, but that's too merciful. OCs are amazing, and Octavius sounds and is lovely. To answer those questions;
one. Not staff.
two. Hmm, both? A tired or more lazy yandere, I think, can tap into the 'usual' behaviors. Appear more as a darling, I believe.
three. Obsessive General
four. Nope, I've got my information. This is about you figuring out who I am, after all. Maybe I'll ask some questions in future asks.
- 🐊
Good, oo. Ooo yes yes they are both good characters. Aw ok, yes he is. He is a prince and he going to be in my books even have a book all about him as he deserves it.
Hmmm ok , I don't know if I have any ideas yet. So a few more
1) how long ago was our first direct interaction and our last direct interaction
2) how long have you known of me
3) does your display name start with a letter , number or symbol
4) have I interacted with anyone else in your system and if yes what channel/social media
5) how long have you been in love letter
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cypher-gay1 · 5 months
hmm, well i don't know much about your favorite types of animals and currently pet. but, i'd certainly let you talk to me about them so maybe we could have matching pets. maybe they'll get together, and i'll joke on how we should take it as a sign? - 🐊
I have a lot of pets but the ones that are just mind are my crated geko his name is Thorn Oakenshield and my Mongolian gerbils Carrie White and Elvira ..I am getting a hognose snake soon and naming him King Thandriel.
I love reptiles it's what I want to work with and get a PhD in (Herpetology)
I am guessing you are also in love letter ?
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cypher-gay1 · 5 months
spoken like a true doll, like if i say no or yes, you'd just repeat it. it seems i'm secretly desire that from someone, to have to control their everything and not be asked questions. would you thrive off of that, my doll? - 🐊
Oo, I guess yeah. I am very ditsy but I can be independent if it includes animals.
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