fleurissimoo · 2 years
Judging each other (#CypherArtWeek2022 Day 6)
Cypher and Chamber.
Despite them being a fellow co-worker in the same division a.k.a the sentinels of the VALORANT Protocol, both of them couldn't be said to have a good relationship. Cypher was very skeptical towardsthe Frenchman. Chamber 'clean record' looked really fake in his eyes even though Chamber did contribute to the team by recommending Neon to Brimstone, working on the ALPHA-OMEGA teleporter, and being part of the strike team in Istanbul. Cypher still could sense that Chamber was hiding something from the VALORANT Protocol and it might cause trouble in the future for them.
Honestly speaking, Cypher couldn't help but silently judging Chamber while digging information about the said man, even when Chamber arrived at the protocol. Expensive fancy suit and customized weapon just screamed rich at Cypher, making him thinking that Chamber was a spoiled brat. The man worked as a marksman to a weapon designer in Kingdom Defense, moving from one place to another and seemingly fine in doing his work. Not weird for some people but this makes him think that Chamber was incompetent and had another motive, especially when it was Chamber himself who offer to join the VALORANT Protocol. As far as Cypher knew, only Viper and Killjoy willingly join the team where the rest were 'invited'. Both Viper and Killjoy were not suspicious as they were related to Brimstone, the leader and founder of the VALORANT Protocol.
But Chamber, everything about this man was suspicious and he was sure on his intuition that something was off about the man.
Chamber, on the other hand, also noticed the Moroccan 'off' behavior when meeting him at the headquarters. As someone who had worked with different kind of people, Chamber knew that Cypher was someone that he needed to be careful of.
Cypher was mysterious, always hiding every inch of his skin from other agents, even their own leader. This led him to believe that Cypher also had another intention when joining the team. Small private working space and thinking that certain brand of tea were expensive made Chamber thought that Cypher came from a poor family.
Those were just small examples of them constantly judging each other in silence, of course without never knowing the real truth.
One day, the truth shall rise and proof whether their judgements are true or not.
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fleurissimoo · 2 years
“Fly, my wind assassin. Do what you do best.” (#CypherArtWeek2022 Bonus Day)
As a sentinel, Cypher was not really an agent who worked in the frontline. He preferred to give support to the other agents by giving them information regarding the enemies' location.
That was why he respected the duelist by how well they did their job, despite having them to risk their own life, especially the younger ones.
The agents for a mission in Haven were Cypher, Jett, Killjoy, Omen, and Skye. The other knew well that Jett did a great job most of the time (if she didn't get too reckless) and always succeed bringing victory to the team with her aggressiveness. Like any usual day, Cypher observed how the team, under Sage's command, worked for this mission and Jett was really, really, outstanding.
Cypher was not someone who gave compliment to people all the time (unlike a certain Frenchman), but he couldn't help but blurted out a compliment to the young lady.
"Fly, my wind assassin, do what you do best."
Jett, who was waiting for her cue in C long, was giggling. "Thanks, Cypher. I'll show them what I got."
Cypher didn't know that his compliment made his girlfriend slightly jealous. I mean, Killjoy was familiar with Cypher giving compliments here and there, but calling Jett 'his wind assassin' made her feel a sting in her heart. It just sounded 'intimate' for her, even though Cypher probably didn't mean to make it sound like that.
Arriving at the base, Killjoy quickly separated herself and bid goodbye from the group as she had to bring the spike and report to Brimstone. Cypher looked at her walking quickly to Brimstone's office and noticed something must have bothered her.
He sent a message to her: ˝Little engineer, will you be in your workshop after this?˝
A replied came several minutes after that: ˝Ja. I still have to work with the spike.˝
She wasn't even asking why he wanted to come.
Cypher replied: ˝Can I come? I want to lend a hand.˝
˝I can do it by myself but sure if you want to come.˝
Cypher waited for her in front of Brimstone's office. She came out with the spike in her hand and Cypher offered to hold it for her which she accepted. Then, Killjoy proceed to open her lab door and they were greeted by her bots.
"Hello, my babies." Killjoy smiled. "We have a guest today, which you've already known." The bot chirped happily.
"Oh, just put the spike there." She pointed to a desk with lamps on the top of it. Cypher followed her instruction and put the spike down. In his head, he tried to open the conversation, but it was pretty hard.
"Little engineer, you seem a little off. Is something bothering you?"
Killjoy stopped moving and turned at Cypher. "Me? No. Haha. Maybe, I am just tired. Ja, hahaha. You don't have to worry." Then, she continued to tinker with the spike like nothing happened.
Cypher frowned, not believing what she said. "Is it something to do with me?"
The girl almost injured her hand when hearing that question. This alerted Cypher; that he must've scored a jackpot with that question. "Can you tell me what I did wrong, darling?"
"It's stupid anyway." Killjoy continued working, even though her heart was beating louder than usual. "You'll laugh at me and I don't want that."
"Oh, love. I won't laugh at your feeling."
"It's just you called Jett with 'my wind assassin' before. I thought it was just ... really intimate coming in from your mouth. It was stupid that I felt jealous." Killjoy finally opened up the spike to see the inside of it.
Cypher came closer to her and stood beside her. "You know I don't see her like the way I see you, right?"
"I know and that's why I said it's stupid. I just got jealous over nothing."
"But hey, the jealousy kinda makes me happy, knowing that you love me a lot." Cypher chuckled. "I promised I won't do it again."
"No, no. I can't stop you from doing what you want to do. I mean, it is nice to hear you give praises to the other agents, but—"
"Maybe, just don't sound ... to flirty? Argh! I don't know." Killjoy ruffled her hair in frustration.
Cypher laughed. "I get what you mean, my love. No more flirty compliments to the other agents. Oh, dear. I cannot help but think that you are really adorable."
Killjoy's cheeks were burning.
"May I kiss you?" He asked and she gave him a green light. Cypher leant down and open his mask to give Killjoy a soft kiss in the lips.
Well, his compliment to Jett was purely because he was amused by how Jett perform that day, but he ended up knowing the other side of the calm and collected Killjoy.
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨ END ୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
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fleurissimoo · 2 years
Having a drink together (#CypherArtWeek2022 Day 7)
Events in the VALORANT Protocol varied. Sometimes, the events would be really fancy where the agents decorated the whole living room and kitchen area, bought expensive food and beverages, and wore glamorous outfits, but sometimes it would be very simple where they would cook their own food, wear the most comfortable clothes they had, or even just gather around the fireplace near the beach area while drinking alcohol or non-alcoholic beverage.
15th May and they gathered in a small cottage near to the beach in their headquarters to celebrate international family day, which Raze were suggesting. Brimstone was against it at first, since he was the one who set the no-fraternization rule in the protocol, but he gave up when the youngsters kept asking his permission to celebrate the day, saying that it would just be them enjoying their free time together by chatting, eating, and drinking which was actually true because they did just that on the d-day.
When Cypher heard about this event that they would celebrate together, the man felt a sting in his heart as he should be celebrating it with his beloved wife, Nora, and their little one. This day was something that he could never celebrate with his real family.
"Hm?" Sage came to his side with a glass of tea, his expensive tea, which Killjoy asked him to bring some. She gave the glass to him and he received it with a smile, even though she couldn't really see it.
"My thanks."
Both of them were pretty far away from the others, especially the youngsters who were busy playing games, running around the beach, and drinking canned soda. Sage, who was beside him, looked away in understanding when Cypher opened a part of his mask, drinking the tea in silence.
"Tonight is lively, isn't it?"
"Yes, I can agree to that."
"What do you think will happen after we save the world?" She gazed at the other agents from far away. "Will everyone go their own way?"
"Maybe. We don't have a reason to make them stay."
"I will surely miss this." Sage smiled. "The VALORANT Protocol is the closest of what I can call as a family."
"A family, huh ...." Cypher closed his mask and sighed, remembering all his past interactions with the agents since he first joined the VALORANT Protocol.
They bickered with each other. They laughed together. They supported each other for one goal, to protect this earth and prevent the same thing he experienced happened to other people. Cypher was glad he accepted Brimstone's invitation here.
Brimstone nagging voice and the laughter from the younger agents and Breach could be heard.
"I'll definitely miss this too."
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨ END ୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
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fleurissimoo · 2 years
One admiring the other (#CypherArtWeek2022 Day 5)
Cypher was not the one who expressed himself openly to others but he had a massive respect for their leader, Brimstone.
As much as he liked to annoy Brimstone (like the rest of the youngsters do), Cypher would always be grateful to have Brimstone as their leader. That man was the one who recruited him to the team, asking him to be part of VALORANT Protocol and stopped the madness Kingdom did. Brimstone was the one who took care of everyone in the protocol, making sure that no one was left behind in the team, even Omen or the newest recruit, Fade.
Cypher, as a night owl, would often find the lights on Brimstone's office in the basement was still there, meaning that the man was still finishing his paperwork and report or even thinking of a new strategy for their next mission.
Brimstone was not young anymore but he was still here, leading them, guiding them, and making sure that the world would be safe for the future generation. And Cypher remember that Brimstone was once a firefighter, it just made Cypher respect him even more.
𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬.
"Come in." Brimstone's raspy voice could be heard faintly from outside of the office. With his elbow, Cypher opened a door, holding two cups of tea (his expensive tea).
"Cypher, what brings you here?"
"No reason." The informant broker answered, then another sentence followed in a playful manner, "I thought it would be nice to have a cup of tea while working. It can help you relax as well."
As much as Brimstone wanted to hide his tiredness, Cypher could still see it.
"Thanks." Brimstone took the cup and gave the tea a taste. "It's good. Not too sweet."
Cypher nodded. "Only a cube of sugar, just like what you put in your coffee."
Brimstone rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me you still have your camera in the kitchen."
Cypher shrugged. "Maybe."
They both stayed in a comfortable silence, before Cypher opened up the conversation, "Don't forget to rest, Brimstone."
"Now, you just sound like Killjoy, huh. You hang out too much with her."
Cypher laughed. "We're both engineers. Of course, we hang out a lot, but on a serious note, please don't forget that. We don't want our leader to be sick, right?"
"Yeah, I know. You're right." Brimstone finished his tea and put down his pen. "Maybe, that's enough paperwork for today."
Cypher made his way to the office door and a 'thank you' from Brimstone stopped him. With 'your welcome' as a reply, Cypher made his way out of Brimstone's office, feeling a little bit relief that he could express his gratitude to the big man in his own way.
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨ END ୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
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fleurissimoo · 2 years
One's crying and the other's listening (#CypherArtWeek2022 Day 3)
Aamir would neither forgive nor forget Kingdom Corporation for what they did to his family and his town, Rabat. They came there in the name of 'research' and expanded their 'business' by destroying and taking all the resources there.
He despised them with all of his being, so he accepted the invitation to join the VALORANT Protocol as everyone there experienced similar things with him.
Time flew by and he was busy with missions in the protocol, but sometimes, when he looked at his Nora framed in that black photo frame, he could not help but felt emptiness inside his heart. There was no way he could meet Nora again, even with Sage's resurrection, so what he could do was to come to Nora's grave whenever they had a mission in Rabat.
Whenever he visited her grave, Cypher would tell her about his life, his fellow agents, his works. He never said that he was tired because everything he did was for bringing justice to her. However, sometimes the mission was just so exhausting and he would just let his emotion flow in front of her gravestone, alone by himself.
A rustling sound of grass caught his attention and he found Sage sat down under a tree, looking at him from afar.
"Sorry." She murmured, "I didn't mean to pry on your personal life or anything. You just … look off today."
Cypher sighed, too tired to even respond to her. "It's fine."
Sage was shocked, not expecting Cypher just said that to her. She knew him as someone who were so careful with his secrets and personal life.
The man came and sat down with her. "When will we go back to base?"
"In about 30 minutes. Do you have something to do before leaving?"
"No." Cypher shook his head and took off his hat, putting it down on his lap. He thought of something, a little bit ashamed to admit that he would ever think of that, but he was asking it to her anyway.
"Can I rest for a while, Sage?"
Sage blinked, confusion was written all over her face. "Par—"
Before she could finish her sentence, Cypher rested his head on her shoulder and his robotic blue eyes gazed on the city of Rabat in front of him. Without him realizing, a sob broken from his lips and a muffled cry was carried away by the wind.
Sage didn't understand what caused him to feel like this, but she made sure that even a secretive person like Cypher, would never feel alone.
"You don't have to say a thing. I'll be here."
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨ END ୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
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fleurissimoo · 2 years
Working-out together (#CypherArtWeek2022 Day 2)
Cypher was not the type of person who liked to work out in the Protocol's gym. He preferred to work out in his own bedroom where he had some dumbbells, a jump rope, and an exercise mat. There was a reason why he did that was because he was not comfortable to show himself to the other agents. He never went outside without covering his whole body, from head to toes. None of the other agents were surprised when they didn't found Cypher in the gym, but they knew that the man took care of himself.
So, when Skye and Astra found Cypher entering the gym with only a training pants, a workout short sleeve t-shirt, and a black mask, they couldn't help but gasp and stared at him.
"Surprised much?" He asked.
Skye blinked thrice and nodded. "Of course, mate! We have never seen you in the gym before!"
Cypher smiled and shrugged. "I will come to the gym often from now on." He put his index finger in front of his lips. "Don't tell the others about this because it will be interesting to see their reaction of me visiting the gym."
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨ END ୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
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fleurissimoo · 2 years
Pet-sitting (#CypherArtWeek2022 Day 1)
On the morning, Cypher got a knock on his door. He, who had just finished dressing, used his mask and opened the door. He found no one there but there was a cat bed with 2 cats on it, also a note. Cypher blinked once, twice at the cats before picking up the notes.
« Cypher, this is Sage. Currently, I have a mission together with Omen in Bind. I would like your help to take care of our cats for three days. The black one is Omen's cat, Hecate, and mine is the white one, Bao. I'll bring you something in return from Rabat. I'll send you an email about what they need. Thank you. »
The black cat with yellow eyes was sleeping and the white one was meowing at him. Cypher loved cat but he never took care of one before. He brought the two cats inside his room and open his tablet to check the mail from Sage. He read it carefully before Bao came to him and started nuzzling his head on his leg.
"You are sure adorable." He murmured before picking the white fluffy cat up.
"It's pretty complicated." He frowned before exclaimed, "Oh!"
He nodded to himself before making a phone call.
"Fade, please meet me at the living room. I have an emergency situation where you are the only one who can take care of it."
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨ END ୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
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fleurissimoo · 2 years
Napping together (#CypherArtWeek2022 Day 4)
Cypher was a night owl. It was mostly because he liked to work in silence that could be achieved better in night time where everyone was asleep. Another reason was he seemed to have nightmares a lot when sleeping, so he stopped himself from sleeping and let the nightmare took him away.
He just entered the Vulture after a long mission and his body would not shut down like the other agents that were sleeping now. A hand tapped his. Cypher looked to his right and found Killjoy staring at him. His girlfriend's face was grazed by the bullets from her double before.
"Come here." She whispered to not wake up the others. She tapped her shoulder, signaling him to rest there. No words came from her after that.
Cypher took off his hat and leant to her. Like a magic, Cypher's body was able to relax. He could hear Killjoy humming a song faintly and felt her fingers on his, intertwined.
Cypher didn't really pay attention to the other things after that. He didn't even know that Sage came out from the cockpit, brought a blanket, and put it on the currently sleeping Cypher and Killjoy.
Sage smiled, feeling happy that finally Cypher could get some peaceful sleep in the presence of Killjoy. It would be a secret that she kept in her heart.
A/N: Yes, they're dating but no one knows about it beside Sage.
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